notEmpty() public static method

public static notEmpty ( $value, $message = '' )
Example #1
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public static function create($body, DescriptionFactory $descriptionFactory = null, FqsenResolver $resolver = null, Context $context = null)
     $parts = preg_split('/\\s+/Su', $body, 2);
     return new static($resolver->resolve($parts[0], $context), $descriptionFactory->create(isset($parts[1]) ? $parts[1] : '', $context));
Example #2
  * @return Element
 private function getLastOptionValueElement()
     $optionValues = $this->getElement('values');
     $items = $optionValues->findAll('css', 'div[data-form-collection="item"]');
     return end($items);
Example #3
  * @return Element
 private function getLastProvinceElement()
     $provinces = $this->getElement('provinces');
     $items = $provinces->findAll('css', 'div[data-form-collection="item"]');
     return end($items);
Example #4
  * @param RepositoryInterface $repository
  * @return \Closure
 public static function randomOne(RepositoryInterface $repository)
     return function (Options $options) use($repository) {
         $objects = $repository->findAll();
         return $objects[array_rand($objects)];
  * @Transform /^"([^"]+)" variant of product "([^"]+)"$/
 public function getProductVariantByNameAndProduct($variantName, $productName)
     $products = $this->productRepository->findByName($productName, 'en_US');
     Assert::eq(1, count($products), sprintf('%d products has been found with name "%s".', count($products), $productName));
     $productVariants = $this->productVariantRepository->findByNameAndProduct($variantName, 'en_US', $products[0]);
     Assert::notEmpty($productVariants, sprintf('Product variant with name "%s" of product "%s" does not exist', $variantName, $productName));
     return $productVariants[0];
Example #6
  * @Transform /^this order made by "([^"]+)"$/
 public function getOrderByCustomer($email)
     $customer = $this->customerRepository->findOneBy(['email' => $email]);
     Assert::notNull($customer, sprintf('Cannot find customer with email %s.', $email));
     $orders = $this->orderRepository->findByCustomer($customer);
     return end($orders);
Example #7
  * Creates a new command name.
  * @param string   $string  The command name.
  * @param string[] $aliases The alias names.
 public function __construct($string, array $aliases = array())
     Assert::string($string, 'The command name must be a string. Got: %s');
     Assert::notEmpty($string, 'The command name must not be empty.');
     Assert::regex($string, '~^[a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+$~', 'The command name must contain letters, digits and hyphens only. Got: "%s"');
     Assert::allString($aliases, 'The command aliases must be strings. Got: %s');
     Assert::allNotEmpty($aliases, 'The command aliases must not be empty.');
     Assert::allRegex($aliases, '~^[a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+$~', 'The command aliases must contain letters, digits and hyphens only. Got: "%s"');
     $this->string = $string;
     $this->aliases = $aliases;
Example #8
  * @param RepositoryInterface $repository
  * @return \Closure
 public static function randomOne(RepositoryInterface $repository)
     return function (Options $options) use($repository) {
         $objects = $repository->findAll();
         if ($objects instanceof Collection) {
             $objects = $objects->toArray();
         return $objects[array_rand($objects)];
Example #9
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function getSubscribedEvents()
     return ['phpab.participation.variant_run' => function (array $options) {
         Assert::notEmpty($options, 'Array passed to closure cannot be empty.');
         Assert::keyExists($options, 1, 'Second parameter passed to closure must be instance of Bag.');
         Assert::isInstanceOf($options[1], 'PhpAb\\Test\\Bag', 'Second parameter passed to closure must be instance of Bag.');
         Assert::keyExists($options, 2, 'Third parameter passed to closure must be instance of VariantInterface.');
         Assert::isInstanceOf($options[2], 'PhpAb\\Variant\\VariantInterface', 'Third parameter passed to closure must be instance of VariantInterface.');
         /** @var TestInterface $test */
         $test = $options[1]->getTest();
         /** @var VariantInterface $chosenVariant */
         $chosenVariant = $options[2];
         // Call the add method
         $this->addParticipation($test->getIdentifier(), $chosenVariant->getIdentifier());
Example #10
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function getSubscribedEvents()
     return ['phpab.participation.variant_run' => function ($options) {
         Assert::notEmpty($options, 'Array passed to closure cannot be empty.');
         Assert::keyExists($options, 1, 'Second parameter passed to closure must be instance of Bag.');
         Assert::isInstanceOf($options[1], 'PhpAb\\Test\\Bag', 'Second parameter passed to closure must be instance of Bag.');
         Assert::keyExists($options, 2, 'Third parameter passed to closure must be instance of VariantInterface.');
         Assert::isInstanceOf($options[2], 'PhpAb\\Variant\\VariantInterface', 'Third parameter passed to closure must be instance of VariantInterface.');
         /** @var TestInterface $test */
         $test = $options[1]->getTest();
         Assert::keyExists($test->getOptions(), static::EXPERIMENT_ID, 'A Google Analytics Experiment Id must be set as options.');
         $experimentId = $test->getOptions()[static::EXPERIMENT_ID];
         /** @var VariantInterface $chosenVariant */
         $chosenVariant = $options[2];
         $variants = $test->getVariants();
         // Get the index number of the element
         $chosenIndex = array_search($chosenVariant->getIdentifier(), array_keys($variants));
         // Call the add method
         $this->addParticipation($experimentId, $chosenIndex);
  * @param string $body
 public function setBody($body)
     $this->body = $body;
Example #12
  * @param NodeElement $table
  * @param string $columnName
  * @return int
  * @throws \Exception If column was not found
 private function getColumnIndex(NodeElement $table, $columnName)
     $rows = $table->findAll('css', 'tr');
     Assert::notEmpty($rows, 'There are no rows!');
     /** @var NodeElement $firstRow */
     $firstRow = $rows[0];
     $columns = $firstRow->findAll('css', 'th,td');
     foreach ($columns as $index => $column) {
         /** @var NodeElement $column */
         if (0 === stripos($column->getText(), $columnName)) {
             return $index;
     throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Column with name "%s" not found!', $columnName));
Example #13
  * @param string $collection
  * @return NodeElement
 private function getLastCollectionItem($collection)
     $items = $this->getCollectionItems($collection);
     return end($items);
  * @param PromotionEligibilityCheckerInterface[] $promotionEligibilityCheckers
 public function __construct(array $promotionEligibilityCheckers)
     Assert::allIsInstanceOf($promotionEligibilityCheckers, PromotionEligibilityCheckerInterface::class);
     $this->promotionEligibilityCheckers = $promotionEligibilityCheckers;
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function remove($query, $language = 'glob')
     if (null === $this->json) {
     $query = $this->sanitizePath($query);
     Assert::notEmpty(trim($query, '/'), 'The root directory cannot be removed.');
     $removed = $this->removeReferences($query);
     return $removed;
Example #16
  * Sets the method of the command handler that should be executed when the
  * configured command is run.
  * The method receives three arguments:
  *  * {@link Args} `$args`: The console arguments.
  *  * {@link IO} `$io`: The I/O.
  *  * {@link Command} `$command`: The executed command.
  * @param string $handlerMethod The method name.
  * @return ApplicationConfig|CommandConfig|SubCommandConfig|OptionCommandConfig The current instance.
  * @see getHandlerMethod()
 public function setHandlerMethod($handlerMethod)
     Assert::string($handlerMethod, 'The handler method must be a string. Got: %s');
     Assert::notEmpty($handlerMethod, 'The handler method must not be empty.');
     $this->handlerMethod = $handlerMethod;
     return $this;
Example #17
  * @return NodeElement
 private function getFirstImageElement()
     $imageElements = $this->getImageElements();
     return reset($imageElements);
Example #18
  * @param NodeElement $table
  * @param string $fieldName
  * @return int
  * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
 private function getColumnIndex(NodeElement $table, $fieldName)
     $rows = $table->findAll('css', 'tr');
     Assert::notEmpty($rows, 'There are no rows!');
     /** @var NodeElement $headerRow */
     $headerRow = $rows[0];
     $headers = $headerRow->findAll('css', 'th,td');
     /** @var NodeElement $column */
     foreach ($headers as $index => $column) {
         $columnFieldName = $this->getColumnFieldName($column);
         if ($fieldName === $columnFieldName) {
             return $index;
     throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Column with name "%s" not found!', $fieldName));
Example #19
  * Registers a command handler for the given name.
  * @param string          $name    The handler name.
  * @param object|callable $handler The handler or a factory callback that
  *                                 creates the handler.
 public function register($name, $handler)
     Assert::string($name, 'The handler name must be a string. Got: %s');
     Assert::notEmpty($name, 'The handler name must not be empty.');
     if (!is_object($handler)) {
         Assert::isCallable($handler, 'The handler must be a callable or an object. Got: %s');
     $this->handlers[$name] = $handler;
     if (!$this->selectedHandler) {
         $this->selectedHandler = $name;
Example #20
  * Returns an option by its long or short name.
  * @param string $name        The long or short option name.
  * @param bool   $includeBase Whether to include options in the base format
  *                            in the search.
  * @return Option The option.
  * @throws NoSuchOptionException If the option with the given name does not
  *                               not exist.
 public function getOption($name, $includeBase = true)
     Assert::string($name, 'The option name must be a string. Got: %s');
     Assert::notEmpty($name, 'The option name must not be empty.');
     Assert::boolean($includeBase, 'The parameter $includeBase must be a boolean. Got: %s');
     if (isset($this->options[$name])) {
         return $this->options[$name];
     if (isset($this->optionsByShortName[$name])) {
         return $this->optionsByShortName[$name];
     if ($includeBase && $this->baseFormat) {
         return $this->baseFormat->getOption($name);
     throw NoSuchOptionException::forOptionName($name);
Example #21
 private function assertShortAliasValid($alias)
     Assert::string($alias, 'An option alias must be a string or null. Got: %s');
     Assert::notEmpty($alias, 'An option alias must not be empty.');
     Assert::regex($alias, '~^[a-zA-Z]$~', 'A short option alias must be exactly one letter. Got: "%s"');
Example #22
  * Creates a new argument.
  * @param string $name         The argument name
  * @param int    $flags        A bitwise combination of the flag constants.
  * @param string $description  A human-readable description of the argument.
  * @param mixed  $defaultValue The default value of the argument (must be
  *                             null for the flag {@link self::REQUIRED}).
 public function __construct($name, $flags = 0, $description = null, $defaultValue = null)
     Assert::string($name, 'The argument name must be a string. Got: %s');
     Assert::notEmpty($name, 'The argument name must not be empty.');
     Assert::startsWithLetter($name, 'The argument name must start with a letter.');
     Assert::regex($name, '~^[a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+$~', 'The argument name must contain letters, digits and hyphens only.');
     Assert::nullOrString($description, 'The argument description must be a string or null. Got: %s');
     Assert::nullOrNotEmpty($description, 'The argument description must not be empty.');
     $this->name = $name;
     $this->flags = $flags;
     $this->description = $description;
     $this->defaultValue = $this->isMultiValued() ? array() : null;
     if ($this->isOptional() || null !== $defaultValue) {
Example #23
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function remove($query, $language = 'glob')
     $resources = $this->find($query, $language);
     $nbOfResources = count($this->resources);
     // Run the assertion after find(), so that we know that $query is valid
     Assert::notEmpty(trim($query, '/'), 'The root directory cannot be removed.');
     foreach ($resources as $resource) {
     return $nbOfResources - count($this->resources);
Example #24
  * Sets the short option name of the command.
  * The short name must consist of a single letter. The short name is
  * preceded by a single dash "-" when calling the command:
  * ```
  * $ server -d localhost
  * ```
  * In the example above, "d" is the short name of the "server --delete"
  * command.
  * @param string $shortName The short option name.
  * @return static The current instance.
 public function setShortName($shortName)
     if (null !== $shortName) {
         Assert::string($shortName, 'The short command name must be a string or null. Got: %s');
         Assert::notEmpty($shortName, 'The short command name must not be empty.');
         Assert::regex($shortName, '~^[a-zA-Z]$~', 'The short command name must contain a single letter. Got: %s');
     // Reset short name preference when unsetting the short name
     if (null === $shortName && false === $this->longNamePreferred) {
         $this->longNamePreferred = null;
     $this->shortName = $shortName;
     return $this;
Example #25
  * @return NodeElement
 private function getLastImageElement()
     $imageElements = $this->getImageElements();
     return end($imageElements);
Example #26
  * @param string $collection
  * @return NodeElement
 private function getLastAddedCollectionItem($collection)
     $items = $this->getElement($collection)->findAll('css', 'div[data-form-collection="item"]');
     return end($items);
Example #27
 private function assertShortNameValid($shortName, $flags)
     if (null !== $shortName) {
         Assert::string($shortName, 'The short option name must be a string or null. Got: %s');
         Assert::notEmpty($shortName, 'The short option name must not be empty.');
         Assert::regex($shortName, '~^[a-zA-Z]$~', 'The short option name must be exactly one letter. Got: "%s"');
     if (null === $shortName && $flags & self::PREFER_SHORT_NAME) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('The short option name must be given if the option flag PREFER_SHORT_NAME is selected.');
Example #28
  * Returns whether the format contains a specific option.
  * You can either pass the long or the short name of the option.
  * @param string $name        The long or short option name.
  * @param bool   $includeBase Whether to include options in the base format
  *                            in the search.
  * @return bool Returns `true` if the option with the given name could be
  *              found and `false` otherwise.
 public function hasOption($name, $includeBase = true)
     Assert::string($name, 'The option name must be a string or an integer. Got: %s');
     Assert::notEmpty($name, 'The option name must not be empty.');
     Assert::boolean($includeBase, 'The parameter $includeBase must be a boolean. Got: %s');
     if (isset($this->options[$name]) || isset($this->optionsByShortName[$name])) {
         return true;
     if ($includeBase && $this->baseFormat) {
         return $this->baseFormat->hasOption($name);
     return false;
Example #29
  * @param string $recipient
  * @throws /InvalidArgumentException
 private function assertRecipientIsValid($recipient)
     Assert::notEmpty($recipient, 'The recipient cannot be empty.');
     Assert::string($recipient, sprintf('The recipient must be a string, %s given.', gettype($recipient)));
     Assert::notEq(false, filter_var($recipient, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL), 'Given recipient is not a valid email address.');
Example #30
  * Sets the help text of the application.
  * @param string $help The help text.
  * @return static The current instance.
 public function setHelp($help)
     if (null !== $help) {
         Assert::string($help, 'The help text must be a string. Got: %s');
         Assert::notEmpty($help, 'The help text must not be empty.');
     $this->help = $help;
     return $this;