use Rakit\Validation\Validator; $validator = new Validator; $validation = $validator->make($_POST, [ 'email' => 'required|email' ]); $validation->validate(); if ($validation->fails()) { // Handle validation errors } else { // Proceed with form submission }
use Rakit\Validation\Validator; $validator = new Validator; $validator->addValidator('even', new EvenNumberValidator); $validation = $validator->make($_POST, [ 'number' => 'required|integer|even' ]); $validation->validate(); if ($validation->fails()) { // Handle validation errors } else { // Proceed with form submission }In the above example, we are creating a custom validator called 'even' and using it to validate an input field called 'number'. Overall, php Validator is a powerful and flexible package library for validating input data in PHP applications. It supports a wide range of validation rules and provides an intuitive interface for creating custom validators.