same() public static method

public static same ( $value, $value2, $message = '' )
Example #1
  * @Then I should be viewing the administration panel in :localeCode
  * @Then I should still be viewing the administration panel in :localeCode
  * @Then they should be viewing the administration panel in :localeCode
 public function iShouldBeViewingTheAdministrationPanelIn($localeCode)
     $expectedSubHeader = $this->translate('sylius.ui.overview_of_your_store', $localeCode);
     $actualSubHeader = $this->dashboardPage->getSubHeader();
     Assert::same($actualSubHeader, $expectedSubHeader, sprintf('Dashboard header should say "%s", but says "%s" instead.', $expectedSubHeader, $actualSubHeader));
Example #2
  * @Then I should see :numberOfItems items in the list
 public function iShouldSeeItemsInTheList($numberOfItems)
     Assert::same($numberOfItems, $this->orderShowPage->countItems(), '%s items should appear on order page, but %s rows has been found');
  * @param string $element
  * @param string $expectedMessage
 private function assertFieldValidationMessage($element, $expectedMessage)
     /** @var CreatePageInterface|UpdatePageInterface $currentPage */
     $currentPage = $this->currentPageResolver->getCurrentPageWithForm([$this->createPage, $this->updatePage]);
     Assert::same($currentPage->getValidationMessage($element), $expectedMessage);
Example #4
  * @Then I should be notified that this email is already registered
 public function iShouldBeNotifiedThatThisEmailIsAlreadyRegistered()
     Assert::same($this->createPage->getAuthorValidationMessage(), 'This email is already registered, please login or use forgotten password.', 'There should be author validation error, but there is not.');
Example #5
  * @Then I should be notified that the shipping method is required
 public function iShouldBeNotifiedThatTheShippingMethodIsRequired()
     Assert::same($this->selectShippingPage->getValidationMessageForShipment(), 'Please select shipping method.');
  * @Then /^I should be notified that province code must be unique$/
 public function iShouldBeNotifiedThatProvinceCodeMustBeUnique()
     Assert::same($this->updatePage->getValidationMessage('code'), 'Province code must be unique.');
Example #7
  * @Then /^(the administrator) should see that (order placed by "[^"]+") has "([^"]+)" currency$/
 public function theAdministratorShouldSeeThatThisOrderHasBeenPlacedIn(AdminUserInterface $user, OrderInterface $order, $currency)
     $this->sharedSecurityService->performActionAsAdminUser($user, function () use($order, $currency) {
         $this->showPage->open(['id' => $order->getId()]);
         Assert::same($this->showPage->getOrderCurrency(), $currency, 'The order has been placed in %s, but it was expected to be placed in %s');
  * @Then I should be notified that :element is required
 public function iShouldBeNotifiedThatIsRequired($element)
     /** @var CreatePageInterface|UpdatePageInterface $currentPage */
     $currentPage = $this->currentPageResolver->getCurrentPageWithForm([$this->createPage, $this->updatePage]);
     Assert::same($currentPage->getValidationMessage($element), sprintf('Please enter taxon %s.', $element));
Example #9
  * @Then /^I should see (\d+) zones in the list$/
 public function iShouldSeeZonesInTheList($number)
     $resourcesOnPage = $this->indexPage->countItems();
     Assert::same((int) $number, $resourcesOnPage, sprintf('On list should be %d zones but get %d', $number, $resourcesOnPage));
  * @param string $element
  * @param string $message
 private function assertValidationMessage($element, $message)
     $product = $this->sharedStorage->has('product') ? $this->sharedStorage->get('product') : null;
     /** @var CreatePageInterface|UpdatePageInterface $currentPage */
     $currentPage = $this->currentPageResolver->getCurrentPageWithForm([$this->createSimpleProductPage, $this->createConfigurableProductPage, $this->updateSimpleProductPage, $this->updateConfigurableProductPage], $product);
     Assert::same($currentPage->getValidationMessage($element), $message);
  * @Then I should be notified that channel with this code already exists
 public function iShouldBeNotifiedThatChannelWithThisCodeAlreadyExists()
     Assert::same($this->createPage->getValidationMessage('code'), 'Channel code has to be unique.');
Example #12
  * @Then /^there should be no shipments with ("[^"]+" shipping method) in the registry$/
 public function shipmentShouldNotExistInTheRegistry(ShippingMethodInterface $shippingMethod)
     $shippings = $this->shipmentRepository->findBy(['method' => $shippingMethod]);
     Assert::same($shippings, []);
  * @param int $count
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
 private function assertCountOfExchangeRatesOnTheList($count)
     $actualCount = $this->indexPage->countItems();
     Assert::same($actualCount, (int) $count, 'Expected %2$d exchange rates to be on the list, but found %d instead.');
  * @Then /^there should be no variants of (this product) in the product catalog$/
 public function thereAreNoVariants(ProductInterface $product)
     $variants = $this->productVariantRepository->findBy(['object' => $product]);
     Assert::same($variants, []);
Example #15
  * @Then /^there should be no ("[^"]+" payments) in the registry$/
 public function paymentShouldNotExistInTheRegistry(PaymentMethodInterface $paymentMethod)
     $payments = $this->paymentRepository->findBy(['method' => $paymentMethod]);
     Assert::same($payments, []);
Example #16
  * @param int $expectedCount
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
 private function assertAddressesCountOnPage($expectedCount)
     $actualCount = $this->addressBookIndexPage->getAddressesCount();
     Assert::same($expectedCount, $actualCount, sprintf('There should be %d addresses on the list, but %d addresses has been found.', $expectedCount, $actualCount));
  * @Then I should see only one tracked variant in the list
 public function iShouldSeeOnlyOneTrackedVariantInTheList()
     $foundRows = $this->indexPage->countItems();
     Assert::same(1, $foundRows, '%s rows with tracked product variants should appear on page, %s rows has been found.');
Example #18
  * @Then the command should finish successfully
 public function commandSuccess()
     Assert::same($this->tester->getStatusCode(), 0);
Example #19
  * @Then I should see :rating as its average rating
 public function iShouldSeeAsItsAverageRating($rating)
     $averageRating = $this->showPage->getAverageRating();
     Assert::same((double) $rating, $averageRating, 'Product should have average rating %2$s but has %s.');
  * @Then I should be notified that the image with this code already exists
 public function iShouldBeNotifiedThatTheImageWithThisCodeAlreadyExists()
     Assert::same($this->updatePage->getValidationMessageForImage('code'), 'Image code must be unique within this taxon.');
  * @Then I should be notified that name is required
 public function iShouldBeNotifiedThatNameIsRequired()
     Assert::same($this->updatePage->getValidationMessage('name'), 'Please enter a customer group name.');
  * @Then /^I should see (\d+) product options in the list$/
 public function iShouldSeeProductOptionsInTheList($amount)
     $foundRows = $this->indexPage->countItems();
     Assert::same((int) $amount, $foundRows, '%2$s rows with product options should appear on page, %s rows has been found');
Example #23
  * @Then I should see :itemPrice as item price
 public function iShouldSeeAsItemPrice($itemPrice)
     Assert::same($this->orderShowPage->getItemPrice(), $itemPrice, 'Item price is %s, but should be %s.');
Example #24
  * @Then my cart's total should be :total
 public function myCartSTotalShouldBe($total)
     Assert::same($total, $this->summaryPage->getCartTotal(), 'Cart should have %s total, but it has %2$s.');
Example #25
  * @Then I should see :number new orders in the list
 public function iShouldSeeNewOrdersInTheList($number)
     Assert::same($this->dashboardPage->getNumberOfNewOrdersInTheList(), $number);
  * @Then I should be notified that coupon usage limit must be at least one
 public function iShouldBeNotifiedThatCouponUsageLimitMustBeAtLeast()
     /** @var CreatePageInterface|UpdatePageInterface $currentPage */
     $currentPage = $this->currentPageResolver->getCurrentPageWithForm([$this->createPage, $this->updatePage]);
     Assert::same($currentPage->getValidationMessage('usage_limit'), 'Coupon usage limit must be at least 1.');
  * @Then this administrator should not be added
 public function thisAdministratorShouldNotBeAdded()
     Assert::same(1, $this->indexPage->countItems(), 'There should not be any new administrators');
  * @param string $element
  * @param string $expectedMessage
 private function assertFieldValidationMessage($element, $expectedMessage)
     Assert::same($this->updatePage->getValidationMessage($element), $expectedMessage);
Example #29
  * @Then /^I should be notified that the (last name|first name|city|street) is required$/
 public function iShouldBeNotifiedThatIsRequired($element)
     Assert::same($this->updateShippingAddressPage->getValidationMessage($this->getNormalizedElementName($element)), sprintf('Please enter %s.', $element));
Example #30
  * @Then I should (still) shop using the :currencyCode currency
 public function iShouldShopUsingTheCurrency($currencyCode)
     Assert::same($currencyCode, $this->homePage->getActiveCurrency());