public function create($request) { $game = new Game(); $game->name = $request->name; $game->short_name = $request->short_name; $game->logo = ""; $game->save(); return $game; }
/** *儲存資料 */ public function store(Request $request) { $input = $request->all(); $game = new Game(); //game 是model 名稱 $game->title = $input['title']; $game->content = $input['content']; $game->save(); Game::create(['title' => $input['title']], ['content' => $input['content']]); }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { $_games = [['name' => 'Halo 5', 'short_name' => 'H5', 'logo' => 'img/game_logos/halo_5.png'], ['name' => 'Halo 4', 'short_name' => 'H4', 'logo' => 'img/game_logos/halo_4.png'], ['name' => 'Halo 3', 'short_name' => 'H3', 'logo' => 'img/game_logos/halo_3.png'], ['name' => 'Halo 2', 'short_name' => 'H2', 'logo' => 'img/game_logos/halo_2.png'], ['name' => 'Halo CE', 'short_name' => 'HCE', 'logo' => 'img/game_logos/halo_ce.png'], ['name' => 'Halo 3: ODST', 'short_name' => 'H3:ODST', 'logo' => 'img/game_logos/halo_odst.png'], ['name' => 'Halo Reach', 'short_name' => 'HR', 'logo' => 'img/game_logos/halo_reach.png']]; foreach ($_games as $game) { $g = new Game(); $g->name = $game['name']; $g->short_name = $game['short_name']; $g->logo = $game['logo']; $g->save(); } }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function store(Request $request) { $game = new Game(); $game->score = $request->score; $series = Series::find($request->series); if (!$series) { $series = new Series(); $series->save(); } $game->series_id = $series->id; $game->save(); return Redirect::route('games.index')->with('message', 'Game added'); }
/** * Show the application dashboard to the user. * * @return Response */ public function index() { $games = Game::all()->take(20); $NewGames = Game::all()->reverse()->take(5); $FeatGames = Game::all()->take(5); return view('home', compact('games', 'NewGames', 'FeatGames')); }
public function challenges() { $startd = DB::table('Games')->select('start')->first(); $endd = DB::table('Games')->select('stop')->first(); if ($startd->start > Carbon::now()) { return view("pages.countdown"); } elseif ($endd->stop < Carbon::now()) { return view('pages.closed'); } $num_users = User::count(); $completed = Submitted_flag::count(); $num_challenges = Challenge::count(); $average_c = $completed / $num_users / $num_challenges * 100; $stats = array('num_users' => $num_users, 'completed' => $completed, 'average' => $average_c); $mycompleted = Submitted_flag::where('user_id', Auth::user()->id)->get()->toArray(); $game = Game::first(); $categories = Category::get(); $categories = $categories->toArray(); foreach ($categories as $category) { $challenges = Challenge::where('category_id', $category['id'])->orderby('point_value', 'ASC')->get()->toArray(); $categories[(int) $category['id'] - 1]['challenges'] = $challenges; } $directory = base_path() . '/public/Challenges_Repo/'; $files = scandir($directory); $startd = DB::table('Games')->select('start')->first(); if ($startd->start > Carbon::now()) { $start = true; } else { $start = false; } $data = array('user' => Auth::user(), 'game' => $game, 'categories' => $categories, 'stats' => $stats, 'files' => $files, 'completed' => $mycompleted, 'start' => $start); return view("pages.challenges")->with('data', $data); }
public function destroy($id) { // delete $game = Game::find($id); $game->delete(); return redirect('games'); }
public function scoreboard() { $results = DB::select(DB::raw("select as name, sum(challenges.point_value) as Total from users\n inner join submitted_flags\n on submitted_flags.user_id =\n inner join challenges\n on = submitted_flags.challenge_id\n group by\n order by Total DESC")); $game = Game::first(); $data = array('game' => $game, 'scores' => $results); return view('pages.scoreboard')->with('data', $data); }
public function postCalculateMatch($slug, $id, Request $request) { $tournament = KTournament::enabled()->whereSlug($slug)->first(); $match = KMatch::find($id); if (!$tournament || !$match) { abort(404); } //If has enough permissions or not if (!$request->user()->canManageTournament($tournament)) { return redirect()->home(); } if ($match->has_been_played) { return redirect()->route('', [$tournament->slug])->with('error', "Error! Already calculated, Plz contact admin for support"); } $collection = new Collection(); $i = 1; foreach ($request->game_id as $game_id) { //If game_id is 0 means game is not played if ($game_id == 0) { $game = new Game(); $game->game_index = $i; $game->is_played = false; } else { //Get the game $game = Game::findOrFail($game_id); $game->game_index = $i; $game->is_played = true; } $i++; $collection->push($game); } //dd($collection); return view('tournament.manage.getcalculate2')->with('tournament', $tournament)->with('match', $match)->with('games', $collection); }
public function show($id) { $game = Game::with('playthroughs', 'playthroughs.players')->find($id); $bgg = new \App\Bgg(); $api = $bgg->getBoardGame($game->bgg_id); return view('', ['game' => $game, 'details' => $api]); }
/** * Fills games table * */ public function run() { $faker = Faker::create(); foreach (range(1, 10) as $index) { Game::create(['name' => $faker->name(), 'abbreviation' => $faker->realText(10), 'type' => $faker->realText(100), 'description' => $faker->realText(255)]); } }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { DB::table('games')->delete(); Game::create(['id' => 1, 'score1' => 15, 'score2' => 0, 'minutes' => 10]); Game::create(['id' => 2, 'score1' => 15, 'score2' => 14, 'minutes' => 27]); Game::create(['id' => 3, 'score1' => 15, 'score2' => 4, 'minutes' => 20]); Game::create(['id' => 4, 'score1' => 15, 'score2' => 4, 'minutes' => 22]); Game::create(['id' => 5, 'score1' => 15, 'score2' => 10, 'minutes' => 33]); Game::create(['id' => 6, 'score1' => 15, 'score2' => 7, 'minutes' => 28]); /** Alexandra H. Battle Alamo */ /** Pro Rnd 1*/ Game::create(['id' => 7, 'score1' => 11, 'score2' => 7, 'minutes' => 28]); Game::create(['id' => 8, 'score1' => 11, 'score2' => 8, 'minutes' => 28]); Game::create(['id' => 9, 'score1' => 11, 'score2' => 8, 'minutes' => 28]); /** Pro Rnd 2*/ Game::create(['id' => 10, 'score1' => 11, 'score2' => 9, 'minutes' => 28]); Game::create(['id' => 11, 'score1' => 11, 'score2' => 7, 'minutes' => 28]); Game::create(['id' => 12, 'score1' => 2, 'score2' => 11, 'minutes' => 28]); Game::create(['id' => 13, 'score1' => 15, 'score2' => 13, 'minutes' => 28]); /** Open Rnd 1 */ Game::create(['id' => 14, 'score1' => 15, 'score2' => 1, 'minutes' => 10]); Game::create(['id' => 15, 'score1' => 15, 'score2' => 0, 'minutes' => 8]); /** Open Rnd 2 */ Game::create(['id' => 16, 'score1' => 15, 'score2' => 3, 'minutes' => 19]); Game::create(['id' => 17, 'score1' => 15, 'score2' => 1, 'minutes' => 14]); /** Open Rnd 3 */ Game::create(['id' => 18, 'score1' => 15, 'score2' => 4, 'minutes' => 22]); Game::create(['id' => 19, 'score1' => 15, 'score2' => 2, 'minutes' => 17]); /** Open Rnd 4 */ Game::create(['id' => 20, 'score1' => 15, 'score2' => 13, 'minutes' => 36]); Game::create(['id' => 21, 'score1' => 15, 'score2' => 11, 'minutes' => 32]); }
public function challenges() { /*$game = Game::first(); $categories = Category::get(); $categories = $categories->toArray(); foreach($categories as $category) { $challenges = Challenge::where('category_id', $category['id'])->get()->toArray(); $categories[(int)$category['id'] - 1]['challenges'] = $challenges; } $data = array('game' => $game, 'categories' => $categories);*/ $num_users = User::count(); $completed = Submitted_flag::count(); $num_challenges = Challenge::count(); $average_c = $completed / $num_users / $num_challenges * 100; $stats = array('num_users' => $num_users, 'completed' => $completed, 'average' => $average_c); $game = Game::first(); $categories = Category::get(); $categories = $categories->toArray(); foreach ($categories as $category) { $challenges = Challenge::where('category_id', $category['id'])->get()->toArray(); $categories[(int) $category['id'] - 1]['challenges'] = $challenges; } $directory = base_path() . '/public/Challenges_Repo/'; $files = scandir($directory); $data = array('user' => Auth::user(), 'game' => $game, 'categories' => $categories, 'stats' => $stats, 'files' => $files); return view("pages.challenges")->with('data', $data); }
/** * Run the migrations. * * @return void */ public function up() { Schema::create('packages', function(Blueprint $table) { $table->increments('id'); $table->integer('game_id')->unsigned(); $table->string('name')->unique(); $table->string('status')->nullable(); $table->timestamps(); $table->foreign('game_id') ->references('id') ->on('games') ->onDelete('cascade'); }); $games = Game::all(); foreach ($games as $i=>$game) { $temp = str_replace('', '', $game->download); $temp = str_replace('/app/', '', $temp); $check = Package::where('name', $temp)->first(); if (!$check) { Package::create([ 'game_id' => $game->id, 'name' => $temp ]); } } }
public function getShow($gameId) { $game = Game::findOrFail($gameId); $account = Account::where('user_id', '=', Auth::user()->id)->where('game_id', '=', $gameId)->first(); $servers = $game->servers()->paginate(10); return view('', ['game' => $game, 'account' => $account, 'servers' => $servers, 'page_title' => 'Game Detail']); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function store(Request $request) { $dt = new DateTime(); $req = $request->all(); $User = []; $Game = []; $User = User::where('facebook_id', $req["facebook_id"])->get(); $position_longitude = "-70.584075208"; $position_latitude = "-33.415208"; $full_name = $req["full_name"]; if ($User->count() > 0) { $UserNew = $User[0]->user_id; $full_name = $User[0]->full_name; $new = false; } else { $UserNew = DB::table('users')->insertGetId(['full_name' => $req["full_name"], 'name' => $req["last_name"], 'facebook_id' => $req["facebook_id"], 'facebook_token' => $req["facebook_token"], 'position_longitude' => $position_longitude, 'position_latitude' => $position_latitude]); $new = true; } $Game = Game::where('user_id', $UserNew)->where('finish', '0000-00-00 00:00:00')->get(); if ($Game->count() > 0) { $GameNew = $Game[0]->game_id; } else { $GameNew = DB::table('game')->insertGetId(['user_id' => $UserNew, 'start' => $dt->format('y-d-m H:i:s')]); } return response()->json(array('full_name' => $full_name, 'user_id' => $UserNew, 'game_id' => $GameNew, 'new' => $new)); }
public static function guess($id, $char) { $game = Game::where('status', self::BUSY)->findOrFail($id); $chars = $game->characters_guessed; if (in_array(strtolower($char), $chars)) { throw (new CharacterUsedException($char . ' has already been used'))->setGame($game); } if (strpos($game->word, $char) === false) { $game->tries_left--; } $chars[] = $char; $game->characters_guessed = $chars; if ($game->won()) { $game->status = self::SUCCESS; $game->save(); throw (new GameWonException('Congratulations! ' . $game->word . ' is the correct word.'))->setGame($game); } if ($game->tries_left <= 0) { $game->status = self::FAIL; $game->save(); throw (new GameOverException('You lost. The word was: ' . $game->word))->setGame($game); } $game->save(); return $game; }
public function createRoom(Request $request) { $createGame = Game::prepareCreateGame(Input::all()); $gameCreated = Game::create($createGame); $gameCreated->attachPlayersToGame(); return Redirect::to('gameLobby'); }
/** * Fills leagues table * */ public function run() { $faker = Faker::create(); foreach (range(1, 10) as $index) { $l = League::create(['name' => $faker->name(), 'abbreviation' => $faker->realText(10), 'description' => $faker->realText(150)]); $l->game()->associate(Game::first())->save(); //associate league with first game } }
/** * Display a listing of the resource. * * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function index() { $now = Carbon::now(); $offset = 0; $limit = 100; $game = new Game(); $summary = new GameSummary(); $client = new Client(['base_uri' => '', 'headers' => ['Accept' => 'application/vnd.twitchtv.v3+json'], 'timeout' => 5.0]); do { $summaryArray = []; $res = $client->request('GET', 'games/top', ['query' => ['offset' => $offset, 'limit' => $limit]]); $body = json_decode($res->getBody(), true); // dd($body); foreach ($body['top'] as $top) { // attempt to find game id $game = $game->where('twitch_id', $top['game']['_id'])->first(); // add game to games table if doesn't exist if (!$game) { $game = new Game(); $game->twitch_id = $top['game']['_id']; $game->giantbomb_id = $top['game']['giantbomb_id']; $game->name = $top['game']['name']; $game->box_small = $top['game']['box']['small']; $game->box_medium = $top['game']['box']['medium']; $game->box_large = $top['game']['box']['large']; $game->logo_small = $top['game']['logo']['small']; $game->logo_medium = $top['game']['logo']['medium']; $game->logo_large = $top['game']['logo']['large']; $game->save(); } // add game summary data $summaryArray[] = ['game_id' => $game->id, 'channels' => $top['channels'], 'viewers' => $top['viewers'], 'created_at' => $now]; } // insert game summary data $summary->insert($summaryArray); // dd($summaryArray); // increment offset $offset = $offset + $limit; } while (count($body['top']) > 0); // insert game summaries // $summary->insert($summaryArray); echo 'Done'; }
/** * Rate the specified Game. * * @param int $id * @return Response */ public function Rate($id) { if (isset($_POST['rate']) && !empty($_POST['rate'])) { $game = Game::findOrFail($id); $rating = new Rating(); $rating->rating = $_POST['rate']; $rating->user_id = Auth::user()->user_id; $game->ratings()->save($rating); } }
public function overview_games() { $games = \App\Game::all(); $gamesFromApi = new GiantBombApi(); $gamesArray = $gamesFromApi->getAllGames(); $tweetV = \App\Tweet::getStatusVlambeer(); $tweetR = \App\Tweet::getStatusRami(); $tweetJ = \App\Tweet::getStatusJan(); return view('pages.overview_games', compact('games', 'tweetV', 'tweetR', 'tweetJ', 'gamesArray')); }
/** * Run the database seeds. * * @return void */ public function run() { $faker = Faker::create('pt_PT'); /* $usersNick[] = User::lists('nickname'); $userCount = User::all()->count(); $max_nicks = count($usersNick);*/ for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++) { Game::insert(array('gameName' => $faker->numerify('Game#####'), 'gameOwner' => $faker->lastName, 'lines' => $faker->numberBetween(2, 10), 'columns' => $faker->numberBetween(2, 10), 'maxPlayers' => $faker->numberBetween(2, 10), 'joinedPlayers' => $faker->numberBetween(0, 2), 'isPrivate' => 0, 'status' => 'Waiting', 'winner' => null)); } }
/** * @param int $gameid * @return Response */ public function joinagame(Request $request, $gameid) { Session::put('player', '2'); Session::put('gameid', $gameid); $BS = new BSmodel(); $BS->joinGame(); $game = Game::find(Session::get('gameid')); PusherLaravel::trigger("{$game->player1id}", 'joined', ['id' => "{$game->player2id}", 'status' => 'joined']); return redirect()->route(''); }
public function destroy($gameId) { try { $game = Game::findOrFail($gameId); $game->delete(); } catch (Exception $e) { Session::flash('message', 'Fail : ' . $e->getMessage()); return Redirect::back(); } return Redirect::to(route('')); }
public function reset() { $game = null; $game_token = session('game_token'); if ($game_token) { $game = Game::where('token', $game_token)->latest()->first(); $game->finish_at = $game->freshTimestamp(); $game->save(); session('game_token', false); } return response()->json(['status' => true]); }
public function indexGames() { $games = Game::get(); $bgg = new \App\Bgg(); $uploadr = new \App\Uploadr(); foreach ($games as $game) { $url = 'http:' . $bgg->getGameImage($game->bgg_id); $path = $uploadr->uploadFromUrl($url, $game->id, 'game'); $game->photo = $path; $game->save(); } return redirect()->back(); }
/** * Store a newly created resource in storage. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Response */ public function store(Request $request) { $series = new Series(); $series->label = $request->label; $series->save(); $game1 = new Game(); $game1->score = $request->game1score; $game1->series_id = $series->id; $game1->series_game_number = 1; $game1->save(); $game2 = new Game(); $game2->score = $request->game2score; $game2->series_id = $series->id; $game2->series_game_number = 2; $game2->save(); $game3 = new Game(); $game3->score = $request->game3score; $game3->series_id = $series->id; $game3->series_game_number = 3; $game3->save(); return Redirect::route('series.index')->with('message', 'Series added'); }
/** * Run the migrations. * * @return void */ public function up() { Schema::table('games', function(Blueprint $table) { $table->string('slug', 32); }); $games = Game::all(); foreach( $games as $item ) { $item->slug = Str::limit( Str::slug( $item->title), 32, ''); $item->save(); } }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function handle() { $lien = $this->argument('lien'); $id = $this->argument('id'); if (is_array($lien)) { $lien = $lien[0]; } $game = xml_chp_renc($lien); foreach ($game->joueur as $joueur) { $compo = Composition::where('round_id', $id)->where('xja', $joueur->xja)->where('xjb', $joueur->xjb)->first(); if ($compo == null) { $compo = new Composition(); } $compo->round_id = $id; $compo->xja = $joueur->xja; $compo->xca = $joueur->xca; $compo->xjb = $joueur->xjb; $compo->xcb = $joueur->xcb; $compo->save(); } Game::where('round_id', $id)->update(['active' => 0]); $i = 1; foreach ($game->partie as $partie) { $game = Game::where('round_id', $id)->where('game', $i)->first(); if ($game == null) { $game = new Game(); } $game->round_id = $id; $game->game = $i; $game->ja = $partie->ja; $game->scorea = $partie->scorea; $game->jb = $partie->jb; $game->scoreb = $partie->scoreb; $game->active = 1; $game->save(); $i++; } }