getTickUsageAverage() public method

Returns the TPS usage/load average in %
public getTickUsageAverage ( ) : float
return float
Example #1
 public function check()
     $d = Utils::getRealMemoryUsage();
     $u = Utils::getMemoryUsage(true);
     $usage = round($u[0] / 1024 / 1024, 2) . "/" . round($d[0] / 1024 / 1024, 2) . "/" . round($u[1] / 1024 / 1024, 2) . "/" . round($u[2] / 1024 / 1024, 2) . " MB @ " . Utils::getThreadCount() . " threads";
     $serverStatus = serialize(["online" => count($this->server->getOnlinePlayers()), "max" => $this->server->getMaxPlayers(), "upload" => round($this->server->getNetwork()->getUpload() / 1024, 2), "download" => round($this->server->getNetwork()->getDownload() / 1024, 2), "tps" => $this->server->getTicksPerSecondAverage(), "load" => $this->server->getTickUsageAverage(), "usage" => $usage]);
     for ($n = 0; $n < $this->threads; ++$n) {
         if (!$this->workers[$n]->isTerminated()) {
             $this->workers[$n]->serverStatus = $serverStatus;
         if ($this->workers[$n]->isTerminated() === true) {
             $this->workers[$n] = new RCONInstance($this->socket, $this->password, $this->clientsPerThread);
         } elseif ($this->workers[$n]->isWaiting()) {
             if ($this->workers[$n]->response !== "") {
                 $this->workers[$n]->synchronized(function (RCONInstance $thread) {
                 }, $this->workers[$n]);
             } else {
                 $response = new RemoteConsoleCommandSender();
                 $command = $this->workers[$n]->cmd;
                 $this->server->getPluginManager()->callEvent($ev = new RemoteServerCommandEvent($response, $command));
                 if (!$ev->isCancelled()) {
                     $this->server->dispatchCommand($ev->getSender(), $ev->getCommand());
                 $this->workers[$n]->response = $response->getMessage();
                 $this->workers[$n]->synchronized(function (RCONInstance $thread) {
                 }, $this->workers[$n]);
 public function __construct(Server $server, $type, $playerList = [])
     $endpoint = "http://" . $server->getProperty("", "") . "/";
     $data = [];
     $data["uniqueServerId"] = $server->getServerUniqueId()->toString();
     $data["uniqueMachineId"] = Utils::getMachineUniqueId()->toString();
     $data["uniqueRequestId"] = UUID::fromData($server->getServerUniqueId(), microtime(true))->toString();
     switch ($type) {
         case self::TYPE_OPEN:
             $data["event"] = "open";
             $version = new VersionString();
             $data["server"] = ["port" => $server->getPort(), "software" => $server->getName(), "fullVersion" => $version->get(true), "version" => $version->get(), "build" => $version->getBuild(), "api" => $server->getApiVersion(), "minecraftVersion" => $server->getVersion(), "protocol" => Info::CURRENT_PROTOCOL];
             $data["system"] = ["operatingSystem" => Utils::getOS(), "cores" => Utils::getCoreCount(), "phpVersion" => PHP_VERSION, "machine" => php_uname("a"), "release" => php_uname("r"), "platform" => php_uname("i")];
             $data["players"] = ["count" => 0, "limit" => $server->getMaxPlayers()];
             $plugins = [];
             foreach ($server->getPluginManager()->getPlugins() as $p) {
                 $d = $p->getDescription();
                 $plugins[$d->getName()] = ["name" => $d->getName(), "version" => $d->getVersion(), "enabled" => $p->isEnabled()];
             $data["plugins"] = $plugins;
         case self::TYPE_STATUS:
             $data["event"] = "status";
             $data["server"] = ["ticksPerSecond" => $server->getTicksPerSecondAverage(), "tickUsage" => $server->getTickUsageAverage(), "ticks" => $server->getTick()];
             //This anonymizes the user ids so they cannot be reversed to the original
             foreach ($playerList as $k => $v) {
                 $playerList[$k] = md5($v);
             $players = [];
             foreach ($server->getOnlinePlayers() as $p) {
                 if ($p->isOnline()) {
                     $players[] = md5($p->getUniqueId()->toBinary());
             $data["players"] = ["count" => count($players), "limit" => $server->getMaxPlayers(), "currentList" => $players, "historyList" => array_values($playerList)];
             $info = Utils::getMemoryUsage(true);
             $data["system"] = ["mainMemory" => $info[0], "totalMemory" => $info[1], "availableMemory" => $info[2], "threadCount" => Utils::getThreadCount()];
         case self::TYPE_CLOSE:
             $data["event"] = "close";
             $data["crashing"] = $server->isRunning();
     $this->endpoint = $endpoint . "api/post";
     $this->data = json_encode($data);
 public function tick()
     if (($time = microtime(true)) - $this->lastUpdate >= 5) {
         $this->lastUpdate = $time;
         $pk = new HeartbeatPacket();
         $pk->tps = $this->server->getTicksPerSecondAverage();
         $pk->load = $this->server->getTickUsageAverage();
         $pk->upTime = microtime(true) - \pocketmine\START_TIME;
     if (($time = microtime(true)) - $this->lastUpdate >= 30 and $this->interface->isConnected()) {
         //30 seconds timeout