function getTests() { try { $prof = jProfiles::get('jdb', $this->dbProfile, true); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->sendMessage('UTjDbPgsql cannot be run: ' . $e->getMessage()); return array(); } return parent::getTests(); }
function testCommonValues() { $profile = array('trace' => 1, 'connection_timeout' => 10, 'exceptions' => 1); jProfiles::createVirtualProfile('acme', '__common__', $profile); $profile = array('wsdl' => "", 'connection_timeout' => 25); jProfiles::createVirtualProfile('acme', 'foo', $profile); $p = jProfiles::get('acme', 'foo'); $expected = array('trace' => 1, 'exceptions' => 1, 'connection_timeout' => 25, 'wsdl' => "", '_name' => 'foo'); $this->assertEquals($expected, $p); }
protected function loadProfile() { try { jProfiles::get('jcache', 'jforms', true); } catch (Exception $e) { // no profile, let's create a default profile $cacheDir = jApp::tempPath('jforms'); jFile::createDir($cacheDir); $params = array('enabled' => 1, 'driver' => 'file', 'ttl' => 3600 * 48, 'automatic_cleaning_factor' => 3, 'cache_dir' => $cacheDir, 'directory_level' => 3); jProfiles::createVirtualProfile('jcache', 'jforms', $params); } }
function __construct($sel, $profile) { $p = jProfiles::get('jdb', $profile); if ($p['driver'] == 'pdo') { $this->driver = substr($p['dsn'], 0, strpos($p['dsn'], ':')); } else { $this->driver = $p['driver']; } $this->dbType = $p['dbtype']; $this->_compiler = 'jDaoCompiler'; $this->_compilerPath = JELIX_LIB_PATH . 'dao/jDaoCompiler.class.php'; parent::__construct($sel); }
/** * */ function search() { $localConfig = jApp::configPath('localconfig.ini.php'); $ini = new jIniFileModifier($localConfig); $jdbParams = array("driver" => $ini->getValue('db_driver', 'localiz_plugin') ?: 'pgsql', "host" => $ini->getValue('db_host', 'localiz_plugin'), "port" => $ini->getValue('db_port', 'localiz_plugin') ?: 5432, "database" => $ini->getValue('db_database', 'localiz_plugin'), "user" => $ini->getValue('db_user', 'localiz_plugin') ?: 'postgres', "password" => $ini->getValue('db_password', 'localiz_plugin')); jProfiles::createVirtualProfile('jdb', 'localiz_plugin', $jdbParams); $cnx = jDb::getConnection('localiz_plugin'); $sql = sprintf($ini->getValue('db_query', 'localiz_plugin'), $this->param('term')); $res = $cnx->query($sql); $rep = $this->getResponse('json'); $rep->data = array(); foreach ($res as $record) { $rep->data[] = array('oid' => $record->oid, 'typcode' => $record->typcode, 'value' => $record->value, 'label' => $record->label, 'longlabel' => $record->longlabel, 'geometrytype' => $record->geometrytype, 'xmin' => $record->xmin, 'ymin' => $record->ymin, 'xmax' => $record->xmax, 'ymax' => $record->ymax); } return $rep; }
function testCall() { try { $profile = jProfiles::get("jsoapclient"); if (!isset($profile['wsdl']) || $profile['wsdl'] == '') { $this->markTestSkipped('no wsdl specified in profile for jSoapClient. cannot test jSoapClient::get()'); return; } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->markTestSkipped('no profile for jSoapClient. cannot test jSoapClient::get()'); return; } $client = jSoapClient::get(); $result = $client->hello('Sylvain'); $this->assertEquals("Hello Sylvain", $result); $result = $client->__soapCall('hello', array('Sylvain')); $this->assertEquals("Hello Sylvain", $result); }
public function getDatasourceConnection() { $dtParams = $this->getDatasourceParameters(); $jdbParams = array(); if ($this->provider == 'spatialite') { $repository = $this->project->getRepository(); $jdbParams = array("driver" => 'sqlite3', "database" => realpath($repository->getPath() . $dtParams->dbname), "extensions" => ""); } else { if ($this->provider == 'postgres') { $jdbParams = array("driver" => 'pgsql', "host" => $dtParams->host, "port" => (int) $dtParams->port, "database" => $dtParams->dbname, "user" => $dtParams->user, "password" => $dtParams->password); } else { return null; } } $profile = $this->id; jProfiles::createVirtualProfile('jdb', $profile, $jdbParams); return jDb::getConnection($profile); }
function testTools() { try { $profile = jProfiles::get('jdb', 'testapp_sqlite', true); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->sendMessage("UTjDbSqlite cannot be run : no sqlite profile"); return; } $tools = jDb::getConnection('testapp_sqlite')->tools(); $fields = $tools->getFieldList('products'); $structure = '<array> <object key="id" class="jDbFieldProperties"> <string property="type" value="integer" /> <string property="name" value="id" /> <boolean property="notNull" value="true" /> <boolean property="primary" value="true" /> <boolean property="autoIncrement" value="true" /> <boolean property="hasDefault" value="false" /> <string property="default" value="" /> <integer property="length" value="0" /> </object> <object key="name" class="jDbFieldProperties"> <string property="type" value="varchar" /> <string property="name" value="name" /> <boolean property="notNull" value="true" /> <boolean property="primary" value="false" /> <boolean property="autoIncrement" value="false" /> <boolean property="hasDefault" value="false" /> <string property="default" value="" /> <integer property="length" value="150" /> </object> <object key="price" class="jDbFieldProperties"> <string property="type" value="float" /> <string property="name" value="price" /> <boolean property="notNull" value="false" /> <boolean property="primary" value="false" /> <boolean property="autoIncrement" value="false" /> <boolean property="hasDefault" value="true" /> <string property="default" value="0" /> <integer property="length" value="0" /> </object> </array>'; $this->assertComplexIdenticalStr($fields, $structure, 'bad results'); }
function install() { if (!$this->firstDbExec()) { return; } $this->execSQLScript('install'); //Create tables if they do not exist yet because of a specific configuration //(which is the case of testapp's out of the box config) $this->execSQLScript('sql/install_jsession.schema', 'jelix'); $this->execSQLScript('sql/install_jcache.schema', 'jelix'); try { $dbprofile = jProfiles::get('jdb', 'testapp_pgsql', true); $this->useDbProfile('testapp_pgsql'); } catch (Exception $e) { // no profile for pgsql, don't install tables in pgsql return; } $this->execSQLScript('install'); $this->execSQLScript('sql/install_jsession.schema', 'jelix'); }
public function hasFtsSearches() { // Virtual jdb profile corresponding to the layer database $project = $this->key; $repository = $this->repository->getKey(); $repositoryPath = realpath($this->repository->getPath()); $repositoryPath = str_replace('\\', '/', $repositoryPath); $searchDatabase = $repositoryPath . '/default.qfts'; if (!file_exists($searchDatabase)) { // Search for project database $searchDatabase = $repositoryPath . '/' . $project . '.qfts'; } if (!file_exists($searchDatabase)) { return false; } $jdbParams = array("driver" => "pdo", "dsn" => 'sqlite:' . $searchDatabase); // Create the virtual jdb profile $searchJdbName = "jdb_" . $repository . '_' . $project; jProfiles::createVirtualProfile('jdb', $searchJdbName, $jdbParams); // Check FTS db ( tables and geometry storage try { $cnx = jDb::getConnection($searchJdbName); // Get metadata $sql = "\n SELECT search_id, search_name, layer_name, geometry_storage, srid\n FROM quickfinder_toc\n WHERE geometry_storage != 'wkb'\n ORDER BY priority\n "; $res = $cnx->query($sql); $searches = array(); foreach ($res as $item) { $searches[$item->search_id] = array('search_name' => $item->search_name, 'layer_name' => $item->layer_name, 'srid' => $item->srid); } if (count($searches) == 0) { return false; } return array('jdb_profile' => $searchJdbName, 'searches' => $searches); } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } return false; }
/** * return a database connector. It uses a temporay pool of connection to reuse * currently opened connections. * * @param string $name profile name to use. if empty, use the default one * @return jDbConnection the connector */ public static function getConnection($name = '') { return jProfiles::getOrStoreInPool('jdb', $name, array('jDb', '_createConnector')); }
protected static function _getDriver($profile) { return jProfiles::getOrStoreInPool('jcache', $profile, array('jCache', '_loadDriver'), true); }
/** * declare a new db profile. if the content of the section is not given, * it will declare an alias to the default profile * @param string $name the name of the new section/alias * @param null|string|array $sectionContent the content of the new section, or null * to create an alias. * @param boolean $force true:erase the existing profile * @return boolean true if the ini file has been changed */ protected function declareDbProfile($name, $sectionContent = null, $force = true) { $profiles = new jIniFileModifier(jApp::configPath('profiles.ini.php')); if ($sectionContent == null) { if (!$profiles->isSection('jdb:' . $name)) { // no section if ($profiles->getValue($name, 'jdb') && !$force) { // already a name return false; } } else { if ($force) { // existing section, and no content provided : we erase the section // and add an alias $profiles->removeValue('', 'jdb:' . $name); } else { return false; } } $default = $profiles->getValue('default', 'jdb'); if ($default) { $profiles->setValue($name, $default, 'jdb'); } else { // default is a section $profiles->setValue($name, 'default', 'jdb'); } } else { if ($profiles->getValue($name, 'jdb') !== null) { if (!$force) { return false; } $profiles->removeValue($name, 'jdb'); } if (is_array($sectionContent)) { foreach ($sectionContent as $k => $v) { $profiles->setValue($k, $v, 'jdb:' . $name); } } else { $profile = $profiles->getValue($sectionContent, 'jdb'); if ($profile !== null) { $profiles->setValue($name, $profile, 'jdb'); } else { $profiles->setValue($name, $sectionContent, 'jdb'); } } } $profiles->save(); jProfiles::clear(); return true; }
/** * Get field data from a database layer corresponding to a QGIS layer * @param string $datasource String corresponding to the QGIS <datasource> item for the layer * @return object containing the sql fields information */ private function getDataFields($datasource) { // Get datasource information from QGIS $datasourceMatch = preg_match("#(?:dbname='([^ ]+)' )?(?:service='([^ ]+)' )?(?:host=([^ ]+) )?(?:port=([0-9]+) )?(?:user='******' )?(?:password='******' )?(?:sslmode=([^ ]+) )?(?:key='([^ ]+)' )?(?:estimatedmetadata=([^ ]+) )?(?:srid=([0-9]+) )?(?:type=([a-zA-Z]+) )?(?:table=\"([^ ]+)\" )?(?:\\()?(?:([^ ]+)\\) )?(?:sql=(.*))?#", $datasource, $dt); $dbname = $dt[1]; $service = $dt[2]; $host = $dt[3]; $port = $dt[4]; $user = $dt[5]; $password = $dt[6]; $sslmode = $dt[7]; $key = $dt[8]; $estimatedmetadata = $dt[9]; $srid = $dt[10]; $type = $dt[11]; $table = $dt[12]; $geocol = $dt[13]; $sql = $dt[14]; // If table contains schema name, like "public"."mytable" // We need to add double quotes around and find the real table name (without schema) // to retrieve the columns with jelix tools. $tableAlone = $table; $schema = ''; if (preg_match('#"."#', $table)) { $table = '"' . $table . '"'; $exp = explode('.', str_replace('"', '', $table)); $tableAlone = $exp[1]; $schema = $exp[0]; } $this->schema = $schema; // Set some private properties $this->table = $table; $this->tableName = $tableAlone; $this->whereClause = $sql; $driver = $this->providerDriverMap[$this->provider]; // Build array of parameters for the virtual profile if ($driver == 'sqlite3') { $jdbParams = array("driver" => $driver, "database" => realpath($this->repository->getPath() . $dbname), "extensions" => ","); } else { if (!empty($service)) { $jdbParams = array("driver" => $driver, "service" => $service); } else { $jdbParams = array("driver" => $driver, "host" => $host, "port" => (int) $port, "database" => $dbname, "user" => $user, "password" => $password); } } // Create the virtual jdb profile $profile = $this->layerId; jProfiles::createVirtualProfile('jdb', $profile, $jdbParams); // Get the fields using jelix tools for this connection $cnx = jDb::getConnection($profile); $tools = $cnx->tools(); $sequence = null; $fields = $tools->getFieldList($tableAlone, $sequence); $this->dataFields = $fields; foreach ($this->dataFields as $fieldName => $prop) { // Detect primary key column if ($prop->primary && !in_array($fieldName, $this->primaryKeys)) { $this->primaryKeys[] = $fieldName; } // Detect geometry column if (in_array(strtolower($prop->type), $this->geometryDatatypeMap)) { $this->geometryColumn = $fieldName; $this->geometryType = strtolower($prop->type); // If postgresql, get real geometryType from geometry_columns (jelix prop gives 'geometry') if ($this->provider == 'postgres' and $this->geometryType == 'geometry') { $cnx = jDb::getConnection($this->layerId); $res = $cnx->query('SELECT type FROM geometry_columns WHERE f_table_name = ' . $cnx->quote($this->tableName)); $res = $res->fetch(); if ($res) { $this->geometryType = strtolower($res->type); } } } } // For views : add key from datasource if (!$this->primaryKeys and $key) { // check if layer is a view $cnx = jDb::getConnection($this->layerId); if ($this->provider == 'postgres') { $sql = " SELECT table_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.views"; $sql .= " WHERE 2>1"; $sql .= " AND (table_schema = ANY (current_schemas(false)) OR table_schema = " . $cnx->quote($schema) . ")"; $sql .= " AND table_name=" . $cnx->quote($tableAlone); } if ($this->provider == 'spatialite') { $sql = " SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'view'"; $sql .= " AND name=" . $cnx->quote($tableAlone); } $res = $cnx->query($sql); if ($res->rowCount() > 0) { $this->primaryKeys[] = $key; } } return true; }
/** * clear the loaded profiles to force to reload the profiles file. * WARNING: it destroy all objects stored in the pool! */ public static function clear() { self::$_profiles = null; self::$_objectPool = array(); if (gc_enabled()) { gc_collect_cycles(); } }
protected static function declareRedisProfile($ser, $cacheName, $repository, $project = null, $layers = null, $crs = null) { $cacheRedisHost = 'localhost'; $cacheRedisPort = '6379'; $cacheExpiration = (int) $ser->cacheExpiration; if (property_exists($ser, 'cacheRedisHost')) { $cacheRedisHost = trim($ser->cacheRedisHost); } if (property_exists($ser, 'cacheRedisPort')) { $cacheRedisPort = trim($ser->cacheRedisPort); } // Virtual cache profile parameter $cacheParams = array("driver" => "redis", "host" => $cacheRedisHost, "port" => $cacheRedisPort, "ttl" => $cacheExpiration); if ($project) { if ($layers) { $cacheParams["key_prefix"] = $repository . '/' . $project . '/' . $layers . '/' . $crs . '/'; } else { $cacheParams["key_prefix"] = $repository . '/' . $project . '/'; } } else { $cacheParams["key_prefix"] = $repository . '/'; } if (property_exists($ser, 'cacheRedisDb') and !empty($ser->cacheRedisDb)) { $cacheParams['db'] = $ser->cacheRedisDb; } if (property_exists($ser, 'cacheRedisKeyPrefix') and !empty($ser->cacheRedisKeyPrefix)) { $cacheParams['key_prefix'] = $ser->cacheRedisKeyPrefix . $cacheParams['key_prefix']; } if (property_exists($ser, 'cacheRedisKeyPrefixFlushMethod') and !empty($ser->cacheRedisKeyPrefixFlushMethod)) { $cacheParams['key_prefix_flush_method'] = $ser->cacheRedisKeyPrefixFlushMethod; } // Create the virtual cache profile jProfiles::createVirtualProfile('jcache', $cacheName, $cacheParams); }
public static function clear() { self::$_profiles = null; self::$_objectPool = array(); }
public static function createVirtualProfile($repository, $project, $layers, $crs) { // Set cache configuration $cacheName = 'lizmapCache_' . $repository . '_' . $project . '_' . $layers . '_' . $crs; // Storage type $ser = lizmap::getServices(); $cacheStorageType = $ser->cacheStorageType; // Expiration time : take default one $cacheExpiration = (int) $ser->cacheExpiration; // Cache root directory $cacheRootDirectory = $ser->cacheRootDirectory; if (!is_writable($cacheRootDirectory) or !is_dir($cacheRootDirectory)) { $cacheRootDirectory = sys_get_temp_dir(); } if ($cacheStorageType == 'file') { // CACHE CONTENT INTO FILE SYSTEM // Directory where to store the cached files $cacheDirectory = $cacheRootDirectory . '/' . $repository . '/' . $project . '/' . $layers . '/' . $crs . '/'; // Create directory if needed if (!file_exists($cacheDirectory)) { mkdir($cacheDirectory, 0750, true); } // Virtual cache profile parameter $cacheParams = array("driver" => "file", "cache_dir" => $cacheDirectory, "file_locking" => True, "directory_level" => "5", "directory_umask" => "0750", "file_name_prefix" => "lizmap_", "cache_file_umask" => "0650", "ttl" => $cacheExpiration); // Create the virtual cache profile jProfiles::createVirtualProfile('jcache', $cacheName, $cacheParams); } else { // CACHE CONTENT INTO SQLITE DATABASE // Directory where to store the sqlite database $cacheDirectory = $cacheRootDirectory . '/' . $repository . '/' . $project . '/'; if (!file_exists($cacheDirectory)) { mkdir($cacheDirectory, 0750, true); } // Create directory if needed $cacheDatabase = $cacheDirectory . $layers . '_' . $crs . '.db'; $cachePdoDsn = 'sqlite:' . $cacheDatabase; // Create database and populate with table if needed if (!file_exists($cacheDatabase)) { copy(jApp::varPath() . "cacheTemplate.db", $cacheDatabase); } // Virtual jdb profile corresponding to the layer database $jdbParams = array("driver" => "pdo", "dsn" => $cachePdoDsn, "user" => "cache", "password" => "cache"); // Create the virtual jdb profile $cacheJdbName = "jdb_" . $cacheName; jProfiles::createVirtualProfile('jdb', $cacheJdbName, $jdbParams); // Virtual cache profile parameter $cacheParams = array("driver" => "db", "dbprofile" => $cacheJdbName, "ttl" => $cacheExpiration); // Create the virtual cache profile jProfiles::createVirtualProfile('jcache', $cacheName, $cacheParams); } }
public static function clearProfiles() { jProfiles::clear(); }
/** * @param string $profile the profile name */ public static function get($profile = '') { return jProfiles::getOrStoreInPool('jsoapclient', $profile, array('jSoapClient', '_getClient')); }
public static function getProfile($name = null) { return jProfiles::get('jkvdb', $name); }