function data_fieldBased()
     return [[CF::DAY_OF_WEEK(), true, false], [CF::ALIGNED_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH(), true, false], [CF::ALIGNED_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_YEAR(), true, false], [CF::DAY_OF_MONTH(), true, false], [CF::DAY_OF_YEAR(), true, false], [CF::EPOCH_DAY(), true, false], [CF::ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_MONTH(), true, false], [CF::ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_YEAR(), true, false], [CF::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), true, false], [CF::PROLEPTIC_MONTH(), true, false], [CF::YEAR_OF_ERA(), true, false], [CF::YEAR(), true, false], [CF::ERA(), true, false], [CF::AMPM_OF_DAY(), false, true], [CF::CLOCK_HOUR_OF_DAY(), false, true], [CF::HOUR_OF_DAY(), false, true], [CF::CLOCK_HOUR_OF_AMPM(), false, true], [CF::HOUR_OF_AMPM(), false, true], [CF::MINUTE_OF_DAY(), false, true], [CF::MINUTE_OF_HOUR(), false, true], [CF::SECOND_OF_DAY(), false, true], [CF::SECOND_OF_MINUTE(), false, true], [CF::MILLI_OF_DAY(), false, true], [CF::MILLI_OF_SECOND(), false, true], [CF::MICRO_OF_DAY(), false, true], [CF::MICRO_OF_SECOND(), false, true], [CF::NANO_OF_DAY(), false, true], [CF::NANO_OF_SECOND(), false, true]];
Example #2
  * Calculates the amount of time until another year in terms of the specified unit.
  * <p>
  * This calculates the amount of time between two {@code Year}
  * objects in terms of a single {@code TemporalUnit}.
  * The start and end points are {@code this} and the specified year.
  * The result will be negative if the end is before the start.
  * The {@code Temporal} passed to this method is converted to a
  * {@code Year} using {@link #from(TemporalAccessor)}.
  * For example, the amount in decades between two year can be calculated
  * using {@code startYear.until(endYear, DECADES)}.
  * <p>
  * The calculation returns a whole number, representing the number of
  * complete units between the two years.
  * For example, the amount in decades between 2012 and 2031
  * will only be one decade as it is one year short of two decades.
  * <p>
  * There are two equivalent ways of using this method.
  * The first is to invoke this method.
  * The second is to use {@link TemporalUnit#between(Temporal, Temporal)}:
  * <pre>
  *   // these two lines are equivalent
  *   amount = start.until(end, YEARS);
  *   amount = YEARS.between(start, end);
  * </pre>
  * The choice should be made based on which makes the code more readable.
  * <p>
  * The calculation is implemented in this method for {@link ChronoUnit}.
  * The units {@code YEARS}, {@code DECADES}, {@code CENTURIES},
  * {@code MILLENNIA} and {@code ERAS} are supported.
  * Other {@code ChronoUnit} values will throw an exception.
  * <p>
  * If the unit is not a {@code ChronoUnit}, then the result of this method
  * is obtained by invoking {@code TemporalUnit.between(Temporal, Temporal)}
  * passing {@code this} as the first argument and the converted input temporal
  * as the second argument.
  * <p>
  * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
  * @param Temporal $endExclusive the end date, exclusive, which is converted to a {@code Year}, not null
  * @param TemporalUnit $unit the unit to measure the amount in, not null
  * @return int the amount of time between this year and the end year
  * @throws DateTimeException if the amount cannot be calculated, or the end
  *  temporal cannot be converted to a {@code Year}
  * @throws UnsupportedTemporalTypeException if the unit is not supported
  * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
 public function until(Temporal $endExclusive, TemporalUnit $unit)
     $end = Year::from($endExclusive);
     if ($unit instanceof ChronoUnit) {
         $yearsUntil = $end->year - $this->year;
         // no overflow
         switch ($unit) {
             case ChronoUnit::YEARS():
                 return $yearsUntil;
             case ChronoUnit::DECADES():
                 return Math::div($yearsUntil, 10);
             case ChronoUnit::CENTURIES():
                 return Math::div($yearsUntil, 100);
             case ChronoUnit::MILLENNIA():
                 return Math::div($yearsUntil, 1000);
             case ChronoUnit::ERAS():
                 return $end->getLong(ChronoField::ERA()) - $this->getLong(ChronoField::ERA());
         throw new UnsupportedTemporalTypeException("Unsupported unit: " . $unit);
     return $unit->between($this, $end);
 protected function resolveYearOfEra(FieldValues $fieldValues, ResolverStyle $resolverStyle)
     $yoeLong = $fieldValues->remove(ChronoField::YEAR_OF_ERA());
     if ($yoeLong != null) {
         $eraLong = $fieldValues->remove(ChronoField::ERA());
         if ($resolverStyle != ResolverStyle::LENIENT()) {
             $yoe = $this->range(ChronoField::YEAR_OF_ERA())->checkValidIntValue($yoeLong, ChronoField::YEAR_OF_ERA());
         } else {
             $yoe = Math::toIntExact($yoeLong);
         if ($eraLong != null) {
             $eraObj = $this->eraOf($this->range(ChronoField::ERA())->checkValidIntValue($eraLong, ChronoField::ERA()));
             self::addFieldValue($fieldValues, ChronoField::YEAR(), $this->prolepticYear($eraObj, $yoe));
         } else {
             if ($fieldValues->has(ChronoField::YEAR())) {
                 $year = $this->range(ChronoField::YEAR())->checkValidIntValue($fieldValues[ChronoField::YEAR()->__toString()][1], ChronoField::YEAR());
                 $chronoDate = $this->dateYearDay($year, 1);
                 self::addFieldValue($fieldValues, ChronoField::YEAR(), $this->prolepticYear($chronoDate->getEra(), $yoe));
             } else {
                 if ($resolverStyle == ResolverStyle::STRICT()) {
                     // do not invent era if strict
                     // reinstate the field removed earlier, no cross-check issues
                     $fieldValues[ChronoField::YEAR_OF_ERA()->__toString()][1] = $yoeLong;
                 } else {
                     $eras = $this->eras();
                     if (empty($eras)) {
                         self::addFieldValue($fieldValues, ChronoField::YEAR(), $yoe);
                     } else {
                         $eraObj = $eras[count($eras) - 1];
                         $this->addFieldValue($fieldValues, ChronoField::YEAR(), $this->prolepticYear($eraObj, $yoe));
     } else {
         if ($fieldValues->has(ChronoField::ERA())) {
             $this->range(ChronoField::ERA())->checkValidValue($fieldValues[ChronoField::ERA()->__toString()][1], ChronoField::ERA());
             // always validated
     return null;
 public function test_getLong_TemporalField()
     $test = LocalDate::of(2008, 6, 30);
     $this->assertEquals($test->getLong(CF::YEAR()), 2008);
     $this->assertEquals($test->getLong(CF::MONTH_OF_YEAR()), 6);
     $this->assertEquals($test->getLong(CF::YEAR_OF_ERA()), 2008);
     $this->assertEquals($test->getLong(CF::ERA()), 1);
     $this->assertEquals($test->getLong(CF::PROLEPTIC_MONTH()), 2008 * 12 + 6 - 1);
     $this->assertEquals($test->getLong(CF::DAY_OF_MONTH()), 30);
     $this->assertEquals($test->getLong(CF::DAY_OF_WEEK()), 1);
     $this->assertEquals($test->getLong(CF::DAY_OF_YEAR()), 182);
 public function test_isSupported_TemporalField()
     // TODO $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(null), false);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::NANO_OF_SECOND()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::NANO_OF_DAY()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::MICRO_OF_SECOND()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::MICRO_OF_DAY()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::MILLI_OF_SECOND()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::MILLI_OF_DAY()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::SECOND_OF_MINUTE()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::SECOND_OF_DAY()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::MINUTE_OF_HOUR()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::MINUTE_OF_DAY()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::HOUR_OF_AMPM()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::CLOCK_HOUR_OF_AMPM()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::HOUR_OF_DAY()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::CLOCK_HOUR_OF_DAY()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::AMPM_OF_DAY()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::DAY_OF_WEEK()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::ALIGNED_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::ALIGNED_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_YEAR()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::DAY_OF_MONTH()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::DAY_OF_YEAR()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::EPOCH_DAY()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_MONTH()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::ALIGNED_WEEK_OF_YEAR()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::MONTH_OF_YEAR()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::PROLEPTIC_MONTH()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::YEAR()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::YEAR_OF_ERA()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::ERA()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::INSTANT_SECONDS()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($this->TEST_DATE_TIME->isSupported(CF::OFFSET_SECONDS()), true);
 public static function init()
     self::$FIELD_MAP = ['G' => ChronoField::ERA(), 'y' => ChronoField::YEAR_OF_ERA(), 'u' => ChronoField::YEAR(), 'Q' => IsoFields::QUARTER_OF_YEAR(), 'q' => IsoFields::QUARTER_OF_YEAR(), 'M' => ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 'L' => ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 'D' => ChronoField::DAY_OF_YEAR(), 'd' => ChronoField::DAY_OF_MONTH(), 'F' => ChronoField::ALIGNED_DAY_OF_WEEK_IN_MONTH(), 'E' => ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK(), 'c' => ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK(), 'e' => ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK(), 'a' => ChronoField::AMPM_OF_DAY(), 'H' => ChronoField::HOUR_OF_DAY(), 'k' => ChronoField::CLOCK_HOUR_OF_DAY(), 'K' => ChronoField::HOUR_OF_AMPM(), 'h' => ChronoField::CLOCK_HOUR_OF_AMPM(), 'm' => ChronoField::MINUTE_OF_HOUR(), 's' => ChronoField::SECOND_OF_MINUTE(), 'S' => ChronoField::NANO_OF_SECOND(), 'A' => ChronoField::MILLI_OF_DAY(), 'n' => ChronoField::NANO_OF_SECOND(), 'N' => ChronoField::NANO_OF_DAY()];
  * @dataProvider data_resolve_yearOfEra
 public function test_resolve_yearOfEra(ResolverStyle $style, $e, $yoe, $y, $field, $expected)
     $fieldValues = new FieldValues();
     if ($e !== null) {
         $fieldValues->put(ChronoField::ERA(), $e);
     if ($yoe !== null) {
         $fieldValues->put(ChronoField::YEAR_OF_ERA(), $yoe);
     if ($y !== null) {
         $fieldValues->put(ChronoField::YEAR(), $y);
     if ($field !== null) {
         $date = IsoChronology::INSTANCE()->resolveDate($fieldValues, $style);
         $this->assertEquals($date, null);
         $this->assertEquals($fieldValues->get($field), $expected);
         $this->assertEquals($fieldValues->size(), 1);
     } else {
         try {
             IsoChronology::INSTANCE()->resolveDate($fieldValues, $style);
             $this->{$this}->fail("Should have failed");
         } catch (DateTimeException $ex) {
             // $expected
 public function test_getLong_TemporalField()
     $this->assertEquals(self::TEST_2008_06()->getLong(CF::YEAR()), 2008);
     $this->assertEquals(self::TEST_2008_06()->getLong(CF::MONTH_OF_YEAR()), 6);
     $this->assertEquals(self::TEST_2008_06()->getLong(CF::YEAR_OF_ERA()), 2008);
     $this->assertEquals(self::TEST_2008_06()->getLong(CF::ERA()), 1);
     $this->assertEquals(self::TEST_2008_06()->getLong(CF::PROLEPTIC_MONTH()), 2008 * 12 + 6 - 1);
 function data_resolveTwoToDate()
     return [[ChronoField::YEAR(), 2012, ChronoField::DAY_OF_YEAR(), 32, LocalDate::of(2012, 2, 1)], [ChronoField::YEAR_OF_ERA(), 2012, ChronoField::DAY_OF_YEAR(), 32, LocalDate::of(2012, 2, 1)], [ChronoField::PROLEPTIC_MONTH(), 2012 * 12 + (2 - 1), ChronoField::DAY_OF_MONTH(), 25, LocalDate::of(2012, 2, 25)], [ChronoField::PROLEPTIC_MONTH(), 2012 * 12 + (2 - 1), ChronoField::DAY_OF_YEAR(), 56, LocalDate::of(2012, 2, 25)], [ChronoField::EPOCH_DAY(), 32, ChronoField::ERA(), 1, LocalDate::of(1970, 2, 2)], [ChronoField::EPOCH_DAY(), -146097 * 5, ChronoField::ERA(), 0, LocalDate::of(1970 - 400 * 5, 1, 1)], [ChronoField::EPOCH_DAY(), 32, ChronoField::YEAR(), 1970, LocalDate::of(1970, 2, 2)], [ChronoField::EPOCH_DAY(), -146097 * 5, ChronoField::YEAR(), 1970 - 400 * 5, LocalDate::of(1970 - 400 * 5, 1, 1)], [ChronoField::EPOCH_DAY(), 32, ChronoField::YEAR_OF_ERA(), 1970, LocalDate::of(1970, 2, 2)], [ChronoField::EPOCH_DAY(), -146097 * 5, ChronoField::YEAR_OF_ERA(), 1 - (1970 - 400 * 5), LocalDate::of(1970 - 400 * 5, 1, 1)], [ChronoField::EPOCH_DAY(), 32, ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 2, LocalDate::of(1970, 2, 2)], [ChronoField::EPOCH_DAY(), 32, ChronoField::DAY_OF_YEAR(), 33, LocalDate::of(1970, 2, 2)], [ChronoField::EPOCH_DAY(), 32, ChronoField::DAY_OF_MONTH(), 2, LocalDate::of(1970, 2, 2)], [ChronoField::EPOCH_DAY(), 32, ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK(), 1, LocalDate::of(1970, 2, 2)]];
Example #10
 function data_localeDisplayNames()
     return [[ChronoField::ERA()], [ChronoField::YEAR()], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR()], [ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK()], [ChronoField::DAY_OF_MONTH()], [ChronoField::AMPM_OF_DAY()], [ChronoField::HOUR_OF_DAY()], [ChronoField::MINUTE_OF_HOUR()], [ChronoField::SECOND_OF_MINUTE()]];
  * Gets the text for the specified field, locale and style
  * for the purpose of formatting.
  * <p>
  * The text associated with the value is returned.
  * The null return value should be used if there is no applicable text, or
  * if the text would be a numeric representation of the value.
  * @param TemporalField $field the field to get text for, not null
  * @param int $value the field value to get text for, not null
  * @param TextStyle $style the style to get text for, not null
  * @param Locale $locale the locale to get text for, not null
  * @return string|null the text for the field value, null if no text found
 public function getText(TemporalField $field, $value, TextStyle $style, Locale $locale)
     if ($field == ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK()) {
         if ($value === 7) {
             $value = 0;
         return self::tryFetch('dayNames', $value, $style, $locale);
     if ($field == ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR()) {
         return self::tryFetch('monthNames', $value - 1, $style, $locale);
     if ($field == ChronoField::AMPM_OF_DAY()) {
         $bundle = new ResourceBundle($locale->getLocale(), null);
         return $bundle['calendar']['gregorian']['AmPmMarkers'][$value];
     if ($field == ChronoField::ERA()) {
         return self::tryFetch('eras', $value, $style, $locale);
     if ($field == IsoFields::QUARTER_OF_YEAR()) {
         return self::tryFetch('quarters', $value - 1, $style, $locale);
     return null;
  * @dataProvider data_resolverStyle
 public function test_resolverStyle($str, ResolverStyle $style, $expectedEx, $year, $month, $day)
     $builder = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder();
     $eraMap = [1 => "CE", 0 => "BCE"];
     $optionalFormatter = (new DateTimeFormatterBuilder())->appendLiteral(" ")->appendText3(ChronoField::ERA(), $eraMap)->toFormatter();
     $formatter = $builder->appendOptional($optionalFormatter)->toFormatter();
     $formatter = $formatter->withResolverStyle($style);
     if ($expectedEx == null) {
         $accessor = $formatter->parse($str);
         $this->assertEquals($accessor->get(ChronoField::YEAR_OF_ERA()), $year);
         $this->assertEquals($accessor->get(ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR()), $month);
         $this->assertEquals($accessor->get(ChronoField::DAY_OF_MONTH()), $day);
     } else {
         try {
         } catch (\Exception $ex) {
             $this->assertInstanceOf($expectedEx, $ex);
Example #13
 public function test_with()
     $base = Year::of(5);
     $result = $base->with(ChronoField::ERA(), 0);
     $ad = $base->adjust(IsoEra::of(0));
     $this->assertEquals($result, $ad);
     $prolepticYear = IsoChronology::INSTANCE()->prolepticYear(IsoEra::of(0), 5);
     $this->assertEquals($result->get(ChronoField::ERA()), 0);
     $this->assertEquals($result->get(ChronoField::YEAR()), $prolepticYear);
     $this->assertEquals($result->get(ChronoField::YEAR_OF_ERA()), 5);
     $result = $base->with(ChronoField::YEAR(), 10);
     $this->assertEquals($result->get(ChronoField::ERA()), $base->get(ChronoField::ERA()));
     $this->assertEquals($result->get(ChronoField::YEAR()), 10);
     $this->assertEquals($result->get(ChronoField::YEAR_OF_ERA()), 10);
     $result = $base->with(ChronoField::YEAR_OF_ERA(), 20);
     $this->assertEquals($result->get(ChronoField::ERA()), $base->get(ChronoField::ERA()));
     $this->assertEquals($result->get(ChronoField::YEAR()), 20);
     $this->assertEquals($result->get(ChronoField::YEAR_OF_ERA()), 20);
Example #14
 protected function resolveYearOfEra(FieldValues $fieldValues, ResolverStyle $resolverStyle)
     $yoeLong = $fieldValues->remove(CF::YEAR_OF_ERA());
     if ($yoeLong !== null) {
         if ($resolverStyle != ResolverStyle::LENIENT()) {
         $era = $fieldValues->remove(CF::ERA());
         if ($era === null) {
             $year = $fieldValues->get(CF::YEAR());
             if ($resolverStyle == ResolverStyle::STRICT()) {
                 // do not invent era if strict, but do cross-check with year
                 if ($year !== null) {
                     $this->addFieldValue($fieldValues, CF::YEAR(), $year > 0 ? $yoeLong : Math::subtractExact(1, $yoeLong));
                 } else {
                     // reinstate the field removed earlier, no cross-check issues
                     $fieldValues->put(CF::YEAR_OF_ERA(), $yoeLong);
             } else {
                 // invent era
                 $this->addFieldValue($fieldValues, CF::YEAR(), $year === null || $year > 0 ? $yoeLong : Math::subtractExact(1, $yoeLong));
         } else {
             if ($era === 1) {
                 $this->addFieldValue($fieldValues, CF::YEAR(), $yoeLong);
             } else {
                 if ($era === 0) {
                     $this->addFieldValue($fieldValues, CF::YEAR(), Math::subtractExact(1, $yoeLong));
                 } else {
                     throw new DateTimeException("Invalid value for era: " . $era);
     } else {
         if ($fieldValues->has(CF::ERA())) {
             // always validated
     return null;
Example #15
 public function with(TemporalField $field, $newValue)
     if ($field instanceof ChronoField) {
         $f = $field;
         if ($this->getLong($f) === $newValue) {
             return $this;
         switch ($f) {
             case ChronoField::PROLEPTIC_MONTH():
                 $this->getChronology()->range($f)->checkValidValue($newValue, $f);
                 return $this->plusMonths($newValue - $this->getProlepticMonth());
             case ChronoField::YEAR_OF_ERA():
             case ChronoField::YEAR():
             case ChronoField::ERA():
                 $nvalue = $this->getChronology()->range($f)->checkValidIntValue($newValue, $f);
                 switch ($f) {
                     case ChronoField::YEAR_OF_ERA():
                         return $this->withDate($this->isoDate->withYear($this->getProlepticYear() >= 1 ? $nvalue + MinguoChronology::YEARS_DIFFERENCE : 1 - $nvalue + MinguoChronology::YEARS_DIFFERENCE));
                     case ChronoField::YEAR():
                         return $this->withDate($this->isoDate->withYear($nvalue + MinguoChronology::YEARS_DIFFERENCE));
                     case ERA:
                         return $this->withDate($this->isoDate->withYear(1 - $this->getProlepticYear() + MinguoChronology::YEARS_DIFFERENCE));
         return $this->withDate($this->isoDate->with($field, $newValue));
     return parent::with($field, $newValue);
 public function until(Temporal $endExclusive, TemporalUnit $unit)
     $end = $this->getChronology()->dateFrom($endExclusive);
     if ($unit instanceof ChronoUnit) {
         switch ($unit) {
             case CU::DAYS():
                 return $this->daysUntil($end);
             case CU::WEEKS():
                 return $this->daysUntil($end) / 7;
             case CU::MONTHS():
                 return $this->monthsUntil($end);
             case CU::YEARS():
                 return $this->monthsUntil($end) / 12;
             case CU::DECADES():
                 return $this->monthsUntil($end) / 120;
             case CU::CENTURIES():
                 return $this->monthsUntil($end) / 1200;
             case CU::MILLENNIA():
                 return $this->monthsUntil($end) / 12000;
             case CU::ERAS():
                 return $end->getLong(CF::ERA()) - $this->getLong(CF::ERA());
         throw new UnsupportedTemporalTypeException("Unsupported unit: " . $unit);
     return $unit->between($this, $end);
Example #17
 function provider_japaneseEra()
     return [[ChronoField::ERA(), TextStyle::FULL(), 2, "Heisei"], [ChronoField::ERA(), TextStyle::SHORT(), 2, "Heisei"], [ChronoField::ERA(), TextStyle::NARROW(), 2, "H"]];
 public function getLong(TemporalField $field)
     if ($field instanceof ChronoField) {
         switch ($field) {
             case CF::PROLEPTIC_MONTH():
                 return $this->getProlepticMonth();
             case CF::YEAR_OF_ERA():
                 $prolepticYear = $this->getProlepticYear();
                 return $prolepticYear >= 1 ? $prolepticYear : 1 - $prolepticYear;
             case CF::YEAR():
                 return $this->getProlepticYear();
             case CF::ERA():
                 return $this->getProlepticYear() >= 1 ? 1 : 0;
         return $this->isoDate->getLong($field);
     return $field->getFrom($this);
  * @inheritdoc
 public function getEra()
     return $this->getChronology()->eraOf($this->get(ChronoField::ERA()));
Example #20
  * Calculates the amount of time until another date in terms of the specified unit.
  * <p>
  * This calculates the amount of time between two {@code LocalDate}
  * objects in terms of a single {@code TemporalUnit}.
  * The start and end points are {@code this} and the specified date.
  * The result will be negative if the end is before the start.
  * The {@code Temporal} passed to this method is converted to a
  * {@code LocalDate} using {@link #from(TemporalAccessor)}.
  * For example, the amount in days between two dates can be calculated
  * using {@code startDate.until(endDate, DAYS)}.
  * <p>
  * The calculation returns a whole number, representing the number of
  * complete units between the two dates.
  * For example, the amount in months between 2012-06-15 and 2012-08-14
  * will only be one month as it is one day short of two months.
  * <p>
  * There are two equivalent ways of using this method.
  * The first is to invoke this method.
  * The second is to use {@link TemporalUnit#between(Temporal, Temporal)}:
  * <pre>
  *   // these two lines are equivalent
  *   amount = start.until(end, MONTHS);
  *   amount = MONTHS.between(start, end);
  * </pre>
  * The choice should be made based on which makes the code more readable.
  * <p>
  * The calculation is implemented in this method for {@link ChronoUnit}.
  * The units {@code DAYS}, {@code WEEKS}, {@code MONTHS}, {@code YEARS},
  * {@code DECADES}, {@code CENTURIES}, {@code MILLENNIA} and {@code ERAS}
  * are supported. Other {@code ChronoUnit} values will throw an exception.
  * <p>
  * If the unit is not a {@code ChronoUnit}, then the result of this method
  * is obtained by invoking {@code TemporalUnit.between(Temporal, Temporal)}
  * passing {@code this} as the first argument and the converted input temporal
  * as the second argument.
  * <p>
  * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
  * @param Temporal $endExclusive the end date, exclusive, which is converted to a {@code LocalDate}, not null
  * @param TemporalUnit $unit the unit to measure the amount in, not null
  * @return int the amount of time between this date and the end date
  * @throws DateTimeException if the amount cannot be calculated, or the end
  *  temporal cannot be converted to a {@code LocalDate}
  * @throws UnsupportedTemporalTypeException if the unit is not supported
  * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
 public function until(Temporal $endExclusive, TemporalUnit $unit)
     $end = LocalDate::from($endExclusive);
     if ($unit instanceof ChronoUnit) {
         switch ($unit) {
             case ChronoUnit::DAYS():
                 return $this->daysUntil($end);
             case ChronoUnit::WEEKS():
                 return Math::div($this->daysUntil($end), 7);
             case ChronoUnit::MONTHS():
                 return $this->monthsUntil($end);
             case ChronoUnit::YEARS():
                 return Math::div($this->monthsUntil($end), 12);
             case ChronoUnit::DECADES():
                 return Math::div($this->monthsUntil($end), 120);
             case ChronoUnit::CENTURIES():
                 return Math::div($this->monthsUntil($end), 1200);
             case ChronoUnit::MILLENNIA():
                 return Math::div($this->monthsUntil($end), 12000);
             case ChronoUnit::ERAS():
                 return $end->getLong(ChronoField::ERA()) - $this->getLong(ChronoField::ERA());
         throw new UnsupportedTemporalTypeException("Unsupported unit: " . $unit);
     return $unit->between($this, $end);
Example #21
  * @inheritdoc
 public function getDisplayName(TextStyle $style, Locale $locale)
     return (new DateTimeFormatterBuilder())->appendText2(ChronoField::ERA(), $style)->toFormatter2($locale)->format($this);