Example #1
 function show_dirs($Opcion, $db_path, $tag)
     global $arrHttp, $img_path, $msgstr;
     $source = $_GET['source'];
     // it can be directory or file on which is clicked
     $type = $_GET['type'];
     //this is the type of object on which was clicked (it can be file or dir (directory)
     $path = $_GET['path'];
     //this is the virtual path of directory which we have left.
     $kryptis = $_GET['kryptis'];
     //this is direction of action. It can be pirmyn (forward) if we open directory and other value this variable can be atgal (back) if we press on .. (we will go back from directory).
     $cont_type = $_GET['cont_type'];
     //type of the file
     $source = stripslashes($source);
     $path = stripslashes($path);
     if ($arrHttp["Opcion"] != "mostrar") {
         if ($source != "..") {
             echo "<strong>" . $path . $source . "</strong><br>";
         echo "<a href=javascript:CrearCarpeta()>" . $msgstr["new_folder"] . "</a>";
         echo "&nbsp; <a href='http://isisabcd.pbworks.com/w/page/Explorar-carpeta' target=_blank>" . $msgstr["online_help"] . "</a><p>";
     if ($type == "file") {
         if ($cont_type == "") {
             header("Content-type: application/force-download");
             header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$source}");
         } else {
             header("Content-type: {$cont_type}");
             // @readfile($this->root_dir.$path.$source);
             $fp = fopen($this->root_dir . $path . $source, 'r');
     if (preg_match("/\\/\\.\\.\\//", $path)) {
         $path = "/";
     if ($source == "") {
         $path = "/";
         $root = true;
     } else {
         if ($type == "dir") {
             if ($kryptis == "pirmyn") {
                 $path = $path . $source . "/";
             } elseif ($kryptis == "atgal") {
                 preg_match_all("/^\\/(.+)/", $path, $out);
                 // strips first char "/"
                 $path = $out[1][0];
                 preg_match_all("/(.+)\\/.+\\/\$/", $path, $out);
                 // strips from the path the last directory
                 if ($out[1][0] != "") {
                     $path = "/" . $out[1][0] . "/";
                 } else {
                     $path = "/" . $out[1][0];
                     $root = true;
     php_dirs_explorer::set("root_dir", $this->root_dir . $path);
     if (is_dir($this->root_dir)) {
         if ($dh = opendir($this->root_dir)) {
             while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
                 if (filetype($this->root_dir . $file) == "dir") {
                     $turinys["tipas"][] = "dir";
                 } else {
                     $turinys["tipas"][] = "file";
                 $turinys["pavadinimas"][] = $file;
             array_multisort($turinys["tipas"], SORT_ASC, $turinys["pavadinimas"]);
             if (!$root) {
                 $i = 1;
             } else {
                 $i = 2;
             for ($i; $i < count($turinys["tipas"]); $i++) {
                 if ($turinys["tipas"][$i] == "dir") {
                     if ($Opcion == "explorar" and $turinys["pavadinimas"][$i] != "..") {
                         $sel_dir = $this->root_dir;
                         $sel_dir = str_replace($img_path, "", $sel_dir);
                         $sel_dir .= $turinys["pavadinimas"][$i];
                         $sel_dir = str_replace("//", "/", $sel_dir);
                         echo "<input type=radio name=sel value='" . $turinys["pavadinimas"][$i] . "' onclick=\"window.opener.document.upload.storein.value='" . $sel_dir . "';self.close()\">";
                     echo "<img src=\"" . $this->icons_dir . $this->dir_icon . "\">";
                     if ($i == 1 and $turinys["pavadinimas"][$i] == "..") {
                         echo "&nbsp; <a href=\"?source=" . $turinys["pavadinimas"][$i] . "&amp;Opcion={$Opcion}&amp;tag={$tag}&amp;base=" . $arrHttp["base"] . "&amp;desde=" . $arrHttp["desde"] . "&amp;type=dir&amp;kryptis=atgal&amp;path={$path}\"&Opcion={$Opcion}>" . $turinys["pavadinimas"][$i] . "</a> <br>";
                     } else {
                         echo "&nbsp; <a href=\"?source=" . $turinys["pavadinimas"][$i] . "&amp;Opcion={$Opcion}&amp;tag={$tag}&amp;base=" . $arrHttp["base"] . "&amp;desde=" . $arrHttp["desde"] . "&amp;type=dir&amp;kryptis=pirmyn&amp;path={$path}\"&Opcion={$Opcion}>" . $turinys["pavadinimas"][$i] . "</a> <br>";
                 } else {
                     $file_type = php_dirs_explorer::get_file_type($turinys["pavadinimas"][$i]);
                     $icon = $file_type[0];
                     $cont_type = $file_type[1];
                     if ($Opcion == "seleccionar") {
                         $sel_dir = $this->root_dir;
                         $sel_dir = str_replace($db_path, "", $sel_dir);
                         $sel_dir .= $turinys["pavadinimas"][$i];
                         $sel_dir = str_replace("//", "/", $sel_dir);
                         if (substr($sel_dir, 0, 1) == "/") {
                             $sel_dir = substr($sel_dir, 1);
                         echo "<input type=checkbox name=sel value='" . $turinys["pavadinimas"][$i] . "' onclick=\"CopiarImagen('" . $sel_dir . "')\">";
                     echo "<img src=\"" . $this->icons_dir . "{$icon}\">";
                     if ($icon != "unident.gif") {
                         echo "&nbsp; <a href=\"javascript:MostrarImagen('" . $turinys["pavadinimas"][$i] . "','file','" . $arrHttp["base"] . "','" . $arrHttp["desde"] . "','{$path}','{$cont_type}','mostrar')\">" . $turinys["pavadinimas"][$i] . "</a> <br>";
                     } else {
                         echo "&nbsp; " . $turinys["pavadinimas"][$i] . "<br>";