Exemple #1

 * Observium
 *   This file is part of Observium.
 * @package    observium
 * @subpackage poller
 * @copyright  (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2016 Observium Limited
if (!empty($agent_data['app']['zimbra'])) {
    $app_id = discover_app($device, 'zimbra');
    update_application($app_id, array());
    foreach ($agent_data['app']['zimbra'] as $key => $value) {
        # key is "vm", "mysql" etc, value is the csv output
        $zimbra[$key] = parse_csv($value);
    if (is_array($zimbra['mtaqueue'])) {
        timestamp, KBytes, requests
        04/23/2013 18:19:30, 0, 0
        rrdtool_update_ng($device, 'zimbra-mtaqueue', array('kBytes' => $zimbra['mtaqueue'][0]['KBytes'], 'requests' => $zimbra['mtaqueue'][0]['requests']));
    if (is_array($zimbra['fd'])) {
        timestamp, fd_count, mailboxd_fd_count
        04/23/2013 18:40:53, 5216, 1451
Exemple #2
    $rrd_queries .= "DS:numQueries:DERIVE:600:0:125000000000 ";
    $rrd_queries .= "DS:numQueryUDP:DERIVE:600:0:125000000000 \\\n    DS:numQueryUDP6:DERIVE:600:0:125000000000 \\\n    DS:numQueryTCP:DERIVE:600:0:125000000000 \\\n    DS:numQueryTCP6:DERIVE:600:0:125000000000 \\\n    DS:numQueryEDNS:DERIVE:600:0:125000000000 \\\n    DS:numQueryEDNSErr:DERIVE:600:0:125000000000 \\\n    DS:numQueryRecieveErr:DERIVE:600:0:125000000000 \\\n    DS:numQueryTransferErr:DERIVE:600:0:125000000000 \\\n    DS:numRequestAXFR:DERIVE:600:0:125000000000 \\\n    DS:numQueryTruncated:DERIVE:600:0:125000000000 \\\n    DS:numQueryDropped:DERIVE:600:0:125000000000 \\\n    DS:numQueriesWoAA:DERIVE:600:0:125000000000 \\\n    ";
    rrdtool_create($device, $rrd_filename, "" . $rrd_queries);
    foreach ($dns_qtype as $qtype) {
        $rrd_values[] = $nsd["num.type.{$qtype}"];
    $rrd_values[] = $nsd["num.class.IN"];
    foreach ($dns_rcode as $rcode) {
        $rrd_values[] = $nsd["num.rcode.{$rcode}"];
    $rrd_values[] = $nsd["num.opcode.IN"];
    $rrd_values[] = $nsd["num.queries"];
    foreach (array('num.udp', 'num.udp6', 'num.tcp', 'num.tcp6', 'num.edns', 'num.ednserr', 'num.rxerr', 'num.txerr', 'num.raxfr', 'num.truncated', 'num.dropped', 'num.answer_wo_aa') as $key) {
        $rrd_values[] = $nsd[$key];
    update_application($app_id, $nsd);
    rrdtool_update($device, $rrd_filename, "N:" . implode(':', $rrd_values));
    $serverNum = 0;
    while (1) {
        if (isset($nsd["server{$serverNum}.queries"])) {
            $rrd_filename = "app-nsd-server{$serverNum}.rrd";
            rrdtool_create($device, $rrd_filename, "DS:numQueries:DERIVE:600:0:125000000000");
            rrdtool_update($device, $rrd_filename, "N:" . $nsd["server{$serverNum}.queries"]);
        } else {

 * Observium
 *   This file is part of Observium.
 * @package    observium
 * @subpackage poller
 * @copyright  (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2016 Observium Limited
// Correct output of the agent script should look like this:
if (!empty($agent_data['app']['exim-mailqueue'])) {
    $app_id = discover_app($device, 'exim-mailqueue');
    foreach (explode("\n", $agent_data['app']['exim-mailqueue']) as $line) {
        list($item, $value) = explode(":", $line, 2);
        $exim_data[trim($item)] = trim($value);
    update_application($app_id, $exim_data);
    rrdtool_update_ng($device, 'exim-mailqueue', $exim_data, $app_id);
    unset($line, $item, $value, $exim_data, $app_id);
// EOF
Exemple #4
 * @package    observium
 * @subpackage poller
 * @copyright  (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2016 Observium Limited
if (!empty($agent_data['app']['mysql'])) {
    $app_id = discover_app($device, 'mysql');
    $map = array();
    foreach (explode("\n", $agent_data['app']['mysql']) as $str) {
        list($key, $value) = explode(":", $str);
        $map[$key] = trim($value);
    // General Stats
    $mapping = array('IDBLBSe' => 'cr', 'IBLFh' => 'ct', 'IBLWn' => 'cu', 'IBLWn' => 'cu', 'SRows' => 'ck', 'SRange' => 'cj', 'SMPs' => 'ci', 'SScan' => 'cl', 'IBIRd' => 'ai', 'IBIWr' => 'aj', 'IBILg' => 'ak', 'IBIFSc' => 'ah', 'IDBRDd' => 'b2', 'IDBRId' => 'b0', 'IDBRRd' => 'b3', 'IDBRUd' => 'b1', 'IBRd' => 'ae', 'IBCd' => 'af', 'IBWr' => 'ag', 'TLIe' => 'b5', 'TLWd' => 'b4', 'IBPse' => 'aa', 'IBPDBp' => 'ac', 'IBPFe' => 'ab', 'IBPMps' => 'ad', 'TOC' => 'bc', 'OFs' => 'b7', 'OTs' => 'b8', 'OdTs' => 'b9', 'IBSRs' => 'ay', 'IBSWs' => 'ax', 'IBOWs' => 'az', 'QCs' => 'c1', 'QCeFy' => 'bu', 'MaCs' => 'bl', 'MUCs' => 'bf', 'ACs' => 'bd', 'AdCs' => 'be', 'TCd' => 'bi', 'Cs' => 'bn', 'IBTNx' => 'a5', 'KRRs' => 'a0', 'KRs' => 'a1', 'KWR' => 'a2', 'KWs' => 'a3', 'QCQICe' => 'bz', 'QCHs' => 'bv', 'QCIs' => 'bw', 'QCNCd' => 'by', 'QCLMPs' => 'bx', 'CTMPDTs' => 'cn', 'CTMPTs' => 'cm', 'CTMPFs' => 'co', 'IBIIs' => 'au', 'IBIMRd' => 'av', 'IBIMs' => 'aw', 'IBILog' => 'al', 'IBISc' => 'am', 'IBIFLg' => 'an', 'IBFBl' => 'aq', 'IBIIAo' => 'ap', 'IBIAd' => 'as', 'IBIAe' => 'at', 'SFJn' => 'cd', 'SFRJn' => 'ce', 'SRe' => 'cf', 'SRCk' => 'cg', 'SSn' => 'ch', 'SQs' => 'b6', 'BRd' => 'cq', 'BSt' => 'cp', 'CDe' => 'c6', 'CIt' => 'c4', 'CISt' => 'ca', 'CLd' => 'c8', 'CRe' => 'c7', 'CRSt' => 'cc', 'CSt' => 'c5', 'CUe' => 'c3', 'CUMi' => 'c9');
    $values = array();
    foreach ($mapping as $key => $value) {
        $values[$key] = $map[$value];
    rrdtool_update_ng($device, 'mysql', $values, $app_id);
    // Process state statistics
    // Derr, not sure what the key part of the array is for, apart from some documentation, as d* is passed from agent into RRD.
    $mapping_status = array('State_closing_tables' => 'd2', 'State_copying_to_tmp_table' => 'd3', 'State_end' => 'd4', 'State_freeing_items' => 'd5', 'State_init' => 'd6', 'State_locked' => 'd7', 'State_login' => 'd8', 'State_preparing' => 'd9', 'State_reading_from_net' => 'da', 'State_sending_data' => 'db', 'State_sorting_result' => 'dc', 'State_statistics' => 'dd', 'State_updating' => 'de', 'State_writing_to_net' => 'df', 'State_none' => 'dg', 'State_other' => 'dh');
    $valuesb = array();
    foreach ($mapping_status as $key => $value) {
        $valuesb[$value] = $map[$value];
    update_application($app_id, array_merge($values, $valuesb));
    rrdtool_update_ng($device, 'mysql-status', $valuesb, $app_id);
// EOF
function db_save_application($name, $hostid, $applicationid = null, $templateid = 0)
    if (!is_string($name)) {
        error('Incorrect parameters for "db_save_application"');
        return false;
    $host = get_host_by_hostid($hostid);
    $hostids = array();
    $db_hosts = get_hosts_by_templateid($host['hostid']);
    while ($db_host = DBfetch($db_hosts)) {
        $hostids[] = $db_host['hostid'];
    $sql = 'SELECT applicationid
			FROM applications
			WHERE name=' . zbx_dbstr($name) . '
				AND ' . DBcondition('hostid', $hostids);
    $lower_app = DBfetch(DBselect($sql));
    if ($lower_app) {
        return false;
    $sql = 'SELECT applicationid
			FROM applications
			WHERE name=' . zbx_dbstr($name) . '
				AND hostid=' . $hostid;
    if (!is_null($applicationid)) {
        $sql .= ' AND applicationid<>' . $applicationid;
    $db_app = DBfetch(DBselect($sql));
    if ($db_app && $templateid == 0) {
        error(S_APPLICATION . SPACE . "'{$name}'" . SPACE . S_ALREADY_EXISTS_SMALL);
        return false;
    if ($db_app && !is_null($applicationid)) {
        // delete old application with same name
    if ($db_app && is_null($applicationid)) {
        // if found application with same name update them, adding not needed
        $applicationid = $db_app['applicationid'];
    if (is_null($applicationid)) {
        $applicationid_new = get_dbid('applications', 'applicationid');
        $sql = 'INSERT INTO applications (applicationid, name, hostid, templateid) ' . " VALUES ({$applicationid_new}, " . zbx_dbstr($name) . ", {$hostid}, {$templateid})";
        if ($result = DBexecute($sql)) {
            info(S_ADDED_NEW_APPLICATION . SPACE . $host['host'] . ':' . $name);
    } else {
        $old_app = get_application_by_applicationid($applicationid);
        $result = DBexecute('UPDATE applications SET name=' . zbx_dbstr($name) . ', hostid=' . $hostid . ', templateid=' . $templateid . ' WHERE applicationid=' . $applicationid);
        if ($result) {
            info(S_UPDATED_APPLICATION . SPACE . $host['host'] . ':' . $old_app['name']);
    if (!$result) {
        return $result;
    if (is_null($applicationid)) {
        // create application for childs
        $applicationid = $applicationid_new;
        $db_childs = get_hosts_by_templateid($hostid);
        while ($db_child = DBfetch($db_childs)) {
            // recursion
            $result = add_application($name, $db_child['hostid'], $applicationid);
            if (!$result) {
    } else {
        $db_applications = get_applications_by_templateid($applicationid);
        while ($db_app = DBfetch($db_applications)) {
            // recursion
            $result = update_application($db_app['applicationid'], $name, $db_app['hostid'], $applicationid);
            if (!$result) {
    if ($result) {
        return $applicationid;
    if ($templateid == 0) {
    return false;
Exemple #6

 * Observium
 *   This file is part of Observium.
 * @package    observium
 * @subpackage poller
 * @copyright  (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2016 Observium Limited
if (!empty($agent_data['app']['asterisk'])) {
    $app_id = discover_app($device, 'asterisk');
    foreach (explode("\n", $agent_data['app']['asterisk']) as $line) {
        list($key, $val) = explode(":", $line);
        $asterisk_data[trim($key)] = intval(trim($val));
    update_application($app_id, $asterisk_data);
    rrdtool_update_ng($device, 'asterisk', $asterisk_data, $app_id);
    unset($key, $line, $val, $asterisk_data, $app_id);
// EOF
Exemple #7
function db_save_application($name, $hostid, $applicationid = null, $templateid = 0)
    if (!is_string($name)) {
        error("Incorrect parameters for 'db_save_application'");
        return false;
    if (is_null($applicationid)) {
        $result = DBselect('SELECT * FROM applications WHERE name=' . zbx_dbstr($name) . ' AND hostid=' . $hostid);
    } else {
        $result = DBselect('SELECT * ' . ' FROM applications ' . ' WHERE name=' . zbx_dbstr($name) . ' AND hostid=' . $hostid . ' AND applicationid<>' . $applicationid);
    $db_app = DBfetch($result);
    if ($db_app && $templateid == 0) {
        error('Application "' . $name . '" already exists');
        return false;
    if ($db_app && $applicationid != null) {
        // delete old application with same name
    if ($db_app && $applicationid == null) {
        // if found application with same name update them, adding not needed
        $applicationid = $db_app["applicationid"];
    $host = get_host_by_hostid($hostid);
    if (is_null($applicationid)) {
        $applicationid_new = get_dbid('applications', 'applicationid');
        $sql = 'INSERT INTO applications (applicationid,name,hostid,templateid) ' . " VALUES ({$applicationid_new}," . zbx_dbstr($name) . ",{$hostid},{$templateid})";
        if ($result = DBexecute($sql)) {
            info("Added new application " . $host["host"] . ":{$name}");
    } else {
        $old_app = get_application_by_applicationid($applicationid);
        if ($result = DBexecute('UPDATE applications ' . ' SET name=' . zbx_dbstr($name) . ',hostid=' . $hostid . ',templateid=' . $templateid . ' WHERE applicationid=' . $applicationid)) {
            info("Updated application " . $host["host"] . ":" . $old_app["name"]);
    if (!$result) {
        return $result;
    if (is_null($applicationid)) {
        // create application for childs
        $applicationid = $applicationid_new;
        $db_childs = get_hosts_by_templateid($hostid);
        while ($db_child = DBfetch($db_childs)) {
            // recursion
            $result = add_application($name, $db_child["hostid"], $applicationid);
            if (!$result) {
    } else {
        $db_applications = get_applications_by_templateid($applicationid);
        while ($db_app = DBfetch($db_applications)) {
            // recursion
            $result = update_application($db_app["applicationid"], $name, $db_app["hostid"], $applicationid);
            if (!$result) {
    if ($result) {
        return $applicationid;
    if ($templateid == 0) {
    return false;
Exemple #8
 * Observium
 *   This file is part of Observium.
 * @package    observium
 * @subpackage poller
 * @copyright  (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2016 Observium Limited
if (is_array($agent_data['app']['openvpn'])) {
    foreach ($agent_data['app']['openvpn'] as $key => $entry) {
        if (substr($key, 0, 9) == 'loadstats') {
            list(, $instance) = explode('-', $key, 2);
            $loadstats[$instance] = array();
            # SUCCESS: nclients=1,bytesin=484758,bytesout=180629
            foreach (explode(',', str_replace('SUCCESS: ', '', $entry)) as $keyvalue) {
                list($key, $value) = explode('=', $keyvalue, 2);
                $loadstats[$instance][$key] = $value;
foreach ($loadstats as $instance => $data) {
    $app_id = discover_app($device, 'openvpn', $instance);
    update_application($app_id, $data);
    rrdtool_update_ng($device, 'openvpn', $data, $instance);
// EOF

 * Observium
 *   This file is part of Observium.
 * @package    observium
 * @subpackage poller
 * @copyright  (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2016 Observium Limited
if (!empty($agent_data['app']['postfix_qshape'])) {
    $app_id = discover_app($device, 'postfix_qshape');
    foreach (explode("\n", $agent_data['app']['postfix_qshape']) as $line) {
        list($item, $value) = explode(":", $line, 2);
        $queue_data[trim($item)] = trim($value);
    rrdtool_update_ng($device, 'postfix-qshape', $queue_data);
    update_application($app_id, $queue_data);
    unset($queue_data, $item, $value);
// EOF
Exemple #10

 * Observium
 *   This file is part of Observium.
 * @package    observium
 * @subpackage poller
 * @copyright  (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2016 Observium Limited
if (!empty($agent_data['app']['ntpd'])) {
    $app_id = discover_app($device, 'ntpd');
    foreach (explode("\n", $agent_data['app']['ntpd']) as $line) {
        list($item, $value) = explode(":", $line, 2);
        $ntpd_data[trim($item)] = trim($value);
    $ntpd_type = isset($ntpd_data['server']) ? "server" : "client";
    switch ($ntpd_type) {
        case 'server':
            rrdtool_update_ng($device, 'ntpd-server', $ntpd_data, $app_id);
        case 'client':
            rrdtool_update_ng($device, 'ntpd-client', $ntpd_data, $app_id);
    update_application($app_id, $ntpd_data);
    unset($ntpd_type, $app_id, $ntpd_data);
// EOF

 * Observium
 *   This file is part of Observium.
 * @package    observium
 * @subpackage poller
 * @copyright  (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2016 Observium Limited
if (!empty($agent_data['app']['postgresql'])) {
    $app_id = discover_app($device, 'postgresql');
    foreach (explode("\n", $agent_data['app']['postgresql']) as $line) {
        list($item, $value) = explode(":", $line, 2);
        $pgsql_data[trim($item)] = trim($value);
    // there are differences between stats in postgresql 8.x and 9.x
    // if $pgsql_data['version']
    rrdtool_update_ng($device, 'postgresql', $pgsql_data, $app_id);
    update_application($app_id, $pgsql_data);
    unset($app_id, $pgsql_data, $item, $value, $line);
// EOF
function update_workflow(&$application, $approved = true, $data = null)
    $approver_email = '';
    // Update the application record
    if ($application->approval_level == 0) {
        // Being submitted
        /*		$application->approval_level = 1;
        		$approver_email = $application->manager_email;
        	} else if ($application->approval_level == 1) { // Manager
        		$application->approval_1_comment = $data->comment;
        		$application->approval_1_date = time();
        		if (!$approved) {
        			$application->approval_state = 1; // Rejected
        		} else*/
        if ($application->self_funding == 0) {
            $application->approval_level = 2;
            // Funder
            $application->funding_id = $data->funding_organisation;
            if ($application->funding_id == 0) {
                // 'Other Organisation'
                $application->funding_organisation = '';
                $application->funder_email = $data->funder_email;
                // Must have been given
            } else {
                // A known organisation with a fixed email address
                $organisation = read_organisation($application->funding_id);
                $application->funding_organisation = $organisation->name;
                $application->funder_email = $organisation->email;
            $approver_email = $application->funder_email;
        } else {
            $application->approval_level = 3;
            // Brookes
            $hls = get_complete_user_data('username', 'hls');
            $approver_email = $hls->email;
    } else {
        if ($application->approval_level == 2) {
            // Funder
            $application->approval_2_comment = $data->comment;
            $application->approval_2_date = time();
            if (!$approved) {
                $application->approval_state = 1;
                // Rejected
            } else {
                $application->approval_level = 3;
                // Brookes
                // Store the funding details
                if ($application->funding_organisation != '') {
                    // NHS trust (previously selected by the manager)
                    $application->funding_method = $data->funding_method;
                    $application->funder_name = $data->funder_name;
                    if ($application->funding_method == 1) {
                        // Invoice
                        $application->invoice_ref = $data->invoice_ref;
                        $application->invoice_address = $data->invoice_address;
                        $application->invoice_email = $data->invoice_email;
                        $application->invoice_phone = $data->invoice_phone;
                        $application->invoice_contact = $data->invoice_contact;
                } else {
                    // Must be an invoice to a non-NHS organisation
                    $application->funding_method = 0;
                    $application->funding_organisation = $data->organisation;
                    $application->invoice_ref = $data->invoice_ref;
                    $application->invoice_address = $data->invoice_address;
                    $application->invoice_email = $data->invoice_email;
                    $application->invoice_phone = $data->invoice_phone;
                    $application->invoice_contact = $data->invoice_contact;
                $hls = get_complete_user_data('username', 'hls');
                $approver_email = $hls->email;
        } else {
            // Brookes
            $application->approval_3_comment = $data->comment;
            $application->approval_3_date = time();
            if (!$approved) {
                $application->approval_state = 1;
                // Rejected
            } else {
                $application->approval_state = 2;
                // It ends here
    // Update the stored approval requests and send notification emails
    update_approver($application, $approver_email);
Exemple #13
    $crashplan_data = json_decode($agent_data['app']['crashplan']['server'], TRUE);
    if (is_array($crashplan_data['data']['servers'])) {
        # [serverName] => crashplan.luciad.com
        # [totalBytes] => 16995951050752
        # [usedBytes] => 16322661449728
        # [usedPercentage] => 96
        # [freeBytes] => 673289601024
        # [freePercentage] => 4
        # [coldBytes] => 3762904182328
        # [coldPercentageOfUsed] => 23
        # [coldPercentageOfTotal] => 22
        # [archiveBytes] => 11678769817966
        # [selectedBytes] => 19313807393642
        # [remainingBytes] => 379281681813
        # [inboundBandwidth] => 53
        # [outboundBandwidth] => 67
        # [orgCount] => 1
        # [userCount] => 83
        # [computerCount] => 97
        # [onlineComputerCount] => 27
        # [backupSessionCount] => 0
        foreach ($crashplan_data['data']['servers'] as $crashplan_server) {
            $crashplan_servers[] = $crashplan_server['serverName'];
            update_application($app_id, $crashplan_data);
            rrdtool_update_ng($device, 'crashplan', array('totalBytes' => $crashplan_server['totalBytes'], 'usedBytes' => $crashplan_server['usedBytes'], 'usedPercentage' => $crashplan_server['usedPercentage'], 'freeBytes' => $crashplan_server['freeBytes'], 'freePercentage' => $crashplan_server['freePercentage'], 'coldBytes' => $crashplan_server['coldBytes'], 'coldPctOfUsed' => $crashplan_server['coldPercentageOfUsed'], 'coldPctOfTotal' => $crashplan_server['coldPercentageOfTotal'], 'archiveBytes' => $crashplan_server['archiveBytes'], 'selectedBytes' => $crashplan_server['selectedBytes'], 'remainingBytes' => $crashplan_server['remainingBytes'], 'inboundBandwidth' => $crashplan_server['inboundBandwidth'], 'outboundBandwidth' => $crashplan_server['outboundBandwidth'], 'orgCount' => $crashplan_server['orgCount'], 'userCount' => $crashplan_server['userCount'], 'computerCount' => $crashplan_server['computerCount'], 'onlineComputerCount' => $crashplan_server['onlineComputerCount'], 'backupSessionCount' => $crashplan_server['backupSessionCount']), $crashplan_server['serverName']);
        # Set list of servers as device attribute so we can use it in the web interface
        set_dev_attrib($device, 'crashplan_servers', json_encode($crashplan_servers));
// EOF
Exemple #14

 * Observium
 *   This file is part of Observium.
 * @package    observium
 * @subpackage poller
 * @copyright  (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2016 Observium Limited
if (!empty($agent_data['app']['shoutcast'])) {
    $app_id = discover_app($device, 'shoutcast');
    // Polls shoutcast statistics from agent script
    $servers = explode("\n", $agent_data['app']['shoutcast']);
    $data = array();
    foreach ($servers as $item => $server) {
        $server = trim($server);
        if (!empty($server)) {
            $data = explode(";", $server);
            list($host, $port) = explode(":", $data[0], 2);
            $stats[$data[0]] = array('bitrate' => $data[1], 'traf_in' => $data[2], 'traf_out' => $data[3], 'current' => $data[4], 'status' => $data[5], 'peak' => $data[6], 'max' => $data[7], 'unique' => $data[8]);
            rrdtool_update_ng($device, 'shoutcast', $stats[$data[0]], "{$app_id}-" . $host . "_" . $port);
    update_application($app_id, $stats);
    unset($app_id, $host, $port, $data, $servers, $server, $item);
// EOF
Exemple #15
         $API->error($API->LANG->_('There is something wrong with your torrent file'));
     // do not preform cheks on torrents
     $magnet = $torrent->magnet();
 require_once 'itgw.inc.php';
 $data = get_itunes_info($trackid, $type, $store);
 if (!$appdata && !$data) {
     $API->TPL->assign('trackid', $trackid);
 } elseif ($data) {
     $data['last_parse_itunes'] = $data;
     update_application($data, $trackid);
 if (!$appdata && $data) {
     if ($data['price'] == 'Free') {
         $paidfreeapps = $API->DB->query_row("SELECT (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT links.trackid) FROM links LEFT JOIN apps ON links.trackid=apps.trackid WHERE apps.price='Free' AND links.uploader_id={$API->account['id']}) AS free, (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT links.trackid) FROM links LEFT JOIN apps ON links.trackid=apps.trackid WHERE apps.price!='Free' AND links.uploader_id={$API->account['id']}) AS paid");
         $paid_apps = $paidfreeapps['paid'];
         $free_apps = $paidfreeapps['free'];
         if ($free_apps > $paid_apps) {
             $API->error($API->LANG->_('FREE_CONTENT_UPLOAD_ERROR', $paid_apps, $free_apps));
     $success = upload_application($data);
     if (!$success) {
         $API->error($API->LANG->_('There is an error with your upload.'));
 } elseif (!$data) {
Exemple #16
        if (!uint_in_array($db_host['groupid'], $groups)) {
        $host = get_host_by_hostid($db_host['hostid']);
        $result &= update_host_status($db_host['hostid'], $status);
        				'Old status ['.$host['status'].'] '.'New status ['.$status.']');*/
    $result = DBend($result);
    show_messages($result, S_HOST_STATUS_UPDATED, S_CANNOT_UPDATE_HOST);
if ($_REQUEST['config'] == 4 && isset($_REQUEST['save'])) {
    if (isset($_REQUEST['applicationid'])) {
        $result = update_application($_REQUEST['applicationid'], $_REQUEST['appname'], $_REQUEST['apphostid']);
        $action = AUDIT_ACTION_UPDATE;
        $msg_ok = S_APPLICATION_UPDATED;
        $msg_fail = S_CANNOT_UPDATE_APPLICATION;
        $applicationid = $_REQUEST['applicationid'];
    } else {
        $applicationid = add_application($_REQUEST['appname'], $_REQUEST['apphostid']);
        $action = AUDIT_ACTION_ADD;
        $msg_ok = S_APPLICATION_ADDED;
        $msg_fail = S_CANNOT_ADD_APPLICATION;
    $result = DBend($applicationid);
    show_messages($result, $msg_ok, $msg_fail);
    if ($result) {
        add_audit($action, AUDIT_RESOURCE_APPLICATION, S_APPLICATION . ' [' . $_REQUEST['appname'] . ' ] [' . $applicationid . ']');
Exemple #17

 * Observium
 *   This file is part of Observium.
 * @package    observium
 * @subpackage poller
 * @copyright  (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2016 Observium Limited
if (!empty($agent_data['app']['apache'])) {
    $app_id = discover_app($device, 'apache');
    list($total_access, $total_kbyte, $cpuload, $uptime, $reqpersec, $bytespersec, $bytesperreq, $busyworkers, $idleworkers, $score_wait, $score_start, $score_reading, $score_writing, $score_keepalive, $score_dns, $score_closing, $score_logging, $score_graceful, $score_idle, $score_open) = explode("\n", $agent_data['app']['apache']);
    update_application($app_id, array('access' => $total_access, 'kbyte' => $total_kbyte, 'cpu' => $cpuload, 'uptime' => $uptime, 'reqpersec' => $reqpersec, 'bytespersec' => $bytespersec, 'byesperreq' => $bytesperreq, 'busyworkers' => $busyworkers, 'idleworkers' => $idleworkers, 'sb_wait' => $score_wait, 'sb_start' => $score_start, 'sb_reading' => $score_reading, 'sb_writing' => $score_writing, 'sb_keepalive' => $score_keepalive, 'sb_dns' => $score_dns, 'sb_closing' => $score_closing, 'sb_logging' => $score_logging, 'sb_graceful' => $score_graceful, 'sb_idle' => $score_idle, 'sb_open' => $score_open));
    rrdtool_update_ng($device, 'apache', array('access' => $total_access, 'kbyte' => $total_kbyte, 'cpu' => $cpuload, 'uptime' => $uptime, 'reqpersec' => $reqpersec, 'bytespersec' => $bytespersec, 'byesperreq' => $bytesperreq, 'busyworkers' => $busyworkers, 'idleworkers' => $idleworkers, 'sb_wait' => $score_wait, 'sb_start' => $score_start, 'sb_reading' => $score_reading, 'sb_writing' => $score_writing, 'sb_keepalive' => $score_keepalive, 'sb_dns' => $score_dns, 'sb_closing' => $score_closing, 'sb_logging' => $score_logging, 'sb_graceful' => $score_graceful, 'sb_idle' => $score_idle, 'sb_open' => $score_open), $app_id);
// EOF
 * Observium
 *   This file is part of Observium.
 * @package    observium
 * @subpackage poller
 * @copyright  (C) 2006-2013 Adam Armstrong, (C) 2013-2016 Observium Limited
if (!empty($agent_data['app']['vmwaretools'])) {
    $app_id = discover_app($device, 'vmwaretools');
    // Parse the data, first try key:value format
    foreach (explode("\n", $agent_data['app']['vmwaretools']) as $line) {
        // Parse key:value line
        list($key, $value) = explode(':', $line, 2);
        $values[$key] = $value;
    rrdtool_update_ng($device, 'vmwaretools', $values, $app_id);
    update_application($app_id, $values);
    unset($values, $app_id);
// EOF
  * Update Applications
  * @param _array $applications
  * @param array $app_data['name']
  * @param array $app_data['hostid']
  * @return boolean
 public static function update($applications)
     $applications = zbx_toArray($applications);
     $applicationids = zbx_objectValues($applications, 'applicationid');
     try {
         $options = array('applicationids' => $applicationids, 'editable' => 1, 'output' => API_OUTPUT_EXTEND, 'preservekeys' => 1);
         $upd_applications = self::get($options);
         foreach ($applications as $anum => $application) {
             if (!isset($upd_applications[$application['applicationid']])) {
                 self::exception(ZBX_API_ERROR_PERMISSIONS, S_NO_PERMISSIONS);
         foreach ($applications as $anum => $application) {
             $application_db_fields = $upd_applications[$application['applicationid']];
             $host = reset($application_db_fields['hosts']);
             if (!check_db_fields($application_db_fields, $application)) {
             $result = update_application($application['applicationid'], $application['name'], $host['hostid']);
             if (!$result) {
         self::EndTransaction(true, __METHOD__);
         return array('applicationids' => $applicationids);
     } catch (APIException $e) {
         self::EndTransaction(false, __METHOD__);
         $error = $e->getErrors();
         $error = reset($error);
         self::setError(__METHOD__, $e->getCode(), $error);
         return false;
if ($application->approval_state > 0) {
    // Already finally approved or rejected?
    $message = get_string('application_unavailable', 'local_obu_application');
} else {
    $message = '';
$mform = new mdl_redirect_form(null, $parameters);
if ($mform->is_cancelled()) {
if ($mform_data = $mform->get_data()) {
    if ($mform_data->submitbutton == get_string('save', 'local_obu_application')) {
        if ($application->approval_level == 1) {
            $application->manager_email = $approver_email;
        } else {
            $application->funder_email = $approver_email;
        update_approver($application, $approver_email);
        // Update the approvals and send notification emails
echo $OUTPUT->header();
echo $OUTPUT->heading($heading);
if ($message) {
    notice($message, $url);
} else {
echo $OUTPUT->footer();
Exemple #21
$outerkeys = array("version", "api", "proto", "srcversion");
$innerkeys = array("devno", "cs", "ro", "ds", "rep", "io", 'ns', 'nr', 'dw', 'dr', 'al', 'bm', 'lo', 'pe', 'ua', 'ap', 'ep', 'wo', 'oos');
$output = array();
preg_match_all($outerregex, $agent_data['app']['drbd'] . PHP_EOL, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach ($matches as $match) {
    foreach ($outerkeys as $key) {
        $arr[$key] = $match[$key];
    preg_match_all($innerregex, $match["devices"], $innermatches, PREG_SET_ORDER);
    $arr["devices"] = array();
    foreach ($innermatches as $innermatch) {
        $tmp = array();
        foreach ($innerkeys as $key) {
            $tmp[$key] = $innermatch[$key];
        $arr["devices"][] = $tmp;
    $output = $arr;
foreach ($output['devices'] as $drbd_dev) {
    $app_instance = "drbd" . $drbd_dev['devno'];
    $app_id = discover_app($device, 'drbd', $app_instance);
    update_application($app_id, $drbd_dev);
    rrdtool_update_ng($device, 'drbd', $drbd_dev, $app_instance);
// EOF