Exemple #1
  * Validate Fold
  * @param int   $actiontype The action type of the fold we're validating
  * @param array $data       The form data in array format
  * @return array An array of error strings
 function validate_fold($actiontype, $data)
     $errors = array();
     $ranges = array();
     $parsed = array();
     $langsuffix = $this->types[$actiontype];
     $prefix = $langsuffix . '_';
     // Fallback check, if add another range button pushed skip vaidation.
     // Otherwise validate and make sure all rows have been filled correctly out
     if (!array_key_exists($prefix . 'add', $data)) {
         // Iterate through the submitted values.
         // Existing data has the key track_<number>_min/max/etc.
         foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
             $error = '';
             if (false === strpos($key, $prefix)) {
             // Extract the element unique id
             $parts = explode('_', $key);
             $id = $parts[1];
             if (array_key_exists($id, $parsed)) {
             $keyprefix = $prefix . $id;
             $keymin = $keyprefix . '_min';
             $keymax = $keyprefix . '_max';
             $keyselect = $keyprefix . '_selected';
             $keygroup = $keyprefix . '_score';
             $skip_empty = false;
             // Skip over empty score ranges.
             if (!$this->valid_score($data, $keymin) && !$this->valid_score($data, $keymax)) {
                 if (!empty($data[$keyselect])) {
                     $error = get_string('results_error_incomplete_score_range', self::LANG_FILE);
                 } else {
                     $skip_empty = true;
             } else {
                 if (!$this->valid_score($data, $keymin) || !$this->valid_score($data, $keymax)) {
                     $error = get_string('results_error_incomplete_score_range', self::LANG_FILE);
                 } else {
                     if (elis_float_comp($data[$keymin], $data[$keymax], '>')) {
                         $error = get_string('results_error_min_larger_than_max', self::LANG_FILE);
                     } else {
                         if (empty($data[$keyselect])) {
                             $error = get_string('results_error_no_' . $langsuffix, self::LANG_FILE);
             // Only check the ranges if no other error has been found yet.
             if (!$skip_empty && empty($error)) {
                 foreach ($ranges as $range) {
                     if (elis_float_comp($range['min'], $data[$keymin], '<=') && elis_float_comp($data[$keymin], $range['max'], '<=')) {
                         $error = get_string('results_error_range_overlap_min', self::LANG_FILE);
                     } else {
                         if (elis_float_comp($range['min'], $data[$keymax], '<=') && elis_float_comp($data[$keymax], $range['max'], '<=')) {
                             $error = get_string('results_error_range_overlap_max', self::LANG_FILE);
                         } else {
                             if (elis_float_comp($data[$keymin], $range['min'], '<=') && elis_float_comp($range['max'], $data[$keymax], '<=')) {
                                 $error = get_string('results_error_range_envelop', self::LANG_FILE);
                 $ranges[] = array('min' => $data[$keymin], 'max' => $data[$keymax]);
             if (!empty($error)) {
                 $errors[$keygroup] = $error;
             $parsed[$id] = true;
     return $errors;
  * Test elis_float_comp() function
  * @dataProvider elis_float_comp_dataprovider
  * @param float $num1 The first number to compare.
  * @param float $num2 The second number to compare.
  * @param string $op The comparison operation.
  * @param bool $expectedresult The expected result.
 public function test_elis_float_comp($num1, $num2, $op, $expectedresult)
     $this->assertEquals($expectedresult, elis_float_comp($num1, $num2, $op));
     $this->assertEquals($expectedresult, elis_float_comp($num1, $num2, $op, true));
Exemple #3
 * Process all the students in this class
 * Class properties required:
 *   id               - id of class
 *   criteriatype     - what mark to look at, 0 for final mark, anything else is an element id
 *   engineid         - id of results engine entry
 *   scheduleddate    - date when it was supposed to run
 *   rundate          - date when it is being run
 * Class properties required by sub-functions:
 *   eventtriggertype - what type of trigger the engine uses
 *   lockedgrade     - whether the grade must be locked if "set grade" trigger is used
 * @param $class object The class object see above for required attributes
 * @return boolean Success/failure
 * @uses $CFG
function results_engine_process($class)
    global $CFG, $DB;
    $params = array('classid' => $class->id);
    $students = results_engine_get_students($class);
    if (sizeof($students) == 0) {
        return true;
    $params = array('resultsid' => $class->engineid);
    $fields = 'id, actiontype, minimum, maximum, trackid, classid, fieldid, fielddata';
    $actions = $DB->get_records('local_elisprogram_res_action', $params, '', $fields);
    $fieldids = array();
    $classids = array();
    $trackids = array();
    foreach ($actions as $action) {
        if ($action->actiontype == RESULTS_ENGINE_UPDATE_PROFILE) {
            $fieldids[$action->fieldid] = $action->fieldid;
        } else {
            if ($action->actiontype == RESULTS_ENGINE_ASSIGN_CLASS) {
                $classids[$action->classid] = $action->classid;
            } else {
                if ($action->actiontype == RESULTS_ENGINE_ASSIGN_TRACK) {
                    $trackids[$action->trackid] = $action->trackid;
    foreach ($fieldids as $id) {
        if ($record = $DB->get_record('local_eliscore_field', array('id' => $id))) {
            $userfields[$id] = new field($record, null, array(), true);
    $classes = $DB->get_records_list('local_elisprogram_cls', 'id', $classids);
    $tracks = $DB->get_records_list('local_elisprogram_trk', 'id', $trackids);
    // Log that the class has been processed
    $log = new stdClass();
    $log->classid = $class->id;
    $log->datescheduled = $class->scheduleddate;
    $log->daterun = $class->rundate;
    $classlogid = $DB->insert_record('local_elisprogram_res_clslog', $log);
    $log = new stdClass();
    $log->classlogid = $classlogid;
    $log->daterun = $class->rundate;
    // Find the correct action to take based on student marks
    foreach ($students as $student) {
        $do = null;
        foreach ($actions as $action) {
            if (elis_float_comp($student->grade, $action->minimum, '>=') && elis_float_comp($student->grade, $action->maximum, '<=')) {
                $do = $action;
        if ($do != null) {
            $obj = new object();
            switch ($do->actiontype) {
                case RESULTS_ENGINE_ASSIGN_TRACK:
                    usertrack::enrol($student->userid, $do->trackid);
                    $message = 'results_action_assign_track';
                    $track = $tracks[$do->trackid];
                    $obj->name = $track->name . ' (' . $track->idnumber . ')';
                case RESULTS_ENGINE_ASSIGN_CLASS:
                    $enrol = new student();
                    $enrol->classid = $do->classid;
                    $enrol->userid = $student->userid;
                    $message = 'results_action_assign_class';
                    $obj->name = $classes[$do->classid]->idnumber;
                    if (!array_key_exists($do->fieldid, $userfields)) {
                        print get_string('results_field_not_found', RESULTS_ENGINE_LANG_FILE, $do) . "\n";
                    $context = \local_elisprogram\context\user::instance($student->userid);
                    field_data::set_for_context_and_field($context, $userfields[$do->fieldid], $do->fielddata);
                    //set field
                    $filter = new select_filter('id = :userid', array('userid' => $student->userid));
                    if (user::exists($filter)) {
                        //get user
                        $user = user::find($filter);
                        $user = $user->current();
                        //set field
                        $field = 'field_' . $userfields[$do->fieldid]->shortname;
                        $user->{$field} = $do->fielddata;
                    $message = 'results_action_update_profile';
                    $obj->name = $userfields[$do->fieldid]->shortname;
                    $obj->value = $do->fielddata;
                    // If we don't know what we're doing, do nothing.
            $obj->id = $do->id;
            $log->action = get_string($message, RESULTS_ENGINE_LANG_FILE, $obj);
            $log->userid = $student->userid;
            $DB->insert_record('local_elisprogram_res_stulog', $log, false);
    if (isset($class->cron) && $class->cron) {
        print get_string('results_class_processed', RESULTS_ENGINE_LANG_FILE, $class) . "\n";
    return true;