/** * Get Mime type * * @param string full path of file (incl. filename) * @param string file name (must be provided if no full path is given) * @param string mime type that will be used initially. Provide * any mime type headers */ static function getMimeType($a_file = "", $a_filename = "", $a_mime = "") { global $ilLog; $mime = ""; // if we have an http reference , we check for youtube if (in_array(substr($a_file, 0, 7), array("http://", "https:/"))) { if (is_int(strpos($a_file, "youtube."))) { return "video/youtube"; } if (is_int(strpos($a_file, "vimeo."))) { return "video/vimeo"; } } // determine extension $ext = ""; if ($a_filename != "") { $path = pathinfo($a_filename); $ext = "." . strtolower($path["extension"]); } else { if ($a_file != "") { $path = pathinfo($a_file); $ext = "." . strtolower($path["extension"]); } } $types_map = ilMimeTypeUtil::getExt2MimeMap(); if ($types_map[$ext] != "") { $mime = $types_map[$ext]; } if ($mime == "" && extension_loaded('Fileinfo') && is_file($a_file)) { $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME); $mime = finfo_file($finfo, $a_file); finfo_close($finfo); if ($pos = strpos($mime, ' ')) { $mime = substr($mime, 0, $pos); } // remove trailing ";" if (substr($mime, strlen($mime) - 1, 1) == ";") { $mime = substr($mime, 0, strlen($mime) - 1); } } if ($mime == "") { $mime = "application/octet-stream"; } return $mime; }
/** * Constructor * @access public */ function ilObjMediaCastGUI($a_data, $a_id, $a_call_by_reference, $a_prepare_output = true) { global $ilCtrl, $lng; $this->type = "mcst"; $this->ilObjectGUI($a_data, $a_id, $a_call_by_reference, $a_prepare_output); $lng->loadLanguageModule("mcst"); $lng->loadLanguageModule("news"); $ilCtrl->saveParameter($this, "item_id"); include_once "./Modules/MediaCast/classes/class.ilMediaCastSettings.php"; $settings = ilMediaCastSettings::_getInstance(); $this->purposeSuffixes = $settings->getPurposeSuffixes(); $this->mimeTypes = array(); $mime_types = $settings->getMimeTypes(); foreach ($mime_types as $mt) { $this->mimeTypes[$mt] = $mt; } include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilMimeTypeUtil.php"; foreach (ilMimeTypeUtil::getExt2MimeMap() as $mt) { $this->mimeTypes[$mt] = $mt; } asort($this->mimeTypes); }
/** * get mime type for file * * @param string $a_file file name * @return string mime type * static */ static function getMimeType($a_file) { include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilMimeTypeUtil.php"; $mime = ilMimeTypeUtil::getMimeType($a_file); return $mime; }
break; case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR: $errors->fields[] = array('name' => 'img_file', 'message' => $lng->txt("form_msg_file_missing_tmp_dir")); break; case UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE: $errors->fields[] = array('name' => 'img_file', 'message' => $lng->txt("form_msg_file_cannot_write_to_disk")); break; case UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION: $errors->fields[] = array('name' => 'img_file', 'message' => $lng->txt("form_msg_file_upload_stopped_ext")); break; } // check suffixes if (!$errors->fields && !$errors->general) { $finfo = pathinfo($_FILES['img_file']['name']); require_once 'Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilMimeTypeUtil.php'; $mime_type = ilMimeTypeUtil::getMimeType($_FILES['img_file']['tmp_name'], $_FILES['img_file']['name'], $_FILES['img_file']['type']); if (!in_array(strtolower($finfo['extension']), $tinyMCE_valid_imgs) || !in_array($mime_type, array('image/gif', 'image/jpeg', 'image/png'))) { $errors->fields[] = array('name' => 'img_file', 'message' => $lng->txt("form_msg_file_wrong_file_type")); } } // virus handling if (!$errors->fields && !$errors->general) { if ($_FILES['img_file']["tmp_name"] != "") { $vir = ilUtil::virusHandling($_FILES['img_file']["tmp_name"], $_FILES['img_file']["name"]); if ($vir[0] == false) { $errors->fields[] = array('name' => 'img_file', 'message' => $lng->txt("form_msg_file_virus_found") . "<br />" . $vir[1]); } } } if (!$errors->fields && !$errors->general) { include_once 'webservice/soap/include/inc.soap_functions.php';
/** * Handles the upload of a single file and adds it to the parent object. * * @param array $file_upload An array containing the file upload parameters. * @return object The response object. */ protected function handleFileUpload($file_upload) { global $ilUser; // file upload params $filename = $file_upload["name"]; $type = $file_upload["type"]; $size = $file_upload["size"]; $temp_name = $file_upload["tmp_name"]; // additional params $title = $file_upload["title"]; $description = $file_upload["description"]; $extract = $file_upload["extract"]; $keep_structure = $file_upload["keep_structure"]; // create answer object $response = new stdClass(); $response->fileName = $filename; $response->fileSize = intval($size); $response->fileType = $type; $response->fileUnzipped = $extract; $response->error = null; // extract archive? if ($extract) { $zip_file = $filename; $adopt_structure = $keep_structure; include_once "Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilFileUtils.php"; // Create unzip-directory $newDir = ilUtil::ilTempnam(); ilUtil::makeDir($newDir); // Check if permission is granted for creation of object, if necessary if ($this->id_type != self::WORKSPACE_NODE_ID) { $type = ilObject::_lookupType((int) $this->parent_id, true); } else { $type = ilObject::_lookupType($this->tree->lookupObjectId($this->parent_id), false); } $tree = $access_handler = null; switch ($type) { // workspace structure case 'wfld': case 'wsrt': $permission = $this->checkPermissionBool("create", "", "wfld"); $containerType = "WorkspaceFolder"; $tree = $this->tree; $access_handler = $this->getAccessHandler(); break; // use categories as structure // use categories as structure case 'cat': case 'root': $permission = $this->checkPermissionBool("create", "", "cat"); $containerType = "Category"; break; // use folders as structure (in courses) // use folders as structure (in courses) default: $permission = $this->checkPermissionBool("create", "", "fold"); $containerType = "Folder"; break; } try { // processZipFile ( // Dir to unzip, // Path to uploaded file, // should a structure be created (+ permission check)? // ref_id of parent // object that contains files (folder or category) // should sendInfo be persistent?) ilFileUtils::processZipFile($newDir, $temp_name, $adopt_structure && $permission, $this->parent_id, $containerType, $tree, $access_handler); } catch (ilFileUtilsException $e) { $response->error = $e->getMessage(); } catch (Exception $ex) { $response->error = $ex->getMessage(); } ilUtil::delDir($newDir); // #15404 if ($this->id_type != self::WORKSPACE_NODE_ID) { foreach (ilFileUtils::getNewObjects() as $parent_ref_id => $objects) { if ($parent_ref_id != $this->parent_id) { continue; } foreach ($objects as $object) { $this->after_creation_callback_objects[] = $object; } } } } else { if (trim($title) == "") { $title = $filename; } else { // BEGIN WebDAV: Ensure that object title ends with the filename extension $fileExtension = ilObjFileAccess::_getFileExtension($filename); $titleExtension = ilObjFileAccess::_getFileExtension($title); if ($titleExtension != $fileExtension && strlen($fileExtension) > 0) { $title .= '.' . $fileExtension; } // END WebDAV: Ensure that object title ends with the filename extension } // create and insert file in grp_tree include_once "./Modules/File/classes/class.ilObjFile.php"; $fileObj = new ilObjFile(); $fileObj->setTitle($title); $fileObj->setDescription($description); $fileObj->setFileName($filename); include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilMimeTypeUtil.php"; $fileObj->setFileType(ilMimeTypeUtil::getMimeType("", $filename, $type)); $fileObj->setFileSize($size); $this->object_id = $fileObj->create(); $this->putObjectInTree($fileObj, $this->parent_id); // see uploadFiles() if (is_array($this->after_creation_callback_objects)) { $this->after_creation_callback_objects[] = $fileObj; } // upload file to filesystem $fileObj->createDirectory(); $fileObj->raiseUploadError(false); $fileObj->getUploadFile($temp_name, $filename); $this->handleAutoRating($fileObj); // BEGIN ChangeEvent: Record write event. require_once './Services/Tracking/classes/class.ilChangeEvent.php'; ilChangeEvent::_recordWriteEvent($fileObj->getId(), $ilUser->getId(), 'create'); // END ChangeEvent: Record write event. } return $response; }
/** * PUT method handler * * @param array parameter passing array * @return bool true on success */ public function PUT(&$options) { global $ilUser; $this->writelog('PUT(' . var_export($options, true) . ')'); $path = $this->davDeslashify($options['path']); $parent = dirname($path); $name = $this->davBasename($path); // get dav object for path $parentDAV =& $this->getObject($parent); // sanity check if (is_null($parentDAV) || !$parentDAV->isCollection()) { return '409 Conflict'; } // Prevent putting of files which exceed upload limit // FIXME: since this is an optional parameter, we should to do the // same check again in function PUTfinished. if ($options['content_length'] != null && $options['content_length'] > $this->getUploadMaxFilesize()) { $this->writelog('PUT is forbidden, because content length=' . $options['content_length'] . ' is larger than upload_max_filesize=' . $this->getUploadMaxFilesize() . 'in php.ini'); return '403 Forbidden'; } // determine mime type include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilMimeTypeUtil.php"; $mime = ilMimeTypeUtil::getMimeType("", $name, $options['content_type']); $objDAV =& $this->getObject($path); if (is_null($objDAV)) { $ttype = $parentDAV->getILIASFileType(); $isperm = $parentDAV->isPermitted('create', $ttype); if (!$isperm) { $this->writelog('PUT is forbidden, because user has no create permission'); return '403 Forbidden'; } $options["new"] = true; $objDAV =& $parentDAV->createFile($name); $this->writelog('PUT obj=' . $objDAV . ' name=' . $name . ' content_type=' . $options['content_type']); //$objDAV->setContentType($options['content_type']); $objDAV->setContentType($mime); if ($options['content_length'] != null) { $objDAV->setContentLength($options['content_length']); } $objDAV->write(); // Record write event ilChangeEvent::_recordWriteEvent($objDAV->getObjectId(), $ilUser->getId(), 'create', $parentDAV->getObjectId()); } else { if ($objDAV->isNullResource()) { if (!$parentDAV->isPermitted('create', $parentDAV->getILIASFileType())) { $this->writelog('PUT is forbidden, because user has no create permission'); return '403 Forbidden'; } $options["new"] = false; $objDAV =& $parentDAV->createFileFromNull($name, $objDAV); $this->writelog('PUT obj=' . $objDAV . ' name=' . $name . ' content_type=' . $options['content_type']); //$objDAV->setContentType($options['content_type']); $objDAV->setContentType($mime); if ($options['content_length'] != null) { $objDAV->setContentLength($options['content_length']); } $objDAV->write(); // Record write event ilChangeEvent::_recordWriteEvent($objDAV->getObjectId(), $ilUser->getId(), 'create', $parentDAV->getObjectId()); } else { if (!$objDAV->isPermitted('write')) { $this->writelog('PUT is forbidden, because user has no write permission'); return '403 Forbidden'; } $options["new"] = false; $this->writelog('PUT obj=' . $objDAV . ' name=' . $name . ' content_type=' . $options['content_type'] . ' content_length=' . $options['content_length']); // Create a new version if the previous version is not empty if ($objDAV->getContentLength() != 0) { $objDAV->createNewVersion(); } //$objDAV->setContentType($options['content_type']); $objDAV->setContentType($mime); if ($options['content_length'] != null) { $objDAV->setContentLength($options['content_length']); } $objDAV->write(); // Record write event ilChangeEvent::_recordWriteEvent($objDAV->getObjectId(), $ilUser->getId(), 'update'); ilChangeEvent::_catchupWriteEvents($objDAV->getObjectId(), $ilUser->getId(), 'update'); } } // store this object, we reuse it in method PUTfinished $this->putObjDAV = $objDAV; $out =& $objDAV->getContentOutputStream(); $this->writelog('PUT outputstream=' . $out); return $out; }
/** * upload file */ function uploadFile() { global $lng; // determine directory $cur_subdir = str_replace(".", "", ilUtil::stripSlashes($_GET["cdir"])); $cur_dir = !empty($cur_subdir) ? $this->main_dir . "/" . $cur_subdir : $this->main_dir; $tgt_file = null; if (is_file($_FILES["new_file"]["tmp_name"])) { $tgt_file = $cur_dir . "/" . ilUtil::stripSlashes($_FILES["new_file"]["name"]); move_uploaded_file($_FILES["new_file"]["tmp_name"], $tgt_file); } elseif ($_POST["uploaded_file"]) { include_once 'Services/FileSystem/classes/class.ilUploadFiles.php'; // check if the file is in the ftp directory and readable if (ilUploadFiles::_checkUploadFile($_POST["uploaded_file"])) { $tgt_file = $cur_dir . "/" . ilUtil::stripSlashes($_POST["uploaded_file"]); // copy uploaded file to data directory ilUploadFiles::_copyUploadFile($_POST["uploaded_file"], $tgt_file); } } else { if (trim($_FILES["new_file"]["name"]) == "") { ilUtil::sendFailure($lng->txt("cont_enter_a_file"), true); } } if ($tgt_file && is_file($tgt_file)) { $unzip = null; // extract zip? include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilMimeTypeUtil.php"; if (ilMimeTypeUtil::getMimeType($tgt_file) == "application/zip") { $this->ctrl->setParameter($this, "upfile", basename($tgt_file)); $url = $this->ctrl->getLinkTarget($this, "unzipFile"); $this->ctrl->setParameter($this, "upfile", ""); include_once "Services/UIComponent/Button/classes/class.ilLinkButton.php"; $unzip = ilLinkButton::getInstance(); $unzip->setCaption("unzip"); $unzip->setUrl($url); $unzip = " " . $unzip->render(); } ilUtil::sendSuccess($lng->txt("cont_file_created") . $unzip, true); $this->setPerformedCommand("create_file", array("name" => substr($tgt_file, strlen($this->main_dir) + 1))); } $this->ctrl->saveParameter($this, "cdir"); ilUtil::renameExecutables($this->main_dir); $this->ctrl->redirect($this, "listFiles"); }
/** * Function to parse incoming data from form input value $value. returns the strin/number/etc. to store in the database. * @param $value * @param ilDataCollectionRecordField $record_field * @return int|string */ public function parseValue($value, ilDataCollectionRecordField $record_field) { $return = false; if ($this->id == ilDataCollectionDatatype::INPUTFORMAT_FILE) { $file = $value; if ($file['tmp_name']) { $file_obj = new ilObjFile(); $file_obj->setType("file"); $file_obj->setTitle($file["name"]); $file_obj->setFileName($file["name"]); $file_obj->setFileType(ilMimeTypeUtil::getMimeType("", $file["name"], $file["type"])); $file_obj->setFileSize($file["size"]); $file_obj->setMode("object"); $file_obj->create(); $file_obj->getUploadFile($file["tmp_name"], $file["name"]); $file_id = $file_obj->getId(); $return = $file_id; } else { $return = $record_field->getValue(); } } elseif ($this->id == ilDataCollectionDatatype::INPUTFORMAT_MOB) { if ($value == -1) { //marked for deletion. return 0; } $media = $value; if ($media['tmp_name']) { $mob = new ilObjMediaObject(); $mob->setTitle($media['name']); $mob->create(); $mob_dir = ilObjMediaObject::_getDirectory($mob->getId()); if (!is_dir($mob_dir)) { $mob->createDirectory(); } $media_item = new ilMediaItem(); $mob->addMediaItem($media_item); $media_item->setPurpose("Standard"); $file_name = ilUtil::getASCIIFilename($media['name']); $file_name = str_replace(" ", "_", $file_name); $file = $mob_dir . "/" . $file_name; $title = $file_name; ilUtil::moveUploadedFile($media['tmp_name'], $file_name, $file); ilUtil::renameExecutables($mob_dir); list($width, $height, $type, $attr) = getimagesize($file); $arr_properties = $record_field->getField()->getProperties(); $new_width = $arr_properties[ilDataCollectionField::PROPERTYID_WIDTH]; $new_height = $arr_properties[ilDataCollectionField::PROPERTYID_HEIGHT]; if ($new_width || $new_height) { //only resize if it is bigger, not if it is smaller if ($new_height < $height && $new_width < $width) { //resize proportional if (!$new_height || !$new_width) { $format = ilObjMediaObject::getMimeType($file); $wh = ilObjMediaObject::_determineWidthHeight("", "", $format, "File", $file, "", true, false, $arr_properties[ilDataCollectionField::PROPERTYID_WIDTH], (int) $arr_properties[ilDataCollectionField::PROPERTYID_HEIGHT]); } else { $wh['width'] = (int) $arr_properties[ilDataCollectionField::PROPERTYID_WIDTH]; $wh['height'] = (int) $arr_properties[ilDataCollectionField::PROPERTYID_HEIGHT]; } } $location = ilObjMediaObject::_resizeImage($file, $wh['width'], $wh['height'], false); } else { $location = $title; } ilObjMediaObject::_saveUsage($mob->getId(), "dcl:html", $record_field->getRecord()->getTable()->getCollectionObject()->getId()); $format = ilObjMediaObject::getMimeType($file); $media_item->setFormat($format); $media_item->setLocation($location); $media_item->setLocationType("LocalFile"); $mob->update(); $return = $mob->getId(); } else { $return = $record_field->getValue(); } } elseif ($this->id == ilDataCollectionDatatype::INPUTFORMAT_DATETIME) { return $value["date"] . " " . $value["time"]; } elseif ($this->id == ilDataCollectionDatatype::INPUTFORMAT_BOOLEAN) { $return = $value ? 1 : 0; } elseif ($this->id == ilDataCollectionDatatype::INPUTFORMAT_TEXT) { $arr_properties = $record_field->getField()->getProperties(); if ($arr_properties[ilDataCollectionField::PROPERTYID_TEXTAREA]) { $return = nl2br($value); } else { $return = $value; } } else { if ($this->id == ilDataCollectionDatatype::INPUTFORMAT_NUMBER) { $return = $value == '' ? null : $value; //SW, Ilias Mantis #0011799: Return null otherwise '' is casted to 0 in DB } else { $return = $value; } } return $return; }
/** * Get the mime type of the requested file * @param string default type * @return string mime type * @access public */ public function getMimeType($default = 'application/octet-stream') { // take a previously set mimetype if (isset($this->mimetype)) { return $this->mimetype; } $mime = ''; // alex: changed due to bug http://www.ilias.de/mantis/view.php?id=9332 /* if (extension_loaded('Fileinfo')) { $finfo = finfo_open(FILEINFO_MIME); $mime = finfo_file($finfo, $this->file); finfo_close($finfo); if ($pos = strpos($mime, ' ')) { $mime = substr($mime, 0, $pos); } } else {*/ include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilMimeTypeUtil.php"; $mime = ilMimeTypeUtil::getMimeType($this->file); //$mime = ilObjMediaObject::getMimeType($this->file); // } // set and return the mime type $this->mimetype = $mime ? $mime : $default; return $this->mimetype; }
/** * Creates a dav file as a child of this object. * * @param string the name of the file. * @return ilObjectDAV returns the created object, or null if creation failed. */ function createFile($name) { global $tree; // create and insert Folder in tree require_once 'Modules/File/classes/class.ilObjFile.php'; $newObj = new ilObjFile(0); $newObj->setType($this->getILIASFileType()); $newObj->setTitle($name); $newObj->setFileName($name); include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilMimeTypeUtil.php"; $mime = ilMimeTypeUtil::getMimeType("", $name, 'application/octet-stream'); //$newObj->setFileType('application/octet-stream'); $newObj->setFileType($mime); //$newObj->setDescription(''); $newObj->create(); $newObj->createReference(); $newObj->setPermissions($this->getRefId()); $newObj->putInTree($this->getRefId()); //$newObj->createDirectory(); require_once 'class.ilObjFileDAV.php'; $objDAV = new ilObjFileDAV($newObj->getRefId(), $newObj); /* $fs = $objDAV->getContentOutputStream(); fwrite($fs,' '); fclose($fs); */ return $objDAV; }
/** * Guesses the file type based on the current values returned by getFileType() * and getFileExtension(). * If getFileType() returns 'application/octet-stream', the file extension is * used to guess a more accurate file type. */ function guessFileType($a_file = "") { $path = pathinfo($a_file); if ($path["extension"] != "") { $filename = $path["basename"]; } else { $filename = "dummy." . $this->getFileExtension(); } include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilMimeTypeUtil.php"; $mime = ilMimeTypeUtil::getMimeType($a_file, $filename, $this->getFileType()); return $mime; /* $fileType = $this->getFileType(); if (strlen($fileType) == 0) { $fileType = 'application/octet-stream'; } // Firefox browser assigns 'application/x-pdf' to PDF files, but // it can only handle them if the have the mime-type 'application/pdf'. if ($fileType == 'application/x-pdf') { $fileType = 'application/pdf'; } if ($fileType == 'application/octet-stream') { $fileExtension = $this->getFileExtension(); $mimeArray = array( 'mpeg' => 'video/mpeg', 'mp3' => 'audio/mpeg', 'pdf' => 'application/pdf', 'gif' => 'image/gif', 'jpg' => 'image/jpg', 'png' => 'image/png', 'htm' => 'text/html', 'html' => 'text/html', 'wma' => 'video/x-ms-wma', 'wmv' => 'video/x-ms-wmv', 'swf' => 'application/x-shockwave-flash', ); if (array_key_exists($fileExtension, $mimeArray)) { $fileType = $mimeArray[$fileExtension]; } } return $fileType; */ }
/** * updates object entry in object_data * * @access public */ function update() { global $ilTabs; $form = $this->initPropertiesForm(); if (!$form->checkInput()) { $ilTabs->activateTab("settings"); $form->setValuesByPost(); $this->tpl->setContent($form->getHTML()); return false; } $data = $form->getInput('file'); // delete trailing '/' in filename while (substr($data["name"], -1) == '/') { $data["name"] = substr($data["name"], 0, -1); } $filename = empty($data["name"]) ? $this->object->getFileName() : $data["name"]; $title = $form->getInput('title'); if (strlen(trim($title)) == 0) { $title = $filename; } else { $title = $this->object->checkFileExtension($filename, $title); } $this->object->setTitle($title); if (!empty($data["name"])) { switch ($form->getInput('replace')) { case 1: $this->object->deleteVersions(); $this->object->clearDataDirectory(); $this->object->replaceFile($data['tmp_name'], $data['name']); break; case 0: $this->object->addFileVersion($data['tmp_name'], $data['name']); break; } $this->object->setFileName($data['name']); include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilMimeTypeUtil.php"; $this->object->setFileType(ilMimeTypeUtil::getMimeType("", $data["name"], $data["type"])); $this->object->setFileSize($data['size']); } $this->object->setDescription($form->getInput('description')); $this->update = $this->object->update(); // BEGIN ChangeEvent: Record update event. if (!empty($data["name"])) { require_once 'Services/Tracking/classes/class.ilChangeEvent.php'; global $ilUser; ilChangeEvent::_recordWriteEvent($this->object->getId(), $ilUser->getId(), 'update'); ilChangeEvent::_catchupWriteEvents($this->object->getId(), $ilUser->getId()); } // END ChangeEvent: Record update event. // Update ecs export settings include_once 'Modules/File/classes/class.ilECSFileSettings.php'; $ecs = new ilECSFileSettings($this->object); $ecs->handleSettingsUpdate(); ilUtil::sendSuccess($this->lng->txt("msg_obj_modified"), true); ilUtil::redirect($this->ctrl->getLinkTarget($this, 'edit', '', false, false)); }
/** * Init storage class (ilSetting) * @access private * */ private function initStorage() { include_once './Services/Administration/classes/class.ilSetting.php'; $this->storage = new ilSetting('mcst'); include_once './Modules/MediaCast/classes/class.ilObjMediaCast.php'; $this->purposeSuffixes = array_flip(ilObjMediaCast::$purposes); $this->purposeSuffixes["Standard"] = array("mp3", "flv", "mp4", "m4v", "mov", "wmv", "gif", "png"); $this->purposeSuffixes["AudioPortable"] = array("mp3"); $this->purposeSuffixes["VideoPortable"] = array("mp4", "m4v", "mov"); $this->setDefaultAccess("users"); include_once "./Services/Utilities/classes/class.ilMimeTypeUtil.php"; $mimeTypes = array_unique(array_values(ilMimeTypeUtil::getExt2MimeMap())); sort($mimeTypes); $this->setMimeTypes($mimeTypes); }