public function post_delete() { if (Input::has('file_id')) { $fid = Input::get('file_id'); $file = CmsFile::find($fid); //CHECK IF FILE EXISTS if (!empty($file)) { $path = MEDIA_PATH($file->path); //DELETE MAIN FILE if (file_exists($path)) { unlink($path); } //LOOP ALL THUMBS AND DELETE foreach (Config::get('cms::theme.thumb') as $option) { $thumb = MEDIA_NAME($path, $option['suffix']); if (file_exists($thumb)) { unlink($thumb); } } //DELETE FROM DB $file->pages()->delete(); $file->filetexts()->delete(); $file->delete(); Notification::success(LL('cms::alert.delete_file_success', CMSLANG, array('file' => $file->name)), 1500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::file'); } else { Notification::error(LL('cms::alert.delete_file_error', CMSLANG), 2500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::file'); } } else { Notification::error(LL('cms::alert.delete_file_error', CMSLANG), 1500); return Redirect::to_action('cms::file'); } }
public function post_save_filename() { $auth = Auth::check(); if ($auth) { $input = Input::get(); //GRAB DATA if (!empty($input['file_id'])) { //GRAB DATA $file = CmsFile::find($input['file_id']); $fid = $file->id; $path = MEDIA_PATH($file->path); $name = $file->name; $ext = '.' . $file->ext; $filename = str_replace($ext, '', $name); $newname = $input['file_name']; //VALIDATION CHECK $rules = array('file_name' => 'required|alpha_dash|unique_filename:' . $file->ext . ',name'); $messages = array('required' => LL('cms::validation.required', CMSLANG)->get(), 'unique_filename' => LL('cms::validation.unique_filename', CMSLANG)->get(), 'alpha_dash' => LL('cms::validation.alpha_dash', CMSLANG)->get()); $validation = Validator::make($input, $rules, $messages); if ($validation->fails()) { return json_encode($validation->errors); } //VALIDATION OK //RENAME DB //RENAME NAME $file->name = str_replace($filename, $newname, $name); //RENAME PATH $file->path = str_replace($filename, $newname, $file->path); //RENAME THUMB $file->thumb = str_replace($filename, $newname, $file->thumb); $file->save(); //RENAME DISK //RENAME FILE if (file_exists($path)) { rename($path, str_replace($filename, $newname, $path)); } //LOOP ALL THUMBS AND RENAME foreach (Config::get('cms::theme.thumb') as $option) { $thumb = MEDIA_NAME($path, $option['suffix']); if (file_exists($thumb)) { rename($thumb, str_replace($filename, $newname, $thumb)); } } $response = 'success'; $msg = LL('cms::ajax_resp.filename_filename_success', CMSLANG)->get(); $backurl = $input['back_url']; } else { $fid = null; $response = 'error'; $msg = LL('cms::ajax_resp.filename_filename_error', CMSLANG)->get(); $backurl = '#'; } } else { $fid = null; $response = 'error'; $msg = LL('cms::ajax_resp.filename_filename_error', CMSLANG)->get(); $backurl = '#'; } $data = array('auth' => $auth, 'cls' => 'file_id', 'id' => $fid, 'response' => $response, 'message' => $msg, 'backurl' => $backurl); return json_encode($data); }