function getname($supercode, $mysqli) { $fullname = ''; $sql = "select * from channel where code='{$supercode}'"; $res = $mysqli->query($sql); $row = $res->fetch_assoc(); $fullname .= $row['cname'] . ","; if ($row['code'] != $row['supercode']) { getname($row['supercode'], $mysqli); } return $fullname; }
return stripslashes($matches[1][0]); } } } if (isset($_POST["file"])) { $result = ''; if ($config['total'] != 0) { $used = $db->ExecuteSQL(sprintf('SELECT SUM(`size`) AS `sum` FROM `file` WHERE `owner` = \'%s\' AND `recycle` = \'0\'', $db->SecureData($_SESSION["username"]))); if ($used[0]['sum'] >= $config["total"] * 1000 * 1000) { $result = "totalout"; } } $file = @file_get_contents($_POST["file"]); $header = @get_headers($_POST["file"], 1); if ($file !== false && stripos($header[0], '200') !== false) { $name = getname($_POST["file"]); if (strlen($file) == 0) { // 只有當無法正常偵測大小時才使用 header ,因為header可能被偽造 $size = $header["Content-Length"]; } else { $size = strlen($file); } if ($config['size'] != 0) { if ($size > $config["size"] * 1000 * 1000) { $result = "sizeout"; } } /* Create Key */ $passphrase['a'] = sha1(md5(mt_rand() . uniqid())); $passphrase['b'] = $_SESSION['password']; $iv = substr(md5("<X" . $passphrase['b'], true), 0, 8);
<div class="panel panel-primary"> <div class="panel-heading" style="background: #56892E;"> <h3 class="panel-title" align="center">QQ查询</h3> </div> <ul align="center" class="list-group" style="list-style:none;"> <li class="list-group-item"> <form action="index.php" method="get"><input type="hidden" name="mod" value="wall"> 请输入要查询的QQ号码:<input type="text" class="form-control" name="q"><br><input type="submit" class="btn btn-primary btn-block" value="查询"> </form> <br> </ul> </div> '; } else { $q = $_GET['q']; $name = getname($q); //$panduan=qqpanduan($q); echo ' <div class="panel panel-primary" style="max-width:680px;"> <div class="panel-heading" style="background: #56892E;"> <h3 class="panel-title" align="center">' . $name . '的信息</h3> </div> <ul align="center" class="list-group" style="list-style:none;"> <li class="list-group-item"><b><font color=green>QQ:' . $q . '</b></font><li> <li class="list-group-item"><b><font color=bule>昵称:' . $name . '</b></font><li> <li class="list-group-item"><b><font color=red>状态:<img src="' . $q . ':5"></b></font><li> <li class="list-group-item"><img src="' . $q . '&s=100&t=' . time() . '"><li> <li class="list-group-item"><img src="' . $q . '/22/00/1.gif?fr=mobileqq"><li> <li class="list-group-item"><a class="btn btn-s-md btn-info btn-rounded btn-block" value="发送消息" target="_blank" href="' . $q . '&site=qq&menu=yes">发送消息</a><li> <li class="list-group-item"><a class="btn btn-s-md btn-info btn-rounded btn-block" value="加为好友" target="_blank" href="tencent://AddContact/?fromId=45&fromSubId=1&subcmd=all&uin=' . $q . '&website">加为好友</a><li> <li class="list-group-item"><a class="btn btn-s-md btn-primary btn-rounded btn-block" value="浏览QQ空间" target="_blank" href="' . $q . '">浏览QQ空间</a><li>
} else { $ggcon = 'document.write(unescape("' . $ggdm . '"));'; } $ggcon1 = '<?php exit();?>' . "\r\n" . $ggtitle . "\r\n" . $ggdm . "\r\n" . $ggclass . "\r\n" . $ggwidth . "\r\n" . $ggheight . "\r\n" . gnt() . "\r\n" . $ggzu . "\r\n" . $ggtj . "\r\n" . $ggjfclass . "\r\n" . $gglei; file_put_contents($path, $ggcon) or die('出错啦!无法创建.js文件!请将程序目录和所有文件的文件权限设置属性0755或0777。'); file_put_contents($path1, $ggcon1) or die('出错啦!无法创建.php文件!请将程序目录和所有文件的文件权限设置属性0755或0777。'); $gglist = file($path2); if (!is_array($gglist)) { $gglist[] = ''; } array_shift($gglist); array_unshift($gglist, $thread . '-' . $ontid . "\r\n"); array_unshift($gglist, '<?php exit();?>' . "\r\n"); file_put_contents($path2, $gglist) or die('出错啦!无法创建.php文件!请将程序目录和所有文件的文件权限设置属性0755或0777。'); $conn = new mysql(); $conn->inoplog('添加广告', $ontid, 1, getname()); die('1'); } /////////////////////////// $ggiftj = $_COOKIE['ggiftj']; $gglei = unescape($_COOKIE['gglei']); $ggzu = unescape($_COOKIE['ggzu']); $ggleil = file_get_contents($datadir . '/ggleilist.php'); $ggll = explode("\r\n", $ggleil); array_shift($ggll); $ggleilist = ''; foreach ($ggll as $value) { if ($value) { if ($value == $gglei) { $ggleilist .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '" selected="selected">' . htmlspecialchars(cutstr($value, 10)) . '</option>'; } else {
$content1 = str_replace($gid . "\r\n", '', $content1); $content .= $gid . "\r\n"; } } file_put_contents($file, $content); file_put_contents($file1, $content1); $conn->inoplog('还原广告位', $gids, 1, getname()); die('1'); } /////////////////////////// if ($menu == 'delggwtrue') { if (!$gids) { die('出错啦!gids为空!你让我删谁?'); } $arraygid = explode(' ', $gids); $file = $datadir . '/ggwrecyclelist.php'; $content = file_get_contents($file); foreach ($arraygid as $gid) { if (strlen($gid) == strlen($ggwthread) + 15) { $path = $datadir . '/' . $gid . '.jsrecycle'; $path1 = $datadir . '/' . $gid . '.phprecycle'; unlink($path) or die($gid . '删除错误!'); unlink($path1) or die($gid . '删除错误!'); $content = str_replace($gid . "\r\n", '', $content); } } file_put_contents($file, $content); $conn->inoplog('彻底删除广告位', $gids, 1, getname()); die('1'); } ///////////////////////////
$ggwlei = insql($_POST['ggwlei']); $ggwzu = insql($_POST['ggwzu']); $gid = insql($_POST['gid']); $gtime = insql($_POST['gtime']); if (!$ggwtitle) { die('标题不能为空!'); } require ''; $path = $datadir . '/' . $gid . '.js'; $path1 = $datadir . '/' . $gid . '.php'; $ggwcon = ggwtojs($gid, $xzggcl, $ggwwidth, $ggwheight, $bjgg, $ggwclass); $ggwcon1 = '<?php exit();?>' . "\r\n" . $gtime . "\r\n" . $ggwtitle . "\r\n" . $ggwclass . "\r\n" . $ggwwidth . "\r\n" . $ggwheight . "\r\n" . $xzggcl . "\r\n" . $bjgg . "\r\n" . $ggwzu . "\r\n" . $ggwlei; file_put_contents($path, $ggwcon) or die('出错啦!无法创建.js文件!请将程序目录和所有文件的文件权限设置属性0755或0777。'); file_put_contents($path1, $ggwcon1) or die('出错啦!无法创建.php文件!请将程序目录和所有文件的文件权限设置属性0755或0777。'); $conn = new mysql(); $conn->inoplog('修改广告位', $gid, 1, getname()); die('1'); } /////////////////////////// $ggwleil = file_get_contents($datadir . '/ggwleilist.php'); $ggwll = explode("\r\n", $ggwleil); array_shift($ggwll); $ggwleilist = ''; foreach ($ggwll as $value) { if ($value) { if ($value == $arrayd[8]) { $ggwleilist .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '" selected="selected">' . htmlspecialchars(cutstr($value, 10)) . '</option>'; } else { $ggwleilist .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '">' . htmlspecialchars(cutstr($value, 10)) . '</option>'; } }
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/** * Function used to check weather give thumb is deafult or not */ function is_default_thumb($i) { if (getname($i) == 'processing.jpg') { return true; } else { return false; } }
$focontent = file($fofile); array_shift($focontent); $focontent[] = $foname . ' ' . $fourl . "\r\n"; array_unshift($focontent, '<?php exit();?>' . "\r\n"); file_put_contents($fofile, $focontent) or die($fofile . ' 禁止写入!'); die('1'); } elseif ($menu == 'editfo') { $oldfo = insql($_REQUEST['oldfo']); $newfoname = insql($_REQUEST['newfoname']); $newfourl = insql($_REQUEST['newfourl']); $fofile = $datadir . '/fo.' . md5(getname()) . '.php'; $focontent = file($fofile); array_shift($focontent); $folist = '<?php exit();?>' . "\r\n"; foreach ($focontent as $value) { $foarray = explode(' ', $value); if ($foarray[0] == $oldfo) { $folist .= $newfoname . ' ' . $newfourl . "\r\n"; } else { $folist .= $value; } } file_put_contents($fofile, $folist) or die($fofile . ' 禁止写入!'); die('1'); } elseif ($menu == 'delfo') { $fov = insql($_REQUEST['fov']); $fofile = $datadir . '/fo.' . md5(getname()) . '.php'; $folist = '<?php exit();?>' . "\r\n" . $fov; file_put_contents($fofile, $folist) or die($fofile . ' 禁止写入!'); die('1'); }
$yhznr = '<?php exit();?>' . "\r\n" . $yhzname . "\r\n" . $funcselect; file_put_contents($rankfile, $yhznr) or die('出错啦!' . $rankfile . ' 无法修改!请将程序目录和文件的文件权限设置属性0755或0777。'); $conn = new mysql(); $conn->inoplog('修改用户组', $rank, 1, getname()); die('1'); ///////////////////// } elseif ($_REQUEST['menu'] == 'delyhz') { ///////////////////// $rank = htmlspecialchars(insql($_REQUEST['rank'])); $rankfile = $datadir . '/access/' . $rank . '.access.php'; if (!is_file($rankfile)) { die('用户组 ' . $rank . ' 不存在,删除失败!'); } unlink($rankfile) or die('出错啦!' . $rankfile . ' 无法删除!请将程序目录和文件的文件权限设置属性0755或0777。'); $conn = new mysql(); $conn->inoplog('删除用户组', $rank, 1, getname()); die('1'); ///////////////////// } else { ///////////////////// $subadminlist = ''; foreach ($subadmin as $key => $value) { $accessdata = file($datadir . '/access/' . $value[1] . '.access.php'); array_shift($accessdata); $zuname = htmlspecialchars(rtrim(array_shift($accessdata))); $subadminlist .= '<tr class="list">'; $subadminlist .= '<td class="ui-widget-content uitd ct">' . htmlspecialchars($key) . '</td>'; $subadminlist .= '<td class="ui-widget-content uitd ct">' . $zuname . '</td>'; $subadminlist .= '<td class="ui-widget-content uitd ct"><button type="button" class="button editsa" value="' . htmlspecialchars($value[1]) . '" title="修改此管理员属性" />修改</button> <button type="button" class="button delsa" value="' . htmlspecialchars($key) . '" title="删除此管理员" />删除</button></td>'; $subadminlist .= '</tr>'; }
} else { ?> <div class="msgbox1"> <img src="images/alert.png" style="height: 50px;float: left; margin-right:1%;"/><br/><?php echo $msg; ?> </div> <?php } } $qisco = $db->prepare('select * from `collaborate_request` where `user`=? and `status`=?'); $qisco->execute(array($id, 0)); $risco_count = $qisco->rowCount(); $risco = $qisco->fetch(); if ($risco_count > 0) { $ow = getname($risco['owner']); ?> <div class="msgbox"> <img src="images/message.png" style="height: 50px;float: left; margin-right:1%;"/><br/><?php echo $ow; ?> has invited you to join his account. Please accept this request to start collaborating. <br/> <input type="button" class="viewbutton2" value="Accept" style="background:#2e7317;" onclick="acceptrequest(<?php echo $risco['id']; ?> );"/> <input type="button" class="viewbutton2" value="Reject" style="background: rgb(230, 129, 162);" onclick="rejectrequest(<?php echo $risco['id']; ?> );"/> </div>
'echarts/chart/k', 'echarts/chart/line', 'echarts/chart/bar' ], function (ec) { var myChart1 = ec.init(document.getElementById('main')); var myChart2 = ec.init(document.getElementById('main2')); var myChart3 = ec.init(document.getElementById('main3')); var myChart4 = ec.init(document.getElementById('main4')); //呈現股價、MA線*3 option1 = { title : { text: <?php getname($Stockvisble); ?> }, tooltip : { trigger: 'axis', showDelay: 0, formatter: function (params) { var res = params[0].name; for (var i = params.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (params[i].value instanceof Array) { res += '<br/>' + params[i].seriesName; res += '<br/>開盤 : ' + params[i].value[0] + ' 最高: ' + params[i].value[3]; res += '<br/>收盤 : ' + params[i].value[1] + ' 最低 : ' + params[i].value[2]; } else {
</div> <div class="panel-body"><h4> <?php echo handlestr($sub['forum_content']); ?> </h4> </div> </div> <?php if (isset($res) && $res != null) { ?> <?php for ($i = 0; $i < count($res); ++$i) { ?> <span class="label label-primary"><?php echo getname($i + 1); ?> </span> <div name="<?php echo $res[$i]['thread_id']; ?> " class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body"><h4> <?php echo handlestr($res[$i]['thread_content']); ?> </h4> </div> <div class="panel-footer pull-right"> <?php
images/no-photo.png'"> <div><?php echo $employee["name"] . ' ' . $employee["Sname"]; ?> <div class="small"><?php echo $employee["DirectorateInitials"]; ?> </div></div> </div> <div class="content-nominate"> <p>Belief: <?php echo $employee["BeliefID"]; ?> </p> <p>Nominated By:<br><b><?php echo getname($employee["NominatorEmpNum"]); ?> </b></p> </div> <span id="wall<?php echo $employee["ID"]; ?> Text" class="showbehaviour hidden mCustomScrollbar height260" data-mcs-theme="dark-2"> <?php echo $employee["personalMessage"]; ?> </span> </div> </div> <?php }
//////////////////////////// if ($menu == 'deluploadfile') { $fids = insql($_POST['fids']); if (!$fids) { die('出错啦!目标为空!你让我删谁?'); } $dir = $datadir . '/updata/'; $arrayfid = explode(' ', $fids); foreach ($arrayfid as $fid) { $fidclass = explode('.', $fid); if (is_numeric($fidclass[0]) && strlen($fidclass[0]) == 14) { unlink($dir . $fid) or die($fid . "删除错误!请确认属性是否设置正确!"); } } $conn = new mysql(); $conn->inoplog('删除上传广告文件', $fids, 1, getname()); die('1'); } //////////////////////////// $desc = insql($_REQUEST['desc']); $limit = insql($_REQUEST['limit']); $page = insql($_REQUEST['page']); $desc = $desc ? '' : 'DESC'; $limit = is_numeric($limit) && $limit > 1 ? $limit : 30; $page = is_numeric($page) && $page > 1 ? $page : 1; $upath = $datadir . '/updata'; $upurl = $amsurl . $upath; $files = getfiles($upath); if ($desc) { rsort($files); } else {
//delete_from_activity_action_posted($activity_posted_info[0][1]); //mno delete_from_activity_action_posted($activity_posted_info[0][4]); //plno delete_from_postedlooks($activity_posted_info[0][4]); //plno delete_from_postlook_a_look_folder($_POST['img']); //delete in image folder } $activity_posted = select('activity', 6, array('action', 'Posted'), 'order by _table_id desc', array($start, $limit)); // for ($i=0; $i < count($activity_posted); $i++) { // echo $activity_posted[$i][4]."<br>"; // } // echo "total result is = ".count($activity_posted)."<br>"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($activity_posted); $i++) { $i1 = $i + 1; echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<img title='Owner: " . getname($activity_posted[$i][4]) . " , Posted on: " . $activity_posted[$i][5] . "' class='img' src='../images/members/posted looks/" . $activity_posted[$i][4] . ".jpg'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<table border=0>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td>\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<form onsubmit=\"return deletes('" . getname($activity_posted[$i][4]) . "')\" method='POST' >\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input style='display:none' type='text' name='img' value='" . $activity_posted[$i][4] . "'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<input class='delete' title='Do you want to delete this look?' type = 'submit' value='delete' />\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</form>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</td><td><p class=desc>Owner: " . getname($activity_posted[$i][4]) . " <br>Posted on: " . $activity_posted[$i][5] . "</p></td>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"; echo "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</table>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t</td>\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t "; if ($i1 % 5 == 0) { echo "<tr>"; } } /* function getname($plno){ $activity_posted_info=select_w_2('activity',6,array('action','Posted','_table_id',$plno),'and'); // print_r($activity_posted_info); // return $fullname; $fs_members_info =select('fs_members',5,array('mno',$activity_posted_info[0][1])); // print_r($fs_members_info); return $fs_members_info[0][3].' '.$fs_members_info[0][1];
function getdata($year, $month, $agentids) { $agentid = explode("|", $agentids); $maxdays = $_GET["maxdays"]; $firstday = date("w", mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year)); $mysqli = new mysqli(DBSERVER, DBUSER, DBPWD, DB); ////set the query $arr = array(); foreach ($agentid as &$id) { for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++) { $arr["ha_" . $id . "_" . $i] = ""; } for ($i = 1; $i <= 31; $i++) { $arr["hd_" . $id . "_" . $i] = ""; } } foreach ($agentid as &$id) { $query = sprintf("SELECT * FROM `presence` WHERE `year`='%s' AND `month`='%s' AND `agentid`='%s' ORDER BY `type`,`agentid`,ABS(`day`)", $year, $month, $id); $result = $mysqli->query($query); if ($result) { while ($row = $result->fetch_object()) { $idtag = $row->type . "_" . $row->agentid . "_" . $row->day; $arr[$idtag] = $row->value; //$xml .= "<data idtag='$idtag'>".$row->value."</data>"; } } else { echo $mysqli->error; } $result->close(); } $mysqli->close(); //print_r($arr); foreach ($agentid as &$id) { $j = $firstday; $tt = $_GET[$id]; $ar_agent = getname($id); $output .= "<Row ss:AutoFitHeight=\"0\" ss:Height=\"29.988\"><Cell ss:StyleID=\"ce7\"><Data ss:Type=\"String\">" . $ar_agent[0] . "</Data></Cell><Cell ss:StyleID=\"ce19\"><Data ss:Type=\"String\">HA</Data></Cell>"; for ($i = 1; $i <= $maxdays; $i++) { if ($j == 0 || $j == 6) { $style = "ce6"; } else { $style = "ce28"; } $output .= "<Cell ss:StyleID=\"{$style}\" id=\"ha_" . $id . "_" . $i . "\"><Data ss:Type=\"String\">" . $arr["ha_" . $id . "_" . $i] . "</Data></Cell>"; if ($j == 6) { $j = 0; } else { $j++; } } $output .= "<Cell ss:StyleID=\"ce51\" ss:MergeDown=\"1\"><Data ss:Type=\"String\">{$tt}</Data></Cell><Cell ss:StyleID=\"ce58\" ss:MergeDown=\"1\" /><Cell ss:StyleID=\"ce58\" ss:MergeDown=\"1\" /></Row>"; $output .= "<Row ss:AutoFitHeight=\"0\" ss:Height=\"29.988\"><Cell ss:StyleID=\"ce8\"><Data ss:Type=\"String\">" . $ar_agent[1] . "</Data></Cell><Cell ss:StyleID=\"ce19\"><Data ss:Type=\"String\">HD</Data></Cell>"; $j = $firstday; for ($i = 1; $i <= $maxdays; $i++) { if ($j == 0 || $j == 6) { $style = "ce6"; } else { $style = "ce28"; } $output .= "<Cell ss:StyleID=\"{$style}\" id=\"hd_" . $id . "_" . $i . "\"><Data ss:Type=\"String\">" . $arr["hd_" . $id . "_" . $i] . "</Data></Cell>"; if ($j == 6) { $j = 0; } else { $j++; } } $output .= "</Row>"; } return $output; }
while ($row1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($query1)) { $arr = array("label" => $row1['name'], "id" => $row1['id'], "name" => $row1['name'], "type" => $row1['type']); array_push($reply, $arr); } } else { if ($type == "solution") { $type1 = get_type_id($type); $sql1 = "SELECT * FROM pkn_name WHERE (type='{$type1}' AND name LIKE '{$term}') ORDER BY name ASC"; // lay id name $query1 = mysql_query($sql1); while ($row1 = mysql_fetch_assoc($query1)) { $sql2 = "SELECT * FROM {$table} WHERE name = '{$row1['id']}'"; // lay id name $query2 = mysql_query($sql2); while ($row2 = mysql_fetch_assoc($query2)) { $arr = array("label" => getname($row2['name']), "id" => $row2['id'], "name" => getname($row2['name']), "units" => get_formula_units($row2['id']), "unitsname" => get_obj_name("pkn_units", get_formula_units($row2['id']))); array_push($reply, $arr); } } } } } } } } } } } } } }
<div class='btn-group-vertical' role='group' aria-label='refBButtons'> <div class="button-decoration"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-bets" onClick="calcScore(10, '2', time, '<?php echo getname($Record, "Right"); ?> ')">$10</button> </div> <div class="button-decoration"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-bets" onClick="calcScore(50, '2', time, '<?php echo getname($Record, "Right"); ?> ')">$50</button> </div> <div class="button-decoration"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-bets" onClick="calcScore(100, '2', time, '<?php echo getname($Record, "Right"); ?> ')">$100</button> </div> <!-- ======= <div class="button-decoration"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-bets" onClick="calcScore(100, 'B', time, '<?php echo $answer; ?> ')">$100</button> </div> <div class="button-decoration"> <button type="button" class="btn btn-bets" onClick="calcScore(80, 'B', time, '<?php echo $answer; ?> ')">$80</button>
$path1 = $datadir . '/ggtemplist.php'; $ggtl = file_get_contents($path1); $ggtl = str_replace($selectggmb . "\r\n", '', $ggtl); file_put_contents($path1, $ggtl) or die('出错啦!无法修改.php文件!请将程序目录和所有文件的文件权限设置属性0755或0777。'); $conn = new mysql(); $conn->inoplog('删除广告模板', $selectggmb, 1, getname()); die('1'); ///////////////////// } elseif ($_REQUEST['menu'] == 'renewitem') { ///////////////////// $itemlist = htmlspecialchars(insql($_REQUEST['itemlist'])); $path1 = $datadir . '/ggtemplist.php'; $ggtl = '<?php exit();?>' . "\r\n" . $itemlist; file_put_contents($path1, $ggtl) or die('出错啦!无法修改.php文件!请将程序目录和所有文件的文件权限设置属性0755或0777。'); $conn = new mysql(); $conn->inoplog('排序广告模板', $itemlist, 1, getname()); die('1'); ///////////////////// } else { ///////////////////// $ggtl = file_get_contents($datadir . '/ggtemplist.php'); $ggtla = explode("\r\n", $ggtl); array_shift($ggtla); array_pop($ggtla); $ggtemp_list = ''; $ggtemp_sortable = ''; foreach ($ggtla as $key => $value) { if ($value && file_exists($datadir . '/' . $value . '.php')) { $mbnr = file($datadir . '/' . $value . '.php'); array_shift($mbnr); $mbsm = htmlspecialchars(rtrim(array_shift($mbnr)));
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width; initial-scale=1.0"> <!-- Replace favicon.ico & apple-touch-icon.png in the root of your domain and delete these references --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="CSS/styles.css"> </head> <body> <div> <header> <h1>Rental Confirmation</h1> </header> <div id="wrapper"> <?php echo getname(); echo '<br />'; echo '<br />'; echo "Contact Info: "; echo '<br />'; echo '<br />'; echo getEmail(); echo '<br />'; echo '<br />'; echo 'Your total cost: $'; echo getCost(); ?> </div> <footer id="footer"> <hr />
0.2:改进rcon功能<br /> 0.1:增加登录功能 <?php } else { if ($_GET['action'] == 'changepassword') { $db->inject_check($_POST['password']); $db->query("UPDATE user SET password='******'password']}' WHERE id='{$my['id']}'"); $my['password'] = $_POST['password']; } elseif ($_GET['action'] == 'tpa') { $db->inject_check($_GET['player']); if (empty($_GET['player'])) { echo '未定义玩家!<br />'; } elseif (!is_online($_GET['player'])) { echo '该玩家不在线!<br />'; } else { $tname = getname($_GET['player']); showmsg($my['name'], '请求已发送至 ' . $tname); showmsg($tname, $my['name'] . ' 想要传送到你这里来,请前往网页端接受请求.'); $db->query("UPDATE user SET tpid='{$_GET['player']}' WHERE id='{$my['id']}'"); } } elseif ($_GET['action'] == 'tpaccept') { $q = $db->query("SELECT * FROM user WHERE tpid='{$my['id']}'"); $tplayer = $db->fetch_array($q); if (empty($tplayer['id'])) { echo '没有玩家向你发出过请求!<br />'; } elseif (!is_online($tplayer['name'])) { echo '请求已失效!<br />'; } else { showmsg($my['name'], '成功接受请求.'); showmsg($tplayer['name'], '对方已接受你的传送请求.'); $db->query("UPDATE user SET tpid='0' WHERE tpid='{$my['id']}'");
/** * Index video thumbs... * will search for video thumbs in its folder and sort them in an array * and can be retrieved later for use in easy format * * @param INT videoid | ARRAY videoarray */ function index_video_thumbs($arr, $update_db = true) { $video = $arr; if (!is_array($video)) { $video = $this->get_video($video, true); } if (!$video) { return false; } /** @todo : this function must be callable and work when multi-server * is installed */ $folder = ''; if ($video['file_directory']) { $folder = '/' . $video['file_directory']; } $dir = THUMBS_DIR . $folder . '/' . $video['file_name']; $thumbs = glob($dir . '*.jpg'); $new_thumbs = array(); foreach ($thumbs as $thumb) { $name = getName($thumb); $name_arr = explode('-', $name); $new_thumbs[$name_arr[1]][] = getname($thumb) . '.jpg'; } if ($update_db) { //$this->update_meta($video['videoid'], 'thumbs', '|no_mc|' . json_encode($new_thumbs)); $this->update_extras($video['videoid'], 'thumbs', $new_thumbs); } return $new_thumbs; }
$path1 = $datadir . '/' . $clthread . '-' . $ontid . '.php'; $path2 = $datadir . '/' . 'ggcllist.php'; $ggclcon = cltojs($gid, $wllx, $clqz, $xzgg, $lhcl, $lhjg, $sjeorne, $sjsz, $xzmrcs, $mrcs, $xzfkcs, $fkcs, $oseorne, $os, $fbleorne, $fbl, $llqeorne, $llq, $yuyeorne, $yuy, $lyeorne, $vly, $urleorne, $url, $diyueorne, $diyu, $jreorne, $jr); $ggclcon1 = '<?php exit();?>' . "\r\n" . gnt() . "\r\n" . $cltitle . "\r\n" . $clsm . "\r\n" . $wllx . "\r\n" . $clqz . "\r\n" . $xzgg . "\r\n" . $lhcl . "\r\n" . $lhjg . "\r\n" . $sjeorne . "\r\n" . $sjsz . "\r\n" . $xzmrcs . "\r\n" . $mrcs . "\r\n" . $xzfkcs . "\r\n" . $fkcs . "\r\n" . $oseorne . "\r\n" . $os . "\r\n" . $fbleorne . "\r\n" . $fbl . "\r\n" . $llqeorne . "\r\n" . $llq . "\r\n" . $yuyeorne . "\r\n" . $yuy . "\r\n" . $lyeorne . "\r\n" . $vly . "\r\n" . $urleorne . "\r\n" . $url . "\r\n" . $diyueorne . "\r\n" . $diyu . "\r\n" . $jreorne . "\r\n" . $jr . "\r\n" . $ggclzu . "\r\n" . $ggcllei; file_put_contents($path, $ggclcon) or die('出错啦!无法创建.js文件!请将程序目录和所有文件的文件权限设置属性0755或0777。'); file_put_contents($path1, $ggclcon1) or die('出错啦!无法创建.php文件!请将程序目录和所有文件的文件权限设置属性0755或0777。'); $ggcllist = file($path2); if (!is_array($ggcllist)) { $ggcllist[] = ''; } array_shift($ggcllist); array_unshift($ggcllist, $clthread . '-' . $ontid . "\r\n"); array_unshift($ggcllist, '<?php exit();?>' . "\r\n"); file_put_contents($path2, $ggcllist) or die('出错啦!无法创建.php文件!请将程序目录和所有文件的文件权限设置属性0755或0777。'); $conn = new mysql(); $conn->inoplog('添加广告策略', $gid, 1, getname()); die('1'); } /////////////////////////// $ggcllei = unescape($_COOKIE['ggcllei']); $ggclzu = unescape($_COOKIE['ggclzu']); $ggclleil = file_get_contents($datadir . '/ggclleilist.php'); $ggclll = explode("\r\n", $ggclleil); array_shift($ggclll); $ggclleilist = ''; foreach ($ggclll as $value) { if ($value) { if ($value == $ggcllei) { $ggclleilist .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '" selected="selected">' . htmlspecialchars(cutstr($value, 10)) . '</option>'; } else { $ggclleilist .= '<option value="' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '" title="' . htmlspecialchars($value) . '">' . htmlspecialchars(cutstr($value, 10)) . '</option>';
} else { $tejia = 0; } function getname($exname) { $dir = "upimages/"; $i = 1; if (!is_dir($dir)) { mkdir($dir, 0777); } while (true) { if (!is_file($dir . $i . "." . $exname)) { $name = $i . "." . $exname; break; } $i++; } return $dir . $name; } $exname = strtolower(substr($_FILES['upfile']['name'], strrpos($_FILES['upfile']['name'], '.') + 1)); $uploadfile = getname($exname); move_uploaded_file($_FILES['upfile']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile); if (trim($_FILES['upfile']['name'] != "")) { $uploadfile = "admin/" . $uploadfile; } else { $uploadfile = ""; } $jianjie = $_POST[jianjie]; $addtime = $nian . "-" . $yue . "-" . $ri; mysql_query("insert into tb_shangpin(mingcheng,jianjie,addtime,dengji,xinghao,tupian,typeid,shichangjia,huiyuanjia,pinpai,tuijian,shuliang,cishu)values('{$mingcheng}','{$jianjie}','{$addtime}','{$dengji}','{$xinghao}','{$uploadfile}','{$typeid}','{$shichangjia}','{$huiyuanjia}','{$pinpai}','{$tuijian}','{$shuliang}','0')", $conn); echo "<script>alert('商品" . $mingcheng . "添加成功!');window.location.href='addgoods.php';</script>";
function tryindex($fs, $dir) { global $CFG, $RTI; $bdir = basedir($dir); $index_file = ''; $ifile = pathjoin($CFG['cachedir'], $RTI['base'], sha1($dir) . '.idx'); if (isarchive() && ($index_file = @file_get_contents($ifile)) !== false) { return $index_file; } else { foreach ($fs as $f) { if (!isweb($f)) { continue; } if (empty($index_file)) { $index_file = $f; } elseif (preg_match('/^index/i', $f)) { if (preg_match('/^index/i', $index_file)) { if (strlen(getname($f)) < strlen(getname($index_file))) { $index_file = $f; } } else { $index_file = $f; } } elseif (preg_match('/^default/i', $f)) { if (preg_match('/^default/i', $index_file)) { if (strlen(getname($f)) < strlen(getname($index_file))) { $index_file = $f; } } elseif (!preg_match('/^index/i', $index_file)) { $index_file = $f; } } elseif (levenshtein($bdir, $f) < levenshtein($bdir, $index_file) && !preg_match('/^index/i', $index_file) && !preg_match('/^default/i', $index_file)) { $index_file = $f; } } if (isarchive()) { if (!ufile_exists($CFG['cachedir'] . $RTI['base'])) { umkdir($CFG['cachedir'] . $RTI['base']); } file_put_contents($ifile, $index_file); } return $index_file; } }
} } file_put_contents($datadir . '/ggclzulist.php', $zulist) or die($datadir . '/ggclzulist.php 禁止写入!'); $content = file_get_contents($datadir . '/ggcllist.php'); $array = explode("\r\n", $content); array_shift($array); array_pop($array); foreach ($array as $gid) { $ggcld = insou1(file($datadir . '/' . $gid . '.php')); if ($ggcld[31] == $yggclzu . "\r\n") { $ggcld[31] = $xggclzu . "\r\n"; file_put_contents($datadir . '/' . $gid . '.php', $ggcld); } } } $conn = new mysql(); $conn->inoplog('修改广告策略类/组', ($xggcllei ? $yggcllei . ':' . $xggcllei . '|' : '') . ($xggclzu ? $yggclzu . ':' . $xggclzu : ''), 1, getname()); die('1'); } ////////////////////// if ($menu == 'editdelleizu') { $leiv = insql($_REQUEST['leiv']); $zuv = insql($_REQUEST['zuv']); $newggclleiv = '<?php exit();?>' . "\r\n" . $leiv; file_put_contents($datadir . '/ggclleilist.php', $newggclleiv) or die($datadir . '/ggclleilist.php 禁止写入!'); $newggclzu = '<?php exit();?>' . "\r\n" . $zuv; file_put_contents($datadir . '/ggclzulist.php', $newggclzu) or die($datadir . '/ggclzulist.php 禁止写入!'); $conn = new mysql(); $conn->inoplog('排列/删除广告策略类/组', $leiv . '|' . $zuv, 1, getname()); die('1'); }
if ($_SESSION['type'] == USERTYPE_SUPERVISOR) { getteamlist($_SESSION['group']); } $proboption = makeproboptions(); ?> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/> </head> <body> <table width="100%"> <tr><td align="left"> <h2>Welcome: <?php echo getname($id); ?> </h2> </td><td align="right"> <a href="login.php">[log out]</a> </td></tr> </table> <hr> <?php if (defined('ANALYSIS_MODE')) { echo '<h2>ANALYSIS MODE</h2>'; // put anything you want to show on analysis mode echo "<br>\n"; } ?>
$SqlPassword1 = $SqlPassword; } $SqlDataBase1 = rtrim(htmlspecialchars(insql($_POST['SqlDataBase1'])), '\\'); $Pre1 = rtrim(htmlspecialchars(insql($_POST['Pre1'])), '\\'); $amsurl1 = rtrim(htmlspecialchars(insql($_POST['amsurl1'])), '\\'); if ($amsurl1 && strrchr($amsurl1, '/') != '/') { $amsurl1 .= '/'; } $thread1 = rtrim(htmlspecialchars(insql($_POST['thread1'])), '\\'); $clthread1 = rtrim(htmlspecialchars(insql($_POST['clthread1'])), '\\'); $ggwthread1 = rtrim(htmlspecialchars(insql($_POST['ggwthread1'])), '\\'); $timezone1 = rtrim(htmlspecialchars(insql($_POST['timezone1'])), '\\'); $configdata = "<?php\ndefined('IN_NIUXAMS') or exit('Access Denied.');\n\$adname = '{$adname1}';\n\$adpassword = '******';\n\$SqlServer = '{$SqlServer1}';\n\$SqlUserName = '******';\n\$SqlPassword = '******';\n\$SqlDataBase = '{$SqlDataBase1}';\n\$Pre = '{$Pre1}';\n\$amsurl = '{$amsurl1}';\n\$thread = '{$thread1}';\n\$clthread = '{$clthread1}';\n\$ggwthread = '{$ggwthread1}';\n\$timezone = '{$timezone1}';\n"; file_put_contents('config.php', $configdata) or errwin('出错啦!config.php无法修改!请将程序目录和文件的文件权限设置属性0755或0777。'); $conn = new mysql(); $conn->inoplog('修改基本参数', 'cssz', 1, getname()); okwin('恭喜你,修改参数成功了!'); exit; } /////////////////////////// $title = '基本参数设置'; require 'mo.head.php'; ?> <style> .cssz{ border-width:1px 0px 0px 1px; } .left{ border-width:0px 1px 1px 0px; font-size: 1em; line-height: 1.8em;
<?php $modbase = "modules/login"; setstyle($modbase . "/"); $cp_nextact = getvardata("cp_nextact", "view"); $user = getvardata("user", ""); $pass = getvardata("pass", ""); $answer = getvardata("answer", ""); $pass1 = getvardata("pass1", ""); $pass2 = getvardata("pass2", ""); $error = getvardata("error", ""); echo "<input type=hidden name='cp_nextact' id='cp_nextact' value=\"{$cp_nextact}\">\n"; switch ($cp_nextact) { case "view": getname($shandle, $user, $pass); break; case "veriname": veriname($shandle, $user, $pass); break; case "requestion": requestion($shandle, $user, $answer, $error); break; case "reanswer": checkanswer($shandle, $user, $answer); break; case "getnewpass": getnewpass($user, $pass1, $pass2, $error); break; case "badanswer": badanswer($user); break;