Example #1
    $objDrop->addOption('organise', $catOrganise);
    if ($menu == 'admin') {
        $objDrop->addOption('site', $catSite);
        $objDrop->addOption('develop', $catDevelop);
    } else {
        if ($menu == 'manage') {
            $objDrop->addOption('site', $catSite);
        } else {
            $objDrop->addOption('assign', $catAssign);
} else {
    $objLabel = new label($positionLabel, 'input_position');
    $objDrop = new dropdown('position');
    $objDrop->addOption(1, $topLabel);
    $objDrop->addOption(2, $uppermiddleLabel);
    $objDrop->addOption(3, $middleLabel);
    $objDrop->addOption(4, $lowermiddleLabel);
    $objDrop->addOption(5, $bottomLabel);
$objTable->addRow(array($label1, $drop1, $objLabel->show(), $objDrop->show()));
// action
$objLabel = new label($actionLabel, 'input_actionName');
$objInput = new textinput('actionName', $action);
$objTable->addRow(array($objLabel->show(), $objInput->show()));
// icon
$objLabel = new label($iconLabel, 'input_icon');
$objInput = new textinput('icon', $icon);
$objTable->addRow(array($objLabel->show(), $objInput->show()));
  * Method to return a customised input to the sysconfig form
  * @access public
  * @return string $string The html string to be displayed in sysconfig 
 public function show()
     $string = $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_jquerycore_selectversion', 'jquerycore', 'ERROR: mod_jquerycore_selectversion');
     $objDrop = new dropdown('pvalue');
     foreach ($this->coreVersions as $version) {
         $objDrop->addOption($version, $version);
     $string .= ' ' . $objDrop->show();
     return $string;
Example #3
  $objElement = new checkbox('studentsonly', '', true);  // this will checked
  $check = $objElement->show();
  )); */
$objContextModules = $this->getObject('dbcontextmodules', 'context');
$objModules = $this->getObject('modules', 'modulecatalogue');
$contextModules = $objContextModules->getContextModules($contextCode);
$plugins = $objModules->getListContextPlugins();
$dropDown = new dropdown('moduleid');
foreach ($plugins as $plugin) {
    $dropDown->addOption($plugin['module_id'], $plugin['title']);
if ($action == 'showuseractivitybymodule') {
    $objTable->addRow(array('<b>' . $selectModuleLabel . '</b>', $dropDown->show()));
$saveLabel = "View";
$objButton = new button('save', $saveLabel);
$btnSave = $objButton->show();
$objForm = new form('showuseractivity', $this->uri(array('action' => $action)));
echo $objForm->show();
  * Standard block show method. 
 public function show()
     try {
         $objContext = $this->getObject('dbcontext', 'context');
         $courses = $objContext->getListOfPublicContext();
         if (count($courses) == 0) {
             $msg = $this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_context_nocontexts', 'context');
             return "<span class='noRecordsMessage'>{$msg}</span>";
         } else {
             $form = new form('joincontext', $this->uri(array('action' => 'joincontext'), 'context'));
             $dropdown = new dropdown('contextcode');
             foreach ($courses as $course) {
                 $dropdown->addOption($course['contextcode'], $course['menutext']);
             $button = new button('submitform', ucwords($this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_context_entercourse', 'context', NULL, 'Enter [-context-]')));
             $form->addToForm($dropdown->show() . '<br />' . $button->show());
             return $form->show();
     } catch (customException $e) {
Example #5
$objBizCard->resetModule = $this->getParam('module');
echo $objBizCard->show();
echo '<div id="formresults"></div>';
$form = new form('updatedetails', $this->uri(array('action' => 'updateuserdetails')));
echo '<div style="width:70%; float:left; padding:5px; boorder:1px solid red;">';
echo '<h3>' . $this->objLanguage->languageText('phrase_userinformation', 'userdetails') . ':</h3>';
$table = $this->newObject('htmltable', 'htmlelements');
// Title
$label = new label($this->objLanguage->languageText('word_title', 'system'), 'input_useradmin_title');
$objDropdown = new dropdown('useradmin_title');
$titles = array("title_mr", "title_miss", "title_mrs", "title_ms", "title_dr", "title_prof", "title_rev", "title_assocprof");
foreach ($titles as $title) {
    $_title = trim($objLanguage->languageText($title));
    $objDropdown->addOption($_title, $_title);
if ($mode == 'addfixup') {
} else {
$table->addCell($label->show(), 140);
// Firstname
$label = new label($this->objLanguage->languageText('phrase_firstname', 'system'), 'input_useradmin_firstname');
$table->addCell($confirmPasswordLabel->show(), 150, 'top', 'right');
$table->addCell('&nbsp;', 5);
$table->addCell($confirmPassword->show() . $required);
$fieldset = $this->newObject('fieldset', 'htmlelements');
$fieldset->legend = $this->objLanguage->languageText('phrase_accountdetails', 'userregistration', 'Account Details');
$fieldset->contents = $table->show();
$form->addToForm('<br />');
$table = $this->newObject('htmltable', 'htmlelements');
$titlesDropdown = new dropdown('register_title');
$titlesLabel = new label($this->objLanguage->languageText('word_title', 'system') . '&nbsp;', 'input_register_title');
$titles = array("title_mr", "title_miss", "title_mrs", "title_ms", "title_dr", "title_prof", "title_rev", "title_assocprof");
foreach ($titles as $title) {
    $_title = trim($this->objLanguage->languageText($title));
    $titlesDropdown->addOption($_title, $_title);
if ($mode == 'addfixup') {
$table->addCell($titlesLabel->show(), 150, NULL, 'right');
$firstname = new textinput('register_firstname');
$firstnameLabel = new label($this->objLanguage->languageText('phrase_firstname', 'system', "First name") . '&nbsp;', 'input_register_firstname');
if ($mode == 'addfixup') {
    $firstname->value = $this->getParam('register_firstname');
    if ($this->getParam('register_firstname') == '') {
        $messages[] = $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_userdetails_enterfirstname', 'userdetails');
Example #7
echo $title . $this->lnkIcnCreate('create_condition');
$this->loadClass('label', 'htmlelements');
$this->loadClass('dropdown', 'htmlelements');
$viewCondition = $this->getObject('viewcondition', 'decisiontable');
$ddbType = new dropdown('type');
foreach ($condition->objConditionType->getAll() as $option) {
    $ddbType->addOption($option['name'], $option['name']);
$ddbType->extra = 'onChange="javascript:document.frmCond[\'button\'].value=\'save\';document.frmCond.submit();"';
$lnkSave = $this->newObject('link', 'htmlelements');
$lnkSave->href = "#";
$lnkSave->extra = 'onclick="javascript:document.frmCond[\'button\'].value=\'save\';document.frmCond.submit();"';
$lnkSave->link = $this->objLanguage->languageText("word_save");
$lnkBack = $this->newObject('link', 'htmlelements');
$lnkBack->href = '#';
$lnkBack->extra = 'onclick="javascript:document.frmCond[\'button\'].value=\'cancel\';document.frmCond.submit();"';
$lnkBack->link = $this->objLanguage->languageText("word_back");
$arrControls = array($lnkSave->show(), $lnkBack->show());
$lblConditionType = $this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_contextpermissions_lblConditionType', 'contextpermissions');
$objLabel = new label($lblConditionType, 'input_type');
$lblType = $objLabel->show();
$frmCond = $this->newObject('form', 'htmlelements');
$frmCond->name = 'frmCond';
$frmCond->displayType = '3';
Example #8
$objTextInput = new textinput('category', $category);
$objTextInput->extra = 'readonly="READONLY"';
$objForm->addRule('category', $objLanguage->languageText("mod_stories_val_catnotnull", "stories"), 'required');
$objFmTable->addCell($objTextInput->show() . " " . $objCat->show(), NULL, "top", "left");
//Add a row for the language
$objFmTable->addCell($objLanguage->languageText("word_language") . ":&nbsp;", NULL, "top", "right");
$objTextInput = new textinput('language', $language);
$objTextInput->extra = 'readonly="READONLY"';
$objForm->addRule(array('name' => 'language', 'length' => 2), $objLanguage->languageText("mod_stories_val_lang2chargt", "stories"), 'maxlength');
$objForm->addRule('language', $objLanguage->languageText("mod_stories_val_langnotnull", "stories"), 'required');
//Create a dropdown for the language selector
$objCat = new dropdown('language_selector');
$objCat->extra = " onchange=\"document.forms['storyinput'].language.value=document.forms['storyinput'].language_selector.value;\"";
$objCat->addOption("", "Clear input");
$objLangList = $this->newObject('languagecode', 'language');
$objCat->selected = $language;
foreach ($objLangList->iso_639_2_tags->codes as $key => $value) {
    $objCat->addOption($key, $value);
$objFmTable->addCell($objTextInput->show() . " " . $objCat->show(), NULL, "top", "left");
//Add a row for the parentId
$objTextInput = new textinput('parentId', $parentId);
$objTextInput->fldType = 'hidden';
if ($parentId != 'base') {
    $parentIdInput = $objTextInput->show();
} else {
    $objTextInput->fldType = "hidden";
Example #9
$table->addCell($this->objLanguage->languageText('word_status', 'system', 'Status'));
$showcomment = new dropdown('showcomment');
//$status->setBreakSpace('<br />');
$showcomment->addOption('1', $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_yes', 'system', 'No') . " ");
$showcomment->addOption('0', $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_no', 'system', 'No') . " ");
if ($mode == 'add' && is_array($fixup)) {
} else {
    if ($mode == 'edit') {
$table->addCell($this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_contextadmin_comment', 'contextadmin', 'Comment'));
$table->addCell($showcomment->show() . " *" . $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_contextadmin_comments', 'contextadmin', 'Enable or Disable users to post comments on page content'));
  * Gets the wide blocks for the template middle. It renders the dropdown
  * for selecting wide blocks when 'Turn editing on' is enabled.
  * @return string A dropdown for selecting blocks
  * @access public
 public function getWideBlocks()
     // Create array for sorting
     $wideBlockOptions = array();
     $wideBlocksDropDown = new dropdown('middleblocks');
     $wideBlocksDropDown->cssId = 'ddmiddleblocks';
     $wideBlocksDropDown->addOption('', $this->objLanguage->languageText('phrase_selectone', 'context', 'Select One') . '...');
     foreach ($this->wideDynamicBlocks as $wideBlock) {
         $smallBlockOptions['dynamicblock|' . $wideBlock['id'] . '|' . $wideBlock['module']] = htmlentities($wideBlock['title']);
     $wideBlocks = $this->objBlocks->getBlocks('wide', 'site|user');
     foreach ($wideBlocks as $wideBlock) {
         if ($wideBlock["moduleid"] != "contentblocks") {
             $block = $this->newObject('block_' . $wideBlock['blockname'], $wideBlock['moduleid']);
             $title = $block->title;
             if ($title == '') {
                 $title = $wideBlock['blockname'] . ' (' . $wideBlock['moduleid'] . ')';
             } else {
                 $title = $title . " (" . $wideBlock['moduleid'] . ")";
             $wideBlockOptions['block|' . $wideBlock['blockname'] . '|' . $wideBlock['moduleid']] = htmlentities($title);
         } else {
             // fetch contentblock data
             //$block = $this->objBlocks->showBlock($wideBlock["id"], "contentblocks");
             $bData = $this->objBlocksContent->getBlockById($wideBlock["id"]);
             if (!empty($bData)) {
                 $bData = $bData[0];
                 $title = $bData["title"];
                 //parse some abstractions
                 $title = $this->objLanguage->abstractText($title);
                 if ($title == '') {
                     $title = $wideBlock['blockname'] . ' | ';
                 $title .= " (" . $wideBlock['moduleid'] . ")";
                 $wideBlockOptions['block|' . $bData["id"] . '|' . "contentblocks"] = htmlentities($bData["title"] . ' (contentblocks)');
     // Sort Alphabetically
     // Add wide Blocks
     foreach ($wideBlockOptions as $block => $title) {
         $wideBlocksDropDown->addOption($block, $title);
     //Add content blocks if any
     $contentWideBlocks = "";
     if ($this->cbExists) {
         $contentWideBlocks = $this->objBlocksContent->getBlocksArr('content_widetext');
         //Add content sideblocks to options
         if (!empty($contentWideBlocks)) {
             foreach ($contentWideBlocks as $contentWideBlock) {
                 $wideBlocksDropDown->addOption('block|' . $contentWideBlock["id"] . '|' . "contentblocks", htmlentities($contentWideBlock["title"]) . '(contentblocks)');
     return $wideBlocksDropDown->show();
  * Method to return a customised input to the sysconfig form
  * @access public
  * @return string $string The html string to be displayed in sysconfig 
 public function show()
     $string = $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_jquerycore_selecttheme', 'jquerycore', 'ERROR: mod_jquerycore_selecttheme');
     $objDrop = new dropdown('pvalue');
     foreach ($this->themes as $theme) {
         $objDrop->addOption($theme, ucfirst($theme));
     $string .= '&nbsp;' . $objDrop->show();
     return $string;
Example #12
  * Method to get a list of contexts.
  * The method returns a dropdown list of contexts in which the user is registered.
 function showDropDown()
     $objForm = $this->newObject('form', 'htmlelements');
     $objButton = $this->newObject('button', 'htmlelements');
     $objDropDown = $this->newObject('dropdown', 'htmlelements');
     $go = $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_go');
     $objDropDown = new dropdown('context_dropdown');
     $objDropDown->cssClass = 'coursechooser';
     $contexts = $this->objManageGroups->userContextCodes();
     if (!empty($contexts)) {
         foreach ($contexts as $code) {
             $menu = $this->objDBContext->getMenuText($code);
             $objDropDown->addOption($code, $menu);
         $objDropDown->extra = 'onchange="document.enter.submit();"';
         // submit button
         $objButton = new button('go', $go);
         // Build form
         $objForm->form('enter', $this->uri(array('action' => 'joincontext'), 'context'));
         return $objForm->show();
     return FALSE;
  * Method to return an alphabetical select box
  * of countries
  * @param string $tongue the two letter code for the language to be
  *    selected in the select box
  * @return string The select box for countries
  * @access Public
 public function countryAlpha($tongue = NULL)
     $ar = $this->countryListArr();
     $this->loadClass('dropdown', 'htmlelements');
     $objSelect = new dropdown('country');
     // set a selected entry
     if ($tongue) {
         $language = $tongue;
     } else {
         $language = strtoupper($this->objConfig->getCountry());
     foreach ($ar as $code => $country) {
         $objSelect->addOption($code, $country);
     return $objSelect->show();
Example #14
  * Short description for function
  * Long description (if any) ...
  * @return void
  * @access public
 function showForms()
     //Text Input
     $objForm = new form('testform');
     $url = $this->uri(array('action' => 'add'), 'htmlelements');
     $objForm->setAction($this->uri(array('action' => 'save'), 'htmlelements'));
     $objElement = new textinput('textbox');
     $objElement->setValue('Some text');
     $objElement->label = 'Textbox\'s label';
     $text = $objElement->show() . '<br />';
     $objForm->addToForm('<span class="warning">Start of Form</span><br />');
     /*$objElement = new calendar('cal');
       $today = getdate();
       $calendar = $objElement->show().'<br />';*/
     //Radion button Group
     $objElement = new radio('sex_radio');
     $objElement->addOption('m', 'Male');
     $objElement->addOption('f', 'Female');
     $objElement->addOption('n', 'Seaweed');
     $radio = $objElement->show() . '<br />';
     //Check boxes
     $objElement = new checkbox('m', 'Male', true);
     $check = $objElement->show();
     $objElement = new checkbox('f', 'Female');
     $check .= $objElement->show();
     $objElement = new checkbox('n', 'Seawood');
     $check .= $objElement->show() . '<br />';
     $objElement = new dropdown('sex_dropdown');
     $objElement->addOption('', '');
     //adding a blank option
     $objElement->addOption('m', 'Male');
     $objElement->addOption('f', 'Female');
     $objElement->addOption('n', 'Seaweed');
     $dropdown = $objElement->show() . "<br />";
     //Dropdown created from array
     $objElement = new dropdown('user_dropdown');
     $objElement->addFromDB($this->objDBUser->getAll(), 'username', 'userid', $this->objDBUser->userName());
     $objElement->label = 'User list';
     $dropdown .= $objElement->show() . "<br />";
     $objElement = new textarea('text_area');
     $objElement->setContent('This is some content for the textarea');
     $ta = $objElement->show() . '<br />';
     $objElement = new button('mybutton');
     $objElement->setValue('Normal Button');
     $objElement->setOnClick('alert(\'An onclick Event\')');
     $button = $objElement->show() . '<br />';
     //Submit Button
     $objElement = new button('mybutton');
     $objElement->label = 'Buttons Label';
     $objElement->setValue('Submit Button');
     $submit = $objElement->show() . '<br />';
     //add submit button to the form;
     $mouseoverpopup = new mouseoverpopup('this is some text');
     $mouseoverpopup = $mouseoverpopup->show();
     //Add all the above to a tabbedbox
     $objElement = new tabbedbox();
     $objElement->addTabLabel('Tabbed box 1');
     $objElement->addBoxContent($mouseoverpopup . $text . $dropdown . $button . $submit);
     $tab = '<br />' . $objElement->show() . '<br />';
     //add the tab to the form
     $objForm->addToForm('<span class="warning">End of Form</span>');
     $form = $objForm->show() . '<br />';
     //create a multitabbedbox
     $objElement = new multitabbedbox('100px', '500px');
     $objElement->addTab(array('name' => 'First', 'url' => 'http://localhost', 'content' => $form, 'default' => true));
     $objElement->addTab(array('name' => 'Second', 'url' => 'http://localhost', 'content' => $check . $radio));
     $objElement->addTab(array('name' => 'Third', 'url' => 'http://localhost', 'content' => $tab, 'height' => '300px', 'width' => '600px'));
     //$objElement->addTab(array('name'=>'Test Validation','url'=>'http://localhost','content' => $this->valFormShow(),'height' => '300','width' => '700'));
     //set layers
     $left = $tab;
     $content = 'This is an example using most of the classes in the htmlelements module<br />';
     $content .= '<br />' . $objElement->show();
     //this to make the centre layer strech downwards
     for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
         $content .= '<br />';
     $right = $tab;
     $bottom = $ta;
     $this->setVar('left', $left);
     $this->setVar('right', $right);
     $this->setVar('content', $content);
     $this->setVar('bottom', $bottom);
     //return $str;
  * Method to put a dropdown list of categories
 function putCategoryChooser()
     $objCat = $this->getObject('dbstorycategory', 'storycategoryadmin');
     $ar = $objCat->getAll();
     //Load the form class that I need
     $this->loadClass('form', 'htmlelements');
     $this->loadClass('dropdown', 'htmlelements');
     //Instantiate the form class
     $objForm = new form('chCat');
     //Instantiate a dropdown
     $objCatDrd = new dropdown('category_selector');
     $objCatDrd->extra = " onchange=\"document.location=document.forms['chCat'].category_selector.value;\"";
     //Add the categories
     $objCatDrd->addOption("", $this->objLanguage->languageText("mod_stories_anothercat", 'stories'));
     foreach ($ar as $line) {
         $link = $this->uri(array('action' => $this->getParam('action', NULL), 'storycategory' => $line['category']), $this->getParam('module', '_default'));
         $objCatDrd->addOption($link, $line['title']);
     return $objForm->show();
            <div class="panel panel-default">
             <div class="pull-right">
                <div class="btn-group">   
                        <div class="panel-heading">
                            <i class="fa fa-times fa-fw"></i>
//$content->dropdownMarketOrders_inactive($character_get, $typei);
$orders_dropdown = new dropdown();
$orders_dropdown->setTitle("Order type");
$typea_sell = "typei=sell&typea=" . $typea;
$typea_buy = "typei=buy&typea=" . $typea;
$orders_dropdown->addOption('Sell Orders', $typea_sell);
$orders_dropdown->addOption("Buy Orders", $typea_buy);
echo "Inactive ";
if (isset($_GET['typei'])) {
    $filter = $_GET['typei'];
} else {
    $filter = 'sell';
if (isset($filter) && $filter != "") {
    echo $filter . " orders";
        </div>                 <!-- /.panel-heading -->
    <div class ="panel-body">
  * Method to generate the html for the form template
  * @access public
  * @return string $string The html string to be sent to the template 
 public function showMain()
     if ($this->check) {
         $userArray = $this->objDBusers->getUser($this->userId);
     } else {
         $userArray = $this->objUserAdmin->getUserDetails($this->userId);
     $titleValue = $userArray['title'];
     $firstNameValue = $userArray['firstname'];
     $lastNameValue = $userArray['surname'];
     $genderValue = $userArray['sex'];
     $countryValue = $userArray['country'];
     $emailAddressValue = $userArray['emailaddress'];
     $contactNumberValue = $userArray['cellnumber'];
     $userId = $userArray['userid'];
     $passwordValue = NULL;
     $confirmPasswordValue = NULL;
     if ($this->check) {
         $middleNameValue = $userArray['middle_name'];
         $dayValue = !empty($userArray['date_of_birth']) ? date('j', strtotime($userArray['date_of_birth'])) : NULL;
         $monthValue = !empty($userArray['date_of_birth']) ? date('n', strtotime($userArray['date_of_birth'])) : NULL;
         $yearValue = !empty($userArray['date_of_birth']) ? date('Y', strtotime($userArray['date_of_birth'])) : NULL;
         if (!empty($userArray['address'])) {
             $address = explode('|', $userArray['address']);
             $addressOneValue = $address[0];
             $addressTwoValue = $address[1];
         } else {
             $addressOneValue = NULL;
             $addressTwoValue = NULL;
         $cityValue = $userArray['city'];
         $stateValue = $userArray['state'];
         $postalCodeValue = $userArray['postal_code'];
         $schoolIdValue = $userArray['school_id'];
         $schoolArray = $this->objDBschools->getSchool($schoolIdValue);
         $schoolValue = $schoolArray['name'];
         $descriptionValue = $userArray['description'];
     } else {
         $staffNumberValue = $userArray['staffnumber'];
     $errors = $this->getSession('errors');
     $titleValue = !empty($errors) ? $errors['data']['title'] : $titleValue;
     $firstNameValue = !empty($errors) ? $errors['data']['first_name'] : $firstNameValue;
     $lastNameValue = !empty($errors) ? $errors['data']['last_name'] : $lastNameValue;
     $genderValue = !empty($errors) ? $errors['data']['gender'] : $genderValue;
     $countryValue = !empty($errors) ? $errors['data']['country'] : $countryValue;
     $emailAddressValue = !empty($errors) ? $errors['data']['email_address'] : $emailAddressValue;
     $contactNumberValue = !empty($errors) ? $errors['data']['contact_number'] : $contactNumberValue;
     $passwordValue = !empty($errors) ? $errors['data']['password'] : $passwordValue;
     $confirmPasswordValue = !empty($errors) ? $errors['data']['confirm_password'] : $confirmPasswordValue;
     $titleError = !empty($errors) && array_key_exists('title', $errors['errors']) ? $errors['errors']['title'] : NULL;
     $firstNameError = !empty($errors) && array_key_exists('first_name', $errors['errors']) ? $errors['errors']['first_name'] : NULL;
     $lastNameError = !empty($errors) && array_key_exists('last_name', $errors['errors']) ? $errors['errors']['last_name'] : NULL;
     $genderError = !empty($errors) && array_key_exists('gender', $errors['errors']) ? $errors['errors']['gender'] : NULL;
     $emailAddressError = !empty($errors) && array_key_exists('email_address', $errors['errors']) ? $errors['errors']['email_address'] : NULL;
     $passwordError = !empty($errors) && array_key_exists('password', $errors['errors']) ? $errors['errors']['password'] : NULL;
     if ($this->check) {
         $middleNameValue = !empty($errors) ? $errors['data']['middle_name'] : $middleNameValue;
         $dayValue = !empty($errors) ? $errors['data']['date_of_birth'][0] : $dayValue;
         $monthValue = !empty($errors) ? $errors['data']['date_of_birth'][1] : $monthValue;
         $yearValue = !empty($errors) ? $errors['data']['date_of_birth'][2] : $yearValue;
         $addressOneValue = !empty($errors) ? $errors['data']['address'][0] : $addressOneValue;
         $addressTwoValue = !empty($errors) ? $errors['data']['address'][1] : $addressTwoValue;
         $cityValue = !empty($errors) ? $errors['data']['city'] : $cityValue;
         $stateValue = !empty($errors) ? $errors['data']['state'] : $stateValue;
         $postalCodeValue = !empty($errors) ? $errors['data']['postal_code'] : $postalCodeValue;
         $schoolIdValue = !empty($errors) ? $errors['data']['school_id'] : $schoolIdValue;
         if (!is_null($schoolIdValue)) {
             $schoolArray = $this->objDBschools->getSchool($schoolIdValue);
             $schoolValue = $schoolArray['name'];
         $descriptionValue = !empty($errors) ? $errors['data']['description'] : $descriptionValue;
         $schoolError = !empty($errors) && array_key_exists('school_id', $errors['errors']) ? $errors['errors']['school_id'] : NULL;
         $dateOfBirthError = !empty($errors) && array_key_exists('date_of_birth', $errors['errors']) ? $errors['errors']['date_of_birth'] : NULL;
         $addressError = !empty($errors) && array_key_exists('address', $errors['errors']) ? $errors['errors']['address'] : NULL;
         $cityError = !empty($errors) && array_key_exists('city', $errors['errors']) ? $errors['errors']['city'] : NULL;
         $stateError = !empty($errors) && array_key_exists('state', $errors['errors']) ? $errors['errors']['state'] : NULL;
         $postalCodeError = !empty($errors) && array_key_exists('postal_code', $errors['errors']) ? $errors['errors']['postal_code'] : NULL;
         $descriptionError = !empty($errors) && array_key_exists('description', $errors['errors']) ? $errors['errors']['description'] : NULL;
     $titleLabel = $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_title', 'system', 'ERROR: word_title');
     $mr = $this->objLanguage->languageText('title_mr', 'system', 'TITLE: title_mr');
     $miss = $this->objLanguage->languageText('title_miss', 'system', 'TITLE: title_miss');
     $mrs = $this->objLanguage->languageText('title_mrs', 'system', 'TITLE: title_mrs');
     $ms = $this->objLanguage->languageText('title_ms', 'system', 'TITLE: title_ms');
     $dr = $this->objLanguage->languageText('title_dr', 'system', 'TITLE: title_dr');
     $rev = $this->objLanguage->languageText('title_rev', 'system', 'TITLE: title_rev');
     $prof = $this->objLanguage->languageText('title_prof', 'system', 'TITLE: title_prof');
     $assocprof = $this->objLanguage->languageText('title_assocprof', 'system', 'TITLE: title_assocprof');
     $sir = $this->objLanguage->languageText('title_sir', 'system', 'TITLE: title_sir');
     $dame = $this->objLanguage->languageText('title_dame', 'system', 'TITLE: title_dame');
     $firstNameLabel = $this->objLanguage->languageText('phrase_firstname', 'system', 'ERROR: phrase_firstname');
     $lastNameLabel = $this->objLanguage->languageText('phrase_lastname', 'system', 'ERROR: phrase_lastname');
     $genderLabel = $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_gender', 'system', 'ERROR: word_gender');
     $maleLabel = $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_male', 'system', 'ERROR: word_male');
     $femaleLabel = $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_female', 'system', 'ERROR: word_female');
     $dateOfBirthLabel = $this->objLanguage->languageText('phrase_dateofbirth', 'system', 'ERROR: phrase_dateofbirth');
     $addressLabel = $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_address', 'system', 'ERROR: word_address');
     $cityLabel = $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_city', 'system', 'ERROR: word_city');
     $stateLabel = $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_state', 'system', 'ERROR: word_state');
     $countryLabel = $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_country', 'system', 'ERROR: word_country');
     $postalCodeLabel = $this->objLanguage->languageText('phrase_postalcode', 'system', 'ERROR: phrase_postalcode');
     $emailAddressLabel = $this->objLanguage->languageText('phrase_emailaddress', 'system', 'ERROR: phrase_emailaddress');
     $contactNumberLabel = $this->objLanguage->languageText('phrase_contactnumber', 'system', 'ERROR: phrase_contactnumber');
     $usernameLabel = $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_username', 'system', 'ERROR: word_username');
     $passwordLabel = $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_password', 'system', 'ERROR: word_password');
     $confirmPasswordLabel = $this->objLanguage->languageText('phrase_confirmpassword', 'system', 'ERROR: phrase_confirmpassword');
     $passwordNotAlike = $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_userdetails_passwordsnotalike', 'userdetails', 'ERROR: mod_userdetails_passwordsnotalike');
     $updateLabel = $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_userdetails_updatedetails', 'userdetails', 'ERROR: mod_userdetails_updatedetails');
     $successTitleLabel = $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_success', 'system', 'ERROR: word_success');
     $successImageLabel = $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_userdetails_userimagereset', 'userdetails', 'ERROR: mod_userdetails_userimagereset');
     $resetLabel = $this->objLanguage->languageText('phrase_resetform', 'system', 'ERROR: phrase_resetform');
     $successDetailsLabel = $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_userdetails_detailssuccessfullyupdate', 'userdetails', 'ERROR: mod_userdetails_detailssuccessfullyupdate');
     $successPasswordLabel = $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_userdetails_passwordupdated', 'userdetails', 'ERROR: mod_userdetails_passwordupdated');
     $errorLabel = $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_error', 'system', 'ERROR: word_error');
     $noChangeLabel = $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_userdetails_nochange', 'userdetails', 'ERROR: mod_userdetails_nochange');
     if ($this->check) {
         $middleNameLabel = $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_schoolusers_middlename', 'schoolusers', 'ERROR: mod_schoolusers_middlename');
         $schoolLabel = $this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_schools_school', 'schools', NULL, 'ERROR: mod_schools_school');
         $descriptionLabel = $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_schoolusers_aboutyourself', 'schoolusers', 'ERROR: mod_schoolusers_aboutyourself');
     } else {
         $staffNumberLabel = $this->objLanguage->languageText('phrase_staffstudnumber', 'system', 'ERROR: phrase_staffstudnumber');
     $arrayVars = array();
     $arrayVars['password_not_alike'] = $passwordNotAlike;
     // pass password error to javascript.
     $bizcard = $this->showBizCard();
     $objLayer = new layer();
     $objLayer->id = 'bizcard';
     $objLayer->str = $bizcard;
     $bizcardLayer = $objLayer->show();
     $string = $bizcardLayer;
     // Show the userid so the user has a place to find it
     $uidExplain = $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_userdetails_uidexplain', 'userdetails', 'Your user ID');
     $objLayer = new layer();
     $objLayer->id = 'userid_exp';
     $objLayer->str = $uidExplain . ": <span class='uid'>" . $userId . "</span>";
     $expLayer = $objLayer->show();
     $string = $string . $expLayer;
     // set up html elements
     $objDrop = new dropdown('title');
     $objDrop->addOption($mr, $mr);
     $objDrop->addOption($miss, $miss);
     $objDrop->addOption($mrs, $mrs);
     $objDrop->addOption($ms, $ms);
     $objDrop->addOption($dr, $dr);
     $objDrop->addOption($rev, $rev);
     $objDrop->addOption($prof, $prof);
     $objDrop->addOption($assocprof, $assocprof);
     $objDrop->addOption($sir, $sir);
     $objDrop->addOption($dame, $dame);
     $titleDrop = $objDrop->show();
     $objInput = new textinput('first_name', $firstNameValue, '', '50');
     $firstNameInput = $objInput->show();
     $objInput = new textinput('last_name', $lastNameValue, '', '50');
     $lastNameInput = $objInput->show();
     $objRadio = new radio('gender');
     $objRadio->addOption('M', $maleLabel);
     $objRadio->addOption('F', $femaleLabel);
     $genderRadio = $objRadio->show();
     $countryDrop = $this->objCountries->countryAlpha($countryValue);
     $objInput = new textinput('email_address', $emailAddressValue, '', '50');
     $emailAddressInput = $objInput->show();
     $objInput = new textinput('contact_number', $contactNumberValue, '', '50');
     $contactNumberInput = $objInput->show();
     $objInput = new textinput('password', $passwordValue, 'password', '50');
     $passwordInput = $objInput->show();
     $objInput = new textinput('confirm_password', $confirmPasswordValue, 'password', '50');
     $confirmPasswordInput = $objInput->show();
     $objButton = new button('update', $updateLabel);
     $updateButton = $objButton->show();
     $objButton = new button('reset', $resetLabel);
     $resetButton = $objButton->show();
     if ($this->check) {
         $objInput = new textinput('school', $schoolValue, '', '50');
         $schoolInput = $objInput->show();
         $objInput = new textinput('school_id', $schoolIdValue, 'hidden', '');
         $schoolIdInput = $objInput->show();
         $objInput = new textinput('middle_name', $middleNameValue, '', '50');
         $middleNameInput = $objInput->show();
         $day = range(1, 31);
         array_unshift($day, '-');
         $days = array_combine($day, $day);
         $months = array('-' => '-', 1 => 'Jan', 2 => 'Feb', 3 => 'Mar', 4 => 'Apr', 5 => 'May', 6 => 'Jun', 7 => 'Jul', 8 => 'Aug', 9 => 'Sep', 10 => 'Oct', 11 => 'Nov', 12 => 'Dec');
         $year = range(date('Y'), date('Y') - 85);
         array_unshift($year, '-');
         $years = array_combine($year, $year);
         $objDrop = new dropdown('date_of_birth[]');
         $objDrop->extra = 'style="width: auto;"';
         $dayDrop = $objDrop->show();
         $objDrop = new dropdown('date_of_birth[]');
         $objDrop->extra = 'style="width: auto;"';
         $monthDrop = $objDrop->show();
         $objDrop = new dropdown('date_of_birth[]');
         $objDrop->extra = 'style="width: auto;"';
         $yearDrop = $objDrop->show();
         $objInput = new textinput('address[]', $addressOneValue, '', '50');
         $addressOneInput = $objInput->show();
         $objInput = new textinput('address[]', $addressTwoValue, '', '50');
         $addressTwoInput = $objInput->show();
         $objInput = new textinput('city', $cityValue, '', '50');
         $cityInput = $objInput->show();
         $objInput = new textinput('state', $stateValue, '', '50');
         $stateInput = $objInput->show();
         $objInput = new textinput('postal_code', $postalCodeValue, '', '50');
         $postalCodeInput = $objInput->show();
         $objText = new textarea('description', $descriptionValue);
         $descriptionText = $objText->show();
     } else {
         $objInput = new textinput('staffnumber', $staffNumberValue, '', '50');
         $staffNumberInput = $objInput->show();
     $objTable = new htmltable();
     $objTable->cellpadding = '4';
     if ($this->check) {
         $objTable->addCell('<b>' . ucfirst(strtolower($schoolLabel)) . ': </b>', '', '', '', '', '', '');
         $objTable->addCell($schoolError . $schoolIdInput . $schoolInput, '', '', '', '', '', '');
     $objTable->addCell('<b>' . $titleLabel . ': </b>', '200px', '', '', '', '', '');
     $objTable->addCell($titleError . $titleDrop, '', '', '', '', '', '');
     $objTable->addCell('<b>' . $firstNameLabel . ': </b>', '', '', '', '', '', '');
     $objTable->addCell($firstNameError . $firstNameInput, '', '', '', '', '', '');
     if ($this->check) {
         $objTable->addCell('<b>' . $middleNameLabel . ': </b>', '', '', '', '', '', '');
         $objTable->addCell($middleNameInput, '', '', '', '', '', '');
     $objTable->addCell('<b>' . $lastNameLabel . ': </b>', '', '', '', '', '', '');
     $objTable->addCell($lastNameError . $lastNameInput, '', '', '', '', '', '');
     if (!$this->check) {
         $objTable->addCell('<b>' . $staffNumberLabel . ': </b>', '', '', '', '', '', '');
         $objTable->addCell($staffNumberInput, '', '', '', '', '', '');
     $objTable->addCell('<b>' . $genderLabel . ': </b>', '', '', '', '', '', '');
     $objTable->addCell($genderError . $genderRadio, '', '', '', '', '', '');
     if ($this->check) {
         $objTable->addCell('<b>' . $dateOfBirthLabel . ': </b>', '', '', '', '', '', '');
         $objTable->addCell($dateOfBirthError . $dayDrop . ' / ' . $monthDrop . ' / ' . $yearDrop, '', '', '', '', '', '');
         $objTable->addCell('<b>' . $addressLabel . ': </b>', '', '', '', '', '', '');
         $objTable->addCell($addressError . $addressOneInput, '', '', '', '', '', '');
         $objTable->addCell('', '', '', '', '', '', '');
         $objTable->addCell($addressTwoInput, '', '', '', '', '', '');
         $objTable->addCell('<b>' . $cityLabel . ': </b>', '', '', '', '', '', '');
         $objTable->addCell($cityError . $cityInput, '', '', '', '', '', '');
         $objTable->addCell('<b>' . $stateLabel . ': </b>', '', '', '', '', '', '');
         $objTable->addCell($stateError . $stateInput, '', '', '', '', '', '');
     $objTable->addCell('<b>' . $countryLabel . ': </b>', '', '', '', '', '', '');
     $objTable->addCell($countryDrop, '', '', '', '', '', '');
     if ($this->check) {
         $objTable->addCell('<b>' . $postalCodeLabel . ': </b>', '', '', '', '', '', '');
         $objTable->addCell($postalCodeError . $postalCodeInput, '', '', '', '', '', '');
     $objTable->addCell('<b>' . $emailAddressLabel . ': </b>', '', '', '', '', '', '');
     $objTable->addCell($emailAddressError . $emailAddressInput, '', '', '', '', '', '');
     $objTable->addCell('<b>' . $contactNumberLabel . ': </b>', '', '', '', '', '', '');
     $objTable->addCell($contactNumberInput, '', '', '', '', '', '');
     if ($this->check) {
         $objTable->addCell('<b>' . $descriptionLabel . ': </b>', '', '', '', '', '', '');
         $objTable->addCell($descriptionError . $descriptionText, '', '', '', '', '', '');
     $objTable->addCell('<b>' . $usernameLabel . ': </b>', '', '', '', '', '', '');
     $objTable->addCell('<strong>' . $userArray['username'] . '</strong>', '', '', '', '', '', '');
     $objTable->addCell('<b>' . $passwordLabel . ': </b>', '', '', '', '', '', '');
     $objTable->addCell($passwordError . $passwordInput, '', '', '', '', '', '');
     $objTable->addCell('<b>' . $confirmPasswordLabel . ': </b>', '', '', '', '', '', '');
     $objTable->addCell($confirmPasswordInput, '', '', '', '', '', '');
     $objTable->addCell($updateButton . '&nbsp;' . $resetButton, '', '', '', '', 'colspan="2"', '');
     $userTable = $objTable->show();
     $objForm = new form('user', $this->uri(array('action' => 'validate'), 'userdetails'));
     $objForm->extra = ' enctype="multipart/form-data"';
     $addForm = $objForm->show();
     $string .= '<br />' . $addForm;
     $this->objDialog = $this->newObject('dialog', 'jquerycore');
     $this->objDialog->setContent('<span class="success">' . $successImageLabel . '</span>');
     $dialog = $this->objDialog->show();
     $success = $this->getSession('success', NULL);
     if (!empty($success)) {
         if (in_array('no change', $success)) {
             $this->objDialog = $this->newObject('dialog', 'jquerycore');
             $this->objDialog->setContent('<span class="error">' . $noChangeLabel . '</span>');
             $dialog .= $this->objDialog->show();
         } else {
             $content = '';
             if (in_array('details', $success)) {
                 $content .= '<span class="success">' . $successDetailsLabel . '</span><br />';
             if (in_array('password', $success)) {
                 $content .= '<span class="success">' . $successPasswordLabel . '</span>';
             $this->objDialog = $this->newObject('dialog', 'jquerycore');
             $dialog .= $this->objDialog->show();
     $string .= $dialog;
     return $string;
Example #18
                        <div class="panel-heading">
                            <i class="fa fa-times fa-fw"></i>
$contracts_dropdown2 = new dropdown();
$contracts_dropdown2->setTitle("Contract type");
$all_i = "typea=" . $typea . "&typei=all";
$exch_i = "typea=" . $typea . "&typei=ItemExchange";
$cour_i = "typea=" . $typea . "&typei=Courier";
$loan_i = "typea=" . $typea . "&typei=Loan";
$auc_i = "typea=" . $typea . "&typei=Auction";
$contracts_dropdown2->addOption('All', $all_i);
$contracts_dropdown2->addOption("ItemExchange", $exch_i);
$contracts_dropdown2->addOption("Courier", $cour_i);
$contracts_dropdown2->addOption("Loan", $loan_i);
$contracts_dropdown2->addOption("Auction", $auc_i);
echo "Inactive ";
if (isset($_GET['typei'])) {
    $filter_inactive = $_GET['typei'];
} else {
    $filter_inactive = "all";
if (isset($filter_inactive) && $filter_inactive != "") {
    echo $filter_inactive . " contracts";
Example #19
$div2 = '<div class="contextform" style="display: ' . $contextDisplay . '">' . $search2->show() . '</div>';
$table->addCell($this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_filemanager_searchfield', 'filemanager', 'Search Field'));
$table->addCell($div1 . $div2);
$searchFor = new textinput('searchfor', $this->getParam('searchfor'));
$table->addCell($this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_forum_searchfor', 'system', 'Search for'));
$orderBy1 = new dropdown('orderBy_user');
$orderBy1->addOption('quotausage_desc', $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_filemanager_mostusage', 'filemanager', 'Most Usage'));
$orderBy1->addOption('quotausage', $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_filemanager_leastusage', 'filemanager', 'Least Usage'));
$orderBy1->addOption('firstname', $this->objLanguage->languageText('phrase_firstname', 'system', 'First Name'));
$orderBy1->addOption('surname', $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_surname', 'system', 'Surname'));
$div1 = '<div class="userform" style="display: ' . $userDisplay . '">' . $orderBy1->show() . '</div>';
$orderBy2 = new dropdown('orderBy_context');
$orderBy2->addOption('quotausage_desc', $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_filemanager_mostusage', 'filemanager', 'Most Usage'));
$orderBy2->addOption('quotausage', $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_filemanager_leastusage', 'filemanager', 'Least Usage'));
$orderBy2->addOption('title', ucwords($this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_context_contexttitle', 'context', NULL, '[-context-] Title')));
$orderBy2->addOption('contextcode', ucwords($this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_context_contextcode', 'context', NULL, '[-context-] Code')));
$div2 = '<div class="contextform" style="display: ' . $contextDisplay . '">' . $orderBy2->show() . '</div>';
$table->addCell($this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_filemanager_orderby', 'filemanager', 'Order By'));
$table->addCell($div1 . $div2);
$button = new button('go', $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_go', 'system', 'Go'));
echo $form->show();
$objPagination = $this->newObject('pagination', 'navigation');
$objPagination->id = 'quotalist';
Example #20
  * Method to render Language Chooser on the
  * index page.
  * Construct a form and populate it with all available
  * language translations for selection
  * @access public
  * @return form  
 public function putlanguageChooser()
     try {
         //$ret = $this->languageText("phrase_languagelist",'language') . ":<br />\n";
         $script = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
         $objNewForm = new form('languageCheck', $script);
         $objDropdown = new dropdown('Languages');
         $objDropdown->extra = "onchange =\"document.forms['languageCheck'].submit();\"";
         $results = $this->languagelist();
         foreach ($results as $list) {
             foreach ($list as $key) {
                 $objDropdown->addOption($key, $key);
         $objNewForm->addToForm($this->languageText("phrase_languagelist") . ":<br />\n");
         $ret = $objNewForm->show();
         return $ret;
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->errorCallback($this->languageText('word_caught_exception') . $e->getMessage());
echo $header->show();
if ($errormessages) {
    $header2 = new htmlheading();
    $header2->type = 3;
    $header2->str = $errormessages;
    echo $heade2->show();
$course1Dropdown = new dropdown('context1');
foreach ($data as $contextCode) {
    $row = $this->objContext->getContextDetails($contextCode);
    $course1Dropdown->addOption($row['contextcode'], $row['menutext']);
$course2Dropdown = new dropdown('context2');
foreach ($data as $contextCode) {
    $row = $this->objContext->getContextDetails($contextCode);
    $course2Dropdown->addOption($row['contextcode'], $row['menutext']);
$objTable = $this->newObject('htmltable', 'htmlelements');
$objTable->addCell(ucwords($this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_context_contextfrom', 'context', null, '[-context-] from')) . ":");
$objTable->addCell(ucwords($this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_context_contextto', 'context', null, '[-context-] to')) . ":");
$objButton = new button('save', $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_save'));
Example #22
                $toolBar[$k++]['category'] = $item['category'];
$objHead->str = $heading;
$objHead->type = 1;
$str = $objHead->show();
$str .= '<p><b>' . $moduleLabel . ':</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $modName . '</p>';
// Drop down to select a different module
$objLabel = new label($selectLabel, 'input_modulename');
$objDrop = new dropdown('modulename');
$objDrop->extra = 'onchange="document.forms[\'modselect\'].submit()"';
foreach ($moduleList as $item) {
    $modName = $objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_' . $item['module_id'] . '_name', $item['module_id']);
    $objDrop->addOption($item['module_id'], $modName);
$objForm = new form('modselect', $this->uri(array('action' => 'editlinks')));
$objForm->addToForm('<b>' . $objLabel->show() . ':</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $objDrop->show());
$str .= '<p>' . $objForm->show() . '</p>';
// Toolbar links
$addTool = $objIcon->getAddIcon($this->uri(array('action' => 'addtool', 'modulename' => $moduleName)));
$objHead->str = $toolbarLabel . '&nbsp;&nbsp;' . $addTool;
$objHead->type = 3;
$str .= $objHead->show();
$objTable = new htmltable();
$objTable->width = '99%';
$objTable->cellspacing = 2;
$objTable->cellpadding = 5;
$tableHd = array();
  * Render the dropdown skin chooser so that it is processed
  * by the skinselect module, for use with Ajax
  * @return string Form with dropdown
  * @access public
 public function show()
     $script = $this->uri(array('action' => 'save'), 'skinselect');
     $objNewForm = new form('selectskin', $script);
     $objDropdown = new dropdown('skinlocation');
     $objDropdown->extra = "onchange =\"document.forms['selectskin'].submit();\"";
     $skins = array();
     $curPage = $this->curPageURL();
     $objSelf = new textinput('returnUri', $curPage);
     $objSelf->fldType = "hidden";
     // Get all the skins as an array
     $dirList = $this->getAllSkins();
     // Sort the array of skins alphabetically
     // Loop and add them to the dropdown
     foreach ($dirList as $element => $value) {
         $objDropdown->addOption($element, $value);
     $objNewForm->addToForm($this->objLanguage->languageText('phrase_selectskin') . ":<br />\n");
     // Set the current skin as the default selected skin
     $objDropdown->cssClass = 'coursechooser';
     return $objNewForm->show();
Example #24

                <div class="row">
                    <div class="col-lg-12">
                        <div class="panel panel-default">
                            <div class="panel-heading">
                                <i class="fa fa-bar-chart-o fa-fw"></i> Statistics <?php 
echo $intStr;
$trans_dropdown = new dropdown();
$trans_dropdown->setTitle("View results for...");
$trans_dropdown->addOption('Last 24 hours', "int=24");
$trans_dropdown->addOption("Last 7 days", "int=168");
$trans_dropdown->addOption("Last 30 days", "int=720");
                                <div class="pull-right">
                            <!-- /.panel-heading -->
                            <div class="panel-body">
                                Here you can check some more in-depth data about your revenue. 
                                This page will be updated frequently with more graphs and data in future.   
                            <!-- /.panel-body -->
  * Method to generate an edit context settings form
  * @param array $context Current Context Settings
  * @return str
 public function editContextForm($context)
     $header = new htmlheading();
     $header->type = 1;
     $header->str = $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_edit', 'system', 'Edit') . ': ' . $context['title'];
     $str = $header->show();
     $title = new textinput('title');
     $title->size = 50;
     if ($context != NULL) {
         $title->value = htmlentities($context['title']);
     $titleLabel = new label($this->objLanguage->languageText('word_title', 'system', 'Title'), 'input_title');
     $status = new dropdown('status');
     //$status->setBreakSpace('<br />');
     $status->addOption('Published', $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_published', 'system', 'Published'));
     $status->addOption('Unpublished', $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_unpublished', 'system', 'Unpublished'));
     if ($context != NULL) {
     if ($this->objSysConfig->getValue('context_access_private_only', 'context', 'false') == 'true') {
         if (is_null($context)) {
             $access_ = 'Private';
         } else {
             $access_ = $context['access'];
         $access = new hiddeninput('access', $access_);
     } else {
         $access = new radio('access');
         $access->setBreakSpace('<br />');
         $access->addOption('Public', '<strong>' . $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_public', 'system', 'Public') . '</strong> - <span class="caption">' . ucfirst($this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_context_publiccontextdescription', 'context', NULL, '[-context-] can be accessed by all users, including anonymous users')) . '</span>');
         $access->addOption('Open', '<strong>' . $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_open', 'system', 'Open') . '</strong> - <span class="caption">' . ucfirst($this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_context_opencontextdescription', 'context', NULL, '[-context-] can be accessed by all users that are logged in')) . '</span>');
         $access->addOption('Private', '<strong>' . $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_private', 'system', 'Private') . '</strong> - <span class="caption">' . $this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_context_privatecontextdescription', 'context', NULL, 'Only [-context-] members can enter the [-context-]') . '<span class="caption">');
         if ($context != NULL) {
         } else {
     $table = $this->newObject('htmltable', 'htmlelements');
     if ($context != NULL) {
         $table->addCell(ucwords($this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_context_contextcode', 'context', NULL, '[-context-] Code')) . ':', 100);
         $table->addCell('<strong>' . $context['contextcode'] . '</strong>');
     } else {
         $code = new textinput('contextcode');
         $codeLabel = new label(ucwords($this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_context_contextcode', 'context', NULL, '[-context-] Code')), 'input_contextcode');
         $table->addCell($codeLabel->show(), 100);
         $table->addCell($code->show() . ' <span id="contextcodemessage"></span>');
     $table->addCell($titleLabel->show() . ':');
     $table->addCell($this->objLanguage->languageText('word_status', 'system', 'Status') . ':');
     if ($this->objSysConfig->getValue('context_access_private_only', 'context', 'false') == 'false') {
         $table->addCell($this->objLanguage->languageText('word_access', 'system', 'Access') . ':');
     $alerts = explode("|", $context['alerts']);
     $emailAlert = new checkbox('emailalertopt', $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_contextadmin_emailalert', 'contextadmin', 'Email alerts'), $alerts[0] == 'e' || $alerts[0] == '1');
     // this will checked
     //if($emailchecked) {
     //    $emailAlert->setChecked($emailchecked);
     $table->addCell($this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_contextadmin_emailalert', 'contextadmin', 'Alerts'));
     $objSelectImage = $this->getObject('selectimage', 'filemanager');
     $objSelectImage->context = TRUE;
     $table2 = $this->newObject('htmltable', 'htmlelements');
     $table2->addCell($table->show(), 600, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'colspan="2"');
     $table2->addCell(ucwords($this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_context_aboutcontext', 'context', NULL, 'About [-context-]')) . ':', 100);
     $htmlEditor = $this->newObject('htmlarea', 'htmlelements');
     $htmlEditor->name = 'about';
     $htmlEditor->toolbarSet = 'advanced';
     if ($context != NULL) {
         $htmlEditor->value = $context['about'];
     $table2->addCell($htmlEditor->show(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'colspan="2"');
     $table2->addCell('&nbsp;', 100);
     if ($context == NULL) {
         $button = new button('savecontext', $formButton);
     } else {
         $button = new button('savecontext', ucwords($this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_context_updatecontext', 'context', NULL, 'Update [-context-]')));
     $table2->addCell($button->show(), NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 'colspan="2"');
     $form = new form('createcontext', $this->uri(array('action' => $this->formAction), $this->formModule));
     if ($this->objSysConfig->getValue('context_access_private_only', 'context', 'false') == 'true') {
     if ($context != NULL) {
         $hiddenInput = new hiddeninput('contextcode', $context['contextcode']);
     $form->addRule('title', $this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_context_entertitleofcontext', 'context', NULL, 'Please enter the title of your [-context-]'), 'required');
     $str .= $form->show();
     return $str;
  * Standard block show method. 
 public function show()
     // Get all user contents
     $contexts = $this->objUserContext->getUserContext($this->objUser->userId());
     if (count($contexts) == 0) {
         return $this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_context_youdonotbelongtocontexts', 'context', NULL, 'You do not belong to any [-contexts-]');
     } else {
         $form = new form('joincontext', $this->uri(array('action' => 'joincontext'), 'context'));
         $dropdown = new dropdown('contextcode');
         $contextArray = array();
         foreach ($contexts as $contextCode) {
             $contextDetails = $this->objContext->getContextDetails($contextCode);
             //check if this course is unpublished
             if ($contextDetails["status"] == "Unpublished") {
                 //if so check if this person is lecturer lecturer of the course
                 $groupId = $this->objGroups->getLeafId(array($contextCode, 'Lecturers'));
                 $ret = $this->objGroups->isGroupMember($this->objUser->userId(), $groupId);
                 if ($ret) {
                     $contextArray[$contextDetails['title']] = $contextCode;
             } else {
                 $contextArray[$contextDetails['title']] = $contextCode;
         if (count($contextArray) < 1) {
             return $this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_context_youdonotbelongtocontexts', 'context', NULL, 'You do not belong to any [-contexts-]');
         foreach ($contextArray as $title => $code) {
             $dropdown->addOption($code, $title);
         $button = new button('submitform', ucwords($this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_context_entercourse', 'context', NULL, 'Enter [-context-]')));
         $form->addToForm($dropdown->show() . '<br />' . $button->show());
         return $form->show();
Example #27
for ($i = 0; $i < count($groups); $i++) {
    $groupDropdown->addOption($groups[$i], $groups[$i]);
$table->addCell($label2->show() . $groupDropdown->show() . "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $label->show() . $courseDropdown->show());
$orderLabel = new label($this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_contextgroups_orderresultsby', 'contextgroups') . ': ', 'input_order');
$searchdropdown->name = 'order';
$searchdropdown->cssId = 'input_order';
$label = new label($this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_contextgroups_noofresults', 'contextgroups') . ': ', 'input_results');
$dropdown = new dropdown('results');
$dropdown->addOption('20', '20');
$dropdown->addOption('30', '30');
$dropdown->addOption('50', '50');
$dropdown->addOption('75', '75');
$dropdown->addOption('100', '100');
//$dropdown->addOption('all', 'All Results');
$table->addCell($orderLabel->show() . $searchdropdown->show() . "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;" . $label->show() . $dropdown->show());
$button = new button('searchbutton');
$button->value = $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_search');
$form = new form('searchforusers', $this->uri(array('action' => 'searchforusers')));
  * Method to show the time picker
  * @return string The time picker
 public function show()
     $dropdown = new dropdown($this->name);
     $dropdown->cssClass = 'timepicker';
     for ($hour = 0; $hour < 24; $hour++) {
         $time = $hour . ':00';
         $dropdown->addOption($time, $time);
         for ($minute = 1; $minute < 4; $minute++) {
             $time = $hour . ':' . $minute * 15;
             $dropdown->addOption($time, $time);
     return $dropdown->show();
  * Method to parse the string
  * @param  String $str The string to parse
  * @return The    parsed string
 public function parse($txt)
     preg_match_all('/\\[LIBRARYSEARCH\\](.*)\\[\\/LIBRARYSEARCH\\]/U', $txt, $results, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
     preg_match_all('/\\[LIBRARYSEARCH:(.*?)\\]/', $txt, $results2, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
     $counter = 0;
     foreach ($results[1] as $item) {
         $objForm = new form('library_search_form', $this->uri(array('action' => 'search'), 'librarysearch'));
         $searchInput = new textinput('search_key');
         $selectCluster = new dropdown('subject_cluster');
         $selectCluster->addOption('database', 'Database');
         $selectCluster->addOption('books', 'Books');
         $selectCluster->addOption('websites', 'Websites');
         $selectCluster->selected = 'websites';
         // Submit Button
         $button = new button('submit_search', $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_search'));
         $objForm->addToForm($searchInput->show() . ' ');
         $objForm->addToForm($selectCluster->show() . ' ');
         $replacement = $objForm->show();
         $txt = str_replace($results[0][$counter], $replacement, $txt);
     return $txt;
  * Callback method to evaluate the value parameter for permissions.
  * @access  public    
  * @author  Jonathan Abrahams
  * @param   string     Access control list reference name.
  * @return  true|false Returns result of the evaluation.
  * @version V0.1
 function hasContextPermission($aclName = NULL)
     $function = 'hasContextPermission | ';
     $objDropDown = new dropdown('value');
     $lblSelectContextACL = $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_contextpermissions_lblSelectContextACL', 'contextpermissions', "[-- Select an access control list for the context--]");
     $objDropDown->addOption('hasContextPermission', $lblSelectContextACL);
     $options = array('isAuthor', 'isEditor', 'isReader');
     // Get context permissions
     foreach ($options as $aclName) {
         $objDropDown->addOption($function . $aclName, $aclName);
     $objDropDown->setSelected($function . $aclName);
     $lblACL = $this->objLanguage->languageText('mod_contextpermissions_lblACL', 'contextpermissions', "[Access control list: ]");
     $objLabel = new label($lblACL, 'input_value');
     $lblName = $objLabel->show();
     return array('lblName' => $lblName, 'element' => $objDropDown->show());