header("Location: error.html");
// get the name from cookie
$name = $_COOKIE["name"];
$color = $_POST["color"];
// get the message content
$message = $_POST["message"];
if (trim($message) == "") {
    $message = "__EMPTY__";
require_once 'xmlHandler.php';
// create the chatroom xml file handler
$xmlh = new xmlHandler("chatroom.xml");
if (!$xmlh->fileExist()) {
    header("Location: error.html");
// create the following DOM tree structure for a message and add it to the chatroom XML file
// get the 'messages' element as the current element
$messages_element = $xmlh->getElement("messages");
// create a 'message' element for each message
$message_element = $xmlh->addElement($messages_element, "message");
// add the name
$xmlh->setAttribute($message_element, "name", $name);
$xmlh->setAttribute($message_element, "color", $color);
// add the content of the message
$xmlh->addText($message_element, $message);
header("Location: client.php");