  * Method to show the user selectable grades
  * @acces public
  * @return VOID 
 public function showGrades()
     $selectGradeLabel = $this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_grades_grade', 'grades', NULL, 'ERROR: mod_grades_grade');
     $selectLabel = $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_select', 'system', 'ERROR: word_select');
     $successTitleLabel = $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_success', 'system', 'ERROR: word_success');
     $successLabel = $this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_userdetails_gradesuccess', 'userdetails', NULL, 'ERROR: mod_userdetails_gradesuccess');
     $errorTitleLabel = $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_error', 'system', 'ERROR: word_error');
     $errorLabel = $this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_userdetails_gradeerror', 'userdetails', NULL, 'ERROR: mod_userdetails_gradeerror');
     $grades = $this->objDBgrades->getAll();
     $userGroups = $this->objGroups->getUserGroups($this->objUser->userId());
     $name = NULL;
     if (!empty($userGroups)) {
         foreach ($userGroups as $group) {
             foreach ($grades as $grade) {
                 if ($group['group_define_name'] == $grade['name']) {
                     $name = $grade['name'];
     $objDrop = new dropdown('new_name');
     $objDrop->addFromDB($grades, 'name', 'name');
     $gradeDrop = $objDrop->show();
     $objInput = new textinput('old_name', $name, 'hidden', '50');
     $nameInput = $objInput->show();
     $objButton = new button('select', $selectLabel);
     $selectButton = $objButton->show();
     $objTable = new htmltable();
     $objTable->cellpadding = '4';
     $objTable->addCell('<b>' . ucfirst(strtolower($selectGradeLabel)) . ': </b>', '', '', '', '', '', '');
     $objTable->addCell($nameInput . $gradeDrop, '', '', '', '', '', '');
     $objTable->addCell($selectButton, '', '', '', '', '', '');
     $gradeTable = $objTable->show();
     $objForm = new form('user', $this->uri(array('action' => 'change_grade')));
     $objForm->extra = ' enctype="multipart/form-data"';
     $gradeForm = $objForm->show();
     $string = $gradeForm;
     $this->objDialog = $this->newObject('dialog', 'jquerycore');
     $this->objDialog->setContent('<span class="success">' . $successLabel . '</span>');
     $dialog = $this->objDialog->show();
     $this->objDialog = $this->newObject('dialog', 'jquerycore');
     $this->objDialog->setContent('<span class="error">' . $errorLabel . '</span>');
     $dialog .= $this->objDialog->show();
     return $string . $dialog;
Example #2
    $objTextInput = new textinput('id', $id);
    $objTextInput->fldType = "hidden";
    $objFmTable->addCell($objTextInput->show(), NULL, "top", "left");
} else {
    $objFmTable->addCell($id, NULL, "top", "left");
    $language = "";
    if ($action != 'translate') {
        $parentId = "";
//Create a dropdown for the category selector
$objCat = new dropdown('category_selector');
$objCat->extra = " onchange=\"document.forms['storyinput'].category.value=document.forms['storyinput'].category_selector.value;\"";
$objCat->addOption("", "Clear input");
$objCat->addFromDB($car, 'title', 'category', $category);
//Add a row for the category
$objFmTable->addCell($objLanguage->languageText("word_category") . ":&nbsp;", NULL, "top", "right");
$objTextInput = new textinput('category', $category);
$objTextInput->extra = 'readonly="READONLY"';
$objForm->addRule('category', $objLanguage->languageText("mod_stories_val_catnotnull", "stories"), 'required');
$objFmTable->addCell($objTextInput->show() . " " . $objCat->show(), NULL, "top", "left");
//Add a row for the language
$objFmTable->addCell($objLanguage->languageText("word_language") . ":&nbsp;", NULL, "top", "right");
$objTextInput = new textinput('language', $language);
$objTextInput->extra = 'readonly="READONLY"';
$objForm->addRule(array('name' => 'language', 'length' => 2), $objLanguage->languageText("mod_stories_val_lang2chargt", "stories"), 'maxlength');
$objForm->addRule('language', $objLanguage->languageText("mod_stories_val_langnotnull", "stories"), 'required');
  * Method to create a dropdown list on interest groups (workgroups).
  * @param string $filter Determines if users should be filtered by context or not (alumni users).
  * @return the html string.
 function joinInterestGroup($filter = 'context')
     // Check if workgroup is registered and active for the context
     $objModule = $this->getObject('modules', 'modulecatalogue');
     $objCondition = $this->getObject('contextcondition', 'contextpermissions');
     $notaMember = $this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_toolbar_notingroup', 'toolbar');
     $leaveGroup = $this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_workgroup_leavegroup', 'workgroup');
     $join = ucwords($this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_toolbar_joingroup', 'toolbar'));
     $notInGroup = $this->objLanguage->code2Txt('phrase_notinworkgroup');
     $inGroup = $this->objLanguage->code2Txt('mod_workgroup_currentlyinworkgroup', 'workgroup');
     $go = $this->objLanguage->languageText('word_go');
     $str = '';
     if ($objModule->checkIfRegistered('workgroup', 'workgroup')) {
         $objDBWorkgroup = $this->getObject('dbworkgroup', 'workgroup');
         $this->objHeading = $this->newObject('htmlheading', 'htmlelements');
         $this->objHeading->str = $join;
         $this->objHeading->type = 4;
         $str = $this->objHeading->show();
         if ($filter == 'context') {
             // Get available workgroups. Lecturers - all in context
             if ($objCondition->isContextMember('Lecturers')) {
                 $workgroups = $objDBWorkgroup->getAll($this->contextcode);
             } else {
                 $workgroups = $objDBWorkgroup->getAllForUser($this->contextcode, $this->objUser->userId());
         } else {
             $workgroups = $objDBWorkgroup->getAllForUser(NULL, $this->objUser->userId());
         // No workgroups are available.
         if (count($workgroups) == 0) {
             $str .= $notaMember;
         } else {
             $workgroupId = $objDBWorkgroup->getWorkgroupId();
             if ($workgroupId == NULL) {
                 $workgroupTitle = '';
             } else {
                 $objLink = new link($this->uri(null, 'workgroup'));
                 $objLink->link = $objDBWorkgroup->getDescription($workgroupId);
                 $workGroupLink = $objLink->show();
                 $this->objIcon->alt = $leaveGroup;
                 $this->objIcon->title = $leaveGroup;
                 $objLink = new link($this->uri(array('action' => 'leaveworkgroup'), 'workgroup'));
                 $objLink->link = $this->objIcon->show();
                 $workgroupTitle = $workGroupLink . ' ' . $objLink->show();
                 $workgroupTitle = str_replace('{workgroup}', '<strong>' . $workgroupTitle . '</strong>', $inGroup);
             $str .= '<p>' . $workgroupTitle . '</p>';
             $objForm = new form('joinworkgroup', $this->uri(array('action' => 'joinworkgroup'), 'workgroup'));
             $dropdown = new dropdown('workgroup');
             $dropdown->cssClass = 'coursechooser';
             $dropdown->addFromDB($workgroups, 'description', 'id', $workgroupId);
             $button = new button('save', $go);
             $objForm->addToForm('<p>' . $dropdown->show() . '</p>');
             $objForm->addToForm('<p>' . $button->show() . '</p>');
             $str .= $objForm->show();
     return $str;
Example #4
  * Short description for function
  * Long description (if any) ...
  * @return void
  * @access public
 function showForms()
     //Text Input
     $objForm = new form('testform');
     $url = $this->uri(array('action' => 'add'), 'htmlelements');
     $objForm->setAction($this->uri(array('action' => 'save'), 'htmlelements'));
     $objElement = new textinput('textbox');
     $objElement->setValue('Some text');
     $objElement->label = 'Textbox\'s label';
     $text = $objElement->show() . '<br />';
     $objForm->addToForm('<span class="warning">Start of Form</span><br />');
     /*$objElement = new calendar('cal');
       $today = getdate();
       $calendar = $objElement->show().'<br />';*/
     //Radion button Group
     $objElement = new radio('sex_radio');
     $objElement->addOption('m', 'Male');
     $objElement->addOption('f', 'Female');
     $objElement->addOption('n', 'Seaweed');
     $radio = $objElement->show() . '<br />';
     //Check boxes
     $objElement = new checkbox('m', 'Male', true);
     $check = $objElement->show();
     $objElement = new checkbox('f', 'Female');
     $check .= $objElement->show();
     $objElement = new checkbox('n', 'Seawood');
     $check .= $objElement->show() . '<br />';
     $objElement = new dropdown('sex_dropdown');
     $objElement->addOption('', '');
     //adding a blank option
     $objElement->addOption('m', 'Male');
     $objElement->addOption('f', 'Female');
     $objElement->addOption('n', 'Seaweed');
     $dropdown = $objElement->show() . "<br />";
     //Dropdown created from array
     $objElement = new dropdown('user_dropdown');
     $objElement->addFromDB($this->objDBUser->getAll(), 'username', 'userid', $this->objDBUser->userName());
     $objElement->label = 'User list';
     $dropdown .= $objElement->show() . "<br />";
     $objElement = new textarea('text_area');
     $objElement->setContent('This is some content for the textarea');
     $ta = $objElement->show() . '<br />';
     $objElement = new button('mybutton');
     $objElement->setValue('Normal Button');
     $objElement->setOnClick('alert(\'An onclick Event\')');
     $button = $objElement->show() . '<br />';
     //Submit Button
     $objElement = new button('mybutton');
     $objElement->label = 'Buttons Label';
     $objElement->setValue('Submit Button');
     $submit = $objElement->show() . '<br />';
     //add submit button to the form;
     $mouseoverpopup = new mouseoverpopup('this is some text');
     $mouseoverpopup = $mouseoverpopup->show();
     //Add all the above to a tabbedbox
     $objElement = new tabbedbox();
     $objElement->addTabLabel('Tabbed box 1');
     $objElement->addBoxContent($mouseoverpopup . $text . $dropdown . $button . $submit);
     $tab = '<br />' . $objElement->show() . '<br />';
     //add the tab to the form
     $objForm->addToForm('<span class="warning">End of Form</span>');
     $form = $objForm->show() . '<br />';
     //create a multitabbedbox
     $objElement = new multitabbedbox('100px', '500px');
     $objElement->addTab(array('name' => 'First', 'url' => 'http://localhost', 'content' => $form, 'default' => true));
     $objElement->addTab(array('name' => 'Second', 'url' => 'http://localhost', 'content' => $check . $radio));
     $objElement->addTab(array('name' => 'Third', 'url' => 'http://localhost', 'content' => $tab, 'height' => '300px', 'width' => '600px'));
     //$objElement->addTab(array('name'=>'Test Validation','url'=>'http://localhost','content' => $this->valFormShow(),'height' => '300','width' => '700'));
     //set layers
     $left = $tab;
     $content = 'This is an example using most of the classes in the htmlelements module<br />';
     $content .= '<br />' . $objElement->show();
     //this to make the centre layer strech downwards
     for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++) {
         $content .= '<br />';
     $right = $tab;
     $bottom = $ta;
     $this->setVar('left', $left);
     $this->setVar('right', $right);
     $this->setVar('content', $content);
     $this->setVar('bottom', $bottom);
     //return $str;