Example #1
        $id = $meeting;
    if ($removeToSiteFile == "true") {
        $id = str_replace("**", ",", $id);
        $tmpquery1 = "UPDATE " . $tableCollab["meetings_attachment"] . " SET published='1' WHERE id IN({$id}) OR vc_parent IN ({$id})";
        $msg = "removeToSite";
        $id = $meeting;
if ($meeting != "" && $cheatCode == "true") {
    $id = $meeting;
$tmpquery = "WHERE mee.id = '{$id}'";
$meetingDetail = new request();
$tmpquery = "WHERE att.meeting = '{$id}'";
$attendantDetail = new request();
$comptAttendantDetail = count($attendantDetail->att_id);
$tmpquery = "WHERE pro.id = '" . $meetingDetail->mee_project[0] . "'";
$projectDetail = new request();
$teamMember = "false";
$tmpquery = "WHERE tea.project = '" . $meetingDetail->mee_project[0] . "' AND tea.member = '" . $_SESSION['idSession'] . "'";
$memberTest = new request();
$comptMemberTest = count($memberTest->tea_id);
if ($comptMemberTest == "0") {
    $teamMember = "false";
} else {
Example #2
     for ($m = 0; $m < $comptListAttendants; $m++) {
         if ($meetingIdList != "") {
             $meetingIdList .= ", ";
         $meetingIdList .= $listAttendants->att_meeting[$m];
     if ($meetingIdList == "") {
         $tmpquery = "WHERE mee.id = -1";
     } else {
         $tmpquery = "WHERE mee.id IN (" . $meetingIdList . ") ORDER BY mee.name";
 } else {
     $tmpquery = "WHERE mee.project = '{$viewCalend}' ORDER BY mee.name";
 $listMeetings = new request();
 $comptListMeetings = count($listMeetings->mee_id);
 for ($g = 0; $g < $comptListTasks; $g++) {
     if (substr($listTasks->tas_start_date[$g], 0, 7) == substr($dateCalend, 0, 7)) {
         $gantt = "true";
 for ($i = 1; $i < $daysmonth + $firstday; $i++) {
     $a = $i - $firstday + 1;
     $day = $i - $firstday + 1;
     if (strlen($a) == 1) {
         $a = "0{$a}";
     if (strlen($month) == 1) {
         $month = "0{$month}";
 * $Id: noti_meetingassignment.php,v 1.2 2004/12/13 00:18:23 madbear Exp $
 * Copyright (c) 2004 by the NetOffice developers
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
if ($num == "") {
    $num = $id;
$tmpquery = "WHERE mee.id IN({$num})";
$meetingNoti = new request();
$tmpquery = "WHERE pro.id = '{$project}'";
$projectNoti = new request();
$tmpquery = "WHERE noti.member IN({$att_mem_id_list})";
$listNotifications = new request();
$comptListNotifications = count($listNotifications->not_id);
for ($i = 0; $i < $comptListNotifications; $i++) {
    if ($listNotifications->not_meetingassignment[$i] != "0") {
    $mail = new notification();
    $mail->getUserinfo($_SESSION['idSession'], "from");
    $mail->partSubject = $strings["noti_meetingassignment1"];
    $mail->partMessage = $strings["noti_meetingassignment2"];
Example #4
        $block1->paletteIcon(5, "remove_projectsite", $strings["remove_project_site"]);
$block1->paletteIcon(6, "info", $strings["view"]);
if ($teamMember == "true") {
    $block1->paletteIcon(7, "edit", $strings["edit"]);
    $block1->paletteIcon(8, "timelog", $strings["loghours"]);
$block1->borne = $blockPage->returnBorne("1");
$block1->rowsLimit = "20";
$block1->sorting("meetings", $sortingUser->sor_meetings[0], 'mee.date DESC', $sortingFields = array(0 => 'mee.id', 1 => 'mee.name', 2 => 'mee.priority', 3 => 'mee.status', 4 => 'mee.date'));
$tmpquery = "WHERE mee.project = '{$project}' ORDER BY {$block1->sortingValue}";
$block1->recordsTotal = compt($initrequest["meetings"] . " " . $tmpquery);
$listMeetings = new request();
$listMeetings->openMeetings($tmpquery, $block1->borne, $block1->rowsLimit);
$comptListMeetings = count($listMeetings->mee_id);
if ($comptListMeetings != "0") {
    $block1->labels($labels = array(0 => $strings['id'], 1 => $strings['meeting'], 2 => $strings['priority'], 3 => $strings['status'], 4 => $strings['date']), 'true');
    for ($i = 0; $i < $comptListMeetings; $i++) {
        $idStatus = $listMeetings->mee_status[$i];
        $idPriority = $listMeetings->mee_priority[$i];
        $idPublish = $listMeetings->mee_published[$i];
        $block1->cellRow(buildLink("../meetings/viewmeeting.php?id=" . $listMeetings->mee_id[$i], $listMeetings->mee_id[$i], LINK_INSIDE));
        if ($idStatus == 1) {
            $block1->cellRow(buildLink("../meetings/viewmeeting.php?id=" . $listMeetings->mee_id[$i], $listMeetings->mee_name[$i], LINK_STRIKE));
        } else {
            $block1->cellRow(buildLink("../meetings/viewmeeting.php?id=" . $listMeetings->mee_id[$i], $listMeetings->mee_name[$i], LINK_INSIDE));