Example #1
echo $report->group_selector;
echo '<div class="clearer"></div>';
// echo $report->get_toggles_html();
//show warnings if any
foreach ($warnings as $warning) {
    echo $OUTPUT->notification($warning);
$studentsperpage = $report->get_students_per_page();
// Don't use paging if studentsperpage is empty or 0 at course AND site levels
if (!empty($studentsperpage)) {
    echo $OUTPUT->paging_bar($numusers, $report->page, $studentsperpage, $report->pbarurl);
$reporthtml = $report->get_grade_table();
// print submit button
if ($USER->gradeediting[$course->id] && ($report->get_pref('showquickfeedback') || $report->get_pref('quickgrading'))) {
    echo '<form action="index.php" method="post">';
    echo '<div>';
    echo '<input type="hidden" value="' . s($courseid) . '" name="id" />';
    echo '<input type="hidden" value="' . sesskey() . '" name="sesskey" />';
    echo '<input type="hidden" value="grader" name="report"/>';
    echo '<input type="hidden" value="' . $page . '" name="page"/>';
    echo $reporthtml;
    echo '<div class="submit"><input type="submit" id="gradersubmit" value="' . s(get_string('update')) . '" /></div>';
    echo '</div></form>';
} else {
    echo $reporthtml;
// prints paging bar at bottom for large pages
if (!empty($studentsperpage) && $studentsperpage >= 20) {
    echo $OUTPUT->paging_bar($numusers, $report->page, $studentsperpage, $report->pbarurl);
Example #2
// Perform actions
if (!empty($target) && !empty($action) && confirm_sesskey()) {
    grade_report_grader::process_action($target, $action);
$reportname = get_string('modulename', 'gradereport_grader');
// Initialise the grader report object
$report = new grade_report_grader($courseid, $gpr, $context, $page, $sortitemid);
// TODO change the JS so we can remove the ->in_head()
if ($report->get_pref('enableajax')) {
    $report = new grade_report_grader_ajax($courseid, $gpr, $context, $page, $sortitemid);
// make sure separate group does not prevent view
if ($report->currentgroup == -2) {
    print_grade_page_head($COURSE->id, 'report', 'grader', $reportname, false, $buttons);
    echo $OUTPUT->heading(get_string("notingroup"));
    echo $OUTPUT->footer();
/// processing posted grades & feedback here
if ($data = data_submitted() and confirm_sesskey() and has_capability('moodle/grade:edit', $context)) {
    $warnings = $report->process_data($data);
} else {
    $warnings = array();
Example #3
/// Print header
print_header_simple($strgrades . ': ' . $reportname, ': ' . $strgrades, $navigation, '', '', true, $buttons, navmenu($course));
/// Print the plugin selector at the top
print_grade_plugin_selector($courseid, 'report', 'grader');
// Add tabs
$currenttab = 'graderreport';
require 'tabs.php';
echo $report->group_selector;
echo '<div class="clearer"></div>';
echo $report->get_toggles_html();
//show warnings if any
foreach ($warnings as $warning) {
$studentsperpage = $report->get_pref('studentsperpage');
// Don't use paging if studentsperpage is empty or 0 at course AND site levels
if (!empty($studentsperpage)) {
    print_paging_bar($numusers, $report->page, $studentsperpage, $report->pbarurl);
$reporthtml = '<script src="functions.js" type="text/javascript"></script>';
$reporthtml .= '<table id="user-grades" class="gradestable flexible boxaligncenter generaltable">';
$reporthtml .= $report->get_headerhtml();
$reporthtml .= $report->get_iconshtml();
$reporthtml .= $report->get_rangehtml();
$reporthtml .= $report->get_studentshtml();
$reporthtml .= $report->get_avghtml(true);
$reporthtml .= $report->get_avghtml();
$reporthtml .= "</table>";
// print submit button
if ($USER->gradeediting[$course->id]) {
// final grades MUST be loaded after the processing
$numusers = $report->get_numusers();
/// Print header
$a->item = $item->itemname;
$reportname = get_string('quickedititem', 'gradereport_grader', $a);
print_grade_page_head($COURSE->id, 'report', 'grader', $reportname);
echo $report->group_selector;
echo '<div class="clearer"></div>';
// echo $report->get_toggles_html();
//show warnings if any
foreach ($warnings as $warning) {
$studentsperpage = $report->get_pref('studentsperpage');
// Don't use paging if studentsperpage is empty or 0 at course AND site levels
if (!empty($studentsperpage)) {
    print_paging_bar($numusers, $report->page, $studentsperpage, $report->pbarurl);
/// TODO Print links to previous - next grade items in this course
/// TODO Print Quick Edit Interface here
/// TODO The teacher may only be allowed to view one group: check capabilities
// print submit button
echo '<div class="submit"><input type="submit" value="' . get_string('update') . '" /></div>';
echo '</div></form>';
// prints paging bar at bottom for large pages
if (!empty($studentsperpage) && $studentsperpage >= 20) {
    print_paging_bar($numusers, $report->page, $studentsperpage, $report->pbarurl);