  * @return string
 public function getRename()
     $old_name = Input::get('file');
     $new_name = Input::get('new_name');
     $file_path = parent::getPath('directory');
     $thumb_path = parent::getPath('thumb');
     $old_file = $file_path . $old_name;
     if (!File::isDirectory($old_file)) {
         $extension = File::extension($old_file);
         $new_name = str_replace('.' . $extension, '', $new_name) . '.' . $extension;
     $new_file = $file_path . $new_name;
     if (File::exists($new_file)) {
         return Lang::get('laravel-filemanager::lfm.error-rename');
     if (File::isDirectory($old_file)) {
         File::move($old_file, $new_file);
         return 'OK';
     File::move($old_file, $new_file);
     if ('Images' === $this->file_type) {
         File::move($thumb_path . $old_name, $thumb_path . $new_name);
     return 'OK';
  * @return string
 public function getRename()
     $old_name = Input::get('file');
     $new_name = trim(Input::get('new_name'));
     $file_path = parent::getPath('directory');
     $thumb_path = parent::getPath('thumb');
     $old_file = $file_path . $old_name;
     if (!File::isDirectory($old_file)) {
         $extension = File::extension($old_file);
         $new_name = str_replace('.' . $extension, '', $new_name) . '.' . $extension;
     $new_file = $file_path . $new_name;
     if (Config::get('lfm.alphanumeric_directory') && preg_match('/[^\\w-]/i', $new_name)) {
         return Lang::get('laravel-filemanager::lfm.error-folder-alnum');
     } elseif (File::exists($new_file)) {
         return Lang::get('laravel-filemanager::lfm.error-rename');
     if (File::isDirectory($old_file)) {
         File::move($old_file, $new_file);
         Event::fire(new FolderWasRenamed($old_file, $new_file));
         return 'OK';
     File::move($old_file, $new_file);
     if ('Images' === $this->file_type) {
         File::move($thumb_path . $old_name, $thumb_path . $new_name);
     Event::fire(new ImageWasRenamed($old_file, $new_file));
     return 'OK';
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @param TemplateRequest $request
  * @return Response
 public function store(TemplateRequest $request)
     ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);
     $file_path = storage_path('tmp/');
     $orginal_name = $request->file('file')->getClientOriginalName();
     if ($request->file('file')->move($file_path, $orginal_name)) {
         Zipper::make($file_path . $orginal_name)->extractTo(storage_path('tmp'));
         $template = (require_once storage_path('tmp/Template.php'));
         $assets = File::move(storage_path('tmp/assets/' . $template['folder']), public_path('assets/' . $template['folder']));
         $template_file = File::move(storage_path('tmp/' . $template['folder']), base_path('resources/views/' . $template['folder']));
         if (!$assets || !$template_file) {
             Flash::error('Tema Dosyası Yüklendi ama Dizinler Tasinamadi! Tüm İşlemleriniz İptal Edildi.');
             return redirect()->route('admin.template.index');
         $message = $this->template->create($template) ? ['success', 'Başarıyla Kaydedildi'] : ['error', 'Bir Hata Meydana Geldi ve Kaydedilemedi'];
         if ($message[0] == "success") {
             Logs::add('process', "Şablon Eklendi\n{$template['name']}");
         } else {
             Logs::add('errors', "Şablon Eklenemedi!");
         return redirect()->route('admin.template.index');
  * Execute the console command.
 public function fire()
     $this->info('Routes file: app/routes.php');
     $message = 'This will rebuild routes.php with all of the packages that' . ' subscribe to the `toolbox.routes` event.';
     if ($this->confirm('Proceed with the rebuild? [Yes|no]')) {
         $this->info('Backing up routes.php ...');
         // Remove the last backup if it exists
         if (File::exists('app/routes.bak.php')) {
         // Back up the existing file
         if (File::exists('app/routes.php')) {
             File::move('app/routes.php', 'app/routes.bak.php');
         // Generate new routes
         $this->info('Generating routes...');
         $routes = Event::fire('toolbox.routes');
         // Save new file
         $this->info('Saving new routes.php...');
         if ($routes && !empty($routes)) {
             $routes = $this->getHeader() . implode("\n", $routes);
             File::put('app/routes.php', $routes);
             $this->info('Process completed!');
         } else {
             $this->error('Nothing to save!');
         // Done!
Example #5
 protected function setupLangDir()
     $langDir = realpath(app_path() . '/../resources/lang');
     if (File::exists("{$langDir}/en")) {
         File::move("{$langDir}/en", "{$langDir}/en_GB");
Example #6
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @param TemplateRequest $request
  * @return Response
 public function store(TemplateRequest $request)
     ini_set('max_execution_time', 0);
     $file_path = storage_path('tmp/');
     $orginal_name = $request->file('file')->getClientOriginalName();
     if ($request->file('file')->move($file_path, $orginal_name)) {
         Zipper::make($file_path . $orginal_name)->extractTo(storage_path('tmp'));
         $template = (require_once storage_path('tmp/Template.php'));
         $assets = File::move(storage_path('tmp/assets/' . $template['folder']), public_path('assets/' . $template['folder']));
         $template_file = File::move(storage_path('tmp/' . $template['folder']), base_path('resources/views/' . $template['folder']));
         if (!$assets || !$template_file) {
             return redirect()->route('admin.template.index');
         $message = $this->template->create($template) ? ['success', trans('whole::http/controllers.templates_flash_2')] : ['error', trans('whole::http/controllers.templates_flash_3')];
         if ($message[0] == "success") {
             Logs::add('process', trans('whole::http/controllers.templates_log_1', ['name' => $template['name']]));
         } else {
             Logs::add('errors', trans('whole::http/controllers.templates_log_2'));
         return redirect()->route('admin.template.index');
Example #7
 public function storeAttachment()
     $parameters = $this->request->route()->parameters();
     $attachments = $this->request->input('attachments');
     $attachmentsResponse = [];
     foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
         $idAttachment = Attachment::max('id_016');
         // move file from temp file to attachment folder
         File::move(public_path() . config($this->request->input('routesConfigFile') . '.tmpFolder') . '/' . $attachment['tmpFileName'], public_path() . config($this->request->input('routesConfigFile') . '.attachmentFolder') . '/' . $parameters['object'] . '/' . $parameters['lang'] . '/' . $attachment['fileName']);
         $attachmentsResponse[] = Attachment::create(['id_016' => $idAttachment, 'lang_id_016' => $parameters['lang'], 'resource_id_016' => $this->request->input('resource'), 'object_id_016' => $parameters['object'], 'family_id_016' => null, 'library_id_016' => $attachment['library'], 'library_file_name_016' => $attachment['libraryFileName'], 'sorting_016' => null, 'name_016' => null, 'file_name_016' => $attachment['fileName'], 'mime_016' => $attachment['mime'], 'size_016' => filesize(public_path() . config($this->request->input('routesConfigFile') . '.attachmentFolder') . '/' . $parameters['object'] . '/' . $parameters['lang'] . '/' . $attachment['fileName']), 'type_id_016' => $attachment['type']['id'], 'type_text_016' => $attachment['type']['name'], 'width_016' => empty($attachment['width']) ? null : $attachment['width'], 'height_016' => empty($attachment['height']) ? null : $attachment['height'], 'data_016' => json_encode(['icon' => $attachment['type']['icon']])]);
     $response = ['success' => true, 'attachments' => $attachmentsResponse];
     return response()->json($response);
Example #8
  *  Function to store attachment elements
  * @access	public
  * @param   \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Request     $attachments
  * @param   string                                  $lang
  * @param   string                                  $routesConfigFile
  * @param   integer                                 $objectId
  * @param   string                                  $resource
  * @return  boolean
 public static function storeAttachments($attachments, $routesConfigFile, $resource, $objectId, $lang)
     if (!File::exists(public_path() . config($routesConfigFile . '.attachmentFolder') . '/' . $objectId . '/' . $lang)) {
         File::makeDirectory(public_path() . config($routesConfigFile . '.attachmentFolder') . '/' . $objectId . '/' . $lang, 0755, true);
     foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
         $idAttachment = Attachment::max('id_016');
         $width = null;
         $height = null;
         if ($attachment->type->id == 1) {
             list($width, $height) = getimagesize(public_path() . $attachment->folder . '/' . $attachment->tmpFileName);
         // move file fom temp file to attachment folder
         File::move(public_path() . $attachment->folder . '/' . $attachment->tmpFileName, public_path() . config($routesConfigFile . '.attachmentFolder') . '/' . $objectId . '/' . $lang . '/' . $attachment->fileName);
         Attachment::create(['id_016' => $idAttachment, 'lang_id_016' => $lang, 'resource_id_016' => $resource, 'object_id_016' => $objectId, 'family_id_016' => empty($attachment->family) ? null : $attachment->family, 'library_id_016' => $attachment->library, 'library_file_name_016' => empty($attachment->libraryFileName) ? null : $attachment->libraryFileName, 'sorting_016' => $attachment->sorting, 'name_016' => empty($attachment->name) ? null : $attachment->name, 'file_name_016' => empty($attachment->fileName) ? null : $attachment->fileName, 'mime_016' => $attachment->mime, 'size_016' => filesize(public_path() . config($routesConfigFile . '.attachmentFolder') . '/' . $objectId . '/' . $lang . '/' . $attachment->fileName), 'type_id_016' => $attachment->type->id, 'type_text_016' => $attachment->type->name, 'width_016' => $width, 'height_016' => $height, 'data_016' => json_encode(['icon' => $attachment->type->icon])]);
  * @return string
 public function getRename()
     $file_to_rename = Input::get('file');
     $dir = Input::get('dir');
     $new_name = Str::slug(Input::get('new_name'));
     if ($dir == "/") {
         if (File::exists(base_path() . "/" . $this->file_location . $new_name)) {
             return "File name already in use!";
         } else {
             if (File::isDirectory(base_path() . "/" . $this->file_location . $file_to_rename)) {
                 File::move(base_path() . "/" . $this->file_location . $file_to_rename, base_path() . "/" . $this->file_location . $new_name);
                 return "OK";
             } else {
                 $extension = File::extension(base_path() . "/" . $this->file_location . $file_to_rename);
                 $new_name = Str::slug(str_replace($extension, '', $new_name)) . "." . $extension;
                 File::move(base_path() . "/" . $this->file_location . $file_to_rename, base_path() . "/" . $this->file_location . $new_name);
                 if (Session::get('lfm_type') == "Images") {
                     // rename thumbnail
                     File::move(base_path() . "/" . $this->file_location . "thumbs/" . $file_to_rename, base_path() . "/" . $this->file_location . "thumbs/" . $new_name);
                 return "OK";
     } else {
         if (File::exists(base_path() . "/" . $this->file_location . $dir . "/" . $new_name)) {
             return "File name already in use!";
         } else {
             if (File::isDirectory(base_path() . "/" . $this->file_location . $dir . "/" . $file_to_rename)) {
                 File::move(base_path() . "/" . $this->file_location . $dir . "/" . $file_to_rename, base_path() . "/" . $this->file_location . $dir . "/" . $new_name);
             } else {
                 $extension = File::extension(base_path() . "/" . $this->file_location . $dir . "/" . $file_to_rename);
                 $new_name = Str::slug(str_replace($extension, '', $new_name)) . "." . $extension;
                 File::move(base_path() . "/" . $this->file_location . $dir . "/" . $file_to_rename, base_path() . "/" . $this->file_location . $dir . "/" . $new_name);
                 if (Session::get('lfm_type') == "Images") {
                     File::move(base_path() . "/" . $this->file_location . $dir . "/thumbs/" . $file_to_rename, base_path() . "/" . $this->file_location . $dir . "/thumbs/" . $new_name);
                 return "OK";
     return true;
Example #10
  * @param string $sourceFile
  * @param string $targetFile
  * @param string $namespace
 private function copyJumpstartAsset($sourceFile, $targetFile, $namespace = 'App\\')
     $fileName = basename($targetFile);
     if ($this->shouldBackup && File::exists($targetFile)) {
         $fileNameParts = explode('.', $fileName);
         $newFileName = array_shift($fileNameParts) . '-original-' . Carbon::now('UTC')->format('Y-m-d_h:i:s') . '.' . implode('.', $fileNameParts);
         File::move($targetFile, dirname($targetFile) . '/' . $newFileName);
         $this->info("File '{$fileName}' already exists - renamed to '{$newFileName}'.");
     } elseif (!File::exists(dirname($targetFile))) {
         File::makeDirectory(dirname($targetFile), 0755, true, true);
     if ($namespace == 'App\\') {
         File::copy($sourceFile, $targetFile);
     } else {
         $sourceFileContent = File::get($sourceFile);
         $targetFileContent = str_replace('namespace App\\', 'namespace ' . $namespace, $sourceFileContent);
         File::put($targetFile, $targetFileContent);
     $this->info("File '{$fileName}' copied.");
Example #11
  * @return string
 function getRename()
     $file_to_rename = Input::get('file');
     $dir = Input::get('dir');
     $new_name = Str::slug(Input::get('new_name'));
     if ($dir == "/") {
         if (File::exists(base_path() . "/" . Config::get('sfm.dir') . $new_name)) {
             return Lang::get('filemanager::sfm.file_exists');
         } else {
             if (File::isDirectory(base_path() . "/" . Config::get('sfm.dir') . $file_to_rename)) {
                 File::move(base_path() . "/" . Config::get('sfm.dir') . $file_to_rename, base_path() . "/" . Config::get('sfm.dir') . $new_name);
                 return "OK";
             } else {
                 $extension = File::extension(base_path() . "/" . Config::get('sfm.dir') . $file_to_rename);
                 $new_name = Str::slug(str_replace($extension, '', $new_name)) . "." . $extension;
                 if (@getimagesize(base_path() . "/" . Config::get('sfm.dir') . $file_to_rename)) {
                     // rename thumbnail
                     File::move(base_path() . "/" . Config::get('sfm.dir') . "/.thumbs/" . $file_to_rename, base_path() . "/" . Config::get('sfm.dir') . "/.thumbs/" . $new_name);
                 File::move(base_path() . "/" . Config::get('sfm.dir') . $file_to_rename, base_path() . "/" . Config::get('sfm.dir') . $new_name);
                 return "OK";
     } else {
         if (File::exists(base_path() . "/" . Config::get('sfm.dir') . $dir . "/" . $new_name)) {
             return Lang::get('filemanager::sfm.file_exists');
         } else {
             if (File::isDirectory(base_path() . "/" . Config::get('sfm.dir') . $dir . "/" . $file_to_rename)) {
                 File::move(base_path() . "/" . Config::get('sfm.dir') . $dir . "/" . $file_to_rename, base_path() . "/" . Config::get('sfm.dir') . $dir . "/" . $new_name);
             } else {
                 $extension = File::extension(base_path() . "/" . Config::get('sfm.dir') . $dir . "/" . $file_to_rename);
                 $new_name = Str::slug(str_replace($extension, '', $new_name)) . "." . $extension;
                 if (@getimagesize(base_path() . "/" . Config::get('sfm.dir') . $dir . "/" . $file_to_rename)) {
                     File::move(base_path() . "/" . Config::get('sfm.dir') . $dir . "/.thumbs/" . $file_to_rename, base_path() . "/" . Config::get('sfm.dir') . $dir . "/.thumbs/" . $new_name);
                 File::move(base_path() . "/" . Config::get('sfm.dir') . $dir . "/" . $file_to_rename, base_path() . "/" . Config::get('sfm.dir') . $dir . "/" . $new_name);
                 return "OK";
  * Execute the command.
 public function handle()
     $name = $this->argument('name');
     $domain = $this->argument('domain');
     $webExecution = $this->option('webExecution');
     try {
         $workingPath = base_path('../');
         $outputFolder = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '-', $name . '-api'));
         $this->writeStatus('Installing lumen and dependencies ...', $webExecution);
         // Create project
         (new Composer($workingPath))->createProject('laravel/lumen', '5.1.*', $outputFolder)->setWorkingPath($workingPath . $outputFolder)->requirePackage('dingo/api', '1.0.x@dev');
         $this->writeStatus('Setting up lumen ...', $webExecution);
         // Rename .env file
         File::move($workingPath . $outputFolder . '/.env.example', $workingPath . $outputFolder . '/.env');
         // Dingo config
         File::append($workingPath . $outputFolder . '/.env', 'API_DOMAIN=' . $domain . PHP_EOL . 'API_STANDARDS_TREE=vnd' . PHP_EOL . 'API_SUBTYPE=' . strtolower(str_replace(' ', '', $name)) . PHP_EOL . 'API_VERSION=v1' . PHP_EOL . 'API_NAME="' . $name . '"' . PHP_EOL . 'API_CONDITIONAL_REQUEST=false' . PHP_EOL . 'API_STRICT=false' . PHP_EOL . 'API_DEFAULT_FORMAT=json' . PHP_EOL . 'API_DEBUG=true');
         // Get lumen app file
         $lumenAppFile = File::get($workingPath . $outputFolder . '/bootstrap/app.php');
         // Get .env file
         $lumenEnvFile = File::get($workingPath . $outputFolder . '/.env');
         // Enable Dotenv
         $lumenAppFile = str_replace('// Dotenv::load(__DIR__.\'/../\');', 'Dotenv::load(__DIR__.\'/../\');', $lumenAppFile);
         // Enable Eloquent
         $lumenAppFile = str_replace('// $app->withEloquent();', '$app->withEloquent();', $lumenAppFile);
         // Add Dingo service provider
         $registerServiceProviderPosition = strpos($lumenAppFile, 'Register Service Providers');
         $lumenAppFile = substr($lumenAppFile, 0, $registerServiceProviderPosition + 322) . '$app->register(Dingo\\Api\\Provider\\LumenServiceProvider::class);' . substr($lumenAppFile, $registerServiceProviderPosition + 320);
         // Database config
         $lumenEnvFile = str_replace('DB_DATABASE=homestead', 'DB_DATABASE=' . env('DB_DATABASE', 'homestead'), $lumenEnvFile);
         $lumenEnvFile = str_replace('DB_USERNAME=homestead', 'DB_USERNAME='******'DB_USERNAME', 'homestead'), $lumenEnvFile);
         $lumenEnvFile = str_replace('DB_PASSWORD=secret', 'DB_PASSWORD='******'DB_PASSWORD', 'secret'), $lumenEnvFile);
         File::put($workingPath . $outputFolder . '/.env', $lumenEnvFile);
         File::put($workingPath . $outputFolder . '/bootstrap/app.php', $lumenAppFile);
     } catch (\Exception $exception) {
         $this->writeStatus('Error', $webExecution);
 public function generate()
     if (!FileSystem::exists($this->path . $this->pathname . '/BaseController.php')) {
         $baseDistPath = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../Controllers/BaseController.php.dist');
         $basePath = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../Controllers/') . '/BaseController.php';
         $copy = FileSystem::copy($baseDistPath, $basePath);
         $base = realpath(__DIR__ . '/../Controllers/BaseController.php');
         $find = 'use App\\Http\\Controllers\\Controller;';
         $replace = 'use ' . $this->getAppNamespace() . 'Http\\Controllers\\Controller;';
         $find2 = 'namespace AppNamespace\\Http\\Controllers\\API;';
         $replace2 = 'namespace ' . $this->getAppNamespace() . 'Http\\Controllers\\' . $this->pathname . ';';
         FileSystem::put($base, str_replace($find2, $replace2, str_replace($find, $replace, file_get_contents($base))));
         if (!FileSystem::isDirectory($this->path . $this->pathname)) {
             FileSystem::makeDirectory($this->path . $this->pathname);
         FileSystem::move($base, $this->path . $this->pathname . '/BaseController.php');
     $prefix = $this->prefix ? $this->prefix . '/' : '';
     $repository = File::make($this->filename)->setLicensePhpdoc(new LicensePhpdoc(self::PROJECT_NAME, self::AUTHOR_NAME, self::AUTHOR_EMAIL))->addFullyQualifiedName(new FullyQualifiedName(\Illuminate\Http\Request::class))->addFullyQualifiedName(new FullyQualifiedName($this->namespace . "BaseController"))->addFullyQualifiedName(new FullyQualifiedName($this->appNamespace . "Repositories\\" . $this->entity . "Repository as Repository"))->addFullyQualifiedName(new FullyQualifiedName($this->appNamespace . "Managers\\" . $this->entity . "Manager as Manager"))->setStructure(Object::make($this->namespace . $this->entity . $this->layer)->extend(new Object(BaseController::class))->addMethod(Method::make('__construct')->addArgument(new Argument('Repository', 'Repository'))->addArgument(new Argument('Manager', 'Manager'))->setBody('        return parent::__construct($Repository , $Manager);'))->addMethod(Method::make('index')->setPhpdoc(MethodPhpdoc::make()->setDescription(Description::make('@api {get} /' . $prefix . snake_case(str_plural($this->entity)) . ' 1 Request all ' . snake_case(str_plural($this->entity)))->addLine('@apiVersion 1.0.0')->addLine('@apiName All' . str_plural($this->entity))->addLine('@apiGroup ' . str_plural($this->entity))->addEmptyLine()->addLine('@apiSuccess {Object[]}  0 ' . $this->entity . ' Object.')->addLine('@apiSuccess {Number} 0.id Id.')->addLine('@apiSuccess {DateTime} 0.created_at  Created date.')->addLine('@apiSuccess {DateTime} 0.updated_at  Last modification date.')->addEmptyLine()->addLine("@apiSuccessExample Success 200 Example")->addLine(" HTTP/1.1 200 OK")->addLine("[")->addLine("    {")->addLine('        id: 1,')->addLine('        created_at: ' . date('Y-m-d h:i:s') . ',')->addLine('        updated_at: ' . date('Y-m-d h:i:s'))->addLine("    },")->addLine("    {")->addLine('        id: 2,')->addLine('        created_at: ' . date('Y-m-d h:i:s') . ',')->addLine('        updated_at: ' . date('Y-m-d h:i:s'))->addLine("    }")->addLine("]")->addEmptyLine()->addLine("@apiError (ServerError 500) {string} error Server error.")->addEmptyLine()->addLine("@apiErrorExample {json} ServerError 500 Example")->addLine("  HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found")->addLine("{")->addLine('    error: Server error. Try again.')->addLine("}")))->addArgument(new Argument('Request', 'Request'))->setBody('        return parent::index($Request);'))->addMethod(Method::make('show')->setPhpdoc(MethodPhpdoc::make()->setDescription(Description::make('@api {get} /' . $prefix . snake_case(str_plural($this->entity)) . '/:id 2 Request a specific ' . snake_case($this->entity))->addLine('@apiVersion 1.0.0')->addLine('@apiName Get' . $this->entity)->addLine('@apiGroup ' . str_plural($this->entity))->addEmptyLine()->addLine('@apiParam (Url params) {Number} id ' . $this->entity . ' unique id.')->addEmptyLine()->addLine('@apiSuccess {Number} id Id.')->addLine('@apiSuccess {DateTime} created_at  Created date.')->addLine('@apiSuccess {DateTime} updated_at  Last modification date.')->addEmptyLine()->addLine("@apiSuccessExample {json} Success 200 Example")->addLine(" HTTP/1.1 200 OK")->addLine("{")->addLine('    id: 1,')->addLine('    created_at: ' . date('Y-m-d h:i:s') . ',')->addLine('    updated_at: ' . date('Y-m-d h:i:s'))->addLine("}")->addEmptyLine()->addLine("@apiError (EntityNotFound 404) {string} error The id of the " . snake_case($this->entity) . " was not found.")->addEmptyLine()->addLine("@apiErrorExample {json} EntityNotFound 404 Example")->addLine("  HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found")->addLine("{")->addLine('    error: Entity not found')->addLine("}")->addEmptyLine()->addLine("@apiError (ServerError 500) {string} error Server error.")->addEmptyLine()->addLine("@apiErrorExample {json} ServerError 500 Example")->addLine("  HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found")->addLine("{")->addLine('    error: Server error. Try again.')->addLine("}")))->addArgument(new Argument('Request', 'Request'))->addArgument(new Argument('integer', 'id'))->setBody('        return parent::show($Request , $id);'))->addMethod(Method::make('store')->setPhpdoc(MethodPhpdoc::make()->setDescription(Description::make('@api {post} /' . $prefix . snake_case(str_plural($this->entity)) . ' 3 Store a  ' . snake_case($this->entity))->addLine('@apiVersion 1.0.0')->addLine('@apiName Store' . $this->entity)->addLine('@apiGroup ' . str_plural($this->entity))->addEmptyLine()->addLine('@apiParam (FormData) {String} name ' . $this->entity . ' name.')->addEmptyLine()->addLine('@apiSuccess (Success 201) {Number} id Id.')->addLine('@apiSuccess (Success 201)  {DateTime} created_at  Created date.')->addLine('@apiSuccess (Success 201)  {DateTime} updated_at  Last modification date.')->addEmptyLine()->addLine("@apiSuccessExample {json} Success 201 Example")->addLine(" HTTP/1.1 201 OK")->addLine("{")->addLine('    id: 1,')->addLine('    created_at: ' . date('Y-m-d h:i:s') . ',')->addLine('    updated_at: ' . date('Y-m-d h:i:s'))->addLine("}")->addEmptyLine()->addLine("@apiError (ValidationErrors 400)  {array[]} name  List of errors for name field.")->addLine("@apiError (ValidationErrors 400)  {string} name.0  First error for name.")->addLine("@apiError (ValidationErrors 400)  {string} name.1  Second error for name.")->addEmptyLine()->addLine("@apiErrorExample {json} ValidationErrors 400 Example")->addLine("  HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request")->addLine("{")->addLine('    name: [')->addLine('         The name field is required')->addLine("    ]")->addLine("}")->addEmptyLine()->addLine("@apiError (ServerError 500) {string} error Server error.")->addEmptyLine()->addLine("@apiErrorExample {json} ServerError 500 Example")->addLine("  HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found")->addLine("{")->addLine('    error: Server error. Try again.')->addLine("}")))->addArgument(new Argument('Request', 'Request'))->setBody('        return parent::store($Request);'))->addMethod(Method::make('update')->setPhpdoc(MethodPhpdoc::make()->setDescription(Description::make('@api {put} /' . $prefix . snake_case(str_plural($this->entity)) . '/:id 4 Update a specific  ' . snake_case($this->entity))->addLine('@apiVersion 1.0.0')->addLine('@apiName Update' . $this->entity)->addLine('@apiGroup ' . str_plural($this->entity))->addEmptyLine()->addLine('@apiParam (Url params)  {Number} id ' . $this->entity . ' unique id.')->addLine('@apiParam (FormData) {String} name ' . $this->entity . ' name.')->addEmptyLine()->addLine('@apiSuccess {Number} id Id.')->addLine('@apiSuccess {DateTime} created_at  Created date.')->addLine('@apiSuccess {DateTime} updated_at  Last modification date.')->addEmptyLine()->addLine("@apiSuccessExample {json} Success 200 Example")->addLine(" HTTP/1.1 200 OK")->addLine("{")->addLine('    id: 1,')->addLine('    created_at: ' . date('Y-m-d h:i:s') . ',')->addLine('    updated_at: ' . date('Y-m-d h:i:s'))->addLine("}")->addEmptyLine()->addLine("@apiError (EntityNotFound 404) {string} error The id of the " . snake_case($this->entity) . " was not found.")->addEmptyLine()->addLine("@apiErrorExample {json} EntityNotFound 404 Example")->addLine("  HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found")->addLine("{")->addLine('    error: Entity not found')->addLine("}")->addEmptyLine()->addLine("@apiError (ValidationErrors 400)  {array[]} name  List of errors for name field.")->addLine("@apiError (ValidationErrors 400)  {string} name.0  First error for name.")->addLine("@apiError (ValidationErrors 400)  {string} name.1  Second error for name.")->addEmptyLine()->addLine("@apiErrorExample {json} ValidationErrors 400 Example")->addLine("  HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request")->addLine("{")->addLine('    name: [')->addLine('         The name field is required')->addLine("    ]")->addLine("}")->addEmptyLine()->addLine("@apiError (ServerError 500) {string} error Server error.")->addEmptyLine()->addLine("@apiErrorExample {json} ServerError 500 Example")->addLine("  HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found")->addLine("{")->addLine('    error: Server error. Try again.')->addLine("}")))->addArgument(new Argument('Request', 'Request'))->addArgument(new Argument('integer', 'id'))->setBody('        return parent::update($Request , $id);'))->addMethod(Method::make('destroy')->setPhpdoc(MethodPhpdoc::make()->setDescription(Description::make('@api {delete} /' . $prefix . snake_case(str_plural($this->entity)) . '/:id 5 Delete a specific  ' . snake_case($this->entity))->addLine('@apiVersion 1.0.0')->addLine('@apiName Delete' . $this->entity)->addLine('@apiGroup ' . str_plural($this->entity))->addEmptyLine()->addLine('@apiParam (Url params)  {Number} id ' . $this->entity . ' unique id.')->addEmptyLine()->addLine("@apiSuccessExample Success 204 Example")->addLine(" HTTP/1.1 204 OK")->addEmptyLine()->addLine("@apiError (EntityNotFound 404) {string} error The id of the " . snake_case($this->entity) . " was not found.")->addEmptyLine()->addLine("@apiErrorExample {json} EntityNotFound 404 Example")->addLine("  HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found")->addLine("{")->addLine('    error: Entity not found')->addLine("}")->addEmptyLine()->addLine("@apiError (ServerError 500) {string} error Server error.")->addEmptyLine()->addLine("@apiErrorExample {json} ServerError 500 Example")->addLine("  HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found")->addLine("{")->addLine('    error: Server error. Try again.')->addLine("}")))->addArgument(new Argument('Request', 'Request'))->addArgument(new Argument('integer', 'id'))->setBody('        return parent::destroy($Request , $id);')));
     $prettyPrinter = Build::prettyPrinter();
     $generatedCode = $prettyPrinter->generateCode($repository);
     return $this->generateFile($generatedCode);
  * Update the specified resource in storage.
  * @param  \App\Http\Requests\DepartmentRequest $request
  * @param  \App\Department  $department
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function update(Requests\DepartmentRequest $request, Department $department)
     DB::transaction(function () use($department, $request) {
         $oldKeyword = $department->keyword;
         $data = ['keyword' => $request->get('keyword'), 'url' => $request->get('url'), 'theme_background_color' => $request->get('theme_background_color'), 'theme_color' => $request->get('theme_color'), 'sort' => $request->get('sort'), 'active' => $request->get('active')];
         if ($request->file('image')) {
             $data['image'] = $request->file('image')->getClientOriginalName();
             File::delete('images/' . $department->image);
             $request->file('image')->move('images/', $request->file('image')->getClientOriginalName());
         $this->addDepartmentLangs($request, $department);
         if ($department->keyword != $oldKeyword) {
             File::move('papers/' . $oldKeyword, 'papers/' . $department->keyword);
     return redirect(action('Admin\\DepartmentController@index'))->with('success', 'updated');
Example #15
  * Update the specified resource in storage.
  * @param  Requests\PaperRequest $request
  * @param  Paper $paper
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function update(Requests\PaperRequest $request, Paper $paper)
     $status = $request->get('status_id');
     $reviewer = $request->get('reviewer_id') ?: null;
     if (!$paper->reviewer_id && $reviewer) {
         if ($request->get('status_id') < 2) {
             $status = 2;
     $department = Department::find($request->get('department_id'));
     if (!in_array($request->get('category_id'), $department->categories->lists('id')->toArray())) {
         return redirect()->back()->with('error', 'department-category');
     if ($paper->department_id != $request->get('department_id')) {
         #if department is changed files must be moved
         $url = $this->paper->prefix();
         $oldPath = $url . '/' . $paper->department->keyword . '/';
         $newPath = $url . '/' . $department->keyword . '/';
         File::move($oldPath . $paper->source, $newPath . $paper->source);
         if ($paper->payment_source) {
             File::move($oldPath . $paper->payment_source, $newPath . $paper->payment_source);
     $paperData = ['department_id' => $department->id, 'category_id' => $request->get('category_id'), 'status_id' => $status, 'title' => $request->get('title'), 'description' => $request->get('description'), 'authors' => $request->get('authors'), 'user_id' => $request->get('user_id'), 'reviewer_id' => $reviewer, 'updated_at' => Carbon::now(), 'payment_description' => $request->get('payment_description')];
     if ($request->file('paper')) {
         $paperData['source'] = $this->paper->buildFileName();
     if ($request->file('payment_source')) {
         $paperData['payment_source'] = $this->paper->buildInvoiceName();
     $oldReviewer = $paper->reviewer_id;
     if ($oldReviewer != $paper->reviewer_id) {
         #reviewer changed
         event(new ReviewerPaperSet($paper));
     return redirect()->action('Admin\\PaperController@index')->with('success', 'updated');
Example #16
  * Save
  * Boilerplate method to save file and backup existing one.
  * @param  string $path     File path
  * @param  string $contents Contents to save to the file
  * @return bool             True on sucess, false otherwise
 protected function save($path, $contents)
     $success = false;
     // Remove the old backup
     if (File::exists($path . '.bak.php')) {
         File::delete($path . '.bak.php');
     // Back up the existing file
     if (File::exists($path . '.php')) {
         File::move($path . '.php', $path . '.bak.php');
     // Save the new file
     if (File::put($path . '.php', $contents)) {
         $success = true;
     return $success;
Example #17
  * Update the user's settings.
  * @param  \Tricks\User  $user
  * @param  array $data
  * @return \Tricks\User
 public function updateSettings(User $user, array $data)
     $user->username = $data['username'];
     $user->companyname = $data['companyname'];
     $user->phonenumber = $data['phonenumber'];
     $user->Address = $data['Address'];
     $user->flag_name = $data['flag_name'];
     /*if ($data['flag_name'] = ''){
              $user->flag_name = 0;#$data['flag_name'];
                 $user->flag_name = 1;
     $user->password = $data['password'] != '' ? $data['password'] : $user->password;
     //Hash::make($data['password']) : $user->password;
     if ($data['avatar'] != '') {
         File::move(public_path() . '/img/avatar/temp/' . $data['avatar'], 'img/avatar/' . $data['avatar']);
         if ($user->photo) {
             File::delete(public_path() . '/img/avatar/' . $user->photo);
         $user->photo = $data['avatar'];
     return $user->save();
  * Update the specified resource in storage.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
  * @param  int  $id
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function update(Request $request)
     $contestDefault = Contest::where('default', '=', 'Yes')->get()->first();
     $contestant = Contestant::find($request->id);
     $contestant->full_name = $request->full_name;
     $contestant->email = $request->email;
     $contestant->phone = $request->phone;
     $contestant->region_id = $request->region;
     $contestant->district_id = $request->district;
     $contestant->city = $request->city;
     $contestant->zone = $request->zone;
     $contestant->registration_date = date("Y-m-d");
     $contestant->profile_note = $request->profile_note;
     $contestant->status = "Active";
     $contestant->dob = $request->dob;
     $contestant->contest_year = date("Y");
     if (count($contestDefault) > 0 && $contestDefault != null && $contestDefault != "") {
         $contestant->contest_id = $contestDefault->id;
     if ($request->uploadedFileName != "") {
         $newfile = config('app.contestant_image_profile') . $request->uploadedFileName;
         $oldfile = config('app.contestant_image_profile_tmp') . $request->uploadedFileName;
         if (!File::exists($newfile)) {
             File::move($oldfile, $newfile);
             $contestant->profile_image = $request->uploadedFileName;
             //Copy to front folder
             $file_namenw = config('app.contestant_front_image_profile') . $request->uploadedFileName;
             File::copy($newfile, $file_namenw);
         } else {
             $contestant->profile_image = $request->uploadedFileName;
             //Copy to front folder
             $file_namenw = config('app.contestant_front_image_profile') . $request->uploadedFileName;
             File::copy($newfile, $file_namenw);
     return redirect('contestant/manage');
Example #19
  * Upload an image to the public storage
  * @param  File $file
  * @return string
 public function upload($file, $dir = null, $createDimensions = false)
     if ($file) {
         // Generate random dir
         if (!$dir) {
             $dir = str_random(8);
         // Get file info and try to move
         $destination = Config::get('redminportal::image.upload_path') . $dir;
         $filename = $file->getClientOriginalName();
         $path = RHelper::joinPaths(Config::get('redminportal::image.upload_dir'), $dir, $filename);
         $uploaded = $file->move($destination, $filename);
         if ($uploaded) {
             if ($createDimensions) {
             return $path;
Example #20
  * Run the settings table seeder
  * @param string $master
 public function settingsSeeder($master = 'master')
     $cli_path = 'config/ticketit.php';
     // if seeder run from cli, use the cli path
     $provider_path = '../config/ticketit.php';
     // if seeder run from provider, use the provider path
     $config_settings = [];
     $settings_file_path = false;
     if (File::isFile($cli_path)) {
         $settings_file_path = $cli_path;
     } elseif (File::isFile($provider_path)) {
         $settings_file_path = $provider_path;
     if ($settings_file_path) {
         $config_settings = (include $settings_file_path);
         File::move($settings_file_path, $settings_file_path . '.backup');
     $seeder = new SettingsTableSeeder();
     $config_settings['master_template'] = $master;
     $seeder->config = $config_settings;
Example #21
  *  Función para mover ficheros
  * @access  public
  * @param   $path
  * @param   $target
  * @param   $fileName
  * @param   bool    $encryption
  * @param   bool    $newFilename
  * @return  bool
 public static function move($path, $target, $fileName, $encryption = false, $newFilename = false)
     $fileNameOld = $fileName;
     $extension = File::extension($fileName);
     $baseName = basename($fileName, '.' . $extension);
     if ($encryption) {
         $fileName = md5(uniqid(mt_rand())) . "." . $extension;
     } elseif ($newFilename) {
         $fileName = $newFilename . "." . $extension;
     $i = 0;
     while (File::exists($target . '/' . $fileName)) {
         $fileName = $baseName . '-' . $i . '.' . $extension;
     File::move($path . '/' . $fileNameOld, $target . '/' . $fileName);
     return $fileName;
Example #22
 public static function makeThumb($extension, $filename)
     switch ($extension) {
         case 'pdf':
         case 'PDF':
             $name = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
             $pdf = new Spatie\PdfToImage\Pdf(storage_path('app/' . $filename));
             $old_path = storage_path() . '/app/' . $name . '.jpg';
             MaterialFile::resize($name . '.jpg');
             $new_path = storage_path() . '/app/thumbs/' . $name . '.jpg';
             if (File::move($old_path, $new_path)) {
                 $pathToPicture = '/thumbs';
             } else {
                 $pathToPicture = "failed to copy {$filename}...\n";
         case 'doc':
         case 'DOC':
         case 'docx':
         case 'DOCX':
         case 'ppt':
         case 'PPT':
         case 'pptx':
         case 'PPTX':
             $path = storage_path() . '/app/';
             exec("export HOME=/tmp && libreoffice --headless --convert-to pdf {$filename}");
             $name = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
             $pdf = new Spatie\PdfToImage\Pdf(storage_path('app/' . $name . '.pdf'));
             $old_path = $name . '.jpg';
             $new_path = storage_path() . '/app/thumbs/' . $name . '.jpg';
             if (File::move($old_path, $new_path)) {
                 $pathToPicture = '/thumbs';
                 $pdf = $name . '.pdf';
             } else {
                 $pathToPicture = "failed to copy {$filename}...\n";
         case 'jpg':
         case 'JPG':
         case 'png':
         case 'PNG':
         case 'bmp':
             $new_path = storage_path() . '/app/thumbs/' . $filename;
             if (File::move($filename, $new_path)) {
                 $pathToPicture = '/thumbs';
             } else {
                 $pathToPicture = "failed to copy {$filename}...\n";
         case 'mp3':
         case 'MP3':
             $name = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
             $old_path = 'img/audio.png';
             $new_path = storage_path() . '/app/thumbs/' . $name . '.jpg';
             if (File::move($old_path, $new_path)) {
                 $pathToPicture = '/thumbs';
             } else {
                 $pathToPicture = "failed to copy {$filename}...\n";
         case 'WMV':
         case 'wmv':
         case 'mp4':
         case 'MP4':
         case 'avi':
         case 'AVI':
         case 'mov':
         case 'MOV':
             $path = storage_path() . '/app/';
             $name = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_FILENAME);
             exec("ffmpeg -i {$filename} -ss 1 -vframes 1 {$name}.jpg");
             $old_path = $name . '.jpg';
             $new_path = storage_path() . '/app/thumbs/' . $name . '.jpg';
             if (File::move($old_path, $new_path)) {
                 $pathToPicture = '/thumbs';
             } else {
                 $pathToPicture = "failed to copy {$filename}...\n";
             $pathToPicture = 'img/file-icon.png';
     return $pathToPicture;
Example #23
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function handle()
     $config = Config::get('mail');
     switch ($config['encryption']) {
         case 'ssl':
             $connection_string = '{' . $config['host'] . ':993/imap/ssl}INBOX';
         case 'tls':
             $connection_string = '{' . $config['host'] . ':143/imap/tls}INBOX';
         case null:
             $connection_string = '{' . $config['host'] . ':143/imap}INBOX';
     $tmp_attachment_path = storage_path() . '/attachments/tmp';
     $mailbox = new Mailbox($connection_string, $config['username'], $config['password'], $tmp_attachment_path);
     if (!$mailbox) {
         $this->error('Unable to connect to the IMAP server');
     $mailIds = $mailbox->searchMailbox('UNSEEN');
     $this->info('Found ' . count($mailIds) . ' new emails to check');
     if (!empty($mailIds)) {
         foreach ($mailIds as $mailId) {
             $msg = $mailbox->getMail($mailId);
             $subject = str_replace(array('Re: ', 'RE: '), '', $msg->subject);
             $email = $msg->fromAddress;
             if ($msg->textHtml == '') {
                 $response = $msg->textPlain;
                 $response = str_replace("\n\r", '<br>', $response);
                 $response = str_replace("\n", '<br>', $response);
                 $response = '<p>' . $response . '</p>';
             } else {
                 $response = $msg->textHtml;
             $_subjectParts = explode(' - ', $subject);
             if (count($_subjectParts) > 1) {
                 $_subjectParts = explode('[', $_subjectParts[1]);
                 $this->info('Email details:');
                 $this->info('Subject: ' . $subject);
                 $this->info('Email : ' . $email);
                 $this->info('TrackID : ' . $_subjectParts[0]);
                 // Find the ticket
                 $ticket = Ticket::where('track_id', $_subjectParts[0])->first();
                 // Find the user
                 $user = User::where('email', $email)->first();
                 if (count($ticket) > 0 || count($user) > 0) {
                     $this->info('Email associated with ticket ' . $ticket->id);
                     $this->info('Email associated with user ' . $user->first_name . ' ' . $user->last_name);
                     $uploadPath = storage_path() . '/attachments/' . $ticket->id;
                     $response = TicketResponse::create(['user_id' => $user->id, 'response' => $response, 'source' => 'email', 'ticket_id' => $ticket->id]);
                     $attachments = $msg->getAttachments();
                     if (count($attachments) > 0) {
                         $fs = new Filesystem();
                         if (!$fs->isDirectory($uploadPath)) {
                     foreach ($attachments as $attachment) {
                         $tmpPath = $attachment->filePath;
                         $fileName = $attachment->name;
                         $this->info('Trying to move file from ' . $tmpPath . ' to ' . $uploadPath . '/' . $fileName);
                         File::move($tmpPath, $uploadPath . '/' . $fileName);
                         Attachment::create(['user_id' => $user->id, 'name' => $fileName, 'ticket_response_id' => $response->id]);
                     $this->dispatch(new EmailUpdatedTicket($ticket, $response));
                 } else {
                     $this->info('Ticket or User not found');
             } else {
                 $this->info('Not an email for us');
  * Update the user's settings.
  * @param \Tricks\User $user
  * @param array        $data
  * @return \Tricks\User
 public function updateSettings(User $user, array $data)
     $user->username = $data['username'];
     if ($data['password'] != '') {
         $user->password = Hash::make($data['password']);
     if ($data['avatar'] != '') {
         File::move(public_path() . '/img/avatar/temp/' . $data['avatar'], 'img/avatar/' . $data['avatar']);
         if ($user->photo) {
             File::delete(public_path() . '/img/avatar/' . $user->photo);
         $user->photo = $data['avatar'];
     return $user->save();
Example #25
  * Store a newly created resource in storage.
  * @param  \Illuminate\Http\Request  $request
  * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response
 public function store(Request $request)
     $rules = ['name' => ['required', 'unique:archive,name', 'regex:' . config('app.expressions.dir')]];
     if ($this->systemAdmin) {
         $rules['department_id'] = 'required';
     $validator = Validator::make($request->all(), $rules);
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         return redirect()->back()->withErrors($validator)->withInput();
     DB::transaction(function () use($request) {
         #add all papers from department to archive
         $archive = Archive::create($request->all());
         $department = Department::findOrFail($request->get('department_id'));
         $paperObj = new PaperClass();
         $archivePath = 'archive/';
         if (!File::exists($archivePath . $archive->name)) {
             File::makeDirectory($archivePath . $archive->name);
         $newPath = $archivePath . $archive->name . '/';
         $oldPath = $paperObj->prefix() . '/' . $department->keyword . '/';
         foreach ($department->papers()->archived()->get() as $paper) {
             File::move($oldPath . $paper->source, $newPath . $paper->source);
             if ($paper->payment_source) {
                 File::move($oldPath . $paper->payment_source, $newPath . $paper->payment_source);
     return redirect()->action('Admin\\ArchiveController@index')->with('success', 'updated');
  * @param $findResults
  * @param $directory
  * @param $fileNameWithoutExt
  * @param $imagePattern
  * @param $row
  * @param $createdProductCategories
 private function createProductCategory($findResults, $directory, $fileNameWithoutExt, $imagePattern, $row, $createdProductCategories)
     $imageOriginalPath = $findResults[0];
     $imageExt = File::extension($imageOriginalPath);
     $imagePath = $directory . $fileNameWithoutExt . $imagePattern . '.' . $imageExt;
     $newImagePath = 'img/uploads/' . str_random(32) . '.' . $imageExt;
     File::move($imagePath, public_path() . '/' . $newImagePath);
     $createdProductCategories[$row['nomer']] = ProductCategory::create(['title' => $row['nazvanie'], 'image' => $newImagePath, 'description' => $row['opisanie']]);
Example #27
  * Renommage des images de l'objet : on renomme non seulement l'image principale mais aussi toutes les vignettes
  * Le nouveau nom de l'image doit avoir été enregistré dans $this. L'ancien nom se trouve dans getOriginal()
 public function resetImagesNames()
     $imagesDirectoryPath = $this->imagesDirectoryPath(true);
     $originalImageName = $this->getOriginal('image');
     // On renomme l'image originale...
     $originalImagePath = $imagesDirectoryPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $originalImageName;
     $newImagePath = $this->imagePath(null, true);
     File::move($originalImagePath, $newImagePath);
     // ... puis les vignettes
     foreach (self::$thumbnail_size as $alias => $sizeArray) {
         $subdirectory = $sizeArray['width'] . 'x' . $sizeArray['height'];
         $originalThumbnailPath = $imagesDirectoryPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $subdirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $originalImageName;
         $newThumbnailPath = $imagesDirectoryPath . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $subdirectory . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $this->image;
         File::move($originalThumbnailPath, $newThumbnailPath);