Example #1
 public function at_insert_submit_entry()
     global $post, $at_functions, $at_entry;
     if (is_user_logged_in()) {
     $published = $post->post_status == 'publish' ? true : false;
     // Get submit end datetime expiration from post meta
     $submit_expires = get_post_meta($post->ID, at_post_expires, true);
     // if timestamp exists and is less than current time, submit has expired
     if (!empty($submit_expires) && $at_functions->at_ts_pending($submit_expires)) {
         $submit_expired = false;
     } else {
         $submit_expired = true;
     if ($submit_expired || !$published || !is_user_logged_in()) {
         if (!is_user_logged_in()) {
             echo '<div class="alert alert-success"><p><a href="' . wp_registration_url() . '">Register</a> now to submit your entry in this tournament!</p>';
             echo '<p>Already a member? <a href="' . wp_login_url() . '">Login</a> to continue.</p></div>';
         $viewData = array('published' => $published, 'expired' => $submit_expired, 'post_expires' => $submit_expires, 'submit_post_id' => 0, 'notes_options' => array('media_buttons' => false, 'textarea_rows' => 15));
     } else {
         wp_localize_script(at_scripts_submit_entry, 'at_plugin_paths', $at_functions->getPaths());
         wp_localize_script(at_scripts_submit_entry, 'nonce', wp_create_nonce(ajax_nonce_string));
         $at_config->at_javascript_globals['at_plugin_paths'] = $at_functions->getPaths();
         if (!isset($at_entry)) {
             $at_entry = new at_entry();
         $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
         // Get user object
         $tournament = get_post($post->post_parent);
         // Get tournament object from $post parent
         $tournament_round = get_post_meta($tournament->ID, at_tournament_round, true);
         // Get tournament round from tournament post meta
         $entry_data = $at_entry->at_get_entry_data(NULL, $current_user->ID, $tournament->ID, $tournament_round);
         // Get entry data from user id, tournament id & tournament round
         $title_text = 'Enter Title or Load from MP3';
         $notes_text = 'Enter Comments or Notes';
         if (!empty($entry_data)) {
             $entry_post = get_post($entry_data->post_id);
             // Get entry post from entry data id
             if (!empty($entry_data->zipFile)) {
                 $zip_file = $entry_data->zipFile;
             if (!empty($entry_data->mp3File)) {
                 $mp3_file = $entry_data->mp3File;
             if (!empty($entry_post->post_title)) {
                 $title_text = $entry_post->post_title;
             if (!empty($entry_post->post_content)) {
                 $notes_text = $entry_post->post_content;
             $viewData = array('published' => true, 'post_expires' => $submit_expires, 'submit_post_id' => $post->ID, 'entry_data' => $entry_data, 'uploadPrefix' => at_random_filename_prefix, 'zip_file' => $zip_file, 'mp3_file' => $mp3_file, 'titleText' => $title_text, 'notesText' => $notes_text, 'notes_options' => array('media_buttons' => false, 'textarea_rows' => 15));
         } else {
             $viewData = array('published' => true, 'post_expires' => $submit_expires, 'submit_post_id' => $post->ID, 'entry_data' => false, 'uploadPrefix' => at_random_filename_prefix, 'zip_file' => false, 'mp3_file' => false, 'titleText' => $title_text, 'notesText' => $notes_text, 'notes_options' => array('media_buttons' => false, 'textarea_rows' => 15));
     // if ( ! mycred_exclude_user( $current_user->ID ) ) {
     // 	// Add points and save the current year as ref_id
     // 	mycred_add(
     // 		'submitted_entry',
     // 		$current_user->ID,
     // 		1,
     // 		'Submitted Entry',
     // 		'submitted_entry',
     // 		date( 'y' )
     // 		//,'at_entries'
     // 	);
     // }
     // if $post_expires is not empty and expiration time has passed
     if (!$submit_expired) {
         $submit_end = new DateTime($submit_expires, $at_config->wp_timezone);
         $submit_end_date = $submit_end->format('F jS, Y');
         $submit_end_time = $submit_end->format('g:m:s A T');
     return $at_functions->at_get_template('submit_entry', $viewData);
Example #2
 public function at_insert_prev_next_entries($entry_post)
     if ($entry_post->post_status === 'draft') {
         return false;
     if (!isset($at_entry)) {
         $at_entry = new at_entry($this->at_config);
     $tournament = get_post($entry_post->post_parent);
     $tournament_round = get_post_meta($tournament->ID, at_tournament_round, true);
     // Get tournament round from tournament post meta
     $entries = $at_entry->at_get_entry_data(NULL, NULL, $tournament->ID, $tournament_round);
     // $random_entry = $entries[ array_rand( $entries ) ];
     // $random_entry_link = get_permalink( $random_entry->post_id );
     // find previous and next entries
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($entries); $i++) {
         if ($entries[$i]->post_id == $entry_post->ID) {
             $prev_entry = $entries[$i - 1];
             $next_entry = $entries[$i + 1];
             if (!empty($prev_entry)) {
                 // Remove filter to add player to title
                 $prev_title = get_the_title($prev_entry->post_id);
                 // Restore filter to add player to title
                 $prev_link = get_permalink($prev_entry->post_id);
             } else {
                 $prev_entry = false;
             if (!empty($next_entry)) {
                 // Remove filter to add player to title
                 $next_title = get_the_title($next_entry->post_id);
                 // Restore filter to add player to title
                 $next_link = get_permalink($next_entry->post_id);
             } else {
                 $next_entry = false;
     $prev_next_html .= '<div id="entry-navigation">';
     if ($prev_entry) {
         $prev_next_html .= '<a href="' . $prev_link . '" class="prev-entry"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-backward"></span>' . $prev_title . '</a>';
     if ($next_entry) {
         $prev_next_html .= '<a href="' . $next_link . '" class="next-entry">' . $next_title . '<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-forward"></span></a>';
     $prev_next_html .= '</div>';
     return $prev_next_html;
Example #3
 public function at_get_tournament_status($tournament_id)
     global $at_config, $at_functions, $at_entry;
     if (!$at_entry) {
         $at_entry = new at_entry();
     $tournament_round = get_post_meta($tournament_id, at_tournament_round, true);
     $status = array('message' => 'Error', 'end_date_time' => false);
     $category_ids = array();
     $categories = get_terms(array('category'), array('hide_empty' => 0));
     $now_time = current_time('timestamp', 1);
     foreach ($categories as $category) {
         switch ($category->slug) {
             case at_post_type_submit_page:
                 $category_ids['submit'] = $category->term_id;
             case at_post_type_voting_page:
                 $category_ids['voting'] = $category->term_id;
             case at_post_type_results_page:
                 $category_ids['results'] = $category->term_id;
     $args = array('posts_per_page' => 3, 'post_type' => at_post_type_tournament, 'cat' => implode(',', $category_ids), 'post_parent' => $tournament_id, 'post_status' => array('draft', 'future', 'publish'));
     $posts = get_posts($args);
     if (empty($posts)) {
         return false;
     foreach ($posts as $post) {
         switch ($post->post_name) {
             case 'submit':
                 $submit_post = $post;
             case 'voting':
                 $voting_post = $post;
             case 'results':
                 $results_post = $post;
     $submit_post_time = date_create_from_format('Y-m-d H:i:s', $submit_post->post_date, $at_config->wp_timezone);
     // if submit is not published and submit post date is in future
     // then status is Beginning Soon
     if ($submit_post->post_status !== 'publish' || $submit_post_time->format('U') > $now_time) {
         $status['status'] = at_status_pending;
         $status['message'] = 'Starting Soon';
         $status['end_date_time'] = $submit_post->post_date;
         return $status;
     $submit_expires = get_post_meta($submit_post->ID, at_post_expires, true);
     $submit_expires_time = date_create_from_format('Y-m-d H:i:s', $submit_expires, $at_config->wp_timezone);
     // if submit is published,
     // submit post date is past,
     // submit expiration is in future and voting is not published
     // then status is Open Entry
     if ($submit_post->post_status == 'publish' && $submit_post_time->format('U') < $now_time && $submit_expires_time->format('U') > $now_time && $voting_post->post_status !== 'publish') {
         $status['status'] = at_status_submitting;
         $status['message'] = 'Open Entry';
         $status['end_date_time'] = $submit_expires;
         $total_entries = $at_entry->at_get_entry_data(null, null, $tournament_id, $tournament_round);
         if (!empty($total_entries)) {
             $status['total_entries'] = count($total_entries);
         return $status;
     // if submit is expired,
     // voting is not published
     // then status is Pending Voting
     if ($submit_expires_time->format('U') < $now_time && $voting_post->post_status !== 'publish') {
         $status['status'] = at_status_pending_voting;
         $status['message'] = 'Voting Soon';
         $status['end_date_time'] = $voting_post->post_date;
         $total_entries = $at_entry->at_get_entry_data(null, null, $tournament_id, $tournament_round);
         if (!empty($total_entries)) {
             $status['total_entries'] = count($total_entries);
         return $status;
     $voting_expires = get_post_meta($voting_post->ID, at_post_expires, true);
     $voting_post_time = date_create_from_format('Y-m-d H:i:s', $voting_post->post_date, $at_config->wp_timezone);
     $voting_expires_time = date_create_from_format('Y-m-d H:i:s', $voting_expires, $at_config->wp_timezone);
     // if voting is published, voting date is past and voting expiration is in future
     // then status is Voting
     if ($voting_post->post_status == 'publish' && $voting_post_time->format('U') < $now_time && $voting_expires_time->format('U') > $now_time) {
         $status['status'] = at_status_voting;
         $status['message'] = 'Voting';
         $status['end_date_time'] = $voting_expires;
         $total_votes = $this->at_get_votes($tournament_id, $tournament_round);
         if (!empty($total_votes)) {
             $status['total_votes'] = count($total_votes);
         return $status;
     $results_post_time = date_create_from_format('Y-m-d H:i:s', $results_post->post_date, $at_config->wp_timezone);
     // if voting is expired, results is not published and results dat is in future
     // then status is Results Pending
     if ($voting_expires_time->format('U') < $now_time && $results_post->post_status !== 'publish') {
         $status['status'] = at_status_pending_results;
         $status['message'] = 'Results Pending';
         $status['end_date_time'] = $results_post->post_date;
         $total_votes = $this->at_get_votes($tournament_id, $tournament_round);
         if (!empty($total_votes)) {
             $status['total_votes'] = count($total_votes);
         return $status;
     // if voting is expired, results is published and results post date is past
     // then status is Results
     if ($voting_expires_time->format('U') < $now_time && $results_post->post_status == 'publish' && $results_post_time->format('U') < $now_time) {
         $status['status'] = at_status_results;
         $status['message'] = 'Results Available';
         $status['end_date_time'] = $results_post->post_date;
         $total_votes = $this->at_get_votes($tournament_id, $tournament_round);
         if (!empty($total_votes)) {
             $status['total_votes'] = count($total_votes);
         return $status;
     // Return Tournament Status array
     return $status;