public function onSCommand(CommandSender $c, Command $cc, $scmd, $data, array $args) { if (count($args) == 0) { return false; } $wname = implode(" ", $args); $old = $this->owner->getServer()->getConfigString("level-name"); if ($old == $wname) { $c->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED . mc::_("No change")); return true; } if (!$this->owner->autoLoad($c, $wname)) { $c->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED . mc::_("[MW] Unable to load %1%", $wname)); $c->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED . mc::_("Change failed!")); return true; } $level = $this->owner->getServer()->getLevelByName($wname); if ($level === null) { $c->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED . mc::_("Error GetLevelByName %1%")); return true; } $this->owner->getServer()->setConfigString("level-name", $wname); $this->owner->getServer()->setDefaultLevel($level); $c->sendMessage(TextFormat::BLUE . mc::_("Default world changed to %1%", $wname)); return true; }
public function onSCommand(CommandSender $c, Command $cc, $scmd, $data, array $args) { if (count($args) < 1 || count($args) > 4) { return false; } $world = array_shift($args); if ($this->owner->getServer()->isLevelGenerated($world)) { $c->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED . mc::_("[MW] A world named %1% already exists", $world)); return true; } $seed = null; $generator = null; $opts = []; if (isset($args[0])) { $seed = intval($args[0]); } if (isset($args[1])) { $generator = Generator::getGenerator($args[1]); if (strtolower($args[1]) != Generator::getGeneratorName($generator)) { $c->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED . mc::_("[MW] Unknown generator %1%", $args[1])); return true; } $c->sendMessage(TextFormat::GREEN . mc::_("[MW] Using %1%", Generator::getGeneratorName($generator))); } if (isset($args[2])) { $opts = ["preset" => $args[2]]; } $this->owner->getServer()->broadcastMessage(mc::_("[MW] Creating level %1%... (Expect Lag)", $world)); $this->owner->getServer()->generateLevel($world, $seed, $generator, $opts); $this->owner->getServer()->loadLevel($world); return true; }
/** * Dispatch commands using sub command table */ public function dispatchSCmd(CommandSender $sender, Command $cmd, array $args, $data = null) { if (count($args) == 0) { $sender->sendMessage(mc::_("No sub-command specified")); return false; } $scmd = strtolower(array_shift($args)); if (isset($this->aliases[$scmd])) { $scmd = $this->aliases[$scmd]; } if (!isset($this->executors[$scmd])) { $sender->sendMessage(mc::_("Unknown sub-command %2% (try /%1% help)", $cmd->getName(), $scmd)); return false; } if (isset($this->permission[$scmd])) { if (!$sender->hasPermission($this->permission[$scmd])) { $sender->sendMessage(mc::_("You are not allowed to do this")); return true; } } $callback = $this->executors[$scmd]; if ($callback($sender, $cmd, $scmd, $data, $args)) { return true; } if (isset($this->executors["help"])) { $callback = $this->executors["help"]; return $callback($sender, $cmd, $scmd, $data, ["usage"]); } return false; }
public function onSCommand(CommandSender $c, Command $cc, $scmd, $data, array $args) { if (count($args) != 0) { return false; } if (MPMU::apiVersion("1.12.0")) { $c->sendMessage(implode(", ", Generator::getGeneratorList())); } else { $c->sendMessage("normal, flat"); $c->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED . mc::_("[MW] Plugin provided world generators\n are not included in\n this list.")); } return true; }
public function onSCommand(CommandSender $c, Command $cc, $scmd, $data, array $args) { if (count($args) == 0) { return false; } $player = $c; if (count($args) > 1) { $player = $this->owner->getServer()->getPlayer($args[0]); if ($player !== null) { if (!MPMU::access($c, "")) { return true; } array_shift($args); } else { // Compatibility with old versions... $player = $this->owner->getServer()->getPlayer($args[count($args) - 1]); if ($player !== null) { if (!MPMU::access($c, "")) { return true; } array_pop($args); } else { $player = $c; } } } if (!MPMU::inGame($player)) { return true; } $wname = implode(" ", $args); if ($player->getLevel() == $this->owner->getServer()->getLevelByName($wname)) { $c->sendMessage($c == $player ? mc::_("You are already in %1%", $wname) : mc::_("%1% is already in %2%", $player->getName(), $wname)); return true; } if (!$this->owner->autoLoad($c, $wname)) { $c->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED . mc::_("Teleport failed")); return true; } $level = $this->owner->getServer()->getLevelByName($wname); if ($level === null) { $c->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED . mc::_("Error GetLevelByName %1%")); return true; } if ($c != $player) { $player->sendMessage(TextFormat::YELLOW . mc::_("Teleporting you to %1% by %2%", $wname, $c->getName())); } else { $c->sendMessage(TextFormat::GREEN . mc::_("Teleporting to %1%", $wname)); } $player->teleport($level->getSafeSpawn()); return true; }
public function autoLoad(CommandSender $c, $world) { if ($this->getServer()->isLevelLoaded($world)) { return true; } if ($c !== null && !MPMU::access($c, "")) { return false; } if (!$this->getServer()->isLevelGenerated($world)) { if ($c !== null) { $c->sendMessage(mc::_("[MW] No world with the name %1% exists!", $world)); } return false; } $this->getServer()->loadLevel($world); return $this->getServer()->isLevelLoaded($world); }
/** * Entry point for sub-commands. Will show the help or usage messages * * @param CommandSender $c - Entity issuing the command * @param Command $cc - actual command that was issued * @param str $scmd - sub-command being executed * @param mixed $data - Additional data passed to sub-command (global options) * @param str[] $args - arguments for sub-command */ public function onSCommand(CommandSender $c, Command $cc, $scmd, $data, array $args) { $cm = $this->owner->getSCmdMap(); $pageNumber = $this->getPageNumber($args); if (count($args)) { if ($args[0] == "usage") { if ($cm->getUsage($scmd) === null) { return false; } $c->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED . mc::_("Usage: ") . sprintf($this->fmt, $cc->getName(), $scmd, $cm->getUsage($scmd))); return true; } $txt = ["Help for " . $cc->getName()]; foreach ($args as $i) { if ($cm->getAlias($i) !== null) { $i = $cm->getAlias($i); } if ($cm->getHelpMsg($i) === null && $cm->getUsage($i) === null) { $txt[] = TextFormat::RED . mc::_("No help for %1%", $i); continue; } $txt[] = TextFormat::YELLOW . mc::_("Help: ") . TextFormat::WHITE . "/" . $cc->getName() . " {$i}"; if ($cm->getHelpMsg($i) !== null) { $txt[] = TextFormat::YELLOW . mc::_("Description: ") . TextFormat::WHITE . $cm->getHelpMsg($i); } if ($cm->getUsage($i) !== null) { $txt[] = TextFormat::YELLOW . mc::_("Usage: ") . TextFormat::WHITE . sprintf($this->fmt, $cc->getName(), $i, $cm->getUsage($i)); } } return $this->paginateText($c, $pageNumber, $txt); } $txt = [mc::_("Available sub-commands for %1%", $cc->getName())]; foreach ($cm->getHelp() as $cn => $desc) { $ln = TextFormat::GREEN . $cn; foreach ($cm->getAliases() as $i => $j) { if ($j == $cn) { $ln .= "|{$i}"; } } $ln .= ": " . TextFormat::WHITE . $desc; $txt[] = $ln; } return $this->paginateText($c, $pageNumber, $txt); }
private function mwWorldUnloadCmd(CommandSender $sender, $wname, $force) { if (MPMU::apiVersion("<1.12.0")) { // For old stuff... if ($wname == "--enable") { $this->owner->canUnload = true; $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::YELLOW . mc::_("[MW] Unload sub-command enabled")); $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::YELLOW . mc::_("[MW] To disable use: /mw unload --disable")); return true; } if ($wname == "--disable") { $this->owner->canUnload = false; $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::GREEN . mc::_("[MW] Unload sub-command disabled")); $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::GREEN . mc::_("[MW] To enable use: /mw unload --enable")); return true; } if (!$this->owner->canUnload) { $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED . mc::_("[MW] Unload sub-command is disabled by default")); $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED . mc::_("[MW] this is because that it usually causes the")); $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED . mc::_("[MW] server to CRASH!")); $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED . mc::_("[MW] To activate use:")); $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::BLUE . mc::_("- /mw unload --enable")); return true; } } // Actual implementation if (!$this->owner->getServer()->isLevelLoaded($wname)) { $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED . mc::_("[MW] %1% is not loaded.", $wname)); return true; } $level = $this->owner->getServer()->getLevelByName($wname); if ($level === null) { $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED . mc::_("[MW] Unable to get %1%", $wname)); return true; } if (!$this->owner->getServer()->unloadLevel($level, $force)) { if ($force) { $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED . mc::_("[MW] Unable to unload %1%", $wname)); } else { $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED . mc::_("[MW] Unable to unload %1%. Try -f", $wname)); } } else { $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::GREEN . mc::_("[MW] %1% unloaded.", $wname)); } return true; }
/** * Look-up player * @param CommandSender $req * @param str $n */ public static function getPlayer(CommandSender $c, $n) { $pl = $c->getServer()->getPlayer($n); if ($pl === null) { $c->sendMessage(mc::_("%1% not found", $n)); } return $pl; }
public function onSCommand(CommandSender $c, Command $cc, $scmd, $data, array $args) { if (count($args) == 0) { return false; } if ($scmd == "fixname") { $world = implode(" ", $args); $c->sendMessage(TextFormat::AQUA . mc::_("Running /mw lvdat %1% name=%1%", $world)); $args = [$world, "name={$world}"]; } $world = array_shift($args); if (!$this->owner->autoLoad($c, $world)) { $c->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED . mc::_("[MW] %1% is not loaded!", $world)); return true; } $level = $this->owner->getServer()->getLevelByName($world); if (!$level) { $c->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED . mc::_("[MW] Unexpected error")); return true; } //==== provider $provider = $level->getProvider(); $changed = false; $unload = false; foreach ($args as $kv) { $kv = explode("=", $kv, 2); if (count($kv) != 2) { $c->sendMessage(mc::_("Invalid element: %1%, ignored", $kv[0])); continue; } list($k, $v) = $kv; switch (strtolower($k)) { case "spawn": $pos = explode(",", $v); if (count($pos) != 3) { $c->sendMessage(mc::_("Invalid spawn location: %1%", implode(",", $pos))); continue; } list($x, $y, $z) = $pos; $cpos = $provider->getSpawn(); if (($x = intval($x)) == $cpos->getX() && ($y = intval($y)) == $cpos->getY() && ($z = intval($z)) == $cpos->getZ()) { $c->sendMessage(mc::_("Spawn location is unchanged")); continue; } $changed = true; $provider->setSpawn(new Vector3($x, $y, $z)); break; case "seed": if ($provider->getSeed() == intval($v)) { $c->sendMessage(mc::_("Seed unchanged")); continue; } $changed = true; $unload = true; $provider->setSeed($v); break; case "name": // LevelName String if ($provider->getName() == $v) { $c->sendMessage(mc::_("Name unchanged")); continue; } $changed = true; $unload = true; $provider->getLevelData()->LevelName = new String("LevelName", $v); break; case "generator": // generatorName(String) if ($provider->getLevelData()->generatorName == $v) { $c->sendMessage(mc::_("Generator unchanged")); continue; } $changed = true; $unload = true; $provider->getLevelData()->generatorName = new String("generatorName", $v); break; case "preset": // String("generatorOptions"); if ($provider->getLevelData()->generatorOptions == $v) { $c->sendMessage(mc::_("Preset unchanged")); continue; } $changed = true; $unload = true; $provider->getLevelData()->generatorOptions = new String("generatorOptions", $v); break; default: $c->sendMessage(mc::_("Unknown key %1%, ignored", $k)); continue; } } if ($changed) { $c->sendMessage(mc::_("Updating level.dat for %1%", $world)); $provider->saveLevelData(); if ($unload) { $c->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED . mc::_("CHANGES WILL NOT TAKE EFFECT UNTIL UNLOAD")); } } else { $c->sendMessage(mc::_("Nothing happens")); } return true; }
private function mwWorldDetails(CommandSender $sender, $world) { $txt = []; if ($this->owner->getServer()->isLevelLoaded($world)) { $unload = false; } else { if (!$this->owner->autoLoad($sender, $world)) { $sender->sendMessage(TextFormat::RED . mc::_("Error getting %1%", $world)); return null; } $unload = true; } $level = $this->owner->getServer()->getLevelByName($world); //==== provider $provider = $level->getProvider(); $txt[] = mc::_("Info for %1%", $world); $txt[] = TextFormat::AQUA . mc::_("Provider: ") . TextFormat::WHITE . $provider::getProviderName(); $txt[] = TextFormat::AQUA . mc::_("Path: ") . TextFormat::WHITE . $provider->getPath(); $txt[] = TextFormat::AQUA . mc::_("Name: ") . TextFormat::WHITE . $provider->getName(); $txt[] = TextFormat::AQUA . mc::_("Seed: ") . TextFormat::WHITE . $provider->getSeed(); $txt[] = TextFormat::AQUA . mc::_("Generator: ") . TextFormat::WHITE . $provider->getGenerator(); $gopts = $provider->getGeneratorOptions(); if ($gopts["preset"] != "") { $txt[] = TextFormat::AQUA . mc::_("Generator Presets: ") . TextFormat::WHITE . $gopts["preset"]; } $spawn = $provider->getSpawn(); $txt[] = TextFormat::AQUA . mc::_("Spawn: ") . TextFormat::WHITE . $spawn->getX() . "," . $spawn->getY() . "," . $spawn->getZ(); $plst = $level->getPlayers(); $lst = ""; if (count($plst)) { foreach ($plst as $p) { $lst .= (strlen($lst) ? ", " : "") . $p->getName(); } } $txt[] = TextFormat::AQUA . mc::_("Players(%1%):", count($plst)) . TextFormat::WHITE . $lst; // Check for warnings... if ($provider->getName() != $world) { $txt[] = TextFormat::RED . mc::_("Folder Name and Level.Dat names do NOT match"); $txt[] = TextFormat::RED . mc::_("This can cause intermitent problems"); if ($sender->hasPermission("mw.cmd.lvdat")) { $txt[] = TextFormat::RED . mc::_("Use: "); $txt[] = TextFormat::GREEN . mc::_("> /mw fixname %1%", $world); $txt[] = TextFormat::RED . mc::_("to fix this issue"); } } if ($unload) { $this->owner->getServer()->unloadLevel($level); } return $txt; }
/** * Dispatch commands using sub command table */ protected function dispatchSCmd(CommandSender $sender, Command $cmd, array $args, $data = null) { if ($this->scmdMap === null) { $sender->sendMessage(mc::_("No sub-commands available")); return false; } return $this->scmdMap->dispatchSCmd($sender, $cmd, $args, $data); }