html_tbl_print_header(lang_get('policy_id')); html_tbl_print_header(lang_get('claim_id')); print "</tr>" . NEWLINE; foreach ($rows_failed_verifications as $row_failed_verification) { $row_style = html_tbl_alternate_bgcolor($row_style); print "<tr class='{$row_style}'>" . NEWLINE; print "<td><a href='{$show_verifications_page}?test_run_id=" . $row_failed_verification[VERIFY_RESULTS_TS_UNIQUE_RUN_ID] . "&release_id={$release_id}&build_id={$build_id}&testset_id={$testset_id}'>" . $row_failed_verification[VERIFY_RESULTS_TS_UNIQUE_RUN_ID] . "</a></td>" . NEWLINE; print "<td>" . $row_failed_verification[TEST_RESULTS_TEST_SUITE] . "</td>" . NEWLINE; print "<td>" . $row_failed_verification[VERIFY_RESULTS_ACTION] . "</td>" . NEWLINE; print "<td>" . $row_failed_verification[VERIFY_RESULTS_EXPECTED_RESULT] . "</td>" . NEWLINE; print "<td>" . $row_failed_verification[VERIFY_RESULTS_ACTUAL_RESULT] . "</td>" . NEWLINE; print results_verfication_status_icon($row_failed_verification[VERIFY_RESULTS_TEST_STATUS]); if ($row_failed_verification[VERIFY_RESULTS_DEFECT_ID] != 0) { $defect_id = util_pad_id($row_failed_verification[VERIFY_RESULTS_DEFECT_ID]); print "<td><a href='" . VIEW_BUG_URL . "?defect_id={$defect_id}&id={$defect_id}'>{$defect_id}</a></td>" . NEWLINE; print "<td>" . bug_get_field_value($defect_id, BUG_STATUS) . "</td>" . NEWLINE; } else { print "<td></td>" . NEWLINE; print "<td></td>" . NEWLINE; } //print"<td>". bug_get_field_value( $defect_id, BUG_STATUS ) ."</td>". NEWLINE; print "<td>" . $row_failed_verification[VERIFY_RESULTS_TIMESTAMP] . "</td>" . NEWLINE; print "<td>" . $row_failed_verification[TEST_RESULTS_OS] . "</td>" . NEWLINE; print "<td>" . $row_failed_verification[VERIFY_RESULTS_WINDOW] . "</td>" . NEWLINE; print "<td>" . $row_failed_verification[VERIFY_RESULTS_OBJ] . "</td>" . NEWLINE; print "<td>" . $row_failed_verification[VERIFY_RESULTS_SHOW_CUSTOM_1] . "</td>" . NEWLINE; print "<td>" . $row_failed_verification[VERIFY_RESULTS_SHOW_CUSTOM_2] . "</td>" . NEWLINE; print "</tr>" . NEWLINE; } print "</table>" . NEWLINE; print "</form>" . NEWLINE;
function bug_email_collect_recipients($bug_id, $notify_type) { global $db; $receive_own_email = BUG_EMAIL_ON_OWN_ACTIONS; $recipients = ""; $recipient_ids = array(); $user_ids = array(); # Get the current project and user ids $project_id = bug_get_field_value($bug_id, BUG_PROJECT_ID); $s_user_properties = session_get_user_properties(); $user_id = $s_user_properties['user_id']; $monitor_tbl = BUG_MONITOR_TBL; $f_monitor_user_id = BUG_MONITOR_USER_ID; $f_monitor_bug_id = BUG_MONITOR_BUG_ID; $proj_user_tbl = PROJECT_USER_ASSOC_TBL; $f_proj_user_id = PROJ_USER_USER_ID; $f_proj_user_proj_id = PROJ_USER_PROJ_ID; # Get user_ids for the bug $q = "\tSELECT DISTINCT {$f_monitor_user_id}\n\t\t\tFROM {$monitor_tbl}\n\t\t\tWHERE {$f_monitor_bug_id} = {$bug_id}"; $rs = db_query($db, $q); while ($row = db_fetch_row($db, $rs)) { # check to see if we should add the user performing the action to the list of recipients if ($row[BUG_MONITOR_USER_ID] == $user_id && !$receive_own_email) { continue; } else { $user_ids[] = $row[BUG_MONITOR_USER_ID]; } } # Loop through each user_id and find out if the user wants to receive email for the action ($notify_type) foreach ($user_ids as $id) { switch ($notify_type) { case "update_status": $f_email_field = PROJ_USER_EMAIL_STATUS_BUG; break; case "add_bugnote": $f_email_field = PROJ_USER_EMAIL_BUGNOTE_BUG; break; case "assign_bug": $f_email_field = PROJ_USER_EMAIL_ASSIGNED_BUG; break; case "update_bug": $f_email_field = PROJ_USER_EMAIL_UPDATE_BUG; break; } # Find out if the user wants email for the specified action $q_assoc = "SELECT {$f_email_field}\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM {$proj_user_tbl}\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE {$f_proj_user_proj_id} = '{$project_id}'\n\t\t\t\t\tAND {$f_proj_user_id} = '{$id}'"; $rs_assoc = db_query($db, $q_assoc); while ($row_assoc = db_fetch_row($db, $rs_assoc)) { # If the project_user_assoc preference is Yes, add the user to the list of recipients if ($row_assoc[$f_email_field] == 'Y') { $recipient_ids[] = $id; } } } $recipients = user_get_email_by_user_id($recipient_ids); return $recipients; }