/** @inheritdoc */
 public function __construct(RenderInterface $renderer, QueryInterface $query, Record $entity, Navigation $structure)
     $this->name = $structure->Name;
     $this->id .= $structure->Url != '' ? '_' . $structure->Url : '_' . $structure->Name;
     $this->structure = $structure;
     $this->entity = $entity;
     $rows = $query->entity(Material::class)->where(Material::F_PARENT, $entity->id)->where(Material::F_DELETION, true)->fields(Material::F_PRIMARY);
     if (count($rows)) {
         $this->size = $query->entity(NavigationMaterial::class)->where(NavigationMaterial::F_MATERIALID, $rows)->where(NavigationMaterial::F_STRUCTUREID, $structure->id)->where(NavigationMaterial::F_ACTIVE, true)->count();
     // Get data about current tab
     $fieldWithMaterialCount = $query->entity(NavigationField::class)->join('field')->where('field_Type', 6)->where(NavigationField::F_STRUCTURE, $this->structure->id)->count();
     $localizedFieldsCount = $query->entity(NavigationField::class)->join('field')->where('field_local', 1)->where(NavigationField::F_STRUCTURE, $this->structure->id)->count();
     // If in this tab exists only material type field or don't exists localized fields
     if ($fieldWithMaterialCount > 0 || $localizedFieldsCount == 0) {
         // Create default sub tab
         $this->subTabs[] = new MaterialTableLocalized($renderer, $query, $entity, $structure, '');
         // If in this tab exists not material type fields and this fields localized then include their
     } else {
         //if (($fieldWithMaterialCount == 0) && ($localizedFieldsCount > 0))
         // Iterate available locales if we have localized fields
         foreach (SamsonLocale::$locales as $locale) {
             // Create child tab
             $subTab = new MaterialTableLocalized($renderer, $query, $entity, $structure, $locale);
             $this->subTabs[] = $subTab;
     // Call parent constructor to define all class fields
     parent::__construct($renderer, $query, $entity);
Example #2
 /** @inheritdoc */
 public function __construct(RenderInterface $renderer, QueryInterface $query, Record $entity, \samson\activerecord\field $field)
     $this->name = $field->Description != '' ? $field->Description : $field->Name;
     $this->id .= '_' . $field->Name;
     // Prepare locales array with one default locale by default
     $locales = array(null);
     // If field supports localization - set full locales array
     if ($field->local == 1) {
         $locales = SamsonLocale::$locales;
     /** @var MaterialField $materialField */
     $materialField = null;
     // Iterate defined locales
     if (sizeof(SamsonLocale::$locales)) {
         foreach ($locales as $locale) {
             // Try to find existing MaterialField record
             if (!dbQuery('\\samsoncms\\api\\MaterialField')->MaterialID($entity->id)->FieldID($field->id)->locale($locale)->first($materialField)) {
                 // Create MaterialField record
                 $materialField = new \samsoncms\api\MaterialField(false);
                 $materialField->Active = 1;
                 $materialField->MaterialID = $entity->id;
                 $materialField->FieldID = $field->id;
                 $materialField->locale = $locale;
             // Add child tab
             $this->subTabs[] = new MaterialFieldLocalized($renderer, $query, $entity, $materialField, $locale);
     // Call parent constructor to define all class fields
     parent::__construct($renderer, $query, $entity);
     Event::fire('samsoncms.material.materialfieldtab.created', array(&$this, $field));
 /** @inheritdoc */
 public function __construct(RenderInterface $renderer, QueryInterface $query, Record $entity, Navigation $structure)
     $this->name = $structure->Name;
     $this->id .= $structure->Url != '' ? '_' . $structure->Url : '_' . $structure->Name;
     $this->structure = $structure;
     // Get data about current tab
     $fieldWithMaterialCount = dbQuery('structurefield')->join('field')->cond('StructureID', $this->structure->id)->cond('field_Type', 6)->count();
     $localizedFieldsCount = dbQuery('structurefield')->join('field')->cond('StructureID', $this->structure->id)->cond('field_local', 1)->count();
     // If in this tab exists only material type field or don't exists localized fields
     if ($fieldWithMaterialCount > 0 || $localizedFieldsCount == 0) {
         // Create default sub tab
         $this->subTabs[] = new MaterialTableLocalized($renderer, $query, $entity, $structure, '');
         // If in this tab exists not material type fields and this fields localized then include their
     } else {
         //if (($fieldWithMaterialCount == 0) && ($localizedFieldsCount > 0))
         // Iterate available locales if we have localized fields
         foreach (SamsonLocale::$locales as $locale) {
             // Create child tab
             $subTab = new MaterialTableLocalized($renderer, $query, $entity, $structure, $locale);
             $this->subTabs[] = $subTab;
     // Call parent constructor to define all class fields
     parent::__construct($renderer, $query, $entity);
Example #4
 /** @inheritdoc */
 public function __construct(RenderInterface $renderer, QueryInterface $query, Record $entity)
     // If fields are not configured
     if (!sizeof($this->fields)) {
         // Add all entity attributes to fields array
         foreach ($entity::$_attributes as $field) {
             $this->fields[] = new \samsoncms\form\field\Generic($field);
     // Call parent constructor to define all class fields
     parent::__construct($renderer, $query, $entity);
Example #5
 /** @inheritdoc */
 public function __construct(RenderInterface $renderer, QueryInterface $query, Record $entity, $locale = SamsonLocale::DEF)
     $this->locale = $locale;
     if ($locale !== null) {
         $this->id .= '-' . $this->locale;
         $this->name = $this->locale;
     } else {
         $this->name = 'all';
     // Call parent constructor to define all class fields
     parent::__construct($renderer, $query, $entity);
 /** @inheritdoc */
 public function __construct(RenderInterface $renderer, QueryInterface $query, Record $entity, Navigation $structure, $locale = SamsonLocale::DEF)
     $this->locale = $locale;
     if ($locale != '') {
         $this->id .= '-' . $this->locale;
         $this->name = $this->locale;
     } else {
         $this->name = 'all';
     $this->id .= $structure->Url != '' ? '_' . $structure->Url : '_' . $structure->Name;
     $this->structure = $structure;
     // Call parent constructor to define all class fields
     parent::__construct($renderer, $query, $entity);
  * @param RenderInterface $renderer
  * @param QueryInterface $query
  * @param Record $entity
  * @param MaterialField $materialField
  * @param string $locale
 public function __construct(RenderInterface $renderer, QueryInterface $query, Record $entity, \samsoncms\api\MaterialField $materialField, $locale = null)
     // Get type of filed
     $field = dbQuery('field')->cond('FieldID', $materialField->FieldID)->first();
     // Create CMS Field object from MaterialField object
     $this->inputField = m('samsoncms_input_application')->createFieldByType(new dbQuery(), $field->Type, $materialField);
     // Save tab header name as locale name
     $this->name = $locale;
     // Generate unique html identifier
     $this->id = $this->id . '_' . $this->name;
     $this->id .= $materialField->id;
     // Call parent constructor to define all class fields
     parent::__construct($renderer, $query, $entity);
Example #8
 /** @inheritdoc */
 public function __construct(RenderInterface $renderer, QueryInterface $query, Record $entity, field $field)
     // Check if material have this gallery additional field stored
     if (!$query->className('materialfield')->cond('MaterialID', $entity->id)->cond('FieldID', $field->id)->first($this->materialField)) {
         // Create materialfield object
         $this->materialField = new \samson\activerecord\materialfield(false);
         $this->materialField->FieldID = $field->id;
         $this->materialField->MaterialID = $entity->id;
         $this->materialField->Active = 1;
     // Form tab name
     $this->name = t(isset($field->Name[0]) ? $field->Name : $this->name, true);
     // Call parent constructor to define all class fields
     parent::__construct($renderer, $query, $entity);
Example #9
 /** @inheritdoc */
 public function __construct(RenderInterface $renderer, QueryInterface $query, Record $entity)
     $this->name = t($this->name, true);
     $this->show = false;
     $entity = dbQuery('\\samsoncms\\api\\Material')->cond('MaterialID', $entity->id)->join('structurematerial')->join('structure')->first();
     if (isset($entity['onetomany']) && isset($entity['onetomany']['_structure'])) {
         $structures = $entity['onetomany']['_structure'];
         $nonLocalizedFieldsCount = dbQuery('structurefield')->join('field')->cond('StructureID', array_keys($structures))->cond('field_local', 0)->count();
         $newStructuresId = array();
         // Get all structure which not table
         foreach ($structures as $structure) {
             if ($structure->type == 0) {
                 $newStructuresId[] = $structure->id;
         // If there no structures with localized fields then count of localized fields equal 0
         if (empty($newStructuresId)) {
             $localizedFieldsCount = 0;
         } else {
             $localizedFieldsCount = dbQuery('structurefield')->join('field')->cond('StructureID', $newStructuresId)->cond('field_local', 1)->cond('field_Type', 5, dbRelation::LOWER)->count();
         // If we have not localized fields
         // Don't display the non localized fields
         /*if ($nonLocalizedFieldsCount > 0) {
               // Create default sub tab
               $this->subTabs[] = new FieldLocalized($renderer, $query, $entity, '');
               $this->show = true;
         // Iterate available locales if we have localized fields
         if (sizeof(SamsonLocale::$locales) && $localizedFieldsCount > 0) {
             foreach (SamsonLocale::$locales as $locale) {
                 // Create child tab
                 $subTab = new LocaleTab($renderer, $query, $entity, $locale);
                 $this->subTabs[] = $subTab;
             $this->show = true;
     // Call parent constructor to define all class fields
     parent::__construct($renderer, $query, $entity);
     // Trigger special additional field
     Event::fire('samsoncms.material.fieldtab.created', array(&$this));