Example #1
  * Helper method to correctly interpret an all-day date value
 public static function convert_datetime($prop, $as_array = false)
     if (empty($prop)) {
         return $as_array ? array() : null;
     } else {
         if ($prop instanceof VObject\Property\MultiDateTime) {
             $dt = array();
             $dateonly = $prop->getDateType() & VObject\Property\DateTime::DATE;
             foreach ($prop->getDateTimes() as $item) {
                 $item->_dateonly = $dateonly;
                 $dt[] = $item;
         } else {
             if ($prop instanceof VObject\Property\ICalendar\DateTime) {
                 //$dt = $prop->getDateTime();
                 $dt = new DateTime($prop->getValue());
             } else {
                 if ($prop instanceof VObject\Property && ($prop['VALUE'] == 'DATE' || $prop['VALUE'] == 'DATE-TIME')) {
                     $dt = new DateTime($prop->getValue());
                 } else {
                     if ($prop instanceof VObject\Property && $prop['VALUE'] == 'PERIOD') {
                         $dt = array();
                         foreach (explode(',', $prop->getValue()) as $val) {
                             try {
                                 list($start, $end) = explode('/', $val);
                                 list($type, $item) = VObject\Property\DateTime::parseData($start, $prop);
                                 $item->_dateonly = $type & VObject\Property\DateTime::DATE;
                                 $dt[] = $item;
                             } catch (Exception $e) {
                                 // ignore single date parse errors
                     } else {
                         if ($prop instanceof DateTime) {
                             $dt = $prop;
     // force return value to array if requested
     if ($as_array && !is_array($dt)) {
         $dt = empty($dt) ? array() : array($dt);
     return $dt;
Example #2
  * Parses the internal data structure to figure out what the current date
  * and time is.
  * The returned array contains two elements:
  *   1. A 'DateType' constant (as defined on this class), or null.
  *   2. A DateTime object (or null)
  * @param string|null $propertyValue The string to parse (yymmdd or
  *                                   ymmddThhmmss, etc..)
  * @param \Sabre\VObject\Property|null $property The instance of the
  *                                              property we're parsing.
  * @return array
 public static function parseData($propertyValue, VObject\Property $property = null)
     if (is_null($propertyValue)) {
         return array(null, null);
     $date = '(?P<year>[1-2][0-9]{3})(?P<month>[0-1][0-9])(?P<date>[0-3][0-9])';
     $time = '(?P<hour>[0-2][0-9])(?P<minute>[0-5][0-9])(?P<second>[0-5][0-9])';
     $regex = "/^{$date}(T{$time}(?P<isutc>Z)?)?\$/";
     if (!preg_match($regex, $propertyValue, $matches)) {
         throw new \InvalidArgumentException($propertyValue . ' is not a valid \\DateTime or Date string');
     if (!isset($matches['hour'])) {
         // Date-only
         return array(self::DATE, new \DateTime($matches['year'] . '-' . $matches['month'] . '-' . $matches['date'] . ' 00:00:00', new \DateTimeZone('UTC')));
     $dateStr = $matches['year'] . '-' . $matches['month'] . '-' . $matches['date'] . ' ' . $matches['hour'] . ':' . $matches['minute'] . ':' . $matches['second'];
     if (isset($matches['isutc'])) {
         $dt = new \DateTime($dateStr, new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));
         $dt->setTimeZone(new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));
         return array(self::UTC, $dt);
     // Finding the timezone.
     $tzid = $property['TZID'];
     if (!$tzid) {
         // This was a floating time string. This implies we use the
         // timezone from date_default_timezone_set / date.timezone ini
         // setting.
         return array(self::LOCAL, new \DateTime($dateStr));
     // To look up the timezone, we must first find the VCALENDAR component.
     $root = $property;
     while ($root->parent) {
         $root = $root->parent;
     if ($root->name === 'VCALENDAR') {
         $tz = VObject\TimeZoneUtil::getTimeZone((string) $tzid, $root);
     } else {
         $tz = VObject\TimeZoneUtil::getTimeZone((string) $tzid);
     $dt = new \DateTime($dateStr, $tz);
     return array(self::LOCALTZ, $dt);
  * Create a Sabre\VObject\Property instance from a PHP DateTime object
  * @param string Property name
  * @param object DateTime
 public function datetime_prop($name, $dt, $utc = false, $dateonly = null)
     $is_utc = $utc || ($tz = $dt->getTimezone()) && in_array($tz->getName(), array('UTC', 'GMT', 'Z'));
     $is_dateonly = $dateonly === null ? (bool) $dt->_dateonly : (bool) $dateonly;
     $vdt = new VObject\Property\DateTime($name);
     $vdt->setDateTime($dt, $is_dateonly ? VObject\Property\DateTime::DATE : ($is_utc ? VObject\Property\DateTime::UTC : VObject\Property\DateTime::LOCALTZ));
     // register timezone for VTIMEZONE block
     if (!$is_utc && !$dateonly && $tz && ($tzname = $tz->getName())) {
         $ts = $dt->format('U');
         if (is_array($this->vtimezones[$tzname])) {
             $this->vtimezones[$tzname][0] = min($this->vtimezones[$tzname][0], $ts);
             $this->vtimezones[$tzname][1] = max($this->vtimezones[$tzname][1], $ts);
         } else {
             $this->vtimezones[$tzname] = array($ts, $ts);
     return $vdt;
  * @depends testValues
 function testComplexExclusions()
     $ev = new Component('VEVENT');
     $ev->UID = 'bla';
     $ev->RRULE = 'FREQ=YEARLY;COUNT=10';
     $dtStart = new Property\DateTime('DTSTART');
     $tz = new DateTimeZone('Canada/Eastern');
     $dtStart->setDateTime(new DateTime('2011-01-01 13:50:20', $tz), Property\DateTime::LOCALTZ);
     $exDate1 = new Property\MultiDateTime('EXDATE');
     $exDate1->setDateTimes(array(new DateTime('2012-01-01 13:50:20', $tz), new DateTime('2014-01-01 13:50:20', $tz)), Property\DateTime::LOCALTZ);
     $exDate2 = new Property\MultiDateTime('EXDATE');
     $exDate2->setDateTimes(array(new DateTime('2016-01-01 13:50:20', $tz)), Property\DateTime::LOCALTZ);
     $vcal = Component::create('VCALENDAR');
     $it = new RecurrenceIterator($vcal, (string) $ev->uid);
     $this->assertEquals('yearly', $it->frequency);
     $this->assertEquals(1, $it->interval);
     $this->assertEquals(10, $it->count);
     $max = 20;
     $result = array();
     foreach ($it as $k => $item) {
         $result[] = $item;
         if (!$max) {
     $this->assertEquals(array(new DateTime('2011-01-01 13:50:20', $tz), new DateTime('2013-01-01 13:50:20', $tz), new DateTime('2015-01-01 13:50:20', $tz), new DateTime('2017-01-01 13:50:20', $tz), new DateTime('2018-01-01 13:50:20', $tz), new DateTime('2019-01-01 13:50:20', $tz), new DateTime('2020-01-01 13:50:20', $tz)), $result);
Example #5
  * Returns the type of Date format.
  * This method returns one of the format constants. If no date was set,
  * this method will return null.
  * @return int|null
 public function getDateType()
     if ($this->dateType) {
         return $this->dateType;
     if (!$this->value) {
         $this->dateTimes = null;
         $this->dateType = null;
         return null;
     $dts = array();
     foreach (explode(',', $this->value) as $val) {
         list($type, $dt) = DateTime::parseData($val, $this);
         $dts[] = $dt;
         $this->dateType = $type;
     $this->dateTimes = $dts;
     return $this->dateType;
Example #6
  * Create a Sabre\VObject\Property instance from a PHP DateTime object
  * @param string Property name
  * @param object DateTime
 public static function datetime_prop($name, $dt, $utc = false, $dateonly = null)
     $is_utc = $utc || ($tz = $dt->getTimezone()) && in_array($tz->getName(), array('UTC', 'GMT', 'Z'));
     $is_dateonly = $dateonly === null ? (bool) $dt->_dateonly : (bool) $dateonly;
     $vdt = new VObject\Property\DateTime($name);
     $vdt->setDateTime($dt, $is_dateonly ? VObject\Property\DateTime::DATE : ($is_utc ? VObject\Property\DateTime::UTC : VObject\Property\DateTime::LOCALTZ));
     return $vdt;
Example #7
  * @expectedException InvalidArgumentException
 function testGetDateTimeDateInvalid()
     $elem = new DateTime('DTSTART', 'bla');
     $dt = $elem->getDateTime();