Example #1
function getTransaction()
    include '../../includes/database.php';
    $table = "transactions";
    $num = sql_GET_ALL($table, ["ID", "DESC"])[0]["ID"] + 1;
    $stmt = $db->prepare(sql_PUT($table));
    $ex = buildJSONInputWProps($table, ["Amount" => 4.5, "Type" => 1, "ID" => $num]);
    return $num;
Example #2
function rest_put($req)
    global $routes;
    global $JSON;
    include '../../includes/database.php';
    $table = $req[0];
    if (checkPrivileges($table) == false || checkTableReqs($table, $JSON) == false) {
        rest_error("Insufficient Priveleges OR incorrect JSON Requirements", 401);
    $ret = reqRouter($req, "PUT");
    if ($ret == 0) {
        rest_error("Item Exists Or Incorrect JSON Properties.", 409);
    } else {
        if ($ret == 2) {
            if (!isset($JSON["OrderSymbols"])) {
                rest_error("NO Order received, check JSON", 406);
            $list = $JSON["OrderSymbols"];
            $orders = explode(" , ", $list);
            $arr = [];
            $allPossibles = sql_GET_JOIN(["tables" => ["symbols"], "from" => "ingredients", "relations" => [["symbols.Name", "ingredients.Symbol"]], "select" => ["symbols.Symbol"]]);
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($orders); $i++) {
                $ingredients = explode(" ", $orders[$i]);
                //from here we need to check that each ingrediant is valid and available?
                for ($x = 0; $x < count($ingredients); $x++) {
                    $ingrediant = $ingredients[$x];
                    $num = isInside($allPossibles, "Symbol", $ingrediant);
                    if ($num == -1) {
                        rest_error($ingrediant . " is not a valid ingredient!", 406);
                    $cur = $allPossibles[$num];
            $table = "orders";
            $JSON["TransactionID"] = getTransaction();
    if ($req[0] == "users") {
        if (!filter_var($JSON["Email"], FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
            rest_error("Invalid Email, Please Enter a Valid Email address.", 406);
    $stmt = $db->prepare(sql_PUT($table));
    $ex = buildJSONInputWProps($table, $JSON);
    if (is_string($ex)) {
        rest_error("Property: '" . $ex . "' is not set on provided JSON Object. Your JSON May be Mal-Formed,incorrect for the database or some other error may have occured", 400);
    $var = $stmt->execute($ex);
    if ($var) {
        rest_success('Inputted Successfully Into the DataBase!');
    } else {
        rest_error('Input unsuccessful. Check spelling this is usually thrown when an item should match another tables item.', 406);
        $stmt = $db->prepare(sql_PUT($req));
        $stmt->execute(array(':fname' => $fname, ':lname' => $lname,':email' => $email,':pass' => $password,':verified'=>0));*/
    return 0;