function subdomains() { $subdomains = ""; $MAIN = unserialize(@file_get_contents("/root/ransomwaretracker.db")); $curl = new ccurl($subdomains); if ($curl->GetFile("/root/RW_DOMBL.txt")) { $f = explode("\n", @file_get_contents("/root/RW_DOMBL.txt")); while (list($index, $line) = each($f)) { $line = trim($line); if (substr($line, 0, 1) == "#") { continue; } $MAIN["DOMAINS"][$line] = true; } } else { echo "{$subdomains} failed\n"; } $ips = ""; $curl = new ccurl($ips); if ($curl->GetFile("/root/RW_IPBL.txt")) { $f = explode("\n", @file_get_contents("/root/RW_IPBL.txt")); while (list($index, $line) = each($f)) { $line = trim($line); if (substr($line, 0, 1) == "#") { continue; } $MAIN["IPS"][$line] = true; } } else { echo "{$ips} failed\n"; } $uris = ""; $curl = new ccurl($uris); if ($curl->GetFile("/root/RW_URLBL.txt")) { $f = explode("\n", @file_get_contents("/root/RW_URLBL.txt")); while (list($index, $line) = each($f)) { $line = trim($line); if (substr($line, 0, 1) == "#") { continue; } $MAIN["URIS"][$line] = true; } } else { echo "{$uris} failed\n"; } $MAIN2["TIME"] = time(); $MAIN2["MD5"] = md5(serialize($MAIN)); @file_put_contents("/root/ransomwaretracker.db", serialize($MAIN)); @file_put_contents("/root/ransomwaretracker.txt", serialize($MAIN2)); $unix = new unix(); $unix->compress("/root/ransomwaretracker.db", "/root/ransomwaretracker.gz"); PushToRepo("/root/ransomwaretracker.txt"); PushToRepo("/root/ransomwaretracker.gz"); }
function export() { $workdir = dirname(__FILE__) . "/ressources/squid-export"; if (!is_dir($workdir)) { @mkdir($workdir, 0777, true); } if (!($handle = opendir("/etc/artica-postfix/settings/Daemons"))) { @mkdir("/etc/artica-postfix/settings/Daemons", 0755, true); die; } while (false !== ($filename = readdir($handle))) { if ($filename == ".") { continue; } if ($filename == "..") { continue; } $targetFile = "/etc/artica-postfix/settings/Daemons/{$filename}"; if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "Exporting {$filename}\n"; } $array[$filename] = @file_get_contents($targetFile); } if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo count($array) . " items....\n"; } $finalitems = base64_encode(serialize($array)); $unix = new unix(); $tmpf = $unix->FILE_TEMP(); @file_put_contents($tmpf, $finalitems); if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "compressing in {$workdir}/settingsHD.gz\n"; } if (!$unix->compress($tmpf, "{$workdir}/settingsHD.gz")) { @unlink("{$workdir}/settingsHD.gz"); } @chmod("{$workdir}/settingsHD.gz", 0777); @unlink($tmpf); if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "compressing in {$workdir}/settingsHD.gz done\n"; } }
function compress_debug() { $unix = new unix(); $sourcefile = "/var/log/artica-wifidog.log"; $destfile = "/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/web/hotspot.debug.gz"; @unlink($destfile); $unix = new unix(); $unix->compress($sourcefile, $destfile); @chmod($destfile, 0777); }
function import_backup_file($filepath) { if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "Import {$filepath}\n"; } $dirname = dirname($filepath); $filename = basename($filepath); $filecontent = $dirname . "/" . str_replace(".email", ".msg", $filename); if (!is_file($filecontent)) { echo "{$filecontent} no such file\n"; @unlink($filepath); return true; } $last_modified = filemtime($filepath); //$FinalLog="$Subject|||$Sender|||$recipt|||$body_hash|||$body_length||$rententiontime"; $F = explode("|||", @file_get_contents($filepath)); print_r($F); if (count($F) < 5) { echo "Truncated file index : {$filepath} !\n"; return false; } $q = new postgres_sql(); $zdate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $last_modified); $subject = str_replace("'", "`", $F[0]); $mailfrom = $F[1]; $mailfrom = str_replace("<", "", $mailfrom); $mailfrom = str_replace(">", "", $mailfrom); $mailfromz = explode("@", $mailfrom); $domainfrom = $mailfromz[1]; $mailto_line = $F[2]; $hash = $F[3]; $retentiontime = $F[5]; $filesize = @filesize($filecontent); $msgmd5 = md5_file($filecontent); $final = strtotime("+{$retentiontime} minutes", $last_modified); $prefix = "INSERT INTO backupmsg (zdate,final,msgmd5,size,subject,mailfrom,mailto,domainfrom,domainto ) VALUES "; $mailsTo_array = explode(";", $mailto_line); $f = array(); while (list($a, $mailto) = each($mailsTo_array)) { $mailto = trim(strtolower($mailto)); $mailto = str_replace("<", "", $mailto); $mailto = str_replace(">", "", $mailto); if ($mailto == null) { continue; } $mailtoz = explode("@", $mailto); $domainto = $mailtoz[1]; $f[] = "('{$zdate}','{$final}','{$msgmd5}','{$filesize}','{$subject}','{$mailfrom}','{$mailto}','{$domainfrom}','{$domainto}')"; } if (count($f) == 0) { echo "No... count(f)=0\n"; @unlink($filepath); @unlink($filecontent); return false; } $final_sql = $prefix . " " . @implode(",", $f); $q->QUERY_SQL($final_sql); if (!$q->ok) { echo $q->mysql_error . "\n{$final_sql}\n"; echo "No... PostgreSQL error\n"; return false; } $filecontent_gz = "{$filecontent}.gz"; $unix = new unix(); if (!$unix->compress($filecontent, $filecontent_gz)) { @unlink($filecontent_gz); echo "No... Compress error\n"; return; } @chmod($filecontent_gz, 0777); $q->QUERY_SQL("INSERT INTO backupdata (zdate,msgmd5,final,contentid) VALUES ('{$zdate}','{$msgmd5}','{$final}',lo_import('{$filecontent_gz}') ) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING"); if (!$q->ok) { echo $q->mysql_error . "\n"; echo "No... PostgreSQL error\n"; return false; } $unix->ToSyslog("from=<{$mailfrom}> [{$subject}] {$filepath} success to backup"); echo "{$filepath} (success)\n{$filecontent} (success)\n"; @unlink($filepath); @unlink($filecontent); @unlink($filecontent_gz); return true; }
function backup() { build_progress_idb("{backup_database}", 20); $unix = new unix(); $targetFilename = "/home/ArticaStatsBackup/backup.db"; $su = $unix->find_program("su"); @mkdir("/home/ArticaStatsBackup", 0777, true); @chmod("/home/ArticaStatsBackup", 0777); if (is_file($targetFilename)) { @unlink($targetFilename); } $InFluxBackupDatabaseDir = @file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/settings/Daemons/InFluxBackupDatabaseDir"); if ($InFluxBackupDatabaseDir == null) { $InFluxBackupDatabaseDir = "/home/artica/influx/backup"; } $CompressFileName = "{$InFluxBackupDatabaseDir}/snapshot." . date("Y-m-d-H-i") . ".gz"; @mkdir($InFluxBackupDatabaseDir, 0755, true); if (is_file($CompressFileName)) { build_progress_idb("{backup_database} already exists", 110); } $cmdline = "{$su} -c \"/usr/local/ArticaStats/bin/pg_dumpall -c --if-exists -S ArticaStats -f {$targetFilename} -h /var/run/ArticaStats\" ArticaStats"; echo $cmdline . "\n"; exec($cmdline, $results); build_progress_idb("{backup_database}", 30); if (!is_file($targetFilename)) { echo "{$targetFilename} No such file\n"; while (list($num, $val) = each($results)) { echo "{$val}\n"; } build_progress_idb("{backup_database} {failed}", 110); return; } build_progress_idb("{compressing}", 50); echo "Compress {$targetFilename}\n"; echo "Destination {$CompressFileName}\n"; if (!$unix->compress($targetFilename, $CompressFileName)) { build_progress_idb("{compressing} {failed}", 110); squid_admin_mysql(0, "Snaphost BigData database {failed} ( compress )", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); @unlink($targetFilename); @unlink($CompressFileName); return; } @unlink($targetFilename); $size = FormatBytes(@filesize($CompressFileName) / 1024); squid_admin_mysql(2, "Backup [" . basename($CompressFileName) . "] BigData database ({$size}) done", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); build_progress_idb("{scanning}", 80); ScanBackup(); build_progress_idb("{backup_database} {success}", 100); }
function range_fichier_source($filepath, $BackupMaxDaysDir, $EXTERN = false) { $syslog = new mysql_storelogs(); $unix = new unix(); $ext = $unix->file_extension($filepath); $hostname = $unix->hostname_g(); $sock = new sockets(); $LogRotatePath = $sock->GET_INFO("LogRotatePath"); if ($LogRotatePath == null) { $LogRotatePath = "/home/logrotate"; } $LogRotateAccess = "{$LogRotatePath}/access"; $LogRotateAccessFailed = "{$LogRotatePath}/failed"; $LogRotateAccessMerged = "{$LogRotatePath}/merged"; $SquidRotateMergeFiles = $sock->GET_INFO("SquidRotateMergeFiles"); if (!is_numeric($SquidRotateMergeFiles)) { $SquidRotateMergeFiles = 1; } $LogsRotateDeleteSize = intval($sock->GET_INFO("LogsRotateDeleteSize")); if ($LogsRotateDeleteSize == 0) { $LogsRotateDeleteSize = 5000; } $basename = basename($filepath); if ($basename == "access.merged.log") { return; } $syslog->events("Analyze {$filepath} [{$ext}] ", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); if ($ext == "gz") { if (preg_match("#\\.tar\\.gz\$#", $basename)) { $syslog->events("{$filepath} is a tarball!", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return; } $syslog->events("Extract {$filepath}", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); $ExtractedFile = "{$LogRotateAccess}/{$basename}.log"; if (!$unix->uncompress($filepath, $ExtractedFile)) { @unlink($ExtractedFile); $syslog->events("Unable to extract {$filepath} to {$ExtractedFile}", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return; } $syslog->events("Removing {$filepath} [{$ext}] ", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); @unlink($filepath); $filepath = $ExtractedFile; } $unix = new unix(); $ztimes = access_logs_getdates($filepath); if (!$ztimes) { $syslog->events("Failed to parse {$filepath}", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); @mkdir($LogRotateAccessFailed, 0755, true); if (@copy($filepath, "{$LogRotateAccessFailed}/{$basename}")) { @unlink($filepath); } return false; } $xdatefrom = $ztimes[0]; $xdateTo = $ztimes[1]; $dateFrom = date("Y-m-d_H-i-s", $xdatefrom); $dateTo = date("Y-m-d_H-i-s", $xdateTo); $NewFileName = filename_from_arraydates($ztimes); if ($SquidRotateMergeFiles == 1) { @mkdir($LogRotateAccessMerged, 0755, true); if (!is_dir($LogRotateAccessMerged)) { $syslog->events("Unable to create Merged directory {$LogRotateAccessMerged}", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } else { if (!@copy($filepath, "{$LogRotateAccessMerged}/{$basename}")) { @unlink("{$LogRotateAccessMerged}/{$basename}"); $syslog->events("Unable to copy {$filepath} -> {$LogRotateAccessMerged}/{$basename}", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } } } $FinalDirectory = "{$BackupMaxDaysDir}/proxy/" . date("Y", $xdatefrom) . "/" . date("m", $xdatefrom) . "/" . date("d", $xdatefrom); @mkdir($FinalDirectory, 0755, true); if (!is_dir($FinalDirectory)) { $syslog->events("Unable to create {$FinalDirectory} directory permission denied", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return; } if (!$unix->compress($filepath, "{$FinalDirectory}/{$NewFileName}")) { @unlink("{$FinalDirectory}/{$NewFileName}"); $syslog->events("Unable to compress {$FinalDirectory}/{$NewFileName} permission denied", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return; } $syslog->events("Success to create {$FinalDirectory}/{$NewFileName}", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); $syslog->events("Removing source file {$filepath}", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); @unlink($filepath); }
function GetIndex() { $WORKING_DIR = "/home/working_toulouse_databases"; $WORKING_DOWNLOAD = "{$WORKING_DIR}/dowloads"; $WORKING_UPLOAD = "{$WORKING_DIR}/uploads"; @mkdir($WORKING_DOWNLOAD, 0755, true); @mkdir($WORKING_UPLOAD, 0755, true); $unix = new unix(); $tar = $unix->find_program("tar"); $catz = new mysql_catz(); $tmpfile = $unix->FILE_TEMP(); $tmpdir = $unix->TEMP_DIR(); $rm = $unix->find_program("rm"); $mainuri = ""; $EXEC_NICE = $unix->EXEC_NICE(); $ufdbGenTable = $unix->find_program("ufdbGenTable"); $curl = new ccurl("{$mainuri}/MD5SUM.LST"); if (!$curl->GetFile($tmpfile)) { echo "Failed to download MD5SUM.LST\n"; return; } $tr = explode("\n", @file_get_contents($tmpfile)); while (list($index, $line) = each($tr)) { if (preg_match("#(.+?)\\s+(.+)#", $line, $re)) { $filename = trim($re[1]); $md5 = trim($re[2]); $array[$md5] = $filename; } } @unlink($tmpfile); $q = new mysql_squid_builder(); $TLSE_CONVERTION = TLSE_CONVERTION(); $FINAL_ARRAY = array(); while (list($filename, $md5) = each($array)) { $category = str_replace(".tar.gz", "", $filename); if (isset($TLSE_CONVERTION[$category])) { $FINAL_ARRAY[$filename] = $md5; } } $UPDATED = 0; $MAIN_ARRAY = unserialize(base64_decode(@file_get_contents("{$WORKING_UPLOAD}/index.txt"))); while (list($filename, $md5) = each($FINAL_ARRAY)) { $TargetFile = "{$WORKING_DOWNLOAD}/{$filename}"; $categoryname = str_replace(".tar.gz", "", $filename); if ($categoryname == "adult") { continue; } if ($categoryname == "aggressive") { continue; } if ($categoryname == "agressif") { continue; } if ($categoryname == "redirector") { continue; } if ($categoryname == "ads") { continue; } if ($categoryname == "drogue") { continue; } $MyStoreMd5 = md5_file($TargetFile); if ($MyStoreMd5 == $md5) { echo "Skipping {$filename}\n"; continue; } echo "Downloading {$filename}\n"; $curl = new ccurl("{$mainuri}/{$filename}"); $tmpfile = $unix->FILE_TEMP(); if (!$curl->GetFile($tmpfile)) { echo "Failed {$curl->error}\n"; @unlink($tmpfile); continue; } $md5_tmp = md5_file($tmpfile); if ($md5_tmp != $md5) { echo "Failed Corrupted file\n"; @unlink($tmpfile); continue; } if (is_file($TargetFile)) { @unlink($TargetFile); } if (!@copy($tmpfile, $TargetFile)) { echo "Failed Copy file\n"; @unlink($tmpfile); @unlink($TargetFile); continue; } @unlink($tmpfile); $MyStoreMd5 = md5_file($TargetFile); if ($MyStoreMd5 != $md5) { echo "Failed MD5 file\n"; @unlink($TargetFile); continue; } @mkdir("{$WORKING_DIR}/{$categoryname}", 0755, true); echo "Extracting {$TargetFile}\n"; $cmd = "{$tar} xvf {$TargetFile} -C {$WORKING_DIR}/{$categoryname}/"; echo $cmd . "\n"; system($cmd); $SOURCE_DIR = find_sources("{$WORKING_DIR}/{$categoryname}"); if (!is_file("{$SOURCE_DIR}/domains")) { echo "Failed {$SOURCE_DIR}/domains no such file\n"; @unlink($TargetFile); continue; } $COUNT_OF_DOMAINS = $unix->COUNT_LINES_OF_FILE("{$SOURCE_DIR}/domains"); echo "{$categoryname} {$COUNT_OF_DOMAINS} domains\n"; if ($COUNT_OF_DOMAINS == 0) { shell_exec("{$rm} -rf {$WORKING_DIR}/{$categoryname}"); @unlink($TargetFile); continue; } if (is_file("{$SOURCE_DIR}/domains.ufdb")) { @unlink("{$SOURCE_DIR}/domains.ufdb"); } if (!is_file("{$SOURCE_DIR}/urls")) { @touch("{$SOURCE_DIR}/urls"); } $u = " -u {$SOURCE_DIR}/urls"; $d = " -d {$SOURCE_DIR}/domains"; $cmd = "{$EXEC_NICE}{$ufdbGenTable} -n -q -W -t {$categoryname}{$d}{$u}"; echo $cmd . "\n"; shell_exec($cmd); if (!is_file("{$SOURCE_DIR}/domains.ufdb")) { echo "Failed to compile {$categoryname}\n"; @unlink($TargetFile); continue; } $MD5SRC = md5_file("{$SOURCE_DIR}/domains.ufdb"); if (is_file("{$WORKING_UPLOAD}/{$categoryname}.gz")) { @unlink("{$WORKING_UPLOAD}/{$categoryname}.gz"); } $unix->compress("{$SOURCE_DIR}/domains.ufdb", "{$WORKING_UPLOAD}/{$categoryname}.gz"); $MD5GZ = md5_file("{$WORKING_UPLOAD}/{$categoryname}.gz"); $UPDATED++; $NOTIFICATIONS[] = "{$categoryname} updated with {$COUNT_OF_DOMAINS} domains"; $MAIN_ARRAY[$categoryname]["ROWS"] = $COUNT_OF_DOMAINS; $MAIN_ARRAY[$categoryname]["MD5SRC"] = $MD5SRC; $MAIN_ARRAY[$categoryname]["MD5GZ"] = $MD5GZ; $MAIN_ARRAY[$categoryname]["TIME"] = time(); $MAIN_ARRAY[$categoryname]["SIZE"] = @filesize("{$WORKING_UPLOAD}/{$categoryname}.gz"); @file_put_contents("{$WORKING_UPLOAD}/index.txt", base64_encode(serialize($MAIN_ARRAY))); } if ($UPDATED > 0) { PushToRepo_alls(); sendEmail("{$UPDATED} Toulouse Unversity databases uploaded.", @implode("\n", $NOTIFICATIONS)); } }
function ROTATE_DIR($backupdir) { $unix = new unix(); $cat = $unix->find_program("cat"); $files = $unix->DirFiles($backupdir); $suffix = "influx"; if (is_file("/usr/local/ArticaStats/bin/postgres")) { $suffix = "postgres"; } $today = date("Y-m-d"); while (list($basename, $subarray) = each($files)) { if (preg_match("#^([0-9\\-]+)\\.gz\$#", $basename, $re)) { continue; } if (preg_match("#^([0-9\\-]+)\\.back\$#", $basename, $re)) { if ($re[1] != $today) { if (!$unix->compress("{$backupdir}/{$basename}", "{$backupdir}/{$re[1]}.gz")) { @unlink("{$backupdir}/{$re[1]}.gz"); continue; } @unlink("{$backupdir}/{$basename}"); } continue; } if (!preg_match("#^([0-9]+)\\.{$suffix}\\.log\$#", $basename, $re)) { echo "{$basename} no match...\n"; continue; } $time = $re[1]; $day = date("Y-m-d", $time); $handleOUT = @fopen("{$backupdir}/{$basename}", "r"); $handleIN = @fopen("{$backupdir}/{$day}.back", "a"); $c = 0; while (!feof($handleOUT)) { $line = trim(fgets($handleOUT, 4096)); @fwrite($handleIN, "{$line}\n"); $c++; } events("{$backupdir}/{$basename} {$c} line(s)"); fclose($handleOUT); fclose($handleIN); @unlink("{$backupdir}/{$basename}"); } }
function import_quarantine($directory) { if (!is_file("{$directory}/ENTIRE_MESSAGE")) { if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "{$directory}/ENTIRE_MESSAGE no such file\n"; } return; } if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "Scanning directory {$directory}\n"; } $unix = new unix(); $rm = $unix->find_program("rm"); $msgmd5 = md5_file("{$directory}/ENTIRE_MESSAGE"); $last_modified = filemtime("{$directory}/ENTIRE_MESSAGE"); $filesize = @filesize("{$directory}/ENTIRE_MESSAGE"); $zdate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $last_modified); if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "Message MD5....: {$msgmd5}\n"; } if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "Message Date...: {$last_modified} ({$zdate})\n"; } if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "Size...........: {$filesize}\n"; } $MimeDefangMaxQuartime = intval(@file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/settings/Daemons/MimeDefangMaxQuartime")); if ($MimeDefangMaxQuartime == 0) { $MimeDefangMaxQuartime = 129600; } if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "Retention time.: {$MimeDefangMaxQuartime}Mn\n"; } $f = explode("\n", @file_get_contents("{$directory}/HEADERS")); while (list($index, $line) = each($f)) { if (preg_match("#Subject:\\s+(.*)#", $line, $re)) { if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "Subject........: {$re[1]}\n"; } $Subject = $re[1]; } if (preg_match("#From:\\s+(.*)#i", $line, $re)) { if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "From...........: {$re[1]}\n"; } $FromHeader = $re[1]; $FromHeader = str_replace("<", "", $FromHeader); $FromHeader = str_replace(">", "", $FromHeader); $FromHeader = trim($FromHeader); if (preg_match("#(.*?)\\s+#", $FromHeader, $re)) { $FromHeader = $re[1]; } } } $mailsTo_array = array(); $f = explode("\n", @file_get_contents("{$directory}/RECIPIENTS")); while (list($index, $line) = each($f)) { $line = trim($line); if ($line == null) { continue; } $line = str_replace("<", "", $line); $line = str_replace(">", "", $line); if (strpos($line, "@") == 0) { continue; } if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "Recipient......: {$line}\n"; } $mailsTo_array[$line] = $line; } $mailfrom = trim(@file_get_contents("{$directory}/SENDER")); if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "Sender.........: {$mailfrom}\n"; } if ($mailfrom == null) { $mailfrom = $FromHeader; } $mailfrom = str_replace("<", "", $mailfrom); $mailfrom = str_replace(">", "", $mailfrom); $q = new postgres_sql(); $Subject = str_replace("'", "`", $Subject); $mailfromz = explode("@", $mailfrom); $domainfrom = $mailfromz[1]; $final = strtotime("+{$MimeDefangMaxQuartime} minutes", $last_modified); $prefix = "INSERT INTO quarmsg (zdate,final,msgmd5,size,subject,mailfrom,mailto,domainfrom,domainto ) VALUES "; $f = array(); while (list($a, $mailto) = each($mailsTo_array)) { $mailto = trim(strtolower($mailto)); if ($mailto == null) { continue; } $mailtoz = explode("@", $mailto); $domainto = $mailtoz[1]; $f[] = "('{$zdate}','{$final}','{$msgmd5}','{$filesize}','{$Subject}','{$mailfrom}','{$mailto}','{$domainfrom}','{$domainto}')"; } if (count($f) == 0) { echo "No... count(f)=0\n"; shell_exec("{$rm} -rf \"{$directory}\""); return false; } $final_sql = $prefix . " " . @implode(",", $f); $q->QUERY_SQL($final_sql); if (!$q->ok) { echo $q->mysql_error . "\n{$final_sql}\n"; echo "No... PostgreSQL error\n"; return false; } $filecontent_gz = $unix->FILE_TEMP() . ".gz"; $unix = new unix(); if (!$unix->compress("{$directory}/ENTIRE_MESSAGE", $filecontent_gz)) { @unlink($filecontent_gz); echo "No... Compress error\n"; return; } @chmod($filecontent_gz, 0777); $q->QUERY_SQL("INSERT INTO quardata (zdate,msgmd5,final,contentid) VALUES ('{$zdate}','{$msgmd5}','{$final}',lo_import('{$filecontent_gz}') ) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING"); if (!$q->ok) { echo $q->mysql_error . "\n"; echo "No... PostgreSQL error\n"; return false; } @unlink($filecontent_gz); $unix->ToSyslog("from=<{$mailfrom}> [{$Subject}] {$directory}/ENTIRE_MESSAGE success to Quarantine"); echo "{$directory}/ENTIRE_MESSAGE (success)\n"; shell_exec("{$rm} -rf \"{$directory}\""); return true; }
function check_all_squid() { $sock = new sockets(); $unix = new unix(); $syslog = new mysql_storelogs(); $php5 = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN(); $pidfile = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".pid"; $timefile = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".time"; $pid = file_get_contents("{$pidfile}"); if (system_is_overloaded(basename(__FILE__))) { die; } if ($unix->process_exists($pid, basename(__FILE__))) { $timeMin = $unix->PROCCESS_TIME_MIN($pid); if ($timeMin > 240) { system_admin_events("Too many TTL, {$pid} will be killed", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, "logrotate"); $kill = $unix->find_program("kill"); unix_system_kill_force($pid); } else { die; } } $time = $unix->file_time_min($timefile); if ($time < 300) { return; } @file_put_contents($pidfile, getmypid()); @file_put_contents($timefile, time()); $php = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN(); $bzip2 = $unix->find_program("bzip2"); $ALREADYCOMP["gz"] = true; $ALREADYCOMP["bz2"] = true; $LogRotateCompress = 1; $LogRotatePath = $sock->GET_INFO("LogRotatePath"); $ApacheLogRotate = $sock->GET_INFO("ApacheLogRotate"); if (!is_numeric($ApacheLogRotate)) { $ApacheLogRotate = 1; } if ($LogRotatePath == null) { $LogRotatePath = "/home/logrotate"; } $LogsRotateDefaultSizeRotation = $sock->GET_INFO("LogsRotateDefaultSizeRotation"); if (!is_numeric($LogsRotateDefaultSizeRotation)) { $LogsRotateDefaultSizeRotation = 100; } foreach (glob("/var/log/squid/*") as $filename) { if (is_dir($filename)) { continue; } $size = $unix->file_size($filename); $time = $unix->file_time_min($filename); $size = round($size / 1024 / 1000, 2); if ($size > $LogsRotateDefaultSizeRotation) { if ($filename == "/var/log/squid/access.log") { events("{$filename} -> is a production log for Squid, launch the rotation procedure."); squid_admin_mysql(1, "{$filename} {$size}M exceed {$LogsRotateDefaultSizeRotation}M, launch rotation", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); shell_exec("{$php} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.squid.php --rotate"); continue; } $TOROT[$filename] = true; events("{$filename} -> Add to queue {$size}M exceed {$LogsRotateDefaultSizeRotation}M"); continue; } if ($time > 1440) { if ($filename == "/var/log/squid/access.log") { events("{$filename} -> is a production log for Squid, launch the rotation procedure."); squid_admin_mysql(1, "{$filename} {$size}M exceed {$LogsRotateDefaultSizeRotation}M, launch rotation", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); shell_exec("{$php} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.squid.php --rotate"); continue; } events("{$filename} -> Add to queue {$time}mn exceed 1440mn"); $TOROT[$filename] = true; continue; } } if (count($TOROT) == 0) { return; } while (list($filename, $none) = each($TOROT)) { $extension = pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); $filedate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', filemtime($filename)); $basename = basename($filename); if (preg_match("#sarg\\.#", $filename)) { shell_exec("{$php5} " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/exec.sarg.php --rotate {$basename} >/dev/null 2>&1 &"); continue; } if (preg_match("#access\\.log\\.[0-9]+\$#", $filename)) { continue; } if ($extension != "gz") { if (!$unix->compress($filename, "{$filename}.gz")) { continue; } $filename = $filename . ".gz"; $extension = "gz"; } echo "[{$filedate}]: {$filename} ({$extension})\n"; if ($syslog->ROTATE_TOMYSQL($filename, $filedate)) { @unlink($filename); } } foreach (glob("/home/squid/cache-logs/*") as $filename) { $filedate = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', filemtime($filename)); $filename = $filename . ".gz"; if ($syslog->ROTATE_TOMYSQL($filename, $filedate)) { @unlink($filename); } } }
function BACKUP_PROGRESS() { build_progress_backup("{backup} {rules}", 5); $tables[] = "webauth_rules"; $tables[] = "webauth_settings"; $tables[] = "hotspot_members"; $q = new mysql_squid_builder(); $cmdline = $q->MYSQL_CMDLINES; $unix = new unix(); $mysqldump = $unix->find_program("mysqldump"); $bzip2 = $unix->find_program("bzip2"); $bzip2_cmd = "| {$bzip2} "; $filename = "/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/web/hotspot.rules.backup.sql"; $fileCompressName = "/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/web/hotspot.rules.backup.gz"; if (is_file($filename)) { @unlink($filename); } build_progress_backup("{backup} {tables}", 50); $cmd = "{$mysqldump} {$cmdline} --skip-add-drop-table --insert-ignore --single-transaction --skip-add-locks --skip-lock-tables squidlogs " . @implode(" ", $tables) . "> {$filename} 2>&1"; echo $cmd . "\n"; system("{$cmd}"); if (!is_file($filename)) { build_progress_backup("{backup} {failed}", 110); return; } $size = @filesize($filename); echo "Size: " . $size . " bytes " . FormatBytes($size / 1024, true) . "\n"; sleep(3); build_progress_backup("{backup} {compress}", 80); if (!$unix->compress($filename, $fileCompressName)) { @unlink($filename); build_progress_backup("{backup} {compress} failed}", 110); return; } @unlink($filename); $size = @filesize($fileCompressName); echo "Size: ( after compression) " . $size . " bytes " . FormatBytes($size / 1024, true) . "\n"; sleep(2); build_progress_backup("{backup} {done}", 100); }
$GLOBALS["deflog_start"] = "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Milter Greylist Daemon"; $GLOBALS["deflog_sstop"] = "Stopping......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Milter Greylist Daemon"; $GLOBALS["ROOT"] = true; $GLOBALS["FORCE"] = false; if (preg_match("#--verbose#", @implode(" ", $argv))) { $GLOBALS["FORCE"] = true; } $GLOBALS["WHOPROCESS"] = "daemon"; if (!is_file("/root/ftp-hostname")) { echo "/root/ftp-hostname No such file...\n"; die; } $unix = new unix(); if (is_file("/etc/artica-postfix/")) { @unlink("/etc/artica-postfix/spamassassin-rules1.gz"); if (!$unix->compress("/etc/artica-postfix/", "/etc/artica-postfix/spamassassin-rules1.gz")) { die; } $MAIN["SPAMASS_1"]["TIME"] = time(); $MAIN["SPAMASS_1"]["MD5"] = md5_file("/etc/artica-postfix/spamassassin-rules1.gz"); } if (is_file("/etc/artica-postfix/")) { @unlink("/etc/artica-postfix/spamassassin-rules3.gz"); if (!$unix->compress("/etc/artica-postfix/", "/etc/artica-postfix/spamassassin-rules3.gz")) { die; } $MAIN["SPAMASS_2"]["TIME"] = time(); $MAIN["SPAMASS_2"]["MD5"] = md5_file("/etc/artica-postfix/spamassassin-rules3.gz"); } if (is_file("/etc/artica-postfix/")) { @unlink("/etc/artica-postfix/spamassassin-rules4.gz");
function SaveCSV($ID) { $unix = new unix(); $chmod = $unix->find_program("chmod"); $tablename = "WebTrackMem{$ID}"; @unlink("/home/squid-work/csv.txt"); @mkdir("/home/squid-work", 0777); $sql = "SELECT * INTO OUTFILE '/home/squid-work/csv.txt' FIELDS TERMINATED BY ',' \n\tOPTIONALLY ENCLOSED BY '\"' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n' FROM {$tablename};"; shell_exec("chmod 1777 /home/squid-work"); $q = new mysql_squid_builder(); $q->QUERY_SQL($sql); if (!$q->ok) { ufdbguard_admin_events("CSV failed {$q->mysql_error}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, "reports"); return; } $unix->compress("/home/squid-work/csv.txt", "/home/squid-work/csv.txt.gz"); @unlink("/home/squid-work/csv.txt"); $f = addslashes(@file_get_contents("/home/squid-work/csv.txt.gz")); @unlink("/home/squid-work/csv.txt.gz"); $sql = "UPDATE TrackMembers SET csvContent='{$f}' WHERE ID='{$ID}'"; $q->QUERY_SQL($sql); if (!$q->ok) { ufdbguard_admin_events("CSV failed {$q->mysql_error}", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, "reports"); return; } }
function CheckOldCachesLog() { @mkdir("/home/squid/cache-logs", 0755, true); $unix = new unix(); foreach (glob("/var/log/squid/cache.log.*") as $filename) { if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "Move {$filename} to /home/squid/cache-logs\n"; } Events("Move {$filename} to /home/squid/cache-logs"); @copy($filename, "/home/squid/cache-logs/" . basename($filename)); @unlink($filename); } foreach (glob("/home/squid/cache-logs/*") as $filename) { $ext = $unix->file_ext($filename); if (is_numeric($ext)) { Events("Compress {$filename} to {$filename}.gz"); if ($unix->compress($filename, "{$filename}.gz")) { @unlink($filename); } continue; } if ($ext == "gz") { $time = $unix->file_time_min($filename); if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "{$filename} = {$time}Mn\n"; } if ($time > 4320) { Events("Remove {$filename} (exceed 3 days on disk...)"); @unlink($filename); continue; } } } if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "CheckOldCachesLog:: END\n"; } }
function CleanSuricataLogs() { if (!is_dir("/var/log/suricata")) { return; } $unix = new unix(); $sock = new sockets(); $LogsRotateDefaultSizeRotation = $sock->GET_INFO("LogsRotateDefaultSizeRotation"); if (!is_numeric($LogsRotateDefaultSizeRotation)) { $LogsRotateDefaultSizeRotation = 100; } $BackupMaxDaysDir = $sock->GET_INFO("BackupMaxDaysDir"); if ($BackupMaxDaysDir == null) { $BackupMaxDaysDir = "/home/logrotate_backup"; } @mkdir($BackupMaxDaysDir, 0755, true); $echo = $unix->find_program("echo"); @unlink("/etc/artica-postfix/pids/CleanSuricataLogs.time"); @file_put_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/pids/CleanSuricataLogs.time", time()); if ($handle = opendir("/var/log/suricata")) { while (false !== ($fileZ = readdir($handle))) { if ($fileZ == ".") { continue; } if ($fileZ == "..") { continue; } $path = "/var/log/suricata/{$fileZ}"; if (preg_match("#unified2\\.alert\\.#", $fileZ)) { if ($unix->file_time_min($path) > 30) { @unlink($path); } continue; } } } $f[] = "fast.log"; $f[] = "http.log"; $f[] = "keyword_perf.log"; $f[] = "packet_stats.log"; $f[] = "rule_perf.log"; $f[] = "sid_changes.log"; $f[] = "stats.log"; $RELOAD = false; $pathRange = "{$BackupMaxDaysDir}/" . date("Y") . "/" . date("m") . "/" . date("d"); while (list($index, $filename) = each($f)) { $filepath = "/var/log/suricata/{$filename}"; $size = @filesize($filepath) / 1024 / 1000; echo "{$filepath} {$size}MB <> {$LogsRotateDefaultSizeRotation}M\n"; if ($size > $LogsRotateDefaultSizeRotation) { @mkdir($pathRange, 0755, true); $unix->compress($filepath, $pathRange . "/IDS-" . time() . ".{$filename}.gz"); system_admin_mysql(2, "Rotate file {$filepath} {$size}>{$LogsRotateDefaultSizeRotation}", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); shell_exec("{$echo} \"\">{$filepath}"); $RELOAD = true; } } $size = @filesize("/var/log/suricata/eve.json") / 1024 / 1000; if ($size > $LogsRotateDefaultSizeRotation) { system_admin_mysql(2, "Rotate file /var/log/suricata/eve.json {$size}>{$LogsRotateDefaultSizeRotation}", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); @mkdir($pathRange, 0755, true); $unix->compress($filepath, $pathRange . "/IDS-" . time() . ".eve.json.gz"); shell_exec("{$echo} \"\">/var/log/suricata/eve.json"); $RELOAD = true; } if ($RELOAD) { shell_exec("/etc/init.d/suricata reload"); } }
function ParseDB_FILE($path, $uuid = null, $asmeta = false) { $unix = new unix(); if (!is_file($path)) { return; } echo "Open {$path}\n"; $db_con = dba_open($path, "r", "db4"); if (!$db_con) { if ($asmeta) { meta_admin_mysql(1, "DB open failed {$path}", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); } echo "DB open failed\n"; die; } $mainkey = dba_firstkey($db_con); while ($mainkey != false) { $val = 0; $data = unserialize(dba_fetch($mainkey, $db_con)); $mainkey = dba_nextkey($db_con); if (!is_array($data)) { continue; } $q = new mysql_squid_builder(); $qCommon = new mysql_squid_builder(); if ($uuid != null) { $q = new mysql_stats($uuid); } if ($asmeta) { $q = new mysql_meta(); } if (!isset($data["HOURLY"])) { continue; } if (!isset($data["WWW"])) { continue; } $category = null; $ipaddr = mysql_escape_string2($data["IPADDR"]); if (isset($data["MAC"])) { $mac = mysql_escape_string2($data["MAC"]); } $uid = mysql_escape_string2($data["UID"]); $familysite = mysql_escape_string2($data["WWW"]); if (isset($data["category"])) { $category = mysql_escape_string2($data["category"]); } if ($uid == null) { $uid = $qCommon->UID_FROM_MAC($data["MAC"]); } if ($uid == null) { $uid = $qCommon->UID_FROM_IP($data["IPADDR"]); } $uid = mysql_escape_string2($uid); $length = strlen($ipaddr) + strlen($mac) + strlen($uid) + strlen($familysite); if ($length == 0) { continue; } while (list($day, $array) = each($data["HOURLY"])) { while (list($hour, $size) = each($array)) { $md5 = md5("'{$ipaddr}','{$mac}','{$uid}','{$familysite}','{$day}','{$hour}','{$size}','{$category}'"); $wwwUH[] = "('{$md5}','{$ipaddr}','{$mac}','{$uid}','{$familysite}','{$day}','{$hour}','{$size}','{$category}')"; if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "('{$md5}','{$ipaddr}','{$mac}','{$uid}','{$familysite}','{$day}','{$hour}','{$size}','{$category}')\n"; } } } } dba_close($db_con); $TABLE_WEEK_RTTH = "WEEK_RTTH"; $ENGINE = "MEMORY"; if ($asmeta) { $TABLE_WEEK_RTTH = "{$uuid}_WEEK_RTTH"; $ENGINE = "MYISAM"; } if ($asmeta) { xmeta_events("DROP TABLE `{$TABLE_WEEK_RTTH}`", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); } $q->QUERY_SQL("DROP TABLE `{$TABLE_WEEK_RTTH}`"); if ($asmeta) { xmeta_events("CREATE TABLE `{$TABLE_WEEK_RTTH}`", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); } $q->QUERY_SQL("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `{$TABLE_WEEK_RTTH}` (\n\t\t\t`zmd5` varchar(90) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t`familysite` varchar(128) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t`ipaddr` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',\n\t\t\t`day` smallint(2) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t`hour` smallint(2) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t`uid` varchar(128) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t`MAC` varchar(20) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t`size` BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,\n\t\t\t`category` varchar(90) NOT NULL,\n\t\t\tPRIMARY KEY `zmd5` (`zmd5`),\n\t\t\tKEY `familysite` (`familysite`),\n\t\t\tKEY `ipaddr` (`ipaddr`),\n\t\t\tKEY `uid` (`uid`),\n\t\t\tKEY `category` (`category`),\n\t\t\tKEY `hour` (`hour`),\n\t\t\tKEY `day` (`day`),\n\t\t\tKEY `MAC` (`MAC`)\n\t) ENGINE={$ENGINE};"); if (!$q->ok) { if ($asmeta) { meta_admin_mysql(1, "MySQL error", $q->mysql_error, __FILE__, __LINE__); } echo $q->mysql_error; return; } $q->QUERY_SQL("INSERT IGNORE INTO `{$TABLE_WEEK_RTTH}` ( `zmd5`,`ipaddr`,`MAC`,`uid`,familysite,`day`,`hour`,`size`,`category`) VALUES " . @implode(",", $wwwUH)); if (!$q->ok) { if ($asmeta) { meta_admin_mysql(1, "MySQL error", $q->mysql_error, __FILE__, __LINE__); } echo $q->mysql_error; return; } if ($asmeta) { xmeta_events("Success parsing {$path} adding " . count($wwwUH) . " elements", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } $sock = new sockets(); $EnableArticaMetaClient = intval($sock->GET_INFO("EnableArticaMetaClient")); $EnableSquidRemoteMySQL = intval($sock->GET_INFO("EnableSquidRemoteMySQL")); if ($EnableSquidRemoteMySQL == 1) { return; } if ($EnableArticaMetaClient == 0) { return; } $DIR_TEMP = $unix->TEMP_DIR(); if (!$unix->compress($path, "{$DIR_TEMP}/SQUID_QUOTASIZE.gz")) { meta_admin_mysql(1, "Unable to compress {$path}", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); @unlink("{$DIR_TEMP}/SQUID_QUOTASIZE.gz"); return; } $artica_meta = new artica_meta(); if (!$artica_meta->SendFile("{$DIR_TEMP}/SQUID_QUOTASIZE.gz", "SQUID_QUOTASIZE")) { meta_admin_mysql(1, "Unable to updload {$DIR_TEMP}/SQUID_QUOTASIZE.gz", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); } @unlink("{$DIR_TEMP}/SQUID_QUOTASIZE.gz"); }
function scan_categories($aspid = false) { $unix = new unix(); if ($aspid) { $pidfile = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".pid"; $pid = @file_get_contents($pidfile); if ($unix->process_exists($pid)) { die; } @file_put_contents($pidfile, getmypid()); } $sock = new sockets(); $ArticaMetaStorage = $sock->GET_INFO("ArticaMetaStorage"); if ($ArticaMetaStorage == null) { $ArticaMetaStorage = "/home/artica-meta"; } $q = new mysql_meta(); $sql = "SELECT webfiltering_categories_items.pattern, metagroups_link.uuid, \n\twebfiltering_categories_link.category FROM metagroups_link,webfiltering_categories_link,\n\twebfiltering_categories_items WHERE webfiltering_categories_link.gpid=metagroups_link.gpid \n\tAND webfiltering_categories_items.category=webfiltering_categories_link.category"; $results = $q->QUERY_SQL($sql); if (mysql_num_rows($results) == 0) { scan_categories_clean(); return; } while ($ligne = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)) { $uuid = $ligne["uuid"]; $category = $ligne["category"]; $ARRAY[$uuid][$category]["SITES"][] = $ligne["pattern"]; } $sql = "SELECT webfiltering_categories_urls.pattern, metagroups_link.uuid,\n\twebfiltering_categories_link.category FROM metagroups_link,webfiltering_categories_link,\n\twebfiltering_categories_urls WHERE webfiltering_categories_link.gpid=metagroups_link.gpid\n\tAND webfiltering_categories_urls.category=webfiltering_categories_link.category"; $results = $q->QUERY_SQL($sql); while ($ligne = mysql_fetch_assoc($results)) { $uuid = $ligne["uuid"]; $category = $ligne["category"]; $ARRAY[$uuid][$category]["URLS"][] = $ligne["pattern"]; } $MAIN_UUID = array(); while (list($uuid, $FINAL) = each($ARRAY)) { @mkdir("{$ArticaMetaStorage}/{$uuid}"); $SourceFile = "{$ArticaMetaStorage}/{$uuid}/PERSONAL_CATEGORIES"; $destfile = "{$ArticaMetaStorage}/{$uuid}/PERSONAL_CATEGORIES.gz"; $MAIN_UUID[$uuid] = true; if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "Saving: {$destfile}\n"; } @file_put_contents($SourceFile, serialize($FINAL)); if (!$unix->compress($SourceFile, $destfile)) { @unlink($SourceFile); @unlink($destfile); continue; } ping_host($uuid); @unlink($SourceFile); } if ($aspid) { @unlink($pidfile); } scan_categories_clean($MAIN_UUID); }
function rotate() { $unix = new unix(); $pidfile = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".pid"; $pid = $unix->get_pid_from_file($pidfile); if ($unix->process_exists($pid, basename(__FILE__))) { $time = $unix->PROCCESS_TIME_MIN($pid); system_admin_mysql(1, "Bandwidthd rotation already executed since {$time}mn", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } @file_put_contents($pidfile, getmypid()); $sock = new sockets(); $mv = $unix->find_program("mv"); $BackupMaxDaysDir = $sock->GET_INFO("BackupMaxDaysDir"); if ($BackupMaxDaysDir == null) { $BackupMaxDaysDir = "/home/logrotate_backup"; } $f[] = "/usr/bandwidthd/log.1.0.cdf"; $f[] = "/usr/bandwidthd/log.1.1.cdf"; $f[] = "/usr/bandwidthd/log.1.2.cdf"; $f[] = "/usr/bandwidthd/log.1.3.cdf"; $f[] = "/usr/bandwidthd/log.2.0.cdf"; $f[] = "/usr/bandwidthd/log.2.1.cdf"; $f[] = "/usr/bandwidthd/log.3.0.cdf"; $DESTS = array(); while (list($index, $fileSource) = each($f)) { $destination = "{$fileSource}." . time() . "log"; $DESTS[] = $destination; shell_exec("{$mv} {$fileSource} {$destination}"); } system_admin_mysql(2, "Restart bandwidthd in order to rotate events", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); shell_exec("/etc/init.d/bandwidthd restart"); reset($f); while (list($index, $fileSource) = each($DESTS)) { $basename = basename($fileSource); $rotated_source = $fileSource; if (!$unix->compress($rotated_source, "{$BackupMaxDaysDir}/{$basename}.gz")) { continue; } } }
function ACCESS_BACKUP() { $unix = new unix(); $filetime = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/migrate_postgres.time"; $pidfile = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/"; $GLOBALS["LogFileDeamonLogDir"] = @file_get_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/settings/Daemons/LogFileDeamonLogPostGresDir"); if ($GLOBALS["LogFileDeamonLogDir"] == null) { $GLOBALS["LogFileDeamonLogDir"] = "/home/artica/squid-postgres/realtime-events"; } $unix = new unix(); if ($unix->process_exists($unix->get_pid_from_file($pidfile), basename(__FILE__))) { die; } @file_put_contents($pidfile, getmypid()); $TimeExe = $unix->file_time_min($filetime); if (!$GLOBALS["FORCE"]) { if ($TimeExe < 60) { die; } } @unlink($filetime); @file_put_contents($filetime, time()); $FilesCount = 0; $TargetDir = "{$GLOBALS["LogFileDeamonLogDir"]}/access-InfluxToPostgresSQL"; @mkdir($TargetDir, 0755); if (system_is_overloaded(basename(__FILE__))) { return; } $PossibleDirs[] = "/home/artica/squid/realtime-events/access-failed"; $PossibleDirs[] = "/home/artica/squid/realtime-events/failed-backup-longtime"; while (list($index, $PossibleDirectory) = each($PossibleDirs)) { if (!is_dir($PossibleDirectory)) { continue; } $Files = $unix->DirFiles($PossibleDirectory); while (list($filename, $none) = each($Files)) { squid_admin_mysql(1, "Starting importing {$filename}", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); if (ACCESS_BACKUP_SCAN("{$PossibleDirectory}/{$filename}")) { $FilesCount++; $unix->compress("{$PossibleDirectory}/{$filename}", "{$TargetDir}/{$filename}.gz"); @unlink("{$PossibleDirectory}/{$filename}"); } if (system_is_overloaded(basename(__FILE__))) { squid_admin_mysql(1, "Stopping injection after {$FilesCount} imported files (overloaded)", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } } } $Directory = "/home/artica/squid/realtime-events/access-backup"; $Files = $unix->DirFiles($Directory, "\\.gz\$"); if (!is_dir($Directory)) { return; } while (list($filename, $none) = each($Files)) { squid_admin_mysql(1, "Starting importing {$filename}", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); if (ACCESS_BACKUP_SCAN("{$Directory}/{$filename}")) { $FilesCount++; @copy("{$Directory}/{$filename}", "{$TargetDir}/{$filename}"); @unlink("{$Directory}/{$filename}"); } if (system_is_overloaded(basename(__FILE__))) { squid_admin_mysql(1, "Stopping injection after {$FilesCount} imported files (overloaded)", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } } if (system_is_overloaded(basename(__FILE__))) { squid_admin_mysql(1, "Stopping injection after {$FilesCount} imported files (overloaded)", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } $Files = $unix->DirFiles($Directory, "\\.back\$"); while (list($filename, $none) = each($Files)) { squid_admin_mysql(1, "Starting importing {$filename}", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); if (ACCESS_BACKUP_SCAN("{$Directory}/{$filename}")) { $FilesCount++; $unix->compress("{$Directory}/{$filename}", "{$TargetDir}/{$filename}.gz"); @unlink("{$Directory}/{$filename}"); } if (system_is_overloaded(basename(__FILE__))) { squid_admin_mysql(1, "Stopping injection after {$FilesCount} imported files (overloaded)", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } } $Files = $unix->DirFiles($Directory); while (list($filename, $none) = each($Files)) { if (!preg_match("#^[0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+\$#", $filename)) { if (is_numeric($filename)) { @unlink("{$Directory}/{$filename}"); } continue; } squid_admin_mysql(1, "Starting importing {$filename}", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); if (ACCESS_BACKUP_SCAN("{$Directory}/{$filename}")) { $FilesCount++; @copy("{$Directory}/{$filename}", "{$TargetDir}/{$filename}"); @unlink("{$Directory}/{$filename}"); } if (system_is_overloaded(basename(__FILE__))) { squid_admin_mysql(1, "Stopping injection after {$FilesCount} imported files (overloaded)", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } } $Files = $unix->DirFiles($Directory); if (count($Files) == 0) { @rmdir($Directory); } }
function backup_ldap() { $unix = new unix(); $slapcat = $unix->find_program("slapcat"); if ($slapcat == null) { cyrus_admin_mysql(0, "Unable to find slapcat binary", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); return false; } $tempdir = $unix->TEMP_DIR(); shell_exec("{$slapcat} -l {$tempdir}/ldap.ldif"); @mkdir("{$GLOBALS["MOUNTED_PATH_FINAL"]}/ldap_backup", 0755, true); if (!is_dir("{$GLOBALS["MOUNTED_PATH_FINAL"]}/ldap_backup")) { cyrus_admin_mysql(0, "Unable to backup: Permission denied on ressource", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); @unlink("{$tempdir}/ldap.ldif"); return false; } if ($GLOBALS["CyrusBackupNas"]["COMPRESS_ENABLE"] == 0) { if (!@copy("{$tempdir}/ldap.ldif", "{$GLOBALS["MOUNTED_PATH_FINAL"]}/ldap_backup/ldap.ldif")) { cyrus_admin_mysql(0, "Unable to backup: Permission denied on ressource", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); @unlink("{$tempdir}/ldap.ldif"); return false; } } if ($GLOBALS["CyrusBackupNas"]["COMPRESS_ENABLE"] == 1) { if (!$unix->compress("{$tempdir}/ldap.ldif", "{$GLOBALS["MOUNTED_PATH_FINAL"]}/ldap_backup/ldap.ldif.gz")) { cyrus_admin_mysql(0, "Unable to backup: Permission denied on ressource", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); @unlink("{$tempdir}/ldap.ldif"); return false; } } $ldap = new clladp(); if (!@file_put_contents("{$GLOBALS["MOUNTED_PATH_FINAL"]}/ldap_backup/suffix", $ldap->suffix)) { cyrus_admin_mysql(0, "Unable to backup: Permission denied on ressource", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); } @unlink("{$tempdir}/ldap.ldif"); }
} @mkdir("/home/postfix/logrotate", 0755, true); $q = new mysql(); $hier = $q->HIER(); $targetcompressed = "/home/postfix/logrotate/{$hier}.gz"; $unix = new unix(); if (is_file($targetfile)) { if (!connect_from($targetfile)) { postfix_admin_mysql(0, "FATAL! {$targetfile} connect_from() failed", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } if (!pflogsumm($targetfile)) { postfix_admin_mysql(0, "FATAL! {$targetfile} pflogsumm() failed", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } if (!$unix->compress($targetfile, $targetcompressed)) { @unlink($targetcompressed); return; } @unlink($targetfile); } if (is_file($targetcompressed)) { echo "{$targetcompressed} exists, abort\n"; die; } if (!@copy("/var/log/mail.log", $targetfile)) { postfix_admin_mysql(0, "FATAL! unable to rotate mail.log", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); die; } $echo = $unix->find_program("echo"); shell_exec("{$echo} \"\" >/var/log/mail.log");
function scan_backup_dir() { $unix = new unix(); $sock = new sockets(); $BackupMaxDaysDir = $sock->GET_INFO("BackupMaxDaysDir"); if ($BackupMaxDaysDir == null) { $BackupMaxDaysDir = "/home/logrotate_backup"; } echo "BackupMaxDaysDir: {$BackupMaxDaysDir}\n"; build_progress_scandir("{scanning} {$BackupMaxDaysDir}", 20); sleep(3); $c = 0; $find = $unix->find_program("find"); exec("{$find} {$BackupMaxDaysDir} 2>&1", $results); while (list($num, $filename) = each($results)) { if (!is_file($filename)) { build_progress_scandir("{skip} {$filename}", 30); continue; } $basename = basename($filename); if (preg_match("#^cache-#", $basename)) { build_progress_scandir("{skip} {$basename}", 30); continue; } if (!preg_match("#^access-tail#", $basename)) { build_progress_scandir("{skip} {$basename}", 30); continue; } build_progress_scandir("{importing} {$basename}", 30); $c++; if (upload_mysql($filename, true)) { $c++; } } $unix = new unix(); $tempdir = $unix->TEMP_DIR(); $destfile = "{$tempdir}/current-access.log"; if ($unix->compress("/var/log/squid/access.log", $destfile)) { build_progress_scandir("{importing} squid/access.log", 90); upload_mysql($destfile, true, true); @unlink($destfile); } if ($c == 0) { build_progress_scandir("{failed} 0 {files}", 110); return; } build_progress_scandir("{done} {$c} {files}", 100); }
function compile() { $unix = new unix(); $MAIN_CACHE = unserialize(@file_get_contents("/root/UFDB_COMPILE_DATABASES")); $q = new mysql_squid_builder(); $DB_LISTES = TransArray(); $ufdbGenTable = $unix->find_program("ufdbGenTable"); $WORKDIR = "/home/artica/ufdbv10"; $OUTPUTDIR = "/home/artica/ufdbv10Export"; @mkdir($OUTPUTDIR, 0755, true); $UPDATED = 0; while (list($category_table, $category) = each($DB_LISTES)) { echo "Starting Cleaning {$category_table}\n"; Clean_table($category_table); $CountCategoryTableRows = $q->COUNT_ROWS("{$category_table}"); echo "{$category_table}: {$CountCategoryTableRows} rows\n"; if ($CountCategoryTableRows == 0) { sendEmail("ALERT! {$category_table} NO ROW!"); continue; } if (intval($MAIN_CACHE[$category_table]["ROWS"]) == $CountCategoryTableRows) { ToSyslog($category_table . " [SKIPPED] {$MAIN_CACHE[$category_table]["ROWS"]} == {$CountCategoryTableRows}"); echo "{$category_table}: SKIPPED\n"; continue; } $workingtempdir = "{$WORKDIR}/{$category_table}"; $workingtempFile = "{$workingtempdir}/domains"; @mkdir($workingtempdir, 0777, true); $unix->chmod_func(0777, $workingtempdir); if (is_file($workingtempFile)) { @unlink($workingtempFile); } $sql = "SELECT pattern FROM {$category_table} ORDER BY pattern INTO OUTFILE '{$workingtempFile}' LINES TERMINATED BY '\n';"; $q = new mysql_squid_builder(); $q->QUERY_SQL($sql); if (!$q->ok) { sendEmail("ALERT! {$category_table} MySQL error", $q->mysql_error); die; } @file_put_contents("{$workingtempdir}/urls", "\n"); @file_put_contents("{$workingtempdir}/expressions", "\n"); @unlink("{$workingtempdir}/domains.ufdb"); $categoryKey = compile_databases_categoryKey($category); $u = " -u {$workingtempdir}/urls"; $d = " -d {$workingtempdir}/domains"; $cmd = "{$ufdbGenTable} -n -q -W -t {$categoryKey}{$d}{$u} >/dev/null 2>&1"; echo "[{$category_table}]::{$category} {$cmd}\n"; $UPDATED++; $t = time(); $resultsCMD[] = $cmd; ToSyslog("[FINISH]:: Compiling {$category_table}..."); exec($cmd, $resultsCMD); if (!is_file("{$workingtempdir}/domains.ufdb")) { sendEmail("ALERT! {$category_table} domains.ufdb no such file!"); continue; } @mkdir("/home/artica/backuped_categories", 0755); $unix->compress($workingtempFile, "/home/artica/backuped_categories/{$category_table}.gz"); echo "[{$category_table}]::{$category} Compressing to {$OUTPUTDIR}/{$category_table}.gz\n"; if (!$unix->compress("{$workingtempdir}/domains.ufdb", "{$OUTPUTDIR}/{$category_table}.gz")) { sendEmail("ALERT! unable to compress {$workingtempdir}/domains.ufdb"); die; } @unlink("/home/ufdbcat/{$category_table}/domains.ufdb"); @copy("{$workingtempdir}/domains.ufdb", "/var/lib/ufdbartica/{$category_table}/domains.ufdb"); echo "[{$category_table}]::{$category} Indexing....\n"; $md5file = md5_file("{$workingtempdir}/domains.ufdb"); $md5zip = md5_file("{$OUTPUTDIR}/{$category_table}.gz"); ToSyslog("{$OUTPUTDIR}/{$category_table}.gz [UPDATED]"); $UPDATED_DBS[] = "{$category_table} ({$CountCategoryTableRows})"; $MAIN_CACHE[$category_table]["ROWS"] = $CountCategoryTableRows; $MAIN_CACHE[$category_table]["TIME"] = time(); $MAIN_CACHE[$category_table]["MD5SRC"] = $md5file; $MAIN_CACHE[$category_table]["MD5GZ"] = $md5zip; } ToSyslog("[FINISH]:: Building indexes {$UPDATED} updated..."); @file_put_contents("/root/UFDB_COMPILE_DATABASES", serialize($MAIN_CACHE)); @file_put_contents("{$OUTPUTDIR}/index.txt", base64_encode(serialize($MAIN_CACHE))); if ($UPDATED > 0) { ToSyslog("[FINISH]:: PushToRepo_alls()"); PushToRepo_alls(); sendEmail("{$UPDATED} Official Webfiltering databases updated", @implode("\n", $UPDATED_DBS)); } }
continue; } if (preg_match("#(blacklist|whitelist)\\s+list\\s+#", $ligne)) { continue; } if (preg_match("#acl whitelist from#", $ligne)) { if (strpos($ligne, "*") == 0) { continue; } } echo "{$ligne}\n"; $T[] = $ligne; } @file_put_contents("/root/milter-greylist-database.txt", @implode("\n", $T)); $unix = new unix(); if (!$unix->compress("/root/milter-greylist-database.txt", "/root/milter-greylist-database.gz")) { die; } @unlink("/root/milter-greylist-database.txt"); $md5 = md5_file("/root/milter-greylist-database.gz"); $MAIN["PATTERN"]["TIME"] = time(); $MAIN["PATTERN"]["MD5"] = $md5; @file_put_contents("/root/milter-greylist-database.txt", serialize($MAIN)); $ftp_serv = @file_get_contents("/root/ftp-hostname"); $ftp_passw = @file_get_contents("/root/ftp-password"); $curl = $unix->find_program("curl"); $ftp_passw = $unix->shellEscapeChars($ftp_passw); echo "\n ************** FTP WWWW **************\n"; echo "Push to\n"; $cmdline = "{$curl} -T /root/milter-greylist-database.txt --user {$ftp_passw}\n"; echo $cmdline . "\n";
function proxy_pack_debug_compress() { $unix = new unix(); $filename = "/var/log/apache2/proxy.pack.debug"; $unix->compress($filename, "/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/logs/web/proxy.pack.debug.gz"); }
function support_step2() { $files[] = "/var/log/squid/cache.log"; $files[] = "/var/log/syslog"; $files[] = "/var/log/messages"; $files[] = "/var/log/auth.log"; $files[] = "/var/log/squid/access.log"; $files[] = "/var/log/squid/external-acl.log"; $files[] = "/var/log/squid/logfile_daemon.debug"; $files[] = "/var/log/php.log"; $files[] = "/var/log/mail.log"; $files[] = "/var/log/squid.watchdog.log"; $files[] = "/var/log/squid/ufdbguardd.log"; $files[] = "/var/log/samba/log.winbindd"; $files[] = "/etc/samba/smb.conf"; $files[] = "/var/log/samba/log.nmbd"; $files[] = "/var/log/samba/log.smbd"; $files[] = "/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.err"; $files[] = "/etc/init.d/artica-ifup"; $files[] = "/var/log/net-start.log"; $files[] = "/var/log/artica-ufdb.log"; $files[] = "/var/log/artica-meta.log"; $files[] = "/var/log/webfiltering-update.log"; $files[] = "{$GLOBALS["ARTICALOGDIR"]}/ufdbguard-tail.debug"; $unix = new unix(); $cp = $unix->find_program("cp"); $dmesg = $unix->find_program("dmesg"); @mkdir("/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/support", 0755, true); shell_exec("{$dmesg} >/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/support/dmesg.txt"); progress("{get_all_logs}", 45); if (is_dir("/etc/squid3")) { @mkdir("/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/support/etc-squid3", 0755, true); $cmd = "/bin/cp -rf /etc/squid3/* /usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/support/etc-squid3/"; shell_exec("{$cmd}"); } $squidbin = $unix->LOCATE_SQUID_BIN(); progress("{get_all_logs}", 46); if (is_file("/tmp/squid.conf")) { if (is_file($squidbin)) { shell_exec("{$squidbin} -f /tmp/squid.conf -k parse >/etc-squid3/tmp.squid.conf.log 2>&1"); } @copy("/tmp/squid.conf", "/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/support/etc-squid3/tmp.squid.conf"); } progress("{get_all_logs}", 47); if (is_dir("/etc/postfix")) { @mkdir("/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/support/etc-postfix", 0755, true); $cmd = "/bin/cp -rf /etc/postfix/* /usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/support/etc-postfix/"; shell_exec("{$cmd}"); } progress("{get_all_logs}", 48); while (list($a, $b) = each($files)) { if (is_file($b)) { progress("{get_all_logs}:" . basename($b), 48); $destfile = basename("{$b}.gz"); $unix->compress($b, "/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/support/{$destfile}"); } } progress("{get_all_logs} lshw", 49); $lshw = $unix->find_program("lshw"); exec("{$lshw} -class network 2>&1", $results); progress("{get_all_logs} ifconfig", 50); $ifconfig = $unix->find_program("ifconfig"); exec("{$ifconfig} -a 2>&1", $results); $results[] = "\n\t***************\n"; progress("{get_all_logs} IP", 50); $ip = $unix->find_program("ip"); exec("{$ip} link show 2>&1", $results); $results[] = "\n\t***************\n"; progress("{get_all_logs} Route", 50); exec("{$ip} route 2>&1", $results); $results[] = "\n\t***************\n"; $f = explode("\n", @file_get_contents("/etc/iproute2/rt_tables")); while (list($a, $line) = each($f)) { if (!preg_match("#^([0-9]+)\\s+(.+)#", $line, $re)) { continue; } $table_num = $re[1]; $tablename = $re[2]; if ($table_num == 0) { continue; } if ($table_num > 252) { continue; } $results[] = "\n\t***** Table route {$table_num} named {$tablename} *****\n"; exec("{$ip} route show table {$table_num} 2>&1", $results); $results[] = "\n\t***************\n"; } progress("{get_all_logs} uname", 51); $unix = new unix(); $uname = $unix->find_program("uname"); $results[] = "{$uname} -a:"; exec("{$uname} -a 2>&1", $results); $results[] = "\n"; $results[] = "/bin/bash --version:"; exec("/bin/bash --version 2>&1", $results); $results[] = "\n"; progress("{get_all_logs} gdb", 52); $gdb = $unix->find_program("gdb"); if (is_file($gdb)) { $results[] = "{$gdb} --version:"; exec("{$gdb} --version 2>&1", $results); } else { $results[] = "gdb no such binary...."; } $results[] = "\n"; $smbd = $unix->find_program("smbd"); if (is_file($smbd)) { $results[] = "{$smbd} -V:"; exec("{$smbd} -V 2>&1", $results); } else { $results[] = "smbd no such binary...."; } $results[] = "\n"; progress("{get_all_logs} {$squidbin}", 53); if (is_file($squidbin)) { $results[] = "{$squidbin} -v:"; exec("{$squidbin} -v 2>&1", $results); squid_watchdog_events("Reconfiguring Proxy parameters..."); exec("/etc/init.d/squid reload --script=" . basename(__FILE__) . " 2>&1", $results); squid_admin_mysql(2, "Framework executed to reconfigure squid-cache", @implode("\n", $results)); } else { $results[] = "squid no such binary...."; } $results[] = "\n"; progress("{get_all_logs}", 54); if (is_file($squidbin)) { $results[] = "{$squidbin} -v:"; exec("{$squidbin} -v 2>&1", $results); squid_watchdog_events("Reconfiguring Proxy parameters..."); exec("/etc/init.d/squid reload --script=" . basename(__FILE__) . " 2>&1", $results); squid_admin_mysql(2, "Framework executed to reconfigure squid-cache", @implode("\n", $results)); shell_exec("{$squidbin} -f /etc/squid3/squid.conf -k check -X >/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/support/squid-conf-check.txt"); if (is_file("/tmp/squid.conf")) { shell_exec("{$squidbin} -f /tmp/squid.conf -k check -X >/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/support/squid-temp-check.txt"); } } else { $results[] = "squid3 no such binary...."; } progress("{get_all_logs} DF", 55); $results[] = "\n"; $df = $unix->find_program("df"); if (is_file($df)) { $results[] = "{$df} -h:"; exec("{$df} -h 2>&1", $results); } else { $results[] = "{$df} no such binary...."; } progress("{get_all_logs}", 56); @file_put_contents("/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/support/generated.versions.txt", @implode("\n", $results)); }
function compressAndClean() { @unlink("/etc/artica-postfix/POSTFIX_COMPRESS_CLEAN.time"); @file_put_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/POSTFIX_COMPRESS_CLEAN.time", time()); $unix = new unix(); $q = new mysql(); $hier = $q->HIER(); $targetSourceFile = "{$hier}.log"; if (system_is_overloaded(basename(__FILE__))) { postfix_admin_mysql(0, "Overloaded system, aborting rotation compressing", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } $BaseWorkDir = "/home/postfix/logrotate"; $targetcompressed = "/home/postfix/logrotate/{$hier}.gz"; if (!($handle = opendir($BaseWorkDir))) { echo "Failed open {$BaseWorkDir}\n"; return; } while (false !== ($filename = readdir($handle))) { if ($filename == ".") { continue; } if ($filename == "..") { continue; } $targetfile = "{$BaseWorkDir}/{$filename}"; if (strpos($filename, ".gz") > 0) { continue; } if ($filename == $targetSourceFile) { echo "Hier: {$targetSourceFile} was not compressed!\n"; if (is_file($targetfile)) { if (!connect_from($targetfile)) { postfix_admin_mysql(0, "FATAL! {$targetfile} connect_from() failed", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } if (!pflogsumm($targetfile)) { postfix_admin_mysql(0, "FATAL! {$targetfile} pflogsumm() failed", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); return; } if (!$unix->compress($targetfile, $targetcompressed)) { @unlink($targetcompressed); continue; } @unlink($targetfile); } continue; } $ToCompressPath = "{$BaseWorkDir}/{$filename}"; $ToCompressPath = str_replace(".log", ".gz", $ToCompressPath); echo "Compressing {$targetfile} -> {$ToCompressPath}\n"; if (!$unix->compress($targetfile, $ToCompressPath)) { echo "Compressing {$targetfile} -> {$ToCompressPath} - FAILED -\n"; @unlink($ToCompressPath); continue; } else { postfix_admin_mysql(2, "Success compressing {$targetfile}", null, __FILE__, __LINE__); @unlink($targetfile); } } }