Exemple #1
     //XOOPS_URL .'/uploads/' .(($responseOwner)?$responseOwner->getVar('user_avatar') : 'blank.gif'));
     $all_users[$response->getVar('uid')] = '';
 if (isset($review)) {
 $staff = array();
 $_staff = $hStaff->getObjects(new Criteria('uid', "(" . implode(array_keys($all_users), ',') . ")", 'IN'), true);
 foreach ($_staff as $key => $_user) {
     $staff[$key] = $_user->getVar('attachSig');
 $users = array();
 $_users = $member_handler->getUsers(new Criteria('uid', "(" . implode(array_keys($all_users), ',') . ")", 'IN'), true);
 foreach ($_users as $key => $_user) {
     $users[$key] = array('uname' => xhelpGetUsername($_user, $xoopsModuleConfig['xhelp_displayName']), 'user_sig' => isset($staff[$key]) && $staff[$key] || !isset($staff[$key]) && $user->getVar('attachsig') ? $_user->getVar('user_sig') : '', 'user_avatar' => strlen($_user->getVar('user_avatar')) ? $_user->getVar('user_avatar') : 'blank.gif');
 for ($i = 0; $i < count($aResponses); $i++) {
     $_response = $aResponses[$i];
     $_uid = $_response['uid'];
     if (isset($users[$_uid])) {
         $aResponses[$i]['user_sig'] = $users[$_uid]['user_sig'];
         $aResponses[$i]['user_avatar'] = XOOPS_URL . '/uploads/' . $users[$_uid]['user_avatar'];
         $aResponses[$i]['uname'] = $users[$_uid]['uname'];
 $has_responses = count($responses) > 0;
Exemple #2
function editStaff()
    global $_POST, $_GET, $xoopsModule, $xoopsUser, $oAdminButton, $displayName;
    require_once XHELP_CLASS_PATH . '/session.php';
    $_xhelpSession = new Session();
    if (isset($_REQUEST['uid'])) {
        $uid = $_REQUEST['uid'];
    if(isset($_REQUEST['user'])){       // Remove me
    $uid = $_REQUEST['user'];
    if (isset($_POST['clearRoles'])) {
        header("Location: " . XHELP_ADMIN_URL . "/staff.php?op=clearRoles");
    $_xhelpSession->set("xhelp_return_op", "editStaff");
    if (!isset($_POST['updateStaff'])) {
        $member_handler =& xoops_gethandler('member');
        // Get member handler
        $member =& $member_handler->getUser($uid);
        $hRoles =& xhelpGetHandler('role');
        $crit = new Criteria('', '');
        $roles =& $hRoles->getObjects($crit, true);
        $hDepartments =& xhelpGetHandler('department');
        // Get department handler
        $crit = new Criteria('', '');
        $total = $hDepartments->getCount($crit);
        $departmentInfo =& $hDepartments->getObjects($crit);
        $hStaff =& xhelpGetHandler('staff');
        // Get staff handler
        $staff =& $hStaff->getByUid($uid);
        $hMembership =& xhelpGetHandler('membership');
        $staffDepts = $hMembership->membershipByStaff($uid);
        $staffroles = $staff->getAllRoleRights();
        $global_roles = isset($staffroles[0]['roles']) ? array_keys($staffroles[0]['roles']) : array();
        //Get all Global Roles
        $xhelp_depts = array();
        foreach ($staffDepts as $myDept) {
            $deptid = $myDept->getVar('id');
            if ($deptid != 0) {
                $xhelp_depts[] = $deptid;
        $xhelp_depts = implode(',', $xhelp_depts);
        //$myRoles =& $hStaff->getRoles($staff->getVar('uid'));
        echo $oAdminButton->renderButtons('manStaff');
        echo '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . XOOPS_URL . '/modules/xhelp/include/functions.js"></script>';
        echo "<form name='frmEditStaff' method='post' action='staff.php?op=editStaff&amp;uid=" . $uid . "'>";
        echo "<table width='100%' border='0' cellspacing='1' class='outer'>\r\n              <tr><th colspan='2'><label>" . _AM_XHELP_EDIT_STAFF . "</label></th></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td class='head' width='20%'>" . _AM_XHELP_TEXT_USER . "</td>\r\n                  <td class='even'>" . xhelpGetUsername($member, $displayName);
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td class='head'>" . _AM_XHELP_TEXT_ROLES . "</td>\r\n                  <td class='even'><table width='75%'>";
        foreach ($roles as $role) {
            $roleid = $role->getVar('id');
            if (in_array($roleid, $global_roles)) {
                echo "<tr><td><input type='checkbox' name='roles[]' checked='checked' value='" . $role->getVar('id') . "' onclick=\"xhelpRoleCustOnClick('frmEditStaff', 'roles[]', 'xhelp_role', '&amp;', 'xhelp_dept_cust');\" /><a href='staff.php?op=editRole&amp;id=" . $role->getVar('id') . "&amp;uid=" . $uid . "'>" . $role->getVar('name') . "</a> - " . $role->getVar('description') . "</td></tr>";
            } else {
                if ($mainRoles = $_xhelpSession->get("xhelp_mainRoles")) {
                    if (in_array($roleid, $mainRoles)) {
                        echo "<tr><td><input type='checkbox' name='roles[]' checked='checked' value='" . $role->getVar('id') . "' onclick=\"xhelpRoleCustOnClick('frmEditStaff', 'roles[]', 'xhelp_role', '&amp;', 'xhelp_dept_cust');\" /><a href='staff.php?op=editRole&amp;id=" . $role->getVar('id') . "&amp;uid=" . $uid . "'>" . $role->getVar('name') . "</a> - " . $role->getVar('description') . "</td></tr>";
                    } else {
                        echo "<tr><td><input type='checkbox' name='roles[]'  value='" . $role->getVar('id') . "' onclick=\"xhelpRoleCustOnClick('frmEditStaff', 'roles[]', 'xhelp_role', '&amp;', 'xhelp_dept_cust');\" /><a href='staff.php?op=editRole&amp;id=" . $role->getVar('id') . "&amp;uid=" . $uid . "'>" . $role->getVar('name') . "</a> - " . $role->getVar('description') . "</td></tr>";
                } else {
                    echo "<tr><td><input type='checkbox' name='roles[]'  value='" . $role->getVar('id') . "' onclick=\"xhelpRoleCustOnClick('frmEditStaff', 'roles[]', 'xhelp_role', '&amp;', 'xhelp_dept_cust');\" /><a href='staff.php?op=editRole&amp;id=" . $role->getVar('id') . "&amp;uid=" . $uid . "'>" . $role->getVar('name') . "</a> - " . $role->getVar('description') . "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td><input type='checkbox' name='checkallRoles' value='0' onclick='selectAll(this.form,\"roles[]\",this.checked); xhelpRoleCustOnClick(\"frmEditStaff\", \"roles[]\", \"xhelp_role\", \"&amp;\", \"xhelp_dept_cust\");' /><b>" . _AM_XHELP_TEXT_SELECT_ALL . "</b></td></tr>";
        echo "</table></td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td class='head'>" . _AM_XHELP_TEXT_DEPARTMENTS . "</td>\r\n                  <td class='even'><table width='75%'>";
        // This block is used to append custom role names to each department
        foreach ($departmentInfo as $dept) {
            $deptid = $dept->getVar('id');
            $deptname = $dept->getVar('department');
            $inDept = false;
            //Is the user a member of the dept
            $deptroleids = '';
            $deptrolenames = '';
            if ($sess_roles = $_xhelpSession->get("xhelp_dept_{$deptid}")) {
                //Customized roles stored in session?
                if ($sess_roles['roles'] != -1) {
                    //Is the user assigned to any roles in the dept?
                    $inDept = true;
                    foreach ($sess_roles['roles'] as $roleid) {
                        // Check if customized roles match global roles
                        if (in_array($roleid, $global_roles)) {
                            // If found role in global roles
                            $deptroleids[] = $roleid;
                            // Add role to array of checked roles
                    $deptroleids = implode(',', $sess_roles['roles']);
                    // Put all roles into 1 string separated by a ','
                    //An empty string means dept roles match global roles
                    if (strlen($deptroleids) > 0) {
                        //Customized Roles
                        $deptrolenames = implode(', ', $sess_roles['roleNames']);
                } else {
                    //Not a member of the dept
                    $inDept = false;
            } elseif (isset($staffroles[$deptid])) {
                //User has assigned dept roles
                $inDept = true;
                if ($staffroles[$deptid]['roles'] == $staffroles[0]['roles']) {
                    // If global roles same as dept roles
                    $deptrolenames = '';
                    $deptroleids = array();
                    foreach ($staffroles[$deptid]['roles'] as $roleid => $tasks) {
                        if (isset($roles[$roleid])) {
                            $deptroleids[] = $roleid;
                    $deptroleids = implode(',', $deptroleids);
                } else {
                    $deptrolenames = array();
                    $deptroleids = array();
                    foreach ($staffroles[$deptid]['roles'] as $roleid => $tasks) {
                        if (isset($roles[$roleid])) {
                            $deptroleids[] = $roleid;
                            $deptrolenames[] = $roles[$roleid]->getVar('name');
                    $deptrolenames = implode(', ', $deptrolenames);
                    $deptroleids = implode(',', $deptroleids);
            } else {
                //Not a member of the dept
                $deptroleids = array();
                foreach ($staffroles[0]['roles'] as $roleid => $tasks) {
                    if (isset($roles[$roleid])) {
                        $deptroleids[] = $roleid;
                $deptroleids = implode(',', $deptroleids);
                $deptrolenames = '';
                $inDept = false;
            //Should element be checked?
            $checked = $inDept ? "checked='checked'" : '';
            printf("<tr><td><input type='checkbox' name='departments[]' value='%u' %s onclick=\"xhelpRoleCustOnClick('frmEditStaff', 'departments[]', 'xhelp_depts', '&amp;', 'xhelp_dept_cust');\" />%s [<a href='staff.php?op=customDept&amp;deptid=%u&amp;uid=%u&amp;xhelp_role=%s&amp;xhelp_depts=%s' class='xhelp_dept_cust'>Customize</a>] <i>%s</i><input type='hidden' name='custrole[%u]' value='%s' /></td></tr>", $deptid, $checked, $deptname, $deptid, $uid, $deptroleids, $xhelp_depts, $deptrolenames, $deptid, $deptroleids);
        echo "<tr><td>\r\n                  <input type='checkbox' name='checkAll' value='0' onclick='selectAll(this.form,\"departments[]\", this.checked);xhelpRoleCustOnClick(\"frmEditStaff\", \"departments[]\", \"xhelp_depts\", \"&amp;\", \"xhelp_dept_cust\");' /><b>" . _AM_XHELP_TEXT_SELECT_ALL . "</b></td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td>";
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "</table>";
        echo "</td></tr>";
        echo "<tr><td colspan='2' class='foot'>\r\n                  <input type='hidden' name='uid' value='" . $uid . "' />\r\n                  <input type='submit' name='updateStaff' value='" . _AM_XHELP_BUTTON_UPDATESTAFF . "' />\r\n                  <input type='button' name='cancel' value='" . _AM_XHELP_BUTTON_CANCEL . "' onclick='history.go(-1)' class='formButton' />\r\n              </td></tr>";
        echo "</table></form>";
    } else {
        $uid = intval($_POST['uid']);
        $depts = $_POST['departments'];
        $roles = $_POST['roles'];
        $custroles = $_POST['custrole'];
        $hStaff =& xhelpGetHandler('staff');
        $hMembership =& xhelpGetHandler('membership');
        //Remove existing dept membership
        if (!$hMembership->clearStaffMembership($uid)) {
            redirect_header(XHELP_ADMIN_URL . '/staff.php?op=manageStaff', 3, $message);
        //Add staff member to selected depts
        if ($hMembership->addDeptToStaff($depts, $uid)) {
            $message = _XHELP_MESSAGE_EDITSTAFF;
        } else {
            $message = _XHELP_MESSAGE_EDITSTAFF_ERROR;
        //Clear Existing Staff Role Permissions
        $removedRoles = $hStaff->removeStaffRoles($uid);
        //Add Global Role Permissions
        foreach ($roles as $role) {
            $hStaff->addStaffRole($uid, $role, 0);
        //Add Department Specific Roles
        foreach ($depts as $dept) {
            if (strlen($custroles[$dept]) > 0) {
                $dept_roles = explode(',', $custroles[$dept]);
            } else {
                $dept_roles = $roles;
            foreach ($dept_roles as $role) {
                $hStaff->addStaffRole($uid, $role, $dept);
        $staff =& $hStaff->getByUid($uid);
        $staff->setVar('permTimestamp', time());
        if (!$hStaff->insert($staff)) {
            $message = _XHELP_MESSAGE_EDITSTAFF;
        redirect_header(XHELP_ADMIN_URL . '/staff.php?op=clearRoles', 3, $message);
    //end if
Exemple #3
function xhelp_default()
    global $xoopsModuleConfig, $oAdminButton;
    echo $oAdminButton->renderButtons('index');
    $displayName =& $xoopsModuleConfig['xhelp_displayName'];
    // Determines if username or real name is displayed
    $stylePath = XHELP_BASE_URL . '/styles/xhelp.css';
    echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="' . $stylePath . '" /><!--[if gte IE 5.5000]><script src="iepngfix.js" language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"></script><![endif]-->';
    global $xoopsUser, $xoopsDB;
    $hTickets =& xhelpGetHandler('ticket');
    $hStatus =& xhelpGetHandler('status');
    $crit = new Criteria('', '');
    $statuses =& $hStatus->getObjects($crit);
    $table_class = array('odd', 'even');
    echo "<table border='0' width='100%'>";
    echo "<tr><td width='50%' valign='top'>";
    echo "<div id='ticketInfo'>";
    echo "<table border='0' width='95%' cellspacing='1' class='outer'>\r\n          <tr><th colspan='2'>" . _AM_XHELP_TEXT_TICKET_INFO . "</th></tr>";
    $class = "odd";
    $totalTickets = 0;
    foreach ($statuses as $status) {
        $crit = new Criteria('status', $status->getVar('id'));
        $numTickets =& $hTickets->getCount($crit);
        $totalTickets += $numTickets;
        echo "<tr class='" . $class . "'><td>" . $status->getVar('description') . "</td><td>" . $numTickets . "</td></tr>";
        if ($class == "odd") {
            $class = "even";
        } else {
            $class = "odd";
    echo "<tr class='foot'><td>" . _AM_XHELP_TEXT_TOTAL_TICKETS . "</td><td>" . $totalTickets . "</td></tr>";
    echo "</table></div><br />";
    $hStaff =& xhelpGetHandler('staff');
    $hResponses =& xhelpGetHandler('responses');
    echo "</td><td valign='top'>";
    // Outer table
    echo "<div id='timeSpent'>";
    // Start inner top-left cell
    echo "<table border='0' width='100%' cellspacing='1' class='outer'>\r\n          <tr><th colspan='2'>" . _AM_XHELP_TEXT_RESPONSE_TIME . "</th></tr>";
    $sql = sprintf('SELECT u.uid, u.uname, u.name, (s.responseTime / s.ticketsResponded) as AvgResponseTime FROM %s u INNER JOIN %s s ON u.uid = s.uid WHERE ticketsResponded > 0 ORDER BY AvgResponseTime', $xoopsDB->prefix('users'), $xoopsDB->prefix('xhelp_staff'));
    $ret = $xoopsDB->query($sql, MAX_STAFF_RESPONSETIME);
    $i = 0;
    while (list($uid, $uname, $name, $avgResponseTime) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($ret)) {
        $class = $table_class[$i % 2];
        echo "<tr class='{$class}'><td>" . xhelpGetDisplayName($displayName, $name, $uname) . "</td><td align='right'>" . xhelpFormatTime($avgResponseTime) . "</td></tr>";
    echo "</table></div><br />";
    // End inner top-left cell
    echo "</td></tr><tr><td valign='top'>";
    // End first, start second cell
    //Get Calls Closed block
    $sql = sprintf('SELECT SUM(callsClosed) FROM %s', $xoopsDB->prefix('xhelp_staff'));
    $ret = $xoopsDB->query($sql);
    if (list($totalStaffClosed) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($ret)) {
        if ($totalStaffClosed) {
            $sql = sprintf('SELECT u.uid, u.uname, u.name, s.callsClosed FROM %s u INNER JOIN %s s ON u.uid = s.uid WHERE s.callsClosed > 0 ORDER BY s.callsClosed DESC', $xoopsDB->prefix('users'), $xoopsDB->prefix('xhelp_staff'));
            $ret = $xoopsDB->query($sql, MAX_STAFF_CALLSCLOSED);
            echo "<div id='callsClosed'>";
            echo "<table border='0' width='95%' cellspacing='1' class='outer'>\r\n                  <tr><th colspan='2'>" . _AM_XHELP_TEXT_TOP_CLOSERS . "</th></tr>";
            $i = 0;
            while (list($uid, $uname, $name, $callsClosed) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($ret)) {
                $class = $table_class[$i % 2];
                echo "<tr class='{$class}'><td>" . xhelpGetDisplayName($displayName, $name, $uname) . "</td><td align='right'>" . $callsClosed . ' (' . round($callsClosed / $totalStaffClosed * 100, 2) . "%)</td></tr>";
            echo "</table></div><br />";
            // End inner table top row
            echo "</td><td valign='top'>";
            // End top row of outer table
            $sql = sprintf('SELECT u.uid, u.uname, u.name, (s.responseTime / s.ticketsResponded) as AvgResponseTime FROM %s u INNER JOIN %s s ON u.uid = s.uid WHERE ticketsResponded > 0 ORDER BY AvgResponseTime DESC', $xoopsDB->prefix('users'), $xoopsDB->prefix('xhelp_staff'));
            $ret = $xoopsDB->query($sql, MAX_STAFF_RESPONSETIME);
            echo "<div id='leastCallsClosed'>";
            echo "<table border='0' width='100%' cellspacing='1' class='outer'>\r\n                  <tr><th colspan='2'>" . _AM_XHELP_TEXT_RESPONSE_TIME_SLOW . "</th></tr>";
            $i = 0;
            while (list($uid, $uname, $name, $avgResponseTime) = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($ret)) {
                $class = $table_class[$i % 2];
                echo "<tr class='{$class}'><td>" . xhelpGetDisplayName($displayName, $name, $uname) . "</td><td align='right'>" . xhelpFormatTime($avgResponseTime) . "</td></tr>";
            echo "</table></div>";
            // End first cell, second row of inner table
    echo "</td></tr></table><br />";
    // End second cell, second row of inner table
    $crit = new Criteria('state', '2', '<>', 's');
    $highPriority =& $hTickets->getObjects($crit);
    $has_highPriority = count($highPriority) > 0;
    if ($has_highPriority) {
        echo "<div id='highPriority'>";
        echo "<table border='0' width='100%' cellspacing='1' class='outer'>\r\n              <tr><th colspan='8'>" . _AM_XHELP_TEXT_HIGH_PRIORITY . "</th></tr>";
        echo "<tr class='head'><td>" . _AM_XHELP_TEXT_PRIORITY . "</td><td>" . _AM_XHELP_TEXT_ELAPSED . "</td><td>" . _AM_XHELP_TEXT_STATUS . "</td><td>" . _AM_XHELP_TEXT_SUBJECT . "</td><td>" . _AM_XHELP_TEXT_DEPARTMENT . "</td><td>" . _AM_XHELP_TEXT_OWNER . "</td><td>" . _AM_XHELP_TEXT_LAST_UPDATED . "</td><td>" . _AM_XHELP_TEXT_LOGGED_BY . "</td></tr>";
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($highPriority as $ticket) {
            if ($ticket->isOverdue()) {
                $class = $table_class[$i % 2] . " overdue";
            } else {
                $class = $table_class[$i % 2];
            $priority_url = "<img src='" . XHELP_IMAGE_URL . "/priority" . $ticket->getVar('priority') . ".png' alt='" . $ticket->getVar('priority') . "' />";
            $subject_url = sprintf("<a href='" . XHELP_BASE_URL . "/ticket.php?id=" . $ticket->getVar('id') . "' target='_BLANK'>%s</a>", $ticket->getVar('subject'));
            if ($dept = $ticket->getDepartment()) {
                $dept_url = sprintf("<a href='" . XHELP_BASE_URL . "/index.php?op=staffViewAll&amp;dept=" . $dept->getVar('id') . "' target='_BLANK'>%s</a>", $dept->getVar('department'));
            } else {
                $dept_url = _AM_XHELP_TEXT_NO_DEPT;
            if ($ticket->getVar('ownership') != 0) {
                $owner_url = sprintf("<a href='" . XOOPS_URL . "/userinfo.php?uid=" . $ticket->getVar('uid') . "' target='_BLANK'>%s</a>", xhelpGetUsername($ticket->getVar('ownership'), $displayName));
            } else {
                $owner_url = _AM_XHELP_TEXT_NO_OWNER;
            $user_url = sprintf("<a href='" . XOOPS_URL . "/userinfo.php?uid=" . $ticket->getVar('uid') . "' target='_BLANK'>%s</a>", xhelpGetUsername($ticket->getVar('uid'), $displayName));
            echo "<tr class='{$class}'><td>" . $priority_url . "</td>\r\n                         <td>" . $ticket->elapsed() . "</td>\r\n                         <td>" . xhelpGetStatus($ticket->getVar('status')) . "</td>\r\n                         <td>" . $subject_url . "</td>\r\n                         <td>" . $dept_url . "</td>\r\n                         <td>" . $owner_url . " </td>\r\n                         <td>" . $ticket->lastUpdated() . "</td>\r\n                         <td>" . $user_url . "</td>\r\n                     </tr>";
        echo "</table></div>";
  * Event: batch_response
  * Triggered after a batch response addition
  * Note: the $response->getVar('ticketid') field is empty for this function
  * @param array $tickets The xhelpTicket objects that were modified
  * @param xhelpResponses $response The response added to each ticket
 function batch_response($tickets, $response)
     global $xoopsUser, $xoopsConfig, $xoopsModuleConfig;
     $displayName =& $xoopsModuleConfig['xhelp_displayName'];
     // Determines if username or real name is displayed
     $responseText = $this->_ts->stripslashesGPC($response->getVar('message', 'n'));
     $uname = $xoopsUser->getVar('uname');
     $uid = $xoopsUser->getVar('uid');
     $updated = formatTimestamp(time(), 'm');
     $private = $response->getVar('private');
     $hMBoxes =& xhelpGetHandler('departmentMailBox');
     $mBoxes =& $hMBoxes->getObjects(null, true);
     $hDepartments =& xhelpGetHandler('department');
     $settings =& $this->_hNotification->get(XHELP_NOTIF_NEWRESPONSE);
     $staff_setting = $settings->getVar('staff_setting');
     $user_setting = $settings->getVar('user_setting');
     $staff_options = $settings->getVar('staff_options');
     if ($staff_setting != XHELP_NOTIF_STAFF_NONE) {
         $dept_email_tpl = $this->_getEmailTpl('dept', 'new_response', $this->_module, $template_id);
     } else {
         $dept_email_tpl = false;
     if ($user_setting != XHELP_NOTIF_USER_NO) {
         $user_email_tpl = $this->_getEmailTpl('ticket', 'new_this_response', $this->_module, $template_id);
     } else {
         $user_email_tpl = false;
     foreach ($tickets as $ticket) {
         $bFromEmail = false;
         $tags = array();
         $tags['TICKET_ID'] = $ticket->getVar('id');
         $tags['TICKET_RESPONSE'] = $responseText;
         $tags['TICKET_SUBJECT'] = $ticket->getVar('subject');
         $tags['TICKET_TIMESPENT'] = $response->getVar('timeSpent');
         $tags['TICKET_STATUS'] = xhelpGetStatus($ticket->getVar('status'));
         $tags['TICKET_RESPONDER'] = $uname;
         $tags['TICKET_POSTED'] = $updated;
         $tags['TICKET_URL'] = XHELP_BASE_URL . '/ticket.php?id=' . $ticket->getVar('id');
         $tags['TICKET_DEPARTMENT'] = $this->_ts->stripslashesGPC($hDepartments->getNameById($ticket->getVar('department')));
         $owner = $ticket->getVar('ownership');
         if ($owner == 0) {
             $tags['TICKET_OWNERSHIP'] = _XHELP_NO_OWNER;
         } else {
             $tags['TICKET_OWNERSHIP'] = xhelpGetUsername($owner, $displayName);
         if ($ticket->getVar('serverid') > 0) {
             //Ticket was submitted via email
             $mBox =& $mBoxes[$ticket->getVar('serverid')];
             if (is_object($mBox)) {
                 $bFromEmail = true;
         if ($bFromEmail) {
             $from = $server->getVar('emailaddress');
             $tags['TICKET_SUPPORT_EMAIL'] = $from;
             $tags['TICKET_SUPPORT_KEY'] = '{' . $ticket->getVar('emailHash') . '}';
         } else {
             $from = '';
             $tags['TICKET_SUPPORT_EMAIL'] = $xoopsConfig['adminmail'];
             $tags['TICKET_SUPPORT_KEY'] = '';
         $sendTo = array();
         if ($ticket->getVar('uid') != $uid && $response->getVar('private') == 0) {
             // If response from staff member
             if ($private == 0) {
                 if ($user_email_tpl) {
                     $sendTo = $this->_getUserEmail($ticket->getVar('uid'));
                     $success = $this->_sendEvents($user_email_tpl, $sendTo, $tags, $from);
             } else {
                 if ($dept_email_tpl) {
                     if ($ticket->getVar('ownership') != 0) {
                         $sendTo = $this->_getStaffEmail($owner, $ticket->getVar('department'), $staff_options);
                     } else {
                         $sendTo = $this->_getSubscribedStaff($ticket, $dept_email_tpl['bit_value'], $settings);
         } else {
             // If response from submitter
             if ($dept_email_tpl) {
                 if ($ticket->getVar('ownership') != 0) {
                     // If ticket has owner, send to owner
                     if ($this->_isSubscribed($owner, $email_tpl['bit_value'])) {
                         // Check if the owner is subscribed
                         $sendTo = $this->_getStaffEmail($owner, $ticket->getVar('department'), $staff_options);
                 } else {
                     // If ticket has no owner, send to department
                     $sendTo =& $this->_getSubscribedStaff($ticket, $dept_email_tpl['bit_value'], $settings);
                 $success = $this->_sendEvents($dept_email_tpl, $sendTo, $tags);
Exemple #5
     $xoopsTpl->assign('xhelp_deptNotifications', $deptNotification);
 } else {
     $xoopsTpl->assign('xhelp_deptNotifications', 0);
 $hReview =& xhelpGetHandler('staffReview');
 $hMembers =& xoops_gethandler('member');
 $crit = new Criteria('staffid', $xoopsUser->getVar('uid'));
 $reviews =& $hReview->getObjects($crit);
 $displayName =& $xoopsModuleConfig['xhelp_displayName'];
 // Determines if username or real name is displayed
 foreach ($reviews as $review) {
     $reviewer = $hMembers->getUser($review->getVar('submittedBy'));
     $xoopsTpl->append('xhelp_reviews', array('rating' => $review->getVar('rating'), 'ratingdsc' => xhelpGetRating($review->getVar('rating')), 'submittedBy' => $reviewer ? xhelpGetUsername($reviewer, $displayName) : $xoopsConfig['anonymous'], 'submittedByUID' => $review->getVar('submittedBy'), 'responseid' => $review->getVar('responseid'), 'comments' => $review->getVar('comments'), 'ticketid' => $review->getVar('ticketid')));
 $xoopsTpl->assign('xhelp_hasReviews', count($reviews) > 0);
 // Ticket Lists
 $ticketLists =& $hTicketList->getListsByUser($xoopsUser->getVar('uid'));
 $aMySavedSearches = array();
 $mySavedSearches = xhelpGetSavedSearches(array($xoopsUser->getVar('uid'), XHELP_GLOBAL_UID));
 $has_savedSearches = count($aMySavedSearches > 0);
 $ticketListCount = count($ticketLists);
 $aTicketLists = array();
 $aUsedSearches = array();
 $eleNum = 0;
 foreach ($ticketLists as $ticketList) {
     $weight = $ticketList->getVar('weight');
     $searchid = $ticketList->getVar('searchid');
     $aTicketLists[$ticketList->getVar('id')] = array('id' => $ticketList->getVar('id'), 'uid' => $ticketList->getVar('uid'), 'searchid' => $searchid, 'weight' => $weight, 'name' => $mySavedSearches[$ticketList->getVar('searchid')]['name'], 'hasWeightUp' => $eleNum != $ticketListCount - 1 ? true : false, 'hasWeightDown' => $eleNum != 0 ? true : false, 'hasEdit' => $mySavedSearches[$ticketList->getVar('searchid')]['uid'] != -999 ? true : false);