Example #1
function html_email_handler_notification_handler(ElggEntity $from, ElggUser $to, $subject, $message, array $params = NULL)
    if (!$from) {
        $msg = elgg_echo("NotificationException:MissingParameter", array("from"));
        throw new NotificationException($msg);
    if (!$to) {
        $msg = elgg_echo("NotificationException:MissingParameter", array("to"));
        throw new NotificationException($msg);
    if ($to->email == "") {
        $msg = elgg_echo("NotificationException:NoEmailAddress", array($to->guid));
        throw new NotificationException($msg);
    // To
    $to = html_email_handler_make_rfc822_address($to);
    // From
    $site = elgg_get_site_entity();
    // If there's an email address, use it - but only if its not from a user.
    if (!$from instanceof ElggUser && !empty($from->email)) {
        $from = html_email_handler_make_rfc822_address($from);
    } elseif (!empty($site->email)) {
        // Use email address of current site if we cannot use sender's email
        $from = html_email_handler_make_rfc822_address($site);
    } else {
        // If all else fails, use the domain of the site.
        if (!empty($site->name)) {
            $name = $site->name;
            if (strstr($name, ',')) {
                $name = '"' . $name . '"';
                // Protect the name with quotations if it contains a comma
            $name = '=?UTF-8?B?' . base64_encode($name) . '?=';
            // Encode the name. If may content nos ASCII chars.
            $from = $name . " <noreply@" . get_site_domain($site->getGUID()) . ">";
        } else {
            $from = "noreply@" . get_site_domain($site->getGUID());
    // generate HTML mail body
    $html_message = html_email_handler_make_html_body($subject, $message);
    // set options for sending
    $options = array("to" => $to, "from" => $from, "subject" => '=?UTF-8?B?' . base64_encode($subject) . '?=', "html_message" => $html_message, "plaintext_message" => $message);
    if (!empty($params) && is_array($params)) {
        $options = array_merge($options, $params);
    return html_email_handler_send_email($options);
Example #2
 * Sends the preview newsletter
 * @param Newsletter $entity newsletter to be send
 * @param string     $email  emailaddress of the recipient
 * @return bool if sending is succes or not
function newsletter_send_preview(Newsletter $entity, $email)
    $result = false;
    if (!empty($entity) && elgg_instanceof($entity, "object", Newsletter::SUBTYPE) && !empty($email)) {
        $container = $entity->getContainerEntity();
        // build correct subject
        if ($entity->subject) {
            $message_subject = $entity->subject;
        } else {
            $message_subject = elgg_echo("newsletter:subject", array($container->name, $entity->title));
        //  plaintext message
        $message_plaintext_content = elgg_echo("newsletter:plain_message", array($entity->getURL()));
        // html content
        $message_html_content = elgg_view_layout("newsletter", array("entity" => $entity));
        // convert to inline CSS for email clients
        $message_html_content = html_email_handler_css_inliner($message_html_content);
        // add unsubscribe link
        $unsubscribe_link = newsletter_generate_unsubscribe_link($container, $email);
        $message_html_content = str_ireplace(urlencode("{unsublink}"), $unsubscribe_link, $message_html_content);
        // replace online link
        $online_link = $entity->getURL();
        $new_online_link = $online_link . "?e=" . $email;
        $message_html_content = str_ireplace($online_link, $new_online_link, $message_html_content);
        // start creating sending options
        $send_options = array("from" => html_email_handler_make_rfc822_address($container), "subject" => $message_subject, "plaintext_message" => $message_plaintext_content, "to" => $email, "html_message" => $message_html_content);
        // send preview
        $result = html_email_handler_send_email($send_options);
    return $result;
Example #3
 * This function sends out a full HTML mail. It can handle several options
 * This function requires the options 'to' and ('html_message' or 'plaintext_message')
 * @param $options Array in the format:
 * 		to => STR|ARR of recipients in RFC-2822 format (http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2822.html)
 * 		from => STR of senden in RFC-2822 format (http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2822.html)
 * 		subject => STR with the subject of the message
 * 		html_message => STR with the HTML version of the message
 * 		plaintext_message STR with the plaintext version of the message
 * 		cc => NULL|STR|ARR of CC recipients in RFC-2822 format (http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2822.html)
 * 		bcc => NULL|STR|ARR of BCC recipients in RFC-2822 format (http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2822.html)
 * 		date => NULL|UNIX timestamp with the date the message was created
 * @return BOOL true|false
function html_email_handler_send_email(array $options = null)
    $result = false;
    $site = elgg_get_site_entity();
    // make site email
    if (!empty($site->email)) {
        $sendmail_from = $site->email;
        $site_from = html_email_handler_make_rfc822_address($site);
    } else {
        // no site email, so make one up
        $sendmail_from = "noreply@" . get_site_domain($site->getGUID());
        $site_from = $sendmail_from;
        if (!empty($site->name)) {
            $site_name = $site->name;
            if (strstr($site_name, ',')) {
                $site_name = '"' . $site_name . '"';
                // Protect the name with quotations if it contains a comma
            $site_name = '=?UTF-8?B?' . base64_encode($site_name) . '?=';
            // Encode the name. If may content nos ASCII chars.
            $site_from = $site_name . " <" . $sendmail_from . ">";
    $sendmail_options = html_email_handler_get_sendmail_options();
    // set default options
    $default_options = array("to" => array(), "from" => $site_from, "subject" => "", "html_message" => "", "plaintext_message" => "", "cc" => array(), "bcc" => array(), "date" => null);
    // merge options
    $options = array_merge($default_options, $options);
    // check options
    if (!empty($options["to"]) && !is_array($options["to"])) {
        $options["to"] = array($options["to"]);
    if (!empty($options["cc"]) && !is_array($options["cc"])) {
        $options["cc"] = array($options["cc"]);
    if (!empty($options["bcc"]) && !is_array($options["bcc"])) {
        $options["bcc"] = array($options["bcc"]);
    // can we send a message
    if (!empty($options["to"]) && (!empty($options["html_message"]) || !empty($options["plaintext_message"]))) {
        // start preparing
        $boundary = uniqid($site->name);
        // start building headers
        $headers = "";
        if (!empty($options["from"])) {
            $headers .= "From: " . $options["from"] . PHP_EOL;
        } else {
            $headers .= "From: " . $site_from . PHP_EOL;
        // check CC mail
        if (!empty($options["cc"])) {
            $headers .= "Cc: " . implode(", ", $options["cc"]) . PHP_EOL;
        // check BCC mail
        if (!empty($options["bcc"])) {
            $headers .= "Bcc: " . implode(", ", $options["bcc"]) . PHP_EOL;
        // add a date header
        if (!empty($options["date"])) {
            $headers .= "Date: " . date("r", $options["date"]) . PHP_EOL;
        $headers .= "X-Mailer: PHP/" . phpversion() . PHP_EOL;
        $headers .= "MIME-Version: 1.0" . PHP_EOL;
        $headers .= "Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=\"" . $boundary . "\"" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
        // start building the message
        $message = "";
        // TEXT part of message
        if (!empty($options["plaintext_message"])) {
            $message .= "--" . $boundary . PHP_EOL;
            $message .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"utf-8\"" . PHP_EOL;
            $message .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
            $message .= chunk_split(base64_encode($options["plaintext_message"])) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
        // HTML part of message
        if (!empty($options["html_message"])) {
            $message .= "--" . $boundary . PHP_EOL;
            $message .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"utf-8\"" . PHP_EOL;
            $message .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
            $message .= chunk_split(base64_encode($options["html_message"])) . PHP_EOL;
        // Final boundry
        $message .= "--" . $boundary . "--" . PHP_EOL;
        // convert to to correct format
        $to = implode(", ", $options["to"]);
        $result = mail($to, $options["subject"], $message, $headers, $sendmail_options);
    return $result;
Example #4
 * Sends out a full HTML mail
 * @param array $options In the format:
 *     to => STR|ARR of recipients in RFC-2822 format (http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2822.html)
 *     from => STR of senden in RFC-2822 format (http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2822.html)
 *     subject => STR with the subject of the message
 *     body => STR with the message body
 *     plaintext_message STR with the plaintext version of the message
 *     html_message => STR with the HTML version of the message
 *     cc => NULL|STR|ARR of CC recipients in RFC-2822 format (http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2822.html)
 *     bcc => NULL|STR|ARR of BCC recipients in RFC-2822 format (http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2822.html)
 *     date => NULL|UNIX timestamp with the date the message was created
 *     attachments => NULL|ARR of array(array('mimetype', 'filename', 'content'))
 * @return bool
function html_email_handler_send_email(array $options = null)
    static $limit_subject;
    $site = elgg_get_site_entity();
    // make site email
    $site_from = html_email_handler_make_rfc822_address($site);
    // get sendmail options
    $sendmail_options = html_email_handler_get_sendmail_options();
    if (!isset($limit_subject)) {
        $limit_subject = false;
        if (elgg_get_plugin_setting("limit_subject", "html_email_handler") == "yes") {
            $limit_subject = true;
    // set default options
    $default_options = array("to" => array(), "from" => $site_from, "subject" => "", "html_message" => "", "plaintext_message" => "", "cc" => array(), "bcc" => array(), "date" => null);
    // merge options
    $options = array_merge($default_options, $options);
    // redo to/from for notifications
    $notification = elgg_extract('notification', $options);
    if (!empty($notification) && $notification instanceof \Elgg\Notifications\Notification) {
        $recipient = $notification->getRecipient();
        $sender = $notification->getSender();
        $options['to'] = html_email_handler_make_rfc822_address($recipient);
        if (!isset($options['recipient'])) {
            $options['recipient'] = $recipient;
        if (!$sender instanceof \ElggUser && $sender->email) {
            $options['from'] = html_email_handler_make_rfc822_address($sender);
        } else {
            $options['from'] = $site_from;
    // check options
    if (!empty($options["to"]) && !is_array($options["to"])) {
        $options["to"] = array($options["to"]);
    if (!empty($options["cc"]) && !is_array($options["cc"])) {
        $options["cc"] = array($options["cc"]);
    if (!empty($options["bcc"]) && !is_array($options["bcc"])) {
        $options["bcc"] = array($options["bcc"]);
    if (empty($options['html_message']) && empty($options['plaintext_message'])) {
        $options['html_message'] = html_email_handler_make_html_body($options);
        $options['plaintext_message'] = $options['body'];
    // can we send a message
    if (empty($options["to"]) || empty($options["html_message"]) && empty($options["plaintext_message"])) {
        return false;
    // start preparing
    // Facyla : better without spaces and special chars
    //$boundary = uniqid($site->name);
    $boundary = uniqid(elgg_get_friendly_title($site->name));
    $headers = $options['headers'];
    // start building headers
    if (!empty($options["from"])) {
        $headers['From'] = $options['from'];
    } else {
        $headers['From'] = $site_from;
    // check CC mail
    if (!empty($options["cc"])) {
        $headers['Cc'] = implode(', ', $options['cc']);
    // check BCC mail
    if (!empty($options["bcc"])) {
        $headers['Bcc'] = implode(', ', $options['bcc']);
    // add a date header
    if (!empty($options["date"])) {
        $headers['Date'] = date('r', $options['date']);
    $headers['X-Mailer'] = ' PHP/' . phpversion();
    $headers['MIME-Version'] = '1.0';
    // Facyla : try to add attchments if set
    $attachments = "";
    // Allow to add single or multiple attachments
    if (!empty($options["attachments"])) {
        $attachment_counter = 0;
        foreach ($options["attachments"] as $attachment) {
            // Alternatively fetch content based on an absolute path to a file on server:
            if (empty($attachment["content"]) && !empty($attachment["filepath"])) {
                $attachment["content"] = chunk_split(base64_encode(file_get_contents($attachment["filepath"])));
            // Cannot attach an empty file in any case..
            if (empty($attachment["content"])) {
            // Count valid attachments
            // Use defaults for other less critical settings
            if (empty($attachment["mimetype"])) {
                $attachment["mimetype"] = "application/octet-stream";
            if (empty($attachment["filename"])) {
                $attachment["filename"] = "file_" . $attachment_counter;
            $attachments .= "Content-Type: {" . $attachment["mimetype"] . "};" . PHP_EOL . " name=\"" . $attachment["filename"] . "\"" . PHP_EOL;
            $attachments .= "Content-Disposition: attachment;" . PHP_EOL . " filename=\"" . $attachment["filename"] . "\"" . PHP_EOL;
            $attachments .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
            $attachments .= $attachment["content"] . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
            $attachments .= "--mixed--" . $boundary . PHP_EOL;
    // Use attachments headers for real only if they are valid
    if (!empty($attachments)) {
        $headers['Content-Type'] = "multipart/mixed; boundary=\"mixed--{$boundary}\"";
    } else {
        $headers['Content-Type'] = "multipart/alternative; boundary=\"{$boundary}\"";
    $header_eol = "\r\n";
    if (elgg_get_config('broken_mta')) {
        // Allow non-RFC 2822 mail headers to support some broken MTAs
        $header_eol = "\n";
    // stringify headers
    $headers_string = '';
    foreach ($headers as $key => $value) {
        $headers_string .= "{$key}: {$value}{$header_eol}";
    // start building the message
    $message = "";
    // TEXT part of message
    $plaintext_message = elgg_extract("plaintext_message", $options);
    if (!empty($plaintext_message)) {
        // normalize URL's in the text
        $plaintext_message = html_email_handler_normalize_urls($plaintext_message);
        // add boundry / content type
        $message .= "--" . $boundary . PHP_EOL;
        $message .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=\"utf-8\"" . PHP_EOL;
        $message .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
        // add content
        $message .= chunk_split(base64_encode($plaintext_message)) . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
    // HTML part of message
    $html_message = elgg_extract("html_message", $options);
    if (!empty($html_message)) {
        $html_boundary = $boundary;
        // normalize URL's in the text
        $html_message = html_email_handler_normalize_urls($html_message);
        $html_message = html_email_handler_base64_encode_images($html_message);
        $image_attachments = html_email_handler_attach_images($html_message);
        if (is_array($image_attachments)) {
            $html_boundary .= "-alt";
            $html_message = elgg_extract("text", $image_attachments);
            $message .= "--" . $boundary . PHP_EOL;
            $message .= "Content-Type: multipart/related; boundary=\"{$html_boundary}\"" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
        // add boundry / content type
        $message .= "--" . $html_boundary . PHP_EOL;
        $message .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=\"utf-8\"" . PHP_EOL;
        $message .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
        // add content
        $message .= chunk_split(base64_encode($html_message)) . PHP_EOL;
        if (is_array($image_attachments)) {
            $images = elgg_extract("images", $image_attachments);
            foreach ($images as $image_info) {
                $message .= "--" . $html_boundary . PHP_EOL;
                $message .= "Content-Type: " . elgg_extract("content_type", $image_info) . "; charset=\"utf-8\"" . PHP_EOL;
                $message .= "Content-Disposition: inline; filename=\"" . elgg_extract("name", $image_info) . "\"" . PHP_EOL;
                $message .= "Content-ID: <" . elgg_extract("uid", $image_info) . ">" . PHP_EOL;
                $message .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
                // add content
                $message .= chunk_split(elgg_extract("data", $image_info)) . PHP_EOL;
            $message .= "--" . $html_boundary . "--" . PHP_EOL;
    // Final boundry
    $message .= "--" . $boundary . "--" . PHP_EOL;
    // Facyla : FILE part of message
    if (!empty($attachments)) {
        // Build strings that will be added before TEXT/HTML message
        $before_message = "--mixed--" . $boundary . PHP_EOL;
        $before_message .= "Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=\"" . $boundary . "\"" . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL;
        // Build strings that will be added after TEXT/HTML message
        $after_message = PHP_EOL;
        $after_message .= "--mixed--" . $boundary . PHP_EOL;
        $after_message .= $attachments;
        // Wrap TEXT/HTML message into mixed message content
        $message = $before_message . PHP_EOL . $message . PHP_EOL . $after_message;
    // convert to to correct format
    $to = implode(", ", $options["to"]);
    // encode subject to handle special chars
    $subject = $options["subject"];
    $subject = html_entity_decode($subject, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
    // Decode any html entities
    if ($limit_subject) {
        $subject = elgg_get_excerpt($subject, 175);
    $subject = "=?UTF-8?B?" . base64_encode($subject) . "?=";
    return mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers_string, $sendmail_options);
Example #5
 * Sends the preview newsletter
 * @param Newsletter $entity newsletter to be send
 * @param string     $email  emailaddress of the recipient
 * @return bool if sending is succes or not
function newsletter_send_preview(Newsletter $entity, $email)
    if (!elgg_instanceof($entity, "object", Newsletter::SUBTYPE) || empty($email)) {
        return false;
    $container = $entity->getContainerEntity();
    // build correct subject
    if ($entity->subject) {
        $message_subject = $entity->subject;
    } else {
        $message_subject = elgg_echo('newsletter:subject', [$container->name, $entity->title]);
    //  plaintext message
    $message_plaintext_content = elgg_echo('newsletter:plain_message', [$entity->getURL()]);
    // html content
    $message_html_content = elgg_view_layout('newsletter', ['entity' => $entity]);
    // convert to inline CSS for email clients
    $message_html_content = html_email_handler_css_inliner($message_html_content);
    // add unsubscribe link
    $unsubscribe_link = newsletter_generate_unsubscribe_link($container, $email);
    $message_html_content = str_ireplace(urlencode("{unsublink}"), $unsubscribe_link, $message_html_content);
    // replace online link
    $online_link = $entity->getURL();
    $new_online_link = $online_link . '?e=' . $email;
    $message_html_content = str_ireplace($online_link, $new_online_link, $message_html_content);
    // send preview
    return html_email_handler_send_email(['from' => html_email_handler_make_rfc822_address($container), 'subject' => $message_subject, 'plaintext_message' => $message_plaintext_content, 'to' => $email, 'html_message' => $message_html_content]);
Example #6
 * Send out the generated digest
 * @param ElggUser $user       the user to send the digest to
 * @param string   $subject    message subject
 * @param string   $html_body  html message
 * @param string   $plain_link plaintext message
 * @return bool
function digest_send_mail(ElggUser $user, $subject, $html_body, $plain_link = "")
    global $digest_mail_send;
    $result = false;
    // validate input
    if (empty($user) || !elgg_instanceof($user, "user", null, "ElggUser") || empty($subject) || empty($html_body)) {
        return $result;
    // convert css
    $transform = html_email_handler_css_inliner($html_body);
    if (!empty($transform)) {
        $html_body = $transform;
    // email settings - prevent sending to any other address than the recipient personn
    $to = html_email_handler_make_rfc822_address($user, false);
    $plaintext_message = "";
    if (!empty($plain_link)) {
        // make a plaintext message for non HTML users
        $plaintext_message = elgg_echo("digest:mail:plaintext:description", array($plain_link));
    // send out the mail
    $options = array("to" => $to, "subject" => $subject, "html_message" => $html_body, "plaintext_message" => $plaintext_message);
    if (html_email_handler_send_email($options)) {
        if (empty($digest_mail_send)) {
            $digest_mail_send = 1;
        } else {
        $result = true;
    return $result;