Example #1

include "dirs_explorer.class.php";
include "../config.php";
include "../common/get_post.php";
$lang = $_SESSION["lang"];
include "../lang/admin.php";
$expl = new php_dirs_explorer();
//Now it's needed set FULL path of directory which should be seen
//root_dir - name of variable and it should be static!
// /home/shared_dir - full path of shared directory for *nix
// c:/shared_dir - full path of shared direcotory for win
if (isset($arrHttp["desde"]) and $arrHttp["desde"] == "dbcp") {
    $img_path = $db_path;
    $expl->Set("root_dir", $img_path);
} else {
    $arrHttp["desde"] = "dataentry";
    if (file_exists($db_path . $arrHttp["base"] . "/dr_path.def")) {
        $def = parse_ini_file($db_path . $arrHttp["base"] . "/dr_path.def");
        $img_path = trim($def["ROOT"]);
    } else {
        $img_path = getenv("DOCUMENT_ROOT") . "/bases/" . $arrHttp["base"] . "/";
    $expl->Set("root_dir", $img_path);
//echo $img_path;
//Now it's needed set path of icons
//icons_dir - name of variable and it should be static!
//icons/ - directory of icons
$expl->Set("icons_dir", "img/dir_explorer/");