/** * @param string $operation * @param \nzedb\RottenTomato $rt */ protected function _getRTData($operation = '', $rt) { $count = 0; $check = false; do { $count++; switch ($operation) { case 'boxoffice': $data = $rt->getBoxOffice(); $update = Movie::SRC_BOXOFFICE; break; case 'theaters': $data = $rt->getInTheaters(); $update = Movie::SRC_INTHEATRE; break; case 'opening': $data = $rt->getOpening(); $update = Movie::SRC_OPENING; break; case 'upcoming': $data = $rt->getUpcoming(); $update = Movie::SRC_UPCOMING; break; case 'dvd': $data = $rt->getDVDReleases(); $update = Movie::SRC_DVD; break; default: $data = false; $update = 0; } if ($data !== false && $data !== '') { $test = @json_decode($data); if (isset($test)) { $count = 2; $check = true; } } } while ($count < 2); if ($check === true) { $success = $this->updateInsUpcoming('rottentomato', $update, $data); if ($this->echooutput) { if ($success !== false) { $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->header(sprintf("Added/updated movies to the %s list.", $operation))); } else { $this->pdo->log->doEcho($this->pdo->log->primary(sprintf("No new updates for %s list.", $operation))); } } } else { exit(PHP_EOL . $this->pdo->log->error("Unable to fetch from Rotten Tomatoes, verify your API Key." . PHP_EOL)); } }
<?php require_once realpath(dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'indexer.php'); use nzedb\ColorCLI; use nzedb\RottenTomato; use nzedb\db\Settings; $cli = new ColorCLI(); $rtkey = (new Settings())->getSetting('rottentomatokey'); if (isset($rtkey)) { $rt = new RottenTomato($rtkey); print_r(json_decode($rt->searchMovie("inception"))); $url = RottenTomato::API_URL . "movies.json?apikey=" . $rt->getApiKey() . "&q=inception&page_limit=50"; exit($cli->header("\nIf nothing was displayed above then there might be an error. If so, go to the following url: {$url}\n")); } else { exit($cli->error("\nNo rotten tomato key.\n")); }