Example #1
 * Get info about user(s) role at test project level,
 * with indication about the nature of role: inherited or assigned.
 * To get a user role we consider a 3 layer model:
 *          layer 1 - user           <--- uplayer
 *          layer 2 - test project   <--- in this fuction we are interested in this level.
 *          layer 3 - test plan
 * args : $tproject_id
 *        [$user_id]
 * @return array map with effetive_role in context ($tproject_id)
 *          key: user_id 
 *          value: map with keys:
 *                 login                (from users table - useful for debug)
 *                 user_role_id         (from users table - useful for debug)
 *                 uplayer_role_id      (always = user_role_id)
 *                 uplayer_is_inherited
 *                 effective_role_id  user role for test project
 *                 is_inherited
function get_tproject_effective_role(&$db, $tproject, $user_id = null, $users = null)
    $effective_role = array();
    $tproject_id = $tproject['id'];
    if (!is_null($user_id)) {
        $users = tlUser::getByIDs($db, (array) $user_id);
    } else {
        if (is_null($users)) {
            $users = tlUser::getAll($db);
    if ($users) {
        foreach ($users as $id => $user) {
            // manage admin exception
            $isInherited = 1;
            $effectiveRoleID = $user->globalRoleID;
            $effectiveRole = $user->globalRole;
            if ($user->globalRoleID != TL_ROLES_ADMIN && !$tproject['is_public']) {
                $isInherited = $tproject['is_public'];
                $effectiveRoleID = TL_ROLES_NO_RIGHTS;
                $effectiveRole = '<no rights>';
            if (isset($user->tprojectRoles[$tproject_id])) {
                $isInherited = 0;
                $effectiveRoleID = $user->tprojectRoles[$tproject_id]->dbID;
                $effectiveRole = $user->tprojectRoles[$tproject_id];
            $effective_role[$id] = array('login' => $user->login, 'user' => $user, 'user_role_id' => $user->globalRoleID, 'uplayer_role_id' => $user->globalRoleID, 'uplayer_is_inherited' => 0, 'effective_role_id' => $effectiveRoleID, 'effective_role' => $effectiveRole, 'is_inherited' => $isInherited);
    return $effective_role;
Example #2
  * Show Test Case
  * @internal
  * returns:
  *  rev :
 function show(&$smarty, $guiObj, $identity, $grants)
     $env_tproject_id = $identity->tproject_id;
     $id = $identity->id;
     $version_id = isset($identity->version_id) ? $identity->version_id : self::ALL_VERSIONS;
     $idSet = is_array($id) ? $id : (array) $id;
     $status_ok = $idSet[0] > 0 ? 1 : 0;
     $idCard = new stdClass();
     $idCard->tcase_id = intval($idSet[0]);
     $idCard->tcversion_id = $version_id;
     $idCard->tproject_id = $identity->tproject_id;
     $gui = $this->initShowGui($guiObj, $grants, $idSet[0], $idCard);
     $userIDSet = array();
     if ($status_ok) {
         // Add To Testplan button will be disabled if the testcase doesn't belong to the current selected testproject
         // $gui->can_do->add2tplan = 'no';
         if ($env_tproject_id == $gui->tproject_id) {
             $gui->can_do->add2tplan = $gui->can_do->add2tplan == 'yes' ? $grants->testplan_planning : 'no';
         } else {
             $gui->can_do->add2tplan = 'no';
     if ($status_ok && sizeof($idSet)) {
         $cfx = 0;
         $cfPlaces = $this->buildCFLocationMap();
         $req_mgr = new requirement_mgr($this->db);
         $allReqs = $req_mgr->get_all_for_tcase($idSet);
         $allTCKeywords = $this->getKeywords($idSet, null, 'testcase_id', ' ORDER BY keyword ASC ');
         $ovx = 0;
         foreach ($idSet as $key => $tc_id) {
             // using $version_id has sense only when we are working on ONE SPECIFIC Test Case
             // if we are working on a set of test cases $version_id will be ALL VERSIONS
             if (!($tc_array = $this->get_by_id($tc_id, $version_id, null, array('renderGhost' => true, 'withGhostString' => true)))) {
             $tc_array[0]['tc_external_id'] = $gui->tcasePrefix . $tc_array[0]['tc_external_id'];
             $tc_array[0]['ghost'] = '[ghost]"TestCase":"' . $tc_array[0]['tc_external_id'] . '","Version":"' . $tc_array[0]['version'] . '"[/ghost]';
             // status quo of execution and links of tc versions
             $gui->status_quo[] = $this->get_versions_status_quo($tc_id);
             $gui->linked_versions[] = $this->get_linked_versions($tc_id);
             $gui->keywords_map[] = isset($allTCKeywords[$tc_id]) ? $allTCKeywords[$tc_id] : null;
             $tc_current = $tc_array[0];
             $gui->tc_current_version[] = array($tc_current);
             // Get UserID and Updater ID for current Version
             $userIDSet[$tc_current['author_id']] = null;
             $userIDSet[$tc_current['updater_id']] = null;
             foreach ($cfPlaces as $locationKey => $locationFilter) {
                 $gui->cf_current_version[$cfx][$locationKey] = $this->html_table_of_custom_field_values($tc_id, 'design', $locationFilter, null, null, $gui->tproject_id, null, $tc_current['id']);
             // Other versions (if exists)
             if (count($tc_array) > 1) {
                 $gui->testcase_other_versions[] = array_slice($tc_array, 1);
                 $target_idx = count($gui->testcase_other_versions) - 1;
                 $loop2do = count($gui->testcase_other_versions[$target_idx]);
                 $ref =& $gui->testcase_other_versions[$target_idx];
                 for ($qdx = 0; $qdx < $loop2do; $qdx++) {
                     $ref[$qdx]['ghost'] = '[ghost]"TestCase":"' . $tc_array[0]['tc_external_id'] . '","Version":"' . $ref[$qdx]['version'] . '"[/ghost]';
                     $target_tcversion = $gui->testcase_other_versions[$target_idx][$qdx]['id'];
                     foreach ($cfPlaces as $locationKey => $locationFilter) {
                         $gui->cf_other_versions[$cfx][$qdx][$locationKey] = $this->html_table_of_custom_field_values($tc_id, 'design', $locationFilter, null, null, $gui->tproject_id, null, $target_tcversion);
             } else {
                 $gui->testcase_other_versions[] = null;
                 $gui->cf_other_versions[$cfx] = null;
             // Get author and updater id for each version
             if ($gui->testcase_other_versions[0]) {
                 foreach ($gui->testcase_other_versions[0] as $key => $version) {
                     $userIDSet[$version['author_id']] = null;
                     $userIDSet[$version['updater_id']] = null;
             $gui->arrReqs[] = isset($allReqs[$tc_id]) ? $allReqs[$tc_id] : null;
     // Removing duplicate and NULL id's
     $gui->users = tlUser::getByIDs($this->db, array_keys($userIDSet), 'id');
     $gui->cf = null;
     $tplCfg = templateConfiguration('tcView');
     $smarty->assign('gui', $gui);
     $smarty->display($tplCfg->template_dir . $tplCfg->default_template);
Example #3
    if (isset($gui->execStatusValues[$cfg->tc_status['all']])) {
    $of = web_editor("bulk_exec_notes", $_SESSION['basehref'], $cfg->editorCfg);
    $of->Value = getItemTemplateContents('execution_template', $of->InstanceName, null);
    // Magic numbers that can be determined by trial and error
    $gui->bulk_exec_notes_editor = $of->CreateHTML(10, 60);
} else {
    $gui->exec_notes_editors = createExecNotesWebEditor($gui->map_last_exec, $_SESSION['basehref'], $cfg->editorCfg);
// To silence smarty errors
//  future must be initialized in a right way
$smarty->assign('test_automation_enabled', 0);
$smarty->assign('cfg', $cfg);
$smarty->assign('users', tlUser::getByIDs($db, $userSet, 'id'));
$smarty->assign('gui', $gui);
$smarty->assign('g_bugInterface', $g_bugInterface);
$smarty->display($templateCfg->template_dir . $templateCfg->default_template);

    20100922 - asimon - let this page be functional withouth a form token too
	20100625 - asimon - fixed a little bug in platform id initializing when no platform is used
	                    (now number 0 instead of value null)
	20090913 - franciscom - fixed bug on filter_status initialization
Example #4
  * @param id: test plan id
  * @return map: 
  *             key: user id
  *             value: map with key=platform id
  *                             value: map with keys: 'total' and verbose status
  *                                             values: test case count.
 public function getStatusTotalsByTester($id)
     $unassigned = lang_get('unassigned');
     $data_set = $this->getStatusTotalsByAssignedTesterPlatform($id);
     if (!is_null($data_set)) {
         $code_verbose = $this->getStatusForReports();
         $userSet = array_keys($data_set);
         // need to find a better way (with less overhead and data movement) to do this
         $userCol = tlUser::getByIDs($this->db, $userSet, tlUser::TLOBJ_O_GET_DETAIL_MINIMUM);
         foreach ($userSet as $testedBy) {
             $user_platform[$testedBy]['type'] = 'tester';
             $user_platform[$testedBy]['name'] = $unassigned;
             if ($testedBy > 0) {
                 $user_platform[$testedBy]['name'] = $userCol[$testedBy]->getDisplayName();
             $user_platform[$testedBy]['total_tc'] = 0;
             foreach ($code_verbose as $status_code => $status_verbose) {
                 $user_platform[$testedBy]['details'][$status_verbose]['qty'] = 0;
             // this will be removed from final result
             $user_platform[$testedBy]['details']['total']['qty'] = 0;
             $platformIDSet = array_keys($data_set[$assignedTo]);
             foreach ($platformIDSet as $platformID) {
                 foreach ($data_set[$testedBy][$platformID] as $verboseStatus => $counter) {
                     if (!isset($user_platform[$testedBy]['details'][$verboseStatus])) {
                         $user_platform[$testedBy]['details'][$verboseStatus]['qty'] = 0;
                     $user_platform[$testedBy]['details'][$verboseStatus]['qty'] += $counter;
             $user_platform[$testedBy]['total_tc'] = $user_platform[$testedBy]['details']['total']['qty'];
     return $user_platform;
Example #5
 * Get info about user(s) role at test project level,
 * with indication about the nature of role: inherited or assigned.
 * To get a user role we consider a 3 layer model:
 *          layer 1 - user           <--- uplayer
 *          layer 2 - test project   <--- in this fuction we are interested in this level.
 *          layer 3 - test plan
 * args : $tproject_id
 *        [$user_id]
 * @return array map with effetive_role in context ($tproject_id)
 *          key: user_id 
 *          value: map with keys:
 *                 login                (from users table - useful for debug)
 *                 user_role_id         (from users table - useful for debug)
 *                 uplayer_role_id      (always = user_role_id)
 *                 uplayer_is_inherited
 *                 effective_role_id  user role for test project
 *                 is_inherited
function get_tproject_effective_role(&$db, $tproject_id, $user_id = null, $users = null)
    $effective_role = array();
    if (!is_null($user_id)) {
        $users = tlUser::getByIDs($db, (array) $user_id);
    } else {
        if (is_null($users)) {
            $users = tlUser::getAll($db);
    if ($users) {
        foreach ($users as $id => $user) {
            $isInherited = 1;
            $effectiveRoleID = $user->globalRoleID;
            $effectiveRole = $user->globalRole;
            if (isset($user->tprojectRoles[$tproject_id])) {
                $isInherited = 0;
                $effectiveRoleID = $user->tprojectRoles[$tproject_id]->dbID;
                $effectiveRole = $user->tprojectRoles[$tproject_id];
            $effective_role[$id] = array('login' => $user->login, 'user' => $user, 'user_role_id' => $user->globalRoleID, 'uplayer_role_id' => $user->globalRoleID, 'uplayer_is_inherited' => 0, 'effective_role_id' => $effectiveRoleID, 'effective_role' => $effectiveRole, 'is_inherited' => $isInherited);
    return $effective_role;
function builGuiUsers(&$dbHandler, $itemSet)
    $userSet = null;
    if ($itemSet) {
        foreach ($itemSet as $value) {
            $userSet[] = $value;
    return tlUser::getByIDs($dbHandler, $userSet, 'id');
Example #7
 * send_mail_to_testers
 * @return void
function send_mail_to_testers(&$dbHandler, &$tcaseMgr, &$guiObj, &$argsObj, $features, $operation)
    $testers['new'] = null;
    $mail_details['new'] = lang_get('mail_testcase_assigned') . "<br /><br />";
    $mail_subject['new'] = lang_get('mail_subject_testcase_assigned');
    $use_testers['new'] = true;
    $tcaseSet = null;
    $tcnames = null;
    $email = array();
    $userSet[] = $argsObj->userID;
    $userSet[] = $argsObj->testerID;
    $userData = tlUser::getByIDs($dbHandler, $userSet);
    $assigner = $userData[$argsObj->userID]->firstName . ' ' . $userData[$argsObj->userID]->lastName;
    $email['from_address'] = config_get('from_email');
    $body_first_lines = lang_get('testproject') . ': ' . $argsObj->tproject_name . '<br />' . lang_get('testplan') . ': ' . $guiObj->testPlanName . '<br /><br />';
    // Get testers id
    foreach ($features as $feature_id => $value) {
        if ($use_testers['new']) {
            $testers['new'][$value['user_id']][$value['tcase_id']] = $value['tcase_id'];
        $tcaseSet[$value['tcase_id']] = $value['tcase_id'];
        $tcversionSet[$value['tcversion_id']] = $value['tcversion_id'];
    $infoSet = $tcaseMgr->get_by_id_bulk($tcaseSet, $tcversionSet);
    foreach ($infoSet as $value) {
        $tcnames[$value['testcase_id']] = $guiObj->testCasePrefix . $value['tc_external_id'] . ' ' . $value['name'];
    $path_info = $tcaseMgr->tree_manager->get_full_path_verbose($tcaseSet, array('output_format' => 'simple'));
    $flat_path = null;
    foreach ($path_info as $tcase_id => $pieces) {
        $flat_path[$tcase_id] = implode('/', $pieces) . '/' . $tcnames[$tcase_id];
    foreach ($testers as $tester_type => $tester_set) {
        if (!is_null($tester_set)) {
            $email['subject'] = $mail_subject[$tester_type] . ' ' . $guiObj->testPlanName;
            foreach ($tester_set as $user_id => $value) {
                $userObj = $userData[$user_id];
                $email['to_address'] = $userObj->emailAddress;
                $email['body'] = $body_first_lines;
                $email['body'] .= sprintf($mail_details[$tester_type], $userObj->firstName . ' ' . $userObj->lastName, $assigner);
                foreach ($value as $tcase_id) {
                    $email['body'] .= $flat_path[$tcase_id] . '<br />';
                $email['body'] .= '<br />' . date(DATE_RFC1123);
                $email_op = email_send($email['from_address'], $email['to_address'], $email['subject'], $email['body'], '', true, true);
            // foreach($tester_set as $user_id => $value)
Example #8
 	 * Show Test Case logic
 	 * @param object $smarty reference to smarty object (controls viewer).
 	 * @param integer $id Test case unique identifier
 	 * @param integer $version_id (optional) you can work on ONE test case version, 
 	 * 				or on ALL; default: ALL
 	 * @internal
         [viewer_args]: map with keys
 	                       refresh_tree: controls if tree view is refreshed after every operation.
 	                                     default: yes
 	                       disable_edit: used to overwrite user rights
 	                                        default: 0 -> no
   rev :
 	       20090215 - franciscom - added info about links to test plans
 	       20081114 - franciscom -
 	       added arguments and options that are useful when this method is
 	       used to display test case search results.
 	       path_info: map: key: testcase id
 	                       value: array with path to test case, where:
 	                              element 0 -> test project name
 	                              other elements test suites name
 	       new options on viewer_args: hilite_testcase_name,show_match_count
 	       20070930 - franciscom - REQ - BUGID 1078
 	       added disable_edit argument
 function show(&$smarty, $guiObj, $template_dir, $id, $version_id = self::ALL_VERSIONS, $viewer_args = null, $path_info = null, $mode = null)
     // echo 'DEBUG' . __FUNCTION__ . '<br>';
     $status_ok = 1;
     $gui = is_null($guiObj) ? new stdClass() : $guiObj;
     $gui->parentTestSuiteName = '';
     $gui->path_info = $path_info;
     $gui->tprojectName = '';
     $gui->linked_versions = null;
     $gui->tc_current_version = array();
     $gui->bodyOnLoad = "";
     // 20101008 - asimon - BUGID 3311
     $gui->bodyOnUnload = "storeWindowSize('TCEditPopup')";
     $gui->submitCode = "";
     $gui->dialogName = '';
     $gui->platforms = null;
     $gui->tableColspan = 5;
     // sorry magic related to table to display steps
     $gui->opt_requirements = false;
     $gui_cfg = config_get('gui');
     $the_tpl = config_get('tpl');
     $my_template = isset($the_tpl['tcView']) ? $the_tpl['tcView'] : 'tcView.tpl';
     $tcase_cfg = config_get('testcase_cfg');
     $req_mgr = new requirement_mgr($this->db);
     $tc_other_versions = array();
     $status_quo_map = array();
     $keywords_map = array();
     $arrReqs = array();
     $userid_array = array();
     // 20090718 - franciscom
     $cf_smarty = null;
     $formatOptions = null;
     $cfPlaces = $this->buildCFLocationMap();
     if (!is_null($mode) && $mode == 'editOnExec') {
         // refers to two javascript functions present in testlink_library.js
         // and logic used to refresh both frames when user call this
         // method to edit a test case while executing it.
         $gui->dialogName = 'tcview_dialog';
         $gui->bodyOnLoad = "dialog_onLoad({$gui->dialogName})";
         $gui->bodyOnUnload = "dialog_onUnload({$gui->dialogName})";
         $gui->submitCode = "return dialog_onSubmit({$gui->dialogName})";
     $viewer_defaults = array('title' => lang_get('title_test_case'), 'show_title' => 'no', 'action' => '', 'msg_result' => '', 'user_feedback' => '', 'refreshTree' => 1, 'disable_edit' => 0, 'display_testproject' => 0, 'display_parent_testsuite' => 0, 'hilite_testcase_name' => 0, 'show_match_count' => 0);
     if (!is_null($viewer_args) && is_array($viewer_args)) {
         foreach ($viewer_defaults as $key => $value) {
             if (isset($viewer_args[$key])) {
                 $viewer_defaults[$key] = $viewer_args[$key];
     $gui->show_title = $viewer_defaults['show_title'];
     $gui->display_testcase_path = !is_null($path_info);
     $gui->hilite_testcase_name = $viewer_defaults['hilite_testcase_name'];
     $gui->pageTitle = $viewer_defaults['title'];
     $gui->show_match_count = $viewer_defaults['show_match_count'];
     if ($gui->show_match_count && $gui->display_testcase_path) {
         $gui->match_count = count($path_info);
     // fine grain control of operations
     // if( $viewer_defaults['disable_edit'] == 1 || has_rights($this->db,"mgt_modify_tc") == 'no' )
     // BUGID 3387
     if ($viewer_defaults['disable_edit'] == 1 || has_rights($this->db, "mgt_modify_tc") == false) {
         $mode = 'editDisabled';
     $gui->show_mode = $mode;
     $gui->can_do = $this->getShowViewerActions($mode);
     if (is_array($id)) {
         $a_id = $id;
     } else {
         $status_ok = $id > 0 ? 1 : 0;
         $a_id = array($id);
     if ($status_ok) {
         $path2root = $this->tree_manager->get_path($a_id[0]);
         $tproject_id = $path2root[0]['parent_id'];
         $info = $this->tproject_mgr->get_by_id($tproject_id);
         $gui->opt_requirements = $info['opt']->requirementsEnabled;
         $platformMgr = new tlPlatform($this->db, $tproject_id);
         $gui->platforms = $platformMgr->getAllAsMap();
         // BUGID 2378
         $testplans = $this->tproject_mgr->get_all_testplans($tproject_id, array('plan_status' => 1));
         $gui->has_testplans = !is_null($testplans) && count($testplans) > 0 ? 1 : 0;
         if ($viewer_defaults['display_testproject']) {
             $gui->tprojectName = $info['name'];
         if ($viewer_defaults['display_parent_testsuite']) {
             $parent_idx = count($path2root) - 2;
             $gui->parentTestSuiteName = $path2root[$parent_idx]['name'];
         $tcasePrefix = $this->tproject_mgr->getTestCasePrefix($tproject_id);
         if (trim($tcasePrefix) != "") {
             // Add To Testplan button will be disabled if the testcase doesn't belong to the current selected testproject
             // $gui->can_do->add2tplan = 'no';
             if ($_SESSION['testprojectPrefix'] == $tcasePrefix) {
                 $gui->can_do->add2tplan = $gui->can_do->add2tplan == 'yes' ? has_rights($this->db, "testplan_planning") : 'no';
             } else {
                 $gui->can_do->add2tplan = 'no';
             $tcasePrefix .= $tcase_cfg->glue_character;
     if ($status_ok && sizeof($a_id)) {
         $cfx = 0;
         $allTCKeywords = $this->getKeywords($a_id, null, 'testcase_id', ' ORDER BY keyword ASC ');
         $allReqs = $req_mgr->get_all_for_tcase($a_id);
         foreach ($a_id as $key => $tc_id) {
             $tc_array = $this->get_by_id($tc_id, $version_id);
             if (!$tc_array) {
             $tc_array[0]['tc_external_id'] = $tcasePrefix . $tc_array[0]['tc_external_id'];
             // get the status quo of execution and links of tc versions
             $status_quo_map[] = $this->get_versions_status_quo($tc_id);
             $gui->linked_versions[] = $this->get_linked_versions($tc_id);
             $keywords_map[] = isset($allTCKeywords[$tc_id]) ? $allTCKeywords[$tc_id] : null;
             $tc_current = $tc_array[0];
             $tcversion_id_current = $tc_array[0]['id'];
             $gui->tc_current_version[] = array($tc_current);
             //Get UserID and Updater ID for current Version
             $userid_array[$tc_current['author_id']] = null;
             $userid_array[$tc_current['updater_id']] = null;
             // BUGID 3431
             foreach ($cfPlaces as $locationKey => $locationFilter) {
                 // BUGID 3431
                 $cf_current_version[$cfx][$locationKey] = $this->html_table_of_custom_field_values($tc_id, 'design', $locationFilter, null, null, $tproject_id, null, $tcversion_id_current);
             // Other versions (if exists)
             if (count($tc_array) > 1) {
                 $tc_other_versions[] = array_slice($tc_array, 1);
                 $target_idx = count($tc_other_versions) - 1;
                 // BUGID 3431
                 $loop2do = count($tc_other_versions[$target_idx]);
                 // echo 'count($tc_other_versions):' . count($tc_other_versions) . '<br>';
                 // echo '$loop2do:' . $loop2do . '<br>';
                 for ($qdx = 0; $qdx < $loop2do; $qdx++) {
                     $target_tcversion = $tc_other_versions[$target_idx][$qdx]['id'];
                     foreach ($cfPlaces as $locationKey => $locationFilter) {
                         // BUGID 3431
                         $cf_other_versions[$cfx][$qdx][$locationKey] = $this->html_table_of_custom_field_values($tc_id, 'design', $locationFilter, null, null, $tproject_id, null, $target_tcversion);
             } else {
                 $tc_other_versions[] = null;
                 $cf_other_versions[$cfx] = null;
             // Get author and updater id for each version
             if ($tc_other_versions[0]) {
                 foreach ($tc_other_versions[0] as $key => $version) {
                     $userid_array[$version['author_id']] = null;
                     $userid_array[$version['updater_id']] = null;
             $tcReqs = isset($allReqs[$tc_id]) ? $allReqs[$tc_id] : null;
             $arrReqs[] = $tcReqs;
         // foreach($a_id as $key => $tc_id)
     // if (sizeof($a_id))
     // Removing duplicate and NULL id's
     $passeduserarray = array_keys($userid_array);
     $gui->cf = null;
     // $cf_current_version; // $cf_smarty;
     $gui->cf_current_version = $cf_current_version;
     // $cf_smarty;
     $gui->cf_other_versions = $cf_other_versions;
     // $cf_smarty;
     $gui->refreshTree = $viewer_defaults['refreshTree'];
     $gui->sqlResult = $viewer_defaults['msg_result'];
     $gui->action = $viewer_defaults['action'];
     $gui->user_feedback = $viewer_defaults['user_feedback'];
     $gui->execution_types = $this->execution_types;
     $gui->tcase_cfg = $tcase_cfg;
     $gui->users = tlUser::getByIDs($this->db, $passeduserarray, 'id');
     $gui->status_quo = $status_quo_map;
     $gui->testcase_other_versions = $tc_other_versions;
     $gui->arrReqs = $arrReqs;
     $gui->view_req_rights = has_rights($this->db, "mgt_view_req");
     $gui->keywords_map = $keywords_map;
     $smarty->assign('gui', $gui);
     $smarty->display($template_dir . $my_template);
  * Show Test Case logic
  * @param object $smarty reference to smarty object (controls viewer).
  * @param integer $id Test case unique identifier
  * @param integer $version_id (optional) you can work on ONE test case version, 
  * 				or on ALL; default: ALL
  * @internal
         [viewer_args]: map with keys
                        refresh_tree: controls if tree view is refreshed after every operation.
                                      default: yes
                        disable_edit: used to overwrite user rights
                                         default: 0 -> no
   rev :
 function show(&$smarty, $guiObj, $identity, $grants)
     $env_tproject_id = $identity->tproject_id;
     $id = $identity->id;
     $version_id = isset($identity->version_id) ? $identity->version_id : self::ALL_VERSIONS;
     $idSet = is_array($id) ? $id : (array) $id;
     $status_ok = $idSet[0] > 0 ? 1 : 0;
     $gui = $this->initShowGui($guiObj, $grants);
     $gui->grants = $grants;
     $gui->testcase_other_versions = array();
     if ($status_ok) {
         $req_mgr = new requirement_mgr($this->db);
         $path2root = $this->tree_manager->get_path($idSet[0]);
         $gui->tproject_id = $path2root[0]['parent_id'];
         $info = $this->tproject_mgr->get_by_id($gui->tproject_id);
         $gui->opt_requirements = $info['opt']->requirementsEnabled;
         $gui->requirementsEnabled = $info['opt']->requirementsEnabled;
         $platformMgr = new tlPlatform($this->db, $gui->tproject_id);
         $gui->platforms = $platformMgr->getAllAsMap();
         $testplans = $this->tproject_mgr->get_all_testplans($gui->tproject_id, array('plan_status' => 1));
         $gui->has_testplans = !is_null($testplans) && count($testplans) > 0 ? 1 : 0;
         if ($gui->display_testproject) {
             $gui->tprojectName = $info['name'];
         if ($gui->display_parent_testsuite) {
             $parent_idx = count($path2root) - 2;
             $gui->parentTestSuiteName = $path2root[$parent_idx]['name'];
         $tcasePrefix = $this->tproject_mgr->getTestCasePrefix($gui->tproject_id);
         if (trim($tcasePrefix) != "") {
             // 'Add To Testplan' button will be disabled if the testcase doesn't belong
             // to the current selected testproject
             // $gui->can_do->add2tplan = 'no';
             if ($env_tproject_id != $gui->tproject_id) {
                 $gui->can_do->add2tplan = $gui->can_do->add2tplan == 'yes' ? $grants->testplan_planning : 'no';
             } else {
                 $gui->can_do->add2tplan = 'yes';
             $tcasePrefix .= $gui->tcase_cfg->glue_character;
     $userid_array = array();
     if ($status_ok && sizeof($idSet)) {
         $cfx = 0;
         $allTCKeywords = $this->getKeywords($idSet, null, 'testcase_id', ' ORDER BY keyword ASC ');
         $allReqs = $req_mgr->get_all_for_tcase($idSet);
         $tcStatus2exclude = config_get('tplanDesign')->hideTestCaseWithStatusIn;
         foreach ($idSet as $key => $tc_id) {
             $tc_array = $this->get_by_id($tc_id, $version_id);
             if (!$tc_array) {
             $gui->attach[$tc_id] = new stdClass();
             $gui->attach[$tc_id]->itemID = $tc_id;
             $gui->attach[$tc_id]->dbTable = $this->attachmentTableName;
             $gui->attach[$tc_id]->infoSet = null;
             $gui->attach[$tc_id]->gui = null;
             list($gui->attach[$tc_id]->infoSet, $gui->attach[$tc_id]->gui) = $this->buildAttachSetup($tc_id);
             $gui->attach[$tc_id]->gui->display = TRUE;
             $gui->attach[$tc_id]->enabled = $gui->attach[$tc_id]->gui->enabled;
             $tc_array[0]['tc_external_id'] = $tcasePrefix . $tc_array[0]['tc_external_id'];
             // get the status quo of execution and links of tc versions
             // $gui->status_quo_map[] = $this->get_versions_status_quo($tc_id);
             $gui->status_quo[] = $this->get_versions_status_quo($tc_id);
             $gui->linked_versions[] = $this->get_linked_versions($tc_id);
             $gui->keywords_map[] = isset($allTCKeywords[$tc_id]) ? $allTCKeywords[$tc_id] : null;
             $tc_current = $tc_array[0];
             // add new attribute
             // enabledOnTestPlanDesign
             $tc_current['enabledOnTestPlanDesign'] = !isset($tcStatus2exclude[$tc_current['status']]);
             $tcversion_id_current = $tc_current['id'];
             $gui->tc_current_version[] = array($tc_current);
             //Get UserID and Updater ID for current Version
             $userid_array[$tc_current['author_id']] = null;
             $userid_array[$tc_current['updater_id']] = null;
             $cfPlaces = $this->buildCFLocationMap();
             foreach ($cfPlaces as $locationKey => $locationFilter) {
                 $gui->cf_current_version[$cfx][$locationKey] = $this->html_table_of_custom_field_values($tc_id, 'design', $locationFilter, null, null, $gui->tproject_id, null, $tcversion_id_current);
             // Other versions (if exists)
             if (count($tc_array) > 1) {
                 $gui->testcase_other_versions[] = array_slice($tc_array, 1);
                 $target_idx = count($gui->testcase_other_versions) - 1;
                 $loop2do = count($gui->testcase_other_versions[$target_idx]);
                 for ($qdx = 0; $qdx < $loop2do; $qdx++) {
                     $tcRef =& $gui->testcase_other_versions[$target_idx][$qdx];
                     $tcRef['enabledOnTestPlanDesign'] = !isset($tcStatus2exclude[$tcRef['status']]);
                     $target_tcversion = $tcRef['id'];
                     foreach ($cfPlaces as $locationKey => $locationFilter) {
                         $gui->cf_other_versions[$cfx][$qdx][$locationKey] = $this->html_table_of_custom_field_values($tc_id, 'design', $locationFilter, null, null, $gui->tproject_id, null, $target_tcversion);
             } else {
                 $gui->testcase_other_versions[] = null;
                 $gui->cf_other_versions[$cfx] = null;
             // Get author and updater id for each version
             // @TODO - franciscom - explain magic ZERO
             if ($gui->testcase_other_versions[0]) {
                 foreach ($gui->testcase_other_versions[0] as $key => $version) {
                     $userid_array[$version['author_id']] = null;
                     $userid_array[$version['updater_id']] = null;
             $tcReqs = isset($allReqs[$tc_id]) ? $allReqs[$tc_id] : null;
             $gui->arrReqs[] = $tcReqs;
         // foreach($a_id as $key => $tc_id)
     // if (sizeof($a_id))
     // Removing duplicate and NULL id's
     $gui->users = tlUser::getByIDs($this->db, array_keys($userid_array), 'id');
     $smarty->assign('gui', $gui);
     $dummy = templateConfiguration('tcView');
     $smarty->display($dummy->template_dir . $dummy->default_template);