Example #1
function parseHTML($html, $simplify = false)
    // reads and echos HTML (text) ... simple? not so fast, this must validate to echo, so if the HTML is broken, it will echo what CAN be understood
    // returns false if unable to parse
    $xObj = new xmlHandler();
    $html = $xObj->parseXML($html, array(C_XML_LAX => true, C_XML_REMOVECOMMENTS => true), false, true);
    // don't parse parameters, silent
    if ($html !== false) {
        $ok = $xObj->outputHTML($html, false, true, $simplify);
        if ($ok !== false) {
            return $ok;
    } else {
    return false;
Example #2
if (!function_exists("fget")) {
    include_once CONS_PATH_INCLUDE . "loadURL.php";
if (!function_exists("xmlParamsParser")) {
    include_once CONS_PATH_INCLUDE . "xmlHandler.php";
$feed = loadURL($url);
// reads feed
$output = array();
if ($feed !== false) {
    // valid content
    $feedXML = new xmlHandler();
    // parses into XML
    $feed = $feedXML->parseXML($feed[1], array(C_XML_RAW => true, C_XML_AUTOPARSE => true, C_XML_LAX => true, C_XML_REMOVECOMMENTS => true));
    // locates CHANNEL or channel (could skip this and get only items)
    $channel = $feed->getNode("CHANNEL");
    if ($channel === false) {
        $channel = $feed->getNode("channel");
    if ($channel !== false) {
        // found channel
        $items = $channel[0]->getNode("ITEM");
        // <-- note this supports only the first channel
        if ($items == false) {
            $items = $channel->getNode("item");
        // locate item's
        if ($items !== false) {
            // found them!
Example #3
 function loadMetadata()
     if (!$this->debugmode) {
         return parent::loadMetadata();
     $this->log = array();
     // we don't want the above "log" to cause an abort (yes, this function uses the log size to confirm an error - lame but extremelly effective)
     $this->allModulesLoaded = true;
     # initial clean up and check
     if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_TEMP)) {
     if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_CACHE)) {
     if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_DINCONFIG)) {
     if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_CACHE . "locale/")) {
         safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_CACHE . "locale/");
     if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_LOGS)) {
     if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_LOGS . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/")) {
         safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_LOGS . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/");
     if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_DINCONFIG . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/")) {
         safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_DINCONFIG . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/");
     if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/")) {
         safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/");
     if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/meta/")) {
         safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/meta/");
     if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/meta/locale")) {
         safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/meta/locale/");
     if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/")) {
         safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/");
     if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/actions/")) {
         safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/actions");
     if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/content/")) {
         safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/content");
     if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/_config/locale/")) {
         safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/_config/locale");
     if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/files/")) {
         safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/files");
     if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/template/")) {
         safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/template");
         copy(CONS_PATH_SETTINGS . "defaults/basefile.html", CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/template/basefile.html");
         copy(CONS_PATH_SETTINGS . "defaults/index.html", CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/template/index.html");
     if (!is_dir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/mail/")) {
         safe_mkdir(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/mail");
     # Dimconfig
     if (is_file(CONS_PATH_DINCONFIG . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/din.dat")) {
         $this->dimconfig = unserialize(cReadFile(CONS_PATH_DINCONFIG . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/din.dat"));
     if ($this->dimconfig === false) {
         $this->dimconfig = array();
     # Error on load
     # clear the meta cache
     if (!$this->offlineMode) {
         $files = listFiles(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/meta/");
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             if (is_file(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/meta/" . $file)) {
                 @unlink(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/meta/" . $file);
         if (!$this->checkinstall()) {
             $this->errorControl->raise(118, array_unshift($this->log));
         if (isset($_REQUEST['nocache'])) {
             recursive_del(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/pages/", true);
             recursive_del(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/", false, 'cache');
     # If no database, we are done
     if ($this->dbless) {
         return count($this->log) == 0;
     # Search all necessary model files
     $parseXMLparams = array(C_XML_RAW => true, C_XML_AUTOPARSE => true, C_XML_REMOVECOMMENTS => true);
     $xml = new xmlHandler();
     $model = is_file(CONS_PATH_SETTINGS . "default.xml") ? cReadFile(CONS_PATH_SETTINGS . "default.xml") . "\n" : '';
     foreach ($this->loadedPlugins as $scriptName => $scriptObj) {
         if (is_file(CONS_PATH_SYSTEM . "plugins/" . $scriptName . "/meta.xml")) {
             $model .= cReadFile(CONS_PATH_SYSTEM . "plugins/" . $scriptName . "/meta.xml") . "\n";
     if (is_file(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/_config/meta.xml")) {
         $model .= cReadFile(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/_config/meta.xml") . "\n";
     $model = $xml->parseXML($model, $parseXMLparams, true);
     if ($model === false) {
     # browses the XML and loads modules
     $model =& $model->getbranch(0);
     $total = $model->total();
     $relation = array();
     # foreign keys are only created later
     $lastLoad = "";
     for ($c = 0; $c < $total; $c++) {
         # for each module ...
         $thisbranch =& $model->getbranch($c);
         $total_campos = $thisbranch->total();
         # creates the module as from XML settings
         $module = strtolower($thisbranch->data[0]);
         $param =& $thisbranch->data[1];
         $dbname = strtolower(isset($param['dbname']) ? $param['dbname'] : '');
         foreach ($this->modules as $name => $otherModule) {
             if ($otherModule->dbname == $dbname && $dbname != "" && $module != $otherModule->name) {
                 $this->errorControl->raise(120, $otherModule->name, $name, $dbname);
         if ($module == '') {
             $this->errorControl->raise(107, $dbname, "XML error", "Module after {$lastLoad} is corrupt");
         $this->loadModule($module, $dbname);
         $lastLoad = $module;
         # loads standard data from this object ---------------------------------------------------------------------
         # read parameters for the MODULE
         foreach ($this->moduleOptions as $mo) {
             $this->modules[$module]->options[$mo[0]] = $mo[3] != '' ? array() : '';
         if (is_array($param)) {
             foreach ($param as $pkey => $pcontent) {
                 $pkey = strtolower($pkey);
                 switch ($pkey) {
                     case "key":
                     case "keys":
                         # will use default auto_increment "id" if none specified. If you specify more than one, none will be auto_increment and the system will use auto-numbering
                         $this->modules[$module]->keys = explode(",", $pcontent);
                     case "title":
                         $this->modules[$module]->title = strtolower($pcontent);
                     case "volatile":
                         # this module can be deleted as a stand-alone volatile item
                         $this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_VOLATILE] = strtolower($pcontent) == "true";
                     case "parent":
                         $this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_PARENT] = strtolower($pcontent);
                         // field which denotes parenthood
                     case "plugins":
                     case "plugin":
                         $this->modules[$module]->plugins = explode(",", strtolower($pcontent));
                     case "order":
                         $this->modules[$module]->order = trim(strtolower($pcontent));
                     case "permissionoverride":
                         if (strlen($pcontent) >= 9) {
                             $this->modules[$module]->permissionOverride = substr(strtolower($pcontent), 0, 9);
                     case "linker":
                         $this->modules[$module]->linker = true;
                     case "systemmodule":
                         $this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_SYSTEM] = true;
                     case "autoclean":
                         $this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_AUTOCLEAN] = $pcontent;
                     case "meta":
                         $this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_META] = $pcontent;
                     case "disallowmultiple":
                         if (strtolower($pcontent) == "true") {
                             $this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_DISALLOWMULTIPLE] = true;
                         } else {
                     case "noundo":
                         if (strtolower($pcontent) == "true") {
                             $this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_NOUNDO] = true;
                         } else {
                         if ($pkey != "name" && $pkey != "dbname") {
                             $isMO = false;
                             foreach ($this->moduleOptions as $mo) {
                                 if ($mo[1] == $pkey) {
                                     $isMO = true;
                                     if ($mo[2]) {
                                         $pcontent = strtolower($pcontent);
                                     if ($mo[3] != '') {
                                         $pcontent = explode($mo[3], $pcontent);
                                     $this->modules[$module]->options[$mo[0]] = $pcontent;
                             if (!$isMO) {
                                 $this->modules[$module]->options[$pkey] = $pcontent;
         if ($this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_PARENT] != '' && strpos($this->modules[$module]->order, $this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_PARENT]) === false) {
             # in tree mode, the field that defines parenthood must be in the order clause, the first if possible
             $this->modules[$module]->order = $this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_PARENT] . "+" . ($this->modules[$module]->order != '' ? "," . $this->modules[$module]->order : '');
         # -- ok on reading parameters
         $campos = array();
         $mandatory = 0;
         # browse FIELDS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         for ($campo = 0; $campo < $total_campos; $campo++) {
             $thiscampo =& $thisbranch->getbranch($campo);
             ## processParameters #########################################
             $campos = $this->processParameters($thiscampo, $campos, $module);
             $nomecampo = strtolower($thiscampo->data[0]);
             if ($campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_TIPO] == CONS_TIPO_LINK) {
                 array_push($relation, array($module, $nomecampo, $campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_MODULE]));
                 // if this is a non-mandatory link to myself, called "id_parent", and I don't have parent ... well .. obviously this is it
                 if ($campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_MODULE] == $module && !isset($campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_MANDATORY]) && $nomecampo == "id_parent" && $this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_PARENT] == '') {
                     $this->modules[$module]->options[CONS_MODULE_PARENT] = $nomecampo;
             } else {
                 if ($campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_TIPO] == CONS_TIPO_SERIALIZED) {
                     // browse fields looking for links
                     foreach ($campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL] as $exname => &$exfield) {
                         if ($exfield[CONS_XML_TIPO] == CONS_TIPO_LINK) {
                             array_push($relation, array($module, $nomecampo . ":" . $exname, $exfield[CONS_XML_MODULE]));
             # checks if this field can be NULL or NOT depending on options and mandatory setting
             if (isset($campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_SQL]) && $campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_SQL] != "") {
                 # relation will not be set
                 if (isset($campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_MANDATORY]) || $campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_TIPO] == CONS_TIPO_OPTIONS || isset($campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_DEFAULT])) {
                     $campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_SQL] .= " NOT NULL";
                 } else {
                     $campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_SQL] .= " NULL";
                 if (isset($campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_DEFAULT])) {
                     $campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_SQL] .= " DEFAULT '" . $campos[$nomecampo][CONS_XML_DEFAULT] . "'";
         # this module has a database (it's possible to have modules without a database)
         if ($this->modules[$module]->dbname != "") {
             # checks standard key "id" if no key specified
             if (in_array("id", $this->modules[$module]->keys) && !isset($this->modules[$module]->fields['id']) && !isset($campos['id'])) {
                 if ($this->modules[$module]->linker) {
                     $this->modules[$module]->keys = array();
                     $keys = 0;
                     foreach ($campos as $fieldname => $fieldobj) {
                         if (isset($fieldobj[CONS_XML_MODULE])) {
                             $this->modules[$module]->keys[] = $fieldname;
                             if ($keys == 2) {
                 } else {
                     $campos['id'][CONS_XML_SQL] = "INT (11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL" . (count($this->modules[$module]->keys) <= 1 ? " AUTO_INCREMENT" : "");
                     $campos['id'][CONS_XML_TIPO] = CONS_TIPO_INT;
                     if (count($this->modules[$module]->keys) > 1) {
                         $campos['id'][CONS_XML_RESTRICT] = 99;
             # -- keys (this is done to prevent repeated keys)
             $chave = $this->modules[$module]->keys;
             $this->modules[$module]->keys = array();
             foreach ($chave as $x => $di) {
                 if (!in_array($di, $this->modules[$module]->keys) && $di != "") {
                     array_push($this->modules[$module]->keys, $di);
             # if this is a re-definition, will TOTALLY overright the fields (you can redefine fields from the default.xml on the meta.xml)
             $this->modules[$module]->fields = array_merge($this->modules[$module]->fields, $campos);
             # -- makes sure all keys are mandatory and present
             foreach ($this->modules[$module]->keys as $x => $chave) {
                 if (!isset($this->modules[$module]->fields[$chave])) {
                     array_push($this->log, "Key not defined, considering INT 11, please fix the XML: {$module}.{$chave}");
                     $this->modules[$module]->fields[$chave] = array("CONS_XML_SQL" => "INT (11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL", "CONS_XML_TIPO" => CONS_TIPO_INT);
                 $this->modules[$module]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_MANDATORY] = true;
                 // vc keys without case specified, force ucase
                 if ($this->modules[$module]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_TIPO] == CONS_TIPO_VC && !isset($this->modules[$module]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_SPECIAL])) {
                     $this->modules[$module]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_SPECIAL] = "ucase";
     # -- foreach module
     $total_relacoes = count($relation);
     # check our relationship counts and build proper fields or support tables -------------
     for ($c = 0; $c < $total_relacoes; $c++) {
         $rel = $relation[$c];
         # relation: MODULE => FIELD => MODULE or MODULE => SFIELD:FIELD => MODULE for serialized fields
         if (!isset($this->modules[$rel[0]]) || !isset($this->modules[$rel[2]])) {
             array_push($this->log, "Error (pass 1) trying to build foreign keys from '" . $rel[0] . "' to '" . $rel[2] . "' at " . $rel[1] . ": one of the modules do not exist, ignoring relation");
         } else {
             $sfield = "";
             if (strpos($rel[1], ":") !== false) {
                 #serialized field
                 $field = explode(":", $field);
                 $sfield = $field[0];
                 $field = $field[1];
             } else {
                 $field = $rel[1];
             if (substr($field, 0, 3) != "id_") {
                 array_push($this->log, "All relations to another modules MUST start with id_ on " . $rel[0] . "' to '" . $rel[2] . "' at " . $rel[1] . ": should be id_" . $field . " ?");
             if ($sfield == '') {
                 $this->modules[$rel[2]]->volatile = false;
             # keeps volatile if linked from serialized (a.k.a. serialized links are not safe, because they are meant to be dinamic)
             foreach ($this->modules[$rel[2]]->keys as $x => $chave) {
                 # will create required keys for foreign table, except any one in common with this table
                 if ($chave == "id" || !isset($this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$chave])) {
                     # only standard id exists (always link it), or it's not a standard key ... still have to test if it's not a key to this table
                     # basically, this will create the second+ keys on multikey relations
                     if (!($this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_TIPO] == CONS_TIPO_LINK && $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_MODULE] == $rel[0])) {
                         # ok not a key to this table (the FOREING key is not this table, pay attention! this will still be true for id_parent)
                         if ($sfield == "") {
                             # normal
                             if ($chave == "id") {
                                 # uses the name that came in the XML model
                                 if (!isset($this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field])) {
                                     $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field] = array();
                                 $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_SQL] = str_replace("AUTO_INCREMENT", "", $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_SQL]);
                                 $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_TIPO] = CONS_TIPO_LINK;
                                 $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_LINKTYPE] = $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_TIPO] != CONS_TIPO_LINK ? $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_TIPO] : CONS_TIPO_INT;
                                 $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_MODULE] = $rel[2];
                                 # the creation system might have added this already, that's why testing before resetting the array
                                 if (isset($this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_JOIN]) && $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_JOIN] == "inner" || isset($this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_MANDATORY])) {
                                     // is set join to INNER or is explicitly mandatory, make sure both are set
                                     $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_MANDATORY] = true;
                                     if ($x == 0) {
                                         $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_JOIN] = "inner";
                                 } else {
                                     // no join mode set (defaults to left), set to left, and no explicit mandatory tag
                                     if ($x == 0) {
                                         $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_JOIN] = "left";
                                     $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_SQL] = str_replace("NOT NULL", "NULL", $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_SQL]);
                             } else {
                                 if ($x == 0) {
                                     $nome = $field;
                                     # first key keeps the original name
                                     $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_LINKTYPE] = $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_TIPO] != CONS_TIPO_LINK ? $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_TIPO] : CONS_TIPO_INT;
                                 } else {
                                     $nome = $field . "_" . str_replace("id_", "", $chave);
                                 # creates a composition with the model name and the foreign name
                                 $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$nome][CONS_XML_SQL] = str_replace("AUTO_INCREMENT", "", $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_SQL]);
                                 $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$nome][CONS_XML_TIPO] = $x == 0 ? CONS_TIPO_LINK : $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_TIPO];
                                 $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$nome][CONS_XML_MODULE] = isset($this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_MODULE]) ? $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_MODULE] : $rel[2];
                                 if (isset($this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_JOIN]) && $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_JOIN] == "inner" || isset($this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$nome][CONS_XML_MANDATORY])) {
                                     $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$nome][CONS_XML_MANDATORY] = true;
                                     if ($x == 0) {
                                         $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$nome][CONS_XML_JOIN] = "inner";
                                 } else {
                                     if ($x == 0) {
                                         $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$nome][CONS_XML_JOIN] = "left";
                                     $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$nome][CONS_XML_SQL] = str_replace("NOT NULL", "NULL", $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$nome][CONS_XML_SQL]);
                         } else {
                             # serialized
                             if ($chave == "id") {
                                 # uses the name that came in the XML model
                                 if (!isset($this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$field])) {
                                     $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$field] = array();
                                 $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$field][CONS_XML_SQL] = str_replace("AUTO_INCREMENT", "", $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_SQL]);
                                 $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$field][CONS_XML_TIPO] = CONS_TIPO_LINK;
                                 $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$field][CONS_XML_LINKTYPE] = $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_TIPO] != CONS_TIPO_LINK ? $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_TIPO] : CONS_TIPO_INT;
                                 $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$field][CONS_XML_MODULE] = $rel[2];
                                 # serialized links cannot be "inner"
                                 $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$field][CONS_XML_JOIN] = "left";
                                 if (isset($this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$field][CONS_XML_MANDATORY])) {
                                     $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$field][CONS_XML_MANDATORY] = true;
                                 } else {
                                     $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$field][CONS_XML_SQL] = str_replace("NOT NULL", "NULL", $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$field][CONS_XML_SQL]);
                             } else {
                                 if ($x == 0) {
                                     $nome = $field;
                                     # first key keeps the original name
                                     $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$field][CONS_XML_LINKTYPE] = $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_TIPO] != CONS_TIPO_LINK ? $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_TIPO] : CONS_TIPO_INT;
                                 } else {
                                     $nome = $field . "_" . str_replace("id_", "", $chave);
                                 # creates a composition with the model name and the foreign name
                                 $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$nome][CONS_XML_SQL] = str_replace("AUTO_INCREMENT", "", $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_SQL]);
                                 $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$nome][CONS_XML_TIPO] = $x == 0 ? CONS_TIPO_LINK : $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_TIPO];
                                 $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$nome][CONS_XML_MODULE] = isset($this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_MODULE]) ? $this->modules[$rel[2]]->fields[$chave][CONS_XML_MODULE] : $rel[2];
                                 # serialized links cannot be "inner"
                                 $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$nome][CONS_XML_JOIN] = "left";
                                 if (isset($this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$nome][CONS_XML_MANDATORY])) {
                                     $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$nome][CONS_XML_MANDATORY] = true;
                                 } else {
                                     $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$nome][CONS_XML_SQL] = str_replace("NOT NULL", "NULL", $this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$sfield][CONS_XML_SERIALIZEDMODEL][$nome][CONS_XML_SQL]);
                         # sfield?
                 # secondary (multikey)?
             # foreach
             if (!isset($this->modules[$rel[0]]->fields[$field][CONS_XML_SQL])) {
                 array_push($this->log, "Error (pass 2) trying to build foreing keys from " . $rel[0] . " to " . $rel[2] . " at " . $field . ": ignoring relation");
     # foreach for relations
     // now some automatic settings since all modules are loaded, and consistency check on build, partOf, etc ---------------------
     $cacheLinkNum = array();
     // module => modules which link to this
     foreach ($this->modules as $mname => &$module) {
         $links = 0;
         $fieldsRequiredToLinks = 0;
         foreach ($module->fields as $name => $field) {
             // check for linker modules
             if ($field[CONS_XML_TIPO] == CONS_TIPO_LINK && $field[CONS_XML_MODULE] != $mname) {
                 // links to OTHER link not myself
                 # do not count PARENTS as links
                 $fieldsRequiredToLinks += count($this->modules[$field[CONS_XML_MODULE]]->keys);
                 # a module can have more than one key, thus to know if this module is a linker module, we need to check if ALL THIS HAVE are the keys for 2 modules
                 // vc links that have no case specified, force to upper
                 if ($field[CONS_XML_TIPO] == CONS_TIPO_LINK && $field[CONS_XML_LINKTYPE] == CONS_TIPO_VC && !isset($field[CONS_XML_SPECIAL])) {
                     $this->modules[$mname]->fields[$name][CONS_XML_SPECIAL] = "ucase";
             if (isset($field[CONS_XML_FILTEREDBY])) {
                 foreach ($field[CONS_XML_FILTEREDBY] as $fbname) {
                     if (!isset($module->fields[$fbname])) {
                         $this->log[] = "Error on filteredby for {$mname}.{$name}: {$fbname} does not exist";
                     } else {
                         if (!isset($this->modules[$module->fields[$fbname][CONS_XML_MODULE]])) {
                             $this->log[] = "Error on filteredby for {$mname}.{$name}: module defined in {$fbname} does not exist";
         if ($links == 2 && count($module->fields) == $fieldsRequiredToLinks || $this->modules[$mname]->linker) {
             # this is a linker module!
             $this->modules[$mname]->linker = true;
         if ($this->modules[$mname]->title == "" && !$this->modules[$mname]->options[CONS_MODULE_SYSTEM] && !$this->modules[$mname]->linker) {
             $this->modules[$mname]->title = $this->modules[$mname]->keys[0];
             // first key
     # here we finished the automatic settings
     # load plugins that are defined by METADATA
     foreach ($this->modules as $name => &$module) {
         foreach ($module->plugins as $sname) {
             if (!isset($this->loadedPlugins[$sname])) {
                 $this->addPlugin($sname, $name);
             } else {
                 $this->loadedPlugins[$sname]->moduleRelation = $name;
     foreach ($this->loadedPlugins as $sname => $obj) {
         if ($obj->name == '' || $obj->name != $sname) {
             $this->errorControl->raise(9, $obj->name, $sname);
     function dieFreakingThumbs($folder)
         if ($folder[strlen($folder) - 1] != '/') {
             $folder .= "/";
         foreach (glob($folder . "*") as $file) {
             if (is_dir($file)) {
             } else {
                 $arf = explode(".", $file);
                 if (array_pop($arf) == 'db') {
     dieFreakingThumbs(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/");
     $customxml = is_file(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION["CODE"] . "/_config/custom.xml") ? cReadFile(CONS_PATH_PAGES . $_SESSION["CODE"] . "/_config/custom.xml") : '';
     # All plugins are loaded, check their manifest and customs
     foreach ($this->loadedPlugins as $sname => $plugin) {
         if (is_file(CONS_PATH_SYSTEM . "plugins/{$sname}/payloadmanifest.php")) {
             $copyFiles = (include CONS_PATH_SYSTEM . "plugins/{$sname}/payloadmanifest.php");
             foreach ($copyFiles as $from => $to) {
                 if ($from[strlen($from) - 1] == "/" && is_dir($from) && (!is_dir($to) || !CONS_ONSERVER && isset($_REQUEST['nocache']))) {
                     // FOLDER
                     if (!function_exists('recursive_copy')) {
                         include_once CONS_PATH_INCLUDE . "recursive_copy.php";
                     recursive_copy($from, $to);
                 } else {
                     if (is_file($from) && (!is_file($to) || !CONS_ONSERVER && isset($_REQUEST['nocache']))) {
                         // FILE
                         $path = explode("/", $to);
                         // bye file
                         $path = implode("/", $path);
                         copy($from, $to);
         if (is_file(CONS_PATH_SYSTEM . "plugins/{$sname}/custom.xml")) {
             $customxml .= cReadFile(CONS_PATH_SYSTEM . "plugins/{$sname}/custom.xml");
     # Read custom metadata for dimconfig
     if ($customxml != '') {
         $parseXMLparams = array(C_XML_RAW => true, C_XML_AUTOPARSE => true, C_XML_REMOVECOMMENTS => true);
         $xml = new xmlHandler();
         $customxml = $xml->parseXML($customxml, $parseXMLparams, true);
         if ($customxml === false) {
         $customxml =& $customxml->getbranch(0);
         $total = $customxml->total();
         $dimconfigMD = array();
         // MetaData -------------------------------------
         for ($c = 0; $c < $total; $c++) {
             # for each module ...
             $thisbranch =& $customxml->getbranch($c);
             $configname = strtolower($thisbranch->data[0]);
             if (!isset($this->dimconfig[$configname])) {
                 $this->dimconfig[$configname] = '';
             $dimconfigMD = $this->processParameters($thisbranch, $dimconfigMD, '');
         foreach ($dimconfigMD as $name => $field) {
             if ($field[CONS_XML_TIPO] == CONS_TIPO_UPLOAD && (!isset($field['location']) || $field['location'][0] == '/')) {
                 $this->errorControl->raise(181, $name, 'dimconfig');
             if ($field[CONS_XML_TIPO] != CONS_TIPO_ENUM) {
         cWriteFile(CONS_PATH_CACHE . $_SESSION['CODE'] . "/meta/_dimconfig.dat", serialize($dimconfigMD));
         // this defines the type of each item on dimconfig
     # Apply and raise metadata
     # no log = no error
     return $sucess = count($this->log) == 0;