  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function fire()
     $experiments = Experiment::active()->get();
     $goals = array_unique(Goal::active()->orderBy('name')->lists('name')->toArray());
     $columns = array_merge(['Experiment', 'Visitors', 'Engagement'], array_map('ucfirst', $goals));
     $writer = new Writer(new SplTempFileObject());
     foreach ($experiments as $experiment) {
         $engagement = $experiment->visitors ? $experiment->engagement / $experiment->visitors * 100 : 0;
         $row = [$experiment->name, $experiment->visitors, number_format($engagement, 2) . " % (" . $experiment->engagement . ")"];
         $results = $experiment->goals()->lists('count', 'name');
         foreach ($goals as $column) {
             $count = array_get($results, $column, 0);
             $percentage = $experiment->visitors ? $count / $experiment->visitors * 100 : 0;
             $row[] = number_format($percentage, 2) . " % ({$count})";
     $output = (string) $writer;
     if ($file = $this->argument('file')) {
         $this->info("Creating {$file}");
         File::put($file, $output);
     } else {
  * Execute the console command.
 public function fire()
     $this->info('Routes file: app/routes.php');
     $message = 'This will rebuild routes.php with all of the packages that' . ' subscribe to the `toolbox.routes` event.';
     if ($this->confirm('Proceed with the rebuild? [Yes|no]')) {
         $this->info('Backing up routes.php ...');
         // Remove the last backup if it exists
         if (File::exists('app/routes.bak.php')) {
         // Back up the existing file
         if (File::exists('app/routes.php')) {
             File::move('app/routes.php', 'app/routes.bak.php');
         // Generate new routes
         $this->info('Generating routes...');
         $routes = Event::fire('toolbox.routes');
         // Save new file
         $this->info('Saving new routes.php...');
         if ($routes && !empty($routes)) {
             $routes = $this->getHeader() . implode("\n", $routes);
             File::put('app/routes.php', $routes);
             $this->info('Process completed!');
         } else {
             $this->error('Nothing to save!');
         // Done!
Example #3
  * Stores The SupervisorD configuration
  * @param $worker
 private function storeSupervisordConfig($worker)
     $domain = Domain::findOrFail($worker->domain_id);
     $file = view('configuration.supervisord', compact('worker', 'domain'))->render();
     File::put(Config::get('settings.supervisord_location') . '/worker-' . $worker->id . '.log', $file);
     $this->log->info('Supervisord Config created');
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function handle()
     list($rootFolder, $current, $folder) = $this->setFolder();
     $counter = 1;
     $measurementsCounter = 0;
     $file = fopen($folder . 'file' . $counter . '.csv', "w");
     $maxRows = self::MAX_ROWS - 500;
     Measurement::with('station')->where('time', '>', Carbon::now()->subMonths(3))->orderBy('time', 'asc')->chunk(500, function ($measurements) use($folder, &$file, &$measurementsCounter, &$counter, $maxRows) {
         if ($measurementsCounter > $maxRows) {
             echo "measurements: " . $measurementsCounter . "\n";
             echo "file created: " . $counter . ".csv\n";
             $measurementsCounter = 0;
             if (is_resource($file)) {
             $file = fopen($folder . 'file' . $counter . '.csv', "w");
         foreach ($measurements as $measurement) {
             $array = $measurement->toArray();
             unset($array['station_id'], $array['station']['id']);
             fputcsv($file, array_flatten($array));
         $measurementsCounter += 500;
     File::put($rootFolder . 'finished.txt', $current);
 public function setUp()
     $this->testFilePath = "/tmp/laravel-static";
     $this->testFileContent = "Test contents!";
     File::put($this->testFilePath, $this->testFileContent);
 protected function createFile($fileName, $routeFile, $stubFile)
     $stubFile = str_replace('{$NAME$}', $fileName, $stubFile);
     if (File::put($routeFile, $stubFile)) {
         $this->info('Route generated!');
 protected function saveFileContents($fileName, $content)
     $bytesWritten = File::put($fileName, $content);
     if ($bytesWritten === false) {
         dd('Error writing file: ' . $fileName);
Example #8
 public function getSubmissionVerdict($srcContent, $srcExt)
     assert($srcExt == "cpp" || $srcExt == "java" || $srcExt == "py", "'Source code language must be C++, Java or Python'");
     $judgingBaseFolder = '../judging/';
     $submissionFolderName = uniqid();
     $submissionFolder = "{$judgingBaseFolder}{$submissionFolderName}/";
     // Write the source code file
     $srcFpath = "{$submissionFolder}main.{$srcExt}";
     File::put($srcFpath, $srcContent);
     // Create the required test case files
     $caseNo = 1;
     $testcases = $this->testcases()->get();
     foreach ($testcases as $tc) {
         $inFname = "test{$caseNo}.in";
         $outFname = "test{$caseNo}.ans";
         $inFpath = $submissionFolder . $inFname;
         $outFpath = $submissionFolder . $outFname;
         File::put($inFpath, $tc->input);
         File::put($outFpath, $tc->output);
         $caseNo += 1;
     // Judge!
     $judgingScript = "python \"{$judgingBaseFolder}judge.py\"";
     $judgingArguments = sprintf('"%s" "%s" %d', $srcFpath, $submissionFolder, $this['time_limit']);
     $judgeCommand = "{$judgingScript} {$judgingArguments}";
     $verdict = shell_exec($judgeCommand);
     // Clean-up the submission directory
     return $verdict;
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @param \Codeboard\Http\Requests\SetConfigurationRequest $request
  * @return Response
 public function store(SetConfigurationRequest $request)
     $inputData = $request->all();
     $data = view('configuration.envoy', $inputData)->render();
     File::put(base_path() . '/Envoy.blade.php', $data);
     return redirect()->route('settings');
 public function generateAll()
     $resources = APIResource::where('route', true)->get();
     $namespaces = $this->generateNamespaces($resources);
     $commands = [];
     foreach ($namespaces as $namespace => $controllers) {
         $command = 'apidoc -i ' . app_path() . '/Http/Controllers/' . $namespace . ' ';
         foreach ($controllers as $controller) {
             $command .= '-f "' . $controller . '" ';
         $command .= '-o ' . public_path() . '/docs/' . $namespace;
         $command .= ' -t ' . realpath(__DIR__ . '/../../templateDoc');
         $commands[] = ['namespace' => $namespace, 'command' => $command, 'index' => public_path() . '/docs/' . $namespace . '/index.html'];
     $return = [];
     $responses = [];
     foreach ($commands as $command) {
         exec($command['command'], $return, $status);
         if ($status != 0) {
             $response = ['success' => false, 'error' => 'Cannot generate documentation  for namespace ' . $command['namespace'] . ' in: ' . public_path() . '/docs/' . $command['namespace']];
         } else {
             $find = '<base href="#" />';
             $replace = '<base href="/docs/' . $command['namespace'] . '/" />';
             File::put($command['index'], str_replace($find, $replace, file_get_contents($command['index'])));
             $response = ['success' => true, 'message' => 'Documentation generated for namespace ' . $command['namespace'] . ' in: ' . public_path() . '/docs/' . $command['namespace']];
         $responses[] = $response;
     return $responses;
  * Assert that a blade string is rendered correctly.
  * @param  string $render
  * @param  string $string
  * @param  array $data
  * @return $this
 protected function assertBladeRender($render, $string, $data = [])
     $path = __DIR__ . "/views/test.blade.php";
     File::put($path, $string);
     $this->assertEquals($render, view()->file($path, $data)->render());
     return $this;
 public function addNewPlace(Request $request)
     $this->validate($request, ['place' => 'required']);
     $existingPlaces = json_decode(File::get(storage_path('app/places.json')), true);
     $existingPlaces[] = $request->get('place');
     File::put(storage_path('app/places.json'), json_encode($existingPlaces));
 public function test()
     $subjects = \App\Subject::lists('name')->toJson();
     $file = 'subjects.json';
     $write = File::put($file, $subjects);
     if ($write == false) {
         return 'False roi em oi';
     return 'Good!';
  * Handle an incoming request.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
  * @param  \Closure $next
  * @return mixed
 public function handle($request, Closure $next)
     $response = $next($request);
     $cache_filename = str_slug(str_replace('/', '-', $request->getRequestUri())) . '.js';
     $cache_path = public_path() . '/js/cache';
     if (!File::exists($cache_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $cache_filename)) {
         File::put($cache_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $cache_filename, $response->getContent());
     return $response;
Example #15
  * Check for cache path, and create if missing
 protected function makeStorageSerializerDir()
     $purifierCachePath = Config::get('purifier::config.cachePath');
     if (File::exists($purifierCachePath) === false) {
         $gitIgnoreContent = '*';
         $gitIgnoreContent .= "\n" . '!.gitignore';
         File::put($purifierCachePath . '/.gitignore', $gitIgnoreContent);
 public function fire(ParseFeed $parseFeed)
     $this->parse_feed = $parseFeed;
     try {
         File::put($this->parse_feed->getDto()->callback_url . '/' . $this->parse_feed->getDto()->request_uuid . '.out', $this->parse_feed->getSerializedResults());
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         $this->parse_feed->getDto()->process_results[] = sprintf("error writing file %s", $e->getMessage());
     return $this->parse_feed->getDto();
 public function outputOverview()
     $xml = new DomDocument();
     $xml->load($this->outputDir . '/logs/phpcs.xml');
     $xsl = new DomDocument();
     $processor = new XSLTProcessor();
     File::put($this->outputDir . '/phpcs_overview.html', $processor->transformToXML($xml));
Example #18
 private function create_scss()
     $src = $this->zip_path . '/css/' . $this->fontname . '.css';
     $dst = $this->resources_path . 'sass/' . $this->fontname . '/components/';
     $cssfile = $this->embed() . $this->stripfontsrc(File::get($src));
     if (!File::exists($dst)) {
         File::makeDirectory($dst, 0755, true);
     File::put($dst . 'fontello.scss', $cssfile);
     $this->info("saved: {$dst}fontello.scss.");
Example #19
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function handle()
     $name = $this->argument('name');
     switch ($this->option('type')) {
         case "external":
             File::put('app/API/Transformers/' . ucfirst($name) . 'Transformer.php', "<?php \n \n namespace app\\API\\Transformers; \n\n class " . ucfirst($name) . "Transformer extends Transformer\n { \n \n \t public function transform(\$item){ } \n \n \t public function columns(){ } \n \n }");
             File::put('packages/Sparkplug/Admin/src/API/Transformers/' . ucfirst($name) . 'Transformer.php', "<?php \n \n namespace Sparkplug\\Admin\\API\\Transformers; \n\n class " . ucfirst($name) . "Transformer extends Transformer\n { \n \n \t public function transform(\$item){ } \n \n \t public function columns(){ } \n \n }");
Example #20
  * Store the compiled stub.
  * @param $modelName
  * @param \stdClass $scaffolderConfig
  * @param $compiled
  * @param \Scaffolder\Support\FileToCompile $fileToCompile
  * @return string
 protected function store($modelName, stdClass $scaffolderConfig, $compiled, FileToCompile $fileToCompile)
     $path = PathParser::parse($scaffolderConfig->paths->migrations) . $this->date->format('Y_m_d_His') . '_create_' . strtolower($modelName) . 's_table.php';
     // Store in cache
     if ($fileToCompile->cached) {
         File::copy(base_path('scaffolder-config/cache/migration_' . $fileToCompile->hash . self::CACHE_EXT), $path);
     } else {
         File::put(base_path('scaffolder-config/cache/migration_' . $fileToCompile->hash . self::CACHE_EXT), $compiled);
         File::copy(base_path('scaffolder-config/cache/migration_' . $fileToCompile->hash . self::CACHE_EXT), $path);
     return $path;
Example #21
 public function downloadCsv($database)
     $response = $this->curlClient->get($this->downloadPagePath, ['query' => ['code' => $database], 'timeout' => 30, 'cookies' => $this->cookieJar]);
     //write file to downloads
     $databaseFile = $this->storagePath . '/downloads/' . $database . '.csv.zip';
     if (File::exists($databaseFile) === true) {
     File::put($databaseFile, $response->getBody());
  * Store the compiled stub.
  * @param               $modelName
  * @param               $scaffolderConfig
  * @param               $compiled
  * @param FileToCompile $fileToCompile
  * @return string
 protected function store($modelName, $scaffolderConfig, $compiled, FileToCompile $fileToCompile)
     $path = PathParser::parse($scaffolderConfig->paths->views) . strtolower($modelName) . '/create.blade.php';
     // Store in cache
     if ($fileToCompile->cached) {
         File::copy(base_path('scaffolder-config/cache/view_create_' . $fileToCompile->hash . self::CACHE_EXT), $path);
     } else {
         File::put(base_path('scaffolder-config/cache/view_create_' . $fileToCompile->hash . self::CACHE_EXT), $compiled);
         File::copy(base_path('scaffolder-config/cache/view_create_' . $fileToCompile->hash . self::CACHE_EXT), $path);
     return $path;
Example #23
  * Store the compiled stub.
  * @param $modelName
  * @param \stdClass $scaffolderConfig
  * @param $compiled
  * @param \Scaffolder\Support\FileToCompile $fileToCompile
  * @return string
 protected function store($modelName, stdClass $scaffolderConfig, $compiled, FileToCompile $fileToCompile)
     $path = base_path('../' . strtolower(str_replace(' ', '-', $scaffolderConfig->name . '-api'))) . '/app/Models/' . $modelName . '.php';
     // Store in cache
     if ($fileToCompile->cached) {
         File::copy(base_path('scaffolder-config/cache/api_model_' . $fileToCompile->hash . self::CACHE_EXT), $path);
     } else {
         File::put(base_path('scaffolder-config/cache/api_model_' . $fileToCompile->hash . self::CACHE_EXT), $compiled);
         File::copy(base_path('scaffolder-config/cache/api_model_' . $fileToCompile->hash . self::CACHE_EXT), $path);
     return $path;
  * Store the compiled stub.
  * @param               $modelName
  * @param               $scaffolderConfig
  * @param               $compiled
  * @param FileToCompile $fileToCompile
  * @return string
 protected function store($modelName, $scaffolderConfig, $compiled, FileToCompile $fileToCompile)
     $path = PathParser::parse($scaffolderConfig->paths->models) . $modelName . '.php';
     // Store in cache
     if ($fileToCompile->cached) {
         File::copy(base_path('scaffolder-config/cache/model_' . $fileToCompile->hash . self::CACHE_EXT), $path);
     } else {
         File::put(base_path('scaffolder-config/cache/model_' . $fileToCompile->hash . self::CACHE_EXT), $compiled);
         File::copy(base_path('scaffolder-config/cache/model_' . $fileToCompile->hash . self::CACHE_EXT), $path);
     return $path;
Example #25
 private function setupTestCase($setupCommand)
     $contents = file_get_contents(base_path() . '/tests/TestCase.php');
     $pos = strrpos($contents, "refreshDb");
     if ($pos === false) {
         $location = strripos($contents, "}");
         $contents = substr_replace($contents, $this->seedStep(), $location, 1);
         File::put(base_path() . '/tests/TestCase.php', $contents);
         $setupCommand->info("Added Seed Step to the TestCase class");
     } else {
         $setupCommand->info("Seed step already in TestCase");
Example #26
function fire($payload)
    try {
        if (File::exists(storage_path('logs/lumen.log'))) {
            File::put(storage_path('logs/lumen.log'), '');
        $handler = new \App\ThumbMakerService();
        echo file_get_contents(storage_path('logs/lumen.log'));
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        $message = sprintf("Error with worker %s", $e->getMessage());
        echo $message;
 private function createModule()
     foreach ($this->moduleFiles as $module) {
         $folder = base_path() . $this->vendorPath . $module['folder'];
         if (!File::exists($folder)) {
             File::makeDirectory($folder, 0775, true);
         if (File::exists($folder)) {
             $fileName = str_replace('Name', $this->properCaseName, $module['file']);
             $fileName = str_replace('.txt', '.php', $fileName);
             File::put($folder . '/' . $fileName, $module['content']);
     $this->info('Files created!');
Example #28
  * Handle an incoming request.
  * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
  * @param \Closure                 $next
  * @return mixed
 public function handle(Request $request, Closure $next)
     $response = $next($request);
     // HTML cache
     if (!$response->isRedirection() && $request->isMethod('get') && !Auth::check() && !config('app.debug') && config('typicms.html_cache')) {
         if ($this->hasPageThatShouldNotBeCached($response)) {
             return $response;
         $directory = public_path() . '/html' . $request->getPathInfo();
         if (!File::isDirectory($directory)) {
             File::makeDirectory($directory, 0777, true);
         File::put($directory . '/index' . ($request->getQueryString() ? md5($request->getQueryString()) : '') . '.html', $response->content());
     return $response;
Example #29
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return void
 public function fire()
     $patch = PHP_EOL . "require __DIR__.'/../vendor/onefasteuro/flattnr/src/Onefasteuro/Flattnr/Flatten.php';";
     $patch .= PHP_EOL . "Onefasteuro\\Flattnr\\Flatten::hijack();" . PHP_EOL;
     $base_dir = app_path() . '/../';
     if ($this->confirm("\nThis will bootstrap Flattnr to run before L4 runs [yes|no]")) {
         $file = File::get($base_dir . 'bootstrap/autoload.php');
         $pos = strpos($file, "<?php");
         if ($pos === false) {
             $this->line("\nYour boostrap file does not seem to be formatted properly.");
         $file = str_replace('<?php', '<?php' . PHP_EOL . $patch . PHP_EOL, $file);
         File::put($base_dir . 'bootstrap/autoload.php', $file);
         $this->line("\nFile bootstrapped successfully.");
Example #30
  * Writes a value to package configuration file.
 protected function writeConfig($key, $value)
     $file = config_path(LadaCacheServiceProvider::CONFIG_FILE);
     if (!File::exists($file)) {
     try {
         $contents = File::get($file);
         $contents = preg_replace("/'" . $key . "'(.*?),\\s?\n/s", "'" . $key . "' => " . $value . ",\n\n", $contents);
         File::put($file, $contents);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->error('Could not write config file');
         return false;
     return true;