Exemple #1
  * This method composes the form and returns the output
  * @return string Output of the form
 public function execute()
     // Fetch the model needed for this form. We will need it because authorization can depend on the model itself
     if ($this->id) {
         $factory = One_Repository::getFactory($this->scheme->getName());
         $model = $factory->selectOne($this->id);
     } else {
         $model = One::make($this->scheme->getName());
     if (is_null($model)) {
         throw new One_Exception('Could not generate a form for scheme "' . $this->scheme->getName() . '" with id ' . $this->id);
     $this->authorize($this->scheme->getName(), $model->id);
     $session = One_Repository::getSession();
     $formFile = $this->getVariable('formFile', 'form');
     $form = One_Form_Factory::createForm($this->scheme, $formFile, $this->getVariable('lang'), 'oneForm', '');
     // Create a DOM and render the form in it
     $dom = One_Repository::createDom();
     $form->render($model, $dom);
     //    print_r($dom);
     $this->view->set('scheme', $this->scheme);
     $this->view->set('form', $form);
     $this->view->set('dom', $dom);
     $this->view->set('errors', $session->get('errors', 'OneFormErrors'));
     $vForm = $this->view->show();
     $session->remove('errors', 'OneFormErrors');
     $session->remove('posted', 'OneFormErrors');
     return $vForm;
Exemple #2
 public function testMultipleSingletons()
     $instance_one = One::getInstance();
     $instance_two = Two::getInstance();
     $this->assertInstanceOf("oscarpalmer\\Mordin\\Singleton", $instance_one);
     $this->assertInstanceOf("oscarpalmer\\Mordin\\Singleton", $instance_two);
     $this->assertNotSame($instance_one, $instance_two);
Exemple #3
  * Convert an array to an instance of the specified scheme
  * @param One_Scheme $scheme
  * @param array $row
  * @return One_Model
 private function &arrayToInstance(&$scheme, &$row)
     // check the scheme cache
     $idAttribute = $scheme->getIdentityAttribute();
     $id = $row[$idAttribute->getName()];
     $cached = One_Model_IdentityMap::find($scheme->getName(), $id);
     if ($cached) {
         return $cached;
     // not found : create a new instance
     // @TODO: use a specific class specified in the scheme
     $model = One::make($scheme->getName());
     // fire afterLoad event for model
     return $model;
Exemple #4
  * This method renders the search form and if needed fetches and show the search results
  * @see plugins/system/one/lib/action/One_Controller_Action#execute()
 public function execute()
     $this->authorize($this->scheme, $model->id);
     $results = NULL;
     $model = One::make($this->scheme->getName());
     $cx = new One_Context();
     $session = One_Repository::getSession();
     if (!is_null($cx->get('doSearch'))) {
         $session->remove('usedSearchOptions', 'one_search');
         $results = $this->performSearch();
         $session->set('usedSearchOptions', $this->options, 'one_search');
     } else {
         if (!is_null($cx->get('doWeightSearch'))) {
             $session->remove('usedSearchOptions', 'one_search');
             $results = $this->performWeightSearch();
             $session->set('usedSearchOptions', $this->options, 'one_search');
         } else {
             if (isset($this->options['savedSearch'])) {
                 if ($session->varExists('usedSearchOptions', 'one_search')) {
                     $this->options = $session->get('usedSearchOptions', 'one_search');
                     if (isset($this->options['doSearch'])) {
                         $results = $this->performSearch();
                     } else {
                         if (isset($this->options['doWeightSearch'])) {
                             $results = $this->performWeightSearch();
             } else {
                 $session->remove('usedSearchOptions', 'one_search');
                 $session->remove('results', 'one_search');
     $dom = One_Repository::createDom();
     $this->view->set('scheme', $this->scheme);
     $this->view->set('formfile', $this->searchform);
     $this->view->set('results', $results);
     $vForm = $this->view->show();
     return $vForm;
Exemple #5
  * Bind the model to the widget
  * @param One_Model $model
 public function bindModel($model)
     $value = $this->requestValue();
     // bad name
     preg_match_all('/([^:]+):([^,]+),?/', $value, $matches);
     $parts = explode(':', $this->getCfg('role'), 2);
     $targetAttr = $this->getCfg('targetAttribute');
     $tScheme = One_Repository::getScheme($model->getScheme()->getLink($parts[1])->getTarget());
     $tIdAttr = $tScheme->getIdentityAttribute()->getName();
     $value = array();
     if (0 < count($matches[0])) {
         foreach ($matches[0] as $key => $tmp) {
             $usedKey = $matches[1][$key];
             $usedValue = $matches[2][$key];
             if (null === One_Repository::selectOne($tScheme->getName(), $usedKey)) {
                 $tModel = One::make($tScheme->getName());
                 $tModel->{$targetAttr} = $usedValue;
                 $usedKey = $tModel->{$tIdAttr};
             $value[$usedKey] = $usedKey;
     if (is_null($value)) {
         $value = array();
     // if == NULL, set to 0, because NULL won't be picked up by $model->__modified
     $attributeName = $this->_name;
     // When the attributeName starts with 'r__', we're not saving an attribute but a relation
     if (preg_match('/^r__(.*)_(((?!._).)*)$/iU', $attributeName, $tmp)) {
         $relName = $tmp[1];
         $relRole = $tmp[2];
         $relValue = $value;
         $model->setRelated($relRole, $relValue);
     } else {
         $model->{$attributeName} = $value;
  Answer: <input type=text name=answer> <p>
  <input type=submit name=submit value=Proceed>
  <input type=submit name=reset value=Reset>
    function reset()
        global $_REQUEST;
        return $_REQUEST["reset"];
class MyState extends State
    var $message, $n1, $n2, $m1, $m2;
    function MyState($message, $n1, $n2, $m1, $m2)
        $this->message = $message;
        $this->n1 = $n1;
        $this->n2 = $n2;
        $this->m1 = $m1;
        $this->m2 = $m2;
    function isEmpty()
        return !$this->message;
$one = new One();
Exemple #7
  * Convert an array to an instance of the specified scheme
  * @param One_Scheme $scheme
  * @param array $row
  * @return One_Model
 protected function arrayToInstance(One_Scheme $scheme, $row)
     // check the scheme cache
     $idAttribute = $scheme->getIdentityAttribute();
     $id = $row[$idAttribute->getName()];
     $cached = One_Model_IdentityMap::find($scheme->getName(), $id);
     if ($cached) {
         return $cached;
     // not found : create a new instance
     //TODO: use a specific class specified in the scheme
     $model = One::make($scheme->getName());
     // PD17OCT08: for optimal performance, raw-store the data row entirely
     // fire afterLoad event for model
     return $model;
Exemple #8
  * @param One_Scheme $scheme
  * POST schemename
  * Create a new instance
 public static function restPost($scheme)
     try {
         // retrieve input data from body (a JSON encoded structure)
         $request = $this->slim->request();
         $body = $request->getBody();
         $input = json_decode($body, true);
         // instantiate and fill the model
         $model = One::make($scheme->getName());
         echo self::toPrettyJson($model->asRestResponse());
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->slim->response()->header('X-Status-Reason', $e->getMessage());
Exemple #9
  * Clear the query cache
 public static function clear_cache($table_name = null, $connection_name = self::DEFAULT_CONNECTION)
     self::$_query_cache = [];
     if (isset(self::$_config[$connection_name]['clear_cache']) && is_callable(self::$_config[$connection_name]['clear_cache'])) {
         return call_user_func_array(self::$_config[$connection_name]['clear_cache'], array($table_name, $connection_name));
Exemple #10
  * Return an empty instance of this model
  * @return One_Model
 public function getInstance()
     return One::make($this->scheme->getName());
Exemple #11
        $this->d = $letters_4;
    public function printEverthing()
        echo $this->a . "," . $this->b . "," . $this->c . "," . $this->d;
class Three extends Two
    public $e;
    public $f;
    function __construct($letters_1, $letters_2, $letters_3, $letters_4, $letters_5, $letters_6)
        $this->a = $letters_1;
        $this->b = $letters_2;
        $this->c = $letters_3;
        $this->d = $letters_4;
        $this->e = $letters_5;
        $this->f = $letters_6;
    public function printEverthing()
        echo $this->a . "," . $this->b . "," . $this->c . "," . $this->d . "," . $this->e . "," . $this->f;
$object1 = new One("dog", "cat" . PHP_EOL);
$object2 = new Two("horse", "pig", "squirrel", "monkey" . PHP_EOL);
$object3 = new Three("woodchuck", "mole", "giraffe", "shark", "deer", "robin");
Exemple #12
  * Validate whether the form has been submitted correctly
  * @param boolean $root
  * @param One_Form_Container_Abstract $container
  * @return boolean
 public function validate($root = true, $container = NULL)
     $checksOut = true;
     $oc = new One_Context();
     $scheme = $oc->get('scheme');
     $schemes = One::meta('schemes');
     if (in_array($scheme, $schemes)) {
         $scheme = One_Repository::getScheme($scheme);
         $use = $root ? $this : $container;
         foreach ($use->getContent() as $widget) {
             if ($widget instanceof One_Form_Widget_Abstract) {
                 $attr = $scheme->getAttribute($widget->getName());
                 if ($attr instanceof One_Scheme_Attribute) {
                     $type = strtolower(str_replace('One_Scheme_Attribute_Type', '', get_class($attr->getType())));
                     $widget->setCfg('type', $type);
                 if (!$widget->validate()) {
                     $checksOut = false;
                     $this->_errors[$widget->getName()]['error'] = $widget->getErrors();
                     $this->_errors[$widget->getName()]['label'] = $widget->getLabel();
             } else {
                 if ($widget instanceof One_Form_Container_Abstract) {
                     if (!self::validate(false, $widget)) {
                         $checksOut = false;
         return $checksOut;
     } else {
         return false;
Exemple #13

trait Simple
    public function className()
        return __CLASS__ . "<br>";
class One
    use Simple;
class Two
    use Simple;
$one = new One();
echo $one->className();
$two = new Two();
echo $two->className();
Exemple #14
  * Gets an instance of a scheme according to a path
  * @param string $path
  * @return One_Model
 public function get($path)
     $parts = explode('.', trim(strtolower($path)));
     return One::make($parts[0]);
Exemple #15
 public static function fetchAllRoutings()
     if (!self::$_schemesFetched) {
         $schemeNames = One::meta('schemes');
         foreach ($schemeNames as $schemeName) {
         self::$_schemesFetched = true;
Exemple #16
 public function getScheme($schemeName)
     return One::meta("schemes/{$schemeName}");
Exemple #17
  * This method validates a submitted form and returns to the proper page according to whether the submission
  * contained errors or whether the form was saved or applied
 public function execute()
     $session = One_Repository::getSession();
     $isNew = false;
     if ($this->id) {
         // update existing
         $factory = One_Repository::getFactory($this->scheme->getName());
         $model = $factory->selectOne($this->id);
         if (is_null($model) && !$factory->getScheme()->getIdentityAttribute()->isAutoInc()) {
             $model = One::make($this->scheme->getName());
             $isNew = true;
     } else {
         $model = One::make($this->scheme->getName());
     $idAttrName = $model->getScheme()->getIdentityAttribute()->getName();
     $this->authorize($this->scheme->getName(), $model->{$idAttrName});
     $formFile = $this->getVariable('formFile', 'form');
     $form = One_Form_Factory::createForm($this->scheme, $formFile, $this->getVariable('lang'), 'oneForm', '');
     $flow = One_Controller_Flow::getInstance($this->scheme)->getRedirects();
     $noErrors = $form->validate();
     if ($noErrors || is_array($noErrors) && count($noErrors) == 0) {
         if ($this->id && !$isNew) {
             $id = $this->id;
         } else {
             $idAttr = $this->scheme->getIdentityAttribute()->getName();
             $id = $model->{$idAttr};
         $this->model = $model;
         // handle redirects
         // @TODO this code can use some cleanup
         $redirects = array_merge($flow, $form->getRedirects());
         $todo = is_null($this->getVariable('action')) ? $this->getVariable('task') : $this->getVariable('action');
         if (isset($this->options['flow'])) {
             $todo = $this->options['flow'];
         $redirect = $redirects['default'];
         if (isset($redirects[$todo])) {
             $redirect = $redirects[$todo];
         if (isset($redirect['id']) && strtoupper(trim($redirect['id'])) == '::ID::') {
             $redirect['id'] = $model->{$idAttrName};
         $redirect = $this->replaceOtherVariables($redirect);
     } else {
         $errors = base64_encode(serialize($form->getErrors()));
         $session->set('executedReturn', $model, 'executedForm');
         $session->set('errors', $form->getErrors(), 'OneFormErrors');
         $session->set('posted', $_REQUEST, 'OneFormErrors');
         $id = $this->id;
         $toView = 'edit';
         if (!is_null($this->getVariable('returnToOne'))) {
             parse_str(base64_decode($this->getVariable('returnToOne')), $returnVals);
         } else {
             $redirects = array_merge($flow, $form->getRedirects());
             $todo = 'default';
             if (isset($this->options['flowerror'])) {
                 $todo = $this->options['flowerror'];
             } elseif (isset($redirects['formerror'])) {
                 $todo = 'formerror';
             $redirect = $redirects[$todo];
             if (isset($redirect['id']) && strtoupper(trim($redirect['id'])) == '::ID::') {
                 $redirect['id'] = $model->{$idAttrName};
             $redirect = $this->replaceOtherVariables($redirect);
         return false;
        echo "{$var} Students";
// Student = new Student();
// echo $student->total_students;
echo Student::$total_students . "<br/>";
echo Student::welcome_students() . "<br/>";
echo Student::welcome_students("Greetings") . "<br/>";
Student::$total_students = 1;
echo Student::$total_students . "<br/>";
// static variables are shared throughout the inheritance tree
class One
    static $foo;
class Two extends One
class Three extends Two
One::$foo = 1;
Two::$foo = 2;
Three::$foo = 3;
echo One::$foo;
// 3
echo Two::$foo;
echo Three::$foo;
Exemple #19
  * Hydrate this model instance with an associative array of data.
  * WARNING: The keys in the array MUST match with columns in the
  * corresponding database table. If any keys are supplied which
  * do not match up with columns, the database will throw an error.
  * @param  Array $data
  * @return void
 public function hydrate($data)