/** * Renders the next profile to view. */ function render_next() { //find current viewnum $viewNum = CS50::query("SELECT viewNum FROM users WHERE id = ?", $_SESSION["id"]); $viewnum = $viewNum[0]["viewNum"]; //find id of last viable profile $last = CS50::query("SELECT MAX(id) FROM users"); //increment viewnum to next viable profile do { CS50::query("UPDATE users SET viewNum = viewNum + 1 WHERE id = ?", $_SESSION["id"]); $viewnum++; if ($viewnum > $last[0]["MAX(id)"]) { apologize("You've seen e'rybody!"); break; } } while (count(CS50::query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?", $viewnum)) == 0 || $viewnum == $_SESSION["id"]); // render homepage; show new profile. render("home.php", ["title" => "home", "profile" => prof_lookup($viewnum)]); }
<?php // configuration require "../includes/config.php"; // if user reached page via GET (as by clicking a link or via redirect) if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "GET") { render("prof_form.php", ["title" => "Edit"]); } else { if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { //insert new interest into interests database CS50::query("INSERT INTO interests (user_id, interest) VALUES(?, ?)", $_SESSION["id"], $_POST["interest"]); // render updated profile render("prof_page.php", ["title" => "Profile", "profile" => prof_lookup($_SESSION["id"])]); } }
<?php // configuration require "../includes/config.php"; // if user reached page via GET (as by clicking a link or via redirect) if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "GET") { $viewnum = CS50::query("SELECT viewNum FROM users WHERE id = ?", $_SESSION["id"]); $last = CS50::query("SELECT MAX(id) FROM users"); if ($viewnum[0]["viewNum"] > $last[0]["MAX(id)"]) { apologize("You've seen e'rybody!"); } // render homepage render("home.php", ["title" => "home", "profile" => prof_lookup($viewnum[0]["viewNum"])]); }
<?php // configuration require "../includes/config.php"; // if user reached page via GET (as by clicking a link or via redirect) if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == "POST") { $matchlook = CS50::query("SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = ?", $_POST["matchname"]); // render homepage render("match_profile.php", ["title" => "match_prof", "profile" => prof_lookup($matchlook[0]["id"]), "match" => $matchlook[0]["id"]]); }