  * @param Notify $request
  * @throws RequestNotSupportedException if the action dose not support the request.
 public function execute($request)
     /** @var Array $notification */
     $notification = $request->getNotification();
     $response = BitPayNotification::fromArray($notification);
     /** @var Transaction $model */
     $model = $this->storageInterface->findModelById($response->getId());
 function it_should_store_invoices(StorageInterface $storageInterface, SecuredNotify $request, Transaction $transaction)
     $notification = ['id' => '1', 'url' => 'http://bitpay.com/invoice', 'status' => BitPayNotification::STATUS_CONFIRMED, 'btcPrice' => 0.001, 'price' => 0.001, 'currency' => 'BTC', 'invoiceTime' => '2014­01­01T19:01:01.123Z', 'expirationTime' => '2014­01­01T19:01:01.123Z', 'currentTime' => '2014­01­01T19:01:01.123Z'];
     $invoice = BitPayNotification::fromArray($notification);
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function verify($httpRequest)
     if (false == is_array($httpRequest)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException('Invalid request given. In most cases you have to pass $_REQUEST array.');
     if (false == isset($httpRequest[$this->tokenParameter])) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Token parameter `%s` was not found in in the http request.', $this->tokenParameter));
     if ($httpRequest[$this->tokenParameter] instanceof TokenInterface) {
         return $httpRequest[$this->tokenParameter];
     if (false == ($token = $this->tokenStorage->findModelById($httpRequest[$this->tokenParameter]))) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('A token with hash `%s` could not be found.', $httpRequest[$this->tokenParameter]));
     /** @var $token TokenInterface */
     if (parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH) != parse_url($token->getTargetUrl(), PHP_URL_PATH)) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The current url %s not match target url %s set in the token.', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $token->getTargetUrl()));
     return $token;
Example #4
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function verify($httpRequest)
     if (false == $httpRequest instanceof Request) {
         throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid request given. Expected %s but it is %s', 'Symfony\\Component\\HttpFoundation\\Request', is_object($httpRequest) ? get_class($httpRequest) : gettype($httpRequest)));
     if (false === ($hash = $httpRequest->attributes->get('payum_token', $httpRequest->get('payum_token', false)))) {
         throw new NotFoundHttpException('Token parameter not set in request');
     if ($hash instanceof TokenInterface) {
         $token = $hash;
     } else {
         if (false == ($token = $this->tokenStorage->findModelById($hash))) {
             throw new NotFoundHttpException(sprintf('A token with hash `%s` could not be found.', $hash));
         if (parse_url($httpRequest->getUri(), PHP_URL_PATH) != parse_url($token->getTargetUrl(), PHP_URL_PATH)) {
             throw new HttpException(400, sprintf('The current url %s not match target url %s set in the token.', $httpRequest->getUri(), $token->getTargetUrl()));
     return $token;