Example #1
 * authorization function verifies login & password and set user session data 
 * return map
function doAuthorize(&$db, $login, $pwd)
    $result = array('status' => tl::ERROR, 'msg' => null);
    $_SESSION['locale'] = TL_DEFAULT_LOCALE;
    if (!is_null($pwd) && !is_null($login)) {
        $user = new tlUser();
        $user->login = $login;
        $login_exists = $user->readFromDB($db, tlUser::USER_O_SEARCH_BYLOGIN) >= tl::OK;
        if ($login_exists) {
            $password_check = auth_does_password_match($user, $pwd);
            if ($password_check->status_ok && $user->isActive) {
                // 20051007 MHT Solved  0000024 Session confusion
                // Disallow two sessions within one browser
                if (isset($_SESSION['currentUser']) && !is_null($_SESSION['currentUser'])) {
                    $result['msg'] = lang_get('login_msg_session_exists1') . ' <a style="color:white;" href="logout.php">' . lang_get('logout_link') . '</a>' . lang_get('login_msg_session_exists2');
                } else {
                    //Setting user's session information
                    $_SESSION['currentUser'] = $user;
                    $_SESSION['lastActivity'] = time();
                    global $g_tlLogger;
                    setUserSession($db, $user->login, $user->dbID, $user->globalRoleID, $user->emailAddress, $user->locale, null);
                    $result['status'] = tl::OK;
            } else {
                logAuditEvent(TLS("audit_login_failed", $login, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']), "LOGIN_FAILED", $user->dbID, "users");
    return $result;
Example #2
function initializeGui()
    $gui = new stdClass();
    $gui->external_password_mgmt = tlUser::isPasswordMgtExternal();
    $gui->page_title = lang_get('page_title_lost_passwd');
    $gui->note = lang_get('your_info_for_passwd');
    return $gui;
Example #3
 * authorization function verifies login & password and set user session data 
 * return map
function doAuthorize(&$db, $login, $pwd)
    $result = array('status' => tl::ERROR, 'msg' => null);
    $_SESSION['locale'] = TL_DEFAULT_LOCALE;
    if (!is_null($pwd) && !is_null($login)) {
        $user = new tlUser();
        $user->login = $login;
        $login_exists = $user->readFromDB($db, tlUser::USER_O_SEARCH_BYLOGIN) >= tl::OK;
        if ($login_exists) {
            $check = auth_does_password_match($user, $pwd);
            if (!$check->status_ok) {
                $result = array('status' => tl::ERROR, 'msg' => $check->msg);
            if ($check->status_ok && $user->isActive) {
                // Need to do set COOKIE following Mantis model
                $auth_cookie_name = config_get('auth_cookie');
                $expireOnBrowserClose = false;
                setcookie($auth_cookie_name, $user->getSecurityCookie(), $expireOnBrowserClose, '/');
                // Disallow two sessions within one browser
                if (isset($_SESSION['currentUser']) && !is_null($_SESSION['currentUser'])) {
                    $result['msg'] = lang_get('login_msg_session_exists1') . ' <a style="color:white;" href="logout.php">' . lang_get('logout_link') . '</a>' . lang_get('login_msg_session_exists2');
                } else {
                    // Setting user's session information
                    $_SESSION['currentUser'] = $user;
                    $_SESSION['lastActivity'] = time();
                    global $g_tlLogger;
                    // setUserSession($db,$user->login, $user->dbID,$user->globalRoleID,$user->emailAddress, $user->locale,null);
                    $result['status'] = tl::OK;
            } else {
                logAuditEvent(TLS("audit_login_failed", $login, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']), "LOGIN_FAILED", $user->dbID, "users");
    return $result;
Example #4
function doUpdate($argsObj, &$tprojectMgr, $sessionTprojectID)
    $key2get = array('status_ok', 'msg');
    $op = new stdClass();
    $op->ui = new stdClass();
    $op->status_ok = 0;
    $op->msg = '';
    $op->template = null;
    $op->reloadType = 'none';
    $oldObjData = $tprojectMgr->get_by_id($argsObj->tprojectID);
    $op->oldName = $oldObjData['name'];
    $check_op = crossChecks($argsObj, $tprojectMgr);
    foreach ($key2get as $key) {
        $op->{$key} = $check_op[$key];
    if ($op->status_ok) {
        $options = prepareOptions($argsObj);
        if ($tprojectMgr->update($argsObj->tprojectID, trim($argsObj->tprojectName), $argsObj->color, $argsObj->notes, $options, $argsObj->active, $argsObj->tcasePrefix, $argsObj->is_public)) {
            $op->msg = '';
            $tprojectMgr->activate($argsObj->tprojectID, $argsObj->active);
            $tprojectMgr->setIssueTrackerEnabled($argsObj->tprojectID, $argsObj->issue_tracker_enabled);
            $itMgr = new tlIssueTracker($tprojectMgr->db);
            if ($doLink = $argsObj->issue_tracker_id > 0) {
                $itMgr->link($argsObj->issue_tracker_id, $argsObj->tprojectID);
            } else {
                $issueT = $itMgr->getLinkedTo($argsObj->tprojectID);
                if (!is_null($issueT)) {
                    $itMgr->unlink($issueT['issuetracker_id'], $issueT['testproject_id']);
            $tprojectMgr->setReqMgrIntegrationEnabled($argsObj->tprojectID, $argsObj->reqmgr_integration_enabled);
            $mgr = new tlReqMgrSystem($tprojectMgr->db);
            if ($doLink = $argsObj->reqmgrsystem_id > 0) {
                $mgr->link($argsObj->reqmgrsystem_id, $argsObj->tprojectID);
            } else {
                $et = $mgr->getLinkedTo($argsObj->tprojectID);
                if (!is_null($et)) {
                    $mgr->unlink($et['reqmgrsystem_id'], $et['testproject_id']);
            if (!$argsObj->is_public) {
                // does user have an SPECIFIC role on Test Project ?
                // if answer is yes => do nothing
                if (!tlUser::hasRoleOnTestProject($tprojectMgr->db, $argsObj->userID, $argsObj->tprojectID)) {
                    $tprojectMgr->addUserRole($argsObj->userID, $argsObj->tprojectID, $argsObj->user->globalRole->dbID);
            $event = new stdClass();
            $event->message = TLS("audit_testproject_saved", $argsObj->tprojectName);
            $event->logLevel = "AUDIT";
            $event->source = "GUI";
            $event->objectID = $argsObj->tprojectID;
            $event->objectType = "testprojects";
            $event->code = "UPDATE";
        } else {
            $op->status_ok = 0;
    if ($op->status_ok) {
        if ($sessionTprojectID == $argsObj->tprojectID) {
            $op->reloadType = 'reloadNavBar';
    } else {
        $op->ui->doActionValue = 'doUpdate';
        $op->ui->buttonValue = lang_get('btn_save');
        $op->ui->caption = sprintf(lang_get('caption_edit_tproject'), $op->oldName);
    return $op;
 * TestLink Open Source Project - http://testlink.sourceforge.net/ 
 * This script is distributed under the GNU General Public License 2 or later. 
 * Get list of users with a project right
 * @package 	TestLink
 * @author 		Martin Havlat
 * @copyright 	2009, TestLink community 
 * @version    	CVS: $Id: getUsersWithRight.php,v 1.1 2010/02/12 00:20:12 havlat Exp $
 * @internal Revisions:
 * None
require_once '../../config.inc.php';
require_once 'common.php';
$data = array();
$iParams = array("right" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 100, '/^[a-z0-9_]+$/'));
$args = G_PARAMS($iParams);
// user must have the same right as requested (security)
if (has_rights($db, $args['right'])) {
    $tlUser = new tlUser($_SESSION['userID']);
    $data['rows'] = $tlUser->getNamesForProjectRight($db, $args['right'], $_SESSION['testprojectID']);
    $data['rows'][] = array('id' => '0', 'login' => ' ', 'first' => ' ', 'last' => ' ');
    // option for no owner
} else {
    tLog('Invalid right for the user: '******'right'], 'ERROR');
echo json_encode($data);
Example #6
 * checks if the default password for the admin accout is still set
 * @return boolean returns true if the default password for the admin account is set, 
 *         false else
 * @author Andreas Morsing 
function checkForAdminDefaultPwd(&$db)
    $passwordHasDefaultValue = false;
    $user = new tlUser();
    $user->login = "******";
    if ($user->readFromDB($db, tlUser::USER_O_SEARCH_BYLOGIN) >= tl::OK && $user->comparePassword("admin") >= tl::OK) {
        $passwordHasDefaultValue = true;
    return $passwordHasDefaultValue;
Example #7
 * Get info about user(s) role at test project level,
 * with indication about the nature of role: inherited or assigned.
 * To get a user role we consider a 3 layer model:
 *          layer 1 - user           <--- uplayer
 *          layer 2 - test project   <--- in this fuction we are interested in this level.
 *          layer 3 - test plan
 * args : $tproject_id
 *        [$user_id]
 * @return array map with effetive_role in context ($tproject_id)
 *          key: user_id 
 *          value: map with keys:
 *                 login                (from users table - useful for debug)
 *                 user_role_id         (from users table - useful for debug)
 *                 uplayer_role_id      (always = user_role_id)
 *                 uplayer_is_inherited
 *                 effective_role_id  user role for test project
 *                 is_inherited
function get_tproject_effective_role(&$db, $tproject, $user_id = null, $users = null)
    $effective_role = array();
    $tproject_id = $tproject['id'];
    if (!is_null($user_id)) {
        $users = tlUser::getByIDs($db, (array) $user_id);
    } else {
        if (is_null($users)) {
            $users = tlUser::getAll($db);
    if ($users) {
        foreach ($users as $id => $user) {
            // manage admin exception
            $isInherited = 1;
            $effectiveRoleID = $user->globalRoleID;
            $effectiveRole = $user->globalRole;
            if ($user->globalRoleID != TL_ROLES_ADMIN && !$tproject['is_public']) {
                $isInherited = $tproject['is_public'];
                $effectiveRoleID = TL_ROLES_NO_RIGHTS;
                $effectiveRole = '<no rights>';
            if (isset($user->tprojectRoles[$tproject_id])) {
                $isInherited = 0;
                $effectiveRoleID = $user->tprojectRoles[$tproject_id]->dbID;
                $effectiveRole = $user->tprojectRoles[$tproject_id];
            $effective_role[$id] = array('login' => $user->login, 'user' => $user, 'user_role_id' => $user->globalRoleID, 'uplayer_role_id' => $user->globalRoleID, 'uplayer_is_inherited' => 0, 'effective_role_id' => $effectiveRoleID, 'effective_role' => $effectiveRole, 'is_inherited' => $isInherited);
    return $effective_role;
 * Get inventory data
 * @package 	TestLink
 * @author 		Martin Havlat
 * @copyright 	2009, TestLink community 
 * @version    	CVS: $Id: getInventory.php,v 1.2 2010/02/20 09:27:29 franciscom Exp $
 * @internal Revisions:
 * None
require_once '../../config.inc.php';
require_once 'common.php';
$tlIs = new tlInventory($_SESSION['testprojectID'], $db);
$data = $tlIs->getAll();
$tlUser = new tlUser($_SESSION['userID']);
$users = $tlUser->getNames($db);
// fill login instead of user ID
if (!is_null($data)) {
    foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
        if ($v['owner_id'] != '0') {
            $data[$k]['owner'] = $users[$v['owner_id']]['login'];
        } else {
            $data[$k]['owner'] = '';
//new dBug($data);
echo json_encode($data);
Example #9
 * @author 		-
 * @copyright 	2007-2011, TestLink community 
 * @version    	CVS: $Id: userInfo.php,v 1.34 2011/01/10 15:38:55 asimon83 Exp $
 * @link 		http://www.teamst.org/index.php
 * @internal Revisions:
 *	20101008 - Julian - reload navBar after changing personal data (localization)
require_once '../../config.inc.php';
require_once 'users.inc.php';
require_once '../../lib/api/APIKey.php';
$templateCfg = templateConfiguration();
$args = init_args();
$user = new tlUser($args->userID);
$gui = new stdClass();
$gui->tproject_id = $args->tproject_id;
$gui->update_title_bar = 0;
$gui->external_password_mgmt = tlUser::isPasswordMgtExternal();
$gui->mgt_view_events = $user->hasRight($db, "mgt_view_events", $gui->tproject_id);
$op = new stdClass();
$op->auditMsg = null;
$op->user_feedback = null;
$op->status = tl::OK;
$doUpdate = false;
switch ($args->doAction) {
    case 'editUser':
        $doUpdate = true;
        foreach ($args->user as $key => $value) {
Example #10
function saveImportedResultData(&$db, $resultData, $context)
    if (!$resultData) {
    $debugMsg = ' FUNCTION: ' . __FUNCTION__;
    $tables = tlObjectWithDB::getDBTables(array('executions', 'execution_bugs'));
    $l18n = array('import_results_tc_not_found' => '', 'import_results_invalid_result' => '', 'tproject_id_not_found' => '', 'import_results_ok' => '');
    foreach ($l18n as $key => $value) {
        $l18n[$key] = lang_get($key);
    // Get Column definitions to get size dinamically instead of create constants
    $columnDef = array();
    $adodbObj = $db->get_dbmgr_object();
    $columnDef['execution_bugs'] = $adodbObj->MetaColumns($tables['execution_bugs']);
    $keySet = array_keys($columnDef['execution_bugs']);
    foreach ($keySet as $keyName) {
        if (($keylow = strtolower($keyName)) != $keyName) {
            $columnDef['execution_bugs'][$keylow] = $columnDef['execution_bugs'][$keyName];
    $user = new tlUser($context->userID);
    $tcase_mgr = new testcase($db);
    $resulstCfg = config_get('results');
    $tcaseCfg = config_get('testcase_cfg');
    $resultMap = array();
    $tplan_mgr = null;
    $tc_qty = sizeof($resultData);
    if ($tc_qty) {
        $tplan_mgr = new testplan($db);
        $tproject_mgr = new testproject($db);
        $build_mgr = new build_mgr($db);
    // Need to do checks on common settings
    // test project exists
    // test plan id:
    //              belongs to target test project
    //              is active
    // build id:
    //          belongs to target test plan
    //          is open
    // platform id:
    //          is linked  to target test plan
    // execution type if not present -> set to MANUAL
    //          if presente is valid i.e. inside the TL domain
    $checks = array();
    $checks['status_ok'] = true;
    $checks['msg'] = null;
    $dummy = null;
    if (!is_null($context->tprojectID) && intval($context->tprojectID) > 0) {
        $dummy = array($tproject_mgr->get_by_id($context->tprojectID, array('output' => 'existsByID')));
    } else {
        if (!is_null($context->tprojectName)) {
            $dummy = $tproject_mgr->get_by_name($context->tprojectName, null, array('output' => 'existsByName'));
    $checks['status_ok'] = !is_null($dummy);
    if (!$checks['status_ok']) {
        $checks['msg'][] = sprintf($l18n['tproject_id_not_found'], $context->tprojectID);
    if (!$checks['status_ok']) {
        foreach ($checks['msg'] as $warning) {
            $resultMap[] = array($warning);
    if ($doIt = $checks['status_ok']) {
        $context->tprojectID = $dummy[0]['id'];
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------
    $dummy = null;
    if (!is_null($context->tplanID) && intval($context->tplanID) > 0) {
        $dummy = $tplan_mgr->get_by_id($context->tplanID, array('output' => 'minimun'));
        if (!is_null($dummy)) {
            $dummy['id'] = $context->tplanID;
    } else {
        if (!is_null($context->tplanName)) {
            $dummy = $tplan_mgr->get_by_name($context->tplanName, $context->tprojectID, array('output' => 'minimun'));
            if (!is_null($dummy)) {
                $dummy = $dummy[0];
    if (!is_null($dummy)) {
        $context->tplanID = $dummy['id'];
    if (intval($context->tprojectID) <= 0 && intval($context->tplanID) > 0) {
        $dummy = $tplan_mgr->tree_manager->get_node_hierarchy_info($context->tplanID);
        $context->tprojectID = $dummy['parent_id'];
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------
    $dummy = null;
    if (!is_null($context->platformID) && intval($context->platformID) > 0) {
        $dummy = array($tplan_mgr->platform_mgr->getByID($context->platformID));
    } else {
        if (property_exists($context, 'platformName') && !is_null($context->platformName)) {
            if (!is_null($xx = $tplan_mgr->platform_mgr->getID($context->platformName))) {
                $dummy = array(0 => array('id' => $xx));
    if (!is_null($dummy)) {
        $context->platformID = $dummy[0]['id'];
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------
    $optGB = array('tplan_id' => $context->tplanID, 'output' => 'minimun');
    $dummy = null;
    if (!is_null($context->buildID) && intval($context->buildID) > 0) {
        $dummy = array($build_mgr->get_by_id($context->buildID, $optGB));
    } else {
        if (!is_null($context->buildName)) {
            $dummy = $build_mgr->get_by_name($context->buildName, $optGB);
    if (!is_null($dummy)) {
        $context->buildID = $dummy[0]['id'];
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------
    // --------------------------------------------------------------------
    for ($idx = 0; $doIt && $idx < $tc_qty; $idx++) {
        $tester_id = 0;
        $tester_name = '';
        $using_external_id = false;
        $message = null;
        $status_ok = true;
        $tcase_exec = $resultData[$idx];
        // New attribute "execution type" makes old XML import files incompatible
        // Important NOTICE:
        // tcase_exec is passed BY REFERENCE to allow check_exec_values()change execution type if needed
        $checks = check_exec_values($db, $tcase_mgr, $user_mgr, $tcaseCfg, $tcase_exec, $columnDef['execution_bugs']);
        $status_ok = $checks['status_ok'];
        if ($status_ok) {
            $tcase_id = $checks['tcase_id'];
            $tcase_external_id = trim($tcase_exec['tcase_external_id']);
            $tester_id = $checks['tester_id'];
            // external_id has precedence over internal id
            $using_external_id = $tcase_external_id != "";
        } else {
            foreach ($checks['msg'] as $warning) {
                $resultMap[] = array($warning);
        if ($status_ok) {
            $tcase_identity = $using_external_id ? $tcase_external_id : $tcase_id;
            $result_code = strtolower($tcase_exec['result']);
            $result_is_acceptable = isset($resulstCfg['code_status'][$result_code]) ? true : false;
            $notes = $tcase_exec['notes'];
            $message = null;
            $info_on_case = $tplan_mgr->getLinkInfo($context->tplanID, $tcase_id, $context->platformID);
            if (is_null($info_on_case)) {
                $message = sprintf($l18n['import_results_tc_not_found'], $tcase_identity);
            } else {
                if (!$result_is_acceptable) {
                    $message = sprintf($l18n['import_results_invalid_result'], $tcase_identity, $tcase_exec['result']);
                } else {
                    $info_on_case = current($info_on_case);
                    $tcversion_id = $info_on_case['tcversion_id'];
                    $version = $info_on_case['version'];
                    $notes = $db->prepare_string(trim($notes));
                    // N.B.: db_now() returns an string ready to be used in an SQL insert
                    //       example '2008-09-04', while $tcase_exec["timestamp"] => 2008-09-04
                    $execution_ts = $tcase_exec['timestamp'] != '' ? "'" . $tcase_exec["timestamp"] . "'" : $db->db_now();
                    if ($tester_id != 0) {
                        $tester_name = $tcase_exec['tester'];
                    } else {
                        $tester_name = $user->login;
                        $tester_id = $context->userID;
                    $addExecDuration = strlen($tcase_exec['execution_duration']) > 0 && is_numeric($tcase_exec['execution_duration']);
                    $sql = " /* {$debugMsg} */ " . " INSERT INTO {$tables['executions']} (build_id,tester_id,status,testplan_id," . " tcversion_id,execution_ts,notes,tcversion_number,platform_id,execution_type" . ($addExecDuration ? ',execution_duration' : '') . ")" . " VALUES ({$context->buildID}, {$tester_id},'{$result_code}',{$context->tplanID}, " . " {$tcversion_id},{$execution_ts},'{$notes}', {$version}, " . " {$context->platformID}, {$tcase_exec['execution_type']}" . ($addExecDuration ? ",{$tcase_exec['execution_duration']}" : '') . ")";
                    if (isset($tcase_exec['bug_id']) && !is_null($tcase_exec['bug_id']) && is_array($tcase_exec['bug_id'])) {
                        $execution_id = $db->insert_id($tables['executions']);
                        foreach ($tcase_exec['bug_id'] as $bug_id) {
                            $bug_id = trim($bug_id);
                            $sql = " /* {$debugMsg} */ " . " SELECT execution_id AS check_qty FROM  {$tables['execution_bugs']} " . " WHERE bug_id = '{$bug_id}' AND execution_id={$execution_id} ";
                            $rs = $db->get_recordset($sql);
                            if (is_null($rs)) {
                                $sql = " /* {$debugMsg} */ " . " INSERT INTO {$tables['execution_bugs']} (bug_id,execution_id)" . " VALUES ('" . $db->prepare_string($bug_id) . "', {$execution_id} )";
                    $message = sprintf($l18n['import_results_ok'], $tcase_identity, $version, $tester_name, $resulstCfg['code_status'][$result_code], $execution_ts);
        if (!is_null($message)) {
            $resultMap[] = array($message);
    return $resultMap;
Example #11
 * @internal revisions:
function initEnv(&$dbHandler, &$argsObj, &$tprojectMgr, $userID)
    $my = array();
    $doc = new stdClass();
    $my['options'] = array('recursive' => true, 'prepareNode' => null, 'order_cfg' => array("type" => 'spec_order'));
    $my['filters'] = array('exclude_node_types' => array('testplan' => 'exclude me', 'requirement_spec' => 'exclude me', 'requirement' => 'exclude me'), 'exclude_children_of' => array('testcase' => 'exclude my children', 'requirement_spec' => 'exclude my children'));
    $lblKey = array(DOC_TEST_SPEC => 'title_test_spec', DOC_TEST_PLAN_DESIGN => 'report_test_plan_design', DOC_TEST_PLAN_EXECUTION => 'report_test_plan_execution', DOC_TEST_PLAN_EXECUTION_ON_BUILD => 'report_test_plan_execution_on_build', DOC_REQ_SPEC => 'req_spec');
    $doc->content_range = $argsObj->level;
    $doc->type = $argsObj->doc_type;
    $doc->type_name = lang_get($lblKey[$doc->type]);
    $doc->author = '';
    $doc->title = '';
    switch ($doc->type) {
        case DOC_TEST_PLAN_DESIGN:
            $my['options']['order_cfg'] = array("type" => 'exec_order', "tplan_id" => $argsObj->tplan_id);
            $my['options']['order_cfg'] = array("type" => 'exec_order', "tplan_id" => $argsObj->tplan_id);
            $my['options']['prepareNode'] = array('viewType' => 'executionTree');
        case DOC_REQ_SPEC:
            $my['filters'] = array('exclude_node_types' => array('testplan' => 'exclude me', 'testsuite' => 'exclude me', 'testcase' => 'exclude me'), 'exclude_children_of' => array('testcase' => 'exclude my children', 'testsuite' => 'exclude my children', 'requirement' => 'exclude my children'));
    $user = tlUser::getById($dbHandler, $userID);
    if ($user) {
        $doc->author = htmlspecialchars($user->getDisplayName());
    $dummy = $tprojectMgr->get_by_id($argsObj->tproject_id);
    $doc->tproject_name = htmlspecialchars($dummy['name']);
    $doc->tproject_scope = $dummy['notes'];
    $doc->test_priority_enabled = $dummy['opt']->testPriorityEnabled;
    return array($doc, $my);
  * initialize common test case information, useful when working on steps
 function initTestCaseBasicInfo(&$argsObj, &$guiObj, $opt = null)
     $my['opt'] = array('accessByStepID' => true);
     $my['opt'] = array_merge($my['opt'], (array) $opt);
     $greenCard = array('tcase_id' => $argsObj->tcase_id, 'tcversion_id' => $argsObj->tcversion_id);
     if ($my['opt']['accessByStepID']) {
         foreach ($greenCard as $ky) {
             // this logic need to be explained BETTER
             if ($ky == 0) {
                 $greenCard = $this->tcaseMgr->getIdCardByStepID($argsObj->step_id);
     $tcaseInfo = $this->tcaseMgr->get_by_id($greenCard['tcase_id'], $greenCard['tcversion_id'], null, array('output' => 'full_without_steps', 'renderGhost' => true, 'renderImageInline' => true));
     $external = $this->tcaseMgr->getExternalID($greenCard['tcase_id'], $argsObj->testproject_id);
     $tcaseInfo[0]['tc_external_id'] = $external[0];
     $guiObj->testcase = $tcaseInfo[0];
     if (!isset($guiObj->testcase['ghost'])) {
         $guiObj->testcase['ghost'] = null;
     $guiObj->authorObj = tlUser::getByID($this->db, $guiObj->testcase['author_id'], 'id');
     $guiObj->updaterObj = null;
     if (!is_null($guiObj->testcase['updater_id'])) {
         $guiObj->updaterObj = tlUser::getByID($this->db, $guiObj->testcase['updater_id'], 'id');
Example #13
  * @param struct $args
  * @param string $args["devKey"]
  * @param string $args["action"]: assignOne, unassignOne, unassignAll
  * @param int $args["testplanid"]
  * @param string $args["testcaseexternalid"] format PREFIX-NUMBER
  * @param int $args["buildid"] Mandatory => you can provide buildname as alternative
  * @param int $args["buildname"] Mandatory => you can provide buildid (DB ID) as alternative
  * @param int $args["platformid"] optional - BECOMES MANDATORY if Test plan has platforms
  *                                           you can provide platformname as alternative  
  * @param int $args["platformname"] optional - BECOMES MANDATORY if Test plan has platforms
  *                                           you can provide platformid as alternative  
  * @param string $args["user'] - login name => tester
 private function manageTestCaseExecutionTask($args, $msg_prefix)
     $status_ok = true;
     $resultInfo = array();
     // Checks are done in order
     $checkFunctions = array('authenticate', 'checkTestPlanID', 'checkTestCaseIdentity', 'checkBuildID');
     $status_ok = $this->_runChecks($checkFunctions, $msg_prefix);
     if ($status_ok) {
         switch ($args['action']) {
             case 'assignOne':
             case 'unassignOne':
                 if ($status_ok = $this->_isParamPresent(self::$userParamName, $msg_prefix, self::SET_ERROR)) {
                     $tester_id = tlUser::doesUserExist($this->dbObj, $this->args[self::$userParamName]);
                     if (!($status_ok = !is_null($tester_id))) {
                         $msg = $msg_prefix . sprintf(NO_USER_BY_THIS_LOGIN_STR, $this->args[self::$userParamName]);
                         $this->errors[] = new IXR_Error(NO_USER_BY_THIS_LOGIN, $msg);
             case 'unassignAll':
     // Check if requested test case is linked to test plan
     // if answer is yes, get link info, in order to be able to check if
     // we need also platform info
     if ($status_ok) {
         $execContext = array('tplan_id' => $this->args[self::$testPlanIDParamName], 'platform_id' => null, 'build_id' => $this->args[self::$buildIDParamName]);
         $tplan_id = $this->args[self::$testPlanIDParamName];
         $tcase_id = $this->args[self::$testCaseIDParamName];
         $filters = array('exec_status' => "ALL", 'active_status' => "ALL", 'tplan_id' => $tplan_id, 'platform_id' => null);
         $info = $this->tcaseMgr->get_linked_versions($tcase_id, $filters, array('output' => "feature_id"));
         // more than 1 item => we have platforms
         // access key => tcversion_id, tplan_id, platform_id
         $link = current($info);
         $link = $link[$tplan_id];
         // Inside test plan, is indexed by platform
         $hits = count($link);
         $platform_id = 0;
         $check_platform = count($hits) > 1 || !isset($link[0]);
     if ($status_ok && $check_platform) {
         // this means that platform is MANDATORY
         if (!$this->_isParamPresent(self::$platformIDParamName, $msg_prefix) && !$this->_isParamPresent(self::$platformNameParamName, $msg_prefix)) {
             $status_ok = false;
             $pname = self::$platformNameParamName . ' OR ' . self::$platformIDParamName;
             $msg = $messagePrefix . sprintf(MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAMETER_STR, $pname);
             $this->errors[] = new IXR_Error(MISSING_REQUIRED_PARAMETER, $msg);
         } else {
             // get platform_id and check it
             if ($status_ok = $this->checkPlatformIdentity($tplan_id)) {
                 $platform_set = $this->tplanMgr->getPlatforms($tplan_id, array('outputFormat' => 'mapAccessByID', 'outputDetails' => 'name'));
                 // Now check if link has all 3 components
                 // test plan, test case, platform
                 $platform_id = $this->args[self::$platformIDParamName];
                 $platform_info = array($platform_id => $platform_set[$platform_id]);
                 if ($status_ok = $this->_checkTCIDAndTPIDValid($platform_info, $msg_prefix)) {
                     $execContext['platform_id'] = $platform_id;
     if ($status_ok) {
         $assignment_mgr = new assignment_mgr($this->dbObj);
         $types = $assignment_mgr->get_available_types();
         // Remove old execution task assignment
         // `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
         // `type` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '1',
         // `feature_id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
         // `user_id` int(10) unsigned default '0',
         // `build_id` int(10) unsigned default '0',
         // `deadline_ts` datetime NULL,
         // `assigner_id`  int(10) unsigned default '0',
         // `status` int(10) unsigned default '1',
         $link = is_null($execContext['platform_id']) ? $link[0] : $link[$execContext['platform_id']];
         $feature = array($link['feature_id'] => array('build_id' => $execContext['build_id']));
         switch ($args['action']) {
             case 'unassignOne':
                 $signature[] = array('type' => $types['testcase_execution']['id'], 'user_id' => $tester_id, 'feature_id' => $link['feature_id'], 'build_id' => $execContext['build_id']);
             case 'assignOne':
                 // Step 1 - remove if exists
                 $signature[] = array('type' => $types['testcase_execution']['id'], 'user_id' => $tester_id, 'feature_id' => $link['feature_id'], 'build_id' => $execContext['build_id']);
                 // Step 2 - Now assign
                 $assign_status = $assignment_mgr->get_available_status();
                 $oo[$link['feature_id']]['type'] = $types['testcase_execution']['id'];
                 $oo[$link['feature_id']]['status'] = $assign_status['open']['id'];
                 $oo[$link['feature_id']]['user_id'] = $tester_id;
                 $oo[$link['feature_id']]['assigner_id'] = $this->userID;
                 $oo[$link['feature_id']]['build_id'] = $execContext['build_id'];
             case 'unassignAll':
                 $oo[$link['feature_id']]['type'] = $types['testcase_execution']['id'];
                 $oo[$link['feature_id']]['build_id'] = $execContext['build_id'];
         $resultInfo = array("status" => true, "args" => $this->args);
     return $status_ok ? $resultInfo : $this->errors;
 function decode_users(&$rs)
     $userCache = null;
     // key: user id, value: display name
     $key2loop = array_keys($rs);
     $labels['undefined'] = lang_get('undefined');
     $user_keys = array('author' => 'author_id', 'modifier' => 'modifier_id');
     foreach ($key2loop as $key) {
         foreach ($user_keys as $ukey => $userid_field) {
             $rs[$key][$ukey] = '';
             if (trim($rs[$key][$userid_field]) != "") {
                 if (!isset($userCache[$rs[$key][$userid_field]])) {
                     $user = tlUser::getByID($this->db, $rs[$key][$userid_field]);
                     $rs[$key][$ukey] = $user ? $user->getDisplayName() : $labels['undefined'];
                     $userCache[$rs[$key][$userid_field]] = $rs[$key][$ukey];
                 } else {
                     $rs[$key][$ukey] = $userCache[$rs[$key][$userid_field]];
Example #15
  * Inserts a testproject related role for a given user
  * @param integer $userID the id of the user
  * @param integer $tproject_id
  * @param integer $roleID the role id
  * @return integer tl::OK on success, tl::ERROR else
 function addUserRole($userID, $tproject_id, $roleID)
     $query = "INSERT INTO {$this->tables['user_testproject_roles']} " . "(user_id,testproject_id,role_id) VALUES ({$userID},{$tproject_id},{$roleID})";
     if ($this->db->exec_query($query)) {
         $testProject = $this->get_by_id($tproject_id);
         $role = tlRole::getByID($this->db, $roleID, tlRole::TLOBJ_O_GET_DETAIL_MINIMUM);
         $user = tlUser::getByID($this->db, $userID, tlUser::TLOBJ_O_GET_DETAIL_MINIMUM);
         if ($user && $testProject && $role) {
             logAuditEvent(TLS("audit_users_roles_added_testproject", $user->getDisplayName(), $testProject['name'], $role->name), "ASSIGN", $tproject_id, "testprojects");
         return tl::OK;
     return tl::ERROR;
  * get relations for a given requirement ID
  * @author Andreas Simon
  * @param int $id Requirement ID
  * @return array $relations in which this req is either source or destination
 public function get_relations($id)
     $debugMsg = '/* Class:' . __CLASS__ . ' - Method: ' . __FUNCTION__ . ' */';
     $relations = array();
     $relations['num_relations'] = 0;
     $relations['req'] = current($this->get_by_id($id));
     $relations['relations'] = array();
     $tproject_mgr = new testproject($this->db);
     $interproject_linking = config_get('req_cfg')->relations->interproject_linking;
     $sql = " {$debugMsg} SELECT id, source_id, destination_id, relation_type, author_id, creation_ts " . " FROM {$this->tables['req_relations']} " . " WHERE source_id={$id} OR destination_id={$id} " . " ORDER BY id ASC ";
     $relations['relations'] = $this->db->get_recordset($sql);
     if (!is_null($relations['relations']) && count($relations['relations']) > 0) {
         $labels = $this->get_all_relation_labels();
         $label_keys = array_keys($labels);
         foreach ($relations['relations'] as $key => $rel) {
             // is this relation type is configured?
             if ($relTypeAllowed = in_array($rel['relation_type'], $label_keys)) {
                 $relations['relations'][$key]['source_localized'] = $labels[$rel['relation_type']]['source'];
                 $relations['relations'][$key]['destination_localized'] = $labels[$rel['relation_type']]['destination'];
                 if ($id == $rel['source_id']) {
                     $type_localized = 'source_localized';
                     $other_key = 'destination_id';
                 } else {
                     $type_localized = 'destination_localized';
                     $other_key = 'source_id';
                 $relations['relations'][$key]['type_localized'] = $relations['relations'][$key][$type_localized];
                 $other_req = $this->get_by_id($rel[$other_key]);
                 // only add it, if either interproject linking is on or if it is in the same project
                 $relTypeAllowed = false;
                 if ($interproject_linking || $other_req[0]['testproject_id'] == $relations['req']['testproject_id']) {
                     $relTypeAllowed = true;
                     $relations['relations'][$key]['related_req'] = $other_req[0];
                     $other_tproject = $tproject_mgr->get_by_id($other_req[0]['testproject_id']);
                     $relations['relations'][$key]['related_req']['testproject_name'] = $other_tproject['name'];
                     $user = tlUser::getByID($this->db, $rel['author_id']);
                     $relations['relations'][$key]['author'] = $user->getDisplayName();
             if (!$relTypeAllowed) {
         // end foreach
         $relations['num_relations'] = count($relations['relations']);
     return $relations;
Example #17
 * Verify if user is log in. Redirect to login page if not.
 * @param integer $db DB identifier 
 * @param boolean $redirect if true (default) redirects user to login page, otherwise returns true/false as login status
function checkSessionValid(&$db, $redirect = true)
    $isValidSession = false;
    if (isset($_SESSION['userID']) && $_SESSION['userID'] > 0) {
        /** @TODO martin: 
        		    Talk with Andreas to understand:
        		    1. advantages of this approach
        		    2. do we need to recreate it every time ? why ?
        		 * a) store just data -not all object
        		 * b) do not read again and again the same data from DB
        		 * c) this function check JUST session validity
        $now = time();
        $lastActivity = $_SESSION['lastActivity'];
        if ($now - $lastActivity <= config_get("sessionInactivityTimeout") * 60) {
            $_SESSION['lastActivity'] = $now;
            $user = new tlUser($_SESSION['userID']);
            $_SESSION['currentUser'] = $user;
            $isValidSession = true;
    if (!$isValidSession && $redirect) {
        $ip = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"];
        tLog('Invalid session from ' . $ip . '. Redirected to login page.', 'INFO');
        $fName = "login.php";
        $baseDir = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']);
        while (!file_exists($baseDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $fName)) {
            $fName = "../" . $fName;
        redirect($fName . "?note=expired", "top.location");
    return $isValidSession;
Example #18
 * Check if the user has the needed rights to view this page (testplan metrics).
 * @author Andreas Simon
 * @param Database $db reference to database object
 * @param tlUser $user reference to user object
function checkRights(&$db, &$user)
    return $user->hasRight($db, 'testplan_metrics');
  * initialize common test case information, useful when working on steps
 function initTestCaseBasicInfo(&$argsObj, &$guiObj)
     $greenCard = array('tcase_id' => $argsObj->tcase_id, 'tcversion_id' => $argsObj->tcversion_id);
     foreach ($greenCard as $ky) {
         if ($ky == 0) {
             $greenCard = $this->tcaseMgr->getIdCardByStepID($argsObj->step_id);
     $tcaseInfo = $this->tcaseMgr->get_by_id($greenCard['tcase_id'], $greenCard['tcversion_id'], null, array('output' => 'full_without_steps', 'renderGhost' => true));
     $external = $this->tcaseMgr->getExternalID($greenCard['tcase_id'], $argsObj->testproject_id);
     $tcaseInfo[0]['tc_external_id'] = $external[0];
     $guiObj->testcase = $tcaseInfo[0];
     if (!isset($guiObj->testcase['ghost'])) {
         $guiObj->testcase['ghost'] = null;
     $guiObj->authorObj = tlUser::getByID($this->db, $guiObj->testcase['author_id'], 'id');
     $guiObj->updaterObj = null;
     if (!is_null($guiObj->testcase['updater_id'])) {
         $guiObj->updaterObj = tlUser::getByID($this->db, $guiObj->testcase['updater_id'], 'id');
  * Inserts a testplan related role for a given user
  * @param int $userID the id of the user
  * @param int $id the testplan id
  * @param int $roleID the role id
  * @return integer returns tl::OK on success, tl::ERROR else
 function addUserRole($userID, $id, $roleID)
     $debugMsg = 'Class:' . __CLASS__ . ' - Method: ' . __FUNCTION__;
     $status = tl::ERROR;
     $sql = " /* {$debugMsg} */ INSERT INTO {$this->tables['user_testplan_roles']} (user_id,testplan_id,role_id) VALUES " . " ({$userID},{$id},{$roleID})";
     if ($this->db->exec_query($sql)) {
         $testPlan = $this->get_by_id($id);
         $role = tlRole::getByID($this->db, $roleID, tlRole::TLOBJ_O_GET_DETAIL_MINIMUM);
         $user = tlUser::getByID($this->db, $userID, tlUser::TLOBJ_O_GET_DETAIL_MINIMUM);
         if ($user && $testPlan && $role) {
             logAuditEvent(TLS("audit_users_roles_added_testplan", $user->getDisplayName(), $testPlan['name'], $role->name), "ASSIGN", $id, "testplans");
         $status = tl::OK;
     return $status;
Example #21
  * @param id: test plan id
  * @return map: 
  *             key: user id
  *             value: map with key=platform id
  *                             value: map with keys: 'total' and verbose status
  *                                             values: test case count.
 public function getStatusTotalsByTester($id)
     $unassigned = lang_get('unassigned');
     $data_set = $this->getStatusTotalsByAssignedTesterPlatform($id);
     if (!is_null($data_set)) {
         $code_verbose = $this->getStatusForReports();
         $userSet = array_keys($data_set);
         // need to find a better way (with less overhead and data movement) to do this
         $userCol = tlUser::getByIDs($this->db, $userSet, tlUser::TLOBJ_O_GET_DETAIL_MINIMUM);
         foreach ($userSet as $testedBy) {
             $user_platform[$testedBy]['type'] = 'tester';
             $user_platform[$testedBy]['name'] = $unassigned;
             if ($testedBy > 0) {
                 $user_platform[$testedBy]['name'] = $userCol[$testedBy]->getDisplayName();
             $user_platform[$testedBy]['total_tc'] = 0;
             foreach ($code_verbose as $status_code => $status_verbose) {
                 $user_platform[$testedBy]['details'][$status_verbose]['qty'] = 0;
             // this will be removed from final result
             $user_platform[$testedBy]['details']['total']['qty'] = 0;
             $platformIDSet = array_keys($data_set[$assignedTo]);
             foreach ($platformIDSet as $platformID) {
                 foreach ($data_set[$testedBy][$platformID] as $verboseStatus => $counter) {
                     if (!isset($user_platform[$testedBy]['details'][$verboseStatus])) {
                         $user_platform[$testedBy]['details'][$verboseStatus]['qty'] = 0;
                     $user_platform[$testedBy]['details'][$verboseStatus]['qty'] += $counter;
             $user_platform[$testedBy]['total_tc'] = $user_platform[$testedBy]['details']['total']['qty'];
     return $user_platform;
Example #22
    case "create":
        $highlight->create_user = 1;
        $user = new tlUser();
$gui->op->operation = $actionOperation[$args->doAction];
$roles = tlRole::getAll($db, null, null, null, tlRole::TLOBJ_O_GET_DETAIL_MINIMUM);
$smarty = new TLSmarty();
$smarty->assign('gui', $gui);
$smarty->assign('highlight', $highlight);
$smarty->assign('operation', $gui->op->operation);
$smarty->assign('user_feedback', $gui->op->user_feedback);
$smarty->assign('external_password_mgmt', tlUser::isPasswordMgtExternal($user->authentication));
$smarty->assign('mgt_view_events', $_SESSION['currentUser']->hasRight($db, "mgt_view_events"));
$smarty->assign('grants', getGrantsForUserMgmt($db, $_SESSION['currentUser']));
$smarty->assign('optRights', $roles);
$smarty->assign('userData', $user);
renderGui($smarty, $args, $templateCfg);
function init_args()
    $_REQUEST = strings_stripSlashes($_REQUEST);
    $iParams = array("delete" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "user" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "user_id" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "rights_id" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "doAction" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 30), "firstName" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 30), "lastName" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 100), "emailAddress" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 100), "locale" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 10), "login" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 30), "password" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 32), "authentication" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 10), "user_is_active" => array(tlInputParameter::CB_BOOL));
    $args = new stdClass();
    R_PARAMS($iParams, $args);
    } else {
        // need to know if auth method for user allows reset
        $user = new tlUser(intval($userID));
        if (tlUser::isPasswordMgtExternal($user->authentication, $user->authentication)) {
            $gui->external_password_mgmt = 1;
            $gui->password_mgmt_feedback = sprintf(lang_get('password_mgmt_feedback'), trim($args->login));
if (!$gui->external_password_mgmt && $userID) {
    echo __LINE__;
    $result = resetPassword($db, $userID);
    $gui->note = $result['msg'];
    if ($result['status'] >= tl::OK) {
        $user = new tlUser($userID);
        if ($user->readFromDB($db) >= tl::OK) {
            logAuditEvent(TLS("audit_pwd_reset_requested", $user->login), "PWD_RESET", $userID, "users");
        redirect(TL_BASE_HREF . "login.php?note=lost");
    } else {
        if ($result['status'] == tlUser::E_EMAILLENGTH) {
            $gui->note = lang_get('mail_empty_address');
        } else {
            if ($note != "") {
                $gui->note = getUserErrorMessage($result['status']);
function initializeGui(&$dbHandler, $argsObj, &$tplanMgr, &$tcaseMgr)
    $platform_mgr = new tlPlatform($dbHandler, $argsObj->tproject_id);
    $tcase_cfg = config_get('testcase_cfg');
    $gui = new stdClass();
    $gui->platforms = $platform_mgr->getLinkedToTestplanAsMap($argsObj->tplan_id);
    $gui->usePlatforms = $platform_mgr->platformsActiveForTestplan($argsObj->tplan_id);
    $gui->bulk_platforms = $platform_mgr->getLinkedToTestplanAsMap($argsObj->tplan_id);
    $gui->bulk_platforms[0] = lang_get("all_platforms");
    $gui->send_mail = $argsObj->send_mail;
    $gui->send_mail_checked = "";
    if ($gui->send_mail) {
        $gui->send_mail_checked = ' checked="checked" ';
    $gui->glueChar = $tcase_cfg->glue_character;
    if ($argsObj->level != 'testproject') {
        $gui->testCasePrefix = $tcaseMgr->tproject_mgr->getTestCasePrefix($argsObj->tproject_id);
        $gui->testCasePrefix .= $tcase_cfg->glue_character;
        $gui->keywordsFilterType = $argsObj->keywordsFilterType;
        $gui->build_id = $argsObj->build_id;
        $gui->tplan_id = $argsObj->tplan_id;
        $tplan_info = $tplanMgr->get_by_id($argsObj->tplan_id);
        $gui->testPlanName = $tplan_info['name'];
        $build_info = $tplanMgr->get_build_by_id($argsObj->tplan_id, $argsObj->build_id);
        $gui->buildName = $build_info['name'];
        $gui->main_descr = sprintf(lang_get('title_tc_exec_assignment'), $gui->buildName, $gui->testPlanName);
        $tproject_mgr = new testproject($dbHandler);
        $tproject_info = $tproject_mgr->get_by_id($argsObj->tproject_id);
        $gui->all_users = tlUser::getAll($dbHandler, null, "id", null);
        $gui->users = getUsersForHtmlOptions($dbHandler, null, null, null, $gui->all_users);
        $gui->testers = getTestersForHtmlOptions($dbHandler, $argsObj->tplan_id, $tproject_info, $gui->all_users);
    return $gui;
Example #25
                logAuditEvent(TLS("audit_users_self_signup", $args->login), "CREATE", $user->dbID, "users");
                redirect(TL_BASE_HREF . "login.php?note=first");
            } else {
                $message = getUserErrorMessage($result);
        } else {
            $message = $rx['msg'];
$smarty = new TLSmarty();
$gui = $args;
$gui->external_password_mgmt = tlUser::isPasswordMgtExternal();
$gui->message = $message;
$smarty->assign('gui', $gui);
 * get input from user and return it in some sort of namespace
function init_args()
    $iParams = array("doEditUser" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 1), "login" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 30), "password" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 32), "password2" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 32), "firstName" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 30), "lastName" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 30), "email" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 100));
    $args = new stdClass();
    P_PARAMS($iParams, $args);
    return $args;
Example #26
 * for SSL Cliente Certificate we can not check password but
 * 1. login exists
 * 2. SSL context exist
 * return map
function doSSOClientCertificate(&$dbHandler, $apache_mod_ssl_env, $authCfg = null)
    global $g_tlLogger;
    $result = array('status' => tl::ERROR, 'msg' => null);
    if (!isset($apache_mod_ssl_env['SSL_PROTOCOL'])) {
        return $result;
    // With this we trust SSL is enabled => go ahead with login control
    $authCfg = is_null($authCfg) ? config_get('authentication') : $authCfg;
    $login = $apache_mod_ssl_env[$authCfg['SSO_uid_field']];
    if (!is_null($login)) {
        $user = new tlUser();
        $user->login = $login;
        $login_exists = $user->readFromDB($dbHandler, tlUser::USER_O_SEARCH_BYLOGIN) >= tl::OK;
        if ($login_exists && $user->isActive) {
            // Need to do set COOKIE following Mantis model
            $auth_cookie_name = config_get('auth_cookie');
            $expireOnBrowserClose = false;
            setcookie($auth_cookie_name, $user->getSecurityCookie(), $expireOnBrowserClose, '/');
            // Disallow two sessions within one browser
            if (isset($_SESSION['currentUser']) && !is_null($_SESSION['currentUser'])) {
                $result['msg'] = lang_get('login_msg_session_exists1') . ' <a style="color:white;" href="logout.php">' . lang_get('logout_link') . '</a>' . lang_get('login_msg_session_exists2');
            } else {
                // Setting user's session information
                $_SESSION['currentUser'] = $user;
                $_SESSION['lastActivity'] = time();
                setUserSession($dbHandler, $user->login, $user->dbID, $user->globalRoleID, $user->emailAddress, $user->locale, null);
                $result['status'] = tl::OK;
        } else {
            logAuditEvent(TLS("audit_login_failed", $login, $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']), "LOGIN_FAILED", $user->dbID, "users");
    return $result;
 function get_by_id($id)
     $debugMsg = 'Class:' . __CLASS__ . ' - Method: ' . __FUNCTION__;
     $sql = "/* {$debugMsg} */ " . " SELECT '' AS author, '' AS modifier, NH.node_order, " . " RSPEC.id,testproject_id,RSPEC.scope,RSPEC.total_req,RSPEC.type," . " RSPEC.author_id,RSPEC.creation_ts,RSPEC.modifier_id," . " RSPEC.modification_ts,NH.name AS title,RSPEC.doc_id " . " FROM {$this->object_table} RSPEC,  {$this->tables['nodes_hierarchy']} NH" . " WHERE RSPEC.id = NH.id " . " AND RSPEC.id = {$id}";
     $recordset = $this->db->get_recordset($sql);
     $rs = null;
     if (!is_null($recordset)) {
         // Decode users
         $rs = $recordset[0];
         if (trim($rs['author_id']) != "") {
             $user = tlUser::getByID($this->db, $rs['author_id']);
             // need to manage deleted users
             if ($user) {
                 $rs['author'] = $user->getDisplayName();
             } else {
                 $rs['author'] = lang_get('undefined');
         if (trim($rs['modifier_id']) != "") {
             $user = tlUser::getByID($this->db, $rs['modifier_id']);
             // need to manage deleted users
             if ($user) {
                 $rs['modifier'] = $user->getDisplayName();
             } else {
                 $rs['modifier'] = lang_get('undefined');
     return $rs;
     } else {
         logAuditEvent(TLS("audit_testplan_created", $args->tproject_name, $args->testplan_name), "CREATED", $new_tplan_id, "testplans");
         $cf_map = $tplan_mgr->get_linked_cfields_at_design($new_tplan_id, $args->tproject_id);
         $tplan_mgr->cfield_mgr->design_values_to_db($_REQUEST, $new_tplan_id, $cf_map);
         $status_ok = true;
         $template = null;
         $gui->user_feedback = '';
         // Operations Order is CRITIC
         if ($args->copy) {
             $options = array('items2copy' => $args->copy_options, 'copy_assigned_to' => $args->copy_assigned_to, 'tcversion_type' => $args->tcversion_type);
             $tplan_mgr->copy_as($args->source_tplanid, $new_tplan_id, $args->testplan_name, $args->tproject_id, $args->user_id, $options);
         if (!$args->is_public) {
             // does user have an SPECIFIC role on TestPlan ?
             // if answer is yes => do nothing
             if (!tlUser::hasRoleOnTestPlan($db, $args->user_id, $new_tplan_id)) {
                 $effectiveRole = $args->user->getEffectiveRole($db, $args->tproject_id, null);
                 $tplan_mgr->addUserRole($args->user_id, $new_tplan_id, $effectiveRole->dbID);
         // End critic block
 } else {
     $gui->user_feedback = lang_get("warning_duplicate_tplan_name");
 if (!$status_ok) {
     // $gui->tplan_id=$new_tplan_id;
     $gui->tproject_name = $args->tproject_name;
     $gui->notes = $of->CreateHTML();
Example #29
  * Show Test Case
  * @internal
  * returns:
  *  rev :
 function show(&$smarty, $guiObj, $identity, $grants)
     $env_tproject_id = $identity->tproject_id;
     $id = $identity->id;
     $version_id = isset($identity->version_id) ? $identity->version_id : self::ALL_VERSIONS;
     $idSet = is_array($id) ? $id : (array) $id;
     $status_ok = $idSet[0] > 0 ? 1 : 0;
     $idCard = new stdClass();
     $idCard->tcase_id = intval($idSet[0]);
     $idCard->tcversion_id = $version_id;
     $idCard->tproject_id = $identity->tproject_id;
     $gui = $this->initShowGui($guiObj, $grants, $idSet[0], $idCard);
     $userIDSet = array();
     if ($status_ok) {
         // Add To Testplan button will be disabled if the testcase doesn't belong to the current selected testproject
         // $gui->can_do->add2tplan = 'no';
         if ($env_tproject_id == $gui->tproject_id) {
             $gui->can_do->add2tplan = $gui->can_do->add2tplan == 'yes' ? $grants->testplan_planning : 'no';
         } else {
             $gui->can_do->add2tplan = 'no';
     if ($status_ok && sizeof($idSet)) {
         $cfx = 0;
         $cfPlaces = $this->buildCFLocationMap();
         $req_mgr = new requirement_mgr($this->db);
         $allReqs = $req_mgr->get_all_for_tcase($idSet);
         $allTCKeywords = $this->getKeywords($idSet, null, 'testcase_id', ' ORDER BY keyword ASC ');
         $ovx = 0;
         foreach ($idSet as $key => $tc_id) {
             // using $version_id has sense only when we are working on ONE SPECIFIC Test Case
             // if we are working on a set of test cases $version_id will be ALL VERSIONS
             if (!($tc_array = $this->get_by_id($tc_id, $version_id, null, array('renderGhost' => true, 'withGhostString' => true)))) {
             $tc_array[0]['tc_external_id'] = $gui->tcasePrefix . $tc_array[0]['tc_external_id'];
             $tc_array[0]['ghost'] = '[ghost]"TestCase":"' . $tc_array[0]['tc_external_id'] . '","Version":"' . $tc_array[0]['version'] . '"[/ghost]';
             // status quo of execution and links of tc versions
             $gui->status_quo[] = $this->get_versions_status_quo($tc_id);
             $gui->linked_versions[] = $this->get_linked_versions($tc_id);
             $gui->keywords_map[] = isset($allTCKeywords[$tc_id]) ? $allTCKeywords[$tc_id] : null;
             $tc_current = $tc_array[0];
             $gui->tc_current_version[] = array($tc_current);
             // Get UserID and Updater ID for current Version
             $userIDSet[$tc_current['author_id']] = null;
             $userIDSet[$tc_current['updater_id']] = null;
             foreach ($cfPlaces as $locationKey => $locationFilter) {
                 $gui->cf_current_version[$cfx][$locationKey] = $this->html_table_of_custom_field_values($tc_id, 'design', $locationFilter, null, null, $gui->tproject_id, null, $tc_current['id']);
             // Other versions (if exists)
             if (count($tc_array) > 1) {
                 $gui->testcase_other_versions[] = array_slice($tc_array, 1);
                 $target_idx = count($gui->testcase_other_versions) - 1;
                 $loop2do = count($gui->testcase_other_versions[$target_idx]);
                 $ref =& $gui->testcase_other_versions[$target_idx];
                 for ($qdx = 0; $qdx < $loop2do; $qdx++) {
                     $ref[$qdx]['ghost'] = '[ghost]"TestCase":"' . $tc_array[0]['tc_external_id'] . '","Version":"' . $ref[$qdx]['version'] . '"[/ghost]';
                     $target_tcversion = $gui->testcase_other_versions[$target_idx][$qdx]['id'];
                     foreach ($cfPlaces as $locationKey => $locationFilter) {
                         $gui->cf_other_versions[$cfx][$qdx][$locationKey] = $this->html_table_of_custom_field_values($tc_id, 'design', $locationFilter, null, null, $gui->tproject_id, null, $target_tcversion);
             } else {
                 $gui->testcase_other_versions[] = null;
                 $gui->cf_other_versions[$cfx] = null;
             // Get author and updater id for each version
             if ($gui->testcase_other_versions[0]) {
                 foreach ($gui->testcase_other_versions[0] as $key => $version) {
                     $userIDSet[$version['author_id']] = null;
                     $userIDSet[$version['updater_id']] = null;
             $gui->arrReqs[] = isset($allReqs[$tc_id]) ? $allReqs[$tc_id] : null;
     // Removing duplicate and NULL id's
     $gui->users = tlUser::getByIDs($this->db, array_keys($userIDSet), 'id');
     $gui->cf = null;
     $tplCfg = templateConfiguration('tcView');
     $smarty->assign('gui', $gui);
     $smarty->display($tplCfg->template_dir . $tplCfg->default_template);
Example #30
function init_args()
    $_REQUEST = strings_stripSlashes($_REQUEST);
    $args = new stdClass();
    try {
        // ATTENTION - give a look to $tlCfg->reports_list
        $typeSize = 30;
        $iParams = array("apikey" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 32, 64), "tproject_id" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "tplan_id" => array(tlInputParameter::INT_N), "level" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, 16), "type" => array(tlInputParameter::STRING_N, 0, $typeSize));
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo $e->getMessage();
    R_PARAMS($iParams, $args);
    $args->light = 'red';
    $opt = array('setPaths' => true, 'clearSession' => true);
    if (strlen($args->apikey) == 32) {
        setUpEnvForRemoteAccess($dbHandler, $args->apikey, null, $opt);
        $user = tlUser::getByAPIKey($dbHandler, $args->apikey);
        $args->light = count($user) == 1 ? 'green' : 'red';
    } else {
        $kerberos = new stdClass();
        $kerberos->args = $args;
        $kerberos->method = null;
        if (setUpEnvForAnonymousAccess($dbHandler, $args->apikey, $kerberos, $opt)) {
            $args->light = 'green';
    return $args;