<?php require_once realpath(dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'indexer.php'); use nzedb\ReleaseSearch; use nzedb\db\DB; if (!isset($argv[1]) || !in_array($argv[1], ['sphinx', 'standard'])) { exit('Argument1 (required) is the method of search you would like to optimize for. Choices are sphinx or standard.' . PHP_EOL . 'Argument2 (optional) is the storage engine and row_format you would like the release_search_data table to use. If not entered it will be left default.' . PHP_EOL . 'Choices are (c|d)(myisam|innodb) (Compressed|Dynamic)(MyISAM|InnoDB) entered like dinnodb. This argument has no effect if optimizinf for Sphinx.' . PHP_EOL . 'Please stop all processing scripts before running this script.' . PHP_EOL); } switch ($argv[1]) { case 'sphinx': if (nZEDb_RELEASE_SEARCH_TYPE == ReleaseSearch::SPHINX) { optimizeForSphinx(new DB()); } else { echo PHP_EOL . $pdo->log->error('Error, nZEDb_RELEASE_SEARCH_TYPE in www/settings.php must be set to SPHINX to optimize for Sphinx!' . PHP_EOL); } break; case 'standard': revertToStandard(new DB()); break; } // Optimize database usage for Sphinx full-text function optimizeForSphinx($pdo) { echo PHP_EOL . $pdo->log->info('Dropping search triggers to save CPU and lower QPS. (Quick)' . PHP_EOL); dropSearchTriggers($pdo); echo $pdo->log->info('Truncating release_search_data table to free up memory pools/buffers. (Quick)' . PHP_EOL); $pdo->queryExec('TRUNCATE TABLE release_search_data'); echo $pdo->log->header('Optimization for Sphinx process complete!' . PHP_EOL); } //Revert database to standard schema function revertToStandard($pdo)
<?php require dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../www/config.php'; if (!isset($argv[1]) || !in_array($argv[1], ['sphinx', 'standard'])) { exit('Argument1 (required) is the method of search you would like to optimize for. Choices are sphinx or standard.' . PHP_EOL . 'Argument2 (optional) is the storage engine and row_format you would like the releasesearch table to use. If not entered it will be left default.' . PHP_EOL . 'Choices are (c|d)(myisam|innodb) (Compressed|Dynamic)(MyISAM|InnoDB) entered like dinnodb. This argument has no effect if optimizinf for Sphinx.' . PHP_EOL . 'Please stop all processing scripts before running this script.' . PHP_EOL); } switch ($argv[1]) { case 'sphinx': if (nZEDb_RELEASE_SEARCH_TYPE == ReleaseSearch::SPHINX) { optimizeForSphinx(new nzedb\db\DB()); } else { echo PHP_EOL . $pdo->log->error('Error, nZEDb_RELEASE_SEARCH_TYPE in www/settings.php must be set to SPHINX to optimize for Sphinx!' . PHP_EOL); } break; case 'standard': revertToStandard(new nzedb\db\DB()); break; } // Optimize database usage for Sphinx full-text function optimizeForSphinx($pdo) { echo PHP_EOL . $pdo->log->info('Dropping search triggers to save CPU and lower QPS. (Quick)' . PHP_EOL); dropSearchTriggers($pdo); echo $pdo->log->info('Truncating releasesearch table to free up memory pools/buffers. (Quick)' . PHP_EOL); $pdo->queryExec('TRUNCATE TABLE releasesearch'); echo $pdo->log->header('Optimization for Sphinx process complete!' . PHP_EOL); } //Revert database to standard schema function revertToStandard($pdo) { $engFormat = '';
<?php require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../www/config.php'; use newznab\db\Settings; if (!isset($argv[1]) || !in_array($argv[1], ['sphinx', 'standard'])) { exit('Argument1 (required) is the method of search you would like to optimize for. Choices are sphinx or standard.' . PHP_EOL . 'Argument2 (optional) is the storage engine and row_format you would like the releasesearch table to use. If not entered it will be left default.' . PHP_EOL . 'Choices are (c|d)(myisam|innodb) (Compressed|Dynamic)(MyISAM|InnoDB) entered like dinnodb. This argument has no effect if optimizinf for Sphinx.' . PHP_EOL . 'Please stop all processing scripts before running this script.' . PHP_EOL); } switch ($argv[1]) { case 'sphinx': if (NN_RELEASE_SEARCH_TYPE == \ReleaseSearch::SPHINX) { optimizeForSphinx(new Settings()); } else { echo PHP_EOL . $pdo->log->error('Error, NN_RELEASE_SEARCH_TYPE in www/settings.php must be set to SPHINX to optimize for Sphinx!' . PHP_EOL); } break; case 'standard': revertToStandard(new Settings()); break; } // Optimize database usage for Sphinx full-text function optimizeForSphinx($pdo) { echo PHP_EOL . $pdo->log->info('Dropping search triggers to save CPU and lower QPS. (Quick)' . PHP_EOL); dropSearchTriggers($pdo); echo $pdo->log->info('Truncating releasesearch table to free up memory pools/buffers. (Quick)' . PHP_EOL); $pdo->queryExec('TRUNCATE TABLE releasesearch'); echo $pdo->log->header('Optimization for Sphinx process complete!' . PHP_EOL); } //Revert database to standard schema function revertToStandard($pdo) {