function edit() { $aItem = $this->data; $flash_error = ''; // Sanitize foreach(@$aItem['title'] as $key=>$value) { $aItem['title'][$key] = strip_tags( trim ( $value ) ); } $aItem['price'] = !is_null($aItem['price']) ? strip_tags( trim( $aItem['price'] ) ) : $aItem['price']; $aItem['cityArea'] = osc_sanitize_name( strip_tags( trim( $aItem['cityArea'] ) ) ); $aItem['address'] = osc_sanitize_name( strip_tags( trim( $aItem['address'] ) ) ); // Validate if ( !$this->checkAllowedExt($aItem['photos']) ) { $flash_error .= _m("Image with an incorrect extension.") . PHP_EOL; } if ( !$this->checkSize($aItem['photos']) ) { $flash_error .= _m("Image is too big. Max. size") . osc_max_size_kb() . " Kb" . PHP_EOL; } $title_message = ''; $td_message = ''; foreach(@$aItem['title'] as $key => $value) { if( osc_validate_text($value, 1) && osc_validate_max($value, osc_max_characters_per_title()) ) { $td_message = ''; break; } $td_message .= (!osc_validate_text($value, 1) ? _m("Title too short.") . PHP_EOL : '' ) . (!osc_validate_max($value, osc_max_characters_per_title()) ? _m("Title too long.") . PHP_EOL : '' ); } $flash_error .= $td_message; $desc_message = ''; foreach(@$aItem['description'] as $key => $value) { if( osc_validate_text($value, 3) && osc_validate_max($value, osc_max_characters_per_description()) ) { $desc_message = ''; break; } $desc_message .= (!osc_validate_text($value, 3) ? _m("Description too short.") . PHP_EOL : '' ) . (!osc_validate_max($value, osc_max_characters_per_description()) ? _m("Description too long."). PHP_EOL : '' ); } $flash_error .= $desc_message; $flash_error .= ((!osc_validate_category($aItem['catId'])) ? _m("Category invalid.") . PHP_EOL : '' ) . ((!osc_validate_number($aItem['price'])) ? _m("Price must be a number.") . PHP_EOL : '' ) . ((!osc_validate_max(number_format($aItem['price'],0,'',''), 15)) ? _m("Price too long.") . PHP_EOL : '' ) . ((!is_null($aItem['price']) && (int)$aItem['price']<0 ) ? _m('Price must be positive number.') . PHP_EOL : '' ) . ((!osc_validate_text($aItem['countryName'], 3, false)) ? _m("Country too short.") . PHP_EOL : '' ) . ((!osc_validate_max($aItem['countryName'], 50)) ? _m("Country too long.") . PHP_EOL : '' ) . ((!osc_validate_text($aItem['regionName'], 2, false)) ? _m("Region too short.") . PHP_EOL : '' ) . ((!osc_validate_max($aItem['regionName'], 50)) ? _m("Region too long.") . PHP_EOL : '' ) . ((!osc_validate_text($aItem['cityName'], 2, false)) ? _m("City too short.") . PHP_EOL : '' ) . ((!osc_validate_max($aItem['cityName'], 50)) ? _m("City too long.") . PHP_EOL : '' ) . ((!osc_validate_text($aItem['cityArea'], 3, false)) ? _m("Municipality too short.") . PHP_EOL : '' ) . ((!osc_validate_max($aItem['cityArea'], 50)) ? _m("Municipality too long.") . PHP_EOL : '' ) . ((!osc_validate_text($aItem['address'], 3, false))? _m("Address too short.") . PHP_EOL : '' ) . ((!osc_validate_max($aItem['address'], 100)) ? _m("Address too long.") . PHP_EOL : '' ); $_meta = Field::newInstance()->findByCategory($aItem['catId']); $meta = Params::getParam("meta"); foreach($_meta as $_m) { $meta[$_m['pk_i_id']] = (isset($meta[$_m['pk_i_id']]))?$meta[$_m['pk_i_id']]:''; } if($meta!='' && count($meta)>0) { $mField = Field::newInstance(); foreach($meta as $k => $v) { if($v=='') { $field = $mField->findByPrimaryKey($k); if($field['b_required']==1) { $flash_error .= sprintf(_m("%s field is required."), $field['s_name']) . PHP_EOL; } } } }; // hook pre add or edit // DEPRECATED : preitem_psot will be removed in 3.4 osc_run_hook('pre_item_post'); osc_run_hook('pre_item_edit', $aItem); // Handle error if ($flash_error) { $success = $flash_error; } else { $location = array( 'fk_c_country_code' => $aItem['countryId'], 's_country' => $aItem['countryName'], 'fk_i_region_id' => $aItem['regionId'], 's_region' => $aItem['regionName'], 'fk_i_city_id' => $aItem['cityId'], 's_city' => $aItem['cityName'], 's_city_area' => $aItem['cityArea'], 's_address' => $aItem['address'], 'd_coord_lat' => $aItem['d_coord_lat'], 'd_coord_long' => $aItem['d_coord_long'], 's_zip' => $aItem['s_zip'] ); $locationManager = ItemLocation::newInstance(); $old_item_location = $locationManager->findByPrimaryKey($aItem['idItem']); $locationManager->update( $location, array( 'fk_i_item_id' => $aItem['idItem'] ) ); $old_item = $this->manager->findByPrimaryKey( $aItem['idItem'] ); if($aItem['userId'] != '') { $user = User::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey( $aItem['userId'] ); $aItem['userId'] = $aItem['userId']; $aItem['contactName'] = $user['s_name']; $aItem['contactEmail'] = $user['s_email']; } else { $aItem['userId'] = NULL; } if($aItem['price']!='') { $aItem['currency'] = $aItem['currency']; } else { $aItem['currency'] = NULL; } $aUpdate = array( 'dt_mod_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s') ,'fk_i_category_id' => $aItem['catId'] ,'i_price' => $aItem['price'] ,'fk_c_currency_code' => $aItem['currency'] ,'b_show_email' => $aItem['showEmail'] ); // only can change the user if you're an admin if( $this->is_admin ) { $aUpdate['fk_i_user_id'] = $aItem['userId']; $aUpdate['s_contact_name'] = $aItem['contactName']; $aUpdate['s_contact_email'] = $aItem['contactEmail']; } else { $aUpdate['s_ip'] = $aItem['s_ip']; } $result = $this->manager->update( $aUpdate, array('pk_i_id' => $aItem['idItem'], 's_secret' => $aItem['secret'] ) ); // UPDATE title and description locales $this->insertItemLocales( 'EDIT', $aItem['title'], $aItem['description'], $aItem['idItem'] ); // UPLOAD item resources $this->uploadItemResources( $aItem['photos'], $aItem['idItem'] ); Log::newInstance()->insertLog('item', 'edit', $aItem['idItem'], current(array_values($aItem['title'])), $this->is_admin?'admin':'user', $this->is_admin?osc_logged_admin_id():osc_logged_user_id()); /** * META FIELDS */ if($meta!='' && count($meta)>0) { $mField = Field::newInstance(); foreach($meta as $k => $v) { // if dateinterval if( is_array($v) && !isset($v['from']) && !isset($v['to']) ) { $v = implode(',', $v); } $mField->replace($aItem['idItem'], $k, $v); } } $oldIsExpired = osc_isExpired($old_item['dt_expiration']); $dt_expiration = Item::newInstance()->updateExpirationDate($aItem['idItem'], $aItem['dt_expiration'], false); if($dt_expiration===false) { $dt_expiration = $old_item['dt_expiration']; $aItem['dt_expiration'] = $old_item['dt_expiration']; } $newIsExpired = osc_isExpired($dt_expiration); // Recalculate stats related with items $this->_updateStats($result, $old_item, $oldIsExpired, $old_item_location, $aItem, $newIsExpired, $location); unset($old_item); // THIS HOOK IS FINE, YAY! osc_run_hook('edited_item', Item::newInstance()->findByPrimaryKey($aItem['idItem'])); $success = $result; } return $success; }
function edit() { $aItem = $this->data; $flash_error = ''; // Initiate HTML Purifier require_once LIB_PATH . 'htmlpurifier/'; $config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault(); $config->set('HTML.Allowed', 'b,strong,i,em,u,a[href|title],ul,ol,li,p[style],br,span[style]'); $config->set('CSS.AllowedProperties', 'font,font-size,font-weight,font-style,font-family,text-decoration,padding-left,color,background-color,text-align'); $config->set('Cache.SerializerPath', ABS_PATH . 'oc-content/uploads'); $purifier = new HTMLPurifier($config); // Sanitize foreach (@$aItem['title'] as $key => $value) { $aItem['title'][$key] = strip_tags(trim($value)); } foreach (@$aItem['description'] as $key => $value) { $aItem['description'][$key] = $purifier->purify($value); } $aItem['price'] = !is_null($aItem['price']) ? strip_tags(trim($aItem['price'])) : $aItem['price']; $aItem['cityArea'] = osc_sanitize_name(strip_tags(trim($aItem['cityArea']))); $aItem['address'] = osc_sanitize_name(strip_tags(trim($aItem['address']))); // Validate if (!$this->checkAllowedExt($aItem['photos'])) { $flash_error .= _m("Image with incorrect extension.") . PHP_EOL; } if (!$this->checkSize($aItem['photos'])) { $flash_error .= _m("Images too big. Max. size ") . osc_max_size_kb() . " Kb" . PHP_EOL; } $title_message = ''; $td_message = ''; foreach (@$aItem['title'] as $key => $value) { if (osc_validate_text($value, 1) && osc_validate_max($value, 100)) { $td_message = ''; break; } $td_message .= (!osc_validate_text($value, 1) ? _m("Title too short.") . PHP_EOL : '') . (!osc_validate_max($value, 100) ? _m("Title too long.") . PHP_EOL : ''); } $flash_error .= $td_message; $desc_message = ''; foreach (@$aItem['description'] as $key => $value) { if (osc_validate_text($value, 3) && osc_validate_max($value, 5000)) { $desc_message = ''; break; } $desc_message .= (!osc_validate_text($value, 3) ? _m("Description too short.") . PHP_EOL : '') . (!osc_validate_max($value, 5000) ? _m("Description too long.") . PHP_EOL : ''); } $flash_error .= $desc_message; $flash_error .= (!osc_validate_category($aItem['catId']) ? _m("Category invalid.") . PHP_EOL : '') . (!osc_validate_number($aItem['price']) ? _m("Price must be number.") . PHP_EOL : '') . (!osc_validate_max($aItem['price'], 15) ? _m("Price too long.") . PHP_EOL : '') . (!osc_validate_text($aItem['countryName'], 3, false) ? _m("Country too short.") . PHP_EOL : '') . (!osc_validate_max($aItem['countryName'], 50) ? _m("Country too long.") . PHP_EOL : '') . (!osc_validate_text($aItem['regionName'], 3, false) ? _m("Region too short.") . PHP_EOL : '') . (!osc_validate_max($aItem['regionName'], 50) ? _m("Region too long.") . PHP_EOL : '') . (!osc_validate_text($aItem['cityName'], 3, false) ? _m("City too short.") . PHP_EOL : '') . (!osc_validate_max($aItem['cityName'], 50) ? _m("City too long.") . PHP_EOL : '') . (!osc_validate_text($aItem['cityArea'], 3, false) ? _m("Municipality too short.") . PHP_EOL : '') . (!osc_validate_max($aItem['cityArea'], 50) ? _m("Municipality too long.") . PHP_EOL : '') . (!osc_validate_text($aItem['address'], 3, false) ? _m("Address too short.") . PHP_EOL : '') . (!osc_validate_max($aItem['address'], 100) ? _m("Address too long.") . PHP_EOL : ''); $meta = Params::getParam("meta"); if ($meta != '' && count($meta) > 0) { $mField = Field::newInstance(); foreach ($meta as $k => $v) { if ($v == '') { $field = $mField->findByPrimaryKey($k); if ($field['b_required'] == 1) { $flash_error .= sprintf(_m("%s field is required."), $field['s_name']); } } } } // hook pre add or edit osc_run_hook('pre_item_post'); // Handle error if ($flash_error) { return $flash_error; } else { $location = array('fk_c_country_code' => $aItem['countryId'], 's_country' => $aItem['countryName'], 'fk_i_region_id' => $aItem['regionId'], 's_region' => $aItem['regionName'], 'fk_i_city_id' => $aItem['cityId'], 's_city' => $aItem['cityName'], 's_city_area' => $aItem['cityArea'], 's_address' => $aItem['address']); $locationManager = ItemLocation::newInstance(); $locationManager->update($location, array('fk_i_item_id' => $aItem['idItem'])); // Update category numbers $old_item = $this->manager->findByPrimaryKey($aItem['idItem']); if ($old_item['fk_i_category_id'] != $aItem['catId']) { CategoryStats::newInstance()->increaseNumItems($aItem['catId']); CategoryStats::newInstance()->decreaseNumItems($old_item['fk_i_category_id']); } unset($old_item); $result = $this->manager->update(array('dt_mod_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'fk_i_category_id' => $aItem['catId'], 'i_price' => $aItem['price'], 'fk_c_currency_code' => $aItem['currency']), array('pk_i_id' => $aItem['idItem'], 's_secret' => $aItem['secret'])); // UPDATE title and description locales $this->insertItemLocales('EDIT', $aItem['title'], $aItem['description'], $aItem['idItem']); // UPLOAD item resources $this->uploadItemResources($aItem['photos'], $aItem['idItem']); Log::newInstance()->insertLog('item', 'edit', $aItem['idItem'], current(array_values($aItem['title'])), $this->is_admin ? 'admin' : 'user', $this->is_admin ? osc_logged_admin_id() : osc_logged_user_id()); /** * META FIELDS */ if ($meta != '' && count($meta) > 0) { $mField = Field::newInstance(); foreach ($meta as $k => $v) { $mField->replace($aItem['idItem'], $k, $v); } } osc_run_hook('item_edit_post', $aItem['catId'], $aItem['idItem']); return 1; } return 0; }