  * Return parent invoice
  * @param void
  * @return Invoice
 function getInvoice()
     if ($this->invoice === false) {
         $this->invoice = Invoices::findById($this->getInvoiceId());
     // if
     return $this->invoice;
 * Handle on_dashboard_important_section event
 * @param NamedList $items
 * @param User $user
 * @return null
function invoicing_handle_on_dashboard_important_section(&$items, &$user)
    $company = $user->getCompany();
    // if user can manage invoices, list overdue invoices for all companies
    if ($user->getSystemPermission('can_manage_invoices')) {
        // if it's administrator list only overdue invoices
        if (($admin_overdue_invoices = Invoices::countOverdue()) > 0) {
            $items->add('admin_overdue_invoices', array('label' => $admin_overdue_invoices > 1 ? lang('<strong>:count</strong> overdue invoices for all companies', array('count' => $admin_overdue_invoices)) : lang('<strong>:count</strong> overdue invoice for all companies', array('count' => $admin_overdue_invoices)), 'class' => 'adminoverdue_invoices', 'icon' => get_image_url('important.gif'), 'url' => assemble_url('invoices')));
        // if
    // if
    // if user is company manager or can manage invoices show outstanding and overdue invoices for his company
    if ($user->isCompanyManager($company) || $user->getSystemPermission('can_manage_invoices')) {
        // Outstanding Invoices
        $issued_invoices_count = Invoices::countOutstanding($company);
        if ($issued_invoices_count > 0) {
            if ($issued_invoices_count == 1) {
                // if there is only one outstanding invoice, then link should open that very same invoice
                $issued_invoices = Invoices::findOutstanding($company, array(INVOICE_STATUS_ISSUED));
                $link_url = $issued_invoices[0]->getCompanyViewUrl();
                $label = lang('<strong>1</strong> outstanding invoice for your company');
            } else {
                // if there is multuple outstanding invoices, then link should open company invoices pages
                $link_url = assemble_url('people_company_invoices', array('company_id' => $company->getId()));
                $label = lang('<strong>:count</strong> outstanding invoices for your company', array('count' => $issued_invoices_count));
            // if
            $items->add('issued_invoices', array('label' => $label, 'class' => 'issued_invoices', 'icon' => get_image_url('icon_small.gif', INVOICING_MODULE), 'url' => $link_url));
        // if
        // Overdue Invoices
        $overdue_invoices_count = Invoices::countOverdue($company);
        if ($overdue_invoices_count > 0) {
            if ($overdue_invoices_count == 1) {
                // if there is only one overdue invoice, then link should open that very same invoice
                $overdue_invoices = Invoices::findOverdue($company, array(INVOICE_STATUS_ISSUED));
                $link_url = $overdue_invoices[0]->getCompanyViewUrl();
                $label = lang('<strong>1</strong> overdue invoice for your company');
            } else {
                // if there is multuple overdue invoices, then link should open company invoices pages
                $link_url = assemble_url('people_company_invoices', array('company_id' => $company->getId()));
                $label = lang('<strong>:count</strong> overdue invoices for your company', array('count' => $overdue_invoices));
            // if
            $items->add('overdue_invoices', array('label' => $label, 'class' => 'overdue_invoices', 'icon' => get_image_url('important.gif'), 'url' => $link_url));
        // if
    // if
 * Add options to main menu
 * @param Menu $menu
 * @param User $user
 * @return null
function invoicing_handle_on_build_menu(&$menu, &$user)
    $company = $user->getCompany();
    if ($user->getSystemPermission('can_manage_invoices')) {
        $menu->addToGroup(array(new MenuItem('invoicing', lang('Invoices'), assemble_url('invoices'), get_image_url('menu-icon.gif', INVOICING_MODULE), Invoices::countOverdue())), 'main');
    } else {
        if ($user->isCompanyManager($company)) {
            $menu->addToGroup(array(new MenuItem('invoicing', lang('Invoices'), assemble_url('people_company_invoices', array('company_id' => $user->getCompanyId())), get_image_url('menu-icon.gif', INVOICING_MODULE), Invoices::countByCompany($user->getCompany(), array(INVOICE_STATUS_ISSUED)))), 'main');
    // if
  * Get all task waiting to solve
  * By default project_id is selected
  * @return model list of invoices statistics amounts
 public function getStatistics()
     if (Yii::app()->user->getState('project_selected') != null) {
         return Invoices::model()->getInvoicesStatistics(Yii::app()->user->getState('project_selected'));
     } else {
         $Projects = Projects::model()->findMyProjects(Yii::app()->user->id);
         $projectList = array(0);
         foreach ($Projects as $project) {
             array_push($projectList, $project->project_id);
         return Invoices::model()->getInvoicesStatistics(implode(",", $projectList));
Example #5
 public function createInvoice()
     try {
         $_invoice = new Invoices();
         $_invoice->firstName = Session::get('checkout.address')[0]['firstName'];
         $_invoice->lastName = Session::get('checkout.address')[0]['lastName'];
         $_invoice->companyname = Session::get('checkout.address')[0]['companyname'];
         $_invoice->email = Session::get('checkout.address')[0]['email'];
         $_invoice->country = Session::get('checkout.address')[0]['country'];
         $_invoice->state = Session::get('checkout.address')[0]['state'];
         $_invoice->street = Session::get('checkout.address')[0]['street'];
         $_invoice->zipcode = Session::get('checkout.address')[0]['zipcode'];
         $_invoice->telephone = Session::get('checkout.address')[0]['telephone'];
         $_invoice->comment = Session::get('checkout.address')[0]['comment'];
         $_invoice->invoiceCreater = Session::get('checkout.payment')[0]['payment'];
         $_invoice->invoiceCreatedDate = date("Y-m-d");
         $_itemsCount = Cart::instance('shopping')->count();
         $_contentCart = Cart::instance('shopping')->content();
         $_contentTotal = Cart::instance('shopping')->total() + Cart::instance('shopping')->total() * 10 / 100;
         $_calculateinvoice = $this->getinvoicenumber();
         $_invoice->invoice = $_calculateinvoice;
         foreach ($_contentCart as $row) {
             $_resultData = DB::table('qlm_printerdetails')->where('detailId', $row->id)->get();
             $_invoicedetails = new InvoiceDetails();
             $_invoicedetails->product = $row->name;
             $_invoicedetails->quantity = $row->qty;
             $_invoicedetails->unitprice = $row->price;
             $_invoicedetails->gst = $row->price * 10 / 100;
             $_invoicedetails->total = $row->price * $row->qty + $row->price * $row->qty * 10 / 100;
             $_invoicedetails->invoice = $_calculateinvoice;
     } catch (Exception $_ex) {
         Log::info("\$\$\$ --- Error: " . $_ex . " --- \$\$\$");
Example #6
  * setLastInvoice
  * Set the last invoice number
  * @param $current_invoice_number
  * @return Doctrine Record
 public static function setLastInvoice($current_invoice_number)
     $isp_id = Shineisp_Registry::get('ISP')->isp_id;
     $isp_id = intval($isp_id);
     $increment = Invoices::sequentialIncrement();
     // Try to get last invoice number
     $record = Doctrine_Query::create()->select('setting_id')->from('InvoicesSettings is')->where('is.year = ?', date('Y'))->andWhere('is.isp_id = ?', $isp_id)->limit(1)->execute(array(), Doctrine_Core::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
     $record = array_shift($record);
     if ($record['setting_id'] > 0) {
         return Doctrine_Query::create()->update('InvoicesSettings')->set('next_number', $current_invoice_number + $increment)->where('year = ?', date('Y'))->andWhere('isp_id = ?', $isp_id)->execute();
     $InvoicesSettings = new self();
     $InvoicesSettings->next_number = $current_invoice_number + $increment;
     $InvoicesSettings->year = date('Y');
     $InvoicesSettings->isp_id = $isp_id;
  * Index page
  * @param void
  * @return null
 function index()
     js_assign('invoicing_precision', INVOICE_PRECISION);
     $this->wireframe->addBreadCrumb(lang('Invoicing'), assemble_url('admin'));
     $this->wireframe->addBreadCrumb(lang('Number Generator'), assemble_url('admin_invoicing_number'));
     // prepare javascript variables and counters for preview
     $pattern = Invoices::getInvoiceNumberGeneratorPattern();
     list($total_counter, $year_counter, $month_counter) = Invoices::getDateInvoiceCounters();
     $variable_year = date('Y');
     $variable_month = date('n');
     $variable_month_short = date('M');
     $variable_month_long = date('F');
     js_assign('pattern_variables', array(INVOICE_VARIABLE_CURRENT_YEAR => $variable_year, INVOICE_VARIABLE_CURRENT_MONTH => $variable_month, INVOICE_VARIABLE_CURRENT_MONTH_SHORT => $variable_month_short, INVOICE_VARIABLE_CURRENT_MONTH_LONG => $variable_month_long, INVOICE_NUMBER_COUNTER_TOTAL => $total_counter, INVOICE_NUMBER_COUNTER_YEAR => $year_counter, INVOICE_NUMBER_COUNTER_MONTH => $month_counter));
     $generator_data = $this->request->post('generator');
     if (!is_foreachable($generator_data)) {
         $generator_data = array('pattern' => Invoices::getinvoiceNumberGeneratorPattern());
     // if
     $this->smarty->assign(array('generator_data' => $generator_data));
     if ($this->request->isSubmitted()) {
         $errors = new ValidationErrors();
         $posted_pattern = array_var($generator_data, 'pattern', null);
         if (!trim($posted_pattern)) {
             $errors->addError(lang('Pattern is required'), 'pattern');
         // if
         if (strpos($posted_pattern, INVOICE_NUMBER_COUNTER_TOTAL) === false && strpos($posted_pattern, INVOICE_NUMBER_COUNTER_YEAR) === false && strpos($posted_pattern, INVOICE_NUMBER_COUNTER_MONTH) === false) {
             $errors->addError(lang('One of invoice counters is required (:total, :year, :month)', array('total' => INVOICE_NUMBER_COUNTER_TOTAL, 'year' => INVOICE_NUMBER_COUNTER_YEAR, 'month' => INVOICE_NUMBER_COUNTER_MONTH)), 'pattern');
         // if
         if ($errors->hasErrors()) {
             $this->smarty->assign(array('errors' => $errors));
         } else {
             flash_success('Pattern for invoice number generator is saved');
         // if
     // if
Example #8
 public function init()
     // Set the custom decorator
     $this->addElementPrefixPath('Shineisp_Decorator', 'Shineisp/Decorator/', 'decorator');
     $translate = Shineisp_Registry::get('Zend_Translate');
     $this->addElement('text', 'creationdate', array('filters' => array('StringTrim'), 'required' => true, 'label' => $translate->_('Date'), 'title' => $translate->_('eg: 01/11/2010'), 'decorators' => array('Bootstrap'), 'class' => 'form-control date', 'dateformat' => Settings::getJsDateFormat()));
     $this->addElement('select', 'invoice_id', array('label' => $translate->_('Invoice'), 'decorators' => array('Bootstrap'), 'class' => 'form-control'));
     $this->addElement('text', 'number', array('filters' => array('StringTrim'), 'required' => true, 'label' => $translate->_('Number'), 'decorators' => array('Bootstrap'), 'class' => 'form-control'));
     $this->addElement('text', 'total_net', array('filters' => array('StringTrim', 'LocalizedToNormalized'), 'label' => $translate->_('Total Net'), 'decorators' => array('Bootstrap'), 'class' => 'form-control'));
     $this->addElement('text', 'total_vat', array('filters' => array('StringTrim', 'LocalizedToNormalized'), 'label' => $translate->_('Total VAT'), 'decorators' => array('Bootstrap'), 'class' => 'form-control'));
     $this->addElement('text', 'total', array('filters' => array('StringTrim', 'LocalizedToNormalized'), 'label' => $translate->_('Total'), 'decorators' => array('Bootstrap'), 'class' => 'form-control'));
     $this->addElement('textarea', 'note', array('filters' => array('StringTrim'), 'label' => $translate->_('Note'), 'decorators' => array('Bootstrap'), 'class' => 'col-lg-12 form-control'));
     ############################### DETAILS #############################
     $this->addElement('text', 'quantity', array('filters' => array('StringTrim', 'LocalizedToNormalized'), 'label' => $translate->_('Quantity'), 'decorators' => array('Bootstrap'), 'class' => 'form-control'));
     $this->addElement('text', 'description', array('filters' => array('StringTrim'), 'label' => $translate->_('Description'), 'decorators' => array('Bootstrap'), 'class' => 'form-control'));
     $this->addElement('text', 'vat', array('filters' => array('StringTrim', 'LocalizedToNormalized'), 'label' => $translate->_('VAT'), 'decorators' => array('Bootstrap'), 'class' => 'form-control'));
     $this->addElement('text', 'price', array('filters' => array('StringTrim', 'LocalizedToNormalized'), 'label' => $translate->_('Price'), 'decorators' => array('Bootstrap'), 'class' => 'form-control'));
     $this->addElement('submit', 'save', array('required' => false, 'label' => $translate->_('Save'), 'decorators' => array('Bootstrap'), 'class' => 'btn'));
     $this->addElement('hidden', 'creditnote_id');
  * Deletes a particular model.
  * If deletion is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'admin' page.
  * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be deleted
 public function actionDelete($id)
     if (Yii::app()->request->isPostRequest) {
         // we only allow deletion via POST request
         $model = $this->loadModel($id);
         if (null == Invoices::model()->findByAttributes(array('template_id' => (int) $id))) {
             if ($model->delete()) {
                 $msg = 'Шаблон счета #' . $model->id . ' - ' . $model->name . ' удалён';
                 Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', $msg);
         } else {
             Yii::app()->user->setFlash('notice', 'Удаление невозможно. Шаблон счета #' . $model->id . ' - ' . $model->name . ' используется!');
         // if AJAX request (triggered by deletion via admin grid view), we should not redirect the browser
         if (!isset($_GET['ajax'])) {
             $this->redirect(isset($_POST['returnUrl']) ? $_POST['returnUrl'] : array('admin'));
     } else {
         throw new CHttpException(400, 'Invalid request. Please do not repeat this request again.');
  * Show billed / canceled company invoices
  * @param void
  * @return null
 function company()
     $status = $this->request->get('status') ? $this->request->get('status') : 'billed';
     $company = null;
     $company_id = $this->request->getId('company_id');
     if ($company_id) {
         $company = Companies::findById($company_id);
     // if
     if (instance_of($company, 'Company')) {
         $this->wireframe->addBreadCrumb($company->getName(), assemble_url('company_invoices', array('company_id' => $company->getId())));
     } else {
     // if
     if ($status == 'canceled') {
         $invoices = group_invoices_by_currency(Invoices::findByCompany($company, array(INVOICE_STATUS_CANCELED), 'closed_on DESC'));
     } else {
         $invoices = group_invoices_by_currency(Invoices::findByCompany($company, array(INVOICE_STATUS_BILLED), 'closed_on DESC'));
     // if
     $this->smarty->assign(array('company' => $company, 'invoices' => $invoices, 'status' => $status));
Example #11
    if (isset($_GET['id']) && is_numeric($_GET['id']) && $_GET['id']) {
        $logContent = 'Invoice Paid for InvoiceID:' . $_GET['id'];
        # Update DB
        $invoicesUpdate = new Invoices();
        $logresult = logEvent(26, $logContent);
        $done = 1;
if (isset($_GET['go']) && $_GET['go'] == "undopaid") {
    if (isset($_GET['id']) && is_numeric($_GET['id']) && $_GET['id']) {
        $logContent = 'Invoice marked UNPaid for InvoiceID:' . $_GET['id'];
        # Update DB
        $invoicesUpdate = new Invoices();
        $logresult = logEvent(26, $logContent);
        $done = 1;
// Define elements for the HTML Header include
$pagetitle = "Home";
$pagescript = array();
$pagestyle = array();
$query = isset($_GET['q']) && $_GET['q'] != '' ? $_GET['q'] : '';
$custid = isset($_GET['custid']) && is_numeric($_GET['custid']) && $_GET['custid'] > 0 ? $_GET['custid'] : '';
include "../tmpl/header.php";
  * Issue invoice
  * @param void
  * @return null
 function issue()
     $this->wireframe->print_button = false;
     if ($this->active_invoice->isNew()) {
     // if
     if (!$this->active_invoice->canIssue($this->logged_user)) {
     // if
     $company = $this->active_invoice->getCompany();
     if (!instance_of($company, 'Company')) {
     // if
     $issue_data = $this->request->post('issue');
     if (!is_array($issue_data)) {
         $issue_data = array('issued_on' => new DateValue(), 'due_on' => new DateValue('+7 days'));
     // if
     $company_managers = Users::findCompanyManagers($company);
     if (empty($company_managers)) {
         $this->wireframe->addPageMessage(lang('Sorry, there\'s nobody in :company_name to whom we can email the invoice', array('company_name' => $company->getName())), 'warning');
     // if
     $this->smarty->assign(array('company_managers' => $company_managers, 'users' => $company->getUsers(), 'company' => $company, 'issue_data' => $issue_data));
     if ($this->request->isSubmitted()) {
         $issued_on = isset($issue_data['issued_on']) ? new DateValue($issue_data['issued_on']) : new DateValue();
         $due_on = isset($issue_data['due_on']) ? new DateValue($issue_data['due_on']) : null;
         $this->active_invoice->setStatus(INVOICE_STATUS_ISSUED, $this->logged_user, $issued_on);
         if ($due_on) {
         // if
         $issue_to = null;
         $user_id = array_var($issue_data, 'user_id');
         if ($user_id) {
             $user = Users::findById($user_id);
             if (instance_of($user, 'User')) {
                 $issue_to = array($user);
                 if ($user->getId() != $this->logged_user->getId()) {
                     $issue_to[] = $this->logged_user;
                 // if
             // if
         // if
         $autogenerated = false;
         if (!$this->active_invoice->getNumber()) {
             $autogenerated = true;
         // if
         $save = $this->active_invoice->save();
         if ($save && !is_error($save)) {
             if ($autogenerated) {
             // if
             if (isset($issue_data['send_emails']) && $issue_data['send_emails']) {
                 if ($issue_to) {
                     $filename_name = 'invoice_' . $this->active_invoice->getId() . '.pdf';
                     $filename = WORK_PATH . '/' . $filename_name;
                     require_once INVOICING_MODULE_PATH . '/models/InvoicePdf.class.php';
                     InvoicePDF::save($this->active_invoice, $filename);
                     ApplicationMailer::send($issue_to, 'invoicing/issue', array('issued_by_name' => $this->logged_user->getDisplayName(), 'issued_by_url' => $this->logged_user->getViewUrl(), 'invoice_number' => $this->active_invoice->getNumber(), 'invoice_url' => $this->active_invoice->getCompanyViewUrl(), 'pdf_url' => $this->active_invoice->getCompanyPdfUrl()), null, array(array('path' => $filename)));
                 // if
             // if
             flash_success('Invoice has been issued');
         } else {
             $this->smarty->assign('errors', $issue);
         // if
     // if
Example #13
  * Deletes a particular model.
  * If deletion is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'admin' page.
  * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be deleted
 public function actionDelete($id)
     if (Yii::app()->request->isPostRequest) {
         // we only allow deletion via POST request
         $model = $this->loadModel($id);
         if (Payments::model()->count('order_id=' . $id) !== 0) {
             $transaction = Yii::app()->db->beginTransaction();
             try {
                 Contracts::model()->deleteAll('order_id=' . $id);
                 Acts::model()->deleteAll('order_id=' . $id);
                 Invoices::model()->deleteAll('order_id=' . $id);
                 InvoicesFkt::model()->deleteAll('order_id=' . $id);
                 Works::model()->deleteAll('order_id=' . $id);
                 $msg = 'Заказ #' . $model->id . ' - ' . $model->name . ' для ' . $model->client->name . ' и документы по нему удалёны';
                 Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', $msg);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $msg = 'Заказ #' . $model->id . ' - ' . $model->name . ' для ' . $model->client->name . ' - удаление не удалось';
                 Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', $msg);
         } else {
             $msg = 'Заказ #' . $model->id . ' - ' . $model->name . ' для ' . $model->client->name . ' - удаление невозможно. По этому заказу уже были проведены платежи';
             Yii::app()->user->setFlash('notice', $msg);
         // if AJAX request (triggered by deletion via admin grid view), we should not redirect the browser
         if (!isset($_GET['ajax'])) {
             $this->redirect(isset($_POST['returnUrl']) ? $_POST['returnUrl'] : array('admin'));
     } else {
         throw new CHttpException(400, 'Invalid request. Please do not repeat this request again.');
Example #14
 public function actionChangeOrder()
     $return_msg = '';
     //		Dumper::d($_POST['order_id']);die;
     if (Yii::app()->request->isAjaxRequest) {
         if (is_numeric($_POST['order_id'])) {
             $q = Invoices::model()->listData((int) $_POST['order_id']);
             if (count($q) > 0) {
                 foreach ($q as $key => $value) {
                     $haOptions[] = array('value' => $key, 'text' => $value);
                 $return_msg = json_encode($haOptions);
             } else {
                 $return_msg = json_encode('no');
         } else {
             $return_msg = '[{"value":"","text":"Некорректный формат запроса"}]';
     } else {
         $return_msg = '[{"value":"",text:"Некорректный формат запроса"}]';
     echo $return_msg;
Example #15

require_once './classes/Invoice.php';
$invoice = new Invoices();
$list = $invoice->get_send_invoice_page();
echo $list;
  * Show company invoices
  * @param void
  * @return null
 function index()
     $per_page = 30;
     $page = (int) $this->request->get('page');
     if ($page < 1) {
         $page = 1;
     // if
     $status = $this->request->get('status') ? $this->request->get('status') : 'active';
     if ($status == 'active') {
         $invoice_status = INVOICE_STATUS_ISSUED;
     } else {
         if ($status == 'paid') {
             $invoice_status = INVOICE_STATUS_BILLED;
         } else {
             if ($status == 'canceled') {
                 $invoice_status = INVOICE_STATUS_CANCELED;
     // if
     list($invoices, $pagination) = Invoices::paginateByCompany($this->active_company, array($invoice_status), $page, $per_page, 'due_on ASC, created_on DESC');
     $this->smarty->assign(array('invoices' => $invoices, 'pagination' => $pagination, 'status' => $status));
 public function actionpayredirect()
     if (!isset($_POST['id_bank'])) {
         Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', Yii::t('translation', 'Please select a bank'));
         $this->redirect(Yii::app()->request->baseUrl . "/deposit/");
     if (isset($_POST['amount']) && ($_POST['amount'] <= 0 or $_POST['amount'] > 10000)) {
         Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', Yii::t('translation', 'The amount cant be zero or more than 10000'));
         $this->redirect(Yii::app()->request->baseUrl . "/deposit/");
     if (isset($_POST['id_bank']) && isset($_POST['amount'])) {
         if ($_POST['amount'] <= 0 or $_POST['amount'] > 10000 or $_POST['id_bank'] == "") {
             Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', Yii::t('translation', 'Invalid amount or bank'));
             $this->redirect(Yii::app()->request->baseUrl . "/deposit/");
         $user = Yii::app()->user->data();
         $tran = new Transaction();
         $tran->id_user = $user->id;
         $tran->status = 0;
         $tran->type = 1;
         $tran->amount = $_POST['amount'];
         $tran->currency = "MXN";
         $tran->descr = "Deposito de pesos en tu cuenta usando astropay";
         $invo = new Invoices();
         $invo->id_user = $user->id;
         $invo->invoice_number = dechex(time());
         $invo->amount = $_POST['amount'];
         $invo->status = 0;
         $invo->id_bank = $_POST['id_bank'];
         $invo->name_bank = "Bank Test";
         $invo->id_country = "MX";
         $invo->id_currency = "MXN";
         $invo->descr = "Deposit via Astropay";
         $invo->id_cpf = "";
         $invo->id_sub_code = "";
         $invo->id_trans = $tran->id_trans;
         $return_url = "http://mercadobtx.com/deposit/return";
         $confirmation_url = "http://mercadobtx.com/deposit/confirm";
         $apd = new AstroPayDirect();
         $jdata = $apd->create($invo->invoice_number, $invo->amount, $user->id, $invo->id_bank, $invo->id_country, $invo->id_currency, $invo->descr, $invo->id_cpf, $invo->id_sub_code, $return_url, $confirmation_url, $response_type = 'json');
         $dat = json_decode($jdata);
         if ($dat->{"status"} == "OK") {
         } else {
             Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', Yii::t('translation', 'Returned error from Astropay') . " " . $dat->{"desc"});
             $this->redirect(Yii::app()->request->baseUrl . "/deposit/");
     $this->redirect(Yii::app()->request->baseUrl . "/deposit/");
Example #18

require_once './classes/Invoice.php';
$invoice = new Invoices();
$item = $_POST['item'];
$list = $invoice->search_invoice($item, true);
echo $list;

require_once './classes/Invoice.php';
$invoice = new Invoices();
$page = $_POST['id'];
$list = $invoice->get_paid_invoice_item($page);
echo $list;

require_once './classes/Invoice.php';
$invoice = new Invoices();
$id = $_POST['id'];
$list = $invoice->get_any_invoice_courses_by_category($id);
echo $list;
Example #21

require_once './classes/Invoice.php';
$invoice = new Invoices();
$list = $invoice->get_invoice_crednetials();
echo $list;

require_once './classes/Invoice.php';
$invoice = new Invoices();
$id = $_POST['id'];
$list = $invoice->get_any_invoice_users($id);
echo $list;

require_once './classes/Invoice.php';
$id = $_POST['id'];
$invoice = new Invoices();
$list = $invoice->get_invoice_course_by_category($id);
echo $list;

//Get a set of invoices
// SELECT * FROM invoices
foreach (Invoices::find() as $invoice) {
    //Get the customer related to the invoice
    // SELECT * FROM customers WHERE id = ?
    $customer = $invoice->customer;
    //Print his/her name
    echo $customer->name, "\n";
Example #25

require_once './classes/Invoice.php';
$invoice = new Invoices();
$phone = $_POST['phone'];
$fax = $_POST['fax'];
$email = $_POST['email'];
$site = $_POST['site'];
$list = $invoice->update_invoice_crednetials($phone, $fax, $email, $site);
echo $list;
Example #26

require_once './classes/Invoice.php';
$invoice = new Invoices();
$total = $invoice->get_open_invoices_total();
$list = $invoice->get_open_invoices();
echo $list;

<script type="text/javascript">

    $(document).ready(function () {

        $(function () {
                items: <?php 
echo $total;
                itemsOnPage: <?php 
echo $invoice->limit;
                cssStyle: 'light-theme'

        $("#pagination").click(function () {
            var page = $('#pagination').pagination('getCurrentPage');
            console.log('Page: ' + page);
            var url = "/lms/custom/invoices/get_open_invoice_item.php";

//Get some invoice
$invoice = Invoices::findFirst();
//Get the customer related to the invoice
$customer = $invoice->customer;
// Invoices::findFirst('...');
//Same as above
$customer = $invoice->getCustomer();
// Invoices::findFirst('...');

require_once './classes/Invoice.php';
$invoice = new Invoices();
$invoice_id = $_POST['invoice_id'];
$type = $_POST['type'];
$users_list = $_POST['users_list'];
$list = $invoice->attach_any_invoice_payment($invoice_id, $type, $users_list);
  * Creates a new model.
 public function actionCreate()
     // create Comments Object
     $model = new Comments();
     // if Comments form exist
     if (isset($_POST['Comments'])) {
         // set form elements to Comments model attributes
         $model->attributes = $_POST['Comments'];
         $module = Modules::model()->find(array('condition' => 't.module_name = :module_name', 'params' => array(':module_name' => $model->module_id)));
         // set module_id finded to model
         $model->module_id = $module->module_id;
         $project = Yii::app()->user->getState('project_selected');
         $model->project_id = $project;
         // validate and save
         if ($model->save()) {
             // create an instance of file uploaded
             $image = CUploadedFile::getInstancesByName('Comment');
             // if file upload exist
             if (count($image > 0)) {
                 // for each file uploaded
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($image); $i++) {
                     // create an Document object
                     $modeldocs = new Documents();
                     $modeldocs->image = $image[$i];
                     if (!$modeldocs->image->getError()) {
                         // name is formed by date(day+month+year+hour+minutes+seconds+dayofyear+microtime())
                         $this->tmpFileName = str_replace(" ", "", date('dmYHis-z-') . microtime());
                         // set the extension file uploaded
                         $extension = $modeldocs->image->getExtensionName();
                         // if no error saving file
                         if ($modeldocs->image->saveAs(self::FOLDERIMAGES . $this->tmpFileName . '.' . $extension)) {
                             $modeldocs->project_id = $project;
                             $modeldocs->document_name = substr($modeldocs->image->getName(), 0, 30);
                             $modeldocs->document_description = $model->comment_text;
                             $modeldocs->document_path = self::FOLDERIMAGES . $this->tmpFileName . '.' . $extension;
                             $modeldocs->document_revision = '1';
                             $modeldocs->document_uploadDate = date("Y-m-d");
                             $modeldocs->document_type = $modeldocs->image->getType();
                             $modeldocs->document_baseRevision = date('dmYHis');
                             $modeldocs->user_id = Yii::app()->user->id;
                             $modeldocs->comment_id = $model->primaryKey;
                             // save file uploaded as document
                             if ($modeldocs->save()) {
                                 Yii::app()->user->setFlash('CommentMessageSuccess', $modeldocs->image->getName() . " " . Yii::t('comments', 'UploadOk'));
                             } else {
                                 Yii::app()->user->setFlash('CommentMessage', $modeldocs->getErrors());
                         } else {
                             Yii::app()->user->setFlash('CommentMessage', $modeldocs->image->getName() . " " . Yii::t('comments', 'UploadError'));
                     } else {
                         Yii::app()->user->setFlash('CommentMessage', $modeldocs->image->error . " " . Yii::t('comments', 'UploadCheckErrors'));
             // save log
             $attributes = array('log_date' => date("Y-m-d G:i:s"), 'log_activity' => 'CommentPosted', 'log_resourceid' => $model->comment_resourceid, 'log_type' => Logs::LOG_COMMENTED, 'log_commentid' => $model->primaryKey, 'user_id' => Yii::app()->user->id, 'module_id' => $module->module_name, 'project_id' => $project);
             // find project managers to sent comment via mail
             $recipientsList = array();
             $ProjectManagers = Projects::model()->findManagersByProject($project);
             $managersArray = array();
             foreach ($ProjectManagers as $manager) {
                 $managersArray['email'] = $manager->user_email;
                 $managersArray['name'] = $manager->CompleteName;
                 array_push($recipientsList, $managersArray);
             // find task owners to send comment via mail
             if ($module->module_name == 'tasks') {
                 $collaborators = Projects::model()->findAllUsersByProject($project);
                 $ColaboratorsArray = array();
                 foreach ($collaborators as $colaborator) {
                     $ColaboratorsArray['email'] = $colaborator->user_email;
                     $ColaboratorsArray['name'] = $colaborator->CompleteName;
                     // avoid to repeat email address
                     if (!in_array($ColaboratorsArray, $recipientsList)) {
                         array_push($recipientsList, $ColaboratorsArray);
             // finding resource title
             switch ($module->module_name) {
                 case "budgets":
                     $resourceModelTitle = Budgets::model()->findByPk($model->comment_resourceid)->budget_title;
                 case "invoices":
                     $resourceModelTitle = Invoices::model()->findByPk($model->comment_resourceid)->invoice_number;
                 case "expenses":
                     $resourceModelTitle = Expenses::model()->findByPk($model->comment_resourceid)->expense_name;
                 case "documents":
                     $resourceModelTitle = Documents::model()->findByPk($model->comment_resourceid)->document_name;
                 case "milestones":
                     $resourceModelTitle = Milestones::model()->findByPk($model->comment_resourceid)->milestone_title;
                 case "cases":
                     $resourceModelTitle = Cases::model()->findByPk($model->comment_resourceid)->case_name;
                 case "tasks":
                     $resourceModelTitle = Tasks::model()->findByPk($model->comment_resourceid)->task_name;
                     $resourceModelTitle = "{empty}";
             // get project information
             $project = Projects::model()->findByPk($project);
             // prepare template to send via email
             $str = $this->renderPartial('//templates/comments/created', array('model' => $model, 'projectName' => $project->project_name, 'userposted' => Yii::app()->user->CompleteName, 'resourceTitle' => $resourceModelTitle, 'moduleName' => Yii::t('modules', $module->module_name), 'applicationName' => Yii::app()->name, 'applicationUrl' => Yii::app()->createAbsoluteUrl($module->module_name . '/view', array('id' => $model->comment_resourceid))), true);
             $mailer = new yiiPhpMailer();
             $subject = Yii::t('email', 'CommentPosted') . " - " . $project->project_name . " - " . Yii::t('modules', $module->module_name);
             $mailer->pushMail($subject, $str, $recipientsList, Emails::PRIORITY_NORMAL);
         } else {
             Yii::app()->user->setFlash('CommentMessage', Yii::t('comments', 'RequiredComment'));
     $this->redirect(Yii::app()->createUrl($_GET['module'] . '/' . $_GET['action'], array('id' => $_GET['id'], '#' => 'comment-' . $model->primaryKey)));
  * Generates invoice id by invoice pattern
  * @param null
  * @return string
 function generateInvoiceId()
     // retrieve pattern
     $pattern = Invoices::getInvoiceNumberGeneratorPattern();
     // retrieve counters
     list($total_counter, $year_counter, $month_counter) = Invoices::getDateInvoiceCounters();
     // retrieve variables
     $variable_year = date('Y');
     $variable_month = date('n');
     $variable_month_short = date('M');
     $variable_month_long = date('F');
     $generated_invoice_id = str_ireplace(array(INVOICE_NUMBER_COUNTER_TOTAL, INVOICE_NUMBER_COUNTER_YEAR, INVOICE_NUMBER_COUNTER_MONTH, INVOICE_VARIABLE_CURRENT_YEAR, INVOICE_VARIABLE_CURRENT_MONTH, INVOICE_VARIABLE_CURRENT_MONTH_SHORT, INVOICE_VARIABLE_CURRENT_MONTH_LONG), array($total_counter, $year_counter, $month_counter, $variable_year, $variable_month, $variable_month_short, $variable_month_long), $pattern);
     return $generated_invoice_id;