Example #1
public static function xslt_format ($format = null)
/*rts*/	self::$rts_count_of_coren[__FUNCTION__]++;

	if (is_null  ($format)) return self::$xslt_format;//NB: no else
/*err*/	if (is_scalar($format)) {} else
/*err*/		throw new coren_exception_bad_xslt_format("Can not set xsl target format because its name is of bad type (must be scalar).");
/*err*/	if ($format == '')
/*err*/		throw new coren_exception_bad_xslt_format("Can not set xsl target format because its name is empty string (must be non-empty).");

	$result = self::$xslt_format;
	self::$xslt_format = $format;
	return $result;