function testCommonValues() { $profile = array('trace' => 1, 'connection_timeout' => 10, 'exceptions' => 1); jProfiles::createVirtualProfile('acme', '__common__', $profile); $profile = array('wsdl' => "", 'connection_timeout' => 25); jProfiles::createVirtualProfile('acme', 'foo', $profile); $p = jProfiles::get('acme', 'foo'); $expected = array('trace' => 1, 'exceptions' => 1, 'connection_timeout' => 25, 'wsdl' => "", '_name' => 'foo'); $this->assertEquals($expected, $p); }
function getTests() { try { $prof = jProfiles::get('jdb', $this->dbProfile, true); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->sendMessage('UTjDbPgsql cannot be run: ' . $e->getMessage()); return array(); } return parent::getTests(); }
protected function loadProfile() { try { jProfiles::get('jcache', 'jforms', true); } catch (Exception $e) { // no profile, let's create a default profile $cacheDir = jApp::tempPath('jforms'); jFile::createDir($cacheDir); $params = array('enabled' => 1, 'driver' => 'file', 'ttl' => 3600 * 48, 'automatic_cleaning_factor' => 3, 'cache_dir' => $cacheDir, 'directory_level' => 3); jProfiles::createVirtualProfile('jcache', 'jforms', $params); } }
function __construct($sel, $profile) { $p = jProfiles::get('jdb', $profile); if ($p['driver'] == 'pdo') { $this->driver = substr($p['dsn'], 0, strpos($p['dsn'], ':')); } else { $this->driver = $p['driver']; } $this->dbType = $p['dbtype']; $this->_compiler = 'jDaoCompiler'; $this->_compilerPath = JELIX_LIB_PATH . 'dao/jDaoCompiler.class.php'; parent::__construct($sel); }
function testCall() { try { $profile = jProfiles::get("jsoapclient"); if (!isset($profile['wsdl']) || $profile['wsdl'] == '') { $this->markTestSkipped('no wsdl specified in profile for jSoapClient. cannot test jSoapClient::get()'); return; } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->markTestSkipped('no profile for jSoapClient. cannot test jSoapClient::get()'); return; } $client = jSoapClient::get(); $result = $client->hello('Sylvain'); $this->assertEquals("Hello Sylvain", $result); $result = $client->__soapCall('hello', array('Sylvain')); $this->assertEquals("Hello Sylvain", $result); }
function testTools() { try { $profile = jProfiles::get('jdb', 'testapp_sqlite', true); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->sendMessage("UTjDbSqlite cannot be run : no sqlite profile"); return; } $tools = jDb::getConnection('testapp_sqlite')->tools(); $fields = $tools->getFieldList('products'); $structure = '<array> <object key="id" class="jDbFieldProperties"> <string property="type" value="integer" /> <string property="name" value="id" /> <boolean property="notNull" value="true" /> <boolean property="primary" value="true" /> <boolean property="autoIncrement" value="true" /> <boolean property="hasDefault" value="false" /> <string property="default" value="" /> <integer property="length" value="0" /> </object> <object key="name" class="jDbFieldProperties"> <string property="type" value="varchar" /> <string property="name" value="name" /> <boolean property="notNull" value="true" /> <boolean property="primary" value="false" /> <boolean property="autoIncrement" value="false" /> <boolean property="hasDefault" value="false" /> <string property="default" value="" /> <integer property="length" value="150" /> </object> <object key="price" class="jDbFieldProperties"> <string property="type" value="float" /> <string property="name" value="price" /> <boolean property="notNull" value="false" /> <boolean property="primary" value="false" /> <boolean property="autoIncrement" value="false" /> <boolean property="hasDefault" value="true" /> <string property="default" value="0" /> <integer property="length" value="0" /> </object> </array>'; $this->assertComplexIdenticalStr($fields, $structure, 'bad results'); }
function install() { if (!$this->firstDbExec()) { return; } $this->execSQLScript('install'); //Create tables if they do not exist yet because of a specific configuration //(which is the case of testapp's out of the box config) $this->execSQLScript('sql/install_jsession.schema', 'jelix'); $this->execSQLScript('sql/install_jcache.schema', 'jelix'); try { $dbprofile = jProfiles::get('jdb', 'testapp_pgsql', true); $this->useDbProfile('testapp_pgsql'); } catch (Exception $e) { // no profile for pgsql, don't install tables in pgsql return; } $this->execSQLScript('install'); $this->execSQLScript('sql/install_jsession.schema', 'jelix'); }
public static function getProfile($name = '', $noDefault = false) { return jProfiles::get('jdb', $name, $noDefault); }
public static function getProfile($name = null) { return jProfiles::get('jkvdb', $name); }
protected function getDbType($profile = null) { if (!$profile) { $profile = $this->dbProfile; } $p = jProfiles::get('jdb', $profile); $driver = $p['driver']; if ($driver == 'pdo') { preg_match('/^(\\w+)\\:.*$/', $p['dsn'], $m); $driver = $m[1]; } return $driver; }