require_once 'AastraIPPhoneExecute.class.php';
     $object = new AastraIPPhoneExecute();
     # Callback
 # Callback
 case 'callback':
     # Input Screen
     require_once 'AastraIPPhoneInputScreen.class.php';
     $object = new AastraIPPhoneInputScreen();
     # Input number
     $object->setTitle(Aastra_get_label('Edit Number', $language));
     $object->setPrompt(Aastra_get_label('Number to dial', $language));
     $object->setURL($XML_SERVER . '&action=dial&msg=' . $msg . '&cause=' . $cause);
     # Common Softkeys
     $object->addSoftkey('1', Aastra_get_label('Backspace', $language), 'SoftKey:BackSpace');
     $object->addSoftkey('5', Aastra_get_label('Dial', $language), 'SoftKey:Submit');
     $object->addSoftkey('6', Aastra_get_label('Cancel', $language), $XML_SERVER . '&action=detail&msg=' . $msg);
     # Dial
 # Dial
 case 'dial':
     # PhoneExecute
     require_once 'AastraIPPhoneExecute.class.php';
     $object = new AastraIPPhoneExecute();
     # Number not valid?
Exemple #2
     # Edit personal numbers
 # Edit personal numbers
 case 'edit_info':
     # Retrieve stored data
     $array_user = Aastra_manage_userinfo_Asterisk($user, 'get');
     # Various labels
     $array_type = array('cell' => array('Cell Phone', 'Cell phone number'), 'home' => array('Home Phone', 'Home phone number'), 'other' => array('Other Phone', 'Other phone number'));
     # Input new call forward
     require_once 'AastraIPPhoneInputScreen.class.php';
     $object = new AastraIPPhoneInputScreen();
     $object->setURL($XML_SERVER . '&action=set_info&type=' . $type);
     # Softkeys
     if ($nb_softkeys) {
         if ($nb_softkeys == 6) {
             $object->addSoftkey('1', Aastra_get_label('Backspace', $language), 'SoftKey:BackSpace');
             $object->addSoftkey('5', Aastra_get_label('Cancel', $language), $XML_SERVER . '&action=info&type=' . $type);
             $object->addSoftkey('6', Aastra_get_label('Submit', $language), 'SoftKey:Submit');
         } else {
             $object->addSoftkey('10', Aastra_get_label('Cancel', $language), $XML_SERVER . '&action=info&type=' . $type);
             $object->setCancelAction($XML_SERVER . '&action=info&type=' . $type);
# Keep return URI
$XML_SERVER .= '?user='******'biorhytm', 'user='******'1.4.2.', 0);
Aastra_test_php_function('imagecreate', Aastra_get_label('PHP-GD extension not installed.', $language));
$nb_softkeys = Aastra_number_softkeys_supported();
# Nothing entered
if ($bdate == '') {
    $date = Aastra_get_user_context($user, 'biorhytm');
    $object = new AastraIPPhoneInputScreen();
    $object->setTitle(Aastra_get_label('Biorhythms', $language));
    $object->setPrompt(Aastra_get_label('Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)', $language));
    if ($nb_softkeys == 10) {
        $object->addSoftkey('10', Aastra_get_label('Exit', $language), "SoftKey:Exit");
} else {
    # Save user context
    Aastra_save_user_context($user, 'biorhytm', $bdate);
    # Extract day/month/year
    $birthMonth = substr($bdate, 0, 2);
    $birthDay = substr($bdate, 3, 2);
    $birthYear = substr($bdate, 6, 4);
Exemple #4
         $object->setCancelAction($XML_SERVER . '&user='******'launch';
     # Password
 # Password
 case 'password':
     # Input Password
     require_once 'AastraIPPhoneInputScreen.class.php';
     $object = new AastraIPPhoneInputScreen();
     $object->setTitle(sprintf(Aastra_get_label('VoiceMail Access (%s)', $language), $user));
     $object->setPrompt(Aastra_get_label('Enter Password', $language));
     $object->setURL($XML_SERVER . '&user='******'&action=check');
     # Softkeys
     if ($nb_softkeys) {
         if ($nb_softkeys == 6) {
             $object->addSoftkey('1', Aastra_get_label('Backspace', $language), 'SoftKey:BackSpace');
             $object->addSoftkey('4', Aastra_get_label('Chg. User', $language), $XML_SERVER);
             $object->addSoftkey('5', Aastra_get_label('Submit', $language), 'SoftKey:Submit');
             $object->addSoftkey('6', Aastra_get_label('Exit', $language), 'SoftKey:Exit');
         } else {
             $object->addSoftkey('9', Aastra_get_label('Change User', $language), $XML_SERVER);
             $object->addSoftkey('10', Aastra_get_label('Exit', $language), 'SoftKey:Exit');
        # Next action
        $action = 'list';
# Process action
switch ($action) {
    # Search the directory
    case 'search':
        # InputScreen
        require_once 'AastraIPPhoneInputScreen.class.php';
        $object = new AastraIPPhoneInputScreen();
        $object->setTitle(Aastra_get_label('Directory Lookup', $language));
        $object->setURL($XML_SERVER . '&action=list');
        $object->setPrompt(Aastra_get_label('Letters in name', $language));
        if ($lookup != '') {
        # Softkeys
        $object->addSoftkey('5', Aastra_get_label('List Mode', $language), $XML_SERVER . '&action=list', 1);
        $object->addSoftkey('6', Aastra_get_label('Search', $language), 'SoftKey:Submit', 2);
        $object->addSoftkey('9', Aastra_get_label('Cancel', $language), $XML_SERVER . '&action=list', 3);
        $object->addSoftkey('10', Aastra_get_label('Exit', $language), 'SoftKey:Exit', 4);
        $object->setCancelAction($XML_SERVER . '&action=list');
        $object->addIcon(1, 'Icon:Book');
        $object->addIcon(2, 'Icon:Search');
        $object->addIcon(3, 'Icon:ArrowLeft');
        $object->addIcon(4, 'Icon:CircleRed');
Exemple #6
    # Softkeys
    if ($nb_softkeys > 0) {
        if ($nb_softkeys < 7) {
            $object->addSoftkey('4', Aastra_get_label('Back', $language), $XML_SERVER);
            $object->addSoftkey('6', Aastra_get_label('Exit', $language), 'SoftKey:Exit');
        } else {
            $object->addSoftkey('9', Aastra_get_label('New Lookup', $language), $XML_SERVER);
            $object->addSoftkey('10', Aastra_get_label('Exit', $language), 'SoftKey:Exit');
} else {
    # Input area code
    $object = new AastraIPPhoneInputScreen();
    $object->setTitle(Aastra_get_label('Area code finder', $language));
    $object->setPrompt(Aastra_get_label('Enter area code', $language));
    # Softkeys
    if ($nb_softkeys > 0) {
        if ($nb_softkeys < 7) {
            $object->addSoftkey('1', Aastra_get_label('Backspace', $language), 'SoftKey:BackSpace');
            $object->addSoftkey('5', Aastra_get_label('Lookup', $language), 'SoftKey:Submit');
            $object->addSoftkey('6', Aastra_get_label('Exit', $language), 'SoftKey:Exit');
        } else {
            $object->addSoftkey('10', Aastra_get_label('Exit', $language), 'SoftKey:Exit');
 # Input single
 case 'input_any':
     # Title
     if ($ARRAY_CONFIG[$source]['label'] != '') {
         $title = $ARRAY_CONFIG[$source]['label'];
     } else {
         $title = Aastra_get_label('Contact Lookup', $language);
     # Input screen
     require_once 'AastraIPPhoneInputScreen.class.php';
     $object = new AastraIPPhoneInputScreen();
     $object->setURL($XML_SERVER . '&action=lookup');
     $object->setPrompt(Aastra_get_label('Letters name/company', $language));
     if ($lookup != '') {
     # Lookup
 # Lookup
 case 'lookup':
     # Make the search
     $return = lookup_directory($database, $lookup, $firstn, $lastn, $company, $ARRAY_USER);
     # Search OK
     if ($return[0]) {
         # At least one result
         if (count($return[1]) > 0) {
             # Save results
Exemple #8
# Trace call to function
Aastra_trace_call('google', 'user='******', question=' . $question);
# Test User Agent
Aastra_test_phone_version('1.4.2.', 0);
# Get Phone language
$language = Aastra_get_language();
# Global compatibility
$nb_softkeys = Aastra_number_softkeys_supported();
# Initial call test on parameter passed
if (!$question) {
    # Input Question
    $object = new AastraIPPhoneInputScreen();
    $object->setTitle(Aastra_get_label('Ask Google', $language));
    $object->setPrompt(Aastra_get_label('Enter your question', $language));
    $data = Aastra_get_user_context($user, 'google');
    if ($data['last'] != NULL) {
        $default = $data['last'];
    } else {
        $default = 'Define SIP';
    # Softkeys
    if ($nb_softkeys > 0) {
        if ($nb_softkeys < 7) {
            $object->addSoftkey('1', Aastra_get_label('Backspace', $language), 'SoftKey:BackSpace');
            $object->addSoftkey('2', Aastra_get_label('Help', $language), $XML_SERVER . '&question=help');
            $object->addSoftkey('3', Aastra_get_label('ABC', $language), 'SoftKey:ChangeMode');
     $object->addSoftkey('6', Aastra_get_label('Exit', $language), 'SoftKey:Exit');
     # Cancel Action
     # Change password
 # Change password
 case 'chg_password':
     # Input Screen
     require_once 'AastraIPPhoneInputScreen.class.php';
     $object = new AastraIPPhoneInputScreen();
     # Input number
     $object->setTitle(Aastra_get_label('Password Change', $language));
     $object->setPrompt(Aastra_get_label('New password', $language));
     $object->setURL($XML_SERVER . '&action=set_password&origin=' . $origin);
     # Softkeys
     $object->addSoftkey('1', Aastra_get_label('Backspace', $language), 'SoftKey:BackSpace');
     $object->addSoftkey('5', Aastra_get_label('Submit', $language), 'SoftKey:Submit');
     $object->addSoftkey('6', Aastra_get_label('Cancel', $language), $XML_SERVER . '&action=options&origin=' . $origin);
     # Play/Record Greetings
 # Play/Record Greetings
 case 'play_greetings':
 case 'rec_greetings':
     # Action
     if ($action == 'play_greetings') {
         $action = 'play';
     } else {
Exemple #10
# Depending on action
switch ($action) {
    # Input symbol
    case 'input':
    case 'inputfav':
        # Input sticker
        require_once 'AastraIPPhoneInputScreen.class.php';
        $object = new AastraIPPhoneInputScreen();
        if ($action == 'input') {
            $object->setTitle(Aastra_get_label('Get Stock quotes', $language));
        } else {
            $object->setTitle(sprintf(Aastra_get_label('Favorite #%s', $language), $selection + 1));
        $object->setPrompt(Aastra_get_label('Enter Ticker', $language));
        if ($action == 'input') {
            $object->setURL($XML_SERVER . '&action=display');
        } else {
            $object->setURL($XML_SERVER . '&action=set&selection=' . $selection);
        $data = Aastra_get_user_context($user, 'stock');
        if ($action == 'input') {
            if ($data['last'] != NULL) {
                $default = $data['last'];
            } else {
                $default = 'AAH.TO';
        } else {
            $default = $data['favorites'][$selection];
$is_icons = Aastra_is_icons_supported();
$is_style_textmenu = Aastra_is_style_textmenu_supported();
# Compute MaxLines
if ($is_softkeys) {
    $MaxLines = AASTRA_MAXLINES;
} else {
    $MaxLines = AASTRA_MAXLINES - 2;
# PROCESS Action
switch ($action) {
    # Input lookup
    case 'input':
        # Input object
        $object = new AastraIPPhoneInputScreen();
        $object->setTitle(Aastra_get_label('SugarCRM Lookup', $language));
        $object->setPrompt(Aastra_get_label('First letters of the name', $language));
        $object->setURL($XML_SERVER . '?action=list');
        if (!empty($lookup)) {
        if ($is_softkeys) {
            $object->addSoftkey('1', Aastra_get_label('Backspace', $language), 'SoftKey:BackSpace');
            $object->addSoftkey('3', Aastra_get_label('ABC', $language), 'SoftKey:ChangeMode');
            $object->addSoftkey('5', Aastra_get_label('Lookup', $language), 'SoftKey:Submit');
            $object->addSoftkey('6', Aastra_get_label('Exit', $language), 'SoftKey:Exit');
        # Display contact list
    $searchmethod = $db->getRow($sql, array($user, 'searchmethod'));
    if ($searchmethod) {
        $searchmethod = implode(",", $searchmethod);
//step 1&2: ensure that the search term hasnt been entered yet, and promt for it. If
//we dont have a search method either, return default to prompt for method
if (!$search) {
    switch ($searchmethod) {
        case 't9':
            $sql = 'DELETE FROM contactdir_details WHERE extension = ? and type = ?';
            $db->query($sql, array($user, 'searchmethod'));
            $sql = 'INSERT INTO contactdir_details (extension, type, val) VALUES (?, ?, ?)';
            $db->query($sql, array($user, 'searchmethod', 't9'));
            $input->setTitle('Contact Directory');
            $input->setPrompt('Enter first three chars.');
            $input->setURL($XML_SERVER_PATH . 'contactdir.php?searchmethod=t9');
            $input->addSoftkey('1', 'One-Touch', $XML_SERVER_PATH . 'contactdir.php?user='******'&searchmethod=onetouch');
            $input->addSoftkey('5', 'Back', $XML_SERVER_PATH . 'contactdir.php');
            $input->addSoftkey('4', 'Search', 'SoftKey:Submit');
            $input->addSoftkey('6', 'BKSpace', 'SoftKey:BackSpace');
            $input->addSoftkey('3', 'Exit', 'SoftKey:Exit');
        case 'onetouch':
            $sql = 'DELETE FROM contactdir_details WHERE extension = ? and type = ?';
            $db->query($sql, array($user, 'searchmethod'));
     $object->setFieldPrompt(Aastra_get_label('Last Name:', $LANGUAGE));
     $object->setFieldPrompt(Aastra_get_label('First Name:', $LANGUAGE));
     $object->setFieldPrompt(Aastra_get_label('Or Anywhere:', $LANGUAGE));
 } else {
     # Single field
     $object->setPrompt(Aastra_get_label('Last/Firstname?', $LANGUAGE));
 # Softkeys
 if ($nb_softkeys) {
     if ($nb_softkeys == 6) {
         $object->addSoftkey('1', Aastra_get_label('Backspace', $LANGUAGE), 'SoftKey:BackSpace');
         $object->addSoftkey('2', Aastra_get_label('Reset', $LANGUAGE), $XML_SERVER . '&action=input');
         $object->addSoftkey('3', Aastra_get_label('ABC', $LANGUAGE), 'SoftKey:ChangeMode');
         $object->addSoftkey('4', Aastra_get_label('Settings', $LANGUAGE), $XML_SERVER . '&action=settings');
         $object->addSoftkey('5', Aastra_get_label('Lookup', $LANGUAGE), 'SoftKey:Submit');
         $object->addSoftkey('6', Aastra_get_label('Exit', $LANGUAGE), 'SoftKey:Exit');
     } else {
         $object->addSoftkey('1', Aastra_get_label('Reset', $LANGUAGE), $XML_SERVER . '&action=input', 1);
     $input->setPrompt('Enter your password');
 case 'inputscreen2':
     require_once 'AastraIPPhoneInputScreen.class.php';
     $input = new AastraIPPhoneInputScreen();
     $input->setPrompt('Enter the date');
 case 'inputscreen3':
     require_once 'AastraIPPhoneInputScreen.class.php';
     $input = new AastraIPPhoneInputScreen();
     $input->setTitle('Restricted application');
Exemple #15
 } else {
     # Input Screen
     require_once 'AastraIPPhoneInputScreen.class.php';
     $object = new AastraIPPhoneInputScreen();
     # Name or number
     if ($step == 1) {
     } else {
     # Title
     $object->setTitle(sprintf(Aastra_get_label('Speed Dial %d', $language), $selection + 1));
     # Prompts
     if ($step == 1) {
         $object->setPrompt(Aastra_get_label('Enter Name', $language));
     if ($step == 2) {
         $object->setPrompt(Aastra_get_label('Enter Work Number', $language));
     if ($step == 3) {
         $object->setPrompt(Aastra_get_label('Enter Mobile Number', $language));
     if ($step == 4) {
         $object->setPrompt(Aastra_get_label('Enter Home Number', $language));
     if ($step == 5) {
         $object->setPrompt(Aastra_get_label('Enter Other Number', $language));
     $object->setURL($XML_SERVER . '&action=set&selection=' . $selection . '&step=' . $step);
Exemple #16
             $object->addSoftkey('6', Aastra_get_label('Back', $language), $XML_SERVER . '&selection=' . $selection . '&action=edit&step=1&type=' . $type . '&set=' . $set . '&input1=' . $input1);
     # Third step: label
 # Third step: label
 case '3':
     # Check if step 2 is properly completed
     if ($input2 != '') {
         # Input label
         require_once 'AastraIPPhoneInputScreen.class.php';
         $object = new AastraIPPhoneInputScreen();
         $object->setPrompt(Aastra_get_label('Enter key label', $language));
         $object->setURL($XML_SERVER . '&selection=' . $selection . '&action=set&type=' . $type . '&set=' . $set . '&input1=' . $input1 . '&input2=' . $input2);
         # Default value
         switch ($input1) {
             case 'speeddial':
             case 'speeddialconf':
             case 'speeddialxfer':
                 switch ($array_key[$selection]['type']) {
                     case 'speeddial':
                     case 'speeddialconf':
                     case 'speeddialxfer':
                         if ($input2 == $array_key[$selection]['value'] and $array_key[$selection]['label'] != '') {