public function __construct()
     Import::pH7App(PH7_SYS . PH7_MOD . 'im.models.MessengerModel');
     $this->_oHttpRequest = new HttpRequest();
     $this->_oMessengerModel = new MessengerModel();
     switch ($this->_oHttpRequest->get('act')) {
         case 'heartbeat':
         case 'send':
         case 'close':
         case 'startsession':
             exit('Bad Request Error!');
     if (empty($_SESSION['messenger_history'])) {
         $_SESSION['messenger_history'] = [];
     if (empty($_SESSION['messenger_openBoxes'])) {
         $_SESSION['messenger_openBoxes'] = [];
  * @return void
 public function __construct()
     // Import the library
     $this->_oTwOAuth = new \tmhOAuth(Config::getInstance()->values['module.api']['twitter.consumer_key'], Config::getInstance()->values['module.api']['twitter.consumer_secret_key']);
     // determine the authentication status
     // default to 0
     $this->_iState = 0;
     if (isset($_COOKIE['access_token'], $_COOKIE['access_token_secret'])) {
         // 2 (authenticated) if the cookies are set
         $this->_iState = 2;
     } elseif (isset($_SESSION['authstate'])) {
         // otherwise use value stored in session
         $this->_iState = (int) $_SESSION['authstate'];
     if ($this->_iState == 1) {
         // if we are in the process of authentication we continue
     } elseif ($this->_iState == 2 && !$this->auth()) {
         // verify authentication, clearing cookies if it fails
     if ($this->auth()) {
         $aProfile = $this->_oTwOAuth->extract_params($this->_oTwOAuth->response['response']);
         if (empty($aProfile['error'])) {
             // User info is ok? Here we will be connect the user and/or adding the login and registering routines...
             $oUserModel = new UserCoreModel();
             if (!($iId = $oUserModel->getId($aProfile['email']))) {
                 // Add User if it does not exist in our database
                 $this->add(escape($aProfile, true), $oUserModel);
                 // Add User Avatar
                 $this->oDesign->setFlashMsg(t('You have now been registered! %0%', (new Registration())->sendMail($this->_aUserInfo, true)->getMsg()));
                 $this->sUrl = Uri::get('connect', 'main', 'register');
             } else {
                 // Login
                 $this->setLogin($iId, $oUserModel);
                 $this->sUrl = Uri::get('connect', 'main', 'home');
         } else {
             // For testing purposes, if there was an error, let's kill the script
             $this->oDesign->setFlashMsg(t('Oops! An error has occurred. Please try again later.'));
             $this->sUrl = Uri::get('connect', 'main', 'index');
     } else {
         $this->sUrl = Uri::get('connect', 'main', 'index');
  * Constructor.
  * @param object \PH7\Framework\Session\Session $oSession
  * @param object \PH7\Framework\Mvc\Request\Http $oHttpRequest
  * @param object \PH7\Framework\Registry\Registry $oRegistry
  * @return void
 public function __construct(Session $oSession, HttpRequest $oHttpRequest, Registry $oRegistry)
     /*** Import the libraries ***/
     $oClient = new \Google_Client();
     $oOauth = new \Google_Oauth2Service($oClient);
     if ($oHttpRequest->getExists('code')) {
         $oSession->set('token', $oClient->getAccessToken());
         $this->sUrl = Uri::get('connect', 'main', 'home');
     if ($oSession->exists('token')) {
         $oClient->setAccessToken($oSession->get('token', false));
     if ($oClient->getAccessToken()) {
         // User info is ok? Here we will be connect the user and/or adding the login and registering routines...
         $oUserModel = new UserCoreModel();
         // Get information of user
         $aUserData = $oOauth->userinfo->get();
         if (!($iId = $oUserModel->getId($aUserData['email']))) {
             // Add User if it does not exist in our database
             $this->add(escape($aUserData, true), $oUserModel);
             // Add User Avatar
             if (!empty($aUserData['picture'])) {
             $this->oDesign->setFlashMsg(t('You have now been registered! %0%', (new Registration())->sendMail($this->_aUserInfo, true)->getMsg()));
             $this->sUrl = Uri::get('connect', 'main', 'register');
         } else {
             // Login
             $this->setLogin($iId, $oUserModel);
             $this->sUrl = Uri::get('connect', 'main', 'home');
         // Add the access token
         $oSession->set('token', $oClient->getAccessToken());
     } else {
         $this->sUrl = $oClient->createAuthUrl();
     unset($oClient, $oOauth);
  * @return void
 public function __construct()
     // Import the library
     $this->_oClient = new \oauth_client_class();
     /* API permissions */
     $this->_oClient->scope = 'wl.basic wl.emails wl.birthday';
     if ($bSuccess = $this->_oClient->Initialize()) {
         if ($bSuccess = $this->_oClient->Process()) {
             if (strlen($this->_oClient->authorization_error)) {
                 $this->_oClient->error = $this->_oClient->authorization_error;
                 $bSuccess = false;
             } elseif (strlen($this->_oClient->access_token)) {
                 $bSuccess = $this->_oClient->CallAPI('', 'GET', array(), array('FailOnAccessError' => true), $oUserData);
         $bSuccess = $this->_oClient->Finalize($bSuccess);
     if ($this->_oClient->exit) {
     if ($bSuccess) {
         // User info is ok? Here we will be connect the user and/or adding the login and registering routines...
         $oUserModel = new UserCoreModel();
         if (!($iId = $oUserModel->getId($oUserData->emails->account))) {
             // Add User if it does not exist in our database
             $this->add(escape($oUserData, true), $oUserModel);
             $this->oDesign->setFlashMsg(t('You have now been registered! %0%', (new Registration())->sendMail($this->_aUserInfo, true)->getMsg()));
             $this->sUrl = Uri::get('connect', 'main', 'register');
         } else {
             // Login
             $this->setLogin($iId, $oUserModel);
             $this->sUrl = Uri::get('connect', 'main', 'home');
     } else {
         // For testing purposes, if there was an error, let's kill the script
         $this->oDesign->setFlashMsg(t('Oops! An error has occurred. Please try again later.'));
         $this->sUrl = Uri::get('connect', 'main', 'index');
  * @return void
 public function __construct()
     // Import the library
     $oFb = new \Facebook(array('appId' => Config::getInstance()->values['module.api'][''], 'secret' => Config::getInstance()->values['module.api']['facebook.secret_key']));
     $sUserId = $oFb->getUser();
     if ($sUserId) {
         try {
             // Proceed knowing you have a logged in user who's authenticated.
             $aProfile = $oFb->api('/me');
         } catch (\FacebookApiException $oE) {
             $sUserId = null;
         if ($aProfile) {
             // User info is ok? Here we will be connect the user and/or adding the login and registering routines...
             $oUserModel = new UserCoreModel();
             if (!($iId = $oUserModel->getId($aProfile['email']))) {
                 // Add User if it does not exist in our database
                 $this->add(escape($aProfile, true), $oUserModel);
                 // Add User Avatar
                 $this->oDesign->setFlashMsg(t('You have now been registered! %0%', (new Registration())->sendMail($this->_aUserInfo, true)->getMsg()));
                 $this->sUrl = Uri::get('connect', 'main', 'register');
             } else {
                 // Login
                 $this->setLogin($iId, $oUserModel);
                 $this->sUrl = Uri::get('connect', 'main', 'home');
         } else {
             // For testing purposes, if there was an error, let's kill the script
             $this->oDesign->setFlashMsg(t('Oops! An error has occurred. Please try again later.'));
             $this->sUrl = Uri::get('connect', 'main', 'index');
     } else {
         // There's no active session, let's generate one
         $this->sUrl = $oFb->getLoginUrl(array('scope' => 'email,user_birthday,user_relationships,user_relationship_details,user_hometown,user_location,user_interests,user_about_me,user_likes,user_website'));
 public static function display()
     if (isset($_POST['submit_ads'])) {
         if (\PFBC\Form::isValid($_POST['submit_ads'])) {
             new AdsFormProcess();
     $aAdSizes = Import::file(PH7_PATH_APP_CONFIG . 'ad_sizes');
     $oForm = new \PFBC\Form('form_ads', 500);
     $oForm->configure(array('action' => ''));
     $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\Hidden('submit_ads', 'form_ads'));
     $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\Token('ads'));
     $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\Textbox(t('Title:'), 'title', array('required' => 1, 'validation' => new \PFBC\Validation\Str(2, 40))));
     $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\Select(t('Size of the Banner:'), 'size', $aAdSizes, array('required' => 1)));
     $sText = AdsCore::getTable() == 'AdsAffiliates' ? t('The predefined variable for the URL of an affiliate account to put in the HTML is: %0%.', '<strong>#!%affiliate_url%!#</strong>') : t('The predefined variable to the URL of your site to indicate this in the HTML is: %0%.', '<strong>#!%site_url%!#</strong>');
     $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\Textarea(t('Banner:'), 'code', array('description' => $sText, 'required' => 1)));
     $oForm->addElement(new \PFBC\Element\Button());
  * Get the instructions.
  * @param string $sInstFile Instruction file.
  * @return mixed (string or boolean) Returns "false" if the file does not exist or if it fails, otherwise returns the "file contents"
 private function _readInstruction($sInstFile)
     try {
         return F\Import::file(PH7_PATH_REPOSITORY . static::DIR . PH7_DS . $this->_sUpgradesDirUpgradeFolder . static::INFO_DIR . PH7_DS . $sInstFile);
     } catch (Framework\File\Exception $e) {
         return '<p class="error">' . t('Instruction file not found!') . '</p>';
 // Loading Framework Classes
 require PH7_PATH_FRAMEWORK . 'Loader/Autoloader.php';
 /** Loading configuration files environments **/
 // For All environment
 Import::file(PH7_PATH_APP . 'configs/environment/all.env');
 // Specific to the current environment
 Import::file(PH7_PATH_APP . 'configs/environment/' . Config::getInstance()->values['application']['environment'] . '.env');
 // Loading Class ~/protected/app/includes/classes/*
 // Loading Debug class
 // Loading String Class
 /* Structure/General.class.php functions are not currently used */
 // Import::pH7FwkClass('Structure.General');
 /*** End Loading Files ***/
 //** Temporary code. In the near future, pH7CMS will be usable without mod_rewrite
 if (!Server::isRewriteMod()) {
     $sMsg = '<p class="warning"><a href="' . Framework\Core\Kernel::SOFTWARE_WEBSITE . '">pH7CMS</a> requires Apache "mod_rewrite".</p>
     <p>Please install it so that pH7CMS can works.<br /> Click <a href="" target="_blank">here</a> if you want to get more information on how to install the rewrite module.<br /><br />
     After doing this, please <a href="' . PH7_URL_ROOT . '">retry</a>.</p>';
     echo html_body("Apache's mod_rewrite is required", $sMsg);
 // Enable client browser cache
 (new Browser())->cache();
 // Starting zlib-compressed output
  * @access private
  * @return void
 private function ajaxRouter($sMod = null)
     // Option for Content Type
     if ($this->oHttpRequest->getExists('option')) {
         if ($this->oHttpRequest->get('option') == 'plain') {
             header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8');
     if (!empty($sMod)) {
         // For module only!
         $sFolder = $this->oUri->fragment(4) && preg_match('#^[\\w]+$#', $this->oUri->fragment(4)) ? PH7_DS . $this->oUri->fragment(4) : '';
         if (is_file($sMod . 'assets/ajax/' . $this->oUri->fragment(3) . $sFolder . 'Ajax.php')) {
             include_once $sMod . 'assets/ajax/' . $this->oUri->fragment(3) . $sFolder . 'Ajax.php';
         } else {
             $this->notFound('Error while loading the library of module ajax<br />File: ' . $sMod . 'assets' . PH7_DS . 'ajax' . PH7_DS . $this->oUri->fragment(3) . $sFolder . 'Ajax.php does not exist', 1);
     } else {
         // For all scripts of the pH7 DatingCms
         $sFolder = $this->oUri->fragment(3) && preg_match('#^[\\w]+$#', $this->oUri->fragment(3)) ? PH7_DS . $this->oUri->fragment(3) : '';
         if (is_file(PH7_PATH_SYS . 'core/assets/ajax/' . $this->oUri->fragment(2) . $sFolder . 'CoreAjax.php')) {
             include_once PH7_PATH_SYS . 'core/assets/ajax/' . $this->oUri->fragment(2) . $sFolder . 'CoreAjax.php';
         } else {
             $this->notFound('Error while loading the library of ajax<br />File: ' . PH7_PATH_SYS . 'core' . PH7_DS . 'assets' . PH7_DS . 'ajax' . PH7_DS . $this->oUri->fragment(2) . $sFolder . 'CoreAjax.php does not exist', 1);
 public function process($sProvider = '')
     switch ($sProvider) {
         case 'paypal':
             $oPayPal = new PayPal($this->config->values['module.setting']['sandbox.enable']);
             if ($oPayPal->valid() && $this->httpRequest->postExists('item_number') && $this->httpRequest->postExists('custom')) {
                 if ($this->oUserModel->updateMembership($this->httpRequest->post('item_number'), $this->httpRequest->post('custom', 'int'), $this->httpRequest->post('amount'), $this->dateTime->dateTime('Y-m-d H:i:s'))) {
                     $this->_bStatus = true;
                     // Status is OK
                     // PayPal will call automatically the "notification()" method thanks its IPN feature and "notify_url" form attribute.
         case 'stripe':
             if ($this->httpRequest->postExists('stripeToken')) {
                 // Import the Stripe library
                 $oCharge = \Stripe\Charge::create(array('source' => $this->httpRequest->post('stripeToken'), 'email' => $this->httpRequest->post('stripeEmail')));
                 if ($this->oUserModel->updateMembership($this->httpRequest->post('item_number'), $this->httpRequest->post('member_id', 'int'), $this->httpRequest->post('amount'), $this->dateTime->dateTime('Y-m-d H:i:s'))) {
                     $this->_bStatus = true;
                     // Status is OK
                     // Add info into the log file
         case '2co':
             $o2CO = new TwoCO($this->config->values['module.setting']['sandbox.enable']);
             $sVendorId = $this->config->values['module.setting']['2co.vendor_id'];
             $sSecretWord = $this->config->values['module.setting']['2co.secret_word'];
             if ($o2CO->valid($sVendorId, $sSecretWord) && $this->httpRequest->postExists('sale_id')) {
                 if ($this->oUserModel->updateMembership($this->httpRequest->post('sale_id'), $this->iProfileId, $this->httpRequest->post('price'), $this->dateTime->dateTime('Y-m-d H:i:s'))) {
                     $this->_bStatus = true;
                     // Status is OK
                     // Add info into the log file
         case 'ccbill':
             // In developing...
             // Contact us at <*****@*****.**> if you want to help us develop the payment system CCBill
             $this->displayPageNotFound(t('Provinder Not Found!'));
     // Set the page titles
     $this->sTitle = $this->_bStatus ? t('Thank you!') : t('Error occurred!');
     $this->view->page_title = $this->sTitle;
     $this->view->h2_title = $this->sTitle;
     if ($this->_bStatus) {
     // Set the valid page
     $sPage = $this->_bStatus ? 'success' : 'error';
     $this->manualTplInclude($sPage . $this->view->getTplExt());
     // Output
  * Get the instructions.
  * @param string $sInstFile Instruction file.
  * @return mixed (string or boolean) Returns "false" if the file does not exist or if it fails, otherwise returns the "file contents"
 private function _readInstruction($sInstFile)
     $mInstruction = F\Import::file(PH7_PATH_REPOSITORY . static::DIR . PH7_DS . $this->_sUpgradesDirUpgradeFolder . static::INFO_DIR . PH7_DS . $sInstFile);
     return !$mInstruction ? '<p class="error">' . t('Instruction file not found!') . '</p>' : $mInstruction;
Exemple #12
  * Get the instructions.
  * @param string $sSwitch Module::INSTALL or Module::UNINSTALL constant.
  * @return mixed (string or boolean) Returns "false" if the file does not exist or if it fails, otherwise returns the "file contents".
 public function readInstruction($sSwitch)
     $sValue = $this->_checkParam($sSwitch);
     $sDir = $this->_sModsDirModFolder . static::INSTALL_DIR . PH7_DS . static::INFO_DIR . PH7_DS;
     $sPath = $sValue == static::INSTALL ? PH7_PATH_MOD . $sDir . static::INSTALL_INST_CONCL_FILE : PH7_PATH_REPOSITORY . static::DIR . PH7_DS . $sDir . static::UNINSTALL_INST_CONCL_FILE;
     $mInstruction = F\Import::file($sPath);
     return !$mInstruction ? '<p class="error">' . t('Instruction file not found!') . '</p>' : $mInstruction;
  * @access private
  * @return void
 private function ajaxRouter($sMod = null)
     // Option for Content Type
     if ($this->oHttpRequest->getExists('option')) {
         if ($this->oHttpRequest->get('option') == 'plain') {
             header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8');
     if (!empty($sMod)) {
         // For module only!
         /***** SHORTCUTS PATH THE MODULE *****/
         $this->oRegistry->path_module_controllers = $this->oRegistry->path_module . PH7_CTRL;
         $this->oRegistry->path_module_models = $this->oRegistry->path_module . PH7_MODELS;
         $this->oRegistry->path_module_views = $this->oRegistry->path_module . PH7_VIEWS;
         $this->oRegistry->path_module_forms = $this->oRegistry->path_module . PH7_FORMS;
         $this->oRegistry->path_module_inc = $this->oRegistry->path_module . PH7_INC;
         $this->oRegistry->path_module_config = $this->oRegistry->path_module . PH7_CONFIG;
         $this->oRegistry->path_module_lang = $this->oRegistry->path_module . PH7_LANG;
         $sFolder = $this->oUri->fragment(4) && preg_match('#^[\\w]+$#', $this->oUri->fragment(4)) ? PH7_DS . $this->oUri->fragment(4) : '';
         if (is_file($sMod . 'assets/ajax/' . $this->oUri->fragment(3) . $sFolder . 'Ajax.php')) {
             include_once $sMod . 'assets/ajax/' . $this->oUri->fragment(3) . $sFolder . 'Ajax.php';
         } else {
             $this->notFound('Error while loading the library of module ajax<br />File: ' . $sMod . 'assets' . PH7_DS . 'ajax' . PH7_DS . $this->oUri->fragment(3) . $sFolder . 'Ajax.php does not exist', 1);
     } else {
         // For all scripts of the pH7 DatingCms
         $sFolder = $this->oUri->fragment(3) && preg_match('#^[\\w]+$#', $this->oUri->fragment(3)) ? PH7_DS . $this->oUri->fragment(3) : '';
         if (is_file(PH7_PATH_SYS . 'core/assets/ajax/' . $this->oUri->fragment(2) . $sFolder . 'CoreAjax.php')) {
             include_once PH7_PATH_SYS . 'core/assets/ajax/' . $this->oUri->fragment(2) . $sFolder . 'CoreAjax.php';
         } else {
             $this->notFound('Error while loading the library of ajax<br />File: ' . PH7_PATH_SYS . 'core' . PH7_DS . 'assets' . PH7_DS . 'ajax' . PH7_DS . $this->oUri->fragment(2) . $sFolder . 'CoreAjax.php does not exist', 1);
  * Get the instructions.
  * @param string $sSwitch Module::INSTALL or Module::UNINSTALL constant.
  * @return mixed (string or boolean) Returns "false" if the file does not exist or if it fails, otherwise returns the "file contents".
 public function readInstruction($sSwitch)
     $sValue = $this->_checkParam($sSwitch);
     $sDir = $this->_sModsDirModFolder . static::INSTALL_DIR . PH7_DS . static::INFO_DIR . PH7_DS;
     $sPath = $sValue == static::INSTALL ? PH7_PATH_MOD . $sDir . static::INSTALL_INST_CONCL_FILE : PH7_PATH_REPOSITORY . static::DIR . PH7_DS . $sDir . static::UNINSTALL_INST_CONCL_FILE;
     try {
         return F\Import::file($sPath);
     } catch (Framework\File\Exception $e) {
         return '<p class="error">' . t('Instruction file not found!') . '</p>';