function sslbridgre(){ if(!is_file("/usr/share/artica-postfix/sslbridge/index.php")){return;} $unix=new unix(); $ligghtpd=$unix->LIGHTTPD_USER(); shell_exec("/bin/chown -R $ligghtpd:$ligghtpd /usr/share/artica-postfix/sslbridge"); shell_exec("/bin/chmod -R 755 /usr/share/artica-postfix/sslbridge"); $f[]="<?php"; $f[]="define(\"LOCALHOST\", \"localhost\");"; $f[]="define(\"SYSTEMDIR\", '/tmp');"; $f[]="// define(\"DEBUG\", true);"; $f[]="?>"; @file_put_contents("/usr/share/artica-postfix/sslbridge/config.php",@implode("\n",$f)); }
function CompressCategories() { $sock = new sockets(); $EnableRemoteStatisticsAppliance = $sock->GET_INFO("EnableRemoteStatisticsAppliance"); if (!is_numeric($EnableRemoteStatisticsAppliance)) { $EnableRemoteStatisticsAppliance = 0; } if ($EnableRemoteStatisticsAppliance == 1) { return; } $unix = new unix(); $tar = $unix->find_program("tar"); $chmod = $unix->find_program("chmod"); $chown = $unix->find_program("chown"); $lighttpdUser = $unix->LIGHTTPD_USER(); $StorageDir = "/usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/databases"; if (!is_dir("/var/lib/squidguard")) { ufdbguard_admin_events("/var/lib/squidguard no such directory", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, "global-compile"); return; } $t = time(); if (is_dir("/var/lib/squidguard")) { chdir("/var/lib/squidguard"); if (is_file("{$StorageDir}/blacklist.tar.gz")) { @unlink("{$StorageDir}/blacklist.tar.gz"); } writelogs("Compressing /var/lib/squidguard", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); shell_exec("{$tar} -czf {$StorageDir}/blacklist.tar.gz *"); shell_exec("{$chmod} 770 {$StorageDir}/blacklist.tar.gz"); } if (is_dir("/var/lib/ftpunivtlse1fr")) { chdir("/var/lib/ftpunivtlse1fr"); writelogs("Compressing /var/lib/ftpunivtlse1fr", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); if (is_file("{$StorageDir}/ftpunivtlse1fr.tar.gz")) { @unlink("{$StorageDir}/ftpunivtlse1fr.tar.gz"); } shell_exec("{$tar} -czf {$StorageDir}/ftpunivtlse1fr.tar.gz *"); shell_exec("{$chmod} 770 {$StorageDir}/ftpunivtlse1fr.tar.gz"); } if (is_dir("/etc/dansguardian")) { chdir("/etc/dansguardian"); writelogs("Compressing /etc/dansguardian", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); if (is_file("{$StorageDir}/dansguardian.tar.gz")) { @unlink("{$StorageDir}/dansguardian.tar.gz"); } exec("{$tar} -czf {$StorageDir}/dansguardian.tar.gz * 2>&1", $lines); while (list($linum, $line) = each($lines)) { writelogs($line, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); } if (!is_file("{$StorageDir}/dansguardian.tar.gz")) { writelogs(".{$StorageDir}/dansguardian.tar.gz no such file", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); } shell_exec("{$chmod} 770 /usr/share/artica-postfix/ressources/databases/dansguardian.tar.gz"); } writelogs("Compressing done, apply permissions for `{$lighttpdUser}` user", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__); shell_exec("{$chown} {$lighttpdUser}:{$lighttpdUser} {$StorageDir}"); shell_exec("{$chown} {$lighttpdUser}:{$lighttpdUser} {$StorageDir}/*"); $ttook = $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($t, time(), true); ufdbguard_admin_events("compress all categories done ({$ttook})", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, "global-compile"); }
function web_password() { $sock = new sockets(); $ldap = new clladp(); $array = unserialize(base64_decode($sock->GET_INFO("ClueBringerMembers"))); while (list($uid, $conf) = each($array)) { if ($uid == null) { continue; } $ct = new user($uid); if ($ct->password == null) { continue; } echo "Starting......: ClueBringer, access to {$uid}\n"; $f[] = "{$uid}:{$ct->password}"; } echo "Starting......: ClueBringer, access to {$ldap->ldap_admin}\n"; $f[] = "{$ldap->ldap_admin}:{$ldap->ldap_password}"; $f[] = ""; @mkdir("/etc/lighttpd", 666, true); @file_put_contents("/etc/lighttpd/cluebringer.passwd", @implode("\n", $f)); $unix = new unix(); $lighttpd_user = $unix->LIGHTTPD_USER(); @chown("/etc/lighttpd/cluebringer.passwd", $lighttpd_user); }
function build() { $unix = new unix(); @mkdir("/var/run/lighttpd", 0755, true); @mkdir("/var/log/lighttpd", 0755, true); $username = $unix->LIGHTTPD_USER(); $sock = new sockets(); $phpcgi = $unix->LIGHTTPD_PHP5_CGI_BIN_PATH(); $chown = $unix->find_program("chown"); $perlbin = $unix->find_program("perl"); $nohup = $unix->find_program("nohup"); $php = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN(); $PHP_STANDARD_MODE = true; $SquidGuardApachePort = intval($sock->GET_INFO("SquidGuardApachePort")); $SquidGuardApacheSSLPort = intval($sock->GET_INFO("SquidGuardApacheSSLPort")); if ($SquidGuardApachePort == 0) { $SquidGuardApachePort = 9020; } if ($SquidGuardApacheSSLPort == 0) { $SquidGuardApacheSSLPort = 9025; } $SquidGuardWebSSLCertificate = $sock->GET_INFO("SquidGuardWebSSLCertificate"); @mkdir("/home/squid/error_page_sessions", 0755, true); @mkdir("/home/squid/error_page_cache", 0755, true); if ($username == null) { $username = "******"; $unix->CreateUnixUser($username, $username, "lighttpd username"); } if (preg_match("#^(.+?):(.+)#", $username, $re)) { $username = $re[1]; $username = $re[1]; } $SquidGuardStorageDir = $sock->GET_INFO("SquidGuardStorageDir"); @unlink("/var/log/lighttpd/squidguard-lighttpd-error.log"); @unlink("/var/log/lighttpd/squidguard-lighttpd.log"); if (!is_file("/var/log/lighttpd/squidguard-lighttpd.log")) { @file_put_contents("/var/log/lighttpd/squidguard-lighttpd.log", "#"); } if (!is_file("/var/log/lighttpd/squidguard-lighttpd-error.log")) { @file_put_contents("/var/log/artica-postfix/lighttpd-error.log", "#"); } $unix->chown_func($username, $username, "/var/log/lighttpd/squidguard-lighttpd.log"); $unix->chown_func($username, $username, "/var/log/lighttpd/squidguard-lighttpd-error.log"); $unix->chown_func($username, $username, "/home/squid/error_page_sessions"); $unix->chown_func($username, $username, "/home/squid/error_page_cache"); $unix->chown_func($username, $username, "/usr/share/artica-postfix/bin/install/squid/adzap/zaps/*"); @chmod("/var/log/lighttpd/squidguard-lighttpd-error.log", 0777); @chmod("/var/log/lighttpd/squidguard-lighttpd.log", 0777); if ($SquidGuardStorageDir == null) { $SquidGuardStorageDir = "/home/artica/cache"; } @mkdir($SquidGuardStorageDir, 0755, true); $unix->chown_func($username, $username, $SquidGuardStorageDir); $LighttpdUseUnixSocket = $sock->GET_INFO('LighttpdUseUnixSocket'); if (!is_numeric($LighttpdUseUnixSocket)) { $LighttpdUseUnixSocket = 0; } $lighttpdPhpPort = $sock->GET_INFO('lighttpdPhpPort'); if (!is_numeric($lighttpdPhpPort)) { $lighttpdPhpPort = 1808; } $LighttpdArticaMaxProcs = $sock->GET_INFO('LighttpdArticaMaxProcs'); if (!is_numeric($LighttpdArticaMaxProcs)) { $LighttpdArticaMaxProcs = 0; } $LighttpdArticaMaxChildren = $sock->GET_INFO('LighttpdArticaMaxChildren'); if (!is_numeric($LighttpdArticaMaxChildren)) { $LighttpdArticaMaxChildren = 0; } $LighttpdRunAsminimal = $sock->GET_INFO('LighttpdRunAsminimal'); if (!is_numeric($LighttpdRunAsminimal)) { $LighttpdRunAsminimal = 0; } $PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS = $sock->GET_INFO('PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS'); if (!is_numeric($PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS)) { $PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS = 200; } $EnablePHPFPM = $sock->GET_INFO('EnablePHPFPM'); if (!is_numeric($EnablePHPFPM)) { $EnablePHPFPM = 0; } $EnableArticaApachePHPFPM = $sock->GET_INFO("EnableArticaApachePHPFPM"); if (!is_numeric($EnableArticaApachePHPFPM)) { $EnableArticaApachePHPFPM = 0; } if ($EnableArticaApachePHPFPM == 0) { $EnablePHPFPM = 0; } $PHP_STANDARD_MODE = true; $phpcgi_path = $unix->LIGHTTPD_PHP5_CGI_BIN_PATH(); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Run as: {$username}\n"; } $PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN = 1; $max_procs = 2; if ($LighttpdArticaMaxProcs > 0) { $max_procs = $LighttpdArticaMaxProcs; } if ($LighttpdArticaMaxChildren > 0) { $HP_FCGI_CHILDREN = $LighttpdArticaMaxChildren; } if ($LighttpdRunAsminimal == 1) { $max_procs = 2; $PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN = 2; } $f[] = "#artica-postfix saved by artica lighttpd.conf"; $f[] = ""; $f[] = "server.modules = ("; $f[] = " \"mod_alias\","; $f[] = " \"mod_access\","; $f[] = " \"mod_accesslog\","; $f[] = " \"mod_compress\","; $f[] = " \"mod_fastcgi\","; $f[] = " \"mod_cgi\","; $f[] = "\t \"mod_status\""; $f[] = ")"; $f[] = ""; $f[] = "server.document-root = \"/usr/share/artica-postfix\""; $f[] = "server.username = \"{$username}\""; $f[] = "server.groupname = \"{$username}\""; $f[] = "server.errorlog = \"/var/log/lighttpd/squidguard-lighttpd-error.log\""; $f[] = "index-file.names = ( \"exec.squidguard.php\")"; $f[] = ""; $f[] = "mimetype.assign = ("; $f[] = " \".pdf\" => \"application/pdf\","; $f[] = " \".sig\" => \"application/pgp-signature\","; $f[] = " \".spl\" => \"application/futuresplash\","; $f[] = " \".class\" => \"application/octet-stream\","; $f[] = " \".ps\" => \"application/postscript\","; $f[] = " \".torrent\" => \"application/x-bittorrent\","; $f[] = " \".dvi\" => \"application/x-dvi\","; $f[] = " \".gz\" => \"application/x-gzip\","; $f[] = " \".pac\" => \"application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig\","; $f[] = " \".swf\" => \"application/x-shockwave-flash\","; $f[] = " \".tar.gz\" => \"application/x-tgz\","; $f[] = " \".tgz\" => \"application/x-tgz\","; $f[] = " \".tar\" => \"application/x-tar\","; $f[] = " \".zip\" => \"application/zip\","; $f[] = " \".mp3\" => \"audio/mpeg\","; $f[] = " \".m3u\" => \"audio/x-mpegurl\","; $f[] = " \".wma\" => \"audio/x-ms-wma\","; $f[] = " \".wax\" => \"audio/x-ms-wax\","; $f[] = " \".ogg\" => \"application/ogg\","; $f[] = " \".wav\" => \"audio/x-wav\","; $f[] = " \".gif\" => \"image/gif\","; $f[] = " \".jar\" => \"application/x-java-archive\","; $f[] = " \".jpg\" => \"image/jpeg\","; $f[] = " \".jpeg\" => \"image/jpeg\","; $f[] = " \".png\" => \"image/png\","; $f[] = " \".xbm\" => \"image/x-xbitmap\","; $f[] = " \".xpm\" => \"image/x-xpixmap\","; $f[] = " \".xwd\" => \"image/x-xwindowdump\","; $f[] = " \".css\" => \"text/css\","; $f[] = " \".html\" => \"text/html\","; $f[] = " \".htm\" => \"text/html\","; $f[] = " \".js\" => \"text/javascript\","; $f[] = " \".asc\" => \"text/plain\","; $f[] = " \".c\" => \"text/plain\","; $f[] = " \".cpp\" => \"text/plain\","; $f[] = " \".log\" => \"text/plain\","; $f[] = " \".conf\" => \"text/plain\","; $f[] = " \".text\" => \"text/plain\","; $f[] = " \".txt\" => \"text/plain\","; $f[] = " \".dtd\" => \"text/xml\","; $f[] = " \".xml\" => \"text/xml\","; $f[] = " \".mpeg\" => \"video/mpeg\","; $f[] = " \".mpg\" => \"video/mpeg\","; $f[] = " \".mov\" => \"video/quicktime\","; $f[] = " \".qt\" => \"video/quicktime\","; $f[] = " \".avi\" => \"video/x-msvideo\","; $f[] = " \".asf\" => \"video/x-ms-asf\","; $f[] = " \".asx\" => \"video/x-ms-asf\","; $f[] = " \".wmv\" => \"video/x-ms-wmv\","; $f[] = " \".bz2\" => \"application/x-bzip\","; $f[] = " \".tbz\" => \"application/x-bzip-compressed-tar\","; $f[] = " \".tar.bz2\" => \"application/x-bzip-compressed-tar\","; $f[] = " \"\" => \"application/octet-stream\","; $f[] = " )"; $f[] = ""; $f[] = ""; $f[] = "accesslog.filename = \"/var/log/lighttpd/squidguard-lighttpd.log\""; $f[] = "url.access-deny = ( \"~\", \".inc\",\".log\",\".ini\",\"ressources\",\"computers\",\"user-backup\",\"logon.php\",\"index.php\")"; $f[] = ""; $f[] = "static-file.exclude-extensions = ( \".php\", \".pl\", \".fcgi\" )"; $f[] = "server.port = {$SquidGuardApachePort}"; $f[] = "#server.bind = \"\""; $f[] = "server.error-handler-404 = \"/exec.squidguard.php\""; $f[] = "#server.error-handler-404 = \"/error-handler.php\""; $f[] = " = \"/var/run/lighttpd/\""; $f[] = "server.max-fds \t\t = 2048"; $f[] = " = \"write\""; $f[] = "server.follow-symlink = \"enable\""; $f[] = ""; $f[] = ''; $f[] = "\$SERVER[\"socket\"]== \":{$SquidGuardApacheSSLPort}\" {"; $f[] = "\tssl.engine = \"enable\""; $cert = new lighttpd_certificate($SquidGuardWebSSLCertificate); $f[] = $cert->build(); $f[] = "ssl.cipher-list=\"ALL:!aNULL:!ADH:!eNULL:!LOW:!EXP:RC4+RSA:+HIGH:+MEDIUM:+SSLv3\""; $f[] = "}"; if (!is_file("/opt/artica/ssl/certs/lighttpd.pem")) { @chmod("/usr/share/artica-postfix/bin/artica-install", 0755); shell_exec("/usr/share/artica-postfix/bin/artica-install -lighttpd-cert"); } // if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Listen on: {$SquidGuardApachePort}\n"; } if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Listen on: {$SquidGuardApacheSSLPort} SSL\n"; } $phpfpm = $unix->find_program('php5-fpm'); if (!is_file($phpfpm)) { $phpfpm = $unix->find_program('php-fpm'); } if (is_file($phpfpm)) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} PHP-FPM is installed\n"; } if ($EnablePHPFPM == 1) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} PHP-FPM is enabled\n"; } $PHP_STANDARD_MODE = false; $f[] = 'fastcgi.server = ( ".php" =>(('; $f[] = ' "socket" => "/var/run/php-fpm.sock",'; } } if ($PHP_STANDARD_MODE) { $f[] = 'fastcgi.server = ( ".php" =>(('; $f[] = ' "bin-path" => "/usr/bin/php-cgi",'; if ($LighttpdUseUnixSocket == 1) { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Fast-cgi server unix socket mode\n"; } $f[] = ' "socket" => "/var/run/lighttpd/php.socket" + var.PID,'; } else { if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} Fast-cgi server socket{$lighttpdPhpPort}\n"; } $f[] = ' "host" => "","port" =>' . $lighttpdPhpPort . ','; } } $f[] = ' "max-procs" => ' . $max_procs . ','; $f[] = ' "idle-timeout" => 10,'; $f[] = ' "bin-environment" => ('; $f[] = ' "PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN" => "' . $PHP_FCGI_CHILDREN . '",'; $f[] = ' "PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS" => "' . $PHP_FCGI_MAX_REQUESTS . '"'; $f[] = ' ),'; $f[] = ' "bin-copy-environment" => ('; $f[] = ' "PATH", "SHELL", "USER"'; $f[] = ' ),'; $f[] = ' "broken-scriptfilename" => "enable"'; $f[] = ' ))'; $f[] = ')'; $f[] = "alias.url += ( \"/css/\" => \"/usr/share/artica-postfix/css/\" )"; $f[] = "alias.url += ( \"/img/\" => \"/usr/share/artica-postfix/img/\" )"; $f[] = "alias.url += ( \"/js/\" => \"/usr/share/artica-postfix/js/\" )"; $f[] = "alias.url += ( \"/zaps/\" => \"/usr/share/artica-postfix/bin/install/squid/adzap/zaps/\" )"; $f[] = ""; $f[] = "cgi.assign= ("; $f[] = "\t\".pl\" => \"/usr/bin/perl\","; $f[] = "\t\".php\" => \"/usr/bin/php-cgi\","; $f[] = "\t\".py\" => \"/usr/bin/python\","; $f[] = "\t\".cgi\" => \"/usr/bin/perl\","; $f[] = ")"; @file_put_contents("/etc/artica-postfix/squidguard-lighttpd.conf", @implode("\n", $f)); if ($GLOBALS["OUTPUT"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: {$GLOBALS["TITLENAME"]} squidguard-lighttpd.conf done.\n"; } }
function build(){ CheckHttpdConf(); RemoveAllSites(); create_cron_task(); $sock=new sockets(); $unix=new unix(); $varWwwPerms=$sock->GET_INFO("varWwwPerms"); if($varWwwPerms==null){$varWwwPerms=755;} remove_files(); $sql="SELECT * FROM freeweb ORDER BY servername"; $httpdconf=$unix->LOCATE_APACHE_CONF_PATH(); $apacheusername=$unix->APACHE_SRC_ACCOUNT(); $GLOBALS["apacheusername"]=$apacheusername; $DAEMON_PATH=$unix->getmodpathfromconf($httpdconf); $q=new mysql(); $results=$q->QUERY_SQL($sql,'artica_backup'); if(!$q->ok){if($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]){echo $q->mysql_error."\n";return;}} $d_path=$unix->APACHE_DIR_SITES_ENABLED(); $mods_enabled=$DAEMON_PATH."/mods-enabled"; echo "Starting......: Apache daemon path: $d_path\n"; echo "Starting......: Apache mods path..: $mods_enabled\n"; if(!is_dir($d_path)){@mkdir($d_path,666,true);} if(!is_dir($mods_enabled)){@mkdir($mods_enabled,666,true);} $count=mysql_num_rows($results); echo "Starting......: Apache checking virtual web sites count:$count\n"; if($count==0){ $users=new usersMenus(); echo "Starting......: Apache building default $users->hostname...\n"; buildHost($unix->LIGHTTPD_USER(),$users->hostname,0,$d_path); } while($ligne=mysql_fetch_array($results,MYSQL_ASSOC)){ $uid=$ligne["uid"]; $hostname=$ligne["servername"]; $ssl=$ligne["useSSL"]; echo "Starting......: Apache \"$hostname\" starting \n"; buildHost($uid,$hostname,$ssl,$d_path); } $users=$GLOBALS["CLASS_USERS_MENUS"]; $APACHE_MOD_AUTHNZ_LDAP=$users->APACHE_MOD_AUTHNZ_LDAP; if(is_file($GLOBALS["a2enmod"])){ if($APACHE_MOD_AUTHNZ_LDAP){ if($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]){echo "Starting......: Apache {$GLOBALS["a2enmod"]} authnz_ldap\n";} shell_exec("{$GLOBALS["a2enmod"]} authnz_ldap >/dev/null 2>&1"); } } $sock=$GLOBALS["CLASS_SOCKETS"]; if($sock->GET_INFO("ArticaMetaEnabled")==1){ sys_THREAD_COMMAND_SET(LOCATE_PHP5_BIN()." ".dirname(__FILE__)."/exec.artica.meta.users.php --export-freewebs"); } }
function execute() { $nice = EXEC_NICE(); if (is_file(dirname(__FILE__) . "/exec.sarg.gilou.php")) { shell_exec($nice . LOCATE_PHP5_BIN2() . " " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/exec.sarg.gilou.php --exec"); return; } $nice = EXEC_NICE(); $unix = new unix(); $today = date("d/m/Y"); $sarg_bin = $unix->find_program("sarg"); if (!is_file($sarg_bin)) { echo "Sarg not installed"; return; } buildconf(); $usersauth = false; $squid = new squidbee(); if ($squid->LDAP_AUTH == 1) { $usersauth = true; } if ($squid->LDAP_EXTERNAL_AUTH == 1) { $usersauth = true; } if (!is_file("/etc/squid/exclude_codes")) { @file_put_contents("/etc/squid/exclude_codes", "\nNONE/400\n"); } @mkdir("/usr/share/artica-postfix/squid", 755, true); if ($usersauth) { echo "Starting......: Sarg, user authentification enabled\n"; $u = " -i "; } else { echo "Starting......: Sarg, user authentification disabled\n"; } $cmd = "{$nice}{$sarg_bin} -d {$today}-{$today} {$u}-f /etc/squid3/sarg.conf -l /var/log/squid/sarg.log -o /usr/share/artica-postfix/squid -x -z 2>&1"; $t1 = time(); echo "Starting......: Sarg, {$cmd}\n"; exec($cmd, $results); while (list($index, $line) = each($results)) { if (preg_match("#SARG: No records found#", $line)) { $subject_add = "(No records found)"; } if (preg_match("#SARG:\\s+.+?mixed records format#", $line)) { send_email_events("SARG: Error, squid was reloaded", "It seems that there is a mixed log file format detected in squid\n\t\t\tThis reason is Artica change squid log format from orginial to http access mode.\n\t\t\tIn this case, the log will be moved and squid will be reloaded \n\t\t\tin order to build a full log file with only one log format.\n\t\t\t\n" . @implode("\n", $results), "proxy"); shell_exec(LOCATE_PHP5_BIN2() . " " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/exec.squid.php --reconfigure"); shell_exec($unix->LOCATE_SQUID_BIN() . " -k rotate"); shell_exec("/etc/init.d/artica-postfix restart squid-tail"); return; } if (preg_match("#SARG:\\s+.+?enregistrements de plusieurs formats#", $line)) { send_email_events("SARG: Error, squid was reloaded", "It seems that there is a mixed log file format detected in squid\n\t\t\tThis reason is Artica change squid log format from orginial to http access mode.\n\t\t\tIn this case, the log will be moved and squid will be reloaded \n\t\t\tin order to build a full log file with only one log format.\n\t\t\t\n" . @implode("\n", $results), "proxy"); shell_exec(LOCATE_PHP5_BIN2() . " " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/exec.squid.php --reconfigure"); shell_exec($unix->LOCATE_SQUID_BIN() . " -k rotate"); shell_exec("/etc/init.d/artica-postfix restart squid-tail"); return; } if (preg_match("#SARG.+?Unknown input log file format#", $line)) { send_email_events("SARG: \"Unknown input log file format\", squid was reloaded", "It seems that there is a input log file format log file format detected in squid\n\t\t\tThis reason is Artica change squid log format from orginial to log_fqn on, this will be disabled\n\t\t\tIn this case, the log will be moved and squid will be reloaded \n\t\t\tin order to build a full log file with only one log format.\n\t\t\t\n" . @implode("\n", $results), "proxy"); shell_exec(LOCATE_PHP5_BIN2() . " " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/exec.squid.php --reconfigure"); shell_exec($unix->LOCATE_SQUID_BIN() . " -k rotate"); shell_exec("/etc/init.d/artica-postfix restart squid-tail"); return; } } $unix = new unix(); $lighttpd_user = $unix->LIGHTTPD_USER(); echo "Starting......: Sarg, lighttpd user: {$lighttpd_user}\n"; $chown = $unix->find_program("chown"); echo "Starting......: Sarg,{$chown} -R {$lighttpd_user}:{$lighttpd_user} /usr/share/artica-postfix/squid/*\n"; exec("{$chown} -R {$lighttpd_user}:{$lighttpd_user} /usr/share/artica-postfix/squid/* >/dev/null 2>&1", $results2); echo "Starting......: Sarg,\n" . @implode("\n" . $results2) . "\n"; $t2 = time(); $distanceOfTimeInWords = distanceOfTimeInWords($t1, $t2); echo "Starting......: Sarg, {$distanceOfTimeInWords}\n"; if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "SARG: Statistics generated ({$distanceOfTimeInWords})\n\n"; echo @implode("\n", $results) . "\n"; } send_email_events("SARG: Statistics generated ({$distanceOfTimeInWords}) {$subject_add}", "Command line:\n-----------\n{$cmd}\n" . @implode("\n", $results), "proxy"); }
function build() { $unix = new unix(); if (is_file("/etc/artica-postfix/FROM_ISO")) { if ($unix->file_time_min("/etc/artica-postfix/FROM_ISO") < 1) { return; } } $mef = basename(__FILE__); $pidfile = "/etc/artica-postfix/pids/" . basename(__FILE__) . "." . __FUNCTION__ . ".pid"; $pid = @file_get_contents($pidfile); if ($unix->process_exists($pid, $mef)) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Apache building : Process Already exist pid {$pid} line:" . __LINE__ . "\n"; return; } @file_put_contents($pidfile, getmypid()); if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [DEBUG]: Apache -> CheckHttpdConf();\n"; } CheckHttpdConf(); if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [DEBUG]: Apache -> RemoveAllSites();\n"; } RemoveAllSites(); if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [DEBUG]: Apache -> create_cron_task();\n"; } create_cron_task(); sync_squid(); $sock = new sockets(); $FreeWebDisableSSL = intval(trim($sock->GET_INFO("FreeWebDisableSSL"))); $php5 = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN(); $varWwwPerms = $sock->GET_INFO("varWwwPerms"); if ($varWwwPerms == null) { $varWwwPerms = 755; } if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [DEBUG]: Apache -> remove_files();\n"; } remove_files(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM freeweb ORDER BY servername"; $httpdconf = $unix->LOCATE_APACHE_CONF_PATH(); $apacheusername = $unix->APACHE_SRC_ACCOUNT(); $GLOBALS["apacheusername"] = $apacheusername; $DAEMON_PATH = $unix->getmodpathfromconf($httpdconf); if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [DEBUG]: Apache -> sql();\n"; } $q = new mysql(); $results = $q->QUERY_SQL($sql, 'artica_backup'); if (!$q->ok) { if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [DEBUG]: Apache {$q->mysql_error}\n"; return; } } $d_path = $unix->APACHE_DIR_SITES_ENABLED(); $mods_enabled = $DAEMON_PATH . "/mods-enabled"; if ($FreeWebDisableSSL == 0) { SSL_DEFAULT_VIRTUAL_HOST(); } echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Apache daemon path: {$d_path}\n"; echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Apache mods path..: {$mods_enabled}\n"; if (!is_dir($d_path)) { @mkdir($d_path, 666, true); } if (!is_dir($mods_enabled)) { @mkdir($mods_enabled, 666, true); } $count = mysql_num_rows($results); echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Apache checking virtual web sites count:{$count}\n"; if ($count == 0) { $users = new usersMenus(); echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Apache building default {$users->hostname}...\n"; buildHost($unix->LIGHTTPD_USER(), $users->hostname, 0, $d_path); } if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { $add_plus = " --verbose"; } while ($ligne = mysql_fetch_array($results, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $uid = $ligne["uid"]; $hostname = $ligne["servername"]; $ssl = $ligne["useSSL"]; if ($FreeWebDisableSSL == 1) { $ssl = 0; } echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Apache \"{$hostname}\" starting\n"; $cmd = "{$php5} " . __FILE__ . " --sitename \"{$hostname}\" --no-httpd-conf --noreload{$add_plus}"; if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Apache \"{$cmd}\"\n"; } shell_exec($cmd); } $users = $GLOBALS["CLASS_USERS_MENUS"]; $APACHE_MOD_AUTHNZ_LDAP = $users->APACHE_MOD_AUTHNZ_LDAP; if (is_file($GLOBALS["a2enmod"])) { if ($APACHE_MOD_AUTHNZ_LDAP) { if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) { echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " [INIT]: Apache {$GLOBALS["a2enmod"]} authnz_ldap\n"; } shell_exec("{$GLOBALS["a2enmod"]} authnz_ldap >/dev/null 2>&1"); } } $sock = $GLOBALS["CLASS_SOCKETS"]; if ($sock->GET_INFO("ArticaMetaEnabled") == 1) { sys_THREAD_COMMAND_SET(LOCATE_PHP5_BIN() . " " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/exec.artica.meta.users.php --export-freewebs"); } sys_THREAD_COMMAND_SET(LOCATE_PHP5_BIN() . " " . __FILE__ . " --monit"); }