/** * Actions run on plugin initialization. * * A certain number of things can possibly run after * the plugin initialized. Those actions are fired from here * if the trigger is present. * * @since 3.0.0 * @return void */ public function init() { /** * Log user in. * * If we have a login in the post data we try to log the user in. * The login process relies on the WordPress core functions. If the login * is successful, the user is redirected to the page he was requesting, * otherwise the standard WordPress error messages are returned. * * @since 3.0.0 */ if (isset($_POST['wpas_login'])) { add_action('wp', 'wpas_try_login'); } /** * Register a new account. * * If wpas_registration is passed we trigger the account registration function. * The registration function will do a certain number of checks and if all of them * are successful, a new user is created using the WordPress core functions. * * The reason why we are not using a simpler process is to keep full control over * what's returned to the user and where the user is returned. * * @since 3.0.0 */ if (isset($_POST['wpas_registration'])) { add_action('wp', 'wpas_register_account', 10, 0); } /** * Run custom actions. * * The plugin can run a number of custom actions triggered by a URL parameter. * If the $action parameter is set in the URL we run this method. * * @since 3.0.0 */ if (isset($_GET['action'])) { add_action('wp', array($this, 'custom_actions')); } /** * Open a new ticket. * * If a ticket title is passed in the post we trigger the function that adds * new tickets. The function does a certain number of checks and has several * action hooks and filters. Post-insertion actions like adding post metas * and redirecting the user are run from here. * * @since 3.0.0 */ if (isset($_POST['wpas_title'])) { // Verify the nonce first if (!isset($_POST['wpas_nonce']) || !wp_verify_nonce($_POST['wpas_nonce'], 'new_ticket')) { /* Save the input */ wpas_save_values(); // Redirect to submit page wp_redirect(add_query_arg(array('message' => 4), get_permalink(wpas_get_option('ticket_submit')))); exit; } $ticket_id = wpas_open_ticket(array('title' => $_POST['wpas_title'], 'message' => $_POST['wpas_message'])); /* Submission failure */ if (false === $ticket_id) { /* Save the input */ wpas_save_values(); /** * Redirect to the newly created ticket */ $submit = wpas_get_option('ticket_submit'); wpas_redirect('ticket_added_failed', add_query_arg(array('message' => 6), get_permalink($submit)), $submit); exit; } else { /** * Empty the temporary sessions */ unset($_SESSION['wpas_submission_form']); unset($_SESSION['wpas_submission_error']); /** * Redirect to the newly created ticket */ wpas_redirect('ticket_added', get_permalink($ticket_id), $ticket_id); exit; } } /** * Save a new reply. * * This adds a new reply to an existing ticket. The ticket * can possibly be closed by the user in which case we update * the post meta if the reply submission is successful. * * @since 3.0.0 */ if (isset($_POST['wpas_user_reply'])) { /** * Define if the reply can be submitted empty or not. * * @since 3.0.0 * @var boolean */ $can_submit_empty = apply_filters('wpas_can_reply_be_empty', false); /** * Get the parent ticket ID. */ $parent_id = intval($_POST['ticket_id']); if (empty($_POST['wpas_user_reply']) && false === $can_submit_empty) { wpas_redirect('reply_not_added', add_query_arg(array('message' => wpas_create_notification(__('You cannot submit an empty reply.', 'wpas'))), get_permalink($parent_id)), $parent_id); exit; } /* Sanitize the data */ $data = array('post_content' => wp_kses($_POST['wpas_user_reply'], wp_kses_allowed_html('post'))); /* Add the reply */ $reply_id = wpas_add_reply($data, $parent_id); /* Possibly close the ticket */ if (isset($_POST['wpas_close_ticket']) && false !== $reply_id) { wpas_close_ticket(intval($_POST['ticket_id'])); } if (false === $reply_id) { wpas_redirect('reply_added_failed', add_query_arg(array('message' => '7'), get_permalink($parent_id))); exit; } else { /** * Delete the activity transient. */ delete_transient("wpas_activity_meta_post_{$parent_id}"); wpas_redirect('reply_added', add_query_arg(array('message' => '8'), get_permalink($parent_id)) . "#reply-{$reply_id}", $parent_id); exit; } } }
/** * Actions run on plugin initialization. * * A certain number of things can possibly run after * the plugin initialized. Those actions are fired from here * if the trigger is present. * * @since 3.0.0 * @return void */ public function init() { /** * Log user in. * * If we have a login in the post data we try to log the user in. * The login process relies on the WordPress core functions. If the login * is successful, the user is redirected to the page he was requesting, * otherwise the standard WordPress error messages are returned. * * @since 3.0.0 */ if (isset($_POST['wpas_login'])) { add_action('wp', 'wpas_try_login'); } /** * Register a new account. * * If wpas_registration is passed we trigger the account registration function. * The registration function will do a certain number of checks and if all of them * are successful, a new user is created using the WordPress core functions. * * The reason why we are not using a simpler process is to keep full control over * what's returned to the user and where the user is returned. * * @since 3.0.0 */ if (isset($_POST['wpas_registration'])) { add_action('wp', 'wpas_register_account', 10, 0); } /** * Run custom actions. * * The plugin can run a number of custom actions triggered by a URL parameter. * If the $action parameter is set in the URL we run this method. * * @since 3.0.0 */ if (isset($_GET['action'])) { add_action('wp', array($this, 'custom_actions')); } /** * Open a new ticket. * * If a ticket title is passed in the post we trigger the function that adds * new tickets. The function does a certain number of checks and has several * action hooks and filters. Post-insertion actions like adding post metas * and redirecting the user are run from here. * * @since 3.0.0 */ if (!is_admin() && isset($_POST['wpas_title'])) { // Verify the nonce first if (!isset($_POST['wpas_nonce']) || !wp_verify_nonce($_POST['wpas_nonce'], 'new_ticket')) { /* Save the input */ wpas_save_values(); // Redirect to submit page wpas_add_error('nonce_verification_failed', __('The authenticity of your submission could not be validated. If this ticket is legitimate please try submitting again.', 'awesome-support')); wp_redirect(wp_sanitize_redirect(home_url($_POST['_wp_http_referer']))); exit; } $ticket_id = wpas_open_ticket(array('title' => $_POST['wpas_title'], 'message' => $_POST['wpas_message'])); /* Submission failure */ if (false === $ticket_id) { /* Save the input */ wpas_save_values(); /** * Redirect to the newly created ticket */ wpas_add_error('submission_error', __('The ticket couldn\'t be submitted for an unknown reason.', 'awesome-support')); wp_redirect(wp_sanitize_redirect(home_url($_POST['_wp_http_referer']))); exit; } else { /** * Empty the temporary sessions */ WPAS()->session->clean('submission_form'); /** * Redirect to the newly created ticket */ wpas_redirect('ticket_added', get_permalink($ticket_id), $ticket_id); exit; } } /** * Save a new reply. * * This adds a new reply to an existing ticket. The ticket * can possibly be closed by the user in which case we update * the post meta if the reply submission is successful. * * @since 3.0.0 */ if (isset($_POST['wpas_user_reply'])) { // Get parent ticket ID $parent_id = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'ticket_id', FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT); if ('ticket' !== get_post_type($parent_id)) { wpas_add_error('reply_added_failed', __('Something went wrong. We couldn't identify your ticket. Please try again.', 'awesome-support')); wpas_redirect('reply_added_failed', get_permalink($parent_id)); exit; } // Define if the ticket must be closed $close = isset($_POST['wpas_close_ticket']) ? true : false; if (!empty($_POST['wpas_user_reply'])) { /* Sanitize the data */ $data = array('post_content' => wp_kses($_POST['wpas_user_reply'], wp_kses_allowed_html('post'))); /* Add the reply */ $reply_id = wpas_add_reply($data, $parent_id); } /* Possibly close the ticket */ if ($close) { wpas_close_ticket($parent_id); // Redirect now if no reply was posted if (!isset($reply_id)) { wpas_add_notification('ticket_closed', __('The ticket was successfully closed', 'awesome-support')); wpas_redirect('ticket_closed', get_permalink($parent_id)); exit; } } if (isset($reply_id)) { if (false === $reply_id) { wpas_add_error('reply_added_failed', __('Your reply could not be submitted for an unknown reason.', 'awesome-support')); wpas_redirect('reply_added_failed', get_permalink($parent_id)); exit; } else { if ($close) { wpas_add_notification('reply_added_closed', __('Thanks for your reply. The ticket is now closed.', 'awesome-support')); } else { wpas_add_notification('reply_added', __('Your reply has been submitted. Your agent will reply ASAP.', 'awesome-support')); } if (false !== ($link = wpas_get_reply_link($reply_id))) { wpas_redirect('reply_added', $link); exit; } } } } }
/** * Open a new ticket. * * @since 3.0.0 * @param array $data Ticket data * @return boolean */ function wpas_open_ticket($data) { $title = isset($data['title']) ? wp_strip_all_tags($data['title']) : false; $content = isset($data['message']) ? wp_kses($data['message'], wp_kses_allowed_html('post')) : false; /** * Prepare vars */ $submit = wpas_get_option('ticket_submit'); // ID of the submission page // Verify user capability if (!current_user_can('create_ticket')) { // Save the input wpas_save_values(); // Redirect to submit page wp_redirect(add_query_arg(array('message' => 11), get_permalink($submit))); // Break exit; } // Make sure we have at least a title and a message if (false === $title || empty($title)) { // Save the input wpas_save_values(); // Redirect to submit page wp_redirect(add_query_arg(array('message' => 3), get_permalink($submit))); // Break exit; } if (true === ($description_mandatory = apply_filters('wpas_ticket_submission_description_mandatory', true)) && (false === $content || empty($content))) { // Save the input wpas_save_values(); // Redirect to submit page wp_redirect(add_query_arg(array('message' => 10), get_permalink($submit))); // Break exit; } /** * Allow the submission. * * This variable is used to add additional checks in the submission process. * If the $go var is set to true, it gives a green light to this method * and the ticket will be submitted. If the var is set to false, the process * will be aborted. * * @since 3.0.0 */ $go = apply_filters('wpas_before_submit_new_ticket_checks', true); /* Check for the green light */ if (is_wp_error($go)) { /* Retrieve error messages. */ $messages = $go->get_error_messages(); /* Save the input */ wpas_save_values(); /* Redirect to submit page */ wp_redirect(add_query_arg(array('message' => wpas_create_notification($messages)), get_permalink($submit))); exit; } /** * Gather current user info */ if (is_user_logged_in()) { global $current_user; $user_id = $current_user->ID; } else { // Save the input wpas_save_values(); // Redirect to submit page wp_redirect(add_query_arg(array('message' => 5), get_permalink($submit))); // Break exit; } /** * Submit the ticket. * * Now that all the verifications are passed * we can proceed to the actual ticket submission. */ $post = array('post_content' => $content, 'post_name' => $title, 'post_title' => $title, 'post_status' => 'queued', 'post_type' => 'ticket', 'post_author' => $user_id, 'ping_status' => 'closed', 'comment_status' => 'closed'); return wpas_insert_ticket($post, false, false); }
/** * Instantiate a new ticket submission * * This helper function is used to trigger the creation of a new ticket * after the ticket submission form is posted on the front-end. * * @since 3.3 * * @param array $data Ticket data required to open a new ticket * * @return void */ function wpas_new_ticket_submission($data) { if (!is_admin() && isset($data['wpas_title'])) { // Verify the nonce first if (!isset($data['wpas_nonce']) || !wp_verify_nonce($data['wpas_nonce'], 'new_ticket')) { /* Save the input */ wpas_save_values(); // Redirect to submit page wpas_add_error('nonce_verification_failed', __('The authenticity of your submission could not be validated. If this ticket is legitimate please try submitting again.', 'awesome-support')); wp_redirect(wp_sanitize_redirect(home_url($_POST['_wp_http_referer']))); exit; } $ticket_id = wpas_open_ticket(array('title' => $data['wpas_title'], 'message' => $data['wpas_message'])); /* Submission failure */ if (false === $ticket_id) { /* Save the input */ wpas_save_values(); /** * Redirect to the newly created ticket */ wpas_add_error('submission_error', __('The ticket couldn\'t be submitted for an unknown reason.', 'awesome-support')); wp_redirect(wp_sanitize_redirect(home_url($data['_wp_http_referer']))); exit; } else { /** * Empty the temporary sessions */ WPAS()->session->clean('submission_form'); /** * Redirect to the newly created ticket */ wpas_redirect('ticket_added', get_permalink($ticket_id), $ticket_id); exit; } } }
/** * Open a new ticket. * * @since 3.0.0 * @param array $data Ticket data * @return boolean */ function wpas_open_ticket($data) { $title = isset($data['title']) ? wp_strip_all_tags($data['title']) : false; $content = isset($data['message']) ? wp_kses($data['message'], wp_kses_allowed_html('post')) : false; /** * Prepare vars */ $submit = isset($_POST['_wp_http_referer']) ? wpas_get_submission_page_url(url_to_postid($_POST['_wp_http_referer'])) : wpas_get_submission_page_url(); // Fallback in case the referrer failed if (empty($submit)) { $submission_pages = wpas_get_option('ticket_submit'); $submit = $submission_pages[0]; $submit = wp_sanitize_redirect(get_permalink($submit)); } // Verify user capability if (!current_user_can('create_ticket')) { // Save the input wpas_save_values(); // Redirect to submit page wpas_add_error('cannot_open_ticket', __('You do not have the capacity to open a new ticket.', 'wpas')); wp_redirect($submit); // Break exit; } // Make sure we have at least a title and a message if (false === $title || empty($title)) { // Save the input wpas_save_values(); // Redirect to submit page wpas_add_error('missing_title', __('It is mandatory to provide a title for your issue.', 'wpas')); wp_redirect($submit); // Break exit; } if (true === ($description_mandatory = apply_filters('wpas_ticket_submission_description_mandatory', true)) && (false === $content || empty($content))) { // Save the input wpas_save_values(); // Redirect to submit page wpas_add_error('missing_description', __('It is mandatory to provide a description for your issue.', 'wpas')); wp_redirect($submit); // Break exit; } /** * Allow the submission. * * This variable is used to add additional checks in the submission process. * If the $go var is set to true, it gives a green light to this method * and the ticket will be submitted. If the var is set to false, the process * will be aborted. * * @since 3.0.0 */ $go = apply_filters('wpas_before_submit_new_ticket_checks', true); /* Check for the green light */ if (is_wp_error($go)) { /* Retrieve error messages. */ $messages = $go->get_error_messages(); /* Save the input */ wpas_save_values(); /* Redirect to submit page */ wpas_add_error('validation_issue', $messages); wp_redirect($submit); exit; } /** * Gather current user info */ if (is_user_logged_in()) { global $current_user; $user_id = $current_user->ID; } else { // Save the input wpas_save_values(); // Redirect to submit page wpas_add_error('unknown_user', __('Only registered accounts can submit a ticket. Please register first.', 'wpas')); wp_redirect($submit); exit; } /** * Submit the ticket. * * Now that all the verifications are passed * we can proceed to the actual ticket submission. */ $post = array('post_content' => $content, 'post_name' => $title, 'post_title' => $title, 'post_status' => 'queued', 'post_type' => 'ticket', 'post_author' => $user_id, 'ping_status' => 'closed', 'comment_status' => 'closed'); return wpas_insert_ticket($post, false, false); }