Exemple #1
$date_note = $date != date('Y-m-d') ? ' <span class=red>The selected date is not today</span>' : '';
# commented as requested
if ($_REQUEST['table'] == '0') {
    $completed_RET = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT \'Y\' as COMPLETED,STAFF_ID,SUBSTITUTE_STAFF_ID,IS_TAKEN_BY_SUBSTITUTE_STAFF FROM attendance_completed WHERE (STAFF_ID=\'' . User('STAFF_ID') . '\' OR SUBSTITUTE_STAFF_ID=\'' . User('STAFF_ID') . '\') AND SCHOOL_DATE=\'' . $date . '\' AND PERIOD_ID=\'' . UserPeriod() . '\' AND CPV_ID=\'' . CpvId() . '\''));
    if ($completed_RET) {
        if ($completed_RET[1]['IS_TAKEN_BY_SUBSTITUTE_STAFF'] != 'Y' && User('STAFF_ID') == $completed_RET[1]['SUBSTITUTE_STAFF_ID']) {
            $note = ErrorMessage(array('<IMG SRC=assets/check.gif>Primary teacher has taken attendance today for this period.'), 'note');
        } elseif ($completed_RET[1]['IS_TAKEN_BY_SUBSTITUTE_STAFF'] == 'Y' && User('STAFF_ID') == $completed_RET[1]['STAFF_ID']) {
            $note = ErrorMessage(array('<IMG SRC=assets/check.gif>Secondary teacher has taken attendance today for this period.'), 'note');
        } else {
            $note = ErrorMessage(array('<IMG SRC=assets/check.gif>You have taken attendance today for this period.'), 'note');
    if ($_SESSION['miss_attn'] == 1) {
        $get_profile_type = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT PROFILE FROM user_profiles WHERE ID=' . UserProfileID()));
        if ($_REQUEST['username'] == 'admin' || $get_profile_type[1]['PROFILE'] == 'admin') {
            $note1 = '<a href=Modules.php?modname=users/TeacherPrograms.php?include=attendance/MissingAttendance.php&From=' . $From . '&to=' . $to . '><< Back to Missing Attendance List </a>';
if (optional_param('attn', PARAM_NOTGAS) == 'miss') {
    DrawHeaderHome('<A HREF="Modules.php?modname=miscellaneous/Portal.php?back_mssn_attn_list=Y">Back to Missing Attendance List</A>');
echo "<FORM ACTION=Modules.php?modname=" . strip_tags(trim($_REQUEST[modname])) . "&table=" . strip_tags(trim($_REQUEST[table])) . "&username="******"&From={$From}&to={$to}&attn=" . strip_tags(trim($_REQUEST[attn])) . " method=POST>";
$profile = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT PROFILE FROM staff WHERE STAFF_ID=' . UserID()));
if ($profile[1]['PROFILE'] != "admin" && UserCoursePeriod() != '') {
    $QI = DBQuery('SELECT DISTINCT cpv.ID,cpv.PERIOD_ID,cp.COURSE_PERIOD_ID,sp.TITLE,sp.SHORT_NAME,cp.MARKING_PERIOD_ID,cpv.DAYS,sp.SORT_ORDER,c.TITLE AS COURSE_TITLE FROM course_periods cp,course_period_var cpv, school_periods sp,courses c WHERE c.COURSE_ID=cp.COURSE_ID AND cpv.PERIOD_ID=sp.PERIOD_ID AND cp.COURSE_PERIOD_ID=cpv.COURSE_PERIOD_ID AND cpv.COURSE_PERIOD_ID=' . UserCoursePeriod() . ' AND cp.SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' AND cp.SCHOOL_ID=\'' . UserSchool() . '\' AND (cp.TEACHER_ID=\'' . User('STAFF_ID') . '\' OR cp.SECONDARY_TEACHER_ID=\'' . User('STAFF_ID') . '\') ORDER BY sp.SORT_ORDER ');
    $RET = DBGet($QI);
    $period_select = "Choose Period:  <SELECT name=period onChange='this.form.submit();'>";
    $period_select .= "<OPTION value='na' selected>N/A</OPTION>";
Exemple #2
     if ($disable == '' && ($profile == 3 || $profile == 4)) {
         $user = $user . " AND TRIM( IFNULL( is_disable, 'NULL' ) ) = 'NULL' ";
     if ($disable == '' && $profile != 3 && $profile != 4) {
         $user = $user . " AND TRIM( IFNULL( is_disable, '' ) ) <> 'Y' ";
     if ($disable == 'Y') {
         $user = $user . " ";
 } else {
     if (User('PROFILE') == 'admin' && UserProfileID() == 0) {
         $user1 = "SELECT username,LAST_NAME,first_name,login_authentication.profile_id,is_disable,login_authentication.user_id FROM login_authentication,staff WHERE login_authentication.user_id=staff.staff_id  AND TRIM( IFNULL( USERNAME, '' ) ) <> '' AND TRIM( IFNULL( PASSWORD, '' ) ) <> '' AND USERNAME NOT IN(SELECT USER_NAME from mail_groupmembers where group_id=" . $groupselect[1]['GROUP_ID'] . ") and login_authentication.profile_id not in(3,4)";
         $user2 = "SELECT username,LAST_NAME,first_name,login_authentication.profile_id,is_disable,login_authentication.user_id FROM login_authentication,students WHERE login_authentication.user_id=students.student_id AND login_authentication.profile_id=3 AND TRIM( IFNULL( USERNAME, '' ) ) <> '' AND TRIM( IFNULL( PASSWORD, '' ) ) <> '' AND USERNAME NOT IN(SELECT USER_NAME from mail_groupmembers where group_id=" . $groupselect[1]['GROUP_ID'] . ") and login_authentication.profile_id=3";
         $user3 = "SELECT username,LAST_NAME,first_name,login_authentication.profile_id,is_disable,login_authentication.user_id FROM login_authentication,people WHERE login_authentication.user_id=people.staff_id AND TRIM( IFNULL( USERNAME, '' ) ) <> '' AND TRIM( IFNULL( PASSWORD, '' ) ) <> '' AND USERNAME NOT IN(SELECT USER_NAME from mail_groupmembers where group_id=" . $groupselect[1]['GROUP_ID'] . ") and login_authentication.profile_id=4";
     if (UserProfileID() == 1 || UserProfileID() == 5) {
         $user1 = "SELECT username,LAST_NAME,first_name,login_authentication.profile_id,is_disable,login_authentication.user_id FROM login_authentication,staff,staff_school_relationship WHERE login_authentication.user_id=staff.staff_id and staff_school_relationship.staff_id=staff.staff_id  and staff_school_relationship.school_id in (select school_id from staff_school_relationship where staff_id=" . UserID() . ") AND TRIM( IFNULL( USERNAME, '' ) ) <> '' AND TRIM( IFNULL( PASSWORD, '' ) ) <> '' AND USERNAME NOT IN(SELECT USER_NAME from mail_groupmembers where group_id=" . $groupselect[1]['GROUP_ID'] . ") and login_authentication.profile_id not in(3,4)";
         $user2 = "SELECT username,LAST_NAME,first_name,login_authentication.profile_id,is_disable,login_authentication.user_id FROM login_authentication,students,student_enrollment WHERE login_authentication.user_id=students.student_id and students.student_id=student_enrollment.student_id and student_enrollment.school_id in(select school_id from staff_school_relationship where staff_id=" . UserID() . ")AND login_authentication.profile_id=3 AND TRIM( IFNULL( USERNAME, '' ) ) <> '' AND TRIM( IFNULL( PASSWORD, '' ) ) <> '' AND USERNAME NOT IN(SELECT USER_NAME from mail_groupmembers where group_id=" . $groupselect[1]['GROUP_ID'] . ") and login_authentication.profile_id=3";
         $user3 = "SELECT username,LAST_NAME,first_name,login_authentication.profile_id,is_disable,login_authentication.user_id FROM login_authentication,students_join_people,people  WHERE login_authentication.user_id=people.staff_id AND students_join_people.person_id in(select school_id from students,student_enrollment,students_join_people  where students.student_id=student_enrollment.student_id and students_join_people.student_id=students.student_id and student_enrollment.school_id in(select school_id from staff_school_relationship where  staff_id=" . UserID() . ")) and TRIM( IFNULL( USERNAME, '' ) ) <> '' AND TRIM( IFNULL( PASSWORD, '' ) ) <> '' AND USERNAME NOT IN(SELECT USER_NAME from mail_groupmembers where group_id=" . $groupselect[1]['GROUP_ID'] . ") and login_authentication.profile_id=4";
         //              $user3="SELECT username,LAST_NAME,first_name,login_authentication.profile_id,is_disable,login_authentication.user_id FROM login_authentication,people WHERE login_authentication.user_id=people.staff_id AND people.staff_id in (select staff_id from staff_school_relationship where staff_id=".  UserID().") and TRIM( IFNULL( USERNAME, '' ) ) <> '' AND TRIM( IFNULL( PASSWORD, '' ) ) <> '' AND USERNAME NOT IN(SELECT USER_NAME from mail_groupmembers where group_id=".$groupselect[1]['GROUP_ID'].") and login_authentication.profile_id=4";
     if (User('PROFILE') == 'teacher') {
         $user1 = "SELECT username,LAST_NAME,first_name,login_authentication.profile_id,is_disable,login_authentication.user_id FROM login_authentication,staff,staff_school_relationship WHERE login_authentication.user_id=staff.staff_id and staff_school_relationship.staff_id=staff.staff_id AND TRIM( IFNULL( USERNAME, '' ) ) <> '' AND TRIM( IFNULL( PASSWORD, '' ) ) <> '' AND USERNAME NOT IN(SELECT USER_NAME from mail_groupmembers where group_id=" . $groupselect[1]['GROUP_ID'] . ") and login_authentication.profile_id in(0,1,5) and school_id in(select school_id from staff_school_relationship where staff_id=" . UserID() . ")";
         //all types of admin
         $user2 = "SELECT username,LAST_NAME,first_name,login_authentication.profile_id,is_disable,login_authentication.user_id FROM students,login_authentication WHERE profile_id=3 and login_authentication.user_id=students.student_id and  TRIM( IFNULL( USERNAME, '' ) ) <> '' AND  TRIM( IFNULL( PASSWORD, '' ) ) <> ''  AND USERNAME NOT IN(SELECT USER_NAME from mail_groupmembers where group_id=" . $groupselect[1]['GROUP_ID'] . ") AND student_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT student_id FROM course_periods INNER JOIN schedule USING ( course_period_id ) WHERE course_periods.teacher_id = " . UserID() . ")";
         //scheduled students
         $user3 = 'SELECT username,LAST_NAME,first_name,login_authentication.profile_id,is_disable,login_authentication.user_id FROM login_authentication,people WHERE login_authentication.user_id=people.staff_id and login_authentication.profile_id=4  AND USERNAME NOT IN(SELECT USER_NAME from mail_groupmembers where group_id=' . $groupselect[1]['GROUP_ID'] . ' ) and  TRIM( IFNULL( USERNAME, \'\' ) ) <> \'\' AND user_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT person_id FROM students_join_people WHERE student_id IN (SELECT student_id FROM students WHERE student_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT student_id FROM course_periods INNER JOIN schedule USING (course_period_id ) WHERE course_periods.teacher_id = \'' . UserID() . '\')))';
     if (User('PROFILE') == 'parent') {
         $user1 = "SELECT username,LAST_NAME,first_name,login_authentication.profile_id,is_disable,login_authentication.user_id FROM login_authentication,staff WHERE login_authentication.user_id=staff.staff_id AND TRIM( IFNULL( USERNAME, '' ) ) <> '' AND TRIM( IFNULL( PASSWORD, '' ) ) <> '' AND USERNAME NOT IN(SELECT USER_NAME from mail_groupmembers where group_id=" . $groupselect[1]['GROUP_ID'] . ") and login_authentication.profile_id in(0,1,5)";
                 $RET[$id] = $data;
     $checked = 'CHECKED';
     $new = true;
 echo "<FORM name=F2 id=F2 action=Modules.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']}&subject_id={$_REQUEST['subject_id']}&course_id={$_REQUEST['course_id']}&course_period_id={$_REQUEST['course_period_id']} method=POST>";
 echo '<input type="hidden" name="get_status" id="get_status" value="" />';
 echo '<INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="course_period_day_checked" id="course_period_day_checked" VALUE="" />';
 echo '<input type="hidden" name="cp_id" id="cp_id" value="' . $_REQUEST['course_period_id'] . '"/>';
 if ($_REQUEST['course_period_id'] != 'new') {
     echo '<input type="hidden" id="schedule_type_id" value="' . $RET['SCHEDULE_TYPE'] . '"/>';
 if (UserProfileID() != 2) {
     DrawHeaderHome($title, $delete_button . SubmitButton('Save', '', 'id=save_cp class=btn_medium onclick="return validate_course_period();"'));
 $header .= '<TABLE cellpadding=4 width=100%>';
 $header .= '<TR>';
 $header .= '<TD>' . TextInput($RET['SHORT_NAME'], 'tables[course_periods][' . $_REQUEST['course_period_id'] . '][SHORT_NAME]', 'Short Name', 'class=cell_floating', $div) . '</TD>';
 echo '<input type="hidden" id="hidden_cp_id" value="' . $_REQUEST['course_period_id'] . '">';
 $cal_RET = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT TITLE,CALENDAR_ID FROM school_calendars WHERE SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' AND SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "' ORDER BY DEFAULT_CALENDAR DESC"));
 $options = array();
 foreach ($cal_RET as $option) {
     $options[$option['CALENDAR_ID']] = $option['TITLE'];
 if ($_REQUEST[course_period_id] == 'new') {
     $header .= '<TD>' . SelectInput($RET['CALENDAR_ID'], 'tables[course_periods][' . $_REQUEST['course_period_id'] . '][CALENDAR_ID]', 'Calendar', $options, 'N/A', ' id=calendar_id onchange=reset_schedule();', $div) . '</TD>';
 } else {
     $cal_sql = "SELECT TITLE,CALENDAR_ID FROM school_calendars WHERE SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' AND SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "' AND CALENDAR_ID='" . $RET['CALENDAR_ID'] . "'";