Example #1
 public function adjustInto(Temporal $temporal, $newValue)
     if ($this->range()->isValidValue($newValue) == false) {
         throw new DateTimeException("Invalid value: " . $this->name . " " . $newValue);
     return $temporal->with(CF::EPOCH_DAY(), Math::subtractExact($newValue, $this->offset));
Example #2
 public function adjustInto(Temporal $temporal, $newValue)
     // calls getFrom() to check if supported
     $curValue = $this->getFrom($temporal);
     $this->range()->checkValidValue($newValue, $this);
     // strictly check from 1 to 4
     return $temporal->with(ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), $temporal->getLong(ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR()) + ($newValue - $curValue) * 3);
  * @inheritdoc
 public function getLong(TemporalField $field)
     if ($field instanceof ChronoField) {
         switch ($field) {
             case ChronoField::INSTANT_SECONDS():
                 return $this->toEpochSecond();
             case ChronoField::OFFSET_SECONDS():
                 return $this->getOffset()->getTotalSeconds();
         return $this->toLocalDateTime()->getLong($field);
     return $field->getFrom($this);
  * @dataProvider data_signStyle
 public function test_signStyle(LocalDate $localDate, SignStyle $style, $expectedEx, $expectedStr)
     $builder = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder();
     $formatter = $builder->appendValue3(ChronoField::YEAR(), 2, 4, $style)->toFormatter();
     $formatter = $formatter->withZone(ZoneOffset::UTC());
     if ($expectedEx === null) {
         $output = $formatter->format($localDate);
         $this->assertEquals($output, $expectedStr);
     } else {
         try {
         } catch (\Exception $ex) {
             $this->assertInstanceOf($expectedEx, $ex);
 public function format(DateTimePrintContext $context, &$buf)
     /** @var ZoneID $zone */
     $zone = $context->getValue(TemporalQueries::zoneId());
     if ($zone === null) {
         return false;
     $zname = $zone->getId();
     if (!$zone instanceof ZoneOffset) {
         $dt = $context->getTemporal();
         $name = $this->getDisplayName($zname, $dt->isSupported(ChronoField::INSTANT_SECONDS()) ? $zone->getRules()->isDaylightSavings(Instant::from($dt)) ? self::$DST : self::$STD : self::$GENERIC, $context->getLocale());
         if ($name !== null) {
             $zname = $name;
     $buf .= $zname;
     return true;
Example #6
 public function adjustInto(Temporal $temporal, $newValue)
     if ($this->isSupportedBy($temporal) === false) {
         throw new UnsupportedTemporalTypeException("Unsupported field: WeekBasedYear");
     $newWby = $this->range()->checkValidIntValue($newValue, IsoFields::WEEK_BASED_YEAR());
     // strict check
     $date = LocalDate::from($temporal);
     $dow = $date->get(ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK());
     $week = IsoFields::getWeek($date);
     if ($week == 53 && IsoFields::getWeekRangeInt($newWby) == 52) {
         $week = 52;
     $resolved = LocalDate::of($newWby, 1, 4);
     // 4th is guaranteed to be in week one
     $days = $dow - $resolved->get(ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK()) + ($week - 1) * 7;
     $resolved = $resolved->plusDays($days);
     return $temporal->adjust($resolved);
Example #7
  * Adjusts the specified temporal object to have the same offset, date
  * and time as this object.
  * <p>
  * This returns a temporal object of the same observable type as the input
  * with the offset, date and time changed to be the same as this.
  * <p>
  * The adjustment is equivalent to using {@link Temporal#with(TemporalField, long)}
  * three times, passing {@link ChronoField#EPOCH_DAY},
  * {@link ChronoField#NANO_OF_DAY} and {@link ChronoField#OFFSET_SECONDS} as the fields.
  * <p>
  * In most cases, it is clearer to reverse the calling pattern by using
  * {@link Temporal#with(TemporalAdjuster)}:
  * <pre>
  *   // these two lines are equivalent, but the second approach is recommended
  *   temporal = thisOffsetDateTime.adjustInto(temporal);
  *   temporal = temporal.with(thisOffsetDateTime);
  * </pre>
  * <p>
  * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
  * @param Temporal $temporal the target object to be adjusted, not null
  * @return Temporal the adjusted object, not null
  * @throws DateTimeException if unable to make the adjustment
  * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
 public function adjustInto(Temporal $temporal)
     // OffsetDateTime is treated as three separate fields, not an instant
     // this produces the most consistent set of results overall
     // the offset is set after the date and time, as it is typically a small
     // tweak to the result, with ZonedDateTime frequently ignoring the offset
     return $temporal->with(ChronoField::EPOCH_DAY(), $this->toLocalDate()->toEpochDay())->with(ChronoField::NANO_OF_DAY(), $this->toLocalTime()->toNanoOfDay())->with(ChronoField::OFFSET_SECONDS(), $this->getOffset()->getTotalSeconds());
 private function assertParsed(TemporalAccessor $parsed, ZoneOffset $expectedOffset)
     if ($expectedOffset === null) {
         $this->assertEquals(null, $parsed);
     } else {
         $this->assertEquals(true, $parsed->isSupported(ChronoField::OFFSET_SECONDS()), true);
         $this->assertEquals($expectedOffset->getTotalSeconds(), $parsed->getLong(ChronoField::OFFSET_SECONDS()));
  * Adds a multi-year transition rule to the current window.
  * <p>
  * This adds a rule such that the offset, expressed as a daylight savings amount,
  * changes at the specified date-time for each year in the range.
  * @param int $startYear the start year of the rule, from MIN_VALUE to MAX_VALUE
  * @param int $endYear the end year of the rule, from MIN_VALUE to MAX_VALUE
  * @param Month $month the month of the transition, not null
  * @param int $dayOfMonthIndicator the day-of-month of the transition, adjusted by dayOfWeek,
  *   from 1 to 31 adjusted later, or -1 to -28 adjusted earlier from the last day of the month
  * @param DayOfWeek|null $dayOfWeek the day-of-week to adjust to, null if day-of-month should not be adjusted
  * @param LocalTime $time the time that the transition occurs as defined by timeDefintion, not null
  * @param bool $timeEndOfDay whether midnight is at the end of day
  * @param TimeDefinition $timeDefinition the definition of how to convert local to actual time, not null
  * @param int $savingAmountSecs the amount of saving from the standard offset after the transition in seconds
  * @return ZoneRulesBuilder $this, for chaining
  * @throws DateTimeException if a date-time field is out of range
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the day of month indicator is invalid
  * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the end of day midnight flag does not match the time
  * @throws \LogicException if no window has yet been added
  * @throws \LogicException if the window already has fixed savings
  * @throws \LogicException if the window has reached the maximum capacity of 2000 rules
 public function addRuleToWindow9($startYear, $endYear, Month $month, $dayOfMonthIndicator, $dayOfWeek, LocalTime $time, $timeEndOfDay, TimeDefinition $timeDefinition, $savingAmountSecs)
     if ($dayOfMonthIndicator < -28 || $dayOfMonthIndicator > 31 || $dayOfMonthIndicator === 0) {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Day of month indicator must be between -28 and 31 inclusive excluding zero");
     if ($timeEndOfDay && $time->equals(LocalTime::MIDNIGHT()) == false) {
         throw new IllegalArgumentException("Time must be midnight when end of day flag is true");
     if (empty($this->windowList)) {
         throw new \LogicException("Must add a window before adding a rule");
     $window = $this->windowList[count($this->windowList) - 1];
     $window->addRule($startYear, $endYear, $month, $dayOfMonthIndicator, $dayOfWeek, $time, $timeEndOfDay, $timeDefinition, $savingAmountSecs);
     return $this;
 public function data_text()
     return [[ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK(), 1, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::enUS(), "Mon"], [ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK(), 2, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::enUS(), "Tue"], [ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK(), 3, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::enUS(), "Wed"], [ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK(), 4, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::enUS(), "Thu"], [ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK(), 5, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::enUS(), "Fri"], [ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK(), 6, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::enUS(), "Sat"], [ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK(), 7, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::enUS(), "Sun"], [ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK(), 1, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::ptBR(), "seg"], [ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK(), 2, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::ptBR(), "ter"], [ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK(), 3, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::ptBR(), "qua"], [ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK(), 4, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::ptBR(), "qui"], [ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK(), 5, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::ptBR(), "sex"], [ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK(), 6, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::ptBR(), "sáb"], [ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK(), 7, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::ptBR(), "dom"], [ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK(), 1, TextStyle::FULL(), self::enUS(), "Monday"], [ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK(), 2, TextStyle::FULL(), self::enUS(), "Tuesday"], [ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK(), 3, TextStyle::FULL(), self::enUS(), "Wednesday"], [ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK(), 4, TextStyle::FULL(), self::enUS(), "Thursday"], [ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK(), 5, TextStyle::FULL(), self::enUS(), "Friday"], [ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK(), 6, TextStyle::FULL(), self::enUS(), "Saturday"], [ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK(), 7, TextStyle::FULL(), self::enUS(), "Sunday"], [ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK(), 1, TextStyle::FULL(), self::ptBR(), "segunda-feira"], [ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK(), 2, TextStyle::FULL(), self::ptBR(), "terça-feira"], [ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK(), 3, TextStyle::FULL(), self::ptBR(), "quarta-feira"], [ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK(), 4, TextStyle::FULL(), self::ptBR(), "quinta-feira"], [ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK(), 5, TextStyle::FULL(), self::ptBR(), "sexta-feira"], [ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK(), 6, TextStyle::FULL(), self::ptBR(), "sábado"], [ChronoField::DAY_OF_WEEK(), 7, TextStyle::FULL(), self::ptBR(), "domingo"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 1, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::enUS(), "Jan"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 2, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::enUS(), "Feb"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 3, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::enUS(), "Mar"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 4, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::enUS(), "Apr"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 5, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::enUS(), "May"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 6, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::enUS(), "Jun"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 7, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::enUS(), "Jul"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 8, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::enUS(), "Aug"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 9, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::enUS(), "Sep"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 10, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::enUS(), "Oct"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 11, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::enUS(), "Nov"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 12, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::enUS(), "Dec"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 1, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::ptBR(), "jan"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 2, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::ptBR(), "fev"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 3, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::ptBR(), "mar"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 4, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::ptBR(), "abr"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 5, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::ptBR(), "mai"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 6, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::ptBR(), "jun"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 7, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::ptBR(), "jul"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 8, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::ptBR(), "ago"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 9, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::ptBR(), "set"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 10, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::ptBR(), "out"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 11, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::ptBR(), "nov"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 12, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::ptBR(), "dez"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 1, TextStyle::FULL(), self::enUS(), "January"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 2, TextStyle::FULL(), self::enUS(), "February"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 3, TextStyle::FULL(), self::enUS(), "March"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 4, TextStyle::FULL(), self::enUS(), "April"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 5, TextStyle::FULL(), self::enUS(), "May"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 6, TextStyle::FULL(), self::enUS(), "June"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 7, TextStyle::FULL(), self::enUS(), "July"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 8, TextStyle::FULL(), self::enUS(), "August"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 9, TextStyle::FULL(), self::enUS(), "September"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 10, TextStyle::FULL(), self::enUS(), "October"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 11, TextStyle::FULL(), self::enUS(), "November"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 12, TextStyle::FULL(), self::enUS(), "December"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 1, TextStyle::FULL(), self::ptBR(), "janeiro"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 2, TextStyle::FULL(), self::ptBR(), "fevereiro"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 3, TextStyle::FULL(), self::ptBR(), "março"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 4, TextStyle::FULL(), self::ptBR(), "abril"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 5, TextStyle::FULL(), self::ptBR(), "maio"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 6, TextStyle::FULL(), self::ptBR(), "junho"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 7, TextStyle::FULL(), self::ptBR(), "julho"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 8, TextStyle::FULL(), self::ptBR(), "agosto"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 9, TextStyle::FULL(), self::ptBR(), "setembro"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 10, TextStyle::FULL(), self::ptBR(), "outubro"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 11, TextStyle::FULL(), self::ptBR(), "novembro"], [ChronoField::MONTH_OF_YEAR(), 12, TextStyle::FULL(), self::ptBR(), "dezembro"], [ChronoField::AMPM_OF_DAY(), 0, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::enUS(), "AM"], [ChronoField::AMPM_OF_DAY(), 1, TextStyle::SHORT(), self::enUS(), "PM"]];
 public function test_parseUnresolved_StringParsePosition_duplicateFieldDifferentValue()
     $test = (new DateTimeFormatterBuilder())->appendValue(CF::MONTH_OF_YEAR())->appendLiteral('-')->appendValue(CF::MONTH_OF_YEAR())->toFormatter();
     $pos = new ParsePosition(3);
     $result = $test->parseUnresolved("XXX6-7", $pos);
     $this->assertEquals($pos->getIndex(), 3);
     $this->assertEquals($pos->getErrorIndex(), 5);
     $this->assertEquals($result, null);
 public function test_toString3()
     $this->assertEquals($this->getFormatterWidth(ChronoField::HOUR_OF_DAY(), 1, 2, SignStyle::NOT_NEGATIVE())->__toString(), "Value(HourOfDay,1,2,NOT_NEGATIVE)");
Example #13
  * Returns a copy of this duration with the specified nano-of-second.
  * <p>
  * This returns a duration with the specified nano-of-second, retaining the
  * seconds part of this duration.
  * <p>
  * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
  * @param int $nanoOfSecond the nano-of-second to represent, from 0 to 999,999,999
  * @return Duration a {@code Duration} based on this period with the requested nano-of-second, not null
  * @throws DateTimeException if the nano-of-second is invalid
 public function withNanos($nanoOfSecond)
     return self::create($this->seconds, $nanoOfSecond);
Example #14
  * Calculates the amount of time until another year in terms of the specified unit.
  * <p>
  * This calculates the amount of time between two {@code Year}
  * objects in terms of a single {@code TemporalUnit}.
  * The start and end points are {@code this} and the specified year.
  * The result will be negative if the end is before the start.
  * The {@code Temporal} passed to this method is converted to a
  * {@code Year} using {@link #from(TemporalAccessor)}.
  * For example, the amount in decades between two year can be calculated
  * using {@code startYear.until(endYear, DECADES)}.
  * <p>
  * The calculation returns a whole number, representing the number of
  * complete units between the two years.
  * For example, the amount in decades between 2012 and 2031
  * will only be one decade as it is one year short of two decades.
  * <p>
  * There are two equivalent ways of using this method.
  * The first is to invoke this method.
  * The second is to use {@link TemporalUnit#between(Temporal, Temporal)}:
  * <pre>
  *   // these two lines are equivalent
  *   amount = start.until(end, YEARS);
  *   amount = YEARS.between(start, end);
  * </pre>
  * The choice should be made based on which makes the code more readable.
  * <p>
  * The calculation is implemented in this method for {@link ChronoUnit}.
  * The units {@code YEARS}, {@code DECADES}, {@code CENTURIES},
  * {@code MILLENNIA} and {@code ERAS} are supported.
  * Other {@code ChronoUnit} values will throw an exception.
  * <p>
  * If the unit is not a {@code ChronoUnit}, then the result of this method
  * is obtained by invoking {@code TemporalUnit.between(Temporal, Temporal)}
  * passing {@code this} as the first argument and the converted input temporal
  * as the second argument.
  * <p>
  * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
  * @param Temporal $endExclusive the end date, exclusive, which is converted to a {@code Year}, not null
  * @param TemporalUnit $unit the unit to measure the amount in, not null
  * @return int the amount of time between this year and the end year
  * @throws DateTimeException if the amount cannot be calculated, or the end
  *  temporal cannot be converted to a {@code Year}
  * @throws UnsupportedTemporalTypeException if the unit is not supported
  * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
 public function until(Temporal $endExclusive, TemporalUnit $unit)
     $end = Year::from($endExclusive);
     if ($unit instanceof ChronoUnit) {
         $yearsUntil = $end->year - $this->year;
         // no overflow
         switch ($unit) {
             case ChronoUnit::YEARS():
                 return $yearsUntil;
             case ChronoUnit::DECADES():
                 return Math::div($yearsUntil, 10);
             case ChronoUnit::CENTURIES():
                 return Math::div($yearsUntil, 100);
             case ChronoUnit::MILLENNIA():
                 return Math::div($yearsUntil, 1000);
             case ChronoUnit::ERAS():
                 return $end->getLong(ChronoField::ERA()) - $this->getLong(ChronoField::ERA());
         throw new UnsupportedTemporalTypeException("Unsupported unit: " . $unit);
     return $unit->between($this, $end);
  * @dataProvider data_instantNoZone
 public function test_parse_instantNoZone_supported(DateTimeFormatter $formatter, $text, Instant $expected)
     $actual = $formatter->parse($text);
     $this->assertEquals($actual->isSupported(CF::INSTANT_SECONDS()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($actual->isSupported(CF::EPOCH_DAY()), false);
     $this->assertEquals($actual->isSupported(CF::SECOND_OF_DAY()), false);
     $this->assertEquals($actual->isSupported(CF::NANO_OF_SECOND()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($actual->isSupported(CF::MICRO_OF_SECOND()), true);
     $this->assertEquals($actual->isSupported(CF::MILLI_OF_SECOND()), true);
  * @dataProvider data_withFieldLong
 public function test_with_adjuster_ensureOffsetDateTimeConsistent(ZonedDateTime $base, TemporalField $setField, $setValue, ZonedDateTime $expected)
     if ($setField == CF::OFFSET_SECONDS()) {
         $odt = $base->toOffsetDateTime()->with($setField, $setValue);
         $this->assertEquals($base->adjust($odt), $expected);
Example #17
  * Calculates the amount of time until another date in terms of the specified unit.
  * <p>
  * This calculates the amount of time between two {@code LocalDate}
  * objects in terms of a single {@code TemporalUnit}.
  * The start and end points are {@code this} and the specified date.
  * The result will be negative if the end is before the start.
  * The {@code Temporal} passed to this method is converted to a
  * {@code LocalDate} using {@link #from(TemporalAccessor)}.
  * For example, the amount in days between two dates can be calculated
  * using {@code startDate.until(endDate, DAYS)}.
  * <p>
  * The calculation returns a whole number, representing the number of
  * complete units between the two dates.
  * For example, the amount in months between 2012-06-15 and 2012-08-14
  * will only be one month as it is one day short of two months.
  * <p>
  * There are two equivalent ways of using this method.
  * The first is to invoke this method.
  * The second is to use {@link TemporalUnit#between(Temporal, Temporal)}:
  * <pre>
  *   // these two lines are equivalent
  *   amount = start.until(end, MONTHS);
  *   amount = MONTHS.between(start, end);
  * </pre>
  * The choice should be made based on which makes the code more readable.
  * <p>
  * The calculation is implemented in this method for {@link ChronoUnit}.
  * The units {@code DAYS}, {@code WEEKS}, {@code MONTHS}, {@code YEARS},
  * {@code DECADES}, {@code CENTURIES}, {@code MILLENNIA} and {@code ERAS}
  * are supported. Other {@code ChronoUnit} values will throw an exception.
  * <p>
  * If the unit is not a {@code ChronoUnit}, then the result of this method
  * is obtained by invoking {@code TemporalUnit.between(Temporal, Temporal)}
  * passing {@code this} as the first argument and the converted input temporal
  * as the second argument.
  * <p>
  * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
  * @param Temporal $endExclusive the end date, exclusive, which is converted to a {@code LocalDate}, not null
  * @param TemporalUnit $unit the unit to measure the amount in, not null
  * @return int the amount of time between this date and the end date
  * @throws DateTimeException if the amount cannot be calculated, or the end
  *  temporal cannot be converted to a {@code LocalDate}
  * @throws UnsupportedTemporalTypeException if the unit is not supported
  * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
 public function until(Temporal $endExclusive, TemporalUnit $unit)
     $end = LocalDate::from($endExclusive);
     if ($unit instanceof ChronoUnit) {
         switch ($unit) {
             case ChronoUnit::DAYS():
                 return $this->daysUntil($end);
             case ChronoUnit::WEEKS():
                 return Math::div($this->daysUntil($end), 7);
             case ChronoUnit::MONTHS():
                 return $this->monthsUntil($end);
             case ChronoUnit::YEARS():
                 return Math::div($this->monthsUntil($end), 12);
             case ChronoUnit::DECADES():
                 return Math::div($this->monthsUntil($end), 120);
             case ChronoUnit::CENTURIES():
                 return Math::div($this->monthsUntil($end), 1200);
             case ChronoUnit::MILLENNIA():
                 return Math::div($this->monthsUntil($end), 12000);
             case ChronoUnit::ERAS():
                 return $end->getLong(ChronoField::ERA()) - $this->getLong(ChronoField::ERA());
         throw new UnsupportedTemporalTypeException("Unsupported unit: " . $unit);
     return $unit->between($this, $end);
Example #18
 public function range(CF $field)
     return $field->range();
Example #19
  * Adjusts the specified temporal object to have the same time as this object.
  * <p>
  * This returns a temporal object of the same observable type as the input
  * with the time changed to be the same as this.
  * <p>
  * The adjustment is equivalent to using {@link Temporal#with(TemporalField, long)}
  * passing {@link ChronoField#NANO_OF_DAY} as the field.
  * <p>
  * In most cases, it is clearer to reverse the calling pattern by using
  * {@link Temporal#with(TemporalAdjuster)}:
  * <pre>
  *   // these two lines are equivalent, but the second approach is recommended
  *   temporal = thisLocalTime.adjustInto(temporal);
  *   temporal = temporal.with(thisLocalTime);
  * </pre>
  * <p>
  * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
  * @param Temporal $temporal the target object to be adjusted, not null
  * @return Temporal the adjusted object, not null
  * @throws DateTimeException if unable to make the adjustment
  * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
 public function adjustInto(Temporal $temporal)
     return $temporal->with(ChronoField::NANO_OF_DAY(), $this->toNanoOfDay());
 public function __toString()
     // getLong() reduces chances of exceptions in toString()
     $yoe = $this->getLong(CF::YEAR_OF_ERA());
     $moy = $this->getLong(CF::MONTH_OF_YEAR());
     $dom = $this->getLong(CF::DAY_OF_MONTH());
     return $this->getChronology()->__toString() . " " . $this->getEra() . " " . $yoe . ($moy < 10 ? "-0" : "-") . $moy . ($dom < 10 ? "-0" : "-") . $dom;
Example #21
     * If no resolution is possible, the resolve method must return null.
     * <p>
     * When resolving time fields, the map will be altered and null returned.
     * When resolving date fields, the date is normally returned from the method,
     * with the map altered to remove the resolved fields. However, it would also
     * be acceptable for the date fields to be resolved into other {@code ChronoField}
     * instances that can produce a date, such as {@code EPOCH_DAY}.
     * <p>
     * Not all {@code TemporalAccessor} implementations are accepted as return values.
     * Implementations that call this method must accept {@code ChronoLocalDate},
     * {@code ChronoLocalDateTime}, {@code ChronoZonedDateTime} and {@code LocalTime}.
     * <p>
     * The default implementation must return null.
     * @param FieldValues $fieldValues the map of fields to values, which can be updated, not null
     * @param TemporalAccessor $partialTemporal the partially complete temporal to query for zone and
     *  chronology; querying for other things is undefined and not recommended, not null
     * @param ResolverStyle $resolverStyle the requested type of resolve, not null
     * @return TemporalAccessor the resolved temporal object; null if resolving only
     *  changed the map, or no resolve occurred
     * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
     * @throws DateTimeException if resolving results in an error. This must not be thrown
     *  by querying a field on the temporal without first checking if it is supported
    public function resolve(FieldValues $fieldValues, TemporalAccessor $partialTemporal, ResolverStyle $resolverStyle)
        return null;
 public function test_getLong_TemporalField()
     $this->assertEquals(self::TEST_2008_06()->getLong(CF::YEAR()), 2008);
     $this->assertEquals(self::TEST_2008_06()->getLong(CF::MONTH_OF_YEAR()), 6);
     $this->assertEquals(self::TEST_2008_06()->getLong(CF::YEAR_OF_ERA()), 2008);
     $this->assertEquals(self::TEST_2008_06()->getLong(CF::ERA()), 1);
     $this->assertEquals(self::TEST_2008_06()->getLong(CF::PROLEPTIC_MONTH()), 2008 * 12 + 6 - 1);
 public function parse(DateTimeParseContext $context, $text, $position)
     $pos = $position;
     $end = $pos + strlen($text);
     $gmtText = "GMT";
     // TODO: get localized version of 'GMT'
     if ($gmtText !== null) {
         if (!$context->subSequenceEquals($text, $pos, $gmtText, 0, strlen($gmtText))) {
             return ~$position;
         $pos += strlen($gmtText);
     // parse normal plus/minus offset
     if ($pos == $end) {
         return $context->setParsedField(ChronoField::OFFSET_SECONDS(), 0, $position, $pos);
     $sign = $text[$pos];
     // IOOBE if invalid position
     if ($sign == '+') {
         $negative = 1;
     } else {
         if ($sign == '-') {
             $negative = -1;
         } else {
             return $context->setParsedField(ChronoField::OFFSET_SECONDS(), 0, $position, $pos);
     $m = 0;
     $s = 0;
     if ($this->style == TextStyle::FULL()) {
         $h1 = $this->getDigit($text, $pos++);
         $h2 = $this->getDigit($text, $pos++);
         if ($h1 < 0 || $h2 < 0 || $text[$pos++] !== ':') {
             return ~$position;
         $h = $h1 * 10 + $h2;
         $m1 = $this->getDigit($text, $pos++);
         $m2 = $this->getDigit($text, $pos++);
         if ($m1 < 0 || $m2 < 0) {
             return ~$position;
         $m = $m1 * 10 + $m2;
         if ($pos + 2 < $end && $text[$pos] === ':') {
             $s1 = $this->getDigit($text, $pos + 1);
             $s2 = $this->getDigit($text, $pos + 2);
             if ($s1 >= 0 && $s2 >= 0) {
                 $s = $s1 * 10 + $s2;
                 $pos += 3;
     } else {
         $h = $this->getDigit($text, $pos++);
         if ($h < 0) {
             return ~$position;
         if ($pos < $end) {
             $h2 = $this->getDigit($text, $pos);
             if ($h2 >= 0) {
                 $h = $h * 10 + $h2;
             if ($pos + 2 < $end && $text[$pos] === ':') {
                 if ($pos + 2 < $end && $text[$pos] === ':') {
                     $m1 = $this->getDigit($text, $pos + 1);
                     $m2 = $this->getDigit($text, $pos + 2);
                     if ($m1 >= 0 && $m2 >= 0) {
                         $m = $m1 * 10 + $m2;
                         $pos += 3;
                         if ($pos + 2 < $end && $text[$pos] === ':') {
                             $s1 = $this->getDigit($text, $pos + 1);
                             $s2 = $this->getDigit($text, $pos + 2);
                             if ($s1 >= 0 && $s2 >= 0) {
                                 $s = $s1 * 10 + $s2;
                                 $pos += 3;
     $offsetSecs = $negative * ($h * 3600 + $m * 60 + $s);
     return $context->setParsedField(ChronoField::OFFSET_SECONDS(), $offsetSecs, $position, $pos);
 public function with(TemporalField $field, $newValue)
     if ($field instanceof ChronoField) {
         $f = $field;
         if ($this->getLong($f) === $newValue) {
             return $this;
         switch ($f) {
             case CF::PROLEPTIC_MONTH():
                 $this->getChronology()->range($f)->checkValidValue($newValue, $f);
                 return $this->plusMonths($newValue - $this->getProlepticMonth());
             case CF::YEAR_OF_ERA():
             case CF::YEAR():
             case ERA:
                 $nvalue = $this->getChronology()->range($f)->checkValidIntValue($newValue, $f);
                 switch ($f) {
                     case CF::YEAR_OF_ERA():
                         return $this->withDate($this->isoDate->withYear(($this->getProlepticYear() >= 1 ? $nvalue : 1 - $nvalue) - ThaiBuddhistChronology::YEARS_DIFFERENCE));
                     case CF::YEAR():
                         return $this->withDate($this->isoDate->withYear($nvalue - ThaiBuddhistChronology::YEARS_DIFFERENCE));
                     case ERA:
                         return $this->withDate($this->isoDate->withYear(1 - $this->getProlepticYear() - ThaiBuddhistChronology::YEARS_DIFFERENCE));
         return $this->withDate($this->isoDate->with($field, $newValue));
     return parent::with($field, $newValue);
  * @dataProvider data_success
 public function test_parse_success($s, $caseSensitive, $text, $pos, $expectedPos)
     $ppos = new ParsePosition($pos);
     $parsed = $this->getFormatterString($s)->parseUnresolved($text, $ppos);
     if ($ppos->getErrorIndex() != -1) {
         $this->assertEquals($ppos->getIndex(), $expectedPos);
     } else {
         $this->assertEquals($ppos->getIndex(), $expectedPos);
         $this->assertEquals($parsed->isSupported(ChronoField::YEAR()), false);
         $this->assertEquals($parsed->query(TemporalQueries::chronology()), null);
         $this->assertEquals($parsed->query(TemporalQueries::zoneId()), null);
 public function test_getLong_TemporalField()
     $test = LocalDateTime::of(2008, 6, 30, 12, 30, 40, 987654321);
     $this->assertEquals($test->getLong(CF::YEAR()), 2008);
     $this->assertEquals($test->getLong(CF::MONTH_OF_YEAR()), 6);
     $this->assertEquals($test->getLong(CF::DAY_OF_MONTH()), 30);
     $this->assertEquals($test->getLong(CF::DAY_OF_WEEK()), 1);
     $this->assertEquals($test->getLong(CF::DAY_OF_YEAR()), 182);
     $this->assertEquals($test->getLong(CF::HOUR_OF_DAY()), 12);
     $this->assertEquals($test->getLong(CF::MINUTE_OF_HOUR()), 30);
     $this->assertEquals($test->getLong(CF::SECOND_OF_MINUTE()), 40);
     $this->assertEquals($test->getLong(CF::NANO_OF_SECOND()), 987654321);
     $this->assertEquals($test->getLong(CF::HOUR_OF_AMPM()), 0);
     $this->assertEquals($test->getLong(CF::AMPM_OF_DAY()), 1);
 public function range(ChronoField $field)
     switch ($field) {
         case CF::PROLEPTIC_MONTH():
             $range = CF::PROLEPTIC_MONTH()->range();
             return ValueRange::of($range->getMinimum() + self::YEARS_DIFFERENCE * 12, $range->getMaximum() + self::YEARS_DIFFERENCE * 12);
         case CF::YEAR_OF_ERA():
             $range = CF::YEAR()->range();
             return ValueRange::ofVariable(1, -($range->getMinimum() + self::YEARS_DIFFERENCE) + 1, $range->getMaximum() + self::YEARS_DIFFERENCE);
         case CF::YEAR():
             $range = CF::YEAR()->range();
             return ValueRange::of($range->getMinimum() + self::YEARS_DIFFERENCE, $range->getMaximum() + self::YEARS_DIFFERENCE);
     return $field->range();
Example #28
  * Adjusts the specified temporal object to have this instant.
  * <p>
  * This returns a temporal object of the same observable type as the input
  * with the instant changed to be the same as this.
  * <p>
  * The adjustment is equivalent to using {@link Temporal#with(TemporalField, long)}
  * twice, passing {@link ChronoField#INSTANT_SECONDS} and
  * {@link ChronoField#NANO_OF_SECOND} as the fields.
  * <p>
  * In most cases, it is clearer to reverse the calling pattern by using
  * {@link Temporal#with(TemporalAdjuster)}:
  * <pre>
  *   // these two lines are equivalent, but the second approach is recommended
  *   temporal = thisInstant.adjustInto(temporal);
  *   temporal = temporal.with(thisInstant);
  * </pre>
  * <p>
  * This instance is immutable and unaffected by this method call.
  * @param Temporal $temporal the target object to be adjusted, not null
  * @return Temporal the adjusted object, not null
  * @throws DateTimeException if unable to make the adjustment
  * @throws ArithmeticException if numeric overflow occurs
 public function adjustInto(Temporal $temporal)
     return $temporal->with(ChronoField::INSTANT_SECONDS(), $this->seconds)->with(ChronoField::NANO_OF_SECOND(), $this->nanos);
 public function test_getLong_TemporalField()
     $this->assertEquals(ZoneOffset::UTC()->getLong(ChronoField::OFFSET_SECONDS()), 0);
     $this->assertEquals(ZoneOffset::ofHours(-2)->getLong(ChronoField::OFFSET_SECONDS()), -7200);
     $this->assertEquals(ZoneOffset::ofHoursMinutesSeconds(0, 1, 5)->getLong(ChronoField::OFFSET_SECONDS()), 65);
Example #30
  * A query for {@code LocalTime} returning null if not found.
  * @param TemporalAccessor $temporal
  * @return null|LocalTime
 public static function _localTime(TemporalAccessor $temporal)
     if ($temporal->isSupported(ChronoField::NANO_OF_DAY())) {
         return LocalTime::ofNanoOfDay($temporal->getLong(ChronoField::NANO_OF_DAY()));
     return null;