Exemple #1
  * CheckPassword does all of the password checking and
  * returns a user record object, or false if it all ends in tears.
 function CheckPassword($username, $password)
     $qry = new PgQuery("SELECT * FROM usr WHERE lower(username) = ? ", $username);
     if ($qry->Exec('BasicAuthSession', __LINE, __FILE__) && $qry->rows == 1) {
         $usr = $qry->Fetch();
         dbg_error_log("BasicAuthSession", "Name:%s, Pass:%s, File:%s", $username, $password, $usr->password);
         if (session_validate_password($password, $usr->password)) {
             return $usr;
     return false;
Exemple #2
* Authenticate against a different PostgreSQL database which contains a usr table in
* the AWL format.
* @package   awl
function auth_other_awl($username, $password)
    global $c;
    $authconn = pg_Connect($c->authenticate_hook['config']['connection']);
    if (!$authconn) {
        echo <<<EOERRMSG
  <html><head><title>Database Connection Failure</title></head><body>
  <h1>Database Error</h1>
  <h3>Could not connect to PostgreSQL database</h3>
    if (isset($c->authenticate_hook['config']['columns'])) {
        $cols = $c->authenticate_hook['config']['columns'];
    } else {
        $cols = "*";
    if (isset($c->authenticate_hook['config']['where'])) {
        $andwhere = " AND " . $c->authenticate_hook['config']['where'];
    } else {
        $andwhere = "";
    $qry = new AwlQuery("SELECT {$cols} FROM usr WHERE lower(username) = ? {$andwhere}", strtolower($username));
    if ($qry->Exec('Login', __LINE, __FILE__) && $qry->rows() == 1) {
        $usr = $qry->Fetch();
        if (session_validate_password($password, $usr->password)) {
            $qry = new AwlQuery("SELECT * FROM usr WHERE user_no = {$usr->user_no};");
            if ($qry->Exec('Login', __LINE, __FILE__) && $qry->rows() == 1) {
                $type = "UPDATE";
            } else {
                $type = "INSERT";
            $qry = new AwlQuery(sql_from_object($usr, $type, 'usr', "WHERE user_no={$usr->user_no}"));
            $qry->Exec('Login', __LINE, __FILE__);
             * We disallow login by inactive users _after_ we have updated the local copy
            if (isset($usr->active) && $usr->active == 'f') {
                return false;
            return $usr;
    return false;
Exemple #3
* Authenticate against a different PostgreSQL database which contains a usr table in
* the AWL format.
* Use this as in the following example config snippet:
* require_once('auth-functions.php');
*  $c->authenticate_hook = array(
*      'call'   => 'AuthExternalAwl',
*      'config' => array(
*           // A PgSQL database connection string for the database containing user records
*          'connection[]' => 'dbname=wrms host=otherhost port=5433 user=general',
*           // Which columns should be fetched from the database
*          'columns'    => "user_no, active, email_ok, joined, last_update AS updated, last_used, username, password, fullname, email",
*           // a WHERE clause to limit the records returned.
*          'where'    => "active AND org_code=7"
*      )
*  );
function AuthExternalAWL($username, $password)
    global $c;
    $persistent = isset($c->authenticate_hook['config']['use_persistent']) && $c->authenticate_hook['config']['use_persistent'];
    if (isset($c->authenticate_hook['config']['columns'])) {
        $cols = $c->authenticate_hook['config']['columns'];
    } else {
        $cols = '*';
    if (isset($c->authenticate_hook['config']['where'])) {
        $andwhere = ' AND ' . $c->authenticate_hook['config']['where'];
    } else {
        $andwhere = '';
    $qry = new AwlQuery('SELECT ' . $cols . ' FROM usr WHERE lower(username) = :username ' . $andwhere, array(':username' => strtolower($username)));
    $authconn = $qry->SetConnection($c->authenticate_hook['config']['connection'], $persistent ? array(PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT => true) : null);
    if (!$authconn) {
        echo <<<EOERRMSG
  <html><head><title>Database Connection Failure</title></head><body>
  <h1>Database Error</h1>
  <h3>Could not connect to PostgreSQL database</h3>
    if ($qry->Exec('Login', __LINE__, __FILE__) && $qry->rows() == 1) {
        $usr = $qry->Fetch();
        if (session_validate_password($password, $usr->password)) {
             * We disallow login by inactive users _after_ we have updated the local copy
            if (isset($usr->active) && $usr->active == 'f') {
                return false;
            $qry = new AwlQuery('SELECT * FROM dav_principal WHERE username = :username', array(':username' => $usr->username));
            if ($qry->Exec() && $qry->rows() == 1) {
                $principal = $qry->Fetch();
                return $principal;
            return $usr;
            // Somewhat optimistically
    return false;
Exemple #4
  * CheckPassword does all of the password checking and
  * returns a user record object, or false if it all ends in tears.
 function CheckPassword($username, $password)
     global $c;
     if (isset($c->authenticate_hook) && isset($c->authenticate_hook['call']) && function_exists($c->authenticate_hook['call'])) {
          * The authenticate hook needs to:
          *   - Accept a username / password
          *   - Confirm the username / password are correct
          *   - Create (or update) a 'usr' record in our database
          *   - Return the 'usr' record as an object
          *   - Return === false when authentication fails
          * It can expect that:
          *   - Configuration data will be in $c->authenticate_hook['config'], which might be an array, or whatever is needed.
         $hook_response = call_user_func($c->authenticate_hook['call'], $username, $password);
          * make the authentication hook optional: if the flag is set, ignore a return value of 'false'
         if (isset($c->authenticate_hook['optional']) && $c->authenticate_hook['optional']) {
             if ($hook_response !== false) {
                 return $hook_response;
         } else {
             return $hook_response;
     if ($usr = getUserByName($username)) {
         dbg_error_log("BasicAuth", ":CheckPassword: Name:%s, Pass:%s, File:%s, Active:%s", $username, $password, $usr->password, $usr->active ? 'Yes' : 'No');
         if ($usr->active && session_validate_password($password, $usr->password)) {
             return $usr;
     return false;
  * CheckPassword does all of the password checking and
  * returns a user record object, or false if it all ends in tears.
 function CheckPassword($username, $password)
     global $c;
     if (isset($c->login_append_domain_if_missing) && $c->login_append_domain_if_missing && !preg_match('/@/', $username)) {
         $username .= '@' . $c->domain_name;
     if (!isset($c->authenticate_hook) || !isset($c->authenticate_hook['call']) || !function_exists($c->authenticate_hook['call']) || isset($c->authenticate_hook['optional']) && $c->authenticate_hook['optional']) {
         if ($principal = new Principal('username', $username)) {
             if (isset($c->dbg['password'])) {
                 dbg_error_log("password", ":CheckPassword: Name:%s, Pass:%s, File:%s, Active:%s", $username, $password, $principal->password, $principal->user_active ? 'Yes' : 'No');
             if ($principal->user_active && session_validate_password($password, $principal->password)) {
                 return $principal;
     if (isset($c->authenticate_hook) && isset($c->authenticate_hook['call']) && function_exists($c->authenticate_hook['call'])) {
          * The authenticate hook needs to:
          *   - Accept a username / password
          *   - Confirm the username / password are correct
          *   - Create (or update) a 'usr' record in our database
          *   - Return the 'usr' record as an object
          *   - Return === false when authentication fails
          * It can expect that:
          *   - Configuration data will be in $c->authenticate_hook['config'], which might be an array, or whatever is needed.
         $principal = call_user_func($c->authenticate_hook['call'], $username, $password);
         if ($principal !== false && !$principal instanceof Principal) {
             $principal = new Principal('username', $username);
         return $principal;
     return false;
Exemple #6
 * Attempt to perform a login action.
 * This will validate the user's username and password.  If they are OK then a new
 * session id will be created and the user will be cookied with it for subsequent
 * pages.  A logged in session will be created, and the $_POST array will be cleared
 * of the username, password and submit values.  submit will also be cleared from
 * $_GET and $GLOBALS, just in case.
 * @param string $username The user's login name, or at least what they entered it as.
 * @param string $password The user's password, or at least what they entered it as.
 * @param string $authenticated If true, then authentication has already happened and the password is not checked, though the user must still exist.
 * @return boolean Whether or not the user correctly guessed a temporary password within the necessary window of opportunity.
 function Login($username, $password, $authenticated = false)
     global $c;
     $rc = false;
     dbg_error_log("Login", " Login: Attempting login for {$username}");
     if (isset($usr)) {
     /** In case someone is running with register_globals on */
      * @todo In here we will need to put code to call the auth plugin, in order to
      * ensure the 'usr' table has current valid data.  At this stage we are just
      * thinking it through... like ...
     if (!$authenticated && isset($c->authenticate_hook) && isset($c->authenticate_hook['call']) && function_exists($c->authenticate_hook['call'])) {
          * The authenticate hook needs to:
          *   - Accept a username / password
          *   - Confirm the username / password are correct
          *   - Create (or update) a 'usr' record in our database
          *   - Return the 'usr' record as an object
          *   - Return === false when authentication fails
          * It can expect that:
          *   - Configuration data will be in $c->authenticate_hook['config'], which might be an array, or whatever is needed.
         $usr = call_user_func($c->authenticate_hook['call'], $username, $password);
         if ($usr === false) {
         } else {
             $authenticated = true;
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM usr WHERE lower(username) = ? AND active";
     $qry = new AwlQuery($sql, strtolower($username));
     if (isset($usr) || $qry->Exec('Login', __LINE__, __FILE__) && $qry->rows() == 1 && ($usr = $qry->Fetch())) {
         if ($authenticated || session_validate_password($password, $usr->password) || check_temporary_passwords($password, $usr->user_no)) {
             // Now get the next session ID to create one from...
             $qry = new AwlQuery("SELECT nextval('session_session_id_seq')");
             if ($qry->Exec('Login') && $qry->rows() == 1) {
                 $seq = $qry->Fetch();
                 $session_id = $seq->nextval;
                 $session_key = md5(rand(1010101, 1999999999) . microtime());
                 // just some random s***e
                 dbg_error_log("Login", " Login: Valid username/password for {$username} ({$usr->user_no})");
                 // Set the last_used timestamp to match the previous login.
                 $qry = new AwlQuery('UPDATE usr SET last_used = (SELECT session_start FROM session WHERE session.user_no = ? ORDER BY session_id DESC LIMIT 1) WHERE user_no = ?;', $usr->user_no, $usr->user_no);
                 // And create a session
                 $sql = "INSERT INTO session (session_id, user_no, session_key) VALUES( ?, ?, ? )";
                 $qry = new AwlQuery($sql, $session_id, $usr->user_no, $session_key);
                 if ($qry->Exec('Login')) {
                     // Assign our session ID variable
                     $sid = "{$session_id};{$session_key}";
                     //  Create a cookie for the sesssion
                     setcookie('sid', $sid, 0, '/');
                     // Recognise that we have started a session now too...
                     dbg_error_log("Login", " Login: New session {$session_id} started for {$username} ({$usr->user_no})");
                     if (isset($_POST['remember']) && intval($_POST['remember']) > 0) {
                         $cookie = md5($usr->user_no) . ";";
                         $cookie .= session_salted_md5($usr->user_no . $usr->username . $usr->password);
                         $GLOBALS['lsid'] = $cookie;
                         setcookie("lsid", $cookie, time() + 86400 * 3600, "/");
                         // will expire in ten or so years
                     $this->just_logged_in = true;
                     // Unset all of the submitted values, so we don't accidentally submit an unexpected form.
                     if (function_exists('local_session_sql')) {
                         $sql = local_session_sql();
                     } else {
                         $sql = "SELECT session.*, usr.* FROM session JOIN usr USING ( user_no )";
                     $sql .= " WHERE session.session_id = ? AND (md5(session.session_start::text) = ? OR session.session_key = ?) ORDER BY session.session_start DESC LIMIT 2";
                     $qry = new AwlQuery($sql, $session_id, $session_key, $session_key);
                     if ($qry->Exec('Session') && 1 == $qry->rows()) {
                     $rc = true;
                     return $rc;
                 // else ...
                 $this->cause = 'ERR: Could not create new session.';
             } else {
                 $this->cause = 'ERR: Could not increment session sequence.';
         } else {
             $c->messages[] = i18n('Invalid username or password.');
             if (isset($c->dbg['Login']) || isset($c->dbg['ALL'])) {
                 $this->cause = 'WARN: Invalid password.';
             } else {
                 $this->cause = 'WARN: Invalid username or password.';
     } else {
         $c->messages[] = i18n('Invalid username or password.');
         if (isset($c->dbg['Login']) || isset($c->dbg['ALL'])) {
             $this->cause = 'WARN: Invalid username.';
         } else {
             $this->cause = 'WARN: Invalid username or password.';
     $this->Log("Login failure: {$this->cause}");
     $this->login_failed = true;
     $rc = false;
     return $rc;