 * Unregister file: delete record from table and remove file
 * (not used)
function unregister_for_recid($recid, $needConnect = false)
    if ($needConnect) {
    unregister_for_recid2($recid, true);
function deleteRecord($id, $needDeleteFile = true)
    $id = intval($id);
    $res = mysql_query("SELECT rec_AddedByUGrpID, rec_OwnerUGrpID, rec_RecTypeID FROM Records WHERE rec_ID = " . $id);
    $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
    $recTypeID = $row["rec_RecTypeID"];
    $owner = $row["rec_OwnerUGrpID"];
    if (!is_admin()) {
        if (!($owner == get_user_id() || is_admin('group', $owner))) {
            return array("error" => "user not authorised to delete record");
    // find any references to the record
    if (false) {
        $res = mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT dtl_RecID\n\t\t                      FROM defDetailTypes\n\t\t                 LEFT JOIN recDetails ON dtl_DetailTypeID = dty_ID\n\t\t                     WHERE dty_Type = 'resource'\n\t\t                       AND dtl_Value = " . $id);
        $reference_count = mysql_num_rows($res);
        if ($reference_count > 0) {
            return array("error" => "record cannot be deleted - there are existing references to it");
    $bkmk_count = 0;
    $rels_count = 0;
    $error = null;
    // find any bookmarks of the record
    /* AO:  what we should do with $bkmk_ids?????
    	$reference_ids = array();
    	while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) array_push($reference_ids, $row["dtl_RecID"]);
    	$res = mysql_query("select bkm_ID from Records left join usrBookmarks on bkm_recID=rec_ID where rec_ID = " . $id . " and bkm_ID is not null");
    	$bkmk_count = mysql_num_rows($res);
    	$bkmk_ids = array();
    	while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
    		array_push($bkmk_ids, $row["bkm_ID"]);
    			$res = mysql_query('select '.USERS_USERNAME_FIELD.' from Records left join usrBookmarks on bkm_recID=rec_ID left join '.USERS_DATABASE.'.'.USERS_TABLE.' on '.USERS_ID_FIELD.'=bkm_UGrpID where rec_ID = ' . $rec_id);
    			$bkmk_count = mysql_num_rows($res);
    			$bkmk_users = array();
    			while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) array_push($bkmk_users, $row[USERS_USERNAME_FIELD]);
    				 ($bkmk_count == 0  ||
    				 ($bkmk_count == 1  &&  $bkmk_users[0] == get_user_username())))) {
    while (true) {
        //delete uploaded files
        $fd_res = unregister_for_recid2($id, $needDeleteFile);
        if ($fd_res) {
            $error = "database error - " . $fd_res;
        mysql_query('SET foreign_key_checks = 0');
        mysql_query('delete from recDetails where dtl_RecID = ' . $id);
        if (mysql_error()) {
            $error = "database error - " . mysql_error();
        mysql_query('delete from Records where rec_ID = ' . $id);
        if (mysql_error()) {
            $error = "database error - " . mysql_error();
        $deleted = mysql_affected_rows();
        deleteRecordIndexEntry(DATABASE, $recTypeID, $id);
        mysql_query('delete from usrReminders where rem_RecID = ' . $id);
        if (mysql_error()) {
            $error = "database error - " . mysql_error();
        mysql_query('delete from usrRecTagLinks where rtl_RecID = ' . $id);
        if (mysql_error()) {
            $error = "database error - " . mysql_error();
        mysql_query('delete from recThreadedComments where cmt_RecID = ' . $id);
        if (mysql_error()) {
            $error = "database error - " . mysql_error();
        //change all woots with title bookmark: to user:
        mysql_query('update woots set woot_Title="user:"******"boomark:",bkm_ID) as title from usrBookmarks where bkm_recID = ' . $id . ')');
        if (mysql_error()) {
            $error = "database error - " . mysql_error();
        mysql_query('delete from usrBookmarks where bkm_recID = ' . $id);
        if (mysql_error()) {
            $error = "database error - " . mysql_error();
        $bkmk_count = mysql_affected_rows();
        //delete from woot
        mysql_query('delete from woot_ChunkPermissions where wprm_ChunkID in ' . '(SELECT chunk_ID FROM woots, woot_Chunks where chunk_WootID=woot_ID and woot_Title="record:' . $id . '")');
        if (mysql_error()) {
            $error = "database error - " . mysql_error();
        mysql_query('delete from woot_Chunks where chunk_WootID in ' . '(SELECT woot_ID FROM woots where woot_Title="record:' . $id . '")');
        if (mysql_error()) {
            $error = "database error - " . mysql_error();
        mysql_query('delete from woot_RecPermissions where wrprm_WootID in ' . '(SELECT woot_ID FROM woots where woot_Title="record:' . $id . '")');
        if (mysql_error()) {
            $error = "database error - " . mysql_error();
        mysql_query('delete from woots where woot_Title="record:' . $id . '"');
        if (mysql_error()) {
            $error = "database error - " . mysql_error();
        mysql_query('SET foreign_key_checks = 1');
        //remove special kind of record - relationship
        $refs_res = mysql_query('select rec_ID from recDetails left join defDetailTypes on dty_ID=dtl_DetailTypeID left join Records on rec_ID=dtl_RecID where dty_Type="resource" and dtl_Value=' . $id . ' and rec_RecTypeID=' . RT_RELATION);
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($refs_res)) {
            $res = deleteRecord($row['rec_ID']);
            if (array_key_exists("error", $res)) {
                $error = $res["error"];
            } else {
                $rels_count += $res["bkmk_count"];
                $bkmk_count += $res["rel_count"];
    if ($error == null) {
        return array("deleted" => $id, "bkmk_count" => $bkmk_count, "rel_count" => $rels_count);
    } else {
        return array("error" => $error);